(2008/06) June 2008

ioio: ya.. my mum oso say.. so right now my mum is teaching my girl to do the twinkle twinkle little star signal n the gong xi gong xi signal too..

but certain things she fast, certain things she slow.. e.g. she onli knows how to flip not too long ago.. n till now, i dun see any sign of her tiny tooth popping out.. heehee..

the PD n baby books say actually her devt should follow her actual age (which is 5mths) so she will develop certain things slower..

but i oso gan cheong like u.. i will get super excited when i know she learns new things.. hahahaha.. so cute..

right now, i m hoping she will learn how to say 'mama' cos some of the june babies aledi know how to say 'mama' le.. heehee..

<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Shinely,
me,me,me!i tried pumpkin yesterday,bb ate alot, today i mixed with
HT brown rice cereal,he "siam"(moved way)refused to eat</font></font>

my boy good or not i am not sure....hehz...just that his parents easily bored. or rather i was impressed by angmoh who could bring their children for travelling even when they are very young. so, i decided to give it a go.

its different travelling alone vs with children. there has to be some adjustment made to yr expectation of what u want to do. a little planning helps but flexibility is also impt. its tiring but not that tough. Its quite an experience but its lotsa fun too. i overestimated
my ability, forgetting that im a weekend mum so japan trip of 10 days was tiring. but, no regrets.

ur good. i am a terrible mum. i would just drag him back when he reaches the edge.

how far to drive is Pahang to Singapore? I am still considering whether muar would be too far. Now that he is older, may be challenging entertaining him in the car for long trip, I guess.
me going off liao..chat with u all tmr ya =)..byez..
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">feifei,
read that butternut is very good for baby, is it the same taste as pumpkin?
Hi angel_z,

Ya, i chnage the milk powder from nan ha2 to nan pro. Now baby is drinking fine le.
Check with nestle, they say HA is more bitter , maybe that the reason she don't like after i feed her those puree, porrage and cereal

old folks told me probably need 8 mths then can sit up v steady.


If u want butternut, can get Healthytimes baby jar as i tink tats the only baby jar tat has butternut squash. Earthbest is winter squash, and gerber has only squash in general (dunno is wat squash). But squash is constipative.
my MIL bought a pumpkin, and it been is fridge for almost a week, so ur thing it will spoil? can i still cook into puree for my baby?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">fei fei.. the furthest i went is sentosa.. ha ha.. a bit further than u.. not of any better.. tis sat gg to bring him to wedd dinner.. dunno how long he can tahan...</font></font>
chalet on 20-21th. 22th-23th to Muar. Crazy plans but we will see now. can change plans de.

my mum gave my boy potato with brown rice. I tried. its quite tasty.
bon jovi: icic... still.. u r power mummy.. heehee

shinely: good to know that your bb is drinking milk again.. if not, less than 100ml is reali too little..
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">i did a search on butternut.. sorry me veri suaku..dont noe how it looks like... it look a bit like "hu lu" hor? where to get? all supermarket?

anyone here got no mood to work?</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ellysia,
thks,will try to find butternut puree in big supermarket

butternut </font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">bonjovi,
my baby don't like potato leh,
what brown rice did your mum gave?those medical hall ones is it?i used healthy times brown rice cereal</font></font>
fennie: thanks for the pic.. kekeke... me enlightened liao..

like what ioio said, its shaped like hu lu.. but the puree more like pumkin...
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">roxy,
did you gave the wrong link, the link is Free Items Only, didnt see any seller??</font></font>
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">angelz,
pumpkin puree more orangee &amp; very smooth &amp; slightly transparent, this butternut like more opague,not as smooth</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">angel... hooray.. gg to call it a day soon but i oni go off ard 6.30.. ;p tis is the first time i see a butternut... ha ha... but hor if make this into puree.. what to do with the rest? dunno how to cook it leh.. ermn.. what i mean is it looks big hor.. use a bit for puree then the rest oso dunno wat to do..</font></font>
ioio: i guess its jus like papaya, pumpkin, etc... i guess u can cut it up n let the rest of the family eat.. kekeke...

but i guess its very similar to pumpkin ba.. think they come from the same family? heehee..
<font color="ff6000">leng leng,
yes yes, pls come n join in the fun if u can.. with all 3 lah...

<font color="119911">feifei,
will probably sms u tonight.. cos now sneak in to read posts for awhile, my gal is rite behind me making lots of noises like talking to herself :p gotta go entertain her now..</font>

My boy also call papa, he only call mama once and is not v clear.


i find tat when puree mix with cereal, my boy also dun like. so i didn't mix them up.

SO GOOD! your boi so clever eh! knows how to call both papa n mama liao..

how i wish my ger can oso call me mama... everyday i keep mama at her, hoping she can follow me...
<font color="ff6000">angel_z,
sorry missed ur post just now..
my addy: 49 jalan limau purut s(468223)
give me a call or sms if u need help wif direction

no worries!

thanks for the add n contact.. jus recorded them into my hp..

cya on sat!

so exciting!! hahahahah...
<font color="aa00aa">bonjovi, u have relative at Muar? Coz i find nothing much there leh. But maybe Muar Otah! haha....
From Muar to Malacca within an hour of driving only, so maybe u can go there oso.

Re: butternut
Ioio, not only u 'suaku', me too! Din know wat is butternut till i saw the pictures. I tot is another kind of pumpkin. haha....</font>
Recently I tried Japanese pumpkin...very sweet!!..Reanne can eat more than 5 thbsp of it,...have to stop her...my bro keep complaining to me that she is too fat...ask me to limit her food intake..how can??...hiyoh!

my gal just had her jab yesterday.. guess how heavy is my sumo now... i'm almost carrying a bag of rice man...

she is 9.8kg... think i got to slim her down more liao...
Hi Roxy,
About ur case, is it little_gecko? Why not post in that thread so that everyone know whats going on?

The nurse ask me to do something about it! She's 97% already.


retail at U$80, bought it during a sales at U$29.99
after adding tax and conversion to SGD is S$52

1 set of long sleeves polo and pants for 6months
