(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

jang, Alsie,
i've bought the booster seat. but baby must be able to sit well to use this seat. if not he will topple to one side or slip down
i do drive thru out the year when hubby got exercises, live-firing, outfield or overseas (6 weeks a year!) driving with baby is the same except have to consciously remind myself to be extra careful and slow down a bit. sometimes forget baby is in the car cos he is quietly sleeping! haha!

not sure wat are the effects. but i dun let him spend a long time in it, probably 10-15mins each day, to be on the safe side.
so tempted to enrol in Aquaduck!!! sounds really fun! but then this term already fully packed.
but the way, how should we dress up baby? need to buy swim suit for him? also how to bathe baby after swimming? scare he catch a cold...
i too bought a high chair cos i want to train chloe to have her meals at the dining table, rather than running around. i've already started doing so since she on semi-solids now. i saw my aunt feeding her grandson chasing him all around the house and i dun think i want that to hap to me.

i bought combi roanju before i gave birth. good buy.. chloe used to nap on it til she was 2mths old and now i'm using it as a high chair for her meals, sometimes i adjust to floor level to let her play with her toys on the tray.

jang, bliss

Actually which is better? To get booster seat or highchair? What is the max weight or age of the baby for booster seat?

I guess should be around same time as bliss but not sure if she bought from the same organiser.


yeah, I bought a lot...I bought the leappad read and write for my boy, which I think is better as can pass down to chloe later on mah...thn for the books, I guess I bought around 20 odd or more, thats Y cost me ard S$220, I cant imagine when I see the shipping cost.
i see... i bought from icesnow.

if u are not concern with the height of the chair, better to get high chair cos the booster seat is not that big.
ytanhn's combi chair looks good.

i dunno how to comment if booster seat or high chair is better. but my BIL had a high chair in the beginning but end up buying a booster seat because of space saving.

Where u bought the booster seat from & how much?


How much is the combi roanju? Seems very good sia!
what a thing to hap again. hope u get ur items soon. maybe the postman in ur area is probably a new staff.. kekeee...

how old is tricia now? is the porridge soft enough? i gave chloe realy watery rice cereal for the first day and gradually thicken the texture. she's doing pretty fine now although today is only the 6th days.

i'm giving chloe heinz rice cereal (with added iron, no sugar) which is meant for bbs from 4mths onwards.

i also feel so sad for the baby and the family when i read the news from paper. when my maid came on the first day, i've already told her that if she hap to hurt chloe, serious or minor, definitely must tell me and dont be afraid to get scolded.
hi chatty n bliss
my hb got it for him in sydney cos they have swimsuit ultra violet protection up to 50%. but i saw kiddy palace in toa payoh that sells wetsuit from disney.i didnt bathe titus there, too troublesome. end up just dry him n myself n off we go. i saw one mummy very garang. she only let her baby wear diapers without any suit. but the pool is warm so not to worry. just make sure quickly wrap him up when he goes up.

hi angeline
my mum got it from ntuc. but i guess any organic rice shd be fine?
hi chatty,

or do u want to borrow titus's wetsuit first for the trial to see if james like the class? there is one baby who cried when he went into the water.

sorry bliss,
cant lend doren cos he is big. haha!!
i bought the booster seat from Mother Works at Great World City at $69.90. Jang said kiddy Palace also sells right?

i bought it from icesnow using another nick which is for purchasing things in the forum
so maybe u cant find my name there hehe... sometimes i post here using that nick, sala! haha! dun wanna use that nick in this thread cos the nick was registered when i had my MC in Aug 06... that's why i created a new one...

Meaning u oso have to be inside the pool holding onto ur baby huh?

Okie, will go check out the brown rice again. Last nite was in a hurry, maybe i missed it!

yeap! its sold at kiddy palace too! when i bought it yesterday at marina square, its the last piece. its selling at the same price $69.90.
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
ya he is like 8.8kg now!
sure over stretch titus wetsuit.
will go check out at kiddypalace.

by the way, like to hear ur opinion... do u think it's alright to bring baby with hubby and just move him around in the pool instead of enrolling in infant swimming classes? dun like to commit to another class cos kinda restrictive.
ytanhn: tricia is 5 and 1/2 mth old. not sure how the porridge cos mum feed when I'm at work. I make watery rice cereal the 1st time too. She pushes the rice cereal out of her mouth.. *grrr*
thanks for the good vibes. my grandma got through the procedure yesterday but her allergy to the drug is getting worse. my bro wont tell me much so hubby and i are going to go to the hospital tonight.

last night paige turned on the mobile herself again after i put her in the crib for the night. looks like she has figured out how to do it and not by chance like the very first time a couple of weeks ago.
reali nd to wear e swim suit for dem ar..

cos i bring ethan to normal pool,
n he wear onli w the swin diaper..
RE: vpost
i dont think i will use vpost again. this vol weight business or whatever they call it is BS. the actual products were 4.xkg and the charge from vpost was for 10.xkg. that's more than double the actual weight. i thought by using them can save money by combining orders to be shipped together, does it even matter? the savings is miserable compared to the way they "measure".

on top of being expensive, they are inefficient and disorganized. my leapfrog orders have been "delivered" since dec 13. now then vpost matched it to the invoices even though we have provided them with all the required info. worse they kept emailing us and asking for the info to match the parcel. well, i just emailed it to them like 4x already?? and still they come back and ask for it. *argh*
sorry to hear your grandma is in the hospital as well. i will take the risk and visit her. she brought me up, i have to.

paige is still on her 30 mins nap. some times she is willing to sit in the combi chair next to me, then i get to go online for a bit.
Bundle of Joy
you can order dreambags directly from their website, just google it. or wait for BP. there are similar products in mothercare and other stores. grobags are another popular brands. robinsons carry the mama and papas brand. petite bateau have it too, theirs is nice and soft.
Jete, i agree with you, i used vpost for my leapfrog items and in total, my leapfrog shipping came close to $800 - isn't that very very stupid and the best part is i got 6 pcs of Let's get busy babies and now i have to go sell.

I would rather use DHL
dun need swim wear. cos i saw a baby wearing only diaper.

hi bliss
i thk u bring him for a trial first n pick up the tips for infant swimming b4 u commit. personally i like the class cos its interactive n the instructor is.. did i say cute earlier on? ;p
cos they teach u how to splash water at the baby n dunk the baby's face halfway into the pool. but i saw one baby cry abt 5 mins into the water. that is why i suggest going for trial first.

hi jete
maybe your brother knows that u have baby n dun want to worry u too much. dun worry, i am sure your grandma will be fine. u have to take care. is she in hospital or resting at home?
hi jang
yes, we sahm shd meet up. just a small grp n see whoever is available. we can start small first. where is convienient for u? any park near your place? dare to venture to town? :p
personally i'll support u to visit ur grandma with baby...
by the way, passed the books to ur hubby at 11am.
not very bulky. actually did we really get a good deal?


Think u missed my earlier question.
Do u need to be inside the pool holding onto ur baby?


Dun worry too much, u still need to care for your little one, do take good care ya!
