(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs


shall try your method of combing the hair down after every bath. Jaeden's hair is still defying gravity. lol..

wahhh ...long time nvr log in and so many things to read. i seem to be missing something abt a forum..cant find it...wat happened?

cin, jaelynn schedule is like ur bb..8 pm to 7 am..wake somtimes AT 1130PM, else i drink feed, at 3 am and 5 am. day time, also sleep twice about 30 mins each. i also worry abt her day time nap..but she will automaticall wake up after 30 mins le..duno how to prolong her sleep.

talk abt studio photo, i hv signed up with Foto u..will be taking it in march. my SIL took hers with the bb and turned out quite good, so i sign up with them lor.

an_gal...there is pros and cons abt contract. i started off as a contract wiht my current company, half a yr later, they hv the budget for a headcount and they offered me the perm job..so u might get lucky u know. most impt thing is the job that u really interested in. then again, i heard that the job mkt is very gd now..becos when i was doing contract then, was 4 yrs ago and mkt sucks big time...so then my thinking was "no fish, prawn also gd" heee...good luck!
hi nining
your photoshoot is definitely cheap. but bandung is so far. it will be very expensive after i add in the air tickets. hah!

hi mudpie
does your photographer has a website? i thought if i cant find a good one, maybe i will go back to maryann. she took my pre pregnacy photos. she is good but the waiting time for the photos to be ready is realy very long...

hi lilyn
yeeheng also wakes up often like titus. i am not sure if its bcos he has got not enough to drink? cos each time when he wakes up, he does drinks alot n empty n empty my breasts each time, so i dun thk its comfort sucking. telling myself to tahan for another 3 weeks n once he hit 6 mth, i will give wean him off. though its tiring, but i only want to give him solids at 6 mth to minimise any allegies.

hi jo
does your baby wakes up at nite too for his nite feed? u still latching him on? how long do u intend to bf him?

i really find bfing takes up alot of my time. my next baby is going to be an ebm baby.

yah, i also run out of ideas so i always play silly games with him. eg raising him high up into the air, calling his name in diff tone n yes he loves peckaboo.

my hb can be irritating at times. sometimes he look at baby n if he sees milk rash, he will tell the baby that mummy never wash his face n he will deduct my allowance.

hi jete
r u a sahm too? i really thk we all sahms shd meet up once awhile in the weekday. it can be boring to stay st home. i dun mind going anywhere in spore.

hi inu
your baby also the same as titus? wah! at least i know i am not alone. if next time u find any solution to let her sleep longer, share with me ok? do u still have to rock her to sleep?
good to see you and Mathias again, and meet your hubby yesterday. Sorry I was kind of spaced out, had a bad headache. you walked into the lift and i was like "hmm... i know this person!" haahaa Mathias not as chubby as the last time i saw him, but he has grown quite a bit in length.

i am drinking the fenugreek seed but only once or twice a week. when i go over to my mom's for dinner, if she's free in the day she'll boil it for me. drink so infrequent, no effect one, almost feel like drinking for fun.

i try to drink more milk but i don't like milk to begin with, never did. so i bought a bottle of rose syrup and drink bandung! :p
yeah our flat took forever. same for another cluster that is around blk 165 in punggol. same contractor. the 2 clusters went through 3 contractors before completion. apparently it was bad time and they all went bankrupt. the 2nd one i heard was the same company as the nicoll hwy one, so after the incident, belly up and the flats were delayed again.

i was doing grad school and was soooo busy, but my parents insisted we arranged the chinese wedding. no fun arranging from so far away. i never saw the ballroom until the wedding dinner. pathetic right? the wedding shots and food tasting was done within 1 week of the actual wedding itself. super last minute. haahaa

my empress dowager bestowed me n my son a jade each. her intention is actually good but i thk i have offended her. she gave me a jade bangle. my hb said its from her grandmother. its those kind with dragon n phoneix engraved on it n its quite huge. very "orbit n cheena". she said i gave birth to a boy so she gave me that. i didnt know she is so traditional one cos she looks modern. i was thinking she shd have given me her diamonds. haha!! anyway i will just keep it cos i dun want to offend her but anyway i am not going to wear it. BUT she wants titus to wear a jade pendant which i said NO. she said its for protection. as we share different faith, i just told her God will protect him n not a piece of jade. haiz.. now she is angry with me. i thk i am in the wrong. shd have tell her nicely since her intention is good. but as a mother i have the right to say what is to be worn on my son.
i think both end also headache huh? i guess if i have more ss, i will freeze and stop bf-ing at 6m, then paige can be on ebm for longer when there is no need for me to be "in action" already.

that box of chocolate you gave me, i sat on the bed, watched tv and finished half of it. scare myself. haahaa, too good lah, want to try each and every diff flavor.

my fren said she think her duo much better than ameda, do you feel the same too? i remember you have used both.
wa, ever since the sch starts, really very tight for time....working mama is no easy man!

how much u pay for the package? i was thinking of doing fotoshoot when bb is more than 6mths...

i love chloe's hair...so pretty..
my carene still not many hair....no wonder pple mistaken her for a boy...
these babies have so much energy. only when they're sleepy then they are done being entertained. if not entertaining them is full time job!
ruoxi is taking you as a pacifier too.
paige didn't latch on well right from the start, a bit hard to start now, esp when she is definitely teething!!
wow...bringing mathias for high tea...so nice rite...enjoy ur tea...

izzit bcoz u use gatsby and itz defying the gravity? haha
paige's bedtime was 1am last time. slowly little by little bring it forward. now she sleeps around 10.30pm. yesterday havoc, so many days hubby went to work she didn't get to spend time with daddy, refused to sleep and just want to cuddle with daddy until 1am. i think how she learned to sleep through the night without feed is cos she was sleeping in our bed for the first 8w. prob she woke up, made noise and mommy and daddy both knocked out and no one to listen to her, so she went back to sleep. now that she got used to sleeping in her crib, she seem to sleep better in the crib. though she doesn't mind if we let her sleep with us.
it is true. most couples i know met in school. personally i think after school, it's a bit harder to meet people. before i left for college, my parents sat me down and told me must study hard but if meet a suitable guy can consider dating. i laughed so hard cos i never imagined my parents will tell me to find a guy and start dating!

so when your hubby went to IN, you guys were already married?
i think mommies are on entertaining duty much longer than hubbies. i have to remember to tell you something by email now that you mention cisco. :p

so funny you always get kicked out of your own bed by ike.
y'day when i went to fetch my girl back from my bbsitter, my bbsitter said tat she did poo watery poo..but she said itz not diarrhea as she did it once a day onli..
she has seen the old and new forumla and commented tat the new one is slightly more oily as compared to the others. when i ask her for her opinion whether i shld switch brand, she said shld try out a wk or two before switching brand. she said bb is adjusting..so haf u deicided whether to switch brand?
i agree, my moms thinks it's easy. she nags at me, said my house dirty (not really dirty but not up to her std lah) and yet when i leave paige with her for just the afternoon from 2-6pm, she complains that she gets nothing done in the house when paige is there. duh?? then she expects me to clean the house to her std when i have paige almost all the time? even bf-ing she thinks "pump 30-40 mins only what, you should bf for at least 1 year." she doesn't think 30-40 mins x number of time a day = a lot of time. *argh*
chloe is so pretty, her hair also very nice now. she's much more girlie girl looking now than when she was 2m old.
i try toys (leapfrog and stuff) but i find that she gets over stim very quickly. she starts making a bit of noise and i can tell she's getting over stim and stop. initially i didnt know and she started crying, very hard to calm her down after that.

at least once a day, we go visit the house zoo. we visit the doggies in the kitchen, and hunt down the cat. paige is not very interested in the furbabies yet. the cat doesn't seem to like her, once i come out of the bedroom, the cat hides in the bomb shelter.

when i get too tired, we sit in bed sit by sit and watch telly. i try not to do that cos i dont want to encourage her to watch tv but cannot tahan already just let it go.

oh, and the easiest entertainment! eat!! i eat and she watches! she loves to watch me eat. but cannot do that all the time, very soon i won't be able to fit through the doorway at this rate.
i agree with you. i too find the quality of carter's clothing in the US better than the ones i get here. i never buy anything that is not on sale, sooner or later they will go on sale at the outlets. before we moved home, hubby and i go to the carter's outlet at least twice a month. the things are not exactly cheap but for the quality i think it's worth it. clothes that paige has outgrown now, are still in great condition.
one of my fren tells me if i can get baby to sleep past the 45 mins mark, she will sleep for longer. but i cant get past the 30 mins mark. paige is on auto mode, 30 mins and she's up.
yeah, i'm a sahm. just starting out to be officially sahm, before this more like stay at home parents since hubby was home too since paige was born.

i have heard that jade can "protect" the person that wears it and the jade will chg color/darken accordingly to the person who wears it. i can imagine the gift you received from your description. heehee do you see your MIL often? if not just let bb wear it when she's visiting or visiting her. :p

haha, seems all our bbs start interested to our food liao, whenever we eat ruoxi also start drolling and stare at us..so funny..
enjoy your high tea, i love high tea but the few i've been to in the recent years were quite disappointing.
ruoxi is also a half an hour snap bb. day time she only have 3 or 4 times snap, each time 30mins no matter my mum hold her in arm to sleep or put her in the cot..she's got a clock in her head..
maybe cos of the GD, we never get to eat a lot of good food during pgy. my grandma used to say if you dont give a pg woman her cravings, her bb will drool a lot. before the GD i used to pull this saying on hubby all the time when he doesnt want to let me eat certain things. heehee
last night hubby came home and we planned on going out for dinner.
hubby: where do you want to go for dinner
me: is she going? *pointed at paige, who was lying in her crib looking at us with big puppy eyes*
hubby: eh, yeah!
me: then i'm not going!

we had a good laugh abt it.
i didn't shave chloe on full & 4th mth, just trim 'yi shi yi shi' only cos i'm scare her hair wouldn't grow back.

yeah.. chloe definitely looked like a boy boy when she was younger. strangers can even come to me and say 'boy boy huh' even though she was dressed in pink. luckily she is more gal-looking now, either she's facing me 24/7 or it's the hairstyle i keep for her... hehee..

enjoy ur hi-tea! how i miss the hi-tea at marriott.

after so many mths of daily combing, luckily got results.. hahaa.. jang, no harm trying. my sis' comment 'instigated' me to do so, one day she suddenly said "aiyo.. her hair all stand up and so messy, machiam boy like tat", since then everyday i comb down after washing her hair
all thanks to her.

wa.. u refer ur MIL as 'empress dowager'. let me think of something to describe my MIL too. oopppss *so bad*

i laughed when i saw u told jang abt gatsby.. i like the tv ad of nerd nerd 'mu chun'. hahaa..
oh.. i didn't realise that the new mamex is oily??? chloe is still having watery poo poo but now at least it's only once or twice a day, the poo poo is definitely not as 'pretty' as before and very messy too. i'll be getting the old mamex from ocean to re-mix again to see if it's the new mamex causing this problem in chloe, then will decide whether or not to switch. do let me know how's ur girl adjusting to it.

till now still cant get thru the line of guardian @ forum. think maybe it's the fax cum tel line as given by telecom or i'm just unlucky. have u started the new one for ur bb?
yeah.. everyone said chloe looked like a boy boy when she was younger. some said a photocopied image of my hb but now look more like me.. (refer to my blog).

Re: entertaining our prince/princess
swing her in my arms, she definitely likes that and will get very excited but hey, mummy's very tiring.

same like u, jete, i tried not to let chloe watch tv but sometimes i'm tired, i've no choice but to on the tv for her and she will quietly quietly watch it *resting time*.

dancing - must carry her and dance with someone in front and make faces at her at the same time or holding her hands but end up with 2 tired pple.

gai gai - just baby bjorn her and bring her downstairs for a short walk.

Tiring hor..
chloe has been sleeping for almost 2hrs for this nap *phew* i realise she can sleeps longer for her afternoon nap if it is cooling and quiet. usualy her nap is 45mins-1hr.
farni har..hehe..i like tat ad too
as for formula, if she poo once a day den itz ok lah...think her system is adjusting to the new formula. as for today, she din poo so i dunno..rite now, din mix liao. but at bbsitter's place she is taking the new one. when she is at home, she is taking the old one coz i m using the last tin of old formula. btw, if u happen to go mustafa, itz really cheaper..my mum juz bot the 1.5kg for $52+ while she said tat the 800g is for $27+...
my hubby's friend told him tat actually itz good to juz give any formula to the bb which mean finished formula A den switch to B den to C, so call survey which is better for the bb. this way, the bb wun haf any problem when switching of formula. but den got to do it when the bb is young...now no use liao..

dont know if it's true that we didn't eat so much during pregnancy, but ruoxi drooling a lot recently, I tot it's that she showing to us she want to eat the semisolid food..hehe..anyway, for my next pregnancy I will take care my diet from beginning, hope won't kena GD again..


chole tian1 sheng1 has good hair, so envy..ruoxi same as woof's gal, not much hair,hope she has more hair when she grow up..
Hi mummies, how are your weekend so far??

cin, here is the link for http://www.pbase.com/nivlek28/studio

Entertaining bbs
Jete, at least you can eat and Paige just sit still and watch you. Aidan doesn't even allow me to eat. He'll make so much noise if I sit down with him for too long, unless it's doing something he's interested in, watch cartoons. Even watching cartoons cannot keep him on the chair for long too. I practically hve to do different things with him every 15mins to half an hr.
cin, I agree that we SAHMs shld meet up on weekdays. I don't mind the travelling too, do let me know if you mummies are meeting up okay. And the way you name your MIL, I want to laugh....

ytanhn, your little Chloe is so sweet, I like her eyes, so pretty eyes.
actualy the way u introduce the new formula is correct, a few feeds of the old one and maybe just 1 or 2 feeds of the new formula for the start and slowly increase and gradually all feeds are the new formula around the 12-14th day. this is wat i saw in the dumex booklet tat came tog with my free step 2 formula.

ya.. both me & hubby have thick hair except that mine gradually dropped alot over the years (especially now) and i realy cant afford to drop further. *scary*

thanks.. but when she sees the camera her eyes become one straight line liaoz.. hahaa..
at 5mths 16days, chloe finally flipped 'unassisted'!
was video-ing her looking at her favourite 'toy' - the baby pic on the pigeon wet wipes box, and suddenly she flipped.
captured on video.. so lucky..
something to add onto my blog liao
so funny.. abt ur MIL as 'empress dowager'. Abt the jade thing, i had heard this b4. It is also for bb not to get frighten easily. Dun think got anything to do with religion lah...
How nice to talk abt combin hair... my gracia got nohin to comb except the bush of hair tat now looked like rooster! Hahahhaaaa...
After her shaving at one mth old, her hair grew n dropped... so still not much hair!
Congrats on ur capture of chole flipping show!

I use non-toxic white glue that dries clear. Can get from most stationery stores. Still, do monitor and don't let bb bite the glued part.

Felt is quite cheap. 60 cents for a piece slightly smaller than A4 size. Some neighbourhood bookshops sell them. You can get them from craft stores, Spotlight or ArtFriend.

re: Hair

Jed has no hair.... doesn't even need to comb after bath lor... He's growing more fuzz now but still has a giant bald patch at the back of his head! Sigh.....
Ytanhn: Chloe is so pretty! ☺

Lilyn: Hubby’s company gave us a Lucky Baby deluxe high chair as a baby gift. Quite good coz its quite big, but can only use when baby can sit up. I recently purchased almost brand new 2nd hand Combi Rashule High Chair (cum rocker, and able to recline) for $125 (Retail price: $191). I also helped someone else buy the same high chair from another seller for $130, with free baby Playskool Push and Ride Walker thrown in. Prior to this, James was sitting in his bouncer chair on the floor at the dining table during meal times. To be honest, unless the high chair can recline, it is way too early to buy such high chair for baby at this stage, as he can’t balance himself right now, and will just flop to one side. There are quite a few high chairs on the WTS board, and this is one item which can be purchased 2nd hand, esp if its almost brand new or seldom used.

Cin: I agree with Jete…I would just let baby wear the piece of Jade when MIL is around, just to keep the peace (and not because I believe it will “protect” baby. In my mind, I would just view it as a piece of old fashioned jewellery), and take it off when she’s not around...at least that’s how I deal with my own ILs when they give advice or strange things I don’t believe in. After all, they mean well and are acting out of concern for baby, so no point taking offence or telling them I disagree, coz there would be too many hurt feelings otherwise…but naturally you do have the right to decide what your baby wears : ) So hard to be DIL…

Jete: R u thinking of buying the duo too? Wow! If you do, you’ll have to BF for at least another year to justify the cost :eek:

Hee! Hee! If I were married to hubby when he went to In, then I would have been a teenage bride! No lah, hubby went to Purdue immediately after NS, and I didn’t even know he existed until my ex-colleague introduced us in 1995, after we both graduated from our respective universities. As for mum’s advice on dating…that was the advice she gave me when I was in NUS. Some of my friends were with their partners since JC1, and got married around 10 years later at 26 or 27. Most of my friends who weren’t attached by the time they graduated with their first degrees are still single, and probably won’t ever marry. Those who did manage to get married in their 30s actually met their partners through dating agencies and special activities for singles organized by church or married friends etc. So I guess I was one of the lucky ones, so to speak…

My cats aren’t interested in James anymore than he is interested in them. Can’t blame the cats though, as they’ve been sooo neglected since he came along, plus they had experienced some “abuse” previously at the hands of my hubby’s 1.5year old nephew, who used to run after them, make high pitch squeals, pull their tails and bang the glass doors…absolute little terror whose parents didn’t do anything to stop his behaviour. So now my 3 furbabies run far far away when they see little humans. ☹

still latching Jed full time. About 6-7 times a day. I intend to continue till 9 months but the old folks keep nagging at me to stop by 6 months else Jed will be too clingy to me. Is it true??

Hmm... actually I am very resistant towards the idea of feeding ebm to baby... always feel that fresh is best and also don't have to wash and sterilize... already don't have much time on hand liao... also feel that pumping is a very stressful thing to do cos i'll be very affected if cannot yield a certain amount.... ;P So I think if I can help it, direct latching works better for me. Just sit back and relax... read a book or cut his nails while he relaxes too. :D

anyway, I started Jed on one feed of puree a day a week ago. He's not 5 months yet but he seems ready... he's totally enjoying the different tastes and actually gets all excited when I bring out his little blue bowl!
hw's ur high tea? great food?

contract oso hav cpf lah.. tis offer of contract quite similar 2 perm benefits 1.. actually i don mind contract lah.. i more concern on the stress !!
btw, mi oni go J8 walk walk with hubby leh.. where got romantic :p 1 more hr 2 hubby bday hehe.. thks..

ya lol.. i oso don mind contract actually.. is the stress i mind..

haha ur hubby so funi.. "deduct allowances" keke..
tink u say the "wrong tings" 2 ur MIL too fast rite.. after say liaoz then regret.. hope ur mil can forget abt it soon..

ur traditional wedding so rush, cant seem to enjoy rite.. is realli tedious i will say but no choice if parents wants it. my mum oso say mus hav wedding dinner so we started slowly preparing 1yr in advance..

pretty mama, beautiful chloe !

does James like the Combi chair? Jed can't sit in his for more than 5 mins... :S Hope he will eventually grow to like it... else waste my money..... I can't remember which model is mine... but I paid $248 for it!


if my hubby says that to me I will add soya sauce to his coffee and crush his beloved Lays potato chips to fine bits... hmmph!

do you get to drive? I really do not know how to bring Jed out farther than the park and the market across it. His stroller is too heavy for me to manage (even up the cab). I can't carry him for long in my kangaroo pouch either! How do you manage to bring Titus around? Taka some more!
