(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

leooh, bliss,
oh think one of you asked if I'd be picking you up. yes yes not a prob. but maybe bliss you walk down to MOE there, then we have one pick up point only? good idea? hehehe... so exciting. better put in my calendar, wait forget...

think it's up to u whether u want to use highchair or not. think when baby can hold his neck up and can sit partially aided or without aid, wld be the time he can sit in highchair.

my hubby wants a highchair coz he wants baby to sit in one place when we feed him instead of him having the habit of running around, and we chase after him to feed him.


Hope Ethan recover fast! Do take good care of urself too!

We are paying abt $160/mth for Javier's insurance, not too sure what it covers as my hubby is the one who bought it
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
i signed up for the weekend one as well Parent & Babe cos me not a SAHM cant possibly be bringing him to classes on weekdays. the first lesson will start on 1 Mar i'm taking the 4pm class. what timing u intend to enrol baby in?

sorry i wasn't clear...
what i mean is can add either breast milk or formula (hot water plus powder).
for me, i use only formula cos not breastfeeding.

by the way, what kinda health conditions cant buy insurance now?
i bought both life and savings insurance but dun remember them asking abt health conditions.

most vege and fruits can freeze.
but dun think can freeze banana or avocado.
for fruits i feel best to eat fresh if u dun steam them.
this weekend i'm preparing steamed apple puree, doren's first fruit! this one can freeze

ya for the gathering, hope i can handle doren alone leh! gotto use the stroller alone and drive there alone
even for the first GUG class, i gotto go alone cos hubby still overseas...

i also bought life and study insurance for baby.
now left medical one which i'm buying using CPF.
there is one plan which will cover our children if both husband n wife buy the same one together using CPF.

hi snnowy,
u seldom log in hor.
hope u are doing fine with baby

ur policies sounds good!
ur plan sounds like the one i'm buying from Aviva.
is it My Shield or something?
in fact, my bro is advising me on this policy tom.
I am thinking of starting my boy with semi-solid next week, but I am wondering how to feed him without him sitting down. He does not like to sit on bumbo, will scream after 2 to 3mins. Any highchairs for recommendation? I think those that can incline will be good?

i'm feel gd nw..
mayb tat time, reali stress out..
hv try to give Ethan FM earlier..
lucky, he got no systopm on the diarrehoe..
Wah! So many posts…really can’t catch up and answer everyone…

Jang: Read the story you posted. So sad…imagine losing one’s baby due to fear and negligence. I really feel sorry for the family…the baby was a July baby somemore…I think it is important not only to be very careful in handling baby, but also to be careful about how we treat our helpers at home, in infantcare etc.

Alsie: Nice pics! Do let us know how the kindermusik class goes. Hubby and I will be going for introductory classes and purchasing kindermusik homepack from Infantcare soon, so we can continue the daily kindermusik syllabus on days when James isn’t in infantcare.

As for highchair, I think to be used only when baby can sit up on his own.
bliss, if we leave from home on the day of gathering, we can give u a lift all the way there kekekeke... then will have my hubby to help us out, shd be able to cope. hehehe...
Leooh, Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. rc_cola (2 pax)
Yesterday, i received the LittleTouch LeapPad Learning System and 6 other books. so happy!
it's very innovative, hope doren will love it too!

though the shipping is almost half the cost of the items, ultimately i still save about $150++
u have gotten urs??
Don't know why this keeps happening to me. I ordered a pair of soft sole shoes through BP, and though organiser posted it on Sat night, I still haven't received it. She's been trying to get a response from Singpost, but to no avail. I've just spoken to the postal manager for my side, and he's trying to locate it also...if this continues, I will really become good friends with him...

So happy for U, u receive yr leappad, I order early Dec, but till now, still hv not seen any of my item. Spend ard S$220(exclude shipping)on leapfrog stuff...but hv not seen anything yet...sigh...

I have not decided on the timing, but they told me my boy must be exactly 8months to start the class. So I guess I can only go for the class in April. The receptionist dont seem very friendly. I ask her the difference between the weekday and weekend class, she tell me to just read through from the website.

I think the insurance that I gotten is MyShield, the premium is deducted from medishield.

Thanks, how much did you pay for the combi enjoyme R-1? Any photos to view?
Great to hear that Ethan is getting better.
Ask u hor...how to consider diarrhea? Ur baby poo how many time a day compared with no diarrhea? Sometimes my baby poo wif bubbles, issit diarrhea?
Alsie: I bought mine last month from Yahoo Auctions at $125. It was purchased in May 07 by seller and almost brand-new, even came with box etc. Someone else bought similar from another seller for $130 with free toy thrown in. Retail price last year was $191. However, Tai Sing told me that this offer is no longer valid and new stock will cost $280 from here on. Enjoyme model has same features as Rashule model, but the cushion cover material is different. I think the Enjoyme highchair is a limited edition, like the Enjoyme stroller, hence, its no longer available in the shops.

Pooh: Glad to hear Ethan's getting better. Can't bear for little babies to fall sick.. tough time for mummies n daddies.

Leooh: Have not checked the teats, will check over the weekend.

Also, there is a charge of $120-additional and $200-room charge? Dun understand.. cos yesterday only calculated with room charges only.

Have not gotten any policies for my girl yet but prob soon cos my brother is a financial advisor...

Saw a posting about a policy costing $170, can share more? From which insurance company?
how do u mummies get ur babies to learn swallow?
I try on weekends but she dun reli take it well.
Mum has been trying to feed her 2 tsp porridge but she says tricia dun know how to swallow.. headache leh
bliss: seems u r the baby food puree expert.. how about listing ur recipes?? can learn n try leh.
I'm trying to get my girl interested in semi-solids..
Gd morning mummies, was in the thread just now replying to you all and suddenly the system start to reboot by itself, so, have to re-type everything again....sigh...

Alsie, thanks for the info on GUG, will go check it out.

an_gal, ytanhn, thanks for concern. Feeling much much better now, otherwise cannot log in...ke...ke. MIL is here to help take care of Aidan, will go take a nap after I feed him with rice cereal later.

jang, you mean they actually send mass email to all when it's available? Which means it's not really first-come-first-serve on the waitlist then. Sigh....

leooh, you're right, water will help skin look radiant.

For the dreambag, when I don't use it, means Aidan needs to be swaddle, usually because I have to apply cream on his face, worried that he might scratch it, so have to swaddle him.

bliss, abt the rice cereal, got it now, though he don't seems to like it, I'll continue to feed him with it.

Abt bb sitting, nowsaday I noticed that Aidan can sit using his own hands to support for a few seconds then he'll fall on his side.

bliss, my leadpad system has also arrived, will collect it over the weekend. As for the shipping cost, yah, know what you mean, but actually didn't expect it to be so ex. Anyway, made a comparison, it's still cheaper than buying it frm Sin.

pooh, missed your post, hope your bb is alright now.

Chatty, you're so lucky, don't seems to be able to find any good deal on high chair lately.
Adeline: Did your Spree organiser use Comgateway or VPost? I read in one of the threads that Comgateway was having problems shipping the goods here in time due to massive orders during the festive season. 2 days ago, I received an e-mail from Comgateway asking me to authorise the shipment of Polo Ralph Lauren tees to Singapore. I wrote to them immediately to tell them I had not ordered any such tees. They apologise for the mistake. Thing is that if they make such mistakes now and again, and the recipients who did not order the goods might not bother to respond (don't need to pay if no response), then the goods would be stuck in the warehouse for a long long time.

For Leapfrog products, my ILs told me that they received their orders within 2 days of placing the orders (even though Leapfrog sent 2 or 3 books in the wrong language)...so it may not be that leapfrog didn't send orders, but the forwarding service isn't efficient.

bliss has shared her recipes on jete's forum..

room charges=additional charges.lower room charge for high tea slot,higher for lunch slot if spend below $1000.

no prob for the teats,can check whether u have no.4 teats too?thanks!

bundle of joy

i bought it from mums and babes at AMK hub but its quite expensive there.robinsons sells it too if i remember correctly.but hor,you sure you want to start swaddling now?we should be working at unswaddling leh,think i'm going to start leaving one hand out of the swaddle soon..
leooh: so how many additional charges are there? $200 or $120.. if so I will recalculate & post the charges here n see which is cheaper? > $1k dun have to pay room charges?

for high tea,$120 additional charge.

for lunch,
no additional charge if spend above $1000.
if spend below $1000, additional charge of $200.
I have been swaddling him all this while. I tried to jus swaddle his legs, but everytime he moves his hands, he wakes up. We want to wean him off the swaddle but he is far too active. Cant stay still for a few mins. Now he has flipped and he keeps doing it everytime. last time he released himself out of his swaddle and he flipped and kept banging his head against my back. Cannot tahan.. Like this cant put him in the cot also.
I am starting my boy on semi solids next week. Any tips on what i should do and not do? My PD gave nestle rice cereals to try. was wondering if the pureed food by heinz is worth the try?

You have just started your baby on semi-solid? Can your baby finish one tablespoon of cereal? I am so lost in terms of starting semi-solid. My PD advise to start when my boy reaches 6months. But I think he is quite ready, thus will try next week or following week, one week before he turn 6mths

I jz trial on her only, will start whn she is 6mths on 4 Feb. She will spit out some, she love to chew and bite on the spoon, maybe fun for her or her gum itchy...nt sure leh...
zhu zhu

jaelynn drinking teat #2now. when i know i shld chnage har? like when she drinking more slowly or how?

mummies, which brand cereal is good? thinking of letting her try liao. tomorrow she gng for jab, will ask pd if can or not.

jang, read the news of the 2 mth bb on paper too. so sad..think the parents must be devastated. if only the maid will say..things could be differnt
At the moment, I just add a small teaspoon of rice cereal in the EBM for all her feed, she seems ok with it. I want to get her digestive system going before I feed her solid cereal.
Hi, just tried feeding Aidan with rice cereal again. It seems like he really didn't like it, kept spitting it out, and I tried pushing them back into his mouth with the spoon, he got so fedup that he started crying.

Just wondering if I can dilute the whole mixture, that is to make it more watery? Thought maybe it's too concentrated, that's why he didn't like it.
inu: u will know when jaelynn is drinking slow and takes a long long time to finish, always do not finish her milk cos too much effort to suck.

Subjected accordingly..some babies like fast flow some slow flow.

Currently me put rice cereal in tricia's FM at nite. About 1/3 spoon of the similac spoon. She drinks it readily. Using nestle cos that is the only plain rice cereal I can find.. rest is either flavoured or with milk content..

Read the story on the chinese newspaper yesterday.. reading 1 work skipping 2 words.. I din know, is hb told me the story.. he felt sad..
inu, chatty, bliss,

ya.. the news on the baby is so sad. although the maid is not deliberate, but then if she told the employers earlier, could have prevent the tragedy.. haiz... can totally feel for the parents..
jang, whr you stay huh?? I don't mind actually. I'm actually hoping that we SAHM can come together and start a playgroup for our bbs.

Thanks for the link. Will take a look. The cost for the highchair is high :p must try to look for second hands

My boy can also sit with hands support for a few secs. But I cannot make him sit on his bumbo for long!

I bought the brand called Earth's Best Brown rice cereal. Its an organic product, but havent let my boy tried it yet. Will wait till he is one week before 6mths to try it out.
