(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

ya lol, the BP 1 estimate wrong size.. tis set not sold in BP oso i tink.. i mix the spinach puree with abit of milk but he oso don 1 leh.. he giv me tat sulky face.. u c the face u would immediately stop feeding him haha.. 1st puree he rejected so far..

haha...i also don't think they'll check that thoroughly,but can try to talk logic with the manager first mah..see what she says tomorrow lah
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
really hope he likes veggie like his mummy

i didn't really teach doren how to swallow
initially the rice cereal was quite runny, maybe he swallowed like milk. eventually he just learnt.

know it's kinda long-winded but like i've mentioned to an_gal, for every spoon, i will tell him, "Doren, open ur mouth, ahhmmmmm..., swallow ur food." he kinda understands i think haha! ur girl will learn with more practice!
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
did u try to continue feeding him?
maybe he needs to warm up before he gets used to the new acquired taste??? dun give up!
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
ya, itz physically lor....so painful....like contraction in the neck...

take pics and show us leh...
Baby's Insurance :
just curious...

Have u bought insurance for ur baby?
How much cash u pay per month in total?
hello Jete,
so sorries to read about your grandma, hope she will be well.. Who knows Paige will keep her spirit up and that may help in the healing process..

Hubby and I cannot commit to gathering without a date
cos he's travelling most of the time, and sometimes flying back on a sat..
Mel, Leooh,
Me also still using avent #1 and #2...never change since introduced bottle to him..opsss

Ivan was very kwai in the train and bus, didn't make noise and keep looking around.
Took MRT, a lady had to take 5seconds to think whether to give up her seat to me (I was hand carried the baby). Heavily rain today....not a good day to go out.

Infant eczema,
PD suggested start cereal first, same as chatty said. And do not applied steriod cream more than 5days. Prescribed QV cream to Ivan. After bath, dun rub with towel, better tap dry then apply QV cream. If very dry condition, use oil bathe, soak baby in water+oil for 10-15min.

Got 2 tins of milk powders from the hospital...hehehe
Gosh! I disappear for 1 afternoon, and already i don't know what's going on. Will catch up on all the posts later. Just adding in my name to the gathering list and figure out what it is about later on...

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
Nice photoshoots of Ike. I brought Jerome to photoshoot at Picture Me because I bought the package 1 year ago. Will share the photos.

Your boy has grown up!

I saw that CNY wear in chinatown too. Wanted to get one for Jerome, but feel that its abit too big for his size. But it does fit well on Melcolm

I went to GUG this afternoon, just to check, which programme did you sign up? The Gifted Babes or Parent & Babe? Most likely will be giving the Parent & Babe a try as its a weekend class. Gifted Babes classes are all weekdays.

Hope that Ethan recover soon. I have link your blog to mine.

I have signed Jerome up for the trial class end of the month. Will feedback how it goes.
leooh, abt the sleeping bag, I let my boy wear it occasionally now, cause lately he like to scratch his head and face in the night. It gets so bad that the next day you see scars all over. But overall, the sleeping bag is still useful.

Thanks for your concern, yah, hve been garping a lot of water, hope to recover soon. And yes, everyone want to look pretty.....ke...ke...

Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)

Am indicating as 2 pax now, cause not sure of my hub's travelling schedule, let's hope the date doesn't coincides with his trips.

cin, think I just missed your post. Anyway, abt the trial, my hub says since I'm down with flu, so don't allow me to go. But think the lesson shld be ok, can I hve their number, I'll call them directly.

So fedup, have put my name in the waitlist for the Jumporee, checked my mail this morning and got a mail frm them saying that it's available now, asking me to go to the website to add on the item in my cart, my I couldn't cause on the website it's indicated as "Notify" instead of "Add to Cart". So I sent them an email asking them how to go about doing it, and guess what, they sent me a reply saying that it's rented to someone else and told me to wait for another 2 weeks.

bliss, thanks for sharing on how to prepare rice cereal. But you mean you add breast milk and milk powder also??

Baby Insurance: My boy cannot buy any at the moment because of his health condition, so have to wait for another 2 yrs.

Milk Powder: Similac just called me yesterday, they'll be sending me a free tin of follow-on in another 10 days' time.

Bliss/Alsie, where is this GUG??
GUG is located in United Square. The website as given by Bliss the other time http://www.gugifted.com/main.htm

Missed the previous gathering. Would hope to be able to attend this one.

Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. Alsie (2 pax)
anyone want coupon for promil gold 2.
got a $5 of coupon from the singapore post boucher

also have coupon for progrss gold 3 & 4
ya lol.. hopefully tis wkn i hav time 2 freeze some puree.. so u hav any idea wat are the fruits or vege that we can freeze? i understand tat not all food is advisable to be frozen..

hope can make it to the next gathering... Melcolm 1 2 meet his gd buddy Doren haha

re: baby insurance
so far i oni bought hosp insurance for bb.. haven bought others yet cos not working but already gotten info frm agent.. tink per mth abt 100 or slightly more.. once my job stable will start sourcing..

the cny wear i bought in chinatown is the smallest size

take care hugs...

received ur angel wipes sample, thks so much.. can sms me ur acc number? i tt the postage amt to u if not wait u hang fishhead at my doorstep :p
throw ur boy here to entertain my chloe, she'll be extremely happy cos she needs some entertainment when drinking milk.

hope ethan takes his porridge and recovers soon... porridge is good for diarrehea even for adults. do let him drink more water too.

my edd was on 12/8 so i joined the aug thread then, end up chloe too gan cheong and came out on 19/7 @ 36th week.

i bought the hospitalisation plan for chloe since she was 2mths old, around $360/year. the rest still pending. the agent is my pri school friend who is in june mummies thread.

hahaa.. so did the 5sec lady give up her seat to u?
Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
me hv been bz at work n at night will be so tired dat i hardly log in liaoz...just wanna quickly dive onto my bed!
so if hv time, will try to log in then quickly go to bed liaoz..melcom looks cute in his cny outfit!

i oso got one from chinatown cos e BP one always oos..
the forum is running soo fast..

i kena bad cold and had used up almost 1 box of tissues! So scared to pass the germs to my bb!

Loh: i also still using teat #2 for my boy...
hahaha..u so farnie! guess e last time when u saw him his neck wasn't v strong yet...so now he cld sit up, but still a bit wobbly..u
r boy's got so much hair n a nice hairdo! envious...my boy like botak like tis...
popby to say hi... very bz at work and at home... Been trying to clear away some of my items tooo... making space to buy more... hahahaa...

Nite everyone!

i think when the jumperoo is available, it will send out a mass email to everyone on the waitlist. probably someone went to reserve it the moment she receives the email..
Baby Insurance:

i think already bought Life insurance, study insurance and hospitalisation ones. hubby handling those,not too sure. but paying approx $3k per year.
Hi Ladies,
Ethan is feeling much beta liao..
as he nv hvin his diarrehoe...
but yest he seem nt hving full as no FM was to feed him..

so no choice but to feed him porridge which it's e first time.. (2gether w spinah)
guess wat... he dun liek e vege and vomit all out..
so bad rite..
so no choice to give him plain porridge (which cook w scallop).. n he onli take a bit n refuse to hv it anymore..

so later on, no choice i hv to give him BM..

in evenin time, i gave him nestle rice cereal..
n din realise tat it's contain w milk also..
but he took it.. n nt full for a small bowl of 11/2 scoop of cereal..
so nv to made again for 11/2 for him..
n he finish all.. guess he realise hungry w/o his FM..

nite time, he was able to slp thru out e nite..
but got a bit of cranky n i hv to feed him w my BM n he fall aslp immd.

hope later he will be feelin well enough after he get to hv his FM liao..
Hi mummies,
It has been a long time since log in to do any posting. Super busy with bb and house work. Hope everyone is well.

Re: Baby Insurance
Have bough education and investment link insurance(Fr HSBC) for Baby when she is 1 month old. Insurance agent inform that premuim is cheaper the younger the baby is. They will need her Health Booklet submitted.

Hope ethan recover soon enough. Even if it for adult, it uncomfortable for one to be unwell, let alone baby.
Leooh, Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
Ah! We just bought the insurance last night! Our agent proposed something which we thought was quite good. with a combination of two policies, we pay a total of about $170 per month.
- insures baby death/illness/etc (choi choi choi!!!) for $100k for LIFEtime
- but the $170 premium we pay monthly, only need to pay till baby is 25 years old. thereafter, no need to pay anything, but the $100k coverage will continue for life
- at baby age 25, we can take back about $40k cash (but still no need to pay premium at all after baby age 25, and still have $100k life coverage)

For $170, we thought the above was quite good lah. just get somehting first, next time got more spare cash then top up and get more.

Agent is our good friend we know through our volunteering activities with children with physical disabilities.
Re: Baby Insurance
Is there a need to buy? What I have is just from Aviva, it comes free when both me and my husband got the medishield from them. Not sure if its good enough though.
Leooh, Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
You boy has really grown up. DIfferent from the time I saw him at the massage class. My boy will join the botak gang after CNY. MIL don't allow me to shave his hair until CNY is over.
oh by the way, I have the vip card thingy from Globetrotters. Leooh, can you check with the manager if we can get any discount for the entire sum if one of us has the card... kekeke...
baby insurance:

asked my financial planner,the life insurance for baby he thinks is good to buy if you have spare cash(cos really have lower premiums) but not essential now.more important to get for personal accident,and medishield.

Think my baby is the same as alsie's, both me and hubby bought the medishield so baby will be covered(but not 100%,think up to certain amount only)free.

will be getting the personal accident for baby,as for life insurance,must work out whether we have spare cash first..

thank you so much!will get it from you during the gathering,now let her use combination of size 2 and variable flow first)..


wow VIP card?ok will ask again when the manager calls me..
You are right, I think its not totally free. But no need to pay premium i think. I am also thinking of insuring him with accident plan, but must work out budget.

When must we get the high chairs for babies? Previous threads were talking about it, but the thread runs too fast I cannot catch up.


glad that ethan is feeling better,hope he gets well soon!u take care too;-)


good,drink lots of water and u'll be mei mei and radiant again;-)

for dreambag,so when you don't use it you just cover baby with a blanket or swaddle him?
enci is just as bad with the scratching thing(esp when she's sleepy),scars all over too,previously its only the left side of the head,now dunno why she likes to scratch the middle forehead,very ugly like we torment her like that.my mum said to her"like this you won't be pretty liao"and the vain girl suddenly cried,we all laughed and laughed...haha

my hubby said that she's always"shang1 nao3 jin2",hahah
