(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Morning all, once again I got awoken before 7sm!

Yolk: Great pictures of Ems in the pool! She's such a water baby.
EC is very interesting, I think you're right that it goes in hand with attachment parenting.
Ally and Ems seem to be the terrors of the forum! They are obviously "spirited" children, as what Ally's PD says. We should set up a play date for them and see what the two of them get up to together.
Her new thing now is to make this dinosaur noise whenever she sees the dogs. Its a funny throaty noise that she reserves especially for them!
From the day we introduced the dogs to her and now I let them have supervised play times. I TRY to teach her to be gentle and not pull their fur but to stroke instead. Easier said then done.

Nor: Thanks for the picture!

<font color="ff6000">Irene</font>
Saw that you mentioned that your babe is struggling with food. Could she be be teething? Cos my boy had once had this problem, and it's due to the teething. The upper and lower ones both sprout together.....
Hmm... Also saw that you are feeding porridge already? That's fast! I'm following the advice from the books. To start only when my boy is 9 mths old.

<font color="119911">Jules,</font>
Ha ha, was laughing at your description of your babe sticking out tongue to lap the water! She must be curious how the water taste like! When I shower my boy, I never fail to get wet. Cos he's always hitting the water hard!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Ju</font>
Heard about your pregnancy! CONGRATULATIONS!! Your baby is so cute in the Jumperoo! How much does it cost?

<font color="aa00aa">Yolk_Sac</font>
I read somewhere before that we should expose babies to water before 4 months old and they will naturally hold their breath when we dunk them into the water. After we pass the 4 mths taboo, it'll be hard to re-introduce them to dunking again. Will it be possible to do so? I would love to let my boy learn swimming. My elder one is so afraid of water now. Blame it on me for not letting him learn swimming when he's younger.

<font color="ff0000">Shymz</font>
Regarding potty training. I still remembered my MIL tried to potty train my boy when he's 9 mth old. Despite being very persistant, my elder boy soon develope a phobia for the potty and will cry when my MIL bring it near. I don't understand why. However, we potty trained him again when he's about 20 mths. Amazingly, he grasp it within 3 months and went diaperless after that. PD had told me that it's because he's more prepared for it. Don't know how true could it be.

<font color="0077aa">Gugi</font>
Saw that you are interested in getting the food cube for your baby. I am using that now. Have 2 trays in fact. It's very useful and super hygienic. Last time, I used the tray with the lid and keep the frozen cubes in a container. Whenever my MIL wants to feed my boy, she actually took the frozen puree with her hand. Unwashed. Now with this cube, she won't have chance to touch the food with her unwashed hands again.

The outing looks so fun! Too bad I'd missed it. Hope I can join the next outing.

Share one of my boy's latest photo. Now that he's crawling and grab on anything to stand up with.... definitely I am much more vigilant. Don't dare to take my eyes off him anymore.... Photo is a bit RA... Hee.... Took off his clothes to shower him but off he goes again, crawling off to search for his standing pole. Haiz.....


<font color="ff6000">Zyp, keep the photo for Hazel. ;)</font>
irene: They must have asked you back because they valued your work and realised that they couldn't do without you!
When are you thinking of sending kaelyn for JG/pre-nursery? Ems loves my dogs too - yesterday, after her lunch, while she was still in her high chair, I gave her a teething biscuit, and she reached down and offered it to one dog. The dog was happy to go for it, of course, and got a huge scolding from me and hb. Since he'd managed to lick the biscuit, I took it away from both him and Ems. Ems whined immediately. So I told her, "ok, here's another one, but be careful this time", and she immediately offered it to the dog again! *Faints*

Jules: I have a feeling XY will enjoy water too as Ems is always sticking out her tongue to lap up the water! Have you brought her to the pool yet?

Angeline: Yes, I think Parsniketty was telling me about that reflex in babies, can't remember the details or the name of the reflex (it's quite a long word). I don't think it's too late to start now. The idea is to give them water confidence so they are less fearful. If the baby is nervous for any reason, go really slowly - just move around in the water, retrieve toys etc. The splashing, sprinkling, dunking etc can all come later. Have you considered an Aquaducks class?

Jillian: Wow, Ally has a special sound just for the dogs? That's preverbal communication for you! So cute that it's dino-like - do you think she might be trying to mimic a low-pitched bark/growl? BTW, Ems has been waking up early too - sometimes at 6:30am, today it was 6:15am. I try not to feed her until 7am (per GF routine) but on days when she's really unhappy, I will go ahead and feed her (like today). But she usually manages to stay awake until 9:30am so we're usually back on track by her first nap.
Julia Gabriel Chinese Cultural Evening

Just to let you know that this is going on at the Forum branch of JG this Sat, 23 Feb, 6:15-7:15pm. Highlights include:
- Chinese dumpling making
- Traditional Chinese crafts
- Storytelling and games
- Chinese brush painting
- Lion dance

Admission is free, even to non-JG students, but they ask that you call 6733-4322 to register if you're attending so they can provide sufficient activity stations etc.

Ems and I won't be able to be there as hb and I have a dinner with friends. But I know a few of her classmates are going. Do attend if you're interested - might be a nice thing to do with your older kids as well.
Playyard question

Those of you with hard playyards (eg Haenim etc), is there any concern that bb might hit his/her head against the hard surface? Ems is still all over the place and does not seem to have a very strong self-preservation instinct, so I'm worried that she might bash her head against the yard. Any comments would be much appreciated!

Irene: My mum's strongly in favour of the VeeBee as she's worried about the issue above. Hmm...the door thing is a problem for my granny though - do you find it hard to cross over the perimeter to get to Kaelyn?

Amber: So sorry, could I trouble you for the dimensions and full product name of your Pack N Play? Do you know if it's possible to buy in SG?I'm keen on it if it's larger than the tiny Pack N Plays being marketed as "playpens" these days. Sorry hon, I know I've asked you this before but my post-partum brain is like a sieve.
yolk: ya the reason i went hunting for the veebee is because its not hard surface.. which minimize the knocking of head.. so far i let kaelyn in the playyard.. i realise she like to test the water by Knocking her head against the fencings.. so if i am using haenim now.. i have a bb full of baluku...
but veebee yr granny might have a hard time going inside... unless u let loose one side of the yard... means u dun need to xip it up etc.. just velcro it down.. think should be quite stable...
let me try it tonite... i see whether it compromise the safety or not... coz there are lots of velcro.. which i think will be ok if u loosen one side only... so that yr granny can just open it like a gate...

why not u bring ems to my place to try it out.. hehe.. oh2... veebee one more downside.. not enuff cushion at the bottom.. so i placed those abc mats.. u have the bumper mat.. LAGI best... just put it at the bottom.. then the playyard on top of it...violaaaa...

ya hope they ask me back becoz they cant do without me.. SO i have the upper hand (Evil Laugh) hahahaha

JG : i was thinking of going for the trail lesson first and see if she takes to it then decide... u wan to go together...????

angeline : ya i hope its due to teething.. now her mealtime i always end up wanting to cry@!!!she has 2 lower front teeth already... hope this is due to the upper ones..hahaha tried porridege... doesnt take it.. so i moved on back to cereal again hehe...
Potty update (Day #1) - some success today; put Ems on it after her first nap and after lunch, while making the appropriate sounds, and she wee-ed within 30 sec. Hurray! Just hoping she doesn't develop potty aversion, no signs of it yet, but heard it's quite common.

irene: Yes! Could you please try the no-zipping-just-velcro trick later and let me know? that would be fantastic, thanks so much! and yes, maybe I can bring Ems over one day to see if she likes the veebee - erm, assuming you don't live too far away that is. Where do you stay?
Have you gone back to work already btw?

re JG - yes sure, just give them a call to book a Playnest trial on Tue, Wed or Fri (11am), that's when Ems and I are there. It's the Evans Rd branch yah? The wonderful Chen Lao Shi is at Evans, not Forum
yolk, the pen ive got is called Pack an Play playmat combo

its definitely not as big as the veebee i can betcha tht...

but i love the one ive got cos its like a mini discovery centre!
each side of the pen is one primary colour.. and its got learning toys all over it.. eg. a crinkly butterfly one side, a mirror on the other, a squiky toy .. and on the floor mat as well..

so Ashley loves it! she smiles and talks to herself in the mirror all the time.. she's gonna be an actress whn she grows up for sure!

veebee is big but cubersome ad boring.. might as well buy gates and secure her off in a hallway or something..

my pack and play was a gift.. so using wht i have.. turned out well.. veebee wld go in your living rm? in place of mat?
if me, id go for veebee and stick a lotta toys in there.. no gate thing will be hard for your gran...oh oh! just thought... wldnt be good for her to be carrying Ems in one hand and trying to climb over! er.... very dangerous for both gran and baby!

oh play mat combo is 38 inches in a perfect square.. erm.. maybe 39.. sorry i used a soft measuring tape.. the kind for clothes!
Hello Everyone

Long time never post already ...

I love all those cute pictures posted. My baby boy had diarrhoea for a week at end of jan. We got so worried when I spot stains of blood in it and quickly brought him to KKH. Doctor said he's fine as long as he still drinking milk. I was so heart pain cos he lost weight n don't feed well then also. Guess maybe due to teething. Moreover my girl was not feeling well then also so may have gotten the virus from the jie jie

Anyone still BFing? My milk flow has dropped quite a bit since CNY. Have to supplement with FM now. I am still expressing during lunch time.
I am not too sure whether should i continue with BF or not

Initially i plan to BF till my baby turn 1 yr old but now supply going down, so don't know can last till then or not

is it still possible to increase supply at this stage?

Or should i just stop BF totally and give FM?
Potty Update - Wow, this EC thing is quite something! Ems just did her first poo of the day and she went in her potty!

What happened was she woke up after an overly brief lunchtime nap. I contemplated settling her back to sleep but she was already sitting up in one corner of her cot. I picked her up and then realised that she was having a tummy upset as I could hear wind. I placed her on the potty and she wee-ed. I was so excited by this that I took her off the potty to have it washed. At this point, she started grabbing at the potty (the chair bit, not the actual pot where the pee goes) and pulling it towards her. I placed her on it again but then she started squirming so I went off to wash the potty pot and gave Ems a fresh diaper. After she was freshly diapered, when I had her in my arms, I realised that she was still signalling an intention to poo (ie squirming, look a bit uncomfortable) so I rushed back to the potty and made the appropriate sounds and after 15-30 seconds or so, she had a full poo (and another wee) there! Success!

On hindsight, I probably should have left her for a longer period on the potty after she signalled that she wanted to get back on it. I think I'm so worried that she'll start to associate the potty negatively that I was overly quick in taking her off it.

A major part of EC is being sensitive to our babies' needs. Still learning man!
Hi Hi Hi!!

There are some motherhood forum, but not as hot as singapore one, can not realy find anything there.. can you suggest me what kind of activity that i can join for my gal? so i'll searching from the name or the activity
btw, you bring your gal swim in a pool? how about the temp? not cold meh? or is it your private pool and you can control the temp?
Coz i've been planing bring my gal to swim since she was born (me n hubby quite a swimmer, hubby even won many competition last time) so its like our fav sport ever, but we're worry about the pool temp. Coz our condo swimming pool quite cold, and there is no temp control.. i ask the management before).. should i let my gal try? or do i need to buy special swimming costume? like wet suit for diving for example? if yes, where to find? coz me n hubby oso a diver, but so far never see any wet suit in bb size... i saw your gal wearing long suit.. is that special kind? buying where? (i show the pict to my hubby last nite and he really excited and ask me to gather info to solve this matter.. hahaha)

Shymz :
I oso v exciting everytime passing through those children boutiqe.. see how cute those dolls wearing those outfit.. can not wait to buy and dress my gal.. till one time can not resist and buy one set todler outfit.. but kena by my mil.. she's quite pantang bout such stuff.. sigh..
haha.. yo lor, i oso confuse.. why my gal doesnt crawl yet, first time mum, first bb for both side somemore (my gal is first grand child for our parents), coz my gal can sit down, can stand somemore, but didnt crawl.. of coz quite worry is there anything wrong or prob she's to fat so difficult to move.. hahaha but after last trip for her vacination (CNY), her doctor said she doesnt hv any prob, in fact she's quite fast in the development coz he record how my gal can lift her head since 2 weeks old and all.. plus after asking all mummies here, the answer oso really make me feel better.. hopefully you guys didnt laughing at me coz sounds v kancheong bout my gal...

Yup.. i'm really interested to get this cube thing, but dont know where to find.. coz eventhough i have maid, i'm still the one who handle all my bb matters, and since she's always wants someone 2 be ard now (as i mentioned before), difficult 4 me to find time to prepare food time per time basis..(i have no place to keep the food if i make in a lump sum and dont know how to keep it propriate), call me paranoid but i really dont know.. i alwyas throw away her milk once she'd not finished it, and after make her juice or food, i only give to her for that time,after that i dont dare to give anymore.. aiah.. read too much then worry too much..
Hi All,

Just finished reading all the post. It made me feel like such an incompetent mother
Been really busy at work recently, and have been working on Sat even though I am on a five-day work week. So envious of all the SAHMs here.

My baby is 6.5mth old now (born 31 Jul 07) and he hates porridge too. He wails every time he's being fed, and we had to give in and feed him the Nestle rice cereal which he loves so much.

I bought this small containers from Mothercare (8 pcs for $8) and it's quite good for storage of pureed food too. Just thought that all of you might be interested. Dun have a pic though..
Hi Zarina..
Our baby born in the same day!! hahaha
My baby doesnt have problem in eating now (hopefully either in the future), she likes and always courious in what me and hubby eating, last sunday even wanted to try my sushi!! till those waiters and some guests lauging at her.

This small container you talking about, how small is it? can fit in one portion each? easy to use and clean? no other food's smell will in?
Anyway, become SAHM oso have the up and down.. when my gal kena environtment stress (coz just moved to KL) i almost give up and wanted to become ftwm..
in fact sometime i oso wondering if i should back to work.. coz my company oso have branch in Malaysia as well, but bit paiseh coz last time when hubby transfered to ausie, i already propose for a job in Ausie branch, after approved then i cancel coz hubby chosed to move to KL coz still near to his parents.. afraid later after talk to the company then hubby have to move again.. malu leh
Become working mum of coz have own benefit rite? like spending power for example, eventhough hubby dont mind, but sometime i feel better last time when i still work, coz can use my money for anything without hubby know..
winniebear: I'm still bf-ing Ems; in fact, she is about 90% bfed and I've only given her a few bottles of FM now and then. Finding it a bit easier to pdce sufficient milk now that she is partly on solids. To ans your qn, I think it is possible to increase your supply at almost any stage; just gotta latch baby on for longer periods or pump more frequently. Also I find that if I drink loads and loads of water, my SS does go up a bit. Even if you can't pdce enough BM to meet all bb's needs, can do half half - part FM part BM. Gd luck!

gugi: Maybe try "baby gym malaysia", "baby enrichment Malaysia"? Other activities might be swimming, language classes, playgroup, music, etc. There appears to be Kindermusik but not in KL - weird huh? See http://www.kindermusik.com.sg/malaysia_licensees.htm - also found this --> http://www.kidztalent.com - can call them to see if they can recommend any KL locations

Can try the expat forums to see if you can ask anyone to recommend programmes - http://www.alloexpat.com/malaysia_expat_forum/
<font color="ff6000">Hi Gugi</font>
I bought from the BP thread in SMH. I'll recall the name of the mother whom has this in stock with her and let you know ok?! Her price is good.
yolksac, looks like ems is really a very bright child! 1st day can pee and poo on command already!! very motivating to read abt ur successes with ems!

re swimming - her 1st and only dip in the pool was when she was 4 mths old. since then havent brought her back to the pool yet cos i am quite hesitant abt her going to the public pool and happily lapping up all the water there! ewwww...

irene, dont be envious la!! u keep trying and u will succeed eventually! i am a never say die mummy.. last time die die force her to latch on altho she keep rejecting nipple so many times until she eventually jsut surrender and obediently latches on now.. and its the same case for porridge!! i must and i WILL win the porridge war!!! hyak hyak hyak!! just cook some chicken soup for her porridge tonight, keeping fingers and toes crossed that she will take to mummy's chicken porridge as well as she did to grandpa's chicken porridge!

angeline, hahah same here!! i get very wet cos xy keeps hitting and kicking in the too small tub! guess where most of the water ends up!

re porridge - i wasnt planning to start porridge so early (at 7+ mths) too, but xy got very very bad constipation (blood in stools kind!) when she was on 2 meals of cereal a day. the situation got much much better for the 2 days when i cut down the amt of cereal and gave her 1 meal of porridge in place of cereal. less heaty i guess!

winniebear, hi again! still bfing xy now and hope to do so till i dry up or get preg again (whichever happens first!) dont get stressed abt ss.. think its perfectly fine to supplement with FM esp since our babies are so big already! any amt of BM is good too.. so its always good to continue BFing.
jules: Thanks! My hb and I just had a good laugh abt how I'm studying poo/pee patterns so I'm just glad my posts are motivating at least!
BFed her at 3pm and put her on the potty immediately thereafter; at first, there was no action but I persevered with the sound and yup, she wee-ed. My MIL (who was visiting) was suitably impressed.

Re swimming - have you considered Aquaducks, maybe on a weekend? The pool at SJCK isn't a public one, so the water's likely to be cleaner. Ems drinks loads of pool water and she's still doing ok so no worries about XY too!
Eh Yolk,
thanks so much for the info and sharing!!! it's true what Jules says, that reading your sharing do motivated me. Long time just wanting to do this n that to my gal but always dont dare or dunnow how to start.. but after read your exp and other mummy sharing, i'll feel like just do it (use nike moto).
About the pool.. which pool you bring your bb? they have the temp control?
Is the aquaducks you talking about is the one that have so many tube then bb soak in wif neck float?
And is the pool that u're using dont have chlorine so its okay bb drinks the water?
I'm sorry ifg i'm asking sooooo many questions.. coz i'm really a blur mom...
And btw, i'm so jealous that you still bf your gal.. reading from those mum who can bf their bb make me feel sad... i only manage to bf till my gal 2,5mon still mix with formula somemore coz not enuf milk.. sigh.. feel like big failure leh.

Yes, thanks. I would love to. I'm waiting for answer from LJP as what Yolk mentioned before, but never receive any reply til today.
Hi mummies,

Wow, there's lots of sharing today.

Actually just wanted to be a silent reader today but the fingers are just too itchy and here I am typing away...

I'm home today cos I'm down with flu. Must have caught it from Matt..Slept so much today but energy is still low. My mountains of works are still staring at me!!! Sometimes, it makes me feel like being a SAHM. Anyway, i'm not here to lament.

Ok got to rewind what I have just read.

Ju: congrats. A girl would be wonderful isn't it? Don't forget to share the good news

Gugi: yeah every child has their own developmental milestone. FOr Matt, he's been moving (sliding using his stomach) around since 6 mth old but he hasn't learnt how to do it using his four limbs. Mmm... is that considered crawling too? After that, we haven't seen much advancement from him. It's like he's stagnant there already. I guess we just have to let them develop at their own pace.

Play yard: Yolksac, I can't comment it yet cos' we haven't set up for Matt yet. Just got the helper to wash it and will give you the review soon.

Ems is a really a wonder baby! I would not be surprised if she's a gifted child. Yolksac, it's time for no.2. ;)

By the way, yolksac, it's good that you are exposing Ems to mandarin at home. Perhaps, you might also want to get her into reading chinese books cos' from my experience, I realise that children who comes from english speaking home shun reading chinese books. This affects their reading comprehension skills greatly which is now, the focus nowadays in schools. You might want to want good picture books from Shanghai bookstore at the Bra Basar. They have lots of chinese books traslated from award winning English books like "the giving tree", "the diary of the worm" etc...However, they might be expensive. The best way to get them is to buy them from China. They are so cheap there.

shymz: My baby likes the computer too. He just ruined two of my keyboard keys. Have been hinting to my hb that I need a new one now.

Jules/irene: gave Matt brown rice porridge too but he didn't like it intially cos' i think the texture's different. We kept giving it to him and I think he got used to it and didn't reject anymore though he would defintely have preferred cereal
re: potty

Hehe: I bought a potty for Matt long ago. In fact, I bought the fisher price one. Now when I look at it, I kinda of regretted buying it. It looks so nice to be dirtied. SHould have settled for a no-frill potty. Any,we finally took it out of the box during CNY but I am ashamed to say that we haven't let him try it on yet. Guess, must pressure my MIL a bit.

Yolk, am encouraged by your success too. keep updating...
hi all

great meeting up with everyone the other day

been busy the whole day and could only try to catch up with the thread only now
Hi all

Off for a jog soon so can't reply to all the posts now.

But claire - thanks for the info about where to get Chinese books, I've been wanting to get some good ones so this is really helpful! What flr is Shanghai on at Bras Basah? Oh yes, how about the books on this BP? Was vaguely thinking abt the Kuai Kuai Le Le set (Series 2) - any thoughts? Would very much appreciate any comments b/c I'm quite clueless abt these things.

BP at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1252695.html?1203325364
Hi everyone, does anyone own a LeapFrog learning table or a LeapFrog learn around playground with tube topper?
I'm trying to decide which one to get for Ally and as they are fairly expensive, I wanted to get some feedback from those of you who might own one. Thanks!
Mmm... i'm not sure about those book you mentioned. Let me ask my colleague who is a chinese teacher.

Personally, I prefer those translated ones from the award winning books. They are really interesting and funny. My friend just showed me "the diary of the worm" in chinese and it's so funny. You can check out the english version at amazon.

I'm not sure which floor the shanghai bookstore is located. I will check with my friend and let you know tomorrow
Hi Gugi,

Hee.. ya, baby born on the same day huh? Anyway, the container is good for me. It's small enough for one portion and comes with a cover. So far I've been using it, no food smell and quite easy to clean. So yeah.. you can consider trying it out.

About breastfeeding, just want to share that I am currently bfing too. Expressig at work twice a day, everyday. But after baby turned 6 months, I've been supplementing with similac cos my supply doesn't seem to be enough for him. Since I'm working, I can't feed on demand, and dun wanna to make it difficult for my mom who is looking after him. But I'm still trying too and intend to continue till I run out of supply.
yolksac, sometimes i feel quite sad that i am just talking abt poos and milk and bb food nowadays! glad i have this forum and u guys to chat with!

swimming - planning to take xy for aquaducks trial and sign her up if she likes the class. thing is that the st james church outlet is quite out of the way cos i dont drive. but thats the only heated pool among all the aquaduck outlets right?
hey congrats on making headway with the potty training!

Glen Doman Style Word Cards
Have asked my printer to print them. Shall post how it looks when it is done!

Sleep Attachment/refusal of milk?
The past week, R has been starting to refuse her milk bottle for the feed prior to bedtime. AND only wants to latch on. Sh will violently refuse the bottle and yell till she gets breast...think it is the start of a bad habit? So tiring!!! And scary too! With 2 very sharp bottom teeth..its like a trap that will chomp on you...yikes!! I am seriously thinking of weaning her off nursing..but have no idea how to start? I can only think of 1 way..to cold turkey her but it will be hell for at least a week (i think!) as she still latch a few times in the night (yes..so all u mums with babes sleeping through pls count your blessings!). Her screams will wake the whole neighbourhood...HELP!!!!
i had a bad day at work

At ~4pm my idiot lady manager gave me some testing to do on an unknown plastic samples and she said she need the results to be out by this evening before i leave. in other words die die i must finish it before 5pm or have to stay back to finish it and then deliver her the report before i leave. so i was like running all over to get the test done and the report completed. as i walked to her room i noticed that her room lights were off.. and the secretary told me "Boss go off already".. AArrrrgghh!!! can't believe her man! i miss my transport and i was so fuming mad. i mean, if she really needs the results, its fine, i'm very ok to deliver. but now she made me rush and she goes off without even telling me. what a B%$#@!!

sorry i had to find an avenue to vent... now i shall read up the posts..
harloo mummies

can email the pics to me at [email protected] as well. thanks!

oh man..can understand that! vent it and cheer up ya.
u went for laser that day? doesn't look red and blotchy at all!

yeah at least we know baby is pooing when he stops and does the "mmmm mmm " sound

haiya..maid is a "good" actress mah..heee:p
kekeke..luckily u din continue that day..

wow that's so good, it takes just 15 mins to get to your office? yeah u can try out the PT basis!

heee..yeah XY really smiles so readily and so happily...so cute leh..chubby chubby!

good to hear that abt ally!

wooo..great pic of ur boy eh..:p
I al also havign a bad day..hahha..been feeling v stressed actually. I seem to be very short of time and there are so many things that need my attention that I cannot fulfil. Its really stressful trying to please everyone and though i did try my best, yet they think that i am not trying at all..arghh! Going mad!
Gugi: Aquaducks is a swimming programme for babies and kids (www.aquaducks.com.sg); no flotation devices are worn by the babies. One of their pools is heated and the temp is adjustable using a temp gauge I think. There is chlorine in the pool, but what to do? My baby likes to drink!
Don't feel bad abt having to use FM - all mummies want the best for their babies and we all do our best right? No need to stress abt these things lah. Lots of us were formula-fed babies and we turned out just fine right?

Jules: Yes, from what I know, only SJCK's pool is heated. Maybe Suntec might be heated too? Best to call them and check. I do feel that it makes a difference because Ems gets a bit blue sometimes in non-heated pools which is probably normal but freaks me out all the same.

Nor: Aiyoh, that was really inconsiderate of your manager.

Nana: Yes! They say it's easier to catch the poos because of babies' obvious signals, but it's the peeing which is tricky.

Claire: Thanks for the kind words abt Ems. Those Chinese books you described sound really interesting! My only concern is that they might require Chinese proficiency at a level that is higher than my own!
I can't remember how to read many words, so sad right? Thanks for checking with your teacher friend re the BP books and the location of the bookstore. Much appreciated!

bcube: looking fwrd to seeing your GD-style cards - I'm sure they'll be great!
bcube: Aiyoh, poor babe - *hugs* - you're already superhuman juggling all the stuff you do! I'm always in awe. Try to get some rest ok? Tmrrow will be better (or in the spirit of Mandarin Playnest..."ming tian hui gen hao") =)
Aioh Nor.. poor you *hug*
I really hate if that happens... remember last time oso have to deal with those crap!
Remind me last time when i'm 2 month pregnant and had whole day sickness one of my bos told me to wait for meeting through video conference with HQ in Houston.. you know the time diff ah.. till i hv 2 sit on office bathroom's floor to puke, then sleept, then run for e meeting, turns out my bos home oredi without telling me the meeting canceled!!! $!@!!
But at least when you're home you can meet your darling... =)
Bcube, you ok babe? sometimes work can be a real headache ah.. but look at this from this angle - Having work is a happy problem, No work is a sad problem.. am i talking sense??
oh R is chubby! but she look so glum in the pic? mommy bully her ah?

Thanks.. i felt better after letting it out.. my boss is really a B#%$!! there.. it feels good..

yolk sac, wah.. someone's working out eh? you training for the half marathon?

nana, i'll email you tmr can? a bit tired after running around at work just now..
and yah i did laser that fri morning.. was feeling like getting a tight slap an hour after the treatment. but i guess the air-con at suntec somehow manage to bring down the swelling. today my face is like a potato, dried burnt skin spots all over my cheeks.. and its starting to itch a bit.. yay! cos it means that its healing and the burnt skin should drop any time
ok ladies, i think i have enough for the day.. gonna turn in now.. will catch up again tomorrow.

my feet is itchy cos one lusty red ant bite me as i was waiting for cab.. damn that ant!!
nor: Thanks! Yes, we love her lots
And yes, in theory, I'm meant to be training for a half-marathon, but I really am horribly unfit, having not exercised for so long. Plus my back (which has always given me problems) is starting to act up again, even though I've been very slowly increasing the intensity of my jogs. Only did 30 min today and my back is still a bit sore as I sit here in front of my computer. Sigh. I really really hope I can do this and not have my old back injury prevent it. Sadly, I'm still really overweight; I look very hideous in photos (and probably in real-life too). Really envy you and all the other mummies here for having regained your figures so quickly! Love your frames btw!
Leapfrog Learning Table vs Leapfrog Learn Around Playground

Hi Jillian - this one's for you!


I bought the Learning Table some months back from MothersWork (Tip: I later discovered that it is considerably cheaper at Toys R Us). The main thing that attracted me to this toy was that it is bilingual (English and French) and that it could be used as a tablet (sans legs) before Ems could stand up and as a table (with legs) afterwards.

It's really really easy to convert it from tablet to table and vice versa, and it's just a matter of snapping on (or off!) the four table legs. You can do it with one hand - yes, it's that fuss-free.

You can select different modes - English or French, Music or ABC/Numbers, and they give you 2 volume choices (loud or very loud).

Here's a photo of the table. As you can see, there are lots of different buttons and things to fiddle with, and Ems still loves it after all this time. I asked Ems to pose in the photo so you have a sense of its size relative to my little one.


It's good for cruising. Ems goes around the table to play with the different bits, but it's not great for pulling-to-stand. I understand that another baby (won't say who to protect the innocent) pulled up on it and fell, and I can see how that would happen as the table legs are not all that stable, esp if pressure is applied on one side of the table.

Overall, a good buy. Teaches the alphabet, numbers 1 to 10, opposites, colours, shapes - in both languages. Ems loved it when she could only sit up (and we used it as a tablet) and still plays with it (in table configuration) now that she can stand.


I bought the Learn Around Playground more recently, around Chinese New Year. I was looking for a good pull-to-stand/cruising toy and there really aren't that many in the market. I got it from Kiddy Palace at Marina Square, thanks to a tip from Parsniketty.

It's a monolingual toy, with 2 volume modes and a choice of ABC/number mode or music mode. It teaches opposites, the alphabet, numbers (1-5), textures (bumpy, smooth etc), colours and shapes. This is how it works.

Ems crawls over to it and sits in front of it. There are many toys at that level which she can play with. If you tug on the bars directly in front of Ems (partially obscured in this photo) or on the cloth bands to her right, sounds are produced. Alternatively, she can take a ball from the tray on her left and stick it into the hole (see where her left hand is) - when she does that, the playground produces a sound to "reward" her for her efforts.


When she gets bored of this, she can play with the toys on top of the playground. Here's one of her looking longingly at the toys on the upper level:

Then she places both hands on the upper level

And pulls to stand

She can then cruise along it (and around it) to play with the different buttons.

At this level, she will sometimes hold a ball in one hand and place the ball in one of the upper openings; this sends the ball down the chute and the playground rewards her with a cheer ("hurray!"). In this photo, she's got her left hand on the playground for support and the red ball is in her right hand ready to go down the chute.


I love the Learn Around Playground and I think Ems does too. When we first set it up, she couldn't stop giggling at the little pop-up frog - truly a priceless moment. And she has a lot of fun sending the balls down the chute (with our encouragement) and then looking down at the tray on the lower level to check where the ball ended up! I read somewhere that this sort of game teaches cause and effect, which is supposed to be helpful.


1. The playground is more stable than the learning table, but I am still not 100% pleased with the stability level when Ems pulls on it to stand up which is why I try to rest it against the living room sofa (somehow this makes a difference).

2. The learning table can be a table or a tablet, whereas the playground cannot be reconfigured to be something else. Probably not an issue since pre-standers can just sit in front of the playground and play with the toys at the lower level.

3. No ball popper on the learning table, which is a pity as babies seem to really enjoy the popper! I've heard they'll get even more utility out of this feature as they get older.

4. Most learning tables in the Singapore market are bilingual (I've seen some which are monolingual but I think those are mainly sold in the US), whereas the playground is monolingual.

5. The playground takes up more space than the learning table. Here's a pic of them side by side so you can get a sense of the difference in size
Hi Yolk

If I intend to choose only one either learning table or the playground, which one should I get?

Btw, thanks for the long write up but i still can decide on which one.

Hmmm my boy can't sit up yet he still need to be supported
Hi winniebear

I think individuals will have their own preferences, so I am loathe to choose for you!

Some considerations:
1. Language - Are you interested in a bilingual toy? If so, then choose the learning table.

2. Variety of features - If you're not bothered but want more features, then the playground probably has a more varied range of toys - there are different buttons to push etc at each of the two levels (sitting and standing), whereas for the learning table, it's the same features whether it's in table or tablet mode. Also, the playground has the ball popper which the table does not have.

3. Safety - Another consideration is that a baby which is not sitting up steadily and independently may hurt himself on both toys - with the playground if he falls forward, he could hit his head on the top layer; with the learning table, if he falls to the ground (in a forward motion), he could hit his head on the tablet itself. So it might be better to wait before buying these toys. Or buy them now but someone will have to supervise your baby at all times.

4. Price - the playground's about twice the price as the learning table, I think. I paid about $90+ at MothersWork for the learning table, but I believe it's available at Toys R Us for $60-$70. The normal price of the playground is $189, but I bought it at a reduced price of $149. Cost-conscious mums might find that the table meets all their needs so they don't need to spend more money on the playground.

Hope this helps.
Hey Yolksac,

we bought Matthew the Learn Around Playground too last Christmas! He loves standing/sitting in front of it tugging at the musical bars and listening to the music. He doesn't really know how to send the balls down the chute yet and most of the time, he just holds a ball in each of his hand and knock them together

I've no regrets getting the playgound despite the costs cos' I think we can get more mileage out if it compared to Matthew's other toys.

