(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia... yalor.. it's not good to consume too much at a time.. their digestive system still weak... </font></font>

ellysia: ya.. think your boi is indigestion..

babycupid: my ger oso hasn't replace any milk feed yet.. i thot with solids, she will drink less milk.. but when i give it to her, she can finish.. so i jus let her drink..

1 Qn:

Usu you all feed solids after milk or milk after solids ah?
<font color="ff0000">My gal no hair (botak)...so no need to trim...now growing and look darker her head...her hair is soooo fine..</font>
ya lor.. mine oso haven replace.. for mine, i will gif after milk feed.. say 11am milk 180ml.. den ard 12+ 1pm cereal.. den 4+ milk 180ml.. 5+ 6pm puree..
babycupid, ellysia: i'm doing the same as babycupid, feed cereal after milk.. so my ger's intake of cereal not so high...

i'm wondering which way should be correct? cos i was thinking since we are weaning our bb, then ellysia's way should be correct, right?

yr way and babycupid is correct according to the articles i read. But for ease of preparation my MIL has done it the other way round. Bec she will warm the milk feed, then pour out some to mix with cereal. then later cont with milk feed.

I ever tried feeding first but later my boy reject cereal.

today i just read an articles tat suggest to feed cereal 20mins after milk feed.
i read it somewhere tat give milk 1st b4 cereal..cos their main nutrients are frm milk frm age 0mths to 12mths.. so i jus do it the way tat website stated lor..
but cereal amt my boy consider not less wor.. 2scoops(similac scoop) and 35ml of puree..
my MIL feed around 3 tablespoon of cereal x 2 meals. i tink is too much considering he just start solid 2 weeks ago.
ya.. mayb u try the other way and reduce the cereal feed.. mayb try to have 1 feed cereal a day and the other feed puree.. see whether it helps..
babycupid, ellysia: okok.. got it! will continue to give cereals after milk..

my ger can eats 2 scoops of cereal (nan scoop) but onli 10-20ml of fruit puree.. n usu its dinner.. lunch she can onli eat cereal n full liao..
i usu feed milk after solids. i realised my boy is usu still hungry after his cereal. hmm, dunno if i am feeding him too little.
thats great...so stay tuned for more infor hor =)..cos me busy with my work, wait til I cleared all this rubbish then i post hor..kee

hee..i replied ur sms leh wor..

tink ur boy could be indigestion leh..Mayb reduce the cereal feed to once per day 1st ya...also dun feed too much yet cos cereals are heaty..
if your boy still hungry after cereal, he could be still hungry leh..

I feed my ger 4-5scopes of the cereal, then that will reduce 1 of her milk feed..then no milk given to her until lunch which we will give her porridge lor..Onli feed her cereal once per day as bf and on alt days..
Lil ZuEn slps about 8+, 9pm and wakes up at about the time that we wake up to prepare for work, normally 5+, 6+am. She hasnt been sleeping exceptionally early recently leh, so not sure why she wakes up extra early these 2 days. Best is that she will continue sleeping 2 hours later, when she's already at my mum's place and we have left for work. -.o"

I always think X** H** not very pro leh. Oops. Or maybe they should work harder on their shop decor. ;p

Roxy, Angel,
Your babies are not that skinny either lah. Lil ZuEn is also about 7.6kg at 6 months 2 weeks. I think she was slightly above the 50 percentile then. I think she's somewhere near to 8kg at 7months 5 days. They grow so slowly now. I am just glad that she's at the 50 percentile liao.
tera: though i'm feedin cereal after milk but i see my ger's intake of cereal quite little.. n her milk intake doesn't decrease..

so i'm wondering whether should be other way round..
feifei: you r one of the earliest who started your ger on solids and she is onli having cereal once every alt days?

im aledi giving my ger cereal 2x a day n everyday eh.. but each time onli 2 scoops of cereal.. but nvr replace any milk intake.. is mine too fast?
hehe..understooded =)..hee

yup..at 1st we gave her cereal once a day, every day..But find that her poo abit hard and she feels warm lor so guess its the heatyness so we reduce to alt days..Furthmore, we are giving her brown rice as well, so we do it on alt days, brown rice she eat more, twice to thrice each day, so kind of like balance off lor =)..

For ur ger's case,how big is ur scope and which cereal u giving ur ger? ;p
babycupid: last week my ger still on 1 feed cereal but the elders at home keep pressurising me to increase her feeds so i try increasing lor..

feifei: i'm using the nan scoop (maybe about 1/2 to 2/3 of similac scoop).. i'm giving my ger Nestle cereal every mon, wed, fri n sun (for both lunch n dinner) then brown rice cereal every tues, thurs n sat (oso lunch n dinner) (cos brown rice is heaty)

u think i should cut?
oh oh.. mine rushing me to gif porridge bery soon.. so nw i wanna try to gif those vege to test den use it to make the stock..
aiyo, ur bb very cute! smiling so sweetly!

yah, now i also dunno wat's the right sequence. keke.

yah, i think my cereal not enough. tmr i give more. he seems to like HT, keep opening his mouth for the next spoonful.
ahyo, so cuuuuuuuutttttttteeeee leh =)...feel like pinching her cute cheeks..hee

Yup, boil 10mins, pour away e way and blend..

I feel hor, hv to depend on ur ger..If she is taking it well, then shd carry on lor, no harm..but got reduce her milk intake?
babycupid and angel,

My MIL have the tendency to feed all food.. if my bb cannot finish, my MIL get stressed. i always tell her cannot finish nevermind, cos i always give extra but not necessary must feed all.

Yah, today have ored tell her to keep cereal to 1 meal and on alternate days. Puree just a few spoonful.

Anyway for coming few days, i am stopping cereal.
feifei: nvr decrease her milk intake wor.. cos i jus give as per normal.. since she can finish then i let her finish lor..

so far she seems all right with the 2x cereal everyday but she a bit constipated la..

going to give her the prune puree that ellysia recommended..
actually my boy can take the 3 tablespoon of cereal, but i tink is too constipative for his tummy.

tats why cutting cereal these few days then see if condition improve.. if improve then shd be cereal too much so will cut down on cereal.

mine also constipated.
actually he is whole day ok. but always at nite before he sleep he will cry then we find a lot of wind inside tummy, then have to rub oil before he settle down.

prune is really effective. tat day he no poo for 2 days, i let him take for 2 days and he poo liao. sat n sun i let him take again, mon he poo two times.
Haha... Nurse told me to control her intake. I heart pain to see her not 'ba ba' leh. Yah. She can sit very well. Next wk going 7mth...

She's watching her favorite TV program that's y smile until like that.

actually she slim down already. Her spare tyres not as deep as before..

Thks! btw, need to do 4 day test?
ellysia: ya.. my ger oso constipated.. me currently waiting anxiously for the HT barley cereal.. cos i find Nestle cereals a bit sweet.. n hoping that barley cereal can improve her digestive system..

does barley cereal work for your boi?
sharon: oh.. so her thighs previously more power!? heehee.. but very cute!!

ya.. PD said bb growth will slow down le.. sigh.. so my ger so small, onli 7.5kg.. your ger slims down alot?

but if your ger slim down le, why the nurse stil ask u to slim down your ger?
Ritzy, I remember the bb food cube has 8 containers. each has 3 markings (30ml - 75ml). Sorry, I didn't open the bb food cube since I received it via postage.

BBcupid, u also bought the same thing. Is my above correct huh?

Ritzy, i bought it at $12...selling it off at the same price.
Yesterday give my boy 2 scoops(similac) scoops of HT+Heinz Plain Cereal.... Finish liao, he still open mouth wide wide...very funny...

Tomorrow on leave to bring him for his jab. Can't wait to try Green Peas tml! *hiak hiak* I'm expecting disgusted look fm him since it's his 1st try...
Wat is the class all about huh? Mummies have to be singing and dancing again is it? Hehe. I am interested too. ;p

Your bb so cute! Smiling so happily.

I think so long as they are 50 percentile den okie liao. Now worried that she's too light. If she has her Daddy and my fat genes, then can start worrying about her pui pui in teh future. Haha.
haha, not rally mummis hv to do it lor..tink the bbs will be exposed to instrucments and some play thing lor..hehe..

Mayb u can let ur ger try the prune puree wor..

tink ur bb mayb wans to eat more leh..hee
