(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

kaelyn hate porridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! comfirm to the tee!!! hehe... she refuse porridge with fish... porridge with sweet potato... hai.. dunno how to make her eat porridge.. MIL been bugging me about it every other day...

livvie : long time no "see" ... yah... i feel like taking it up... lessen my hb burden.. plus some spending power hehe... its only 4 hrs a day.. shouldnt do much damage to me n kaelyn's relationship right???

Yolk: yes its a pity we didn't get to meet up. Hopefully after Ally's op I might sign her up for swim lessons and then we could meet. Does Ems like the barley cereal better than the rice cereal?

Yesterday outing was fun, the girls out numbered the boys that's for sure. Yvonne and I sure worked our arm muscles carrying our prams up and down stairs. On our way back to the MRT station, we discovered that the escalator was out of order and we had to carry the prams down the escalator! I'm so glad I decided to take my light pram yesterday.

Ally started saying "Gagaga" today, its very exciting for us especially since we were told she is slightly delayed in her speech development. We've been doing lots of home therapy with her ever since our last visit to her speech therapist. At least this latest development puts my mind at ease slightly.
Hi mummies! Nice meeting & chatting with you guys on friday!!

Nor & Yvonne, can email me the photos at [email protected]. Thks so much

Jillian: Oh dear! It must be very tiring to carry the prams up & down the stairs. I will faint if I need to.

Gugi: I am also a sahm with no helper & nanny
hello mummies

nice meeting up yesterday! it's a good thing we were at an ice-cream parlour...it was soooo hot! but then again i think it's a conspiracy by swensens to turn up the heat so tt we'll eat more ice-cream :p

thanks for the pix jillian and nor

jillian...when i first saw you i thought you look like one of my seniors- sharon. she's a scgs prefect, 1976- not your sis rite?

kth...haha i recognised you fr one of the photos taken at a previous gethering

cheok...you've got one happy smiley fella
oooh...jus found out fr FB tt it's your bday today! BLESSED BIRTHDAY!

jules...xy is so smiley too! i like talking to her cos she really pays attention to me and smiles so generously

slurpee...if you examine the group pix...ethan really was the only baby paying attention to the camera
nice meeting you

nor...i 2nd your suggestion! it was pretty cramped and not much space to interact! aiyo...your complexion's good la...couldn't tell you went to laser :p

nana...your maid looks ok lei...but looks are really deceiving :p

oh goodness...carrying prams!!! that's awful! but it was better to carry down than up ya? :p

to the rest of the mums, wished we had more time to chat...there's always a next time

yolksac...veve's outfit in the pix was fr: dress-babydoll japan, bodysuit-zara netherlands, panties- gap usa, socks- bp supposed to be japan?, hairclip- sanrio japan :p most of her clothes are from usa though. daddy goes crazy shopping when in usa :p

thanks moms for the input on organic tofu...shall go look for it soon!

abt swimsuit...think part of the reason i've been putting off bringing veve swimming is cos of my lack of figure and decent swimwear. think it's ok to slip on a mango tank on top of the bikini top ya...dun feel like spending on a cover all swimsuit that makes me look so mumsy *denial mode*

irene...i know how tempting that sounds...part-time work. if hb supports you and you have someone to take care of kaelyn in the morning, i'll strongly encourage you to try it. perhaps let your HR know that you'll try for a short period and then consider it on a longer term. having more $$ is always nice
it just means mummy's gonna get more toys and nice clothes for kaelyn

shymz...haha i think it's cos of IJ that i was attracted to the french language...remember the french founder's day song we always sing...de vous enfants...i think SNGS is a good sch to send celeste. but i'll not send veve to my own pri sch- the toa payoh one...she'll attend a mixed pri sch...hee...she'll start her education in a nunnery in sec sch :p

abt peas...eh..i do the same as what yolksac described except that i dun separate the skin of the peas. i just puree it till it's fine. veve loves it all the same :p
hb leave the decision to me... my mil will be taking care of kaelyn in the morning... (i stay with my inlaws) and my office is 15 walking distance... hehe...

ya man!!! the min after i get the news.. i was thinking what to get with the money i havent earned hahahaha....crayola... toys... zara... gap....... polo!!! chateau de sable.. pengz......... i am a shopaholic for kaelyn hahaha
jillian/nor/yvonne, thanks for posting the pics!

hmm.. think its abt time to buy looser fitting clothes for my little fatso.. the 1st thing that pops out at me when i see the pictures of her is her tummy!! gosh.. so small got paunch already!!

bedebe, huh?? u are SNGS girl too?? or only pri? the de vous enfants song is so familiar.. but cant recall the tune leh!! i have the same thoughts as u.. wld like to send xy to mixed pri school, then single sex sec school! heh.. thanks for comment on xy - this rascal of mine very attention seeking and will smile most readily at friendly pretty people hehe

yolksac, erm i havent pureed the prunes yet! they are still sitting in my mums fridge waiting for me to collect tomorrow! but i just intend to skin and steam the prunes then puree. ok right?

carrying prams - ermm.. nearly died carrying xy in her pram down 2 flights of stairs the other day!! the 13kg load nearly made me fall over! kudos to jillian/yvonne/jessica who are such mighty pram carriers!!

yvonne, thanks for ur email! got the pic already! xy look super stoned and blur lor!!

irene, xy hates porridge too. fought with her for 3 days before we gave up! intend to try reintroducing porridge again one of these days though.
Hi!!.. just came back from "dating" with hubby.. hee and bb sleep oredi so have lil time to OL.

Yolk: yes, please do let me know coz last time i mailed that site never get any reply leh. thanks in advance!

Shymz : i see.. in that case means tat my gal prob got father gen (hopefully not though), coz hubby hair v thin, and my hair v thick!!! wah you bought alot of hair clips oredi? hahaha
and u can typing with her sitting on your lap? my gal can not just watching.. she will hit the buttons oso, can not stop moving one... until i'm tired only watching her.. hahaha

Amber and all : Hm.. so its normal ah bb wants ppl to be around.. i tot what happened to my gal.. sigh.. so bodo one. sometimes i do leave her in her exersaucer or jumperoo or high chair, sometimes she doesnt realize it but most of the time once she saw me walk out the room, she'll cry.. thats why i'm quite irritated.. hee

Irene : have you tried giving her mashed sweet potato only? few months ago hubby's fren (a noutrision doctor) told us if i want to start bb food, can start from anything that has a similiar taste as her milk.. means bit sweet or always add her milk to anything that we want them to consume.. i did it, i give her the first cereal from heinz with milk to dissolve, then other thing oso add her milk, reduce milk bit by bit replace by plain water till she use to the taste changes.. after while she open for any taste.. in fact she v excited with any kind of food and always willing to try, now i'm headache coz she always courious and wants to try my or my hubby food which is not suitable for her age yet..

For all sahm :
what you doing at home then? are you guys boring oso? i've got helper for house chores, only cooking n bb thing i handle my self but still i feel bore sometimes.. my hubby understand, thats why he told me to join this forum and subscribe unlimited internet access so i have friends from "mother world".. hahaha

Oso i'm thinking to bring my gal for nusery or some play group so she can play and interact with others.. anyone do this before?

Oh, one more before i go to bed.. that bb gal in the pict wore a dark blue overal and hair clip.. whose bb is it? want to know how old is she... v cute!! n have lots of hair.. =)
Morning everyone! Was awoken by my monkey at 6.30am.

bedebe: When I first saw you, I thought you looked really familiar as well! Another SC girl ! I was trying hard not to stare but all the while was trying to place if and where I had seen you before. I don't have any sisters, but you do look a lot like a friend of mine, do you have any sisters?
bedebe, thank you for the compliments
true my complexion isn't that bad but my freckles seems to be getting darker and spreading to all over my face. used to be only around the cheeks..

sorry i haven had time to email the pics to you ladies.. wil try to do so tonight. i made this for lis room door-way. what d'ya think? not so professional looking as the ones sold at mini toons but guess i just love doing these art stuff with lis.

kth, emailed u liao...

nor, wld u pls email me the grp pic dat u took? tks. [email protected]

jules, sorry abt taking a foto of xy looking so blur. i hv only 1 hand :p

rachel down with fever last evening. i suppose its due to her teething. her below incisors hv already popped out but no problem with her leh. js chk her upper gums. tink its the upper incisors which is beginning to cut out dat is causing her to become cranky. gave her paracetomol & applied teething gel on her gums. hopefully her fever goes down. she gets cranky easily & always wants to be carried. with tis, i thank her for her light weight - 6.1kg. keke...

she woke up abt 5 times last nite but luckily falls asleep again easily after sucking on her bottle.

will be bringing her to see a PD either 2moro or tues if her fever doesnt subside which i hope it will. haiz...seeing her like dat makes me so helpless...
Ju, congrats. So good you din know you are pregnant until now? so aro 5 more months to go. Take care ya.

Seems all the mummies and babies had a lot of fun, does swensens have e enough bb chairs for all

Next gathering maybe we can go pasir ris downtown east. There is one place for kids to play (forget the name liao ) but is inside downtown east itself.

Pneumococcal, i also plan to let Cheylssa has the jab after she is well. Both my girls already took the jab and since now my first one go to school now so is better for Cheylssa to take also. Dun want to take chance.

Oh ya carrefour is having swimwear sale. Kids swimwear 2pcs with cap is selling $9.90. Can go check it out, i will go it next week
Hmm...Ems poo-ed about three times today, all lumps each time, very different from when she was a TBF baby. But not rock hard lumps. This is normal right? Each time, she seemed to have to focus a lot while poo-ing and made the "umph" sounds. Is this constipation?

She didn't do too well with her solids today, and just kept reaching out for her sippy cup to drink water. Not sure if this is her body telling her to "recover" for a while to let her digestion system get used to the increase in solids.

amber: I'm still steaming and puree-ing all my fruit. But I think I'll start making thicker, slightly lumpier purees to get Ems used to the texture.

bedebe: Wah, like fashion spread description! Thanks! Veve gets clothes from such cool places, such a little fashionista already
Agree with you that XY is such a happy, smiley baby - she was so cheerful at the Kindermusik trial!

jules: yup, that method sounds fine to me! Ems quite enjoys her prune purees, so I think it's well worth the effort

jillian: Yes, Ems seems to prefer the barley cereal but I didn't give her any today bc I think it might be the iron in it that's causing constipation (if that is what she has). Would be great to meet you and Ally at Aquaducks some day. Brought Ems swimming today (in the midday sun) and she's a bit more tanned than normal now, heh heh. And kudos to Ally (and you) for her speech development!! Well done! What sort of speech exercises are you doing at home?

shymz/jules/bedebe: haha, the Nicholas Barre song was in French! We hardly sang it in SNGS though, Founder's Day was never a big celebration (unlike Sports Day and CNY). But all my IJ Toa Payoh friends can sing it.

shymz: Wow, that's great that SNGS is on your way to work! Guess that's P1 sorted out for Celeste

livvie: thanks for the tip abt the porridge! my granny will be so pleased when I tell her she can start cooking for Ems!

yvonne: oh dear, poor rach. it does sound like teething-related symptoms so take heart - i think you're doing the right thing by giving her the panadol and gel, but yah, always best to consult a PD if the fever persists - hope she gets well soon

nor: Very nice, Ms Arts and Craft! You are really gd with your hands!

gugi: I don't have time to be bored! Ems and I have just started attending Mandarin Playnest (a playgroup) at Julia Gabriel, three times a week. And we have gym class and swimming sessions once a week. All this, plus meeting up with other mummies/babies = no boredom at all.

irene: this part-time offer sounds interesting, might be nice to be able to combine looking after kaelyn with some work - as livvie says, why don't you do it on a trial basis at first? can make up your mind once you've done it for a week or two.
thanks nana,Bcube,yolksac and 4ever for the congrats wishes..
baby gender not known yet coz cannot see..next appt will do detailed scan as well..
really had no symptoms or sickness during the past 4 mths..other than i got the gassy movement in my tummy often n its a wonder tat i have tested using test kits for the last 2 mths n it was negative all along so i stopped testing coz i thought ther's sumthing wrong wif my menses cycle....and tis news really came as a surprise to us..
your babe looks cute!

wah we have a Martha steward! It looks great actually!

hope Rachel is better now? Its tough when they are sick man...I think teething is such a pain (pardon the pun!). My CL told me to just comfort them in any way..to the extend of latching them if thats the only comfort! Haiz and now my dear R refuse to go down to bed any other way than to have mummy as pacifier..didnt want any milk at all! So she will probably wake very very soon from hunger....

Was out hopping at Vivo and went o Mothercare. After seeing and pondering over the type of stroller to get for travelling, I have finally decided to just go get the Combi. My consideration was (1)light weight (2) able to recline & so far, combi is the only one that fits the bill. MacClaren Volo is V light but cannot recline, the Quest is heavy so makes no diff to the combi....
Am gonna go try making this Roasted Banana-pumpkin Breakfast bread tonight! Am gonna do it even though its MONDAY (argh!!) tmr and I do have a mountain full of paperwork to complete..am in real denial mode!
ju: your baby's so cute! hey update us when you know the sex of No 2 - so exciting!

bcube: ah you got the combi, well done! my MC quest is getting a bit dirty, gotta figure out how to wash it....bread sounds yummy (hint hint)
irene, yah i think the PT work is very feasable given that you get some income for yourself (& baby of course), its near to your place, you've no prob with getting care-taker.. so why not give it a go. give yourself a few months and see how it goes. wish i had that kinda opportunity too.. so envy you!

gugi, hey! welcome to the thread.. i miss that in my previous post
where do you stay?

yolk sac, when i switch wairah to FM and also when she started on solids, she do concentrate a bit when doing her poo job, yah i think its pretty normal for babies to make the ummph sound. as long as her poo is not "dry" or hard, nothing to worry babe!
its nice to do artwork with kids, i love it.. but sometimes i do run out of ideas on what to do. but lis and i already have agenda for next weekend: to make a card for a fren's newborn baby girl.
fun stuff for both of us.

hey, which way did you ladies went after swensen's? i decided not to go up to my office and went to Marina Sq instead and walk via the CityLink Mall to mrt stn.. was so packed but a nice (quite cute too!) guy helped me carry the pram down the stairs. he asked if i'm taking my little sister out (riiiight!!)

oh ju! Adel's adorable! (ermm.. hope i got his name right?)
Hello Mummies,

I hardly post here as I'm a very busy mummy. It seemed that you gals had an enjoyable time with the outings. I really wished I can join you all the next time. Seeing you all let BB try so many new food and so many activities, I really feel that I'm not doing enough for my boy. So far he only tried white rice, brown rice, porridge with fish & carrot, that's all.

My boy should be one of the oldest here, born on 6/30/07. His weight now is abt 10kg, 70cm tall. He can sit on his own but still cannot crawl. I see some babies already can stand on their own. Is my boy's progress ok?

Here is his latest pictures.
hahah! Martha?? you're pulling my legs.. i'm far from her lah.. she's like G.R.E.A.T!! thou i do steal some ideas from her shows.. heheh

i think i may need to get a new pram afterall.. i love the umbrella ella ella stroller i brought the other day but i think its gonna fail on me soon cos it give a squek (not so audible actually) and wairah is only about 8kg.. ermmm.. will shop over next weekend.
hi nor: Thanks for the info! Wow, Wairah's gonna be a clever little girl, she seems to enjoy her books already! I think it's really good that you engage Lis in art and craft activities, these are really fun things to do with kids huh? I hope Ems likes to bake when she's older - I'll let her decorate cupcakes. Speaking of art, Ems' first piece of "art and craft" was a little rat (to commemorate the Year of the Rat!) made during Mandarin Playnest. Had to stick the eye stickers, nose and whiskers on - of course mummy had to do 90% of it lah

Tigress: Your son's so handsome! Don't worry abt the crawling. I think PD said average time for crawling is 8-9 mnths so I wouldn't worry. I think the lighter babies tend to progress a bit faster simply because they need less strength to move their (relatively smaller) mass around, you know?
Hi Yolk Sac,

That's what I thought too.. my boy's butt is too big, so he may need to exert more strength to crawl

I'll keep a look out on your next outing, it'll be fun to let my boy communicate with other BBs.
nor, you are very good. Still got time to do art and craft with lis. I am very lazy mom, evertime told myself to do some hands on or read with them but in the end i did not.

Now i feel really one or two kids are more easy and at least we will have time with time. Now with no 3, my time is always with my kids and Cheylssa want me and no one else when i am at home. Sometimes feel so bad bcos i dun have time to spend with my 2nd girl.

Tigress, dun worry. My first two progress at different pace too. Cheylssa flip over when she was 6months old. Now she can sit w/o support.
Had a really busy day today and just had time to read all the posts.

Tigress and Gugi, welcome! Gugi, I'm a SAHM as well.

Yolk: You and Ems sure have a packed schedule! Ally and I use to venture out a lot but these days she prefers to stay at home and attempt to climb the furniture! She thinks the whole house is one big jungle gym. The other day she grabbed onto our dog to pull herself up and my poor dog fell over.
The more mobile she is, the harder it is to convince her to stay in her stroller.

As for the home therapy, I do a lot of trying to get her to explore her mouth with her tongue to encourage her to make sounds. So I stick my tongue out at her a lot and wait for her to mimic. Once she did that, I usually carry her and face a mirror and just do simple sounds, we focus on " gaga" and "mama" cos they are suppose to be the easiest. We only work 5 to 10 mins each day and sometimes if she is in a really bad mood, we don't do any at all. That was what her therapist suggested. She sounds really nasal because of her cleft but we are just please that she is making some progress.
Does Ems enjoy Mandarin Playnest?

Nor: You're really good at arts and crafts! Its nice that you take the time and do such things with your kids. Wairah looks so happy in her highchair with her book. Oh, could you please email me the group picture? My email add is [email protected]. Thanks!
yolk sac, i believe kids will follow (a bit if not much) of the parent's interest given exposure. for me i enjoy cooking and i try to involve lis in helping out especially when i bake. but i learnt (the hard way) to measure the quantities of the ingredients to use cos there was once when i was preparing a batter for cupcakes, lis ask if she can pour the flour in and i said yes.. and you know what? before i could say pour slowly, she pour the entire bowl of flour into my mixer!!! what can i say.. in the end i came out with 100 cupcakes instead of the initial plan of just 35-40.

4ever, yah i'm actually afraid i can't manage my time with more than 2 so thats why i somehow decided to stop at 2. hubb is keen on number 3 but i gave him a cold dirty look and he dare not pursue the subject.. hahah
i try hard to squeeze time during the weekends no matter how tired i am.. they only go thru this phase once and i want to show them how fun it is to do stuff with mommy; be it at home or outdoor.

here's some very easy art work, no brainer really. you ladies can try and have fun


lis painting a wooden photo frame


lis painting a melon using a paper plate cut in half
Hi all..
Yolk : you have so many activity.. i wish i can do the same but i dont know where to find those thing here. how old your bb is ? gal or boy?

Nor : hi.. thanks for the welcome! By rite my house is in central area, but now i'm stay in KL coz hubby transfered here (we're always moving ard-2 yrs ago we're stay in jkt, now here), that's why like i mentioned above i dont have friends to meet up here, and oso dont know where to join all this activity for me and my gal..
i only coming back once a month for bb vacination or if have fam matters and dinner invitation...

Actualy, how old bb should crawl? i oso bit concern with my gal, she's quite strong act, can lift her head since she was 3 weeks old, but really stable when she was 3month old, and can sit down since she was 4,5month, and flip around when she was 4 month old, now can stand few second without support, but she still doesnt know how to crawl.. is there anything we should do? like do we act need to train our bb how to crawl? if yes, how? i really blur about this kind of stuff..
tigress & gugi
my 3-yr old lis caould only crawl when she was ~8months whereas wairah (now 7mths + 7 days) was crawling when she turned 6 mths. i believe each child will show different development even with the very same growing up environment. don't worry too much about it.

gugi, wairah was pushing herself and she was actually moving backwards instead of forward at 5+ months. daddy tried to lure her with a doll but she wasn't interested. so mommy tried the old trick: put a remote control and voila she got excited and inched forward.. and best thing, i managed to video that!

jillian, you've got mail babe!
yvonne, no no u misunderstood me liao! i meant she looked blur as in she looked mong mong char char! not that the picture was blurry.. which it wasnt!!

ju, forgot to say congrats!! ur bb is so chubby and has really nice big eyes!

yolksac, from what u described, i dont think ems has constipation.. signs of constipation will probably be crying while straining when pooing, or hard pellet like stools. xy also concentrates real hard when she is pooing - just sits and stares at one spot and makes umph umph sounds! think my girl is the queen of no poo man.. she went 6 days without pooing, and finally did a big one today to my (and her) relief! luckily the stool was real soft.. so its prob just her habit and not constipation anymore. not sure if the prunes i gave her today did the trick too! btw, i didnt bother steaming or pureeing cos i was at my mums place.. just scraped it fresh and gave it to her. she loved it!!

re pureeing - have started to mash soft food like steamed apple, potato, sweet potato with fork and giving it with small chunks. xy seems to be taking it ok so far.

irene, got gd news!! xy took 1 bowl of porridge today!! shocking man!! my dad cooked plain porridge, then added in freshly cooked chicken stock. she seemed to like it and kept opening her mouth!! yippeee!! tomorrow shall try it again!!

nor, u really have a lot of energy man!! impressed with all ur neat handiwork! very pretty!

tigress, russell is a big boy!! xy is the oldest here i think.. born 16 june. still cant crawl either tho she can sit pretty well (big butt mah!). shes quite chubby too.. at 85th percentile for wt..
nor, remote control??? hahaha..seems like its every baby's fav toy then!! xy always tries to grab the remote control at us and then points it at the tv while pressing the buttons madly! she even managed to pry one of the buttons off my scv remote control before!
Jules, i try not to take afternoon naps during weekends so that my body does not become accustomed to that schedule.. thats where the energy comes from. of course i take supplements too.

and yah, their fav toys are remote controls, mobile phones, cameras..
i just saw your gal pict.. she is v cuteeee!!! n hv e noti eyes like my gal.. haha..

yo lor, bb never reject remote control! dont understand why.. haha
gugi: My baby is 7 months old and she is extremely active! I've heard the average age for crawling is 8 or 9 mnths. But really, every baby develops at a different pace and there is a wide wide range for what's "healthy" and "acceptable". Don't worry ok? You can encourage crawling by putting your child's favourite toy slightly out of reach and encourage him/her to get to it. When some headway is made, be sure to praise your child! Affirmation goes a long way!

Is there a Malaysia-based version of Singapore Motherhood? Maybe you can surf the web a bit and find a similar forum to get tips on fun activities for babies/toddlers.

jules/nor: Ems LOVES remote controls too! I've actually seen a toy designed like a remote control in one of the department stores here (can't remember which one tho). Guess these toy designers really know their stuff.

jules: Thanks for the diagnosis, much appreciated. We started offering her the prune puree yesterday and today, she poo-ed 6 times (soft lumps but quite big). My granny thinks I should lay off the prune for now as she thinks it's now gone and had an overly-laxative effect. What do you think?

nor: haha that story abt Lis and your cupcakes is really funny! I think I will limit Ems' involvement to frosting for starters
not sure what I'd do with 100 cupcakes! but definitely agree that kids tend to develop interest in things they are exposed to

jillian: It's great that the home therapy is bearing fruit! My aunt is a speech therapist by training so I find this an interesting area. I'm sure Ally will continue to make good progress, esp since you've been conscientious with the exercises.

Ems does seem to enjoy the Mandarin Playnest so far, and she appears to have picked up certain things from the two classes we've attended. Plus I now play with her at home (in Mandarin) whereas I would never have had the vocabulary/confidence to do so before. For example, one of the opening songs in class involves hitting the floor next to the baby while singing "qiao qiao qiao" (ie knock or hit). At home, Ems sometimes stands on the couch holding onto an arm of the couch for support. I hit the arm of the couch a few times while saying "qiao qiao qiao". Then I stop and say to her "xian zai lun dao ni" (ie now it's your turn) and she'll hit the arm of the couch once or twice.

I'm trying to make Tues, Weds and Fris (the days she has playnest) Mandarin days at home, so that I only speak to Ems in Mandarin on those days. So far, I always give up halfway or forget and start to speak English with her. Must keep this up since no one else can speak Mandarin to her.

It's a huge time commitment to get to classes and I'm wondering whether to enrol her for next term. One thing about Julia Gabriel is that there are long waitlists for certain classes so once you "drop out", you are basically at the mercy of the waitlists. Let me think about this some more!

BTW, the Ems-Ally similarity list grows longer by the day. My schnauzers are a bit wary of Ems - I think it's because we are generally very protective over her (and the dogs can sense that she is ahead of them in the pack hierarchy) and because she tends to yell inappropriately. Anyway, one of them was gradually warming up to her and allowing her to pat him (normally, he runs a mile when she reaches out in his direction). So all was going well. And then abt a week ago, she patted him and all looked okay...but then... she tried to pull to stand on him!! The poor dog looked so scared and ran for his life. My Ems is a real terror!
looks like we have quite a few IJ girls here. haha, nunnery indeed. come to think of it, it's true that there are pros and cons sending C to a all-girls sch. yolk is right... founder's day isn't really that big an event in SN, so the song isn't etched that deeply in my mind. but i do love the sound of the french language...

wow, sound like you've got a really busy schedule
ems is really lucky to be exposed to so many activities... poor C has got one lazy mummy, haha. bought her swimwear and float, but have not had the time to bring her swimming yet :p

yah, bought the clips already. figured that her hair will grow sooner or later, so it doesn't hurt to stock up now, haha. she loves pressing on the keyboard, so i let her press the space bar when i type.... so my post will take some time to complete, keke
and don't worry so much abt bb's devt. like what most of the mummies here have said, diff bbs develop at different rates. C isn't crawling yet (she can't lift her butt). she's only able to turn round and round, and move backwards... somehow she still manages to grab her toy using the combination of the 2 movements

he looks so grownup
very chubby and adorable bb...

wow, u still manage to do arts and crafts in your spare time. it looks really nice, wairah and lis are so lucky to have such an artistic mom

haha... C loves the remote control too! she'll get all excited when she sees the remote, and start pressing the buttons. her other fav toys are my hp and a cheap plastic chicken. sigh, to think i spent so much money on her other toys

it's great that u'll get the opportunity to work part-time, plus the fact that u stay so near the office.
will there be anyone to take care of ur bb while u're at work?

btw, has any mommy started potty training? my mom has bought a mini potty for C, coz she seems so uncomfortable pooing in her diapers (her face goes all red, and she goes uuuummmmmmppppphhhhh) any tips?
thanks mummies for the comments on my cheeky munky Adel...

sumhow i felt my 2nd one is gonna be a girl..keeping my fingers crossed
*winks at yolksac*

Adel has not started crawling but he's already on all fours n doing the rocking motion..

but he's rather slow in eating his food..but went to the dr n he's already 8.5kg..so dr says he's putting on weight steadily so no worries if he's a bit slow in taking in food..

5 more mths to go for until the july mummies to give out invites for their babies 1st birthday..yippee...
can potty train a 7 months old? Amazing! I was reading about how Ems ws terrorizing your dogs and couldnt help but burst out laughing..which busted my cover as Ringo thought I was busy working whereas I was reading the forum! Ha! Got caught by boss!!
shymz: Thanks. She hates the sand though - gets really fussy during Sand Play time at Playnest - quite funny! Thankfully, this week is Water Play
bcube: Ginny said that she felt EC works, just that she may have started too late with K. Lots of hypnobirthing mums practise or attempt to practise EC - guess it's all kinda tied in with attachment parenting. I remember thinking when I first started reading "Diaper Free" that EC was very very tough! But I think I'll stick Ems on her new potty chair when she's doing a No 2 - just to create the right associations and do some groundwork for the future. You remember those sounds your CL asked you to make when R does her thing? That's in line with EC training too, you know (see the NY Times article).

ju: Ooh, it'd be cool if you got a girl - one of each then! The rocking motion is usually a precursor to crawling - Ems did that previously as well.
ju: We discussed this a few weeks ago. Basically have to build up his confidence with water. Can try sprinkling his head with a few drops of water to start and gradually work up to the stage when he's comfortable letting you run a shower head briefly over the side of his head, then the top of his head etc. When you first take Adel swimming, don't dunk him in. Just let him move in the water (with his head well above the water level). Put toys in the pool and encourage him to reach out for them, etc. Basically, you want to create positive and happy associations with water.
oic..thanks yolk will try that method on him soon n see whether it works..

Btw juz bought Adel a rainforest jumperoo n he's having a whale of a time in tat thing jumping for hours n hours..seems like he's addicted to it..
yolksac, my ILs and hb were just gaping at your pics of ems the water baby!! gosh!! amazing! xy has allowed me to pour a bit of water on the top of her head so that it runs down her face.. but i havent tried it with the shower head yet. one thing though, i find her sticking out her tongue to lap up the water!!

prunes - maybe just cut down on the prunes for a bit.. too much prune can have a bit of a laxative effect. i'm only giving xy prune puree when she hasnt gone for 3 days or more.. otw wont be giving her any.

potty training - oooh i've tried that too! xy's managed to poop twice in her potty so far, but thats rare !i do make ung ung sounds when she looks like she is going to poop and she does follow my cues most of the time and strain in response and finally manages to poo. she seems to hate the potty though, cos she'll wail and try to stand up once she finds her butt on the potty! so i'm a bit scared to put her on the potty at these crucial moments cos she tends to constipate/not poop for quite long, and i'm afraid that any sudden movement on my part might cause her poo to 'shrink' back in hahaha !!! any suggestion on how to overcome her potty phobia??

shymz, haha.. i've stopped buying expensive toys already! xy's fav toys are cheapo toys we bought from pasar malams at few bucks per pc!

shymz : ya my mil will be taking care of her that morning half..anyway kaelyn will be doing mostly sleeping that period.. thats why i even dare to suggest i go back work PT..

nor : ya!! actually wasnt expecting them to ask me back.. especially when i stopped work for what... 7mths! made my head a bit HUGE hahahaha...

last time my boss always say i very free... surf net la.. go home on the dot etc... now without me around... everything in a mess.. and he now tell my HR that i am a very good n efficient worker.. blea!!!

ya the thought of earning some income... to lessen burden and extra spending power n more savings are really a surplus...

i dun think that half day will affect my relationship with kaelyn rite????

maybe do this PT now... til she needs to go prenursery or JG then i stop work again.. hahaha so dilema.. so used to not having to work... somehow i dunno how to plan my days now hahahah....

jules: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOT FAIR!!!! now i am the only one struggling with porridge.. hahaha good to hear u succeeded... emmm.. maybe i try yr FIL method too.. hahaha desperate measures...

solid feeding : hai.. these few days i have been having headaches n GRRRR.... kaelyn seem to lose interest in her food!!! suddenly i am in a loss of idea what to feed her.. WHICH NEVER EVER happen before.. she can just swing her head left n right to avoid the food.. hai.... getting quite stressful for me...

yolk: regarding dogs.. YES my 3 maltese are terrified of kaelyn too!!! hahaha especially my female one... the min she sense kaelyn near.. she groal... pack her butt and move away...the youngest one is the better among the 3... he just let kaelyn pat n sometimes pull his fur...
but kaelyn LOVEEEEEEEEE LOVE LOVE them to bits... the min she see them she giggle like a silly baby!! hahaha .. and oh ya... SHE love to see them fight! i got a violent gal!!!
