(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

ytanhn: yah!! can u imagine a PD actually gimme tat kinda of WRONG DIAGNOSIS and make my girl suffer? She cry when kana constipation leh. I find it's ridiculous can make this kinda of mistake. Lucky I counted on my mother instinct if my girl will continue to suffer lor. I find tat this PD is very unprofessional. beware u ladies may be seeing this PD..
Comb liao the hair look neater hor but so flat leh.. keke
interview ok.. they wanted me to work for 2wks as temp 1st then convert to perm but of cos also have probation after convert to perm lol.. now waiting for agency 2 confirm on start date and paper work..
i started chloe on rice cereals y'day, glad she's taking it well. do u subsitute the feed with milk or u still give melcolm milk after feeding him with puree or bi gor?

as for freezing puree, bcos my freezer always store lots of fishes and i dun wan the smell to get into the puree, do u think the smell wouldn't get into the puree if i place the ice tray into ziplock bag? how do u thaw and warm the puree?
Hi mummies, I'm back again. Just can't find time to come in. Even when Aidan is asleep, I hve to quickly get things done before he wakes up, so no time to catch up here.

cin, your story abt your bb's ear wax is so cute. And abt the swimming class for bbs, I'm ok, in fact, have alrdy bought swim suit for Aidan. Let me know the details. Btw, you signing up any gym class for your boy? I'm planning to do it, but need to find out more details first.

jete, now at last Paige can take long nap, so you can shake legs at least for an hour or two...ke....ke...

chatty, James is such a good boy, he can sit in his bouncer for long, Aidan wouldn't sit in his bouncer, not even the swing we rented for him. He only wants to be carried. So headache. So whole day at home, other than watching cartoons, read a bit of books, I'll carry him and walk ard the house or get some simple things done.

Sigh....gotta go again, don't know why Aidan all of sudden wakes up and play and refuse to sleep.
if i feed melcolm rice cereal or puree, i will feed him milk oso after that cos I don feed alot of puree actually. I still 1 him to have sufficient of milk intake. As for bigor, i mix into his fm so is considered 1 feed for him.

I had not started freezing puree yet. U might 1 2 chk with bliss.. however, if i were to freeze the puree, i had bought the baby cubes with lid on so at least not so exposed for freezing. However, i will c hw it goes and may store the cubes in containers also. I will thaw the puree at the lower compartment of the fridge and to warm up using bottle warmer..
good that chloe is taking the cereal well.
normally, i feed doren with puree or rice cereal at abt 30mins before his next feeding time. he usually finishes the puree in 5 mins cos only 1tbsp of puree, not alot. then after another 30mins, i feed him his usual milk feed.
doren usually makes alot of noise while waiting for his milk cos he is not full from the puree n will wonder how come his milk is not here yet haha!

as for the smell, maybe u can try freezing the tray in ziploc. once the puree cubes r frozen then can seal them in ziploc bag.

i normally thaw the cube in the fridge early in the morning cos it takes quite a while for the cube to be thawed.
to warm up, i'll put the cube in a saucepan which is placed in boiling water of a bigger pan. like double-boiling. hope this helps
Hi cin,
Hahaha yeah Isaac is really quite smiley hehehe… I bought E.T from this toy shop at Hitachi Tower when I used to work at Raffles Place last time. Hahaha, my nieces are very afraid of ET. But doesn’t seem to have any effect on Isaac.
Same as jang, am taking multi-vites and fish oil – that I took while pregnant. My gynae told me to continue for as long as I am bf-ing. Calcium tabs also.
We also wanna bring Isaac go proper pool to ‘swim’ soon. Cannot always go hydrptherapy lah, so expensive :p

An_gal, hahaha yeah the purple bumbo is nice. Friend lent it to us.

Choco, hahaha dunno leh, we just call him and talk to him he will laugh. He’s very smiley and laughy most of the time. Hehehe…
Oh, I did the table in Word, then copy and paste. Didn’t know if it’d work but just tried – and it did!!!

Ytanhn, hahaha yeah cheerful baby he is! Hahaha… ah yah haven’t go read your blog, very busy, took a peep that day though, looks great! A lot of effort put in – can see! Can’t wiat to sit down with a cuppa milo to read it! Been super busy at work! Hiaz!

Re: Contract work
Some companies do not take the time you spent with them on contract as ‘experience’ in the company when it comes to promotion. So if you’re looking at long term, perhaps try to get perm position better.

Hiaz sometimes Isaac wakes up at wee hours of the morning, wanting to play. Luckily it doesn’t happen very often. Last night he woke up at 3am, talk talk talk, flip here flip there flip everywhere. Peng san. Finally got him to sleep at 4 plus.

Jo, cin,
Wah… envious that Jed and Titus can sleep almost 12 hours at night leh… Isaac sleeps at about 9plus pm to 6plus am with feeds at 11.30pm and twice during the wee hours. But he naps longer in the day. Maybe that’s why lah. But we try before, if he dun nap in the day, he gets super cranky in the evenings and cries very loudy and for a long time and finds it very difficult to get to sleep at night. So we rather he naps…

Actually at night he doesn’t really cry. Once he starts coming out of deep sleep, I can hear him moving (me super light sleeper, especially since Isaac is born and I take care of him at night), so I will automatically pick him up to feed him. Plus, if I don’t latch him at night, I’d get engorged by day – hiaz as it is, he doesn’t drink enough – so by morning 9plus, I still have to pump coz breasts will be quite full. So….. I dunno if it’s MY habit or HIS that he’s “waking up at night to drink”. I suspect I’m part-culprit too… hiaz… how huh. Can only think I pat him back to sleep. But means I have to pump at least once at night. Sianz!

Yeah I agree with Jo, feel direct from source is best, if can latch, best is latch. Also agree that expressing takes up much more time than direct latching!!!

By the way, just found out that my MIL wants Isaac to be on full breast milk and no semi-solids till he’s 8 months old. Says if he takes semi-solids , he will take less milk. *duh* of course, right? So weird huh. She say breast milk is very good and nutritious for baby, and besides, baby will spend the rest of his life taking solids. *poingz* *pengz* well, can’t argue with that last one. But a bit weird, ain’t it. Anyone know if it is not good for baby to start solids so late?

Adeline, hiaz. me also keep getting blocked ducts. Just got it over this weekend. Got up on Saturday with a fever. Think coz I had blocked ducts. Luckily fever went away.

Jo, jete, ytanhn, cin,
Yeah you guys shd start the Ideas to Entertain Babies Bank in the other forum in a thread. Then we can refer easily hahhaha…

Oh, and Jo, love the way you said: “… add soya sauce to his coffee and crush his beloved Lays potato chips to fine bits... hmmph!” HAHHAHAA…
sorry. crazy long post that took up more than one A4 page in Word. hahaha. dead beat. gg to bed. nights everyone.

leooh, bliss, seeya gals tmr!
so exciting!!!
Melcolm oso cant seem to wait for his milk. After his puree, he will cry or fuss cos not enuf then i got no choice but to feed him milk immediately.
so you decided to take up the contract job?

i have a friend who also feed her bb with semi-solids only at 8mths as her bb can't seem to digest semi-solids well when she tried at 6mths. So far no problem for the child who is now a very healthy 3 year old toddler.
most pro will reject the contract job cos i jus got a perm offer today.. however, the perm offer, they wanted me to start as temp for 2wks 1st then if i'm suitable then convert to perm but of cos still have probation.. i still got another interview dono outcome yet leh.. 2mr then c they call or not cos i haven sign any paper work for tis 2wks temp to perm offer.. is a jap company leh.. dono gd or not.. heard lots of bad tings abt jap company
no news yet for the one which you like? i guess there are good and not gd jap co but they are usually more stable than some US ones which are either always restructuring or the top bosses are always changing.
*sigh* really having a hard time keeping ss up. just today, ss is a few oz less than usual.

had a thought today, some time we should go check out T3. wu liao or not?

i've never brought paige out on my own before. some day must try i guess. hubby said just take a cab and go, but now cabs are so exp.
some times i tell myself "it's AFC, not so bad to let her watch" just to make myself less guilty. :p

when paige gets over stim, she will let out little screams and pulls away from the object. i can usually tell. like you, i also turn her to face me and she will put her head on my shoulder. when it's really bad, i have to bounce a little bit as well. spanking her also helps, go figure! which child likes to be spank? now that she's actually enjoying it, i should go for it. haahaa

going out shopping is very good. she gets tired but some how not over stim. now hubby working, we dont get to go any more. must try and see if garden works, i doubt it.
i've forgetten about the Baby Einstein DVDs. i tried one today and paige was totally absorbed. she was laughing at some parts of it too. we watched the sign language one. unfortunately hubby put the wrong version in the apple tv and we watched the french version.
before we got the combi chair, hubby and i couldn't have any meal until paige is asleep. it got much better after we bought the combi chair. she doesn't mind sitting in it and watching us eat, or doing her own thing (like playing with a teddy bear or staring). some times she'll even fall asleep in it and take a nap. hubby learned to rock the combi with his leg, so he has both hands free to eat.

no, my furbabies are all not very interested in paige. at first the pom was a little interested and somewhat jealous, but now he doesn't care any more. both the dogs are quite old, so they spend most of their time sleeping.
6m is my aim, i was afraid i won't even be able to bf for that long. being a sahm doesn't make bf-ing any easier. the pumping takes time (takes me about 30-40 mins), the cleaning and sterilizing also takes a lot of time. i am without any help at home, am so stress even now that my ss is quite affected. every day ss already dropping by the oz. by 6m even if i want to continue also may not have ss to continue already. i used to be able to give 100% ebm if i choose, and every few day can freeze a pack. last week and this week, i can't even keep her with paige's needs. granted her needs also went up but i could have kept up with her current need if my ss didn't drop. now no choice have to give her more formula already.
we like to go shopping. don't really buy anything but just walk around and let paige look at things. she likes it, think she likes the light. and when she comes home, she's tired and knocked out in the car. some how she can "switch off" when she gets tired during shopping and doesnt end up being over stim.

i have not brought paige out on my own before. hubby wasn't working last year after paige was born, so he was always around to take us out. i was planning to wait for him to take us out but he is encouraging me to go out more often. must see when brave enough to do that. feel bad making a habit out of it since cabs are so exp now. my place is quite a walk to the mrt, but hubby is not for us taking bus, he's scare i'll fall with paige bjorn to me.

do you have help at home or doing everything yourself?

we had more furbabies. used to share our home in the US with 3 dogs and 2 cats. oldest dog and oldest cat died in the last 2 years.
pm you on the valves.

hubby bought a leapfrog activity table thingy for paige for xmas, she can only take it for 10 mins then she gets over stim.

paige's name is pronounce like page.
your bb's weight sound fine. my girl is drinking about 100ml per feed. only in the morning when she just wake up she can take 120ml. think the distraction happens with bb around this age. more interesting things to do than drinking the same old milk every day.

for me i try to feed my bb in the same place whenever possible and i don't do anything to distract her. she will stop and look at the tv, even if it is off.
Welcome back!!
How nice that ur acc been reactivated!

Can i hv the file too. Pls email to [email protected] Actually i also dun noe if i wanna to have number 3. But now, my ans is No, however, who know 2 yrs down the road, i might wanna have another...hmmmm... but maybe too old liao! Hahhaaa..

Happy ROM. Going anywhere to celebrate?
Btw, i thot earwax is bitter and hence, ants dun like?

Ss too good also problem.. mine is jus nice.... i guess, only pump twice a day.

Since both of u is really strong is language, maybe we shld have an english and chinese lesson taught by both of u for our BB!
Oh, jus saw Jete posted the file here. Thanks.

Thanks. After what An-gal said, i think mus really go n see ur hse!

I get the clothes from u. Thanks.
Will sms u to see when can meet. Tml, my last day of leave. Haiz....
Btw, din realised Gracia's hair is like rooster until i use my hp to take pics. Too bad, she missed the rooster year! Whahahaa...
i went to IN in 1993. yeah lor, we heard 2003 when we talk to your hubby, that's why i thought you guys got married then he went to further his studies or something.
i think today's nap was a one time thing, cos last night she didn't sleep well. if every day she can take one 1 hour nap will be good.
we weighed paige on the bathroom scale at 5m old. she's now 12lb/6.8kg!! nov 17 was the last time we went to the PD and she was 4.9kg then on the PD scale, though we believed she was more like 5.6kg. so in 1-1/2 month, she gained 1.2kg. is that a lot to gain in such a short time? :p

now i know why when i carry her, she goes lower and lower.
jete, hahaha Isaac also gained 1kg over 5 weeks. so that's the same average of 200g per week that Paige gained. hahaha. think it's okay lah. think they will plateau after awhile, at a certain age - then later growth spurt again. hahaha...

Is it? Pear puree is sweeter than apple?


U mentioned u give rice cereal to Doren, did u mix with milk or just give rice cereal only?
jete, Isaac bites me too! hiaz! I've been scolding him but he naughty, still pull my nipple, and sometimes bites it. I've been telling him that if he doesn't stop doing that, I'd have to stop latching him when his teeth comes out. Am soooo NOT looking fwd to teeth coming out... But seriously, latching is so much easier than pumping/washing/sterilising when you're taking care of baby alone.
Zhuzhu: I must have missed your story on the PD giving wrong diagnosis, what happened? Baby ok now?

Pst: Shouldn’t start semi-solids too late as baby will not get enough nutrition then, and he will tend to fall sick. Start him on semi-solids from 6 months onwards.

Jete: My mum read somewhere that patting a baby is a form of massage, so maybe when you “spank” Paige, you’re giving her a massage too! : )

At least Paige likes the DVD. James is ok with the Baby Einstein DVDs that one of my ILs gave him, the Beethovan one, but not enthusiastic about it. She bought it for just US$2 during sale!

Congrats on Paige’s weight gain! She’s now the same weight as James : )

Guess what? The Combi stroller was delivered on Sat morning, and when we put James in, he was the exact length (after extending the seat to it's max length) and width of the stroller! We were so shocked! I tried to ask Winnie of Cheong Choon if I could exchange it for the Maclaren Techno XT, but they said that it was not possible because this Combi model is a special order… : ( Then Winnie said that she had customers who still purchased this Combi model for their 1 year old babies and all Combi prams are the same size… : 0. I checked with my friends with older kids, and they all confirmed that Combi is rather small sized, and that it doesn’t matter if the seat seems a bit on the small side, coz when baby is bigger, he will want to sit, rather than lie down. Sigh! Hope that’s true…otherwise really wasted money. Apart from that, the Combi is easy to use and light enough for me to carry. Its also a breeze to push compared to the much heavier Graco. My only other complaint is that when I reverse the handle such that baby is facing me, then its difficult to push the pram any direction other than forward, because only 2 wheels can swivel.

Ocean: I certainly need Chinese lessons from Leooh! What do you say, Leooh? : )

I live in BISHAN, if can collect at BISHAN will be best for me..
can sms me 96467066 to decide the timing to meet. thanks.
haha! for me, i'm more cruel cos i'll let doren be cranky for another 20 mins before giving him his milk. scared he will vomit if i feed him immediately after his puree.

i add a bit of milk powder and then hot water into the rice cereal. actually can just add hot water, it's up to ur own preference.

Is yr combi stroller the double fold type? If yes thn the seat is even smaller. The one I bought at $188 is single fold type, i think the seat is a little bit bigger thn all the other expensive models...

chinese lessons ah,no problem!haha i just speak in mandarin totally to you,since i feel more at ease speaking mandarin too;-)


ya it has always been in my plans to go for masters.now MIL helps look after enci so i'm ok lah,if i get a 2nd child maybe will just get a helper to help her,since she's not getting young too.


i'm planning to do masters overseas in HK..so just leave children and hubby behind..quite selfish right?but its not fair to ask hubby to take NPL and follow me,don't think he'd be happy too.i just have to fly back more often.and i guess i just want a break from work and the mother/DIL/wife business,get some me time...


ya think i'm ready.prob cos i didn't have the BF problems,and enci is quite a easy baby(hmm unless she's overstimulated,then we get hell at night)...u try too lah,then maybe we get babies together at the same time!;-)


i got the bag too!!!thru one of the BPs on coach bags.love it!(in fact if you go to the snapfish acc u can see it standing proudly in my family photo haha.my hubby said i placed it there purposely to show off haha)hmm,true when bring baby out cannot bring nice bags.but bring to work is ok;-)

see you later!!!and i want to eat curry!!yippee!!


i think my pri team colleagues would think that i'm mad if i go ask out of the blue whether that wierd story is still in our TBs.anyway they're writing/using new TBs now lah,shouldn't have such scary stories anymore..

then maybe i should get my bro to buy from parentcraft too...btwe that day i let enci wear the rainbow leggings,really like what you said its the most expandable of all...


i'm in CPDD
Adeline: Yes, its the double fold type. I need the double fold type for travelling, as the single fold type takes up too much boot space in the car...I think you're right, my graco is single fold, and much wider and longer, so baby looks small in it. Who expected baby to look like a giant in the Combi?

Leeoh: Wah! You can bear to leave your babies behind? I can't and won't do that, coz I believe that its impt for family to be together. I wanted to further my studies in USA actually, and hubby was prepared to take NPL to accompany me there, but he's doing well in his career now, so it would be too selfish of me to ask him to sacrifice something that he enjoys so much, and for at least 5 to 7 years too! So end up studying here lor...actually now I'm just taking things step by step...'coz its more difficult to juggle work, studies and family than before.

But be careful whn yr bro buy from parentcraft patients. Check the item properly before buying. Cos the one I bought, told me item is maintain well, but whn I take over, can only see all the parts are so oily... takes me hours to wash and sterlaize it leh...(Cos she meet me during lunch time and it was like so rash for me to do a total check on all the items). Anyway, after a good cleaning, i still can use the parts lor...I wnt to bought a new set of parts from the agent as well...


Perhaps i dilute the rice cereal too much liao, that's y Javier dun seems to like. Perhaps i should try more concertrate one & see if he likes anot


What is James's height? Javier is 70cm as of end Dec 07.
Reason y i bought Capella ( that giant stroller ) is becos the length is longer & width is wider but then its too bulky liao. It takes up the car boot, not much space to put other things!
