(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Eh?? This thread suddenly become a WTS section..hahah!! All cos of my big mouth..but we all fren fren sell to each other should be ok right? haah!! I also dun mind buying teats and bottles too if its new... Zhu Zhu n Adeline, both of u make a list at put here the my and Leooh can look thru and see what we need..hahaha!!
how's your first time brining your boy out alone?

how's ethan? so poor thing...have to abstain from milk. I hope he is willing to take the porridge...

This weekend might not be free. Will sms u to let u know before going over
Or if u happen to come to sengkang/punggol area, do let me know too


Your stroller is half the weight of mine

next weekend would be better for me too!then next weekend la..or if we have new year gathering then pass it to you then..
jialak, me hand itchy go to change my email address in the profile, then my account been suspended as request a validation code that been sent to my new email address, waited for whole day they never send, at the end change the email address again to another one then received that code..

today i'm so bo liao i sent email to globetrotters restaurant to ask whether the function room is available during feb weekends already,now wait for their reply;-)

2nd gathering for August Mummies
Venue: United Square, Globetrotters Restaurant
Date: (one weekend during Feb,pending reply from Globetrotters)
Time: 1pm-3pm

help me do the formating someone?never could figure out how to do it..

yippee!hope this gathering materialise,cos i missed the last one!

I looking forward to the 2nd gathering too, hope I can make it this time since it's quite near to my house.

anyone take GNC prenatal multi vitamins? I found after take it my breast milk became yellow green color from previously white color...is that normal?shall I stop it? the sales gal said it's normal when I buy it, but the color looks so wierd..
Hello mummies, I'm having bad throat infection, so cannot really carry my boy as it's contagious, got my MIL over to help take care, but she has to leave by 2 plus. But at least, for the first time after 4th August (Aidan's birthday) I can sleep without intereption. Now the boy is taking his nap, hope he'll sleep for long.

cin, I remember someone posted in the thread on the timing for the swimming classes. They only have weekend classes at Dempsey Road, wonder if they can start a class at Dempsey on weekday or not. I wld actually prefers there.

woof, yah, I noticed that yesterday the thread was a little slower, so was able to catch up...ke...ke.. Otherwise, you don't really see me contributing, cause too many posts, very confusing lah, so just briefly read through and only contribute when necessary.

settes, your boy look so handsome.

anybaby, welcome.

jete, I think it takes a while to pluck up the courage to do that, esp with the stroller. I haven't try with the stroller yet either. Am always worried I can't support the stroller at the escalator, as you know the weight of Pliko is not light.

You mean the weighing scale at Prof Lee's clinic is not accurate, hmm....then maybe my boy shld be heavier. Yah, I do remember that Paige and Aidan are of almost the same weight. On the semi-solid, think you shld be able to start pretty soon, just started Aidan on the Heinz rice cereal yesterday, but he didn't seems to like it, he was spitting out most of it, but I use the spoon to push it back into his mouth. The clinic didn't give me any free tins of milk, Prof Lee did ask what brand of milk are we feeding him, I told her Similac, maybe they do not hve sample of that. Anyway, since Aidan is almost reaching the age of taking semi-solid, maybe that's one reason why she didn't give me free sample tins.

Abt feeding solid, Bliss, need your advise, how do you prepare rice cereal for Doren? I mean the proportion of the rice cereal and milk.

Wow, jete, your hub have to pay so much ERP to get to his office, where is his office?? $6.60 is quite ex huh..

Staying at home. Actually I'm the type who likes to go out. But now, with the boy, I find it a hassle, cause need to dress him up and then myself (huh, vain lah, need to look good also), by the time I'm done with all these, so tired already. Was telling my hub the other day, must make a point to put on some makeup when going out, otherwise look so auntie.

jete, hope your grandma is okay. Diaper, you mean Paige have been wearing S size?? Aidan has been wearing M size a while already.

Pneumoccocol jap. Was told that it's good to have if you intend to travel with bb. That's why we opted for it. We are planning for a trip, but not sure where to go to. Hub and I have got some miles pts to claim by mid of the year, as we'll not be travelling so much on cathay Pacific(which we used to), we have to claim the pts pretty soon.

okay, will continue later, Aidan is awake, got to go entertain him.
I've got great news! My hubby has finally agreed to let me send my boy to infantcare for the next 2mths.. His mom gg away from 23/1 till 31/1 and for 5 weeks in March initially then now, she say Feb 2-9 she gg away also so I was super irritated and really losing my temper already..and really dun want her to take care of my boy anymore..anyway she also dun want to take full responsibility mah...so if u all remember my initial plan was to take NPL or tender right? But cos Feb n March I have bonus to take so I very heart pain to leave b4 getting my well-deserved $...but I did tell him I dun mind stopping work after getting my bonuses..

so now, he finally see the light and allow me to send my boy to infant care but must of course make sure its a good one etc but at the same time he also quite sad cos he does shift work so alternate weeks he wont be home in the evenings so usually during those days, he'll spend time with Mathias in the day..but after I send Mathias to infantcare, he cant see mathias every alternate week already...actually I also feel quite bad when he told me that
cos he really loves Mathias alot and Mathias also loves playing with his daddy..

Well, maybe gotta work something out...like send Mathias to infant care only on alternate weeks and the other 2 weeks try to arrange for my dad to take care or something so that my HB can see his boy in the day time..

So I will be a SAHM by mid-march/april!!
*panting*..wow today the thread is zooming...


wow..nice nice! the CNY clothes fit melcolm nicely..but the pants a bit long rite?

i do haf the same thought before..so afraid tat others wud say tat we are bad parents and let the bb cry...
hi all
i couldn't wait so called Globetrotters,they have tentative bookings for the weekends already,but i asked them to go confirm with the people who tentative booked.so we're on the waiting list for 16/2,17/2,23/2,24/2..

more details for the 2nd gathering:

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
waiting confirmation,would be a weekend in Feb)
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

think 30pax shouldn't be a problem right?if hubbies come along would be 15couples..

but if you gals think its too expensive then maybe we can change to somewhere else..not sure where would be more suitable though,unless someone graciously want to host like nining did last round?;-)
bundle of joy

i know what you mean,enci does that too..but i've been swaddling her all along,helps but sometime in the future i have to wean her off the swaddling(I use kiddopotamus swaddle me,size L).

dreambags will leave his hands free leh,not sure how useful it is for your problem,but perhaps jete/muddypie/nining can give better feedback cos i haven't started enci on her dreambag yet.

take care,drink lots of water..take honey?
i agree,but make effort to dress up and make up or will look very auntie!
i m keen in the gathering since i missed out the last one...tks for ur effort.

the pain in the neck is back again...haiz...

no prob,hope can meet all of you!haha if we overspill the function room would be really funny..

sorry u mean physical pain in your neck?or somebody??i think i have pregnasia again..

i'll check with them again when they confirm, if they can don't charge or half-price for your elder boy okie..
Leooh: count me in!! I'll pull my hb along leh.. in case he works.. missed the 1st gathering leh..

cannot login with my id liao cos hor asked for a change in email but din recvd the notification from the forum.. how huh

haha same problem like xman,think u have to change the email address to another one where the notification can reach earlier?
leooh: me itchy backside lor. cos cannot read email here at the course center so I changed to another email.. s*****p

COunt me in for the gathering too! I also didnt go for the previous one...I'll bring my HUbby along if he isnt working...thanks for organinsing!!
Hi ladies,

Haven't logged in here for a looong time. Returned to work last week. Finally am able to read this thread more regularly.

I'm interested in the next outing if it's on Sat. The timing for Sun would be too late for my bb as we are out from 8am on Sundays for church. let me check with hubby first.

H/e, do note that the walk from Novena MRT to Utd Sq is very stroller-unfriendly. There are no lifts and a fair number of stairs to climb.

Only this timing ah? What abt 12 or 1pm so that we can have our lunch there? ( just a thought lah, majority wins )
u oso 1 of them who don use stroller on escalator *high 5*
thks for the info on cny wear, will go kiddy palace c c tis wkn cos need 2 get some xtra stuff b4 i start work

hope ur grandma will be fine.. since she love paige, try to bring paige to c her more often..

wow, ur son realli big drinker.. luckily ur're not breast feeding if not sure super stress 2 meet his demands. Usually bigor can last longer leh.. but mayb doesnt apply to your son hehe

actually i quite scared Melcolm will b confused with the moving here n there.. but got to try out n c how isit 1st lol.. so far today at my mum place, morning he can nap abt 30-45mins, now he slping for abt 2hr+ liaoz haven wake up.. so far so gd hehe.. but realli gota prepare alot of tings ah.. jialets.. but i leaving most of my tings at my mum place.. PILs place mayb jus bring n take back on mon-tues..

hubby say ILs place he don mind everyday bring n take back.. i told him veri troublesome but he say he will help so i'm fine.. of cos some tings realli mus buy extra x 3 sets

ya realli like moving house.. i even hav 2 write out a whole list of "Things To Bring To Mum House" to remind myself haha.. the suit u bought in Metro was ex.. but again, is once a yr ting so i tink u wont mind

haha u so funi.. don wori.. Melcolm still taking care of his "animals" at my mum place.. had brought over some of his "best frends" to keep him company.. for a start mayb not buying x 3sets for all lah.. hubby say his parents we jus bring n take back on mon-tues.. but i tink will keep abit of tings there lah..
yest nite my hubby told mi pil's realli love Melcolm alot tats y hope 2 take care of him.. gd n bad lah.. i jus take it as my mum can rest mon-tues lol.. gd 4 her oso hehe..
in fact, i told my mum wat happen, my mum say pls let them take care oso.. she scared ppl will comment she "ba zhan" Melcolm too long haha

tink material is the same leh.. cos same brand as the BP 1 leh..

PIL's place we will try to bring n take back daily lol.. hubby say he will help.. cant buy so much leh.. everything x 3sets will cost a bomb.. imagine 3 bumbo chairs haha..

tried NTUC diapers for day b4, don like, will leak n material no gd oso i prefer PetPet.. cheap n gd oso
i oso buy milk powder from chinese medical hall hehe..

ya lol.. at least after yest tok, everything settled.. but hubby haven told PILs take care mon-tues yet.. i hope they wont comment too few days.. i will not 1 2 change my schedule again..

hw i wish melcolm can b pilot leh.. then i can fly FOC?? hehe.. he still with his animals, don wori..

hope ethan get well soon.. try 2 mix some stuff in the porridge so hav some taste n i'm sure ethan wont reject.. u can add dry scallops for taste but don let him eat hor..


ya lol.. once u start on semi solid, their motion will hav some changes.. ask ur hubby tok 2 mil lol.. is easier.. or use the dr trick again hehe

yeah will try to make it for the 2nd gathering with hubby n bb if hubby is free

haha i panting finish n is ur turn :p yeah the pants jus slightly longer but no problem.. i make him wear high waist lol haha
an_gal: walau.. spinach leh.. u know kids dun like veggie.. keke.. esp those with weird taste one.. hahaha

I buy the FM cheaper leh.. ntuc is cheapest among all the supermarket.. worse is always out of stock.

Shop n save offer huggies ultra $12.99

I got bumbo chair too but only 1 lah.. think maybe hb saw ur blog den bot tricia a bumbo too
