(2008/06) June 2008

Ladies, copy and paste from some articles (hope it helps)

One important fact of using glass bottle:

Don't use glass bottles if you are going to store the milk for less than 24 hours, because some of the white blood cells will adhere to the glass, but not to plastic. But the white blood cells will detach after 24 hours (although not 100%).

However, glass bottles or containers are best for freezing breast milk because it offers the most protection from contamination. The second choice is clear, hard plastic, and the last choice is the cloudy hard plastic containers.

<font color="blue">pris,
my mum said cook green papaya soup wif fish bone..she said she saw from tv on sat nite.. i hv the recipe i think..it was given by mrs wong during the prenatal class..but i got to go home n search..if can find then i will post the recipe here lor.. dun get so stress out..relax.. </font>
roooller, are you the one who told me mumsfairy having 10% off during June on their pumps and kits? You got the ultimate kit rite? I am thinking of that leh. Are the pumps silent or very low vol noise level? I hate the donkey sound of my single pump coz when pump in room with either my kids or hb sleeping, real noisy lor.

Tera, so PIS works well for you rite? Too exp for me since I closed my factory liao. Hope you can do wonders with your set. For the binder, after my steam, she did not wrap herbs on tummy coz already got the steam and massage firming oil liao. She just use cloth to tie round my tummy, and told me to tahan till tomorrow morning. As just now the bind got loose, I top up with my own binder which I got from TMC Pharma to support.

Pris, for green papaya soup, you get fish bones (my hb bought fish heads). My style of cooking is 1st: boil water with one thumb size of ginger. Then when water boiled, put in the cleanly washed fish, boiled for around 10mins, throw thickly sliced (around 1/4 green papaya) some red dates and kou qi zhi in and boil for another 20mins. Quite easy to cook lar, but others may have better way to cook it. I drink it every lunch, may increase my intake if I can swallow more food.
Tera, we wanted to give Vivienne the cup, even bought some from pharm before we left for home on discharge day, later at home, my hb realised that Vivi may be too hungry if we do not supplement formula, we took out our NUK teats and bottles to let her use. So far, she can latch on me and also use the bottles coz our nipple and nuk teats are about the same shape when baby suckles. If you are using NUK, then no harm trying, coz my two kids do not get confused by the two type of nipples. HTHs.
hi pris,

at least you both sides have 60ml.....mine less than 5ml....much much more pathetic than you...
i eat green papaya soup, take fenugreek also no use....
fenugreek capsules, how many did u take a day?

Should take 3 caps, 3 times a day,
try to drink more liquid,
2L for ourselves, 1L for BM
Hi all, I am back home with baby Jaret just today. And unable to follow the thread. Just managed to come online cos sent hb and mum out to do some marketing ;)
Baby Jaret comes out 14 Jun 08, 3kg and 51cm at birth, natural without epidural, checked in Mt A at 8am, delivered at 10.30am.
Felicia, thanks for helping update the chart. Felicia, LengLeng and all mommies with have not pop, jia you.
Will update my birthstory at a later date. Thnks all mommies for all the best wishes.
Dun be discouraged ya..my MS also droppin gthough i eating fenugeek, 3pills, 3times aday..hiaz....

Try fenugeek...
congrats to mummies who pop!

my maid givin me probl at my final wk of freedom. she cried non-stop since i wake up tis mornin... told me her child sick in phili then she desperately wana go hme. then agent told her onli if she can clear e loan then she can go back. seems like her hb cant find e $$ to repay e loan, so she no choice gotta stay here.
but i dun wana take e risk of her stayin wif me cos my bb is arrivin n i dun wan her to cry everytime she c my bb..+ she told me she cant concentrate to work now and cant sleep in e nite.
i so scare she got depression n wil harm my bb.
so i told my agent i wana send her back to them n get them to transfer her so she can finish her work in sg to repay e loan instead of keeping her with me @ my hm.... i dun wana take any risk. so scare she wil be reminded of her child if she c my bb soon.

nw i need confinement auntie liao. any recommendation or any 1 finish confinement n can pass me yr auntie soon? i might be inducin tis fri...so might need CL frm next wk onwards. cos my mum said i wun be able to handle e bb in e nite.

appreciate yr help! thks.
Yesterday nite is torment..
my mum n bro had something on so they need to go back. Then my bb refuse to sleep from 3am to 11am. Me struggle with him throughout, doze while carrying bb. BB if not carry will cry..

then dunno why yest nite low milk supply, bb drink until no milk and get frustrated. in the end early morn i give him 20ml of FM but he still refuse to sleep. Haiz.
Maybe your bb has colic. Did you try put him in the stroller and push forward and backward, or bring him for a ride in the car?
roooller, ok, i think may be ioio who told me about the 10% dis. But so far the pump you use noisy or not? Also, you using pigeon wide bottle or those normal narrow one? I hve two new wide pigeon silicon teats my mgr's wife packed to me but I am using nuk, if you are using wide bottle type, i can pass to you.

Mrswrx, so sad to hear from your 'much awaiting maid' case. I am sorry that I can't offer any recommended CL to you at this moment. My CL is not bad but she will only finish me on 7th Jul, and speaks only teochew style hokkien.

Ellysia, about your decrease in milkflow, isit due to stress and you did not drink much water? I read in Gina Ford 'The Contented Little Baby' book that if baby has colic, maybe can give him some warm water with half teaspoon of sugar mixed in water to calm him down. Worth trying though. Dun stress yourself, get your hb to participate in taking care of him.
consider ok
but i stop using
i lazy to express after latch
either FM since he still got jaundice

pigeon using the wide neck type

i still thinkg whether to change to NUK though
Me same case. Last checkup at Week 38, also zero dilation. Dr Ang say my baby head is down but facing sideway. He gave me medicine to relax the womb, so that easier for baby to turn I guess.
I also experience a decrease in MS...tink becos of tiredness, stress and not enough fluid lor..thats y..try to drink more water ya...

Yup, can get frm GNC..
veniz...u also got the gina ford book? my bb cries a lot at nite too...this afternoon i got so despo i ordered the book online..haha...
roooller, thanks for info on the pump. I am sending an enquiry to mumsfairy so hopefully can get an answer fast so I can order it in early. Hate to shift my single pump left to right and back using so much time. About your bottles, you let me know lar, coz once I manage to get some stamps, I may request for your addy and mail to you via normal mail since I have no use for the teats.

Juliet, ya, i got the gina ford book, mine is the smaller version and concise one. But hor, she quite rigid leh, want us to establish 3 hours feeding time and not bow to baby's anyhow time feeding demands. I find I can't follow now but hope that later on my gal is big then can follow. Other than that, some info quite good. Dun get despo ok, coz for my #1, me got despo and felt like siao jiabor. This time thru past experience, I got a CL and stay stress free if possible.

Huggy, Woodgrove gripe water is also to ease colic. Alternatively, Ellysia, if you have gripe water, can dilute in water and give to your baby like Huggy suggested.
i jus notice.. not enough sleep or rest will affect breast milk too...

This morning baby have been waking up every 2hrs plus... did not have sleep jus till afternoon.. then wake up breast feel a bit full liao... can pump out about 100ml... try to get some rest while you can okie....
<font color="aa00aa">Huggy, he oso gave me the pill. same-same. But i did a check on website, the pill oso works as to slow down contractions leh. But Dr Ang just said is for womb relaxing. I finished my last pill today.</font>
<font color="blue">felicia,
u still waiting huh??same as me..hehe..my doc said my bb hvnt fully engage..but @ least it's starting to engage lah..2mr need to go gynae again..dunno how much he engage liao by 2mr..hehe..waiting to find out.. </font>
<font color="blue">haha..felicia then wait lor..wait patiently..amk raining now..sian..everytime when wanna go home then rain..</font>
Pris, seems like I always fell short of my expressed milk when compared to you, haha. I am going to treat you as my 'ban yang' and try to match my EBM with your volume liao. Hope you dun mind coz we both trying together.

For those who EBM takes off, if you require lanisoh milk bags, do let me know. I can find out for you with dramaqueen as she mentioned she had ordered some in to standby. If require destinin creamy also can arrange lar, but hor, since I in confinement, can only arrange for collection from Redhill if you all want to avoid postage cost. I am only asking with no obligation or extra charges as I will be getting my stock from her and might as well get for any of you who require without any obligations. Prices will be as per what she is selling.
I will finish my last pill tomorrow night.
To slow down contraction???? Why did he want us to slow down contraction???

Do you know he is on leave from last Sat to this Wed? Maybe he want our baby to stay put until he is back to work hor, possible right? If not, he will have to cancel his leave or pass us to other doctor available in TMC!!!!?????
bizznow, we discussed about getting master to name baby rite? In the end, I did not go for the naming coz my hubby said since I have the name on mind and most pple say its sweet name, I name Vivienne 'Kai Xuan'.

Haiz, come to think of it, you still can take the Alexandra Village AKK which TF said its nice, I can't.

Also, for those who are thinking of getting baby full month cakes from Choz, they also sell fab AKKs. I always got my MIL to get the peanut ones when she went to her sis hse nearby the shop. You all can consider.
Hi ladies, just back from check up. quick update. bb now at 3.18kg at week 39 exactly. Glad it is an average sized bb... but still no signs of arriving. Will patiently wait...
thks ladies. wil check out e bliss confinement. haiz...
i jus sent her back to e agency. let them deal wif her rather than puttin her @ hm. she stil cryin when i sent her back. tink she rely desperate n determine to go back.
<font color="aa00aa">Huggy, ya, tats why he only see me this Thurs. He said if we really in labour during his absence, another standby gynae will help us to deliver. I told him my concern, coz i'm trying VBAC, not comfortable to change another gynae at last mins. He told me not to worry, so i suppose my baby will wait till he's back kua.

cactus, bizz and me were talking about you this morning. I know u had check up today but was thinking if u had given birth over the weekend. hehe...
Btw, wat about ur dilation? Still 3cm?</font>
veniz: my boy is quite on time w/ 3hr feed..but today he getting hungrier, now wants 2.5hr feed...he drinks 80ml on 3hr feed, then increase to 85ml...now he wants 2.5hr feed...we can't increase the amt coz realize if we do so, he'll vomit out...so today we succumb to his 2.5hr timing lor...else he cry a lot...anyways, me already like xiao chabor liao. at nite hor, i cannot stop him from crying w/o activating my mum..sigh...

to all who feed EBM at nite feeds, how do u manage to heat up EBM before bb cries at the top of his voice? i only start to warm up EBM when i hear the 1st cry from bb, but then like tat not enuff time to warm up the milk b4 he outbreaks into a loud cry and wakes the whole family...how?
mrswrx, dun get affected by her ok. I think she determine to go back, let her talk to agency. So you will have to wait for new maid again.
Since your boy gets up every 2.5 hr, do it before he wakes up... i normally keep track of the timing... if not in time, i will just latch on and wait for the EBM to heat up...

I do understand how tiring it is to wake up every 2.5 hours.. I jus got my experience with my gal today... I was too tired till got no breastmilk lor... really need to rest lots lor...
i tink i dun wan maid for e moment nw. i dun wana anyhow pick a maid n end up givin myself trouble again. if e new maid come durin confinement, i hav to train her, wher got time to rest n e maid wil hav too much to handle @ e same time. i dun wana be stress over e issue. haiz... then i told my agent if in case i dun wan a maid they cant refund me e agent fee so i request tat if my SIL or MIL needs a maid, they wil take over my option lor... e agent is fine wif e arrangement. at least i got 6mths to consider.

e lucky thing is she done all e washing n cleanin liao. so nw i jus wait for bb to arrive n decide how again. so my mum was askin me to get a confinement lady to standby for e nite caring.
juliet, my gal yesterday also one shot took 1hr bf from both breast, then not enough, 65ml formula milk after half hour later. Then an hour later (1am already), woke up again crying for milk, drank from breast for abt 10mins, felt asleep. In the end, I went to top up formula milk, she drank 30ml, but I guess she took too much vomited some out. The thing is, she slept till morning 8.50am then woke up hungry.

I give my children milk only at their first cry. I know you are anxious about waking whole family, but do only warm up milk after he cried, otherwise if you gancheong give baby milk at very first hand, next time when he grows up he does not know wat is patient and how to wait. While waiting from EBM to be warmed, carry him and soothes him, so at least he will get a bit relax, you too and once EBM ready, he can drink at much better pace.

I was also forced to a corner with #1 as everyone scare he cried too much and get me give in to him very quickly, thus now he does not have the patience to wait for things to be done for him.
Felicia, yah... still 3cm...playing the waiting game. my doctor is pretty sure I'll deliver by week 40... I have 6 more days to go...
mrswrx, ya, at least your agent ok to wait for maid transfer to your MIL and/or SIL. But who will look after your darling Tasha after your confinement then? Your mum rite?

Glad she had done your long waiting to be done washing, haha. Any comment from her on her custom made mattress cover? Oh btw, the PD I told you whom have a night session at a clinic in AMK, he no longer go there as he is biz. Only know it last week when I brought baby back to TMC for checkup. Aiya, when I free will post you the Bukit Timah Plaza PDs contacts and operation time. Sorry take so long sia.

Felicia, true also. Me also not comfortable changing gynae. I am hoping for natural without epi.
What is VBAC?

Hi cactus, wah you dilated 3cm for how long already? Can still last for 6 more days ah?
