(2008/06) June 2008

1 is tough,
2 is playmate for each other,
3 is a PARTY!!!

wah piang angel u are evil haaaa. :p

mine dun want to watch adult TV. MY TV is dominated by him lor. if i switch on other channel, he will cry until i switch to bbtv. i hope he is not addicted.

feifei, good u got alphaet chart. maybe i shd get one.
I'm heavy on one side,
waiting for the little one to wake up for milk

can gatecrash if we can make it? hehehe...
It's either 3 kids or none...
I find the Jumperoo a very good toy for babies cos they can exercise and use up their energy. Less effort on the caregiver's part too. But I didn't buy it though. Cos it's not cheap, takes up quite alot of space, and the caregivers are not really complaining.
Sometimes i put my boy on his cot and let him roll to and fro. then he do push ups on his hands too. activity time.

recently i bot 2 mini-pianos for him. one put at MIL house, he like to bang the keys cos they make music.

yr caregiver is not complaining bec its yr maid! haaa.

Me is the main caregiver lor. so jumperoo is a MUST! take it as investment.
ellysia: =P hahahahaha.... quite fun eh.. but after few times she will jus cry n dun wan to play liao.. hahahahah..

i thot my ger wan to watch cartoons but she not interested leh.. can i know what bb tv u show your boi?

i subscribe babytv from starhub cable. $4++ a month, v cheap. He like to watch pitch and potch and some other rabbits cartoon etc. No meaning cartoons, i find not v interesting but he like.

i also bot noddy cartoon and he quite like also. my hb bot tom n jerry but he dun like.

my colleague bot barney. says her bb like it.
For entertainment..
1)put her on bumbo sit and watch Disney Channel with her..
2)put her on jumperoo..
3)carry her around the house to look at things..
4)lay on my bed with her while she flips around..stomach crawl etc.
5)put her on the high chair and let her play with her Leapfrog Spin & Sing Alphabet Zoo

if u want jumperoo, u shd grab during the FP warehouse sale which is $188. I bot $230 from Toy'rus.

actually me and hb bot a lot of toys for him. first child and also we want to relax more. somemore daytime put at MIL house so there also need toys. my MIL complains and want us to buy more toys.
Ellysia, no leh.. my dad is the main caregiver. my boy don't like the maid. always cry when she tries to carry him.. initially, my dad wanted me to buy walker, but my mom told him not good for Matthew's development for him to use it now when he cannot stand up well. Luckily my dad listened and no longer complains. Can tell my dad loves Matthew alot. My maid has an easy life. sleep every day from 9pm to 5am. only do housework and be an extra pair of hands for my dad during feeding time, changing clothes and diapers. without my parents, I won't be able to continue working....
When he become 9 mths, i intend to get walker. hopefully next mth he can sit up well unassisted, then i can let him play those building blocks toys.

no la.. we nvr thot of buying the jumperoo cos i let my ger try at kiddy palace but she dun reali like it alot..

but i do intend to get a walker cum rocker for her..

i oso subscribe kids program fr starhub but she dun like.. hopefully she will like when she is older. duh.. hahaahah..
i also everyday rack my brains on what to play with bb. my boy likes animal sounds (cat, dog, cow etc) a lot so i will sing old macdonald's with the different animal sounds. he also like peek-a-boo.

thanks for the info on seperation anxeity but so far my boy like no seperation anxiety leh. maybe cos he's closer to my hubby; my hubby is on holiday so have been spending more time with him.

sure, we can go tog.

just heard a piece of sad news. my coll who was due on 18th dec had a stillbirth. bb had no heartbeat when she went for her routine checkup on 12th. they have been trying for 4 years and they were really looking forward to this baby.
tera: oh no... so sad.. and all along the baby was fine?

your fren n her family must be very upset.. furthermore so close to term.. everyone must be so looking forward to see the baby but yet...
I am not stay home mum but i also struggle with what to do with kyler on weekend. That's why i am always out.hehz...)

what i do when at home:
1) sing songs ( 10 little indian boys, old mcdonalds, twinkle twinkle little stars etc)
- with big actions and that will catch his attention
2) read a cloth book (he only has one. haha..)
3) play peek a boo
4) teach him hi five
5) put him in his pram where he can sit and tell him what mummy is doing-when i have to do housework ( eg. hanging clothes, boiling water- explain to him sound of water, the fire is hot) etc
6) bring him for tour at home ( talking n showing him things)
7) let him lay on my bed, supervise him as he attempt to crawl, flips etc)
8) at my mum's place( put him in his exersaucer,he delights in it)

i oso resort to always going out during weekends. stay at home, he look at me sianz, then he keep making noise at home cos too boring. haiz.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">mummies... any babies here can sit straight liao? i see my bb like still soft soft one leh... he is jux 6 months 5 days.. </font></font>
thanks for the very useful info. will try to see what i can do differently. he will stop crying only when we carry him now when he wakes up from sleep.

we are going Muar ( maybe dropping by Malacca). So far, have brought Kyler to JB, Desaru and Tokyo.
ahyo, so sad leh...hiaz...our bb is really a gift from god lor..really...

My ger can sit sraight for awhile onli, then will fall to the side or she will try to crawl liao..hiaz..

wow, ur boy so good leh, been to so many places wor..
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">tera.. bb so big liao.. stillbirth ah.. i see liao oso sad sad.. ya all baby are blessed by god/ buddha... etc..watever ur belief is... ;p although sometime will make a bit of noise lah.. but its so glad to have the little one with us... cant deny some times they can be monsters ... ha ha.. but they are so lovely... </font></font>
bonjovi: i salute u!! can bring kyler to so many places outside spore..

n Kyler must have so much fun.. so young n can go to so many places le. heehee..

i wan to bring my ger out to shopping aledi must plan out the route, timing, etc, etc.. n i esp drag the packing n unpacking part.. have to pack so many things.. hahahahah..

is it very troublesome to bring a young bb overseas?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">oooh feifei.. so it's normal that they cant sit on their own now rite.. me jux worried... ;p heee... </font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">thanks for all your sharing, will try to bring him downstairs to jalan jalan as i have not done that, i am waiting for the time to send him to childcare centre, evil mummy
haha yesh, lucas can also entertain himself by just flipping around on the bed. once reach the end, i will carry him to the beginning to start flipping, hehe. i just need to constantly watch out where he is esp when he's near the edge of the bed.

yah, it is almost full-term. bb was 3.8kg when delivered. thot gynae could have delivered earlier..but maybe everythign was ok during her earlier check-up.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ABC.. i bought a ABC those that hv sound when presse and got a few song which can change to animal sound..can oso spell out the word.. like A for Apple.. A.. P... P... L...E.. cheap cheap only 10+...</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">tera.. so baby is....?? no sign at all? no heart beat and no movement for how long? </font></font>
yah, i last saw her on 10th and she told me she was having some contractions. she also told me bb movements getting lesser, i told her to monitor. din expect this to happen.

yah, must treasure our bbies as gifts from God.

mine can sit for a while then after that will topple. :p
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Ellysia,
my bb will smile very sweetly when he heard me singing twinkle twinkle little star

that is indeed a very sad news, the baby have been in her for so long a time, and it is really a great blow to your coll
tera: sigh... so sad.. imagine having a baby for 9mths n being so close to the bb, feel her heart beat, kicks, hiccups, etc, etc.. sigh...

i jus give my lil sheryl a tight squeeze.. but she push me away.. hahahaha...

ioio: mine can sit on her own if she sit still.. but will fall is she try to reach for a toy..
<font color="ff0000">Tera
So sad to hear abt yr coll

2 weeks ago went to Mersing, bb not use to kampung sorrounding. On journey bb will sleep all the way...

next week going to Pahang, to MIL hse
hope my gal will be fine.

bring yr bb for a stroll downstairs, get use to outside sorrounding...
ya my boy also likes the washing machine-front load kind. everytime, he cries adn we happen to wash clothes, will bring him there. read somewhere that babies likes the rythem. anyway, it works for him since he was very young.

hahaha...i like the way you put it.

can get alphabet fridge magnet from Daiso.

its so sad...must be so painful for the parents...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">angel.. urs can sit still already.. ;p so fast.. she is 7 months rite? mine hor.. will bend and sucks his toes..when let him sit.. so always lean forward..</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Leng Leng, i'm light on both sides liao. hehe....

Re: baby entertainment
When i get tired of carrying and playing with my ger, i'll get my #1 sing song to her. I'm a lazy mum, last time used to sing to my #1, so is my #1 tuen to sing to her lil sister.

is indeed a sad news. Almost 3 yrs ago, got one ex-collegue oso have this problem. And she only know baby die inside her womb on the schedule day for c-sec.</font>

My bb is 6.5mths, also cannot sit up well. Like feifei, i put him on bed then he will sit up holding his hand on the bed for around 1 min, then will fall down liao. either fall in front or backwards, have to look out.

on stroller sometimes he like to sit up using his arm to hold on to one side. my hb try to hold him up by his hand at times.
ioio: ya.. she is 7mths.. going to be 8mths in 2 weeks time..

but she can't sit as steady la.. but my ger was like your ger, leaning forward few weeks ago... so i'm sure your ger can sit straight very soon!

felicia: so cute! hahahah.. your no.1 becomes your radio le... heehee..
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ooh.. so it's normal that our little ones cant sit straight now... maybe me too gan jiong.. hee... </font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">angel.. ur ger ger veri fast .. 8 mths soon.. next mth chinese new year.. can do the gong xi gong xi hand signal liao...</font></font>

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">yest then i went fisher price warehouse sales..

zuen.. i oso bought the basketball thing.. haha.. still a lot of pp at ard 5p.m...</font></font>
