(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies
i knw some of u takin family photo shoot do contact mi if u need a makeup artist for ur shoot...98533307</font>
Morning ladies..

wow, u bery good lor, can find butternut pic..hehe =)..But its really sweeet and nice =D.

Ya lor, my ger prefers butternut, but hor, butternut,papaya and carrot cannot be given to our bbs too frequently lor..So I will make it alternate lor =D.

Din rec ur sms wor =(...

Wow, ur bb is chubby wor...got pics to share?

u help ple do makeup? ;p..
So we will see u on sat hor =).

Zao An!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Xmas Gathering lunch party</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Date : 20/12/08, Sat
Venue : Sandra's Lovely hse
49 Jalan Limau Purut S(468223)
Time :12pm-4pm

<font color="ff6000">Gift exchange : A $10 gift
Time : 2pm </font>

<font color="0000ff">Dress code : Pink for Bb Girls
Boys for Bb Boys
Parents will be based on individuals</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"> Door gifts will be given to all the lovely babies on the day. Buffet will start at 12pm, there will be logcakes, eclairs, and other delicious food on Sat so please come!</font>
Hi girls,
Good morning. Lil ZuEn woke up at 4.45am this morning, yday 4.30am. I am becoming panda liao. No time to catch up on the old posts. -.o" Got to start work. ;p

Not confirm yet wor. Sandra's place is too far for us w/o car. So have to wait until hb knocks off from work. Will only noe if he can leave earlier on the day itself.

Wah, 1st hand = $230? So exp ah.
I think Lil ZuEn feels restricted when I carried her, so try to struggle free lor.
Mornin Ladies...Anyone knows where i can get the cubes for storing bb food ? i remembered somtime ago theres a BP..now never see liao...

Hi Zuen.. lil Zuen sleeps early? and wakes up early?
<font color="aa00aa">good morning ladies!

any one can advice on where bbs can get a good haircut? my bb needs one - just to trim her hair a bit &amp; i m wondering if those hair saloons in neighbourhood can do?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Crystal, my #1 had her 1st hair cut at one mth old at the hair salon at Khatib central. The one next to Prima deli shop.</font>
hihi...I also wan to bring my ger for haircut lor, cos that time those neighbourhood salon trim for her hor, like not bery nice lor..I was tinking of bringing her to hwa xia for haircut =).
mornign ladies!

seems like my boy is starting to experience seperation anxiety. according to my helper, he started crying when she was cooking yesterday and my boy could not see her. my in-laws was with him but i think he prefers my helper.

i brought my boy for his hair cut (twice already) at Junior League. Quite good!
They have outlets at Forum Mall, Vivo City, Parkway Parade, Suntec City and United Square. Another option for your consideration, hehe. I wanted to try hwa xia also but no chance yet.

oh yah, u stay jurong. one end to the other. in any case, hope to see u! ;)

Do u still have link for the CNY dress ordering,
I lost my bookmark, now not able to find back the link, as need to do fund tranfer to cuteeland act.
my frend took her dotter to where tera mentioned.. she went the united sq and suntec outlet.. both ok.. kekeke..
I see..hmm..wan to bring her go trim trim lor..hmm...was tinking since sat going sandra there, see nearby got salon anot..hee

oh dear, i dun hv liao wor cos din bookmark it leh..hmm...
<font color="ff0000">Morning Ladies

Yesterday came back from work, my mom told me my gal did not eat her dinner again..NESTLE RICE...


- She sian already?? Need to change menu??
- No Appetite??
- Always play wif her gums..suck suck her lips..
Hi Mummies,

1'm letting go a JWT gym membership + 1 term classes (8 sessions + 2 free sessions) due to personal reasons.


I called them up but was unable to cancel and get back my money but they did mention that I can transfer the term classes to another child. Just would like to find out if any mummy is interested in taking over my registration?

Here are the details to what i've paid and what it consist of:

Total Payment: $348 ($288 + $60) *For transfer, I'm willing to let go the package at $320*
Number of sessions: 10 classes (8 + 2 free sessions given)
Date: Thursday 1pm - 1.45pm (date and timing can be changed)
Age group: 11 mths - 18 mths
Term starts/ends: 8th Jan - 5th march 09 (all 10 sessions to be completed within term period)
Location: Kallang Leisure Park (can be changed)

If there is any mummy keen, you can email me or sms me at 93886047 and I can help answer any queries or questions that you may have.

Thank you.
TInk ur ger could be sian of the food..mayb can add apple or pear puree to the cereal..it will taste better, or add brocoli puree..

I managed to get a bottle of the prune puree at NTUC yest liao, my MIL will give me ger later lor... =).
Tera, is the salon the one u mentioned $18??? I also wanted to bring jayden to neighbourhood salon trim his "sideburn" haaha.... then his daddy says wait till closer to CNY! *FAINTS*
u can tell ur hb, nearer to cny, price increase le..

no prob =).

the nestle rice cereal need to add milk anot? if no need, then add with water 1st, then mix with the puree..if need to add milk, after adding milk, then add puree lor =)...
<font color="aa00aa">thanks ladies! will speak wif hb then to consider either the one tat felicia mentioned next to prima or the up mkt one in town...</font>
Hi Sharon
Yes, that's him

Still waiting for his reply.. spoil my day...
Wow, can your ger give some weight to my boy, he is only 7.5kg at 7 mths ...

hi fennie and angel z and leng leng
Thanks for your support
See what he says now...

hi feifei
The first time isaiah had his haitcut, we brought him to those neighbourhood salon, $5 only cheap and good :p
yes, that's the one. it's exp hor? but i reckon since one haircut can last 2 mths, it's ok. hehe.
hey feifei is right, tell hubby CNY will increase price, go now!!
Guess there will be alot of exchanging of "loots" hor..hehe..

Will pass u ur pitcher then..

will pass u the teats too..

Will collect the cereals frm u and pay u..

Will collect the clothbooks frm you..

Collect otahs

Collect floats from u..

Anyone I left out cos scare I will forget lor..
Hi -five..

Ya hor, tks ger...see lah, sure forget on that day cos soooo many exchangings going ard..hehe...

Oh ya, i neeed collect my floats frm Ice too =)..
cannot cos if eat too much of those yellowish vege or fruits, bb's skin will be yellowish and their body will hv more white blood cells or something like that wor..exact reason i not sure leh..
hi feifei
Im keen, me and hubby were discussing, better start enrolling him in trial music/gym/activities class and see which one he likes...
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Morning Ladies!

just google for butternut lor, not clever lah,thats the power of internet

I just ordered the bb romper for my baby,
Cuteeland email : [email protected]</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">roxy..which barber u went to, think we stay quite close oso... so can take note of where to bring him to..
roxy: no problem.. very sian hor.. when u meet a dishonest seller.. sigh..

my ger oso skinny.. also 7.5kg at 7 mths.. onli at 50%... but the nurse said its ok.. average..
My bb have been having problems sleeping for 1 week liao, since last week apple incident. He always have gas inside his tummy and we need to apply ru-yi oil and he will cry for some time before he sleep. But since the apple incident, he has not been taking apple. And since apple is a low allergic food, i dun really tink it is the apple fault. He still doesn't have a good bowel systems, since the 4 days no poo episode, he become 2 days no poo after eating prunes showing some improvement.

Yest i realise my MIL feed him quite a lot of cereal and for 2 meals somemore, plus prune puree and pea puree. He is so full tat he didn't want milk at his 6pm milk feed.

I have a hunch tat its due to indigestion due to too much solid food consume, probably he stomach still young so cannot consume too much. Ored tell MIL to stop feeding cereal for today and to cut down on the puree portion to a few spoonful. going to do this for some time until condition improve. in the meantime i decide to slow down the introduction of solid food so he can pick it up slowly.

My MIL keep tinking tat should let him eat a lot of solid food so tat he feels more full and probably can skip the night feed so we can rest more.. well intention but wrong concept.. haiz. explain too much also no use. looks like i have to communicate more to her.
yes.. i dun feel its the apple too..
wah.. i guess its too much solid food.. causing indigestion leh.. better reduce abit lor.. slowly.. my boy still nvr replace a milk feed yet.. still having 5 to 6 feeds of 180ml.. same as b4 starting him on solid..
<font color="aa00aa">wow, suddenly so many posts, almost cannot catch up.

Crystal, from my view of points, if Gwen's hair is not much, you can try the neighbourhood salon as is cheap. If Gwen have lot of hair then can consider town one coz they can help to do 'style'.

For me, as my ger dont have much hair, i'll do the trimming myself. My #1 hair was trimmed by me. hehe....</font>

i am partly at fault too. i started with 2 cereal meals for 1 week, then intro apple puree for 2 meals for 4 days. then this incident happen. probably it is accumulative. to-date, haven't found the culprit yet. if doesn't solve, will stop all solid food until condition improve. then slowly start all over again.

my boy still having some amt of milk, 150ml, varying around 6-7 feeds a day.

My boy have very little hair, if hair cut tink no more hair. so not doing any hair cut for CNY. dunno how to increase his hair amt. somemore he has a patch behind his head that has no hair...
