(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Jang, redhill huh....hmmm... it's abit far frm my place, but think we can try organising one and see how the boy can take, as the distance is long to travel. Let me know

Alsie, that's strange huh, he can sit but refuse to sit in a bumbo where there's better support.
I'm using the Heinz rice cereal, one fo the brand recommended by Prof Lee.
Jang: u stay in redhill ah?? My mum stays at Strathmore Avenue. Do u drop by Dawson Mall frequently?

Alsie, think if u backtrack to yesterday's thread, someone left a link.. asiaonenews..

how about u play with him to distract him while he sits in the bumbo? overtime, he may grew to like it. initially Jaeden doesn't like to spend much time in the bumbo but now he loves the bumbo, but he outgrew it liao..

This booster seat looks quite similar to bumbo? Jerome dun like to sit on bumbo, not too sure if he will reject this one

How can I make him sit still for longer time? I'm dying of exhaustion carrying him and supporting him sitting with my body. He does not like to lie down too. Will scream and scream when I put him down on his bumper mat. Grrrr

i rented the bumbo. hehe.. so no need sell... i thought bumbo is selling for less than $100? saw some1 say its $60 or $70?
Hi, you all started feeding baby when they are 6 months old or earlier?

My PD kept telling me she prefer 6 months but hor, i realised my son keep looking at our food and i'm still persisting to give him only when he is 6 months...

And my MIL told me not to mix the milk into the cereal else next time if we decide to stop breastfeeding then no more milk then the cereal that he have all been eating all along will taste different with the cereal mixed with water and he won't want to eat it. Make sense to me though..what you all think?

i'm still waiting for the 6months mark before starting on semi-solids. i'm so tempted to start him soon too! Already cross out the the day on my calender, 1st March. hehe...
gold piggy,
when we brought my boy for his last jab, PD advised we could start solids at 5 mths bec of his stability. So we intend to start next week sice he is turning 5 mths on the 16th of jan.

What games do you play with your boy when he is on bumbo? My boy dun react to peek-a-poo. He dun think its funny. Regarding booster seat, you bought already? If so, can feedback whether its good anot.
Ya, i am super tempted to start him on semi-solid. Means everyday he can have 1 portion of porridge only ( either lunch or dinner ) and then the rest he will take milk right? When can start full solid? But he can still drink fully on milk on weekends right? haha, that is if am not able to cook for him..how to cook porridge ar? I super jialat one...don't cook at all..haha, poor baby...
bundle of joy

sounds frustrating,but guess a lot of babies are like that.dunno whether magical solved the problem of babies flipping yet,but think pst also mentioned that issac also like to flip and sleep tummy down.and some mummies mentioned that just have to get up and flip them back lor..

you can try finding the swaddle me at mums and babes la,but can use only til baby is 10kg(think enci is getting too big for it too).hope it helps!


thanks for the offer!haha then i wait at MOE for you to pick me and bliss up?;-)

i can leave him in the bumbo while he entertains himself with his drumstick for abt 10-15mins. sometimes will use those rattle toys to play with him, talk to him etc.

i juz bought the booster seat to replc the bumbo for hair-cutting. lol. haven use yet, shall try out soon. will let u know.

u SAHM? if u want, u can bring ur boy over to try out the booster seat. i hv activity centre and a play gym too. also my rented jumperoo is coming today! let him try different toys, definitely there's something he likes..
Just read the news on the maid causing bb death. It's so sad, baby is so young. I suddenly feel my boy not safe at home .. most of the time only my maid is at home with him. Sometimes my mil do pop by to take a look
wah.... so many posts. gonna take my time n read.

took titus to the free trial today. it was fun, fun, fun.but alot of work for me. i got to bring stroller, my big bag n yes, big bath tub!!
i would encourage you all to go for trial first. not sure abt the other location at suntec, but the one at tanglin village is especially for babies n the pool is heated n clean. its a private pool just for aqua ducks babies.
the instructor can really catch hold of the babies' attention. i thought its just a merely splash n play water, but its not. its an aqua aerobics workout for me too.
we sand alot of nursery rhymes n the instructor will throw toys into the pool n the babies (with mummies's help) have to grasp n return to him. alot of encouragement from him. he also teach made us face the babies n swim up n down the pool. basically alot of playing n singing in the pool. BUT the bathing part is difficult. ended up, i didnt bathe, just wrapped myself with towel n went home. pls take note that the pool is next to st james kindergarden, so alot of parents looking at us. quite consious of my tummy though.

mudpie n angeline
the number is 64635554
the confirmed class is next friday 0930 am.

its only 30 mins so time flies when u have fun!

I am not SAHM, but poly is having holiday from Feb to Apr.. I will be temporary SAHM for 3 months although on/off still need to go back for some admin work. Can I drop by one day to try out the booster seat? I want to let jerome try out the activity center and jumperoo too :p
Leooh, Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. rc_cola (2 pax)
15. xman(2 pax)
hi alsie

i know what u mean abt maids too. r u a sahm? i thk i am at the mercy of my maid. usually i will leave her alone n will not scold her. i m scared she will take "revenge" on titus when i am not around. that is why i prefer to look after him by myself cos i find her very cruel.
The prob with rishi is he dont know how to sleep tummy down by himself. And we are still worried abt SIDS. Read that it will be safe after 6 mths or so. Will try to get the swaddle blanket. At the current moment, he is using his napkins for swaddling. and he is growing out of it.

From the way you describe, it seems that the aquaduck is fun. But they only have trial classes on weekdays? Have to bring a bath tub to bath baby ah? Mummy also need to swim? My swimming skill is CMI one..The one you went is Tanglin Village?
i tink i will end up like u soon after i start work next week.. jialets..

wow $3k per yr for ur bb insurance.. alot sia..

mayb u don add spinach to ur porridge.. u can add carrot, sweet potato, potatoes.. i tried melcolm on porridge with sweet potato, he loves it..

the insurance u bought frm where?

wah.. u dare 2 drive alone with bb n w/o hubby.. haha mus learn frm u liaoz.. i don realli dare to drive.. short distance still ok.. apple puree is the 1st puree i made for melcolm hehe.. i nv freeze puree b4, hopefully can do some tis wkn but tis wkn super bz..

i oso received 2 more bks yest.. in total hav 5 books but haven touch a single of them yet haha..

for a start, u might 1 2 ask another person if available to carry ur son while u feed.. slowly u transfer to bumbo n feed.. ur son shld know is feeding time hehe..

I am not sahm, only sahm when poly is having school holidays. Like you, I dare not scold my maid and I treat her super nice cos everyday she will be alone with my boy. Feel like taking care of my boy myself, but i cannot be full time sahm now in view that money is the concern
hi mudpie
oh dear.. u r not well? r u better now? drink lots of water n u be fine. hope baby is ok too.

hi jete
how is your grandma? hope she is better. bring baby to see her more often since baby can cheer her up.

hi pooh
must be tough when baby is sick?i thk i must also wash all titus toys, i am not very clean in this area cos i dun wash everyday.

hi bliss
the thing abt bringing baby out is practice. n also mai kan cheong. esp when u drive or park, take your time, dun let other drivers stress u up.after a few times u be fine.

hi snowy
you r back!! so long never see u here. hope everything is well with u. going for the gathering?
ar.. tough..
cos he keep on cranky n hard to catch wat he wan..

but lucky, he is beta nw.. if nt i faint...kekeke..
an gal,

yah.. alot. hubby pay one lump sum, don't pay per month. i think it includes everything bah. accident/hospitalisation, life, study and watever u can think of. good thing is, MIL is paying the study one. hehe..

initially i let doren sit on bumbo when feeding him but he kept wanting to touch his feet and bend forward so very hard to feed.
in the end, i let him inclined at about 110 deg on his bouncer.
i steam the carrot 1st then grind it to make into puree last time.. u can blend or chop the carrot until fine then boil with the porridge??
hi jang

is it? it can be a walker? i just opened last week. as titus seems small in it, i didnt explore it n just leave it at the side ofr the moment. becos earlier on, you gals were discussing abt the cons of using walker, so is this activity centre safe to use even if its stationary?

hi alsie
yah, that is why i said i feel i am at the mercy of my helper. so end up she only help with all hsework except baby. there was one time i was bathing n put baby on the mat, the baby rolled off the mat unto the floor, she can ignore him n carry on ironing. if u r super nice to her, wont she take advantage of u? i usually leave her alone cos she is quite good with hsework. but she is from village so she is very tough n scary.

they have trials on weekends but i thk got to wait rather long. mummies dun need to know how to swim. the pool is only 1.2m. we walk in the pool while carrying the baby under their arms n their back facing us. yep, i went to the one in tanglin village.

regarding sahm. i thk i save ALOT if i dun work. cos no time to go shopping n buy shoes n clothes. but actually it boils down to a change of lifestyle. got to give up alot of things to stay at home cos only one salary now. that is why i bf, save milk powder. hah!
That's a great idea! Many thanks! if we leave from JW together, then got ur helping hand to juggle the barang barang. hehe...
but then i do need some training on doing things alone cos there'll be times i need to drive there with baby for his GUG class! Arghhh...
i also ordered the LeapPad in early Dec. u bought alot! do u know ur shipping cost already?
total i bought S$77 worth of items and shipping is S$48. any news from the mummy in charge??
Cin: Aquaducks sounds like fun! I want to enroll James, but need to buy swimsuit for him first. Any idea where I can get a swimsuit for him? I've checked around the shops and everyone sells suits for 1 year and above only...
Let me re-post think I overwrite gold piggy and pooh_astro, sorry hehehe
the thread is running too fast!

Leooh, Thanks for organising the 2nd gathering.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. rc_cola (2 pax)
15. xman(2 pax)
16. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
17. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)

Same thing with my Megan also..

Your enci also good at scratching huh. Mine also always on the forehead!! and it is bleeding.. usually during sleep at nite, sometimes she will get frustrated (dunno why) and start scratching her forehead - she is half asleep!
Every time when I see her scratching, i really get angry! always scold her.. but she doesn't seem to care, of course!
Anyway, she usually sucks on her left thumb, leaving her with saliva-rashes on her left cheek, though we clean that spot often. But the rashes will go away by the end of the day unless she wet her cheek again.
Her right hand is for scratching.

one way to overcome.. I use a doll (like those weather dolls hehehe round head and clothy body) place on top of her right arms, when she bents her hand for scratching, she couldn't coz the doll's head is blocking her to do full bent on her arm hehehehe... this only works when she is sleeping, otherwise, she will use the other hand, and put the doll aside hahahaha...

I didn't swaddle my baby's hand already :p only wrapped her body up before putting her into sleeping bag, coz she feels more secure this way.

I realise sleeping bag helps in terms on baby flipping during sleep, my girl usually flipped, nowadays with sleeping back, dunno y, somehow she didn't try to flip :p

haha! true... need practice! me actually not gan jiong abt driving him around. it's the limitation in my strength. need to carry him and walk to carpark, and also need to carry his baby stuffs. have to lock the doors and carrying him with one hand is no joke cos i dun have bb bjorn and also still dunno how to use stroller!
gotto always remind myself that must be very careful cannot speed with baby in the car.
the stupid "baby on board" signage serves no purpose actually!

Ok maybe I can try feeding on his bouncer. But he does not like to stay inside for too long.

normally for me, I will just leave her to do her things. She is filipino, thus as what others said, they are more intelligent. Usually I will do the bathing when I get home after work. She is only in charge of feeding and playing with my boy. I have also installed webcam and make sure that she will do whatever things feeding, playing infront of the webcam.
RE : Organic brown rice

Cant rem which mummies mention abt calrose & elephant brand.

Calrose never state its organic leh? How do u know its organic? Or i missed it cos in a hurry!

Cant find elephant brand? Can tell me where to get it?
i spoke to Ros the other time. she is quite friendly leh. doren wont be 8 mths on 1 Mar either but she told me it is okie... how come so inconsistent? she also explained to me the differences between the weekday and weekend classes.

aiyo, me not expert in making puree. learnt all from the books i read. that's about it.
having a good handheld blender definitely helps!
you can check out the recipes in the other forum
