(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="ff6000">no prob

just rite click - edit - stretch/skew - change the % there
TF, my hb got ask e if wanna extend one more nite cos he see me quite shag with visits fm relatives (besides the usual bf,meals, etc). but gotta pay another $400 more. so tot save $ n go home to rest. MIL n her maid will do confinement for me. think really need their support to take care of bb for stuff like changing diapers n bath. hopefully i just bf will do for the 1st wk while wound still recovering.

Sharon, i don noe if i got piles bo. but i have the wanna poo-poo feeling but not strong enuf to wanna go toilet. nurse say tml will inject the liquid to help clear vowels tml b4 gg home. hope tis will soothe it. I shall have to give it some time to heal. hopefully like urs will b ok by 2nd week. =)

just finished bf so log in here. gg to concuss liao. nitez!

Hospital think will give you something to wash the wound one... its procanol... its very good... must apply diligently...

Welcome to motherhood...hee... remember to rest more to establish your ms...

I was scolded by nurse at hospital when i bring baby in and out of nursery cos many relative come....

She say dun over stimulate the baby else at night cannot sleep and i need to rest more to establish ms...

Hope this helps...
Felicia, thanks for updating my info in the chart. Me still in the waiting game. Coming Thurs will be my 39 weeks liao, baby still so comfortable in my tummy. Thought 1st pregnancy, baby will come out nearer to EDD, now 2nd pregnancy also like tat.

Congrats to those mummies who have popped.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies, i'm having my breakfast in front of my laptop. haha....
Sure when doing confinement, no this luxury liao, my mil 100% stamp &amp; chop ask me to lie down.
My #1 is watching her Tom &amp; Jerry VCD, tats why i can happily chatting here. hehehe....

Looks like lot of mummies is expert in BFing liao, so by my time, sure i can get many many advise fr you gals. </font>
Hope tat I can BF tis time too. Didn't manage to BF for my #1 coz not enuff milk.
Told my MIL tat if I can BF tis time then I will have to cut down my intake on ginger liao, dunno she will be unhappy for not.
Announcement. Nicole born in Gleneagles, elective c-section, Jun 12, afternoon, 3.27kg, 50cm.
God, she likes to suck nipple.
btw, how long shall u pump to express, 5 min each time? do not last more than 30 min? I use PIS
btw, how much volume is enough for baby each feed?
Hi gers,
Good morning.
My bb is so cranky this morning.. Haiz, duno wat she wants.

Ya, bb's sucking power is better than pump. I realised that when I expressed, my nipple hurts more than when I breastfeed. Anyway, I feel like I am either breastfeeding or expressing. Haha. I oso realised that my BM ss decreasing. I keep worrying that my bb not enuff, so am keeping a close tab on teh soiled diapers.

I oso taking my bfast in front of the comp, hehe.

Re: Breastfeeding helpline
I tried emailing and calling but no response leh. Anybody noes how long do they take to revert?

Re: Sterilisation pill
I heard that there is such a thing right? Must start planning liao. I am gg back to work in 1 months' time. Any idea?
I have to say c-section is better than I thought, epidural is the key. But the bill is big, that is part my HB to take care
ask your MIL to boil red dates with longans and gou ji zi

That is what my CL give mi leh... Maybe your MIL want you to remove all the wind in your body...

Think have to tell her that we breastfeeding cannot eat too much else baby will have jaundice...
Re: One breast more milk
Managed to get somebody on the breastfeeding hotline.
It is right to say that if you want more milk on the breast with lesser ss, latch on more to that breast. On top of that, do try to express btw feeds cos dd = ss. The more you stimulate + express, the more milk your breast will produce (ouch, sounds painful to me).
Babies who are breastfeed directly will reject the breast when they are full but those with jaundice tend to be more sleepy, so must try to wake them up for feeds.
It is not quite possible for one breast to cut ss. However, if lack of stimulation on one side, the milk ss might drop drastically.

The consultants are very friendly. For those with problem, can try calling them. Hehe.
To mummies who are BFing,
my mum had instructed to avoid these food,
cause they may chop our BM.

1. Mai Ya Tang (malt sugar)
2. Gu Chai (Those greens on top of mee siam)
3. San Zha (Those round red sweets)
any1 fully use diaper for bb in e 1st mth? how many pcs a day and wat size or brands r u all using?
since my maid is gone, i hav to standby tons of diapers liao. in case nobody help me wash cloth diaper.
Good morning ladies,

Din come in for awhile as I had given birth on 5/6/08 and stayed extra days in hospital as baby is jaundiced. M also busy trying to settle baby routine before my gal comes back this friday. (I put her up with my SIL)

My birth story:

4+am: Woke up due to contractions but thinking its braxton hicks, I choose to ignore thinking that it will go away. Also hoping incase its for real, I can tahan till 7am when my HB and gal can wake up.

7+am: HB and my gal woke up. I told HB this time might be real and I want to see doc at his clinic.

Almost 8am: Contractions intensify and told HB think can go A&amp;E and not clinic liao.

8.30am: drop off my gal and maid at SIL place and rushed to hospital. My hb was panicking when he saw the morning jam on the way to hospital. hehehe

9+am: Reached hospital and was wheeled into the delivery suite to monitor. Was already 5 cm dilated. Asked for epidural and was given the injection. After that was a waiting period for me to dilate further.

12pm: Dr came and broke water bag.

1pm: My little boy was born.
<font color="aa00aa">Congrats, Muffin!
Care to share your baby weight and height at birth? Which hosp you delivered ur ger? So that i can update in our record.</font>
Congrats muffin and shirley
Welcome to motherhood and confinment....

Durian season is here liao... it is good for us for confinement, that what my MIL say..... just had mine in the morning liao..... hee...
<font color="aa00aa">mrswrx, during my #1, i mix cloth diaper with disposable diaper, so not too sure how many pcs to use per day. But my advise dont buy too many NB size as ur baby might outgrown very fast.
I'll use mamy poko for my baby in case she got golden buttocks.

Btw, since u'll be fully using disposable diapers, maybe you want standby a tube of nappy cream as well, just in case.</font>
mrswrx, it depend on ur bb like clean anot. like mine whenever poo or pee will cry for changing diapers. so far I have used up 1pack huggies, 2pack drypers n currently using pampers. so far I find that huggies NB is more suitable as it fit my girl very well. as for drypers, sometimes will leak from the side. pampers is much more bigger which will have grip scare will leak out. so far use for a wk nv leak. but the quality is soft, maybe bb will feel comfortable.
my mom prepare 20 cloth diapers, the pampers used in hospital look not soft enough to me. Thank god we have utube, i checked many video on changing diaper, breasfeed there
confinement can have durian?!?!?
dun tempt me leh

btw mummies,
what u hv for breakfast?
usual stuff for me, milo + wholemeal biscuit or bread can be high-fibre or wholemeal
Hi mummies
Anyone who has confinement ladies, can check for me what shld I eat if i feel cold easily? This round, I think I really never take care of myself lor. I get goose pimples once I fiish bathe and towel dried even if still inside the bathroom. Little bit of wind I also get that.
Any help?
linda, u can ask yr CL to cook wine...my CL cook DOM + XO for me to drink...she said need to get rid of the alcohol by cooking it first...then wadz left over is the good stuff and it will keep me warm. I dunno how she cook but she told me she pour alot and cook a few hours then wadz left become 1 small bowl niah.
thks ladies,
wil go stock up more diapers liao. est. my bb is less than 2.8kg when born, then can use newborn size for 1st 2-3wks b4 upgrade to s-size. so far i onli hav 1 pack of newborn n s-size(pampers) on standby. so might needa get xtra liao. wil go buy huggies to standby.
haiz... thot my previous arrangement veri steady liao, who noes last min got so many problems for me.

nw i lookin for CL last min aso. hav no idea wher to start frm n how to look for 1. cal few local aunties but not able to get them. haven tries CL agency yet. tink last restort wil hav to get frm agency.
Dear mummies,

I had popped on 12 June 2007, week 38 and baby weight 2.67Kgs.. 12 hours labour.. EPI, foreceps, inducing water and inducing tablets used...

Its damn xinku, and i will not give birth again anymore....
if baby on breast feeding will poo a lot of times.. my baby after each feeding will poo liao... so have to change each time.... I have finish 2 packet of NB diapers opening 3rd packet liao, now baby 13days old... I think new born packet not much lor i bought Drypers only 28pcs i think...

They say durian is heaty so we can take lor...

Congrats... and welcome to motherhood and confinement.......
haha... now say xinku maybe 2 to 3 yrs down the road its a different story...
congrats to all mummies

been so long didn't online......

how everybody????confinemeny/baby all ok??

my bb gal....so far so good and been a good breastfeeder and drink formula now 90 to 120ml although after had the BF.....she's now 15 days old

me too had finished up 2 pkts of 28 newborn drypers nad going to buy new one later
thks pris,
i will stock up when i go out later. hopefully can settle everythin within these 2 days. i hate last min changes, not accordin to my plans. sianz....
when do you need CL???
I'll try ask my CL to ask her daughter... Do you mind malaysian???

I think they have a network of pple who are doing confinement... can try help you ask...
Sharon, the avent teats are big and round. That time I tried to feed my newborn niece milk in avent bottle and teat, I found I cannot handle. But all my cousins swear by avent brand. My gal does fall asleep while feeding, but she will still suckle at a slower pace. I normally like Ellysia will shake breast to make her suckle more otherwise will pull out nipple, try to wake her up then latch on again. Tiring, but so far so good. I suppose once they are full via BF, they will spit out nipple.

Linda, when I bf in aircon room at night, after feeding, my chest area and hands will feel cold in the bones. Have to wear sweater or hug my bolster closely to keep warm. last night held my son's hand then got warm faster.
thks.. got 1 frm my fren recommendation. hopefully everythin goes well. when wil u need to pay yr CL?? n how much wil be e hongbao?
felicia, tera and cactus, can I check with you, for medela pis, how heavy is the bag with all items in it? Can we also put additional milk bottles in the bag after a day's pump (eg 2 or 4 bottles)? Please advice if possible. Thanks.
Pris, if ok good lor. coz some babies not ok. I now tummy very xinku coz binder very tight after my lunch. I now feel like in victorian time, wearing corsets, etc.
Me have ored finish up 3 paks of NB pampers. My bb dun like his diapers wet, if slightly wet he will cry liao. Even though he is above 3KG i find those S size diapers a bit big for him and if i use, the poo can sometimes pass through.

Veniz and Linda,

I tink now we are in confinement haven't recover properly yet, me also feel cold easily and sneeze easily.

I use the little dreamers massage oil to relieve wind if i feel i got the wind. It has ginger to help relieve water and wind. Quite effective to relieve water retention, previously my legs are all bloated then i apply once or twice then my legs become pre-pregnancy size.

Yest nite i slept wearing shorts but i got cover with blanket, however ankles feel aching so i tink catch wind ored.. tink tonite i will ask hb to apply the massage oil for me.


I didn't take a lot of ginger. in fact i only take small slices v seldom.

If u want to relieve the wind, u can try massage, its better.

My cut is also near anus. No choice but to apply procanol more diligently and sit on float when bf.

Zu En,

I have tried to BF and pump the weaker breast and it seems to be better now.

However cos my bb is light sleeper so nowadays i do not change side, so tat breasts will also feel full before feed.

I dunno is it my bb recently got growth spurge, sudd he seems to want more milk. He like to stay awake for half a day then he will make himself tired and sleep for longer time..so his schedule is a bit disrupted at times.


My bb also will pull my nipple while twisting his head behind like want to tear away. Later i found tat its seems to bec he dun want to suck liao but he dunno how to break away from the nipple.

I didn't wear binder diligently. My tummy is around 2-3 mths preggy size.. or looks like fat only. I tink some are really fats.. so dun tink i can slim down to my previous flat tummy. However a recent tv programme says tat BF can burn the fats inside our body cos the fats are transferred to BM.
My bb can use drypers, which is one of the cheaper brands in the market (heng ah). Cos she is super small size, one-month liao but still using NB size diapers. If you are looking for better diapers and dun mind the price, mamy poko is good. Hehe. My bb can poo poo btw 2 to 6x in a day. Generally, she usd up 6 to 8 pcs of diapers in a day. I oso never standby alot of diapers, prefer to but when used up. Understand bb can grow out of teh diaper size quickly.

If you are BFing exclusively, I think no need to care if bb gg thru growth spurt cos the consultant said that bb will stop sucking when they are full. They are unlikely to be overfed as compared to bottle fed bbs. Maybe really gg thru' a growth spurt, so better feed your bb. Hehe. My bb oso like to stretch and twist her head when breastfeeding, super painful. -.o" It is bcos bb dun want to suck liao? Mine will continue to suck after the stretching and twisting leh.
I oso never use the binder wor. I was busy running around initially and it was uncomfortable with the binder around. You only gave bith for about 3 weeks niah, give yourself abit more time lah. I 5+ weeks liao and I still have 5.5kg stuck on me. I think I have to start exercising liao. Hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">icegal, congrats! U jump Q. haha....

Veniz, let me go and see my pump 1st har.Wait update you. My pump still newly packed in the box. haha....</font>
