(2008/06) June 2008

Ya lor. Even with the caregivers, I see some kids roaming aimelessly, some crying, so I can imagine it worse withput the caregivers. With a 1:8 ratio, it is impossible to give good attention to everybody. When there are more than 1 crying kid, somebody will have to be left to cry for while. -.o"
Dun worry, I realised that 2nd time mums always have it harder. So long as there are no pain, no spotting, all will be fine. Just that I feel tired and hungry during the class. Haha.

I do have helper at home eventhough I'm working but I choose CC cos my boy do nonthing much at home, only throw toys and disturb my gal. I need to work and my MIL kept complaining. My gal if insufficient sleep , worry she won't grow well.

Originally plan to put my boy in cc for 1-2 yrs till nursery. By then, he should be able to adapt to class environment but thinking otherwise today after talking to ROxy. Some nursery are fully book so if want to send to good one, might have to enroll earlier. CC is a good place to let them learn independent, socialise + playgroup. Some parents put bb in half day cc cos not much activities in the afternoon.
I've sent my boy to cc when he was 18 mth last dec. I was thinking of deferring his cc if he is not able to adapt in dec. But he's adapted after about 1 month and no longer cries when we drop him off. He's also very happy everyday when we pick him up.
Teachers also feedbacked he's very happy in school so this arrangement is working out. I guess it's also good when I have #2. At the end of the day, to each his own whether cc or not. Hope u can sort out ur arrangement soon. ;)

anyone giving tcm to your toddler? I visited Yu Guo yesterday and they gave this powder which is super strong taste, the typical chinese med smell, and after forcing it down, Lucas vomitted his dinner out. So brought him to SBCC today and got a new set of meds, hope it'll work. He's been coughing for more than a month. Was told not to switch on aircon for the next 2 weeks. Faint.
My boy do take TCM medi. For first 1-2 days, he occassion vomit then stop after that. Then ok liao. I think he recover faster with tuina concurrently.
Last weekend bring ah boy to zoo. He had a fun time playing at the water playground, look at the plants garden, run around, look at animals. He is so tired that he sleep once on the car, and even sleep while bathing. Didn't even wake up after bathing, just shift a bit for me to change clothes etc.


I tink teething will end around age of 2.


For diarreoa, take note of dehydration. Can give probiotics after recover to strengthen the stomach.


I just bot cordyceps powder from ZTP yesterday. Cos my boy cough for 1 month, and still coughing at night which i tink is due to sensitive airway. He finish his medicine, after seeing 1 GP and 1 PD. So we tink to stop western medicine bec' it doesn't cure the cause. ZTP got sell the soup ingredients for cough. Each packet is $3.

Zu En

I agree 1:8 is v tight. In fact at my current CC, the ratio is 1:5, i ored tink is v tight. Luckily the infant care is quite empty at the moment so the infant care teacher is helping out, thus at times is 2:5 so still ok.


Actually a lot of CC have optional enrichment class so if send to CC then i tink no need weekend enrichment class liao. The CC my boy attends have kindermuski as optional enrichment, but my boy still can't appreciate so i didn't sign up for him. Its $50 per month, for 1 hr session i tink.
That is what I tot too. I guessed we pay for service bah. Private CCs tend to be more expensive but of course will have better teacher/ student ratio.
Hi Mag,
Doc haven say leh. Just saw Gynae last night. I am about 6+ weeks, gg 7 weeks. Can see heartbeat last night. Hehe.
MOrning ladies..

Charlotte been rejecting her rice for dinner, rejectign fish and meat lor...dun tell me she turning into a vegeterian...haiz..

How are u getting on?Hows ur little one?
is the food usu cooked same style? maybe she wants a change? very headache hor? hope she will start eating her meat again.

ur boy so guai, will take the tcm powder. my boy enjoyed the tui na but i wonder if tui na without medicine is effective.

btw, how's ur boy coping in cc?

yes, the chinese doc also mentioned sensitive airways and i was advised to get a purifier. there is this dr koh who's very good in treating coughs at AMK SBCC but when i went yest, was told he's no longer with them, a bit of wasted trip. the ZTP pkt is to make soup?

Yes Dr Koh is v good, he is my boy regular PD. But he has retire recently, heard he went on holiday. So disappointed lor. Anyway u can look for another indian Pd, forget his name, also at AMK SBCC, heard also quite good one. Btw, now they open at night time till 9pm, night time is another PD from MT A, my boy see him, i tink quite ok.

ZTP packet for cough, is for soup. Just put the contents into slow cooker for 45 mins, no need to add any other ingredients. 1 packet for 1 day, but my MIL cook 2 bowl using 1 packet, so she keep the 2nd bowl for 2nd day. So literally is 1 packet for 2 dosage

Purifer - at home i have one, but i long time no clean it liao, i tink not functional although i got on it, maybe have to clean it for use again. However, it only works if u put it v near. The brand is mayier, but i get a cheaper range, tink less than $100.

Within day class. Sometimes is morn, some is noon. My boy CC optional enrichment (kindermuski) is only open for playground and N1 and is in the morning, 1 hr session.
thanks for the info. ;) u referring to dr vella I think. Lucas saw him once when he was a baby as I was at my Mum's place which is near AMK. the pd we saw yesterday was dr goh. Quite young but very thorough and took the time to explain. On comparison, my regular pd does not seem to be as thorough. Maybe cos she always have a lot of patients. And my boy seems like to like this pd more, hehe.

Will look around for a purifier this weekend, thanks for the recommendation.
Tks ger...My mil always cook e same lor, so i told her now char mayb sick of her fd liao, need to add some tomato sauce base or pan fried etc le..Cannot always cook e same liao lor..hiaz...Really worried that char will lost weight cos i can foresee that she might lose more weight at cc cos of the food..
Hey Zuen,
Remember to take care hor & I'm so glad got another June mummy preggy. Let's pray hard that all of us will have a smooth pregnancy & delivery.

I'll b visiting CCs this week in order to get one ready for Athan to go next mth. This yr will b hectic for me cos I die die must finish all my modules this yr & I have like 9 mods to clear. So how's Charlotte coping with CC?

U can check out home-fix, they have many brands.

Yes its Dr Vella.

Dr Koh is v nice and experienced, he took time to explain and make sure no questions although he has long queue outside. But waiting time is reasonable around 45mins usually.


Try to avoid pan fried, but u can try stir-fry vegs + meat. However i tried before my boy dun really like it so much.

Can try noodles instead of rice? or pasta?

Put red dates, wolfberries etc for taste?

Try to cook soup + rice, different texture than porridge.

Won't lose weight at CC one. CC cook different food mah, maybe char will like the food there. Moreover, they let the kids feed themselves, so they r more interested in eating.
My boy haven't took the MMR vaccine yet, originally plan to see Dr Koh to take one, now Dr Koh not working, dunno who to see lor. Cos he got egg allergy, when taking the jab need to monitor one.. so need a more experienced pd.
ahyo, busy you leh...must take care lor, somemore expectign #2 lor...Must rest more...9 more modules huh?same as me lor but me can onli graduate next yr end..hiaz...Good luck ya..

Charlotte haven started her cc yet cos iniitally wanted to start beginning of march, but her cc has 5 cases of HFMD so i letting go in April instead...Hv u shortlist any cc for ur boy?

Hv u moved into your new flat?

okie, noted..tks ya..cos yest my mil pan-fried a pc of chicken for char, already marinated one, but she spilt out lor...duno is it she teething, gums pain, thats y dun really wan to chew...haiz..
Haha, I hope so too. The last prgnancy was tpo eventful. ;p So far, so good. None of the scares that we experience for no. 1. ;p

My girl also started to be more choosy in what she eats and sometimes prefer vege to meat too. That is when she takes alot of outside food wor. When we go out, she will eat what we eat. We realised that she likes noodles and will actually take noodles when we feed her.
i agree with ellysia, i think char will like the food at cc cos everyday its different, a lot more variety, when i peeped at my boy's menu, i see things like fried rice, spaghetti, nasi lemak etc. in fact the teacher told me my boy is always very happy to see the food, keke.

thanks for asking, no biggie, just a persistent cough that's been bugging Lucas for mroe than a month. and it keeps making him vomit at night. so the latest pd said it might be related to his cold and gave some new meds. hope he's right.

how are u? take good care of urself ya? jia you for ur studies, u are getting there!!

i recalled u going phuket in march right?
Not sure how my SIL teach him one. He is ok wif all medicine. No issue in feeding. Think favourite is the paradol for fever. sweet sweet one.

He don like tuina. He cry througout the tuina yesterday. Forget to bring gummy so no choice but to let him cry. Futhermore, I almost fall down while walking up the stairs at the traffic light,end up his head head against the floor. Now red red. So scare he will vomit or have high fever.

Yesterday when I fetch him at 430pm, he was walking with the teacher. Not v happy lor. the rest of the kids are playing at the playground.
At SIL place,he also stick to me which is unusual. Hope the CC is not scaring him.

Is ur little one frequent fall sick in the CC?

So far,cc nvr inform me got ongoing enrichment class going on. hai.

Maybe yr cc dun have any enrichment. If have, they will inform u before u start, cos extra income mah.


My opinion is tat tots tis age still dun really like too oily food. Their tummy can't tolerate i tink. My boy doesn't really like stir fried.

Tera is right.. my boy cc food menu quite interesting. But i notice fish is not often given, maybe expensive. Only around once per 2 weeks or 3 weeks. But better than no fish, i heard another colleague's cc never give fish.

Also i notice tat they cook the food easy to swallow (not v chunky) and texture easy for kids to scoop up themselves. My boy has been trained using spoon to feed himself, now quite good at it liao. at MIL home sometimes he will practice scooping garlic using spoon (for fun, not eating). Also they learn to go to the sink and wash up using handwash, then take paper to wipe hands and throw at rubbish bin. I tink they will be more interesting in the food once they settle down, plus so many activities at CC make them go hungry v fast so sure will eat one.
I see...ya lor, char tend to eat more when outside lor...And her milk intake also reduce le, she used to be able to finish 270ml lor, now sometimes oli 240ml leh..

wow, seems like alot of diff varieties leh...hee
Dun worry. Char looks totally healthy and good size to me. You and hb also not very big size mah, so Char is totally OK. But I noe how you will freak out. I do that too, but realised that Lil ZuEn's food intake will go up and down.
Finally can log in...
Not happening when both gals are down with stomach flu. Jiejie more poor thing.. vomit what goes in and out but lucky only 7times... now drink bit eat some porridge.

OIC... its true that popular CC have to book fast. 1 year in advance usually. Now you send him, if he ok in school withdraw like very bad too oh hehe... but ok you have helper. Even if he really fall sick at CC still have someone to standby at home and you wont have to utilise so much leaves..

In CC, ratio for PG is 1:8 follow by the MCYS guideline. What I know is those famous ones like Eton house, they are expensive because small ratio, 1:4 if I am not wrong but really damn expensive.

I felt CC most basic is hygiene and able to keep them entertained. Basic learning, singing, motor skills to development. When going to Nursery must be able to learn to write n recognise is important. Enrichment still can be found outside and once a week like phonics english learning is more than enough. The rest still need us to teach n guide at home lo..

Maybe she is used to outside food taste?
Try pan fried, Grill at home if you have oven. If her milk intake goes down, no worries as now they start to take solid food... all the vitamins n minerals can get from the food she ate. Nicole last time only drink not even 100ml a day. Now out of sudden she drink 350ml a day!
Just a transition on their diet, don't worry. Slowly intro again and don make her dislike the food can leh.

My gals used to be like this too, only want vegetables NO fish no meats.. now they eat back their fish, pork, chicken, egg n everything.. most of all they still love their vegetables.

Looks like alot 2nd time mummy here... any 3rd time??? hehehe
Any mummies here have blog to share? love reading others blog and a form of.. relaxtion hehe.. sharing i guess..

I still have Zuen only....
Anyone bb cannot sleep in cc? I tried my boy 2 days, both days cannot sleep during nap time. Thinking of trying him till friday, if cannot adapt will have to change to half day.

These 2 days, he had being sleeping v early. Today from 5pm till now. Think he will sleep thru the nite liao, no need dinner.

Do u think 5 days to test is too long? Should I reduce to 3 days?
I'm so stressed the past few days. I dunno why my gal suddenly become super notti. SHe'll play with water, drink n spit out. Take food n eat, chew n spit out, take her desitin n apply all over her face. And cry at every minimal stuff, I'm going crazy soon. ANyone of ur kids suddenly change to such behaviour?
Need 5 More Parents to Take a Quick Survey - help a grad student

This is the last time I will bug you about my survey.
I need to have 5 more surveys completed by March 12 to be able to do my study. If you haven't taken it already, could you please take 5 minutes to respond? I really appreciate your help! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
University of St. Thomas
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
I think so... cant remember where i see or heard from that those popular CC their ratio is very low. u pay for the type of service. That is why they have long waiting list. Even BB not born, parents kiasu till put the wait list leh. Sometime is a no choice game.

I guess his is trying to adapt. Nicole 1st day ok stil sleep awhile. 2nd day, she nap 25mins and keep crying (horrible cos lack of sleep) and wanted teacher to carry throughout the whole half afternoon. 3rd day not bad, can sleep 1hr so and slowly...

This week the gals are skipping school as they are just recovering from e stomach flu. Guess next week back to school again re-adjustment for nicole... hai.. 1 week sch 1 week break.... better don fall sick so fast

I guess its terrible 2. Mine started long ago. Now just attend CC worse. Keep cling to me at home, cry at night, cry for nothing during the day, throw tantrums.. ( they are young unable to express)... sometimes really wonder sending them to CC at this age really that BIG impact & trama? Are we wrong to do that? Haha

Its a rainy cooling day!!!
Morning girls.

1:4, or even 1:5 is very good ratio liao. But tend to pay more for these CCs bah.

I asked myself that question too after the unsuccessful attempt at the 1st PG and when I see how my girl's current PG is 1:8 and the teachers seem to be barely coping. But my miad is coming and she will spend morning alone with my girl. So I think it is better that my girl goes to PG to minimise time with maid. Haha.

Re: Sleeping on their own
Maid is coming this Sat and the plan is for Lil ZuEn to sleep in her own room with the maid. She is currently sleeping with us in our room. Sometimes in her cot, sometimes on our bed. Hiw do we do the switch huh? Hb and I cannot agree. I wanted to switch immediately while hb says that we should do gradually (e.g 1 day sleep with us, 1 day in her room, 1 day with us, 2 days in her room....). What should be the right way?
Morning ladies..

ya lor, yest i tried the macaroni with egg soup, she took less than 20 pc of the macaroni lor, but maybe becos she finish all the egg soup, shd be full liao, then abt 9pm, we gave her 260ml of BR+FM, heng finish also lor...

Tks for sharing =)...Hope she revert back to her usual diet soon, worried that she might not get enuff nutrients...Somemore now she doesn't like any fruits at all...rockmelon, honeydew,strawberries,pear,blueberries, allt hese used to be her favourite all dun like liao...

U can link my blog at zuen's blog =).
Can PM me ur blog? Keen to go thru too.
Ur HB at least agreed to let her sleep in her room, my hb kept sayin too small, cannot. Till now, he is till sleeping on my bed.

Yesterday, he didn't sleep at cC, end up slept from 5pm till 445am. Then I go bath, he also remove cloths. Cont. like that also jia lat.
You can link to feifei and Poky's blog and a few other mummies.
It gets quite squeezy on our bed bcos hb & I both quite big size + my girl flipped like anything when she sleeps. Aiyo!
He is agreeable to let my girl slps with the maid so that he can have more peace mah. Lol! And we have to start making way for the new baby too.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,long time din log in. Beside work, i'm busy with 'preparing' my May Perth trip. 1st trip for my gers on plane, so rather worry. Then the planning for itinenary is killing me.
Btw, i know lot of mummies here oredy brought their kids oversea via plane, can share with me your experience. What to take note?</font>

My colleague say when plane is flying, give water to your kids so tat they dun feel the air pressure in their ears.


Dun worry he need some time to adapt to the CC schedule.


Maybe u give her too much milk so she take less solid food?

My boy only take 150ml of BM x 2 times a day nia.

ZuEn and Cynthia

Ya we paying $430 for our half day cc now.. if full day is $480. On top of tat my boy is taking transport back, so additional $80. Btw my CC dun have waiting list yet, but their tots class r full now tat one gal from the infant class has turn 18mths and joined the tots class.


Mine is v used to have a short nap in the morning. So when he go CC, sometimes he ended up sleeping while his classmates r doing activities.
Then he is v used to having people pat him and carry him to sleep for day nap lor. So he want the teacher to carry him in the same way too.
We try to let him sleep at night at 1 hr earlier, so tat he can postpone his nap to afternoon when he reach MIL house.
If ever possible, do make sure that the flight is near to their sleeping time. Otherwise, it is really hell. My girl wanted so much to walk around but was restraint to the seat. I brought toys too but didnt managed to enetertain her for long. We watch her favourite DVDs on portable DVD player and that helps. She was also sick then and was given flu medicine that makes her drowsy. That was great too. Haha.

Ya lor, it is how much you pay though $430 is actually not alot. The really expensive ones are liek $900 to over a $1k. I am only paying $135 per month for 2 hrs session now.
Zu En

$135 for 2 hours also not cheap.

Mine half day is 5 hours, though only 3 hours is the program.

Ya i tink eton is $1K or above. But the location is too far for my consideration.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia, Thanks for the tips!

ZuEn, your statement "She was also sick then and was given flu medicine that makes her drowsy. That was great too. Haha. " really make me laugh lor. Now thinking maybe i shld get some sleeping pill for my gers? LOL!!
Our flight there is midnite, so shld be ok. Plan to let her sleep when waiting to board the plane, else she'll get all excited when board it, then refuse to sleep. But back was a late afternoon flight. Will try not to let her take her nap on that day. Bad mummy! hehe....</font>
My PD says that it is actually ok to give toddlers flu medicine which cause drowsiness for flight even when they are not sick wor. Or at least he prefers that we do it this way then to give them sleeping pills. Lol! We did that for our HKG trip.
The returning trip from melbourne was alright but it totally screwed up my girl's bedtime cos the flight was at 7pm and Melbourne is 3 hours in from of Sgp. -.o"
<font color="aa00aa">ZuEn,
The worrying part is on the plane. I'll make sure she din take any nap on tat day. hehe...
Btw, since u been to melbourne before, i assumed the immigration rules is the same as perth. Did u bring any water, milk or hot water flask on board? allow?</font>
I went on SQ. They allowed me to bring water and hot water onboard for my girl. For milk powdwe, loose ones for consumption on plane is Ok. Otherwise, needs to be in sealed, original package. If I rem correctly, Aus only barred the bringing in of diary, fruits and wegetables and meat products. Other things like biscuits still can bring in.

is your boy ok (read about his falling down)? just monitor closely, if no vomit or unusually sleepy, it should be ok.
to answer u, yes, my little one does fall sick more often..i rem on the 4th day of starting cc, he already had a cold.

Re napping in cc
my boy also had problems sleeping on his own in cc when he just started. needed to be carried. The cc was asking for his security blanket but he had none. Also, he was sleeping for only half an hour. So what the school advised me to do was to let him sleep earlier at night so that he will wake up earlier in the morning. So we tried waking him up earlier in the mornings and that helped. Then slowly over time, he was ok not to be carried, just needed to be patted. And now, he’ll fall asleep on his own after taking his milk. So give it some time.

wow, perth!! *envious* hehe, have fun!! i can’t advise u much on the flight but I guess zuen’s advice is good, schedule near their nap time. Also, I think dvds would work, at least for my boy, he’s quite addicted to some cartoons now.

me looking forward to my Bintan trip end of this month, hehe.

I think your hubby’s suggestion is better, alternate the sleeping so that u can ease shauna into sleeping with the maid. Cos if she’s used to sleeping with you guys, I dun think she is ready to sleep with someone new at one go. There are nights when my boy will refuse to sleep with my maid (of course then I am very happy, hehe) even tho’ he is very used to her.
