(2008/06) June 2008

then drink more water or "cooling" water. Then at the moment be good ger dun eat heaty food 1st.

ya you also HK fans hor.

dun forget to jio me also hor.

hehe...cos now i hv 2 diaper bags liao, so such be enough lor, if not my ah lao going to nag at me..haha..
Do take care hor..

ya lor =).. Now i looking for HK banner, HK balloons and Hk related party themes..
thanks... my inital target was oni 6 mths... i achieved it already so extend target to 9 mos. hopefuli can meet... :p

its ok... cos last min MLP said she has a CNY lunch tmr so cant meet me oso...

my ss dropping since my menses came back. very sian...
=)...i supposed to meet babylove tmr to collect mine and babycupid's food jar lor..

hehe..woman lor..yest I rec the taggi frm star, then hb ask me, this one is free one or buy one..I say got diff meh?He said if free one, nvm, if buy one, then *he shake his head*..haa
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei.. ur husband so cute... btw u pay or ur husbnad pay?</font></font>

my ss also dropping. when i came back from maternity leave i can pump 6 bottles of 130ml during office hrs. Then it drop to 5, 4 and now is 3 to 3.5 bottles. But my bb demand also dropping, so can match the demand.
Wah u all start planning for 1st bday so soon?

For mine, most likely is book a venue outside, maybe function room or restaurant then makan. was tinking abt globetrotters at united square, seems quite nice.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies, going to 'tempted' all of you again. I'm going for my dept buffet lunch! hahaha......
Dont hate me ok?!</font>
haha...Tks ger..but duno got BP anot hor..u also interested?

he pay lor..keke..

my hb also said that lor, i said nvm lah, mummy like, bb ger also like mah..hehe...Just pasted the HK CNY decor yest, my ger jumping up and down so I tell my hb, "see"..hee

ya lor, cos its abt 4mths away for me..and i will be havign my exams end April so need to plan early lor =)..
Soyabean, hope you can do it! Piyo also very hard working lor, heehee. I just told mgr tomorrow i want to take urgent halfday to do last min errands as my col will be on leave from Friday till end of next week. He said 'go lor'. So after my co lunch I will go on leave liao, hee. But have to buy two tins of dry milk milk for my gal, haiz.
u meant u order that hk cake liao? *drooling away*..omg its so sweet...

ya lor, still rem the times when we all 1st know we preggi, then talk abt the MSs, process,then til delivered and now the development..time flies..hope this thread stay alive and happy always =)..

so u on leave liao?whenu coming bk?
all the cakes look so pretty! I think I'll be getting Matthew a simple #1 cake from Choc-a-bloc. its near my place.. 10 minute drive. easy to collect.
feifei, I am not going on leave lar. Will be on half day tomorrow, then won't take any till mid Feb lor. My col going back to Malaysia so I cannot take.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">tis happens to my little darling liao:
milestone for +-8 month:
your baby likes to see things fall down, get picked up (by you, of course), and then get thrown down again. She's not trying to drive you mad. She just finds the spectacle interesting and naturally wants to see it again and again.

Your baby's also a fan of poking things and getting his little fingers into holes, making this a great time to cover outlets around the house.

veniz.. so nice!! can go shopping liao!!
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">veniz.. ooh.. u remind me of my bedsheet.. hee hee.. think change tmr..
Woooo.. the cake is so nice.
Come to think of it, their 1st year bday will really be here soon.
I am thinking of doing it outside too. Then no need to clean up after that.

My girl is into it too. Say she is on teh sofa, she will purposely drop the thing onto the floor. If it doesnt drop onto the floor, she will use her little hand to push it until it drops.
As for the poking, will take awhile cos she still can move. ;p
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">zuen.. i jux realised abt the dropping part..when he drop his toy and my niece pick it up.. he laugh very loudly.. and sometime i carry him.. he purposely drop his chou chou and i got to pick it up again and again.. hee..

he will do his back and circular crawl to reach up for things lor.. always try to squeeze his fingers into the small fan.. </font></font>
Veniz, talk bad abt me arh?! CHIONG for lunch???
Haha... I do that everyday! Today gg to HV to pass mushroom to Soyabean mah so must CHIONG slightly earlier. keke...
WOW...nice wor...hmmm....think birthday cake for myself lah...hahahahaha
btw, went GWC and ask Grace Kids about holding my girl's birthday party there...ex wor..but nice lor..maybe more suitable if they are older I think..I still dunno what to do for her birthday leh..
how was your lunch? finali satisfied your long last craving? keke... i jus got back to office, now eating my lunch...

hey... i oso going to take urgent halfday tmr... wanna go home and settle all the cny stuff... esp the ang pows... cos hubby not working tmr, so will take the afternoon to settle the stuff while kids are with my mum...

btw MLP, morr and jan...
ON has shipped out our stuff...
soyabean, DELIFRANCE CLOSED DOWN LIAO! I walked the whole stretch until bo lor3 already still see no deli. then ask the kodak uncle.

Aei, u champion lei. so fast settle ang pows! I usually do it on CNY eve. Maybe I need to do it earlier this time round too!

Yeah yeah... gg to get our ON stuff liao.

Felicia, when u go back to msia machiam "run away fm home" right? haha...

Shycloud, get well soon! *transmitting GWV aka Get Well Vibes*

Zuen, Ioio, my boy also keep throwing and dropping things. haha... another growth development...
alamak!! sori man... i didnt know... cos i seldom walk the stretch.... and i thot the last time i walk along there in nov or dec, its still there leh.... so wat did u wat in the end?

settle early cos dun wan to rush rush on cny eve lor... wats more hb is saying we are spending the cny eve nite at my mil's as in staying over until chu 1.... *grumbling*
okok...thanks. In case you dunno. Reanne'smummy=janiviy hor..hehehe..

just saw your post asking leng leng abt clips and taggies..hahaha..wulong ah..hehehe...:p
