(2008/06) June 2008

Felicia & Ellysia, thanks for the advice. That time I know you all have the conversation about this pump and went to purchase. In this case, I will check out with the lady who is selling 2nd hand one whether hers is 2008 series, if not then I will go for ameda dual pump liao.

JP, I standby my cloth diapers to wash on the weekend I gave birth, but as hb no intention to use cloth, he never washed for me, so now we using pampers (bought a carton pampers from Motherhood fair). Its like as if throwing $$ away as baby keep pooing almost everytime we change a new pc on her.

star, I think your baby is very clever, keep wanting carry since the first few times pple carry her. Made me think of my #1, same case, always carry, cry non stop if put down, even my wrist got a small bone jerked out as he always want to be patted and bounced. I think you have can get those rocking seat for her to sit on to prevent her from wanting pple to carry. Something like this. http://www.hummings.com/mercantor_browse.acv?class=New%20Born&subclass=Listing&idoff=10&idct=21&totpics=21&mict=

You mention breathing difficulty? During feeding or when sleeping you hear very heavy breathing? In case you are worried, bring bb to PD to check lungs whether if its clear. Starting my gal she was like breathing very fast when feeding. I check with PD when I last bring her for jaundice check, he say its jus breathing heavy like we adult when drinking also will so not to worry.. but i still woorry so monitor her.

Hmm seems like our bb very noti. Don mention to carry and will sudden cry! Sometime really wonder what wents wrong.... I didnt get any colic drop and now i try some massage for her and helps a bit lo. Massage lady teach me one. U can check her leg calf if its soft or harden. If harden means wind, if soft not to worry. Use our thumb to gently press massage. Another is massage their back. I was unable to interpret here so better don do it in case not the right way lo. Try ask if you have massage lady and see if it helps.. High 5, i also giving up liao cos so pathetic amount also wont help bb much...
We tends to feel so upsetting esp see bb like this and our MS... just try to open up which I am trying to do so too. So I keep console myself hopefully after 1mth will be ok..

Gtg again... bb cry for nothing! Headache...
I also think so. too much dha during oreggy times haahah
I will check out the rocker chair. I am a believer in anything that will help her be more settled.

Those elderly said that I nvr shelter her with brolly on first day home. thats y now so many prob. wat can i said?!

same like u I also hope this 1 mth over soon n things brighten up. furthermore, now hv to do confinement even more pek chek lo.
I will check out her calf.
sometimes she drives me nuts cos she fart also cry. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Sharon, Veriz,
me too. My boy latch on, after 10 min sleep liao. don know got drink 10ml or not. Pump can have 100 ml. Then wake up and cry for milk 30 to 1hr later.

Priscilla, veriz,
Mine will leak even when I wiping myself daily. I'm using Ameda dual pump.

Will try ur method tmr.
Star, ya, too much dha liao. My #1, i take my fish oil religiously, this one, aiya, just take when I can rem, but of coz took also quite a fair bit lar, but so far ok (touchwood). #1 was everyone carried him will rock him in their arms (thanks to hb and in laws' works) this time, i told them dun carry her too much and do not rock. I also find all CL mouths say cannot always carry and rock but if you notice, their hands will always go and pat the babies' buttocks they carrying one, haiz.

Connie, hows your Ameda dual pump? Isit good and take short time for you to pump? My gal just cried for milk 15mins later, just now 10mins suckle, pushed out my nipple while fast asleep. Now I put her on sofa with her daddy, hopping she will wake up and watch tv. Otherwise night time no sleep she will want to suckle for comfort again.
Thanks to mummies who replied to my question. I managed to get glass bottles from the nursery at Mt A. But I'm getting mixed response about what bottles are good for freezing. Heard that although glass bottles will preserve more nutrients, glass may break...hai so confused. I think will try to give fresh milk most of the time...
Felicia & Veinz,

Oh I didn't know that the 2007 PIS model having so much problem. Sorry if I gave wrong info, ok?

Just curious why in US website the 2008 model is selling much cheaper. Hubby say he read from Amazon review that the quality of the bag is not as good and the items in the package is lesser, maybe this only apply to the US model???
Actually me also considering Ameda or Medela, but prefer Medela after I noticed that Medela is BPA free but Ameda is not.
Huggy, no prob one. I sometimes also gave wrong info here. I believe maybe US ones may not be affected or something. You know, sometimes some articles may also be a bit misleading.

About Medela or Ameda, I find Ameda easier coz can use the freehand strap.
Hi Happy,

Ya lor, I read from a website that freezing the BM will destroy some of the nutrients like white blood cells, irregardless you used glass, bottle or bag. So, I also think that if can choose try to give fresh BM or only refridge it, instead of freeze it.
Hello Mummies, finally given birth after 20+ hours from 13th June 11pm to 14th June 7pm. I'm still in hospital, will update more when I go home. Haiz .... failure to induce my girl and end up gotta emergency c-sec. Baby weights 3.39 kg and 49 cm long.
Congrats o! Do post up photos of ur baby girl!

Any mothers here have tried soymilk?
Although the PD did not advise us to switch to soymilk, we are thinking is it better to do so. As my girl suffers from colic and reflux, I was thinking if switching to soymilk will still continue to let her have a healthy weight gain.

Please advise! Thanks!
Congratulations to Mogudog!!!

My sister's boy has a lot of phlegm since born, affecting his intake of milk. So my sis switch to isomil since very early stage to reduce phlegm, until he is 3 yrs old. So far, think no problem of weight gain.
Mogudog, congrats!

Huggy, can lar, I saw mumsfairy did state the handsfree also can use on medela pis, but have to fork out more $$ to buy lor. I stingy woman mah, like after buy medela pis liao sure broke one, somemore this is #2 and I closing shop liao, if hb knows will be worst. Anyway, hb just complaint that my single pump very noisy, so can take this chance to quickly get dual pump liao, less noise. Also, ameda seems to be smaller, easy to throw everything in bag. Very fan now with these two choices...
Hehehe, i see. I also buy a lot of things without my hubby knowledge. If ask him sure say no need to buy one. Ended up everything also no need to buy

So I act first, report later (only if he found out)
which massage oil did u get?
there's afterbirth treatment and afterbirth relief oil?

anyone has used Healing Bottom Spray from littledreamers?

my stitches still sore, though feel must better than b4. can only apply procanol 2-3x per day

aiyo earlier i askg abt wat to consume to clear blood clots and mention that my menses is drying up.

'suay' mouth lah.
now my menses become heavier
Veniz, PIS advanced had defective faceplate issue resulting in lose of vaccum and suction power. it also means the faceplate may pop out from time to time during use. it was a design flaw.The faceplate was redesigned 2 to 4 times before the correct working faceplate was finally designed. This took place before 2008. I can't recall which are the exact models which are affected but the 2008 model is perfectly okay. You may get more info from surfing websites. TF posted some very helpful websites previously on this, with pictures of the corrected faceplate (I think) too!
hi all
i'm a june mum,and is new to this thread..just popped on 7 june.Would like to join u ladies hee..
Baby has a little running nose,any recommendations to ease it?or shd i bring him to PD ?
written in the instruction
dun noe whether got side effect anot
so i dare not use

welcome n congratuls!
my #2 got running nose since he popped, i didnt do anything. then he recovered b4 discharge.
so really depend.

can share what u hv for breakfast?
Hi roooller,

To clear blood clots, maybe can buy chinese medicine called "sheng1 hua4 tang1", or go to any chinese medicine hall and ask before buy.
Hi Cactus,
Read the previous archived in April & found that some mommies mentioned that the faceplate problem is found before 2006 model. Model after 2006 shd be quite safe. But of course, nobody really sure that 2007 will still have the problem or being corrected already.
<font color="blue">morn ladies,
went checkup yday..doc said still no signs of labour..currently my bb still hvnt fully engaged..he said still can feel 1/4 of his head..i think by next week shld be fully engaged..or else jia lat..cos he tell me might end up c-sect if bb nvr engaged when in labour..super sian..but other than dat everything normal..

u r still here ah?? hvnt pop over the wkend??

can i noe anyone of u out there using ameda's breast pump now?? gd??i heard it's quite light rite..
Hi star,
New borns are like this... I remember I nearly wanted to thorw my elder girl out of the window cos she keeps crying no matter what I do.
I think they feel less secure out of the womb and doesnt know the diff btw day and night.
Try setting a routine for baby, it might sound silly, but it works after a while when baby knows after you change diapers, PJs, dim lights, means it is time to sleep.
Have u tried swaddling? Alike in hospital? Worst comes to worst, try the sarong. I put Max in the sarong in the day, less easy to wake and u can rest more.
Dun listen to what old people say lah, they find someone/something to blame when things happen. Not all babies are perfectly easy to care for. Dun worry.

Hi ellysia
Try Ru Yi oil? Just a small dot and massage his tummy. Might help to release air from tummy.
Wow!! Ur milk supply very good leh.
Keep it up!! mine is reducing liao, and I just realised I am pumping abt 3-4 times a day nia. But ok lah, compared to my elder, max is considered lucky lor.

Hi rooller
I heard black fungus is good for clearing blood too. Cook with ginger chicken wine.

BTW, have I asked? What are you girls planning to do for full month celebration? Max's is next week and I havent gotten round to plan anything YET.

heard that massages can clear the blood clot cos the masseuer will keep massaging the tummy area..the next day all e clots would hv been cleared..heard this from my fran..however i;m starting the session this fri..so will let know again if it works man...;p
Hi all,

Able to find what TF research on the 07 &amp; 08 model. I copy and paste below:

<font color="0000ff">Medela PIS Advance 2007 vs 2008:
I think i catch wat the difference could be from the website features. For the same Backpack example:
1) 2 phase - All Advanced model has 2 phase compare to Original which do nt.
"Medela markets them as an even better version of their Original Pump In Style breastpump because of the 2 Phase Expression Technology. The development of the Advanced Shoulderbag and Backpack models incorporated this new technology and some other suggestions from pumping mothers."

2) Toggle betwn 1st phase n 2nd phase
2007 model: With an Advanced breastpump, there are 2 phase of pumping. The first phase is known as the let-down phase. During the let-down phase, the breastpump pumps at a very rapid speed but at a low vacuum level. During this phase, a mother has no control over vacuum or speed. Once th 1st phase is over (after 2 minutes or when the pumping mother overrides it using the let-down button) the pump goes to the 2nd phase of pumping known as the expression phase. It is during the 2nd phase of pumping that a mother can adjust speed and vacuum levels for her own comfort. What concerns us is the inability for a pumping mother to adjust the pump during the first phase of pumping.

So the Advance was a disadvantage over Original in all their 2007 model cos "We actually prefer the Original Pump In Style model over the Advanced models as it is less expensive AND it offers more pumping control for the mother using the pump at all times. A mother can simply start pumping at a fast pace and low vacuum and when her milk lets down slow down the pace and increase the vacuum."

2008 model:
• Improved! 2 Phase Expression
- Allows mom to toggle back &amp; forth from stimulation to expression
- Gentler transition between phases

So for 2008, they improve on 2 phase n at same time overcome the ability nw to toggle betwn 2 phases (which Original can do), so like an improvement of wif combination of Advance 2007 + Original feature.

3) Other misc features like its lighter for 08 than 07.

The above is to differentiate 07 n 08. However, it also states the below which I'm not sure if 07 or 08 model has overcome:

Last but not least, the Advanced Pump in Style Shoulderbag and Backpack models have had and continue to have numerous faceplate issues. Medela has redesigned the faceplate 4 times since the Advanced was introduced. Early on the faceplate would not stay secure. The compromised vacuum seal resulted in mothers experiencing a partial or total loss of suction. In addition to not staying securely in place, the faceplate may crack around the holes where tubing is inserted - again, causing a loss of vacuum either partially or completely. The faceplate may also crack in other areas as well. Any cracks can contribute to lack of functionality.

WARNING ABOUT ALL PUMP IN STYLE MODELS: An issue with all the Medela Pump In Style models - regardless of which one...is the power cord. It has a heavy square "block" style plug that fits into the elctrical outlet. The cord that extends from there is very thin (fine). Many mothers find that they need to replace the power cord once, twice or even more over the life of the pump. DO NOT PULL ON THE CORD to unplug the pump or you'll go through power cords OFTEN. Tripping over it while it is plugged in is also another very common reason the cord may need to be replaced.

Hope this helps.
Felicia, nw left to verify wif the Toh Guan distributor and maybe the full picture is out.

So if faceplate is nt resolved, whether 07 or 08 model, no diff. Only diff on the toggle, lighter n maybe powercord for 08.</font>
<font color="blue">hey rooller,
my MIL n mum said can eat this chinese medicine called "su1 he4 yuan2".. </font>
thanks nekowong and bizznow

oh linda,
black fungus, ya think confinement food they did include that dish.

i'm using ameda but its 5yrs ago model
Haven't had time to log in the past 1 day cos too busy pumping and latching. Even then, supply is still quite little.
I have been drinking the papaya soup 2 times a day. I also wonder if baby is getting enough from latching cos he will usu ask for milk again after 1 hour.

Just saw PD and her advice was to drink lots of fluid and just keep latching on during the day. Cos i still supplement with FM during day but she said should not. Just give FM during nite.

veniz and tf,
thanks for the info on NUK teats.

saw the qn u posed on pumps. i would say PIS cos i am using it and so far it's really quite easy to use plus quite quiet (i pump in the room and hubby is able to sleep through it, hehe). i also bought the handsfree but have not used it yet.

btw, started my massage yest and the binder was super uncomfortable!! can only take it off at 8pm but i took it off at 7pm, before dinner. :p
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies! Actually is almost noon liao. hehe....

Huggy, no use to call Toh Guan dist, i called them before i make my purchase of PIS. U know wat they told me? They nvr know anything about faceplate issue and the most sad thing is they dont even had 2008 model. (Tat time was in Mar or Apr). Tats why finally i brought from FFY. </font>
I will also buy from FFY if I have decided on PIS.

Who is your massage lady, can share her contact &amp; charges? TIA.
<font color="aa00aa">Medela handsfree:
Actually just recently medela came out a new model for handsfree which cost $900+. If u gals interested can refer to FFY website. But i find the price is really too ex, thou it was really much lighter and easier to handle.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Huggy, like wat i told Veniz, u gals can chck with FFY whether you'll get more disc if using FFY member card, coz i had it. So if can, i can lend to you gals, then more worth to buy a new set.

Tera, talking about FFY, i think i really lost my receipt liao. I couldnt find in my box. So maybe later i need to call FFY and enquiry if warranty need receipt or not. *sigh*</font>
i;m using the ameda dual pump.as its the only pump i'm using,cant make any comparison.Its quite light and value for money..but i guess its not as quiet as e medela pump...so far its serving its functions..managed to pump out a great deal with it ;p
Hello gals, managed to break of my bf time with baby. Kept sleeping, now I just leave her on my bed in her own dreamland.

Cactus, Huggy, Felicia and Tera, thanks for your advice. I am checking further on this.

Tera, the handsfree you have, you bought from mumsfairy isit? For my binder, first night I wore throughout, then yesterday, she rebind for me and after my lunch, I was in such breathlessness. But still can take it, after dinner, I cannot tahan liao took of at 8pm. Today rebind again not so bad now.
hi bizznow, yah! I'm still hanging around. so xian!

erm, my doctor told me if bb is 2cm above pelvic bones (3/5 engaged), technically , for 1st time moms, can go into labour already. If yours is 1/4 engaged, then soon will be 3/5 engaged right? (have I gotten my fractions correct?!) So it won't be long before your turn. Let's just hang in there!

By the way, it is not necessary to do c-section hjust cos bb is not that engaged. you should ask your doctor about inducing labour first.
<font color="blue">thks nekowong..

my doc did tell me abt the inducing labour part..dat's y he said there's possibilities might end up c-sect lor..super sian like dat..btw hor..my bb not 1/4 engaged lah..he oredi engaged 3/4 liao..he said still can feel 1/4 of his head..still got 1/4 hvnt engage.. hehe..</font>
bizznow, that's really good news!! 1/4 engaged is really good news! technically you can be in labour anytime now. why xian? there is definatly a chance any woman will end up c-section, but not being fullly engaged before start of labour is not reason to increase risk of c-section cos 2cm above pelvis can start labour already. 2/5 into pelvis can start labour. Did your doctor tell you the condition of your cervix? Is it thinned out already? dilated? erm, anterior or posterior or central?
bizznow, my doctor also told me there is a chance of c-section if induced labour. cos I may be an induced case if bb doesn't come out next week. But according to him, risk of c-section is at most 15%... althogh I really don't want c-section, guess no choice is no choice. 15% is not a high percentage though.

<font color="aa00aa">oh..bizznow, urs engaged liao? Aiyo, me still had to wait till tmr check up to see my situation.
Yesterday nite, my hubby make me laughed over his naive thinking about dilation. He said i 100% no dilation at all, coz if got dilation sure very very pain liao, cannot walk. Then i told him about our June thread mummies whom 3cm dilation for weeks still walking around. Then he looked at me n said "The baby drop out meh?"*peng*</font>
