(2008/06) June 2008

kelqi n feifei e fp sale more for babies I went there at least 4 times le.. Good buys r bb rocker, rainforest swing n rainforest playgym all bb stuff.. Toddles nothing much n more for boys ie cars etc I got pixar hot wheels car n little people toys.. Nothing much left now

I'm still tinkg whether to withdraw my boy from cc.. currently he is adapting better nw .. Will eat n sleep there nw bt he still keep crying on n off.. Last thursday I stayed there to see water they r doing n was quite pissed to see thwm switchg on tv to let e pg kids watch n somemore watch for 30min..sometimes when I go fetch him I oso see them watchg tv.. When I ask e teachers she claim its educational.. N its to calm them down n help them settle in.. Its nt educational loh its some low budget china kids wif super red cheeks singing chinese nursery rhymes.. At hm I'm already limiting isaiah tv time n they r ruining my plan at cc by allowing them to watch tv.. I suspect when they cun handle e kids, they let them watch tv to distract them.. When isaiah wasn't watchg tv he was only walking ard doing nothing.. I oso saw e other kids playg wif toys themselves, no interaction n no teachg.. I tink my maid teaches isaiah more tings than cc..she taught him nose, eyes, some fruits, no n electrical appliances recognition n now teachg colours..n I realise he is more cry n whiny nw than before he go cc.. Nw if we dun give him somting he cry n cry last time wun cry till so bad.... Hmm Shld I withdraw him since cc is doing wat isaiah does at hm ie walk ard only n watch tv? Just send him to pg only? my maid can teach him btw I'm v worried he will become overly reliant on my maid n when her contract ends Nxt may I can die big time..

zuen n connie I heard talentplus at gek poh or 661 nt bad I called them up n they need 3 more start a new pg.. Want to go register together?

Zuen I tink ur maid purposely if she do it again send her home
oh i see, sorry missed out the part on your boy having diarrhoea. hope he is better now.
i think the waking up part is prob due to his LS, cos prob more hungry than usual.

oh no, i am against watching too much tv too. and i will be frustrated too if the cc allows my boy to watch tv cos recently when he was ill and at home, i had a hard time stopping him from watching tv. i guess maybe PG would be a better option till u chance upon a better cc? at least the PG could still let him have some interaction with other kids while your maid can help to teach him at home. i can understand the reliancy part but to choose between the two now, i would think maid is a better choice cos personally, i am against excessive tv watching. just my 2 cents lah.
i thking of gg to e motissorri open house on 4 april then decide. they have daily pg. blk 674A. beside my block.

my boy same pattern as urs, if don give will cry but I ignore him. MIL also ignore, let him cry lor. maid apply oil on his belly button daily cos cry too much lor.

my son LS then spread virus at hm. me, my gal, maid kanna. even my dog also kanna.
i realise my boy take nap from 3pm onwards . this cont for this whole wk. don thk he can sleep in cc. ur boy adapt v fast lor.
connie he got ls from cc? No ah he dun really adapt v fast he been there 1mth le.. last wks then we let him sleep there..tink I will withdraw him tmr onwards dun want him to watch so much tv.. he oso cry n cry I oso ignore him let him cry cun give in to him if nt he will noe cry means get his way..montessori open house is when?

Tera.. I'm also against tv watching my silly hubby always allow him to watch tv haiz I always scold him for being a bad parent allow him to watch tv.. Somedays no choice he insist I let him watch barney bt limit to 30min to an HR per day.. E cc teachers r quite nice n all r from china so good ting is his chinese can improve hopefully but he still cry so I'm scared will get a negative experience from cc n dun want go school anymore.. Maybe I will send him again when he is older.. Nw start wif pg first

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Morning ladies..

oh dear...but apart from weatchign too much tv, any other negative things abt this cc?Ur boy is in Cherie hearts?

Charlotte is really going to start her cc on the 1st April liao..hehe..Me looking forward lor..
Nowadays my gal everyday also ask me to on the TV for her. SO irritating cos every 5 mins she wanna change DVD somemore. Until I fed up and off TV and she cry loh.

Ask her to sleep also cry like no tml. Then at my mum's place yesterday, my mum sim tia her crying n carried her out, after tt she see me like see ghost like that. I told my hb out of my frustrations tt I machiam pay money to give birth to suffer like tt.

My gal also like that. Have to tell her a few times then remove her so she'll be easier to handle. But then lately she got new pattern. She'll come along but shortly she'll remember the previous activity n will try to run back.

I realized her sense of direction seem to be quite strong cos places like paragon, junction 8, parkway, n places we frequent, she remembers where are the rides. So the min we let her out of her pram, she will try to run away n run towards e rides even when we are far away n the rides are out of sight. Headache leh...

Thanks for the update. Haha, I like the little people series. Lately I took a liking for the ELC people series oso. My gal starting to enjoy those imaginary play. So she likes to take those little humans and make them do the routines she did, like make them sleep, make them eat, put them on slides. And sometimes she'll say things like "nono" as if she is the mummy teaching the people wat to do. SO funny to watch them play by themselves sometimes.

My hb also another one who puts my gal on TV. So frustrating. But sometimes I have to admit really no choice cos we are both bz. The only advantage of my gal watching TV is tt she picks up words from the show, or she learns how to sing. Other than tt, I'm worried abt her eyesight...

My boy can also recognise things in malls he went before. He even recognise the signage of those shops he like, for example Macdonalds, NTUC, cold storage, toys'rus.

He like to run around in shopping malls even in crowds and we scared he get lost. Yesterday hb decided to clam down and to enforce hands holding. Once we hold his hand he will purposely sit down on the floor and refuse to move. Once let go hand he will run off. So my hb will not let go and will carry him if he sit down on the floor. Then he will struggle and want to come down, but hb insist to hold his hands then he will sit down again etc. This behavior repeat many times until he finally give up struggling and consented to holding hands.

Then on the car when alighting, he is busy playing with the carseat latch and didn't want to go down. So i say 'papa ored go down liao'.. he still didn't want to move. So i say i go down lor, i really go out of the car. Then he panic liao.. haaa haa.

Dun worry my boy is also a TV addict! haa..
can't really stop him from watching tv, no time to do activites with him. But he doesn't keep watching, he will play and watch.. multi-task. But if the TV not on, he will feel upset, want to On the TV. so i say he is TV addict. maybe bec i watch tv too much during pregnancy.

At least now he attend CC half day, no TV in the morn.. so limit his TV time lor. Then on weekends we will bring him out, so TV time is lesser as compared to last time.

Do u want to consider to change to another CC? At least a CC without TV lor.

The CC which my boy attends doesn't have any TV. Usually every week they send fotos to me, they got art and craft, singing etc.
After attend the CC, my boy now walk more frequently and allow us to hold hands in shopping mall. Previously, he was same as ur boy. But 1 habbit cannot eleminate,he like to take things from shelves. yesterday, kept swapping the price tag in popular, taking many CDs as if he want to buy.

My boy don choose DVD at this pt, So heng lor. He do watch TV but even if he don watch in CC, MIL sure on the TV from Morning till night lor. Make no diff at hm or CC. If I wat to restrict him from watching, is to send him for class then he nap in the afternoon so less TV.

I might go peep this friday if I have the time. Where do u peep? The opp block ok or not? Can bring binoculars or not? not sure will ple complaint.....
My gal also like tt, when we hold her hand, she'll try to sit down or lie down on e floor. SO irritating. SO everytime we fed up n carry her up n she scream n cry in e malls loh. Haiz. I wish my hb hav the patience like yours. He cannot stand my gal giving him nonsense outside.

My gal opp from yours. She'll immediately wait to jump out from her car seat e min we get down. I dunno how come she can get her hands out from the shoulder straps from the car seats. Very dangerous leh, but I am unable to stop her behavior leh.

I dun like my gal to multi task cos I dunno if she knows wat she is doing or nt. Tats why I insist e TV to be off when she is eating. Lately all the learning materials I have at home she outgrown them liao. So she gets very bored at home n wanna watch TV. Sigh.

I think most CC their TV is on for the home-going time leh. But other times, I feel tt the TV shouldnt be on. Unless there are some special activities tt involves the use of tv. Like last time, I remember I wanted to intro the idea of sharing to my class, so I played them the Rainbow Fish VCD. Then use the story to teach n ask them how they feel and we put up their thoughts in a chart.

Envy envy. My gal already can pick her shows. Tell me she wants Mickey mouse, or Barney or Hi-5. Urgh... My hb ard he also on e TV. Send to MIL place, TV oso on. I juz hope she'll outgrow her love for TV.

I wanna ask if anyone knows of any website tt we can type in the Han Yu Pin Yin and can choose the chinese word. Cos I wanna place order for this Iron-on labels n I cannot seem to figure out how to type chinese words. Appreciate if anyone can help.
hey mummies !! long time no chat
just wanted to ask a quick question for those with domestic help - do you get your maid to put baby to bed ? if so, what method do you use ?
kelcqi, ellysia n connie haiz I'm sendg him BK to cc.. Feel so paiseh I told them Want to withdraw then call BK n say continue e director is happy of course.. Actually e cc teachers r bery nice they really spent alot of effort in settling isaiah n can tell they quite attached to him coz he will kiss their face when they ask him to kiss once I was peeping n saw e teacher stealing a kiss from his cheek..only ting is tv..I told e director le hopefully they wun watch so much tv now...My dad want to brg him go pg at anon place need to take bus to and fro.. Wif my maid Dats 100 a mth just on transport costs which is nt worth it so I rather send him to cc.. If he really cun adapt then no choice but to withdraw I give him till end of dis mth...today I didn't brg him place him at mum place my mum tabulek tahan le coz he too active..connie I peek behind cc windows etc if u peek pls help me see how is isaiah thks
so far isaiah still quite ok we tell him hold hands he will give us his hand to hold only exception is when he sees playground then he will chiong there or he see his mei mei stroller then he will want to put his hand n push stroller..he very scared of mannequin so whenever we go shopping centre n he sees it he will hug us tight tight coz hubby told him to hug us tight tight when scared haiz now I cun really go shopping coz he cling super tight to me most of e time too many mannequins..
I made my own flashcards n tryg to train his right brain by playing memory game with him ... Eg I put 6 cards facedown n ask him to find a pair for Me... Sometimes he get it right sometimes nt.. He knows how to wear his shoes by himself now...but they r crocs so much easier to slip on..he super terror now seems like all our little ones v terror n difficult to manage I miss their baby days hope no2 dun grow up so fast n dun be as notti as no1
My girl is already attending the TalentPlus at blk 653 wor. As the kids are younger, teh teachers still allowed some caregivers (of difficult toddlers) to sit thru'. These caregivers are basically boring ah mahs who have nothing much to do (my mum included) and a great source of help to the teachers. Haha. My mum feedback that this PG is much structured than that last one that Lil ZuEn attended. She likes it better here too, no major crying episodes. The teacher seems nicer, more energetic and mre caring. I am intending to put her there until when she turns 2.5/ 3 YO. I have already enrolled her at the pre-nursery at Center of New Life (church).

As for the maid, I am still observing her. She no longers bring my girl out after I have sternly warn her but she's still not to my expectation when it comes to looking after my girl. Haiz. I hope she improves.
So u redraw from the center of new life pg liao. Istheir pre-nursery better?

U peep thru the window at the dinner area or the front? I not gd at peeping lor, kanna caught by my son a few times, end up he always cry. haha.

Actually, my boy do have improvement after attend the CC except the concentration still v short.

Yesterday, I on the nursery CD for him and he can ba....ba.... ba... then last word come out. Think he is learning well there.

Lately, I notice that he will wait for us to hold his hand to walk. Think this is a great improvement liao.

Training material
Wow, most mommies here v good lor. Still do own cards. I bought the laminater in dec and wanted to do own training but somehow, too lazy or too tired. Till now, laminater is in the box unopened. A bit hopeless hor.

Must enforce myself to do ASAP cos stopping the LNT after the last class next week.
Morning ladies...

Re:Stating independence

I couldn't believe it when charlotte wanted to change out of the clothes which i put it on for her..she kept pulling and then took out some other clothings and ask me to change for her...At that moment, I felt she has grown up liao..hee =)..Anyone 's toddler is doing the same too?

i see..hope your maid improves soon..Does ur maid have experience?

I find charlotte learnt alot frm the positive tots class lor, wanted very much to let her continue but its just that the distance is too far le..U know hor, last sun, char call med "baba",,faintz..I tink its becos they spoke though the microphone and say baba lor...

Hows ur boy now?
good morning ladies,
what a wet morning...

yes yes, i din forget. char is starting school soon!
are u all set? and she starts on the 5th issit since 1st is eve of PH.

my boy is ok now, latest was his cough but it seems to be better now (fingers crossed) but then yest the teacher told my hubby when he picked him up tht he got bitten on the shoulder by his girl classmate. well at least, the teacher noticed it and immediately corrected the girl's action and also applied medicine for my boy. they said my boy very guai, never retaliate. haiz, also dunno good or bad, now scared he too guai ganna bullied.

i noticed that after attending cc, he starts to babble a lot more like trying to speak. like connie's boy, a lot more ah ah ah and bah bah. that's quite a good improvement to me liao.

hehe, char is so cute, sounds grown-up, want to choose her own clothes. but i ever read somewhere it's good to let them choose as in the kids themselves will feel good but provided what they choose is reasonable lah.

ellysia, tinkerbelle,
same as tinkerbelle, i will switch off tv once my boy is no longer watching. simply cos its a waste of my electricity, hehe.

for watching of tv, i try to set a limit of 30 min per day. but easier said than done, usu will exceed esp when he continues to watch the cartoon on my iphone. my MIL is quite good in that she also try not to let him watch tv but when its only my FIL, he will usu end up watching tv cos FIL dunno how to entertain him.

what i read was not to let them watch tv when they are below 2 years old but an interesting study was that those above 2 YO, they found that moderate tv actually helped them in their studies.

i guess its back to the everything in moderation principle.

ur boy is scared of mannequins? i just discovered this morning my boy is scared of car wipers, or at least my FIL's car wipers! clung to me so tight in the car. so strange cos a few days ago, he was still happily pointing out wipers to us.

anyway, now that u've sent isaiah back to the cc, just monitor and hope the school can cut down on the tv watching. btw, when do they let them watch tv? is it while waiting for parents to pick up?

to type hanyu pinyin, u can just go to google.com.cn and usu as u type in the search using hanyu pinyin, the chinese words will come out. or if u have the NJ star program (its free), u can use that too.

K Ong,
how have u been??
long long time no see. there are some days my helper will put my boy to sleep cos i work shift. for those days, i believe she will carry him to sleep. but when he's with me, he will usu fall asleep after rolling around on the bed.

the milk powder pricing is still not as attractive as the one i get from. i get from this medicinal hall called jin tai tong @ tampines which i also got to know from this forum. the mamil gold 1.5kg is only $38. the lady is selling $40.50.
No lah. The New Life one is pre-nursery, which is after PG. They do not have PG. Lil ZuEn will attend PG with TalentPlus until she's old enuff (2.5 or 3 YO), then I will switch her to New Life.

Improved? At least she doesnt bring my girl out liao. She's still not up to my expectations wor. I haven decide if I should keep her. Haiz.. My maid is a transferred maid. She was with her ex-employer for 4 months.
My girl only choose shoes now and I am glad cos I still want to decide which set of clothes she wears. Hoho.
Err, No wor, still start on 1st April wor...

Oh dear, the ger so garang huh?bite ur boy?Haiz, i tink bitting in cc is common hor, i scare char get bitten again aft she got a bite on her cheeks..hiaz..Charlotte also watch alot of tv leh..Can watch leapfrog phonics,barney,mickey mouse etc lor..hiaz..Now worst is, she rejected food recently and my mil will on barney for her while eating. Hb and I got so fedup that she did that cos told her, if no barney, then char no need to eat liao lor..hiaz...
Yest my boy took up the phone in my MIL bedroom and speak "hello, Ok", when my MIL is speaking to FIL using the phone at living room. Cos the 2 phones are connected, my MIL got a shock when she hear got kid voice during the conversation, end up we discover is my boy speaking on the other phone. Then FIl also heard it lor, so funnie.

My boy speaks more words now tat he attend CC, he also learn to dance and sing too.

Recently the CC inform us to be alert of HFMD. But i notice the teacher only check temp at entrance, didn't really check the palms. But supervisor will check the palms.


My boy watches a lot of TV all along, i tink beyond few hours per day.


My boy must approve of his clothings before we put on for him, especially when going out. at home he doesn't really bother. He likes to select the clothes to wear when going out.


My boy will take toys he want and shove it to me, waiting for me to open the box or buy it for him.

Previously he will sweep a lot of stuff outside all over the floor. After attend cc, he learn to take it nicely and put back (not always). However he still like to run around the mall and dun like to hold hand.


I dunno is it bec he multi-task too much, so his attention span is not good as mentioned by his teacher. He likes to roam aroound the class and doesn;t concentrate on lessons at times.

But now v hard to switch off the TV, even if he dun want to watch he oso dun want to off the TV. So we try to bring him out often.
Hi, my gal is a June 2008 baby too.
She is extremely difficult in eating.
Any tips? Been a terror and we are very phobic of feeding her.
my bro's method... starve the kid,
once hungry, they'll eat very fast!

I was amazed at how his kids finish their food as compare to mine....
In their childcare, they only have 20mins to finsh, after that the table will be cleared.
Re: TV
Wah, I saw some of the mummies restrict TV watching to only 30 mins aday wor. Applause.
My girl watches a lot of tv when my mum was her main caregiver. Sometimes, it is easier to switch on the TV and let my girl keep quiet and sit down. I dun like, but wat to do. When my maid is here, I said only max of 2 hours per day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. But now my mum comes over to watch over the maid in the afternoon. End up, my girl still watches a lot of TV in teh afternoon. Haiz. I think it is a bad habit and it is so hard to break!
i thought its normal for their attention span to be short now wor. i never asked about my boy's one but so far the review has been positive.

haha, ya loh, garung girl. hubby and i were joking that that was his first 'love' bite. but i am also a bit worried he will pick up the bad habit of biting ppl, so got to watch out.

Try to bring yr kid out or do more activities to expend his energy, then he will eat more.

another thing is whether u give the same food, got rotate yr menu? texture is also v impt to tots.

His form teacher say as compared to his classmates, he is less attentive. She say he got a explorative mind..
<font color="808080">Leng<sup>2</sup>, its very true, i think your brother's method works for my boy too!of course I didn't do it deliberately, whenever Jared is very hungry, he will eat his food, rather than spending so much time trying to force food into his mouth.</font>}
just fetch my boy back. Saw a boy is having fever in the CC. The teacher told her mom still having slight fever. not sure slight is how much lor.

Haslina told me they do let pg watch barney n hi-5. Not sure is it consider educational.

then tt day u say ratio 1:8 is for which playgroup?Talent plus?
tera... it was from 10 to 1030 am in the morning.. supposed to be arts and craft class but the teacher was on mc, so they let them watch tv..... scared of wipers ah? so cute!!!!

zuen, 653 is so near my house!! unfortunately its not near my mum place at all so duno who can brg isaiah to and fro PG.. if not i will prob switch since u says its good.... how are u coping wif ur preg so far? any ms?

connie.. fever? oh dear!! i hope isaiah n zac are not affected....did zac sleep in cc today.. the teacher sms me and said isaiah ate n slept in school today duno how true... but i realised whenever he come bk from cc he always super hungry duno is it not enuff food.. i must ask them give him more food in future.. wat time r u gg tmr? see can bump into u or not.. if u peep at them from window, update me wat they are doing ah? thks!!
Morning ladies..

hehe..love bite...True lor, cos am afraid that they might tot this is the correct behaviour to behave lor..
yup, there r 2 teachers to 16 kids at talentplus playgp tat my girl is attending + quite a few ah mahs n maids. Hoho.

when I can trust my maid more, she will bring my girl to pg. Now, my mum still rushes over to bring them to pg. She will have to take mrt from boon lay to pioneer.
I be there around 530pm.
True, I find him hungry after CC. Maybe they nvr ensure the kids eating enough ba. Any idea what is the time frame they set for their lunch? 20 min and they clear? Maybe during lunch, they play wif food since they are not so good in self-eating at this point.

Haha. I so blur. Kept thinking that the 1:16 is the new life pg.
So the pre-nursery is open for registration already or under queue? Next year pre-nursery?

Hi mommies,any ideas after 2 yrs, maid will go back for a mth or lesser? If ur maid go back, do u take leave during her absent?
scared of wipers cute huh? i can understand scared of mannequins but wipers?!! anyway, i realised my boy is easily scared, hope he will be more "man" when he's older, lol.

oh, so maybe the tv watching was an isolated incident?

and yes, my boy is usu very hungry when we pick him up from cc around 5 plus so we will always go with a bottle of milk.

my maid is going home in june for 2 weeks and then coming back. yes, i will be taking leave for 2 weeks, no choice but it's just nice cos my company has a mandatory 2-week leave policy.
same as Tera, my maid going back this July for 2 weeks and then coming back for 1 year. the 2 weeks is paid leave.

Can i check with you how do u go about sending her back? Do u go thru agency coz from what i heard the charges are rather high. so i thought of doing myself. hehe. save cost.
aiyo, something similar again cos my maid also coming back for 1 more year (MIL offered to extend her).
I am also thinking of buying air ticket for her myself and not going through agency. But need to renew her work permit in may which is the more troublesome part, also need to extend her passport end of this year.
hehe. so qiao once again. my maid's hubby wanted her to return but i told her to work another year for me to save more $ loh. Also sianz to get another new maid, have to go thru the "buy lottery" motion again. haha.
Ya, my friend suggested to get thru tiger then renew via MOM online . but i think phip more troublesome coz after which have to go to Phil embassy to do the nec procedures loh. =)
haha my maid also going back for good after 1 more year cos her son and mother misses her alot. My MIL actually told her to come back for 2 more years but I told her that 1 year is enough cos I feel that her son still young and if she has already made enough $, it's time to spend time with her son again. if she wants, she can always work again when the son is older. I also agree on the hassle of retraining a new maid all over again plus the lottery part. ;)

yeah, me looking at budget airline as well. I think for Myanmar same, need to go embassy to renew her passport. So how's spenser doing?
yes same, my maid's sons and mother needed her to go back to get ready for her sons education. haha. i also told her to earn more now then come back when sons older.

Spenser is fine. Thanks. but still not calling me yet.hehhe. I finally found a CC within walking distance from my place. ITs Aces Montersorri. Have u heard before? will go look see soon. hope to enrol him after he turns 2 this May. Hope he can adapt to CC as fast as Lucas. =) hehe
Hi Feifei,

SAme lor. hehe. but super bz with work..sianz. OT almost everyday. super tired. how are u and ur dreamy Charlotte girl? =) hee few more days char gg CC le! finally hoh...
Poor ger, take care ya..
Hows ur boy?

Charlotte huh?hehe, getting naughtier cos approachjing terrible 2 stage..hee...haiz, she has been rejecting fish,meat,fruits and even her milk last wkend, I almost freak out lor..Cos imagine all along she drinks 260ml of BR + FM, last wkend drop to onli 2 mouthful!.. I so worried, tot she has ulcer or wat but she refused to let me see her mouth, but she still drinks water etc so i guess no ucler..

Now we have prob feeding her dinner so we let her self-feed herself..sometimes she wan sometimes dun wan..And e worst thing is, my mil will switch on Barney if she dun wan to eat...We told my mil many times cannot do that liao, if not next time no barney , then no need to eat liao lor..hiaz..sometimes if my ger dunwan to eat, my mil will put cornflakes into char's rice so that she eats...haiz...

Can't wait for her to go cc cos I wan charlotte to be more discipline and not spoilt lor..Charlotte even wan to show us her independency by choosing the clothes she likes...Faintz lor..

But apart frm these, she also hv cute side lor, ask her to call "mummy" , as usual she say mai, then kiss me on my cheeks with sound somemore..faintz...hee..but i feel so sweet lor =).

Spenser ah..ok lo. also dont want to call me leh. call daddy as DADA, then call me as softer tone dada. call ah ma as high pitch dada. so weird rite. everyone also dada. haiz... hohoho

oh char rejecting food now huh? spenser went thru that too. maybe u can try to cook teriyaki fried salmon for her? my boy likes it when he totally reject all other food.
marinate salmon w teriyaki sauce for an hr.
then pan fried the salmon (both sides for apprx 2-3 mins (2cm thick), when its almost cook put in 1 teaspoon of teriyaki sauce.
im not a good cook, but u may try it loh. =)

tell u ..all the while my boy watch tv while eating loh! he will tell us what he wants immediately when hes in his highchair! sigh... if not dont wanna eat liao. i also cant imagine what will be his mealtime like in CC. ask teacher to on TV?! hahaha

Char so cute..still say mai huh...think her mai = dont know. maybe she still dont know how to call u yet then not to disappoint you, she kiss u to compensate. =)))) hee so sweet...
Yest my boy is throwing tantrum again at IL house. My FIL and MIL give up in disciplining ored i tink.. they give him anyting he want after he cry etc. I tink he spoilt by them. Luckily he is attending CC half day so still can learn discipline from there.


I dunno is it bec their milk intake drop. My boy drop demand for milk also reduce.. but mine is breastmilk lah. anyway he only drank 150ml x 2 times per day, v little as compared to yrs.

Actually i tink if put cornflakes to make her eat is fine.. some articles also suggest to put some raisins just to induce their eating. I read in a magazine tat its fine to give a little junk food so long as they eat it with the nutritional food, then at least they swallow the nutritional food.

As for TV, seriously i feed my boy while letting him watch the TV. Maybe i not so strict with tv watching. But outside when there is no TV, he also eat without tv. so i dun tink it will make them addict as in must have tv then can eat.

<font color="aa00aa">halo mummies,

Just come in to greet 'Halo' to all of you in case u all forgot about me. hehe....

Btw, there'll be a Crocs sale this coming Friday to Sunday at expo.

Was rather busy at work, so no time to catch up the post here.</font>
