(2008/06) June 2008

water bottle

previously use pigeon but always leak after awhile. school he use tommie tipee. at home sill pigeon or thomas the train bottle. mil house use the yellow penquin. i also have many brands cos always cannot find, misplaced by ah boy lor.


*Hugs* Don't worry too much about your ILs lah. If u think it's too much for u to handle, maybe just avoid them for awhile to let yourself cool down before dealing with them.

For me, I can avoid my ILs, I'll avoid them at all cost because my FIL is a hypocrite. Alot of times he had meanings behind his words. And sometimes if I am alone with him, he can say nasty stuff and when I told my hb about it, he'll deny it and turn around and make it sound like I am sowing discord. So to keep myself safe, I try to avoid them at all cost.

Lately my MIL did something very sickening to my gal. When we were outside, my gal said "nei nei" and thinking that she wanted her milk, I told her no milk now cos your bottle is in the car. And to my horror, my MIL bent down and pulled open her blouse n tell my gal to look inside at her breast and said "nei nei here, see, nei nei"

I was so shocked and told her not to do such things to my gal, and FIL took her side and said that I'm creating a big deal out of such a small matter. And I found out tt my gal had been sitting outside the bathroom watching my MIL bath. Their so called reason of teaching my gal body parts and they are keeping an eye on my gal even when they are bathing.

I'm so upset. And later FIL even said things like they had been very attentive to my gal already etc, saying things with sarcasitic stuff like my gal will become an idiot cos I'm nt attentive and let her fall down etc. Sigh. ILs problems seems endless one...

Ya lor.. And i tot all along it seems ok bec' they didn't feedback anything.

Its hard for me to avoid because my boy stay at IL house in the afternoon after childcare, so usually we will have dinner at IL house then pick him up and go home. So i am considering i eat myself outside then either meet my hb downstairs or just go in and pick up ah boy then go liao.

Friday i cry to my hb said i feel like not welcomed from his family, from the friday episode. I now scared tat i say anyting also can be mis interpret into any other meaning. Then if i see anyting concerning my boy i will also voice out wat.. how to not say if really feel not right. So i tot i dun go and see is better.

Yr MIL also quite 'er xin' hor.. even open her blouse to let yr gal see.
Cos i latch my boy, so sometimes he will also point at my breast n say 'nei nei'.. quite embarrasing one.
R u still latching ur gal now?

How does thomas training bottle look like? GOt to buy water bottles for him liao since his spoiled. Seem like thomas don sell replacement parts. haiz. Now temp using back the mag mag.

Didn't know start chopstick training at kindergarden or P1. Lucky nvr buy the training pairs.

My boy is down wif diahhorea. Vomited on Sat morn so nvr go LNT. Sunday become my turn. Doc say my son spread to me. CAn diahhorea spread? The doc is young and when I told her I'm bf, she take out the books and start searching can I take the medicine.
Mattel sales is here again at Lok Yang...I haven got the chance to go there yet but heard from my fren that there are some good deals like the mickey mouse HP cost $10, tigger at $3 but not the bouncing ones etc..

Yes, diarreoa can spread. Remember to wash your hands clean after u change his diapers.

Yes i am still latching my boy at home, and pumping in office.
Hello Mummies!
hv given birth to my 2nd one on 27th jan...heee..been very bz handling both whiny toddler and colicky infant :p..phew...

my elder one has been sick since cny..got any recommendations for supplements for immunity or increase appetide? oredi so skinny..
Powerful lei. Means ur supply nvr drop since day 1 till now? How many times did u pump per day? I thinking of reducing to 3 pump since my gal already started on solid this mth. no latching at all .

Originally is 5 pumps per day. manage to drop to 4. NOw thinking of 3 but yet to plan the timing. Thinking of pumping at home only but stay in office time is too long, will get engorge. still not sure what should I do lor.
Zryz Mummy
Congrate. I send my son to tuina hopes to improve his health. He is skinny too. Now only 11kg. Most of the Vit at pharamacy is meant for 24 mths and above thus u might want to start giving supplements after 24 months.

The tuina physician ask me to cook his porridge using fish bone or pork bone for calcium and feed him in the morning. So far, can see he is
eating more now.

Meanwhile, I tried to buy more fruits to let him try since fruits got Vit C. But he v choosy.
Yaloh, found her very "Er Xin". Sigh, so fed up. Now my gal picks up e word "nei nei" and sometimes pt my breast to me in e public. ALl thanks to my MIL... URGH.

U power leh! I stop bfing 1 yr ago. Sometimes I miss latching my gal. But I hate e engorged feeling.

Do u mean stomach flu? Stomach flu is contagious.

Do take care of urself n ur boy. Drink lotsa water n u can take probiotics or yakult. Supposed to help.

COngrates to your newborn!

U can give Si Shen powder to increase appetite. But I think it all depends on individual. Doesnt seem to work on my gal although many claimed tt it works.

Supply got drop, especially since i stop night feed from 9mths old. Now reduce to 200-300ml during day time pump. Althogether he only have 3 milk feed (2 bottle and 1 latch) per day.

I used to be able to pump 1000ml during office hours when i came back from maternity he is 2.5mths old. Then drop and drop through out lor, now only 200-300ml nia.

Recently i took fenugreek then I got LS due to side effect so i stop, then i took the sacred nursing tea to boost. But i tink my boy is getting less and less interested, maybe he is getting to self-wean soon.

I all along pump 3 times in office hours nia. We got latctation room but each session is limited to 45mins including washing etc.
tink they got advertise on the papers end of last wk lor.. My fren went there bot a couple of things liao..Sometimes they are slow in replenishing stocks lor..
Congrats Zry! Rest more while you can ok.. I know esp with active toddler and getting attention from you too. Try get involve ur kid with the bb. This helps. I used to get my #1 to help with #2 like getting diapers, bb wets, handkerchief!

I MIAing... again..
Horry for me lo. From last thurs till now, lil nicole always cry at night and this is night terror. Even till last night. Consecutive for 5nights leh. Affecting everyone. Cannot take her. Hug kiss her more also no use. All the attention to her and neglected jiejie liao. HB say if contd like this, till beginning april, maybe gotta just withdraw her from CC and plan others.... === meaning no more working for me after waiting for so long...

She is ok in school. Eat sleep perfectly ok. But just don understand why lo. Tomorrow going to start the school bus for the gals. Jiejie I not so worried as she is looking forward. I very freak out when lil nicole start bursting.. so paisay..

Where you go for tuina? I am looking for one too. Its good to take a break without the Terribles' hehehe..

Now i m using my late morning as my cat napping becos of lil nic problem.. hoping it will goes away...

Wow jurong getting better... too bad last year i shifted out from there BUT i still prefer jurong after staying there for 30yrs!
thks! can share where you send your son for tuina? if not convinient to share the info here, can email me pls?
[email protected]

thks! do you add anything to the si shen powder? i've tried that before when she was much younger, but she doesnt like it as its quite tasteless..

here's a pic of my son when he's full mth

Maybe she is teething or due to other reason? If she is ok at CC, maybe she cry at night not bec of CC.
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
Not sure leh... usually teething she is ok wont cry like this at night. Before she attend CC, the most wake up for 1X and ask for water..

Can only wait and see how it goes... torturing.. worse than newborn stage
I sending him to ma guang bb tuina. not sure do they have it in every branch. Mine is JW but I stopping it after this course as I took up a short course on bb tuina so plan to do it myself.

WOw, u pump 3 x in office, ur boss will complaint or not? Now my boss lend me a small room to pump since no lactation room. I tried to restrict the timing to 20mins.

I only pump once in the office, not sure can tahan if whole morning don pump. That will be 12 hrs. At nite, ur boy latch once only and u did not pump, Will u get engorge?

200-300ml + 1 latch, very good lor. Should be sufficient for ur son daily intake. My son reduce to 3 bottles per day after attending CC. PReviously was 5-6 bottles.

Yu ran seng got sell Boa ying dan. U can buy and try. They state for bb crying at nite too.
Maybe due to change of environment ba. My boy cry a bit at nite after he attend CC. 2nd week is better liao.
Sun see a general doc and the medicine total gone case. Diarrheo still as bad and even worsen. Today go see a pd, now better. At least not seeing a pond of water during his last poo.

Pd say most likely is e virus kanna from cc. Tonight hope he is better and sleep well. I was almost half dead with the diarrheo and yet he can still be so energetic. tabulei tahan lor. With his energy, I hardly can take any rest.
I heard that the Mattel sales only first day is of good deals, after that left lousy ones. True or nt? Cos if I hav to travel to Jurong to e sales n ended up lousy stuff, sure kanna jia liat jia liat from my hb one. He'll complaint I waste his petrol.

I went to Yu Guo for my TuiNa.

Address: Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture & Physiotherapy
#01-04, Kingston Terrace 8-B, Jalan Masjid, SIngapore 418929
Tel: 6447 4761
Close on Wed.

I paid $60 plus for seeing the doc + Tuina + Medication. It feels really gd after the Tuina. At least I sleep better cos they really help me to relax my muscles n correct my bone structure. And somehow after the tuina, my running nose stopped. Dunno why also.

Probably bringing my gal to see them on Thurs cos her running nose never seem to stop.

ZRY mummy,
Your boy looks like my friend's son! Very cute. My friend's son look very korean nowadays at 19 mths.

I bot the Eu Yan Seng Si Shen powder n add a bit to my gal's milk feed. Becos it's tasteless, easier to get her to swallow it down.

CC very easy to catch virus one. Last time I worked in CC as a teacher, every mth see the GP until he see my face and tell me, you again! Haha...

Maybe u wanna give ur child some supplement to boost his immunity?

My gal is taking Rutefene for her runs. Got it from her PD after the GP medication failed. I find it so much better than Lacta Fort given by GP. Which medication is your boy taking?

Try to wash ur boy's butt instead of using wipes. I realized tt wipes cause my gal to hav diaper rash whenever she have diahorroea.

U try to rest more wor. Must be tough on u to handle a sick child while yourself is still sick.

I have a colleague who has pump in office for her 3 kids, each kid beyond 18 months and her last one she pump until 2 yrs plus.
Other colleagues pump until 1 year old generally.

Sometimes if work is busy i pump during lunch time to avoid disruption of work.
I have ored explain to my boss is bec my boy is allergic to formula so waiting for him to outgrow. His allergy specialist recommend tat i can stop at 2yrs old, but once i stop and he cannot take formula yet then the specialist need to recommend alternatives like supplements etc lor.

Anyway recently i tink my boy seems like want to wean, he getting less interested in BM leh, even EBM.
We washed his butt since from 4 months onwards. Can save the wipes cost. Very x lor. Eventhough we washed, his butt still red cos poo too many times and he does not tell us after poo so sometimes dry liao then we realise.

Now maid also kanna. Tmr still have to work, wonder how now..

Wat supplement u give? I check the phama and can I can only find 24 mths and above de.

I target to stop at 1yrs old but last round was unsuccessful. By the 7 mths only left with 1 pump which is about 100ml then concoincidently I pregnant at that pt so gynae wan me to stop since I kept feeling giddy.

This round hopes to pass 1 yrs but today supply v bad lor. Not sure is it due to diarrheoa and intake insufficient water.

If ur boy wan to wean off Bm, then how? can he take goat milk instead?
Wah, u power leh. I lazy I still use wipes, except when she LS or when there is a massive poo.

Ur boy keeps quiet about his poo while my gal everytime tell me she poo but check her n never. Then once I got so fed up with her telling me she poo at every half an hr, I refused to check her n who knows she really poo and I found out only 1 hr later when I smelt it from her. SO now guai guai learn my lesson n check her although its troublesome.

I haven start her on supplement cos my hb dun want her body to be dependent on supplement. But I'll start her on supplement when she goes CC. I think u can find out from Leng Leng which is suitable for ur boy cos I remember tt time she recommended one of the chewables to me.

Goat milk tried before ored, dun work. he develop hives within seconds. Soy milk haven't tried yet but specialist say won't work since the allergy test result show he is allergic to soy too. Will be going for a re-assessment probably end of this year, since his last test is Dec last year.

If he can't take formula and he want to wean off, then no milk for him lor..

My boy will complain tat his diaper is smelly if its too heavy or got poo poo. He will say 'chou chou' then remove his diapers. Got once he try to remove his diapers and pants at a shopping mall, cos the diapers too heavy due to his urine.

I tink u start supplements b4 she go CC, once go in sure get sick v fast so give before go in is better.
My boy's cough came back this week. It stop for few days last week then come back tis week, i tink due to eating of watermelon and playing at water fountain.

So i gonna remind my in-laws not to give him watermelon and cooling stuff again. Hope won't become another quarrel.
My girl also like that, especially right before bedtime. She will tug at her diaper non-stop and complaint poo-poo, but dun have. Then when she really poo poo, she keep quiet and sometimes dun let us change her diapers. Faint.

I also wash unless her poo poo is those dry, dry kind. I feel that washing is cleaner. If wipe, sometime clean liao but still got smell. Hoho.
Huh, in the shopping mall? Then how u guys handle?

Today bot my gal to waterplay at one of my friend's place and after I pulled her out from the pool of water and bathed her, after I bathed her, she ran out n went inside the water again. DUnno why she cannot take instructions one. The more I told her no, the more she likes to rebel against me.

Haha... I know wat u mean. Sometimes when my gal really poos, she don't tell us and continue her routines. But when she pees, she tell us she poo. -_-

I use J&J wipes. So when she poos, after cleaning smell nice nice.
Normally after washed, will apply cream to prevent rashes. He v prompt to that lor. Now change to california cream. The pd subscript destini to me but I still cont. with the california cream cos a bit "liang liang " after apply. If u have cuts, can also use it.

Nowsaday, he like to b naked. I tookoff his shirt after lunch yesterday, then he remove the balance. same as zuen's, he will remove pampers and short if pampers too heavy.

Got a few round, he remove his pampers after poo,not sure is it a sign to start toilet training. But when I noted he want to poo, already too late. CAn;t make it to the toilet.

Think CC is teaching them how to use tissue, he kept pulling the tissue and wipe mouth and throw. No tissue, go toilet for toilet roll. Now, all have to put high high till he cannot reach.
re: Maid Woes!
I am so angry with my maid. Yday, she was allowed to bring my girl to the corridor to play with neighbours' grandson. She actually allowed my neighbour to bring my girl downstairs! I told her a few times that she cannot bring my girl downstairs and must be given permission to bring my girl to the corridor.
Today worse, she brought my girl downstairs without permission and my girl fell while downstairs.
I duno if she dun understand me or she chose to disobey me. But I told herlast chance liao. Same thing happen again, I will send her back. -.o"
Morning ladies..

Was on leave yest..

hi ya..how are ur gers?

Ahyo, poor you...hmm...does ur madi understand english?

I see...I hv not been there yet so far onli heard got gd deals lor..hee
Hi ladies,
was bz past few days as my son was down with fever. Saw a few blisters on his lips and was worried that it was HFMD but it's not. Then these few days his gums are quite swollen and will bleed when we brush his teeth. Not sure if related to his fever but I'm bringing him to the dentist tmr. Hope it's nothing serious.

so ur boy doing ok on half day? Yah, I think the cc teaches on wiping mouth cos my boy does that too.

my son also very rebellious nowadays. Tell him dun touch he will purposely go and touch. Then if we dun give in to him, he will lie on the floor and cry. The worst was when he was sick and didn't go school. Whole day want to watch DVD.

wah, ur maid quite daring ah and of course disobedient. Hope she will not repeat again. But honestly I think the trust is gone.

thanks for the advice on selffeeding.
haha, I will also have to pretend that it's very delicious.
Zu En

I heard from my colleague tat some maid doesn't like the employer so they will purposely do bad things to make u send them back, then they can re-choose another employer.


We quickly carry him to baby room and put back the diapers + pants lor. No more spare diaper in my bag cos i use it when i change him after he play at water fountain. Luckily it happen v near to the baby room.

Whenever i want to get my boy out of the playing area, i need to repeat a few times tat we r leaving before i really took him away, then he will be more co-operative. If i took him away without any 'warning', he will protest strongly.
Yes, she is PHL. Read my blog for full story bah. Angry, angry, angry.

Ya lor, trust is gone. I will ban her from leaving home wuthout us now and I told her that this is the last chance and I will return her to the agency if she brings my girl out without permission again or generally if she disobey us. Will talk to her sternly again tonight. Other than this, I have no prob with her. Haiz..

Re: dentist
So young go dentist? How to make him open his mouth? My girl wun even open mouth for 2 secs for the doc. Lol!
This is his 2nd visit already. 1st visit like u said, he refused to open his mouth. But now bo bian leh, i want to make sure the bleeding gums is nothing serious and i think only a dentist can advise. Anyway, this dentist is specialised for kids so i think they shld have their ways lah, hopefully.

same, we will also tell our boy in advance what we are going to do. but sometimes still no use leh.

If no use then my hb will have to carry him away by force. For me i have no strength to carry by force, so i will just let him throw tantrum on the floor.

If he is asking for someting and he throw a tantrum then my hb will say he can't get it and we go off leh. If he just complain complain then my hb may still get it for him.

Which dentist u bring yr boy to?
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
Thanks, both gers so far so good, thou always got blue black either on hand or leg. hehe...
Now YuJie will always reply me 'No' when i speak english to her. Everything oso 'No'.

last weekend brought them to Lil O'zone at Orchid country club to play. They are so happy and YuJie loves the ball pit so much. But bit ex lor, coz an hour is $7 and i find not much thing to play.

u know i was still planning might get a maid by end of this year. Hearing ur story really make me no confident at all to get a good maid. This morning i even told hubby if get a maid might need to install webcam liao. No maid so 'fan', got maid oso 'fan'.</font>
same same, my hubby is usu the one to carry him by force if he dun get up.

i bring him to GPA dental at parkview square. i thnk they also have one at novena sq? the charges came up to around $37, quite reasonable i thought.
I got internew cameras at home and my maid knows that I am watching her. Thus, I have totally no idea why she chose to disobey our instructions this morning. We definitely will know if she leave the house. Haiz..
I will give her one more chance lor. Hb on night shift now, need her to help "tong" over this period. If want to cahnge maid, also must wait until hb comes back from night shift. -.o"
hihi mummies, long long no talk
been busy with my 2 girls and work

just read from your blog that u have camera installed in your house. Can ask you how much you paid for the camera? I have many problems with maid issues too...haiz
And a BIG Congrats for #2! Must try to rest as much as possible now, once #2 arrives...more tiring than only one...
The cameras are from D-Link. I got 3 or them, one of them can pan &amp; tile and it cost $398 (I think) and the only 2 cannot move de, cost $180 (I think). Only need to pay for the cameras, the online service is free but the installation is hell! D-Link has a contractor that helps customer do installation and it cost $100 per camcera installation! In teh end, I got my sis IT friend to help and I treated them to a good dinner at half the price. Still, problems will come now and then. Headache lah.
Anybody supervising your maid?
I am looking at the latest fotos sent by my boy CC and realise they have now increase to 7 kids, so its 2 teachers : 7 kids. I think the infant care kids have grown up so they put the 2 class together.
not sure is it due to diarrheo that my boy wake up at 2am n 6am for milk since Tue. Almost same time for consecutive 3 days. He actually had stop taking milk at middle of the nite for a few weeks already but now started again............
