(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

no time to read the forum for a few days already. email me the file and i will see how i can post it. not sure about direct posting, haven't ventured that far into the forum setting yet.

[email protected]

took over an hour to put paige down for her standard 30 mins nap, quickly wash and sterilize the bottles and pump, grabbing a quick bite now. hopefully tonight can come back and catch up on the past few days!


sent liao..

ya lor, buy cheaper then see it sell higher price happy, else will be heartpain if the other way round.


maybe u can eat some medicine when you want to stop BF? we all struggle want to have more ss but feel it's so difficult, u got more then want less also difficult.hehe, it's not easy to be a BF mum..
paige is still sleeping! think last night she didn't sleep well so she's tired. she woke up at 1am crying, nightmare? took more than an hour to put her back to sleep.

can catch up on a few posts. ;)

i left the tv on this afternoon when she fell asleep, wonder if that helps her sleep longer. who knows. i'm happy she can nap longer.
Hello mummies, every week login once I have to catch up the threads till I go crazy. Seen mummies talking about enrichment classes, can provide more details? I want to let Jerome go for some enrichment classes as well.

Golden Piggy,
Welcome Back!

Now the topic is on bust firming? I think I need to firm up mine too :p
i told hubby about adian not letting you eat and he said no wonder you are so slim. heehee

i like the photos you linked to, esp the one with the cat. the cat looks like our misha.
paige is the same with hair. very little hair overall and at the back one patch totally hairless. very round and nice, and shiny! this past few days i see some little teeny hair trying to grow from the patch, hopefully they'll succeed! :p

i think hubby is more bothered by the hairless part than paige is. he used to lightly massage her head to encourage hair growth. haahaa then when we go visit frens whose babies have lots of hair, he'll tell paige it's ok not to have hair now. keekee
i tried one of the bouncer chairs at a friend's place and paige doesn't like it that she cannot see us. with the combi chair, it can be at the same level as our chairs and she can sit and enjoy watching us eat!

not lah, not buying the duo. just curious. cos you told me before at parentcraft they said asia prefer PIS, so i was just asking adeline's opinion.

eh, that day at the gathering when we talked to your hubby, he said he was in IN until 2003. must be miscommunication. that's why i asked if you guys were already married when he went to Purdue.

one of my dogs don't like kids. he doesn't attack he just keep away. when he was a puppy, we brought him to a gathering at the park and a toddler grabbed him by his fur. poor thing screamed so loud.
yeah our chinese wedding was very rush. thank goodness my siblings helped a lot. even the hotel ballroom they checked it out and booked for me. i'm glad i sent my sis in to negotiate the hotel package, instead of 1 night hotel stay in a room, she got us 3 nights in a suite. ;)

to us chinese wedding is not meant for "enjoy", just to satisfy the parents lor.

Have you physically been to GUG to check out the area? I am interested to sign Jerome up for the class as well.

just called up Aqua Ducks on their babies/infants program (6 - 36mths).
their complimentary trial lessons are all packed

dunno wanna start Doren now or not... maybe wait till he's 1 yr old
1 term of 12 lessons cost $255. each lesson is 30mins.
weekend lessons are only available at Suntec or Tanglin Village.
weekday lessons are available at Buona Vista Swimming Complex.
hi mummies

to busy to go thru the forum and send the file out

lets hope jete is able to upload the file

but the content is something like this..only the chart cannot paste here
Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man’s sperm consists of X & Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female whereas Y is the male. Referring to these physiological properties of the spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of ‘Choice of a girl or a boy’.

1st factor: Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food: vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food: meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor: Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your body temperature here).

3rd factor: Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X & Y spermatozoa
- X: Marathon runner with good stamina
- Y: Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be higher.

4th factor: Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation. Secretion from female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor: Wife’s Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1 liter of water. Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of water.

6th factor: Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position & male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position & female to be on the bottom position. This posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster.
i used 1 for philips. So long tt your blender can be used to grind nuts / dry stuff etc. good enf. Rem, DO NOT WASH rice b4 u grind. Will spoil tt rice.

gold piggy - WELCOME WELCOME!

i went to GUG on Sunday. very packed (seems popular) most parents are only free on weekends.
i went there when they were about to start their lessons at 4pm, so quite noisy.
the rooms r not that big, max 12 kids per class
was overwhelmed by the cute babies n toddlers rather. haha!
somemore, one of the staff even asked if Doren is a boy or girl!

me n hubby thot, no harm trying out first, give GUG a chance n if we decide we like it, then continue,
if not, can always check out elsewhere

I think the Bouncer chairs provide better back support for babies in sitting position than the Combi chair. James likes the combi because it is the same height as us adults, but he prefers bouncing on the bouncer

No lah, my hubby was in IN until 1993, not 2003... : ) We're not that young, guess that's why "gabra" already...hee! hee! I think at that time, some of the mummies here still in Secondary school... :0

Poor furkidz, all so traumatised by their human counterparts...
Wow! sounds so interesting!
now i know why mine is a boy boy haha!!!
but seriously, certain things are not within our control.
sometimes, can strike already consider very good, still wanna choose gender ah...

thanks for the info!
Choco: After paying for infantcare, too poor to pay for more enrichment classes liao. Just learnt from my mum that they were teaching James about fruits in infantcare last week. Supposed to be different theme this week. So funny...

Are there any available places for march classes? Considering enrolling Jerome to try out. One of my friend also told me that its quite good.
hi bliss
aquaducks come with trial lesson? i am interested. most probably i will register him for weekday class.

hi gold piggy
welcome "home"!

hi pst
saw your blog. issac is sooo smiley. that shd be his nick. love your blog abt boobies. hahaha! so funny. where did u get ET from? wah! he is so brave? not scared? titus favorite toy is elmo.

hi mudpie
want to sign up for weekday swimming class together?

their free trial lessons are only available when there is vacancy in their current lessons.
6 babies to 1 coach. but right now, the staff told me not available.
weekday will be good cos the public pools wont be so crowded. good for SAHM
hi ah gal
yohooo!! where r u today? how come today no sound?

hi jang n lilyn n breastfeeding mummies,
what vitamins have u all been taking? feel
guilty for drinking tea last weekend.
hi bliss

i believe in swimming. i thk u shd let doren go too. it develop their muscles n lungs. hb used to be a swimmer so he wants titus to learn swimming n start young. but i remember the last time i called them, they said for babies, its more of playing with water.
initially i was put on waiting list. then i learnt that if i made payment for the registration fee ($50 + GST) and $100 deposit (to guarantee subsequent terms' enrolment), then no need to worry about not being able to enrol come March.
so i just made the payment now

if u r really keen, better to enrol now cos there are mummies who will continue from Term 1 to Terms 2, 3, 4,...
hi bless,
i faced the same problem as u when my gal was 4mths old. on 2 occasions, she even went on milk strike for 10+hours and i did all that i can but she was just unhappy when drinking milk. slowly i extended her feeding time for another hour, a bit of improvement. actually it was kind of a passing phrase cos my gal just simply got over it after 3-4weeks. now, she still needs some entertainment when drinking milk though
so dun worry.
ya i believe it's good to start when they are young. but then i'll be bringing Doren for GUG on Sat 4pm starting March and i cant possibly enrol him for swimming on Sat morning too cos baby will be very tired, n overstimulated.
maybe Sun is good but like that my weekends are all committed!

or worse come to worse, we will bring him to play in the water without any lessons. we will be his coach haha!
dun think they will swim, it really playing with water only!
haa sometimes wen they know hw 2 flip can b quite headache hor..

wah... peifu u.. still hav energy to study ah..

haa.. so long as there's bb in the house cant b neat 1 hor.. my house oso.. alot of tings.. my house like getting smaller n smaller haha..

dono leh.. after i steam the pumpkin like got 1 smell hehe.. nvm.. melcolm got eat can liaoz hehe.. Doren good boy, not picky on food..
so Doren attending the class in March? any trial class?

backie backie.. aiyo mi went interview in the morn woh :p
for rice cereal i spoon feed.. for bigor, i boil and mix into milk but the teat mus cut slightly.. i boil 1/2-3/4 scoop of bigor using Similac scoop with 100ml then mix with 80ml milk with 2.5scoop of milk powder.
the ear wax story was so funi :p
happy 3yrs wedding anni for the loud loud you

happy rom anni

isaac so happy in his bumbo ! i like the purple bumbo, nice

gold piggy,
welcome back....

ur sis can realli b a negotiater already.. frm 1 nite bcom 3 nites..
put the grinded rice in a container. Only wash the portion when u wan to cook. will lose a bit cos v fine. but it is ok. just put a bit more lor. 1 kg good enf

Oic. So u grind & keep. When want to cook, den wash a small portion lah. Now i understand liao! Thanks for sharing


Wat is the below that u bought, book or dvd?
Baby Einstein: Sweet Dreams Mimi
Baby Einstein: Mama and Me

saw issac in his bambo..so happy...how do u make him laugh like tat? so cute

how do u copy the growth table to the blog? is it from excel? must do any formating?
they are board books about 16 pages.
wanted something simple to read to Doren sometimes. the books i bought are short stories so far so want something simpler.
if not, i'll be very thirsty!

ya, doren is attending the Sat lesson at 4pm 1 Mar. the trial lesson ($45) is usually the 1st lesson. that means u dun have to pay for the full fee. if happy, pay for the rest. if not, i think can stop at the trial lesson.

Oic. Ya, short stories will do, else we will " duan qi " ah!

So good ah? Pay $50 for trial class first. If not happy, can stop!
But if decide to sop after trial lesson, will deposit be forfeited?
the deposit is returnable but must give 4 weeks' notice.
but if u let them know that u want trial lesson for the first lesson, maybe they wont collect the deposit first? not sure leh, u wanna confirm with them?
icic.. 1st Mar still quite far away if not can ask u hw isit 1st hehe..
btw, wen u freeze ur puree, do u freeze jus the puree or u add water/milk to the puree then freeze it?
read that we should not freeze the puree with milk.
just freeze the puree. add milk after you warm the cube

ya 1 Mar is quite far from now... but can start scouting now

Thanks for sharing

Bliss & an_gal,

Last sat i tried pear puree, Javier like it very much. Keep wanting more but we dun dare to give him too much
what!!! fancy a GP gave u that diagnosis on tricia? chloe had the same problem too but friends advised that there's no need for a PD as long as she is active as usual. yaloh.. that time milk to her machiam is poison. hahaa..
comb more! comb more! then tricia's hair will be nice nice.. everyday after washing her hair, i comb until all her hair 'ta4 ta4' on her head. hehee..

it's a feast for the ants.

welcome back! thanks to chatty.

paige is like me, need some tv sound/tv light to fall asleep. sometimes if i cant sleep at night, just on the tv and i'll doze away (ah... not HK series though).
hi sunbloom

my mum thought me in order not to lose the grinded rice cos very fine is to wash the rice n then sun. lastly grind n keep in container. alot of work yah?

hi ah gal
how was your interview?


i had been taking pre-natal vitamins and fish oil daily. bought them from GNC.

to compensate for the junkie that i've been eating. hehe..
