(2008/06) June 2008

Tinkerbelle (kelcqi),
No prob.

vitacost spree 5 is not here yet,
reaching this week.

Luckyvitamin 11 just reached this morning,
will work out shipping cost later,
thread is here;

I go maguang for tuina. But I;m taking the course next week. So after the package, might stop and do it myself if I master the skill.
I on TBF now but start her on cereal today. She don seem to like it cos not sweet. Last week MIL start her with my son's one and she love it cos it is sweet.
I joining the excurssion tmr. LEt him try the outing wif other children since I already on 2 days leave.u coming?
I go ann clinic too but find it rather far. If JP have, will be more convenient. If hb not in, means no car need to take cab or bus.

the childlife is in liquid or gummy? I'm keen in gummy. More fun for them to take.,

The pd found it weird cos at his age should stop a few stuff but he is still doing. Ya, terrible 2 is coming and it will be a night mare. Now already a bit tabulei tahan liao.

Normally doc will give the white panadol. Normal to fall sick during 1st semester.
tks for the applications =)... Me downloadede the free ones to try out first..hehe...Me still figuring if there is any videos or cartoon i can donwload for char lor...

must take care hor... hows e trip?Little zuen enjoy?

I tink gummy is 2 yrs and above? better check. childlife can take from infant, liquid form.


u can take cordyceps, in capule form from EYS. Costly but good for boosting immunity.

My boy have been coughing for nearly 1 mth too. I just bot some tonic soup igredients from ZTP, for reducing phlegm. Hope it will help.

At home we speak to our boy in Chinese, but he learn some English words. So he more sticky to the chinese teacher (who is from mainland china) during the 1st 2 days, but later he is also ok with his form teacher who tok in English.

I only saw 1 mainland china teacher who suppose to teach Chinese for all levels (she rotate around). The rest r all singaporeans i tink. The cook is malaysian.
<font color="aa00aa">Leng Leng,
I afraid will hv custom clearance prob coz no label leh. Wait the officer tot i'm smuggling some drugs. hehe..
Thinking to bring small tin but i afraid will be bit messy if travelling around. Tats why thinking to get the sachet type, easier.

Do take care. Panadol is ok. When i'm fever during bfing last time, i oso took panadol. Btw, u shld avoid cold drink coz it'll irritate ur throat more. I'm hvin sore throat for the past 2 weeks. Saw 3 doctors, even vomit when took some of the medicine. Now taking chinese medicine.

If i remember correctly, the EYS cordyceps pill will hv 20% disc in the mth of Apr.</font>
Zu En

Panadol is ok during pregnancy, I ever ask my gynae before.


I get heaty when i took, so i dun take v often. So dun need another bottle so soon yet.
My boy started his cc today. Cry immediately when the teacher carry him. cried for at least 30mins then the assist teacher which is assign to him for the first 2 days took him out for a walk. Later go back cc cry till vomit and they bath him.

If this cont., I will faint lor.

But gg back time, he can say bye to the teacher. Got some jie jie talk to him at the shoes area.

tmr gg botanic garden. they should have told me earlier that they are having excurssion this week then I will start him next week. haiz..
Hi girls,
Back at work. The fever is gone. Hehe.
Now just waiting for the sore eye and throat to go away.
No fever can liao, I was so handicapped by the fever.

Roxy, Connie,
I went down to the Center of New Life Church on Monday and saw their classes. Their classes just started this year but their pre-nursery and nursery clsses are filled this year. The environment is nice, air con and spacious classroom and also big open space for outdoor activities. Compared with Jurong Christian Church, it is much nearer to my home. So I guessed I will be signing Lil ZuEn up with the church. Hehe.
okie..will go read lor..hehe..hows she doing?

Class was great lor..but not many students mayb due to CNY lor..Teacher nora was telling us if we sign up fo rnext term, hv 10% discount lor..But we are not that keen cos of the plc they arel ocated lor..Oh yes, this sat u bringing ur ger there? Has told me she will bring those small balls along, cos char love those balls so i asked her if its for sales..hee.

Har, tmr is excursion ored? then u have to stop tmr and bring him back on fri lor, disruptive hor.

Anyway its norm for them to cry.. my boy cry for 3 weeks lor. drop off will cry for 10mins or so. Then i tink halfway sometimes during lesson will cry too, usually when he is tired and bec he is used to getting his way through crying. My colleague told me need 1 month of 'crying' to get used to it.

Oh ya did u use the method Tera suggest? To tell them at mama will pick him up after class? I used tat after reading Tera posting n i tink is useful leh.

But over time he learning a lot new things at CC. Then during the cny session, he will put his hands together and say 'gong xi gong xi'.. v cute lor.
Lil ZuEn is fine. Enjoyed herself so much in Disneyland, really a nice place for kids. I think I iwll be happy too if I am a kid. Lol!
She never cry in PG bcos the PG allows my mum to sit in throughout! My mum did that, 3 days including today. I actually asked her to try to escape but my mum prefers not to, worried that Lil ZuEn will start rejecting school if she leaves her alone too soon.
I waited for her on the 1st day, she came out and I greeted her. The 2nd day, she came out looking for mummy but I wasnt there. Kids ah, so damn smart now. Haha.
Hi mommies,

If interested, pl PM me.

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
Huggies Pull-up - $14.50
Huggies Dry/comfort - $15.00
Collection at Punggol.
Zu En

accompany throughout u can't see the reaction when she attending alone one..

I tink its better to slowly let-go.. if got time the best is to disappear few hrs, then stretch it longer for another day, etc.. progressively. i read in mag tis is the best, but provided got a few days can accompany.
leng2, eve and ellysia,
thanks for the recommendation. will check them out.

can your boy join in the excursion? its common for them to cry a lot during first few days. my boy also cried a lot then. hang in there! once he gets into a routine and used to the teachers, it should get better.

u can try to go youtube to download those cartoons.

welcome back and take good care! ;)
go dl the w.tv app. that one can download shows... i always download movies and watch... not sure about kiddy shows though.

another way wld be to download from youtube like wat tera suggested...
cry for 1 mth. I siao lor. Better don let hb or mil go , else will ask me to withdraw. then another "zhe er" story......

Today excursion, he kept wanting to carry. Not socialise yet. When walking back to the counter to wait for the bus, I let him hold 1 of the jie jie's hand since I holding her hand. Jie jie v coorperative, hold tight tight then my son no choice but to walk with jie jie. finally I can relax but already carry him for 1 hr plus. Almost drop off.

After the excurssion, I'm super tired and he is v energetic at home. tabulei tahan.

Tmr need to work, will have to ask maid to send her after 915am since nursery and kindergarten group is gg excurssion tmr. Today, once I step into the cc, he start to cry. Since it is excursion day, thus a bit messy inside as well. End up, I carry him stand outside.

How much is the fee at new life church?
If I rem correctly, it is $220 per month.
I registered Lil ZuEn liao. Paid $50 registration fees.
Oh, not cheap lor.

Fitti PRemium - Jurong
I will be ordering the fitti 360 from them directly. Anyone want to tag along?
AFter using, I find it is softer than mammy poko and I personnally felt they are similiar but subject to individual mummies preference.

For convenience, whoever is interested can call/email them at:
For product and samples enquiries
Tel no. : 6861 9155

[email protected]

Name :
Address :
Baby's Name :
Baby's DOB :
Contact No. :
Email :
Order : NB52's / S48's / M44's / L38's / XL34's
(6 PACKS /CTN) :

NB size is up to 5kg
S size is 3 - 7 kg
M size is 5 - 11kg
L size is 10 - 14kg
XL size is over 13kg

For mixing is 3 packs by 3 packs per carton, no more or less.
Payment is on cash on delivery, we will call 1 day before delivery to
arrange timing.
a.. Delivery will take 3 to 4 working days.
b.. Minimum order of 2 cartons.
c.. Limited to 3 cartons per customer.
d.. Please note there will be no refund or exchange.
e.. Price is $66 from NB - XL sizes per carton.
f.. Promotion last till 15th March 2010.
g.. Delivery available on the weekdays only.

Ya 1st week he cried v jiat lat, face red and struggle like mad. First day drop him off, my hb v heartbreak then cos he on leave, he secretly peek at my boy during lessons to ensure he is ok. 2nd week is better but still cried v loud, when we reach downstairs at car can hear his crying. Then he fall sick so take mc 2 days. 3rd week due to the CNY season + his 2 days MC, he had a short week but still cry though shorter duration, when reach car no hear his crying liao. 4th week suddenly stop and now can smile and volunteer to let teacher hold.

I tink cos 1st n 2nd week he doesn't like the K1 teacher and he is not used to assembling downstairs before lessons. Plus we drop him off v early and he is used to having a morn nap. So when his frens r playing n activities, he is napping lor. Then when he nap he want the teacher to hold him. So the school has to get another teacher to help.

Then cos my boy is v used to 1:1 attention at home, he can't mix well with his classmates yet, not used to discipline etc. Somemore dunno how to self-feed etc etc.. then inital 3 weeks he doesn't want other classmates to sit on teacher's lap, he stick to the teacher like glue lor.

Teacher say he is getting better and can play on his own but still occasionally cry out of no reason during class, but is only awhile. I tink he is either homesick or he wants attention lor.

Youtube has cartoons. My boy sometimes watch chuggington, mickey playhouse, pooh bear etc on my hb's iphone, through youtube.
He is better today according to the teacher. The maid took him there n he start crying when the teacher take his temperature.

At 1015am, I go peep again. Think he saw me n started to cry again. then on/off.

TEacher say that he is able to play wif peers for a while but stick to one of the teacher.

fetch him at 1215pm, he cry when he saw me.
Wear his shoe n I can hear him say in chinese "I go home, bye". Not sure am I hearing wrongly or not. Then he bye to his peers that are standing at the doorstep.
Feifei, Buttercup, Eve, ZuEn, Feiling

juz a quick ques b4 i go off for my lesson.

How ah? R u mommies goin to continue the lessons at Tots?

Think a few of us have to give Has the ans tmr rite?

Anyone interested in trial lesson at Kindermusik - Our Time? I targetin the slot at 1.30-2.30pm, tanglin mall, sat. But not sure if can juz slot in for the classes like the Tots.... hmmm..... anyone have other suggestion??
Morning ladies..

Nope, dun tink i wan to conti with Has liao le..I still hv 3 more lessons to go lor..

Kindermusik huh? Is the teacher Shauna cos i find her the best =)...hehe.. I dun tink they can just slot in classes like that cos they onli hv 2 classrooms so hor, quite limited as they already hv classes going on now..This teacher shauna bery popular one, char was with her for 2 terms... mayb u can call them to ask lor...
Hi girls..

I am not continuing. I quite like the class, but we are doing almost the same thing in class every week. I dun really like kindermusik, been to 2 trial classes before but no +ve feeling leh.
Is there any other enrichment classes that you all are looking at? It is so fun gg to class together. Hehe.

I am fine le. Just finished all my antibiotics yday. Strangely, the fever seems to leave suddenly then all the other pains disappeared quickly. Hehe.

My mum is still in the PG with my girl for 2 solid hours. I did ask my mum to "escape", but she dun want, I oso cannot force her. She rather take a longer time to help me girl get used to the environment than to start making her cry and hate school.
Mayb can try zoophnics?

Great...take care ya..

Charlotte has been rejecting food since last wk..even her favourite fruits like pear, egg, strawberries also dun want leh...Then for dinner, normally she takes half bowl of rice, now she just spits out everyting..how huh? Or could it be she sick of fd liao? I bot marcaroni yest so intend to make for her this wkend..hiaz..
Hello mummies,

Not sure still remember me or not.. ages I last log in.. busy with my 2 gals that I could hardly even log in during the day but only the night...
Slient reader again haha.

Seem that alot mummies send their kids to CC leh. THey should be in PG.

I just send Nicole to PG too. This week is the 1st week, 5th day. Horrible I can say. 1st day I was there with her for 1/2 day before I left for lunch and after that fetch her. She still ok, no night terror and slept early till morning.

2nd day, night mare started. Principal don allow me to continue stay as all other parents do that so in order not to affect the kids.. so I can only hang outside. She nap awhile and on off crying... Night terror begins. Crying at home for nothing, clingy to me more and wake up 3X crying.

This continues till 3rd day.

Yesterday, 4th day still not so bad. She saw familiar face BUT still cry when I leave her.. But nap better at school. On off will cry bit and stick to 1 teacher. Poor teacher, go pee also cannot.. nic will keep cry if cant find e teacher! So paisay..

Today drop her again. She start rejecting wearing her school uniform since yesterday. Reach the school and started to cry. She cry, her jiejie will cry with her too! Headache. Jiejie still alright as she been to CC long time ago... Again, I hard hearted bit and faster drop faster go...

Just wanna ask.. how mummies feel about this? Are they really too young to go full day CC? Like this will make them hate the school?
Who's kid had been CC for sometime and stopped crying leh?

I am very sian lo... why i send them as I wanted to return to work force. Now is nicole need to settle in before I can continue my searching... been SAHM 3yrs plus and so tiring...

Hb was saying if the night terrors doesnt goes for the next 2weeks... gotta do other planning leh. E cries makes everyone in the household so tiring....

Sorry for my long.. nags... just kinda worried and wanted to see how mummies kid doing in school too...
Feifei, Buttercup, Eve, ZuEn, Poky,
I am still thinking to continue the lesson at Tots with Has or not? I may continue one more term. Coz Cedrik seem like enjoy the class too. Tomorrow is his last lesson already.

I am also going to start my son at CC soon. Also quite worry can he survive at CC or not? Hope everything go smoothly......
Feifei, ZuEn,
hmm... i tried once at kindermusik... cant remember much cos too long ago. haha...

I not really interested in continuin the lesson either. can understand the need to repeititive, but then i prefer something more to aid my gal in balancing her movements... but have not found another to replace leh... If stop the lesson after this term, then she got no chance to mix with other kids. Plus, it more fun to attend classes when we know most mommies also... ahaha

mayb if cant find suitable class, then take a break n bring her regularly to swimmin,, back to conquering xuan's fear of water.... hmmm.....

Congrats on ur preggy! Take good care of urself wor!!

remember the bubble bath u gave me to try? Sad ah.. xuan like to play.. but she refuse to sit in the water,, (lower than her lap level).. so all the 30mins in playin with the bubbles, she was standin up... machiam like kena fa zhan...... -_-"
then u b the same as buttercup, cos i think her is also the last lesson. =) i will b a wk later..

ya, can c that cedrik enjoys the lesson. =) think xuan enjoys also... but "i gettin bored" with the programme. lolx....

Tera's boy has adapted to CC liao i tink.
My boy just attended CC beg of Feb and after 3 weeks, stop crying in the morning drop off time. but according to teacher he still cry at times during lesson but not throughout. Teacher say if at home is 1:1 attention will take longer time to adapt, slower to mix with other kids and tend to clingy to teacher one.

1st and 2nd week teacher has to pull him off from me. He will cling to me v tight when he see the school. Then progress to let teacher take over w/o crying, then he choose to lean over for carry, then he smile at teacher etc lor.

Tis morn i can put him down (no need to pass directly to teacher), then teacher put on the music and he was dancing. There is 1 night when he try to carry his own school bag and walk to the gate at my MIL house, haa.. v cute.

Is it terrible two starting?
Or going to get sick?
or maybe just mood..


Tats good.. it take time to slowly adapt.

I read in young parents magazine. Tots are v used to home n the rules, then when they go to CC they have to learn another set of rules, more skills etc, they will feel pressure. So naturally will cry for some weeks. I read tat if still cry after 1 month then need to re-consider.
It look like most of you are not continue with the lesson.

We also brought Cedrik to play water at public swimming pool. He likes it very much. Whenever time to go home. He will cry very loud coz he want to stay longer there. so paisey!!!
Balancing movement? Then I guessed you are looking at play gym? I had tots about joining The Little Gym leh, there is one at Marina Square. Anybody keen? We can go trial together. Hehe. They probably do lots of jumping and climbing and duno what.
Standing in her bath tub? Not cold ah? Lil ZuEn has a new habit recently. She likes to squat in her mini tub and simple refused to sit. Duno why.

I tot phases wor. They will reject food, then suddenly eat alot also.
my boy ate a lot today but yst not eating much. leadache. very unpredictable lor.
Today willingly eat blue berries, yst refuse to try.

thinking of trying him for a mth but if he cont. to cry like mad, will have to find alternatives.
Hope he will like the cc.
hmm...no choice lor, hv to let them learn lor, i also worried abt char adapting in the cc but hv to let them learn lor...

i tikn could be teething also wor..

if like that hor, mayb bath her standing up, then hv a small pail let her play bubble lor..hee

I went for the marina Square play gym for trial before, err, really alot of obstacles for the kids lor..there are music and bubbles too..Hmm. I think its not suitable for charlotte cos alot of obstacles she dun dare to try...haiz...
Hi, I am selling 2 adult tickets for Disney on Ice presents A Disneyland Adventure. Able to bring in child for free below 2 years old.

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010
Time: 7pm
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Original price I paid: $52.95 per ticket (Early Bird Price) x 2 = $105.90
Selling: $95 for 2 tickets

Very good seats as I booked way early:
Block A02 Row 6 Seats 12 &amp; 13

Reason for selling: I will be bringing my girl to HK Disneyland from 8 Mar to 11 Mar so no point seeing Disney on Ice in Singapore again.

Pls pm me f you or any of your friends are interested.
Congrats Zuen
2nd time mummy yeah! Welcome to our 2 children club.

Really if cry for 1 month should re-consider? OMG... actually my #1 she cried at the door for 1-2mths on off before she start saying bye to me... But after I drop her and went off she will auto "close her tap" no tears!

Now worries about Nicole lo.. she is v clingy. She just fall sick on fri, vomitted 3x at night and run high fever. After that yday diarrhoea! Now spread to #1. #1 vomited 4X just now! Damn... they just started 1 week and spread virus to each other. Jiejie used to be v strong and this round so weak.. all the stupig vitamins not working man...

Only 1st week feeling so pek chek and wanted to give up the thhoughts of going back work and continue to be SAHM... but still think of Finanically long run.... eerrggghh....

TOmorrow gotta bring both to doctor again. They gonna miss school. Nicole dunno what will happen in school if gap too long. Jiejie still can talk to her.. she love school now.

Guess nobody like to put in CC if really no choice. If you got a choice of sending to those 2-3hrs programm will be better... Like PCF, certain centre accept Yr 2008 for next year Pre-N 2 hrly class. Maybe you can try to find out more..
For me is no choice if i wanted to go back work. MIL unable to help me as she is looking after BIL grandson ( 3mths old)... my mum also working cannot help...
Thanks Cynthia.

Re: CC
What is the ratio of teacher to students in CC huh? The PG that I sent my girl, it is 1:8. Actually, if I dun see, I wun feel so bad, when I see the class on-going, they are really short-handed. Maybe bcos the kids are all about 22 months. Now, some caregivers are still allowed to sit in full-time (including my mum). But they are a great source of help too. I think the 2 teachers will go crazy of the caregivers are not there to help. -.o" It makes me wonder if there is really a need to send our kids to PG/ CC so early. We didnt go to school until K1 too wat. But times are different lah.

Morning ladies..

The Cc which charlotte will be attending is 1:8 also lor....true lor, but hor, if we dun send them to PG or CC, then i feel given this society now, there is a need for "enrichment" classes lor..Even though not necessary that must send them to learn alot of things, even like Positive tots or kindermusik kind is good enuff wor =)...Just my tots lor =)..

Shauna eyes are really big and long eye lashes cos last sat i was looking and "admiring" her lor..hehe..

I was so worried for u during e class cos need to swing our bbs and do the zoom zoom leh...
