(2008/06) June 2008

Can get the sterilisation pill from NTIC? How does it looks like and how to use huh?
I was thinking if I should get a single manual pump when I return to work. Now oso fretting over the sterilisation of pumps in office.

Re: Sterilisation of Breast Pump back at work
Anybody intending to express after returning to work (or had experience)? Can share on how you sterilise your breast pump?

<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, my stupid osim weighing machine cannot weigh the bag. But hor, me very clever
, carry it and weighed and minus out my weight. hahaha.....
So, roughly is 3kg lah the bag with everything in except milk. Inside the bag had a cooler bag with 4 empty medela bottles plus cooler element, the motor, pump accessories (valve etc).
After putting the above in, still had some space .</font>
veniz, later I shall try with avent again. I dint manage to fully latch my girl seems like I'm not a good mummy.
I always find that she sucks take in less milk. with btl of 120ml she finish it about 1/2 hr. if to latch on, maybe need more than 1hr to get that amount (nv try before). so I would rather let her drink thru btl so that her mouth won't be tired n could be full faster.

ellysia, no leh. my girl different. I latch her only when she cry for milk. feed her around 2min start the nonsense liao.
Congrate to new mummies.

hi ladies, If you pump 1 side, will the other side leak? Mine leak quite frequently, the nursing pad always very heavy.
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn, NTUC does sold. Just search at the selling baby stuffs dept will do. Its sold in a small box. Not sure of the brand. Actually i nvr use before but ever consider using during my #1, tats why i know. hehe...

For expressing at workplace, does ur company had any facilities for expressing BM? For my company, we had lactation room with some very basic facilities. So i plan to sterilise using the microwave.
If u plan to use the pills, u can put water &amp; the pill in a container and after pumping, put everything inside and take out when it's time to pump. This is what i learn from one mummy during my visit to our company lactation room. hehe...

Oso got mummies, will just pour hot water and soak for a while &amp; keep in zip lock bag for next pump.</font>
how to make sure we hv clear all the blood clots in our body?
as my menses is almost clearing but this morning when i poo, i passed out blood clots.
Felicia, thanks for helping me to weigh. In fact, I saw one mummy selling Medela PIS which she bought in April, only used less than a month at $520.00. I am quite tempted to buy from her, only that need to arrange someone (not my hubby though) to collect for me if I confirm it. I think its worth buying coz still have warranty. Dunno if can use free hand strap which mumsfairy is selling or not, coz if can will be much more convenience if I use it at work.

Ellysia, our tummy fats hor, will not really go down so fast one. It takes around 3months. I rem this cousin, she on total bf, after her confinement at a gathering, she still look fat with tummy and eat a lot (guess she eating for bf lar) then half year later, she slim down to her usual size. So dun worry about it, do crunches/sit ups. I will be hitting my gym in 3rd mth liao.

Sharon, dun think that you not good mummy ok. At least you pumped out for your dd to drink, for my #1, I didn't even have time and enough milk to pump for him, so I even worst mummy. My hb blamed me somemore when I commented how others can do it I can't. Then later, staying at home taking care of my son made me go into depression, so dont think so much ok.
you are not alone... mi also.. haha... one side of my breastpad will be soaked lor...

i think its normal one rite... unless you use dual pump then will not leak lor...
Connie and Pris, haha, me too. But I got the medela milk collecting shell. when I pump one breast, I put this in my nursing bra of the other one to collect the leaked milk. Then if I switch over, I slip it to the other side, so at the end, I will pour these collected milk into my EBM. You can consider getting someone to buy these shells for you. If not wrong, avent also has its own shells in the market.
Hello everyone...

Stop blaming yourself. I can fully understand how you feel as I am one of them. Nicole manage to latch on but she is very very lazy! Suckle less than 10mins she doze off no matter how I wake her and end up she keep wanting milk every 1hr! I believe is not latching long and getting enough. Night time worse! she latching for comfort.

I was so stress out and day &amp; night I am doing the job finally I surrender to Formula. Slowly recently my MS sudden drop till pathetic. No doubt how much I latch, how much I pump only both side 2oz! My PD advise me since running so low there is no point and also Formula also provides very good nutrients too. I was very upset and keep struggling and keep trying how to increase! All sorts of soup la etc also no use.. I believe not getting enough sleep (basically I only get to sleep about 2-3hr a day. Interrupted sleep somemore) SO after talking to Hubbby &amp; mummy and I keep crying and crying.. till I finally took e courage and stop BF her. NOW nicole is on full formula and I see her very satisfied every feed I tell myself I have done my best. Still a long way for me to fulfil my duty as time goes. SO just try your best
Stay positive.
Hi mommies!

Sterilisation pill:
Can get from Kiddy Palace, have seen it on the shelves but forgot what brand. I think can just follow the instruction on the package.

Breastmilk leaking:
Can try using finger to press on the nipple or not? Think can stop leakage after pressing for a while, dunno got side effect or not???
Cyn, I saw you selling off your pumps at 'Want to Sell'. Dun think so much now since Nicole is contented with FM. Vivienne also drinks 1 FM a day, coz she also latch for comfort some of the time. Maybe I have to re-organise my milk pumping time and her latching on time so that she won't have to drink any FM at all. So, hows your massage lady doing you up? Good?

u can purchase online at www.littledreamers.com.sg. they can deliver to u with a min delivery cost. i order and they deliver within 2 days.


Ya i tink lack of sleep will reduce BS. Also lack of water too.

Initially my bb also latch a bit then doze off. Been training him to latch for as long as possible before i give him FM. slowly last week i cease FM and went to total BF. But now if he need more milk and my BM is too slow, i still give him FM. Rather than him going hungry n crying the whole roof off.

Any other product you use from little dreamer that are good? Saw in the website they have a variety of products.

The one you use is it called Confinement Massage Oil ?
Ya massage is another way of releasing my stress and I simply doze off during that 1hr 30min session. I selling off cos no use keeping since decide to close shop BUT no one wants haha. Think very common la. So If no one want I just keep it and see if sil get preg in future can let her try n use. I seldom pump as I been latching more than pump. Unless engorge. Starting milk kick in very fast and alot.. den sudden drop so pathetic I see liao also wan to cry.

I think that is so.. sleep n water BUT drinking alot water. Day is red dates, night is ribena. My poo even become super soft! So I also don;t know la. Sometimes is our supply cant meet their demand. I also console myself till now. Depression strike in mood swing la and always getting so hot temper pek chek and even quarrel with hubby. Simply cant understand whats wrong with me this round.. TOO Tired out... I tell myself stop comparing with #1 as #1 is very very easy to take care. Hardly cry. eat sleep... #2 make mi freak out her cries and I scare night time come! recently she is day n night.
Cyn, I very funny, closing shop now, but still thinking of getting dual pump to pump. Dunno worth getting or not. Now its either $520.00 Medela PIS or $420.00 Ameda dual pump. Anyone can help me to decide which is better and worth getting??

Also, you cannot compare with #1 lar, different kids, diff patterns leh. At least your massage helps you to relax more. Mine is 1 hour, somemore in morning, so didnt really doze off lor.
Ameda $420?
thought should be cheaper?
actually i thot of sellg mine.
i bought all the accessories brand new fr overseas spree
i'm thinking to get avent manual pump :p
My mum say no plain water so put ribena
So i only drink during night when thirsty BUT make sure added hot water.. drink it hot or warm NOT cold.

If ur MS ok I felt its ok. Esp after you going back to work and continue using it. My massage is morning too.. can doze off maybe night time I never sleep hahaa
Try to sleep each time your baby sleep.. to establish MS we need to really rest...

I rem when baby suddenly wakes up every 2 hours i really dun have any MS wor... Suddenly drop too then yesterday managed to rest for a while then got MS liao..

can try...

Think need to rest more to establish MS lor...
Can get the manual from the forum.. i think i saw one at the WTS area.. can check it out...

I think its the VIA system
Well I tried that also... still dont come. That why makes me so angry of myself and affecting my mood. Maybe I am those light sleeper... a little bit sound I will wake up and will find it damn hard to sleep again. Now even on formula I also don't sleep well cos BB cried for nothing. Want to be carry la etc even during the day. So sometime i just doze off carrying her. Think my bb is very noti and make my life difficult.. I tell myself mayb colicky or what.. my mum console me after full mth might be better.. hai my bones are cracking, my brain is breaking.. my body is like... half dead hahaha.

Only pray for better. As long she sleep well eat well I don't mind giving up everything for her.
Ribena is for my consume

okie gotta log out... Makan time.. and mum is nagging again.

Talk to you all again! Take care

The PIS $520 is it brand new?
Can get from First few years for $549 - 2007 model.

Yalor, I thought from Mumsfairy can get $368. Maybe $420 come with bag and free goodies?
roooller, ya, the ameda one I wanting to buy is the ultimate kit, which comes with freehand strap, and the pump shields+dunno what plus thingy. So total $420.00. But someone is selling 2nd hand at $280 (neg) with some freebies. Still checking out with her. If can, I dun mind getting 2nd hand coz my own pump also passed around for a few yrs before back to me. Why you want to sell yours?

Cyn, I hope to use lor. so now Medela or ameda?? Can't make up mind, even just now sleep still thinking, I find I very super aunty.
Huggy, first few yrs selling only $549? Is it on sale now? for Mumsfairy, yes, $420.00 is with free airdry bag and the strap, accessories lor.
But I read from US website, 2007 model is actually much better quality. In US, they are selling 2008 model much much cheaper than the 2007 model. Dunno why locally, the 2008 model has to be more expensive than 2007 model. But good for us lar!
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, me oso closing shop at this #2 but me still buy tat PIS at 600+ leh. It actually depend how long u plan to BF lor. I make a calculation if i can succeed BF for at least 6mths, then i can recover back my PIS cost, tats why i brought it.
Me oso failed BF for my #1, so this one i hope can success lor.

I'm not able to advise u which pump to buy coz i nvr try both. hehe... </font>
Huggy, thanks for the website. I saw there are two types, one is this MEDELA NEW Pump In Style Original Breastpump selling $419.00 and the other is the one you mentioned, at $549.00. I suppose $549.00 one is better?

In terms, Singaporean always go for the newly launched products and they may have import them in at higher price before US slashed the prices, thus that may be why the 2008 series cost more. Just a thought.
Felicia, you also bought at FFY rite? but how come yours at 600+ leh? think i will have to call them up and ask if i really interested. I also planning to pump as long as possible. If can more than 6 mths best.

Yes, the PIS advance is better. Thought I read from somewhere that the PIS original is not so good. So don't buy that.
I heard from colleague who bot the original PIS tat the advanced PIS is better cos got let-down effect.

I just went to pump my milk cos i went to nap just now and mum dun want to disturb me so give bb FM end up i feel v full.. manage to pump 150ml in total witin 15min but one side is 50ml and one side is 100ml.. so big the difference.
But huggy, seems like that is online price? I think I have to call them to check if they do deliver to us if buy online or not. Very tempted now that you recommend this web and price to me.

I go have my dinner first then can think about it while eating my food.

My bb is also difficult.. he will cry and need to carry around for hours. When the time come everyday, we will get v scared too. We ored give him colic drops to solve his wind problem. But he has poo poo problem.. so maybe will give him some glucose water hopefully can resolve.
Now it seems he also have breathing difficulty and will wake himself up. Sigh i also dunno wats wrong with him.

I tink the 2007 model got some problem? earlier on cactus mention got some defective faceplate problem. dunno is wat year i can't rem.
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, me and Tera both brought from FFY. She brought the sling bag type and i brought the back pack which is $669. Is 2008 model. Ellysia is right about the model of 2007. Tats was the discussion between cactus and TF on this pump around March period if i remember correctly.
Conclusion we din really know is faceplate issue affected 2007 model, but we quite sure 2008 was not affected, tats why we brought 08 model.

Btw, the pump we brought had 15 mths warranty from FFY. Not sure if now still the same warranty period. Btw, if u called up FFY, maybe u can asked if got FFY member card, can get more disc or not. If can, i can lend you my card.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, i was trying to recalled wats the diff b/t the 2008 and 2007 model beside the faceplate issue.
Finally i remember liao.
For 2007 model, you had to restart the pump if u want to re-stimulate(i'm not sure if i'm using the correct word) before it proceed to next step of expressing the milk. For 2008 model, you do not need to switch off and restart whole process.
This is what i roughly can catch up when the FFY saleslady explain to me b/t both model.</font>
Nappies - When I had #1, I was so determined to only use the cloth type. Aiyoh, after 3 days, gave up coz we were washing like mad. NB poo-poo and shee-shee alot. After that, we decided to use disposable diapers. Please make sure you use the diaper rash cream also coz NB tend to get rashes easily.
my bb also cry and cry non stop. She is very sleepy but after dozing off for 10mins she will automatically cry for someone to carry her. If we ignore her, she will cry till she lose her breath. Carry already must still walk round the hse, if we sit down, she will cry again.
My hand and back is aching badly. When I see her behaving this way, I really feel sink into depression.

Colic drops or whatever no longer helps.

I also gave up on BF. Less than 40ml per day...

Hi mummies, sorry to intrude. I am from April thread.

I letting go the following:
1) avent manual pump (lightly used) at $50
2) 2 box of NUK breast pads BN - 24pcs per box at $10
3) 1 pack of Huggies dry (used a few pcs)- 84pcs size M at $12
3) 2 packs of pamper comfort BN but open already-58pcs size M at $10 per pack

My girl is wearing Mamypoko size M, the diapes cutting are small compared to Mamypoko size M.

Please PM me if you are interested.
