(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

You may wanna check out the website at:

was recommended by a colleague whose 2 children attended the classes since they were 9 mths old. he said language is the main focus (that was then, not sure if they have changed now)
just sign up to try for a term (8wks, 8 lessons) at $336 excl GST. if not satisfied, will try others.
by the way, i signed up for Term 2 (starting on 1 March 08, Sat 4pm)

morning mummies, blue monday again..


ruoxi can only sit a while when we put her on the sofa, can't say she can sit as she still need support on her back..


ya, U r right, this coming sat if u come to yr in law house we can meet..


now my house very messy liao, got a lot bb stuff put here and there, not neat any more..


I collected my leapfrog books from catz on sat afternoon, been caught by the heavy rain..her flat is big and nice leh though I only peek a bit from outside..hehe.


I'm interested to the sex selection word file..think woof interested too since we both hope a boy for #2.

for the cough you may want to see the expert doc that my colleage recommend, let me know if u interested..


I'm interested to get one tin, when is the expery date and where for collection? thanks.
xman, ocean,

whn I BF my 1st boy last time, my ss also not enough, I add on formula for him also....guess its ok, better thn formula alone lah..


yes, I like the avent duo as it works faster mah...I bought a 3mths old set from parentcraft patient, cost me $370 with another 12mths warranty. I saw people selling in ebay at $580, used once only, guess thats still too ex for me still.


I have cut down on milk intake already...

The enrichment class price seems reasonable leh...the other one I know is Shichida Method, they have class for babies as young as 4mths old. But its ex lor...its like $790(excl GST) for 1 term which is 3mths.

My boy has been with them for 2yrs liao...since 20months old. Cos hubby can claim back partially from company, so we let him carry on lor, if not cant afford lah...simply too ex.

Ya i steamed half a pumpkin (that's alot! only puree 1/4 in the end, the rest i makan lah. hehe...).
realise he eats anything i prepare leh which is what i want.
by the way, never find any smell from the pumpkin leh.
ya, part of the lesson involves teaching phonics. learnt that babies actually absorb n learn even before they learn how to speak.

the age group for the class is from 8 to 18 mths which i think is quite wide so every baby learns the same thing.
xman, woof, y not u post uremail and i will forward to you

hopefully jete can advise can post up to the forum or not?

i try to put onto my blog but cannot lei..

as for the cough expert, can tell me the address? if next week still not weel, then i will bring him there liao.
mil just called to say coughing very badly just now.

so the hole is the same...hmm..need to figure something out liao cos the farlin hole puncher i bought fail me the 3rd time i use...did not manage to punch the hole..hence he is sucking very hard..i think i will use sisscors liao
what is Shichida method? quite ex but most importantly is it beneficial to your boy? wont mind paying for a higher fee if the classes are good. any website to check this out?
hi leooh

wow! u want to try for 2nd one already? u ready for him/her? i also want to have a second one before i hit 35. but the thought of going through the everything scare me leh, esp the sleeping part.

hi bliss n ah gal
can i check with u, if i start feeding titus cereals, do i need to use a bigger teats? what is the ratio of bm to cereals?
Ocean: Thanks. How I wish my mandarin was as strong…

Lilyn: I haven’t tried the lucky baby chair yet, but I think it’ll last for years as its big. Its quite pretty too, and easy to clean because chair cover is PVC. The description says that its for babies aged 6 months and above:


The Combi High Chair is more multi-purpose as it can swing and recline, so newborns can use it, as its for 0 to 4 years. However, because the material is cloth, it has to be handwashed rather than just wiped off. It can stain easily esp if diaper leaks or baby vomits.


xman: Photos coming up soon…must download into computer first…look out for it : ) The bonnet looks cute on Ruoxi…very 1970s. I still remember wearing something like that as a baby…

Cin: If really have to lie, then better to say jade cause rashes than jade eaten by dog, otherwise dog may be cut up to retrieve expensive piece of jade… : 0

Leeoh: U’re welcome. I didn’t know about MOEHQ internal mail service either, until I went to post envelope, then saw that the other box was for the internal mail…but by then too late as I already pasted stamp, plus I didn’t know which dept you’re in…as for Masters, I think easier to do Masters first then have baby, otherwise can be quite "siong" coping with 2 kids and studying, esp since most classes are at night. I have friends who never completed their Masters coz they got married and pregnant during the program…

Zhuzhu: Nice. Your girl has more hair than my boy : )
hi bliss

oh i see. but will it over stimulate the baby? i also want to send titus for classes. but i am more interested in him learning music n swimming. i believe they can learn through playing. that is why i am looking around for baby gym classes. if u have any recommendation let me know. i know there is afew in tanglin mall n dempsey but alot of expat kids.
u can try to get the NUK teat (premium) for thicker feeds (size L)? they come in hole size of S, M & L.

i feed my boy rice cereal by spoon. maybe an_gal can advise u on adding cereal to milk?
one of the mummies here was talking about Gymboree. maybe u can check it out? also saw Little Gym at Forum but not too sure how they fare.

dunno if baby will be over stimulate or not, guess he will need time to adjust to the learning environment.
Personally, i would like my son to build a foundation in language
Ear Wax
share with u gals the story of ear wax. dun gross out.
yesterday morning when titus woke up, there was a big pc of foreign substance where he lie his head. its slightly bigger than a grape seed. its brownish black, oily, soft n smelly. its ear wax n it must have dislodged itself from titus's ear when he sleep. i was admiring this "gold". i thought of sharing my find with my hb who went out to run errands. but when he came bk in the afternoon, 1/4 of the ear wax was gone! i placed it near the window to sun it. but the ants found it first n was eating the ear wax! so gross n disgusting to see a line of ants going towards the gold. it must be very tasty! hah!

here u r...


TEL: 64682824
hahahha..so so funny!!! or may be the ants were carried the gold back to seal some holes? since now is raining season, whahahahah

ruoxi is so fiar and adorable.

not boh liao la, think all the mummies will enjoy combing baby gal's hair, esp when got long hair, then can buy this and that to tie on the hair
hahaha!! the ear wax saga really funny right? nah! never take pictures. but nevermind that was the right ear, if left ear also drop ear wax, i will definitely post here n share.

hi adeline
i am quite confuse. cos i m doing my own cereals. its actually brown organice rice n i sun it myself before i grind. so for my case, i have to cook the rice first rite? but how to cook only 1 teaspoon of cereals in a pot? sorry eh, i am clueless. got to learn b4 i start in 3 weeks time.
do u clear ur boy's ear wax?

i use cotton buds to externally clear his ear wax 3 times a week. realise that the external crevices of his ears are also dirty. wet cotton pads dun really clean well.

I use those nestle ones, so ok for me. I thk for raw ones just add a little water to stir it on the stove before U add into the EBM lor!! Your is consider as Bigor already as its brown rice.
hello sunbloom

how have u been? ho bo? that woman still chase u for $0.50?

talking abt ROM, tomorrow is my 3 years wedding anniversary. time flies!! really miss that moment when i walk down the aisle with my hb. i was sooo shy then. now i am soo loud after marrying 3 years.
hi bliss,

i only clean his external n not internal. dun dare to poke into the ear canal. but its really very oily. could it be the residue left behind from my womb?

hi angeline
so bigor means brown rice? not easy to grind? haven try yet so not sure. then must ask ah gal liao. she feeds mel with bi gor. the grinder is some brand starts with "M". its those type to grind chilli. i washed the blades very clean n sterilise it. so no chilli residue.
i also never poke into his ears. but cleaning the outside is a must i feel. heard that the ear canals are self-cleaning and dun think the residue is left behind from our womb. we also have earwax right?
cin, bliss,
oh gross... I couldn't help but be paranoid and wonder what if the ants go into the baby's ear to eat the earwax!?!? yikes!!! reminds me of a primary school chinese lesson, where the boy eat in bed (against his mother's instructions) and ants went into his ears coz there was food inside (dun ask me the logic) hahaha... leooh, now still have that story or not? anyone remember it?

been super busy. finally uploaded pix of Isaac on Bumbo - check out me blog for the picz! http://tanfamilychronicles.blogspot.com/ oh and got videos and pix of when Isaac went for the hydrotherapy last month. we going again this coming saturday

Which blender did u use?
Im looking for one too but dunno what brand to buy. Please share more, thanks


Welcome back!!
Gold piggy,
welcome back! nice to see u again

i always see lots of ear wax in my bb's ears...will clean the outside but not the inside even thou haf the urge to do so coz i cant stand ears with lots of waxes..
sorry, my email is [email protected]


Must be very hard for you to have blocked ducts, I know how it feels!

I am now pumping only twice a day. Once in the morning, and once at nite after bb sleeps, about 10pm.
So far, no block ducts... but can only get half of what I used to get.
Anyway, my bb has started on cereal already... and find it really tiring to pump and pump and pump.
If let's say ss really no more, then fine, I have feed her almost totally for the past 4 months. I think I will stop when bb reaches 6 months.
Hubby is supportive of whatever my decision is. However hubby said if my period comes already, then can stop lor.
coz he wants another child soon hehehe

Some more, my friends commented my breasts sagging!!!! Anybody using bust firming cream? Can recommend?

Jia yio all mamas who want to breastfeed till 1Year.

Forgot to update you. I got the coach bag already hehehe very nice, but has not get a chance to use it!!!!
Everytime going out only bring baby bag... troublesome to bring so many bags, will use it during CNY.
Golden piggy,

so glad u r back again.


U know today after lunch go to the shop near my office selling cheap branded lable cut cloth, I saw the same shirt that I bought for ruoxi at tiong baruh, gosh, I bought it at $2.5 but the shop here sell at $5.. really worth to go to the tiong baruh wet market again next time when ruoxi is bigger..

Just now i popped by outlet factory ( cant rem the name ) @ BoonKeng. Didnt buy anything cos not much clothing for boys

I guess I will have a hard time to tail down my ss leh...maybe cos I produce too much milk liao, ones I drag too long, my boobs cant take it, super pain lor.... Chium liao...dont know how to stop BF, jialat leh...!!
Hi Choco, what file - can email me also? [email protected] - thanks

Chatty - i didn't persuade - i sent her an email recently and asked whether how my account can be re-activated then she replied asking me to stop helping or sell babylegs...

Rc_cola, I heard that Sisley's bust firming cream is good for sagging breasts and its about $300 per box - i might want to buy and try if mine sags further...haiz

I am trying to let baby sleep independantly - how do i do that?
