(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn, i'm taking SQ too. So i can bring the hot water liao. Me kiasi, afraid when touch down or before boarding my ger want milk, then no hot water, very ma fan lor.
Well, i think my carry in luggage will be all kids things. Btw, can bring on board the portable dvd player? I tot SQ flight got TV on each seat? Me 1st time take SQ, so bit 'sua ku'.hehe...

Dont be anvious lah. If i remember correctly u oso go oversea no long ago, rite? Me 1st plane trip with 2 kids, really 'gan cheong'. But land trip, me very experience liao. LOL!

About getting sick in CC, i remember my #1 was also always sick when just enrol her to CC. Heard that in average the kid will need to take 6mths to get 'immune' to all the germs in CC. But my #1 take longer than that. But over the times, her fall sick frequency is reducing, maybe from 3-4times a mth to 2 times a month......
Most importantly must teach them the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. Ask them to wash hand frequently. I even put one bottle of the instant hand sanitizer in my ger's bag and ask her to wash with it when i fetch her from CC. Then when at home, quick quick get her to bath. But if using the instant hand liquid, do make sure the kid wont put the hand in their mouth!</font>

Can bring onboard the dvd player. Yes got personal entertainment system but our girl too young lah. I tried letting her watch "Up" cos I myself wanted to watch and she's totally not interested. -.o"
Did you ask for bassinet? The seat with bassinet has more leg space. Your girl may be too big to sleep in basinnet liao but good to put things. Downside is that you may end up in a different seat as hb and elder girl. Bcos that role usually reserved for mummies with infants.
Lengleng, Cynthia,
Terrible 2 starts now? 2 mths more plus to her bday leh... Sian. I really cannot tahan her. I woke up with aching shoulders today cos carried her too much liao. Until today I so fed up and shouted at her. I dunno why I'm so bad but I'm really very tired of her nonsense. Today she took e whole pint of water wanna drink on my bed, the min I took e pint from her, she dashed out n take out all her DVDs. As if she's really going all out to irritate me. Does yours do tat too? As in go all out to piss u off?
Lucky he didn't vomit or have any fever these 2 days althought the head still red.

Nap at cc
Today he didn;t nap again eventhough he wake up at 445am. maid say he just sit on his mattress n cry when seeing others sleep. I get my maid to fetch him at 2pm. Think will ask her to peep at 2pm again tmr, if he can't sleep willl bring him back else if he cont to sleep from 5pm to 5am, I will go siao.

You put him for 5 hrs or shorter?
Training Shauna now to sleep with maid? I guess your hb is right. Must slowly if not side effect how? Bring the Cot over and slowly when she is used to e room, you can let her sleep on bed or mattress. I guess she must get along with the maid first and slowly used to e maid, she don mind sleeping with her. Usually kids are like this. They so used co-sleep, so now if someone familiar is with them, might solve the problem. Slowly ok so wont get backfire.

Well usually terrible 2s don start when they are 2.. .can be earlier! They will out grow slowly the grows and when able to express and understand too..

Maybe you wanna check out more details with the teacher? Or you can try let him attend half day for 1st week, then 2nd week full day? Maybe he is still not very used. Some kids is like this. May need slight longer time to sleep there. But if you can avoid putting him full day, why not just stick to half day? After lunch can get the maid to bring him back and he can nap at home. Usually full day afternoon don't have much activities too.

Try give her fruits she never eat before? Maybe she curious. Kids very funny, they will get sick of food out of sudden. So sometime slowly intro them also good.
His first week is half day, thought of starting full day this week but seem like consecutive 3 days cannot nap. If cont, will have to think CC or pg. I like cc cos they have diff variety of lunch so that child had opportunity to eat diff things and their teacher children ratio is smaller than pg.

Terrible 2
How to identify have it started? Mine always v noti one, today touch the rice and touch his head, end up head have lots of rice. Kept crying to carry and won't walk when outside.
Morning ladies..

RE:Terrible 2

I think my charlotte already started entering into this stage...she will test our patient..like yest while I was feeding her yogurt which used to be her favourite until yest, she use her hand and brush away my spoon and the yogrut splash onto my top. I was so angry, beated her palm and told her it is wrong to do that, beat her 3 times before she really knows I am angry, then she come and hug me to shao jiao...Hiaz...this girl hor...

Yest we tot of changing a diff menu for her dinner, I bot beancurd,and the Mr bean's pancake for her dinner, she finish half the tub of the beamcurd and 1/2 the pancake...

hmm...So far, i have given her rockmelon, honeydew,watermelon,pear,orange,apple,grape,blueberry,strawberry,jambu,cherries...all this hor seems to be her dislikes now..Duno wat else I can give her le..hiaz...Problem is, she sees my spoon coming, she look at the pc of fruit, then haven even taste , can say "mai" liao..faintz..

Do u all realised ur kids knows A-G now after we hv attended the Tots class? These few days, we were testign charlotte, we took a small doddle board and write the Alphabets, she will make all e phonic sounds like Ah,Ba,Ca etc...so funny lor...I find attending the class helps lor =).
Lil ZuEn cannot recognize A, B, C wor. She can sing the entire ABC songs, but cannot read or write yet. The max that I achieved for her to sing "Ant on the Apple, Ah, Ah, Ah". She didnt go beyond Ah. Haha.
But we just bought her a leapfrong fridge magnet with ABC taht teaches pronounication of teh ABC sounds and we realised that she actually picked up better. Looks like my girl prefer play to classroom training. Lol!
Can't wor, lots of bb language..dun even wan to call mama =(.

I have ordered their coconut jelly,kiwiberry and strawberries before wor..

Hehe...I tink now they still can't write yet lor..Been trying to let her call mama, but she has golden mouth =)..

keke, great wor..so this sat going for clasS?

My boy took the flask of water and pour it on my masterbed before, end up i have to change all the bed linen. Then he like to took off his diapers when he poo or pee and then pee on the floor. Whenever he start to get into mischief my hb will bring him out for him to exert his energy, then when he come back will be better liao.

Also i tink since he started school, seems to be more disciplined ored. Scold him or beat him is no use, he get v rebellious. So we usually just tok to him sternly, seems to work better but need repetitive coaxing and more patience, but may not work all the time but at least better than rebellious after effect.

I tink is bec they r bored at home, no stimulation lor. Like now he attend CC in the morn, then noon he go MIL house then night he go back to our own house, he is not so bored lor.


We drop him off at 7am then the school bus pick up around 12plus, reach mil house in 5-10mins. after work we pick up from mil house lor.

Er i tink is better u dun ask yr maid to pick him up cos tis not long term solution on the sleep schedule lor, it may prolong his adaption to the CC schedule. My boy also took few weeks to adapt to the CC schedule one. He even step on his classmates and disrupt their nap.

Or maybe u want to try half day first like wat cynthia suggest.


usually when my boy push away food or throw food i will deem he is not interested then put away the food liao. if he still want to eat he will protest. if he doesn't make noise he is full ored. i tink is a way to exert their independence.
Is the fruits fresh?
Mine not sure got call me or not. Everyone also mee...... till I gone blur. But sometimes can hear sentences but most of the time is bb language.

Yours can sing entire songs liao? So envy. not sure mine can or not lor, can't event tell me want ne ne.Just kept crying n throw temper. So angry......
I want to see whether can he sleep in CC. But if he can't sleep by 2pm then no pt lor. End up, I will miss mine at nite and I still need to work in the morning if fetch him at 5pm.

If this week cannot make it, next week will go back to half day.

U still feed fruits to yr gal?

My boy eat fruits by himself lor. He can take the whole apple and munch himself, or slices of fruits etc. I find tat he is more interested in eating if he is able to self feed. Maybe u can put a plate with some fruits and let char take herself. I suspect is bec she dun want to be spoon feed rather than she not interested in the food.
the fruits frm this BP is fresh lor, but of cos can't guarantee sweet lor..

ya lor...wow, ur boy bery independent lor, good leh..Haiz, tink my mil spoils my ger liao..Tks for e advise, shall try ur method tonite =)...
My boy dunno A,B,C yet. But he know how to recite number 1 to 4 in English and Chinese. Recently he also know how to say 'water' in English (previously he ored know how to say in Chinese). He also say "toilet', "xia che" (alight from car), "xiao bian" (pee pee), "niao bu (diaper)", "he shui" (drink water), "chu qu (go out)", "wan ju (toys)" in Chinese. He can recite all colours in English except yellow, and can recognize and say out "truck", "car", "taxi", "bus". I tink we teach him Chinese at a young age is quite good. Teacher say his language advancement is good.

When i attended the 2 days trial at CC, i got a 'shock' bec i realise my boy is quite behind. His classmates can all self feed using spoon, and can drink water from cup le. After my boy attended CC for 2 days, he keep wanting to use spoon to eat lor. At times i will let him scoop some food while i feed him with those 'messy' food, just to retain his interest in eating.

Since yr gal is attending CC soon, she will also get to learn self feeding.
ya lor..tks ger..>Char can use a mug and drink water by herself..Just that for self feeding wise, still need to learn lor =)..

To date my boy will still make a mess when drinking from cup..

The apple i buy those small apple, peel the skin and use a corer to remove the seeds + stalk, then give to him to munch himself.
slowly lor =)..

my ger will choke herself with the apple cos she will bite too big a piece lor..til now hor, my mil still will steam half an apple and half a pear to be mixed into her cereal for bf lor..Then after dinner, normally i try to cut thin slices for her to eat...

My boy used to do tat especially when he see tat we r also eating the apple (sharing from a plate). He want to quickly eat. Then sometimes he purposely hide away some slices then ask for more apples, cos he scared we finish it all.

I dun steam fruits le. No time to steam also and not so nutritional as compared to fresh. Cereal we mix with raisins.

Maybe her attitude will improve when she start CC, cos i tink at home too spoilt, learn discipline better at CC. But u need to 'tahan' the crying part lor.
My girl is quite alright in terms of speech bcos of her cousins. She can sing quite a no. of songs already but skipped words here and there lah. Haha.
Dun worry too much about speech, they will pick up when they interact with other kids.

Maybe can let Char try feeding herself like wat Ellysia say? But have to be prepared that they make a mess or play with their food. Lil ZuEn does feed heraself at times too. But when she's not keen in food, she started scooping and transporting the food. End up with food everywhere. -.o"

My girl cannot recognise colours leh. Everything is red. She can parrot us but when asked what colour = red. Tried teaching her but still red. Hahaha.
Will try him again tmr. If still cannot, then half days for another 2 weeks. Maybe he is still not familise with the place. Haiz.

My boy same as ur gal lor. Play wif food after he don want. End up need to bath after meal cos hair, cloths all kanna.
Self feeding

I learn from the CC, they give food tat is sticky and easy to scoop for a kid. Then the spoon they give those 'chinese soup spoon' size, which is deeper than normal toddler spoon, so food won't fall out so easily.

Those food hard to scoop up, u can feed him in a separate bowl.

Anyway feifei, i tink its better for u to let char try it when she go CC. easier cos the CC can help u train, then not so messy.
Ya lor will try this method tonite lor..hiaz..

tks alot for ur advise..sticky food like porridge? wat else huh? Cos i tinking to train char at home first lor...try lor... cos her mummy dun wan to give up, still trying means and ways to get her to eat =).
sticky food - pumpkin or sweet potatoes porridge.

U can also guide her by scooping on the spoon then let her hold it and put in her mouth.

U can let her practice by scooping toys or objects from one cup/bowl to another bowl.

They be interested to try awhile then may get frustrated when unable to scoop initially.

Sometimes i put some vegs like carrot, peas on the plate, for him to feed himself, while i try to shove other food like broccoli (harder to scoop), meat/rice.
Err, she knows how to scope food into her mouth wor, just that tink my mil scare she dirited herself so dun allow lor..
My last flight was abt 1 year ago wor..hehe. most recent is genting lor, last nov. ;)

My boy still does not self-feed, then again we have not really let him try for fear of the messiness. :p wah, ur boy vocab is quite good!

How abt fried rice? it can have crabstick, minced pork/chicken, carrots, peas, corn, egg. My boy likes it a lot. Then can mix with some soup if scared too dry.
Oh btw, I realized my boy is babbling a lot more after attending school so I really really hope that he will start talking soon. I see my 15 month-old niece cannot stop talking, super cute!

My boy also dunno how to eat apples and orange. He will suck the juice and spit out the flesh.

Yeah, I think may be u try half day then build up to full day. How long was he on half-day? Becos my boy was half-day then slowly increase to full-day. I am quite sure he’s not familiar with the place yet, he has not been there for very long has he? My impression is u just started right? I can understand it’s frustrating but unfortunately this adapting thing cannot rush one. I guess if after a while, u really feel that he cannot adapt and there’s ppl to look after him at home then consider putting him in when he’s older.
Also, dun give water or milk too soon before mealtime.

Can try to give si shen powder for better appetite.

Can give ikan bilis powder, red dates, mushroom when cooking, for taste.

I always have to do massive cleaning after his meal. Anyway dun let him feed himself, he will also dirty by throwing food or paste the food around his body. If he is ok with eating i will feed him. Only when he is bored then i let him self feed a bit (with my guidance), but if he still dun want then i let him try a bit.. then i go back to and fro lor.


He learnt quite a lot at home cos my hb read books to him daily, and new vocab when he go CC.

My boy has almost all molars i tink, so he is able to bite food, even meat also. He can manage apple with skin but we try to peel if possible.
He just started last week. U also think I'm too fast hor. My colleague start on 1 Mar and immediate full day lei. His is twins so I guess easier.
MOrning ladies..

Tks for the suggestion..Hiaz, I failed again yest...Cooked spagetti, added her faouvrite mushroom, sausage and pork balls but she din even wan to put into her mouth leh...Then end up she din eat anything for dinner, onli until 9pm we gave her 260ml of milk lor..hiaz...

I wan to look into her mouth in case she has uclers or wat but she doesn't allow me lor, keep struggling like a battle..hiaz...Other than eating hor, she is ok wor...haiz...But she is really stepping into terrible 2 stage liao, super laogei, end up yest let her cry for 30mins on her high chair with hb, me and my mil again from her sight, let her cry, then I walk over and ask her want to be good ger anot, good gers then can come down, naughty ger will sit there ...Then she say "want" lor..hiaz...
my ger will also be going for 1 day cc in april lor..but of cos the 1st few days I will bring her back earlier frm the cc..
Can your gal come down from high chair on her own? Mine like monkey lei. High chair no use, at least u can put her on it to discipline.

Yesterday, I purposely cut the fruits into cubes and put him on high chair to eat. He nvr eat but feed the dogs. I remove the bowl, he start crying.

I put him on a week half day but tried him on 3/4 days this week, cannot nap. yesterday,. while the rest is sleeping, he is playing wif water. As wat the rest suggest, will have to put him back to half day next week to let him familise.

Blk 674A Jurong west st 65 is starting a montessori class. Open house on 3 April from 10am to 1pm. Got enrichment pgm for pg. NOt sure good or not.
Cannot lor, she wants to standup then I said no-no, then she started all e fuss lor..

Hiaz..faintz hor..Does ur boy hv a "chouchou"?If yes, i tink it will help him to get to sleep wor..

So good hor, Jurong is having more and more good schs liao...hiaz...How I wish SK has more new schs...hiaz..
I think it is a growing phase wor.
How about bfast and lunch? At least she's taking her milk.

My girl does that too. She doesnt feed teh dog, but will move the food from one place to another and in the process spill everywhere. Stop her and she gets angry. -.o"
SIgh, I cannnot imagine my next 1 yr of madness from my gal. Urgh. I cannot tahan her n sent her off to my ILs. Although have to deal with their nonsense, but I went for my TCM tuina yesterday n so shoik, 1 day of peace. I'm gonna brave the private sale after this. Hahaha....

I also dunno how to identify. I only just realized my gal has level up her mastery of pissing me off with new nonsense. My patience is wearing out...

My gal also like to tell me she poo or pee, den go n take her changing mat, her wipes n attempt to take off her diaper. Everyone said this is the sign tt they are ready to be toilet trained but I'm too lazy to do it liao. Shall leave it to her CC next time.

Lately my gal gets alot of time-out from me. Refusal to sleep, mess up e place, purposely feed e floor n table with her food n tell me "See, Dirty!" or smear the desitin all over her face and tell me "mei mei". Urgh!!!! I already tried, but I really ran out of patience liao...

I agree they might be bored cos it's been awhile since I got her learning materials. Her current ones she mastered liao so no challenge to her anymore. I feel so poor...

My gal can also self feed now. But must sit beside her. 2 days ago I only turn n take a glass of water to drink, n 3 scoops of porridge on e floor liao. She attempting to take her soft toys n feed them somemore. Faint!

For drinking from mug, how my mum trained her is give her those cups from those tonic wines. Those really small cups. And after awhile suddenly 1 day she just too a cup n drink n no spills. Surprising for me...

U can add in potato, or thicken e porridge by putting less water n abit of oil. Sometimes i'll stir in an egg to thicken e porridge also. My mum's method of thickening porridge is to stir in 1-2 tablespoon of oats.
Tis morn teacher says ah boy is learning to be more focused. But he still like to roam around and attention span is short as compared to his classmates. So the teacher has to do activities he like to attract his interest. But he is learning to be more disciplined i tink.

I put sweet potato to thicken porridge.


I also tink he is ready but we also lazy, never toilet train. But since his CC is only half day, i doubt the CC has enuff time to train.
My boy don have chou chou. Any booster will do.

My boy doing the shifting from 1 plate to another recently. This afternoon, we put fried rice inside his mouth, he take them out and put on the small sauce plate. The shifting here n there using spoon. Only eat those drop on the table. So paiseh. Faster finish the meal and run.

Bought another new set of fork, spoon and plate at taka bb fare. Hope he can learn to use.

Anyone start teaching chopstick?

Water bottle
What bottle do u use? Which type is best for their age? His current water bottle spoil cos the opening button came off and MIA. So far, anyone saw water bottle cover for sales?
Back frm sales, baby fair n movie! My legs... This time round baby fair lousy lah, I was planning to get the cutting toys from kidzloft but they nv bring in.

Thicken the porridge so easier to let her self-feed n faster also. Haha... I lazy n impatient, so which ever easier way, I'm in for it.

I think half day also can teach. Cos eventually they see their friend doing it they also want to be toilet trained.

My gal oso dun hav any partners in bed. I tried giving her bloaster but she'll play n throw away. Always sleeping in a "DA ZI" position.

U power leh, so fast start on chopstick liao?

My gal have lotsa bottles. Mag Mug, Munchkin straw cup, Nuby straw cup. Dun ask me why I have so many cups for her. Cos her cups always goes missing, n after we got a new one, its either found at someone's home or my hb's car. But my fav is Nuby straw cup.
I bought those bowl with suction bottom and it works better when we let her eat outside with the bowl. The bowl doesnt move so less accident and she cannot take the bowl and attempt the pour the content into her mouth/ face. ;p
Chopstick?? No lah. She spoon oso cannot hold properly, fork cannot even poke into small pcs of food at times.

My girl no longer slps "da zi", she sleeps horizonally across the bed. Her shui xiang is terrible. Haha.
I bought the pigeon training to eat fork and spoon set for my boy. For a start, I will cut some food that children definitely like to eat one lah, like french fries into pieces, put them in the bowl and give him the fork...den i ate in front of him by spearing them with my fork and acting like its darn delicious lidat...he was motivated to try spearing himself and den putting into his mouth....
He still can't feed himself porridge, rice etc, but at least i can now cut up fish balls, meat, eggs, bread put them into his bowl and he eats with us by himself.
Haha, my gal's sleeping position oso very horrible. N she flips her top n reveal her tummy somemore.

I'm also using the suction bowl. I love the Boon Suction bowl, very easy to use.

friday when i go IL house to pick up my boy as usual, had a quarrel with fil and sil. cos my fil give bak kua to my boy, then i say "dun give too much to him", then my fil flare up n say he only give a small piece. i said bak kua is heaty and he just recovered from his cough. then my sil start to shout at me. i didn't want to respond to my sil bec i know it will cause no end.

So i quickly took my boy out of the house, didn't even say goodbye and slam the main door out.

fil say me i chin chai since he is elder, but i cannot tolerate sil no manners to me. afterall i am da sao. everytime i greet her she ored like bu hui me, i ored tolerate then tis time she shout at me i cannot tolerate.

i tink apparently my IL family misunderstand me as accusing them for not doing a good job in taking care of ah boy, even when i say passing remarks they also misread it, and i not good with expressing myself sometimes.

i tink i dun feel like eating there ored.. tinking to let hb pick up ah boy alone..haiz.
