(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Yolk: Thanks so much for that comprehensive review! And give Ems a kiss for me for posing for pictures
What a good little model.

Toys R Us does sell it cheaper, unfortunately they didn't have the playground. Dear Hb bought Ally the playground last night!

You're right about the ball popper , that seems to be the firm favourite. She likes to catch the pop up frog with her mouth.

Overall we're really happy with our purchase and I think it will provide lots of amusement for Ally.

Oh, I did stick some rubber grip things to the bottom to try and steady it a little but you're right, it is a little shaky if she pulls herself up.

wow...now u guys are making me wana get one too! arrrgggg...

jules are u intending to bring xy for aquaducks trial? Im going to sign up at the suntec pool during one of the weekend-not sure if its heated thoough. I just need to get my lazy butt moving...
bcube, R looks so pouty! i mean that in a gd way! as pretty as her mummy
so envious that she has so much hair and looks so girly!

yolksac, waaaa what a detailed description complete with pics!! did u get ems to pose for the pics specially for the post? feel kinda bad cos poor xy doesnt have much toys.. or rather she has loads of small cheapo toys, but no big ticket items as such. mummy cheapo haha.. and there is no space at home as well!!

cheok, i wanna bring xy for aquaducks trial but wld prefer to do it at tanglin cos there is a heated pool and its indoor (right yolksac??). suntec pool isnt heated i think.
I share Jules's sentiments. I m quite overwhelmed by the detailed discussion of all the toys. Veralyn doesnt have much toys and I am not so sure if buying her a lot of toys is good because children's attention span is so short! If it is so good then shall we all be rushing to the store? Also, such toys dont come cheap. I certainly dont want it to become a white elephant and just let it occupy space! I have been wondering if I am short changing my gal but I certainly hope I am not!
hello mumsies!
<font color="aa00aa">gugi</font>
your boss and my boss ought to be locked in the same room! such inconsiderate beings..

<font color="0000ff">yolk sac/ en_hui</font>
oh my! i'm tempted to get the playground too after seeing how fun it'll be for wairah! hmmm.. considering the learning table too cos its bilingual..

<font color="ff0000">cheok,</font>
let me know if you see it on special price!

<font color="0077aa">Jess</font>
thanks.. the frames are from Ikea, got them years back.. most of my scrapbooking stuff are from "Made with Love", level 3 Plaza Singapura and also Spotlight (psst, some stuff are the same but cheaper at spotlight)
Nor, do you own the Robinsons card? If you do, suggest you wait for the Robinsons 20% sale. I got good discounts when i bought during the sale. Btw, love your scrapbooking. I tried once but it doesn't look as nice.
Hi ladies! Just got back from Mandarin Playnest; today was water play and Ems had fun with all the toys in the tub - a bit like bathing with all the toys but none of the bath, haha.

Here's a pic of her during snack time today - they served organic biscuits and Ems loved hers (refused to let go of it!):

Here's her attempt (and my attempt!) at expressionist art:

Jillian: Oh so he went out and got one last night? I'm sure Ally will get many happy hours of play out of it. Where did he find the playground? I was only able to find it at Kiddy Palace. What are the rubber grips that you use? The sort that can be found at any DIY shop? Please let me have details and I'll try finding some for Ems' playground as well.

En Hui: Wow, Matt looks like he's concentrating on the play really hard - so cute! Glad he likes the playground. Have you had problems with the playground when he pulls to stand or do you find it secure enough?

Jules: Yup, from what I know, the only heated pool is at SJCK (off Minden Road, in the Dempsey area). It's not an indoor pool but it's fully sheltered so there is lots of shade and no direct sunlight. Yes, I told Ems that her friend Ally's mummy was thinking about which toy to buy and that Ems had to pose with the toys for her and for all the other mummies reading this thread. Poor Ems...I do work her hard!
I don't think it's necessary to buy expensive toys for our babies. The best games are done with simple things like balls, blocks, rings, etc. Ems likes the bells and lights, unfortunately, and I like buying stuff - so it's a happy (though expensive) combination!
Hi Yolk
thanks for all the info ...

I feel so guilty after seeing all those toys pictures cos I haven't bought any toys for my son since he's born.

Guess I m interested in the Learn Around Playground

Hi en hui
u bought the Learn Around Playground from Robinsons' Sale? Hmm might worth waiting for the sale.

Anyone has any idea when is the next Robinsons' Sale?
Hi livvie: Oops, sorry, didn't mean to upset anyone with my post abt the Leapfrog toys. Jillian asked for comments on both the toys and I figured that since we had both at home anyway, I'd do a detailed review on both so that mummies who are thinking of buying either one could have a sense of what they are like, how a baby might play with them etc. As I said in my post to Jules above, I definitely believe that we DON'T NEED expensive or complicated toys for our babies
agree with jules dat space is one of an issue when it comes to toys for our lil ones. and also agree with livvie on the short attention span of our kiddos. haiz....to buy or nt to buy....seeing all of u toking abt those learning
toys...make me feel kinda of jealous to see so many of u owning it...have the urge to buy as well...but then again, they will outgrow these toys very soon &amp; then....wat am i gonna do with it? headache ar...

conclusion: rachel will js hv to make do with toys passed down from her brother or frens. if her bro can live day to day by js playing with some simple toys, so can rachel.
am i making sense here? :p
yvonne: My hb is always reminding me that we don't have enough space for too many toys as well! Maybe you could consider renting a toy? That would deal with the long-term space issue and the short attention span issue
HI Yolk
currently all my boy's stuff are passed down from his jie jie except for some new clothing for the CNY

I just want to get something new for him like a new toy. I still owe him a christmas present. Bought one for his jie jie but not for him
yolk sac...i see wat u mean. wld most prob be considering renting some toys when rachel is able to sit/stand unsupported... we'll see abt dat

found out dat rachel loves tearing tissue paper.
she was lying down on her bed. i accidentally put a box of tissue next to her. i was in the hall for quite a period of time &amp; was wondering hw come no noise from rachel. tinking she might be asleep, i crept in to look at her &amp; guess wat? she was happily TEARING TISSUE PAPERS and giggling away.. i was like: oh god darling. u tored those? The papers was everywhere around her, some tored into half, some into shreds. Good thing none of those went into her mouth. u will nt believe hw much she tored! forgotten to take a foto of her nottiness &amp; show it to all here. perhaps there will be a 2nd time. hehe...
Yo lor they would be a gud match! btw u're v creative... remind me of my sister, as for me, ermph.. i dont have those kind of hand.. =(

Such a complete description u gave.. v nice of u, and em v adorable.. feel like pinch her cheeck! i see she eat biscuit? have teeth oredi meh? coz i still mix it wif water for my gal, eventhough she likes to hold and lick it.. (when PIL caught her did that, they scream as if hse kena fire)
Ah Yvonne..
My gal oso like to do tat.. last time she did it with rol kind.. can imagine how messy. But hubby not allow anymore since my gal sometimes put into her mouth.
Just keep this short to reply to you:

The abovementioned books for the forum is good for exposure perhaps also easier for you since it comes with han yu pin yin.

If you want interesting books. Here;s where you can get them

The Shanghai bookstore at the Bras Basar is located at level 4. The books are a bit expensive. Do you know of teachers from the Chinese Teachers' Union - You can get 10% discount

Here's a website recommended by my chinese colleague for search of good chinese books.

search for 0-3 years old and then click on "wen xue" 文学and then click on 图画书.

There will be many books for you to choose. You can even borrow them from the NLB. You can do a search in the NLB catalogue -remember to use han yu pin yin

Mmmm.. I look through most books and they do not come with han yu pin yin so mummy will have to work harder to learn the words first before reading to Ems. The sentences are quite short so I think it should be quite manageable. ;)
Oh btw, anyone can inform me where to buy wet wipes in a bulk or big package? coz all this time buying those small package from dept store seems not efective since i hv 2 refil so often..
Last time i bought big package "pampers" brand contain 3 smal package form baby fair, but now dont know where to find..
Thanks in advance
yolksac, think its wonderful that u are exposing ems to so many diff activities and toys. i believe that its most impt to expose the kid to as many diff things as possible.. thats why brought xy to a lot of places so far already (find it easier and more fun to go out and play than to try to gues which toys she might like!). she's been to the zoo twice, sentosa underwater world at 4 mths (and loved loved loved it!), even sat thru an omnimax movie with us when she was abt 4+ mths.

aquaducks - ooh shaded pool is good!! xy already dark enough.. dun want her to get any darker!

livvie, like u, i get stressed that i am not giving my girl enough when i read abt what other babies have. but like hb says, no pt in spending so much on toys if bb doesnt like it. and xy really doesnt like the fp/leapfrog/evenflo toys!! we bring her to dept stores to try out the toys v v often, and nothing holds her interest. if anything did, we wld surely buy it for her if its not too costly. after discovering that she likes those cheap china made toys like rattles and drum sets and shakers, we have started to just buy toys from pasar malams and she loves it better than the FP ones she has! have a weird kid huh?

tantrums - xy has been throwing real tantrums quite often! yesterday she was sitting in her high chair with us while we ate dinner, and we gave her a slice of apple to gum on. she gnawed on it for like a minute, then started flinging it down and screaming in anger while banging her fists on the high chair. we thot she cldnt hold it cos too slippery, so tried to hold it for her and she continued to yell with the apple in her mouth. cried until her whole face was wet with tears. in the end, she only settled when we scraped the apple and fed her! so much fuss just cos she cld taste the apple, but not EAT it! really have a chilli padi man.
Means tat your bb is a gud gal.. she help you save lots of money! =) *hug for her*
Every bb diff ma, not all bb interested in e same toys.. like my gal, she's not a big fan of stuff toys so all soft toys just white elephant, lukily most of it not bought by us. not all toys can keep her bussy or happy, tats why we're chosing wisely...
Btw, what's "realy have a chili padi man" means? *sotong*
yvonne muaahhaa, Rachel is so funny! tearing tissue papers...sooo cute!

claire thanks for recommending the chinese books! Bought a few cheapo books from Msia and found that Shayne enjoys it. So been meaning to get more chinese books to read to shayne too. Er.... no hanyu pinyin ah?

jules suntec pool not heated ah? ...haiyo... tanglin bit far. I think i will go ahead with suntec. i actually brought shayne to a hotel pool few weeks back in KL, it was cold. BUt he was happily kicking away while mummy was freezing in the pool. hahahhaa

Hahaha chubby XY is bringing out her character eh? i cannot imagine lei, she was such an angel during the outing!
hi everyone!!!

shopping is an illness.. and im sad to say ive been sick fOr a looong time! wahahaha

nah, just kidding.
yolk, thank you babe for sharing so much info on toys and comparing them too!

so much info.. you get to read abt wht everyones feeding their chid, buying for them.. joining wht class.. making wht organic puree... IT'S GREAT STUFF!

livvie, how you doing babe?
Ash likes to play with her face cloths the most... and now she pincer grabs the tags off them and licks them for 10mins or more..
so much for education there!!

we do wht we can do for our children.. wht is humanly, financially and spatially possible! lol
to compare wld be insane, as there'd always be someone else better/worse/skinnier/richer/nicer butt/slim arms/better skin, hair/HAPPIER/have a very easy and unfussy baby(like mine ;p)..

jules, i think youre on the right track with taking xy out..
i was planning to do a zoo trip in march whn my sis is in twn!
oh i believe wht you said abt tantrums.. chilli padi!
ive witnessed Ash throw one before.. SHOCKING!

claire, thank you for the website for chinese books!
i'd love Ash to have some.. but because i'm not chinese and cant read the language.. i cant use tHe website!!
finding the links was like playing mindsweeper!!!
claire: thanks so much for the helpful info and for getting your friend to look over the books for me! this is really useful! i'll check out the website properly later, rushing off for aquaducks now

gugi: yes emily has two teeth at the bottom - quite effective for eating biscuits!

jules/amber: wow, those excursions sound like fun! maybe we shld do a joint outing for our babies at some pt in the future huh? I totally agree - the more exposure, the better!
hello mommies! wow! saw the gathering photos. Can see its so fun! and i see most of your babies development is very good... not like mine, aiyo, he is so much a BB... and he still cannot crawl!
Recently, super busy with both my elder and this 7mth old of mine... sick one after another... cos my elder one started playgroup...
As for my third one, gynea say cannot confirm gender yet but 60% chance is.... kekeke :p
Will be able to confirm gender in 2 weeks time at the detail scan...

Oh ya, like to ask... anyone bb's here teething? Seems like mine has 4! and i find it too early... people say too early teething, means early decay! *faint*
nor, beautiful artwork u've got for wairah and lis, wished i had nifty fingers too, before E was born, i watched this documentary abt a mother who hand-made all the toys for her kids and i was so inspired but well...obviously it didnt happen for me..keke

bedebe, its one of those rare times that E actually posed for the camera. veve is such a cute little doll with big round eyes and fair complexion

jules, imagine the frustration of JUST tasting..haha i would tear out my hair too..

as for toys i have not spent much $ on them for E too, he gets loads of hand-me-downs so i m resistant to buying more since they tire out so fast.

BUT having said that, yolksac and mattsmummy, i m so tempted to get that LEARN AROUND PLAYground now after seeing ur pics

cheok: does shayne sit and listen quietly while u read to him? cos E would probably tear the book into pcs and gobble dwn every single bit before i can finish one book
manuka, rachel's lower central incisors has already cut out. nw her upper central incisors beginning to show; white patches on her gums. she is having fever rite now due to her teething &amp; super cranky. nah..dun believe all tis tales la... hw to stop bb from teething :p

every bb developed at their own pace.. some at 5-7 mths, some at 6-8 mths; all arrive at the same end pt eventually.
take heart.

rachel also cannot crawl yet.in fact she's learning to sit only now. can do so unsupported for approx 20 secs or so.
Hi guys, I bought my leapfrog playground from Metro at $149, there is a set at Metro Paragon but only just one. Toys R us has a good range and the brightlings playstation which usually retails for $149 was going for $89.90. Not sure if that was an error but I saw it at the Paragon outlet.

One thing that I've done with Ally over the months is to rent toys for us. There are a few websites to check out, in this way I don't have to keep toys and I don't have to invest a lot in expensive toys that she might not like. As yolk said, its not important to buy expensive toys. Ally just happens to like the leapfrog range of toys a lot and I've been looking for something that would entertain her and keep her away from our coffee table.

Yolk: I just bought the rubber grips from the DIY shop, they are all circular so I chose the biggest ones and stuck 2 on each leg. It does give some grip but still not 100%. I tried speaking mandarin to Ally today and she just laughed at me! Not sure if its my poor command of the language or just the fact that it sounds different.

Oh, I bought an inflatable pool from toys r us, only cost $12. Bought a bunch of cheap floating toy ducks and there you go, home water play! This way, I can control the temperature of the water to make sure Ally doesn't catch a cold. It can get pretty messy cos she likes to kick the water around but its lots of fun!
cheok, my tissue papers wasted on her...keke

re: books
i leave the chinese story reading to my hubby to read out to rachel. i read her the english ones. even with hanyu pinyin, dun tink i can manage. muahhaha....
anyone done pureed peaches or nectarines?

Jillian i have the exploration station.. and i love it!

gee i need more containers man!
U made me laugh so loud till huby asking whats wrong.. ally so cuteeeeee n oso no hair yet hor, did u shave her on one month?

Wondering if the baby gal in deep blue overall is your gal?How old is she? so much hair.. n so preety..

Seems that you've been fed your bb many kind of "fresh" food hor? i just started give my gal other then milk bout 5 days now.. so still hv 2 learn more bout what to feed her; btw, according to one mummy, i shouldnt give bb milk when i'm feeding her solid food, i should give her plain water onli coz milk sweet n porige got meat taste, not suitable.. is it correct? no one give milk to bb while bb eat solid meh?

Oh bout the wet wipes i asked earlier.. anyone can share where buy the big pack or bulk? not hoping to keep refil every few days...

Gugi: No I didn't shave her hair, that's the sad part... never shave still botak!

By the way and out of curiosity,has everyone shed all their pregnancy weight? Is it just me that's walking around with a few extra kilos?
i've something to share.. or rather pour out..

i gave away my lis' play pen just a month before i found out i conceived wairah so had to source for a new one. was deciding between a cot or a play pen for wairah. i somehow decided on a white frame cot when my fren offered me her cot(dark wood) which was passed down from her fren who don't want it anymore. at first i told her i'd be getting my own but she was pretty insistent that i take up her offer i couldn't say no. so i graciously took in the cot which wairah has been sleeping in(for her day naps) for the last 7+ months. (oh, some of you mommies here know wairah sleeps in her arms-reach mini co-sleeper beside me at night.) the cot also doubles up as a parking place when my helper runs errands during the day when i'm at work.

back to my story, this afternoon my fren sms me asking if i'm stil using the cot so i replied yes of course. and she said she needs it back because the original owner of the cot wants it back as she's delivering next month.. i was like "huh??" i thought her fren already don't want the cot.. and best of all she needs it THIS weekend!

So now, 7months down the road, Ms Nor have to suddenly shop for a new cot or play pen for Wairah.
manuka: wow, so exciting - do keep us updated! Ems is teething too, apparenly the average age for first tooth is 6 mnths and bbs may show teething signs well before then.

gugi: so cute! is that the jumperoo?

jillian: errr...I have more than a few extra kilos on me, sigh. thanks for the info on the rubber grips, it's a really good idea! and I've been contemplating putting a small rubber tub/pool on my terrace - how deep is yours? more for playing rather than swimming?
<font color="119911">en hui</font>
yup i have robinson's card.. will look out for that later than sooner.. read my above post.. now have to have a change of plans.. $$ for toy wil be used for cot/ play pen instead - more important now.

<font color="ff0000">Gugi</font>
i saw kiddy palace stacking up loads of wet tissues at special price. or you can try going for those expo sales cos i think the wet wipes will be much cheaper. when is next sales i'm not too sure though.

<font color="0000ff">yvonne</font>
tearing tissue paper is another favourite play session for the babies right?? i remember last time i came home to fine the whole living room full of torn tissue. and my MIL (read: monster-in-law) gave me a sian face and said that its not her, its Lis who did it.. But of course.. at that point i don't know want to laugh or cry.. now thinking back its pretty funny lah.

i second yolk sac on going for a joint trip! that'll be so fun

<font color="aa00aa">slurpee</font>
i steal some ideas here and there.. then put it together. am doing a scrapbook for Lis artwork which she do at school. Will show pics when i'm done. nothing too fancy thou, i just want to preserve her beautiful artworks so that she can see when she's older. A fren of mine (who's a teacher) said that children's artwork showcase can also help to get them into certain schools.

<font color="ffff00">Amber</font>
Babe, i can't agree more.. shopping is like drugs.. it makes me "high" muahahaha!

speaking of shopping, i just ordered balerina socks from the BP, selling for 20% off, paid $14.40 for 6 pairs.. so worth it right?
Yolk: Yes mine is more for play rather than for swimming. ( see pic below) but you can get bigger and deeper ones as well if space permits. Just a suggestion, invest in a pump and don't try to be a hero like me and inflate the whole thing yourself. I ended up with a massive headache!

Nor: You have mail!
hi jillian: thanks! looks like a great play spot for ally
did you get it from Toys R Us and have you seen deeper ones?

I have a bit of a headache myself. Think I need to have an early night tonight. Gdnight all!
What a great idea Jillian! I wanted to buy something similar in msia, Giant. They were selling dirt cheap for a HUGE inflatable...er what do u call those things? I dunno why i didnt get it...arrrggg...

slurpee Shayne used to get real wriggly when i read books to him. And like u, i couldnt finish a book in peace. But recently, he seems to be attracted and does pay attention till i complete a book. Er, i wont say he sits still la, but his eyes are focus on the book. I try to find books that have one sentence per page and that uses bright colors to attract him. Oh it was nice meeting you by the way!
gugi, oops left out my punctuation marks hehe.. i meant " I really have a chilli padi, man!" referring to my girl!

cheok, u going for trial this weekend right? remember to update ok? think jessica mentioned to me that she is bringing her bb for aquaducks trial at suntec at 930am on sat.. maybe u will meet her there! btw.. xy is chubby, but definitely NOT an angel!!! that day wasnt her normal naughty self cos she was distracted by other bbs!

amber, exactly! was so shocked when xy threw her first tantrum cos she really banged her fists and screamed while glaring at me! made my heart race, and for a moment i forgot that i was her mummy and got a bit scared! duh...

nectarines - i've given xy nectarines fresh when she was abt 7 mths old. didnt bother steaming beforehand, just cut the fruit, scraped it and served! she loved it and had no adverse reaction to it!

manuka, long time no see! how many wks are u already? hoping for boy or girl?

slurpee, xy grabs the books and tries to eat the pages when i read to her. she also tries to eat my flashcards, my hair, my chin.. whatever she can get her fists on. i only use board books or cloth books when reading to her these days!

yvonne, found ur story abt rach shredding tissue paper very funny!!
xy nearly ate some tissue the other day too cos she loves playing with tissue boxes.. luckily dug it out of her mouth in time!
I dont think R is eating a good variety actuallY I have been really lazy and have not introduced to her any new food for the past 2 weeks! Been kinda lazy..but am thinking of introducing her tofu as at 7 months, they are supposed to be able to start on soy protein. ANd there is no reason not to mix milk with their food. In fact, Superbabyfood book do recommend doing it when introducing new food so that your baby gets used to it.

I pureed Peach for R before. What I did was to baked in a water-bath, then remove the skin (which is real easy to remove after baking) then puree. The smell is delicious! You try and let me know how it turns out.

I rent toys for R too..in fact been renting the Smartsteps exersaucer for the 5th month now! Ally looks like she is having so much fun in her pool!

hmm....well think on the positive side. You get a really good reason to go shop! Hahaha!
just a quick post before i go off to bed...

yah... i tend to buy a lot of clothes for C. can't help it... the clothes are so cute! thank goodness i don't go out much... everytime i go shopping i end up with at least one outfit for her :p

that's good! i wished i had that option too... i'm spending so little time with dd. by the time i pick her up from my parents' place after work... it's usually close to her bedtime. not much quality time spent

haha... i'm still tempted to buy and buy. now yolk has provided yet another object of desire.

thanks to ur pics, i'm considering adding yet another toy to her growing collection... got to convert one of my rooms to her playroom soon.
just to add that i seriously think u have a gifted baby there... she'll definitely grow up to be someone to be reckoned with

re: potty training
so far so good (according to my mum)... C has managed to poo in her potty once, but peeing is still a bit hard to catch her timing. by the time she grunts/sighs... it's too late

nite all!
yolk: so sorry ... just managed to try the veebee today... seem sturdy to me.. even without the zip..just remember to velcro the sides though.. just in case..

i stay at tanah merah... hehe is it far from yr place???
one of the reason i got the veebee is also because my place here has lots n lots n lots of steps.. upstair downstairs etc.. even to the dining room also got stairs... rather than getting a doz of baby gates.. we tot just put kaelyn into a huge enuff place fenced up...

was actually thinking of placing the playyard in the living room.. but was afraid that it gets into the way of everybody.. so migrated her playroom into her previous sleeping room.. dismantled the bed etc... and viola... her own play room... and my scrapbooking room..hehe

nor : i shall post my scrapbook pages when i have the time to even do one LO... hehe

arfh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u gals are tempting me with the learn around station!!!!!!!!!!! source for redemption points hahahaha...i think DBS is cursing n swearing at me... always redeeming toys r us voucher hahahaha... i actually paid for my playschool giraffe rocker with my vouchers alone... and that is a mth aft i got my walker... hahahaha

do they sell the leapfrog learn ard station at toys r us???

yolk : can i ask if u do yr own flashcards... what font n size must we use... according to glen doman???
good morning..

irene, the link i post above is the recall for learn around table in US.. u check it out..

those who have it, just becareful with your kids..

jules, for the aquaduck, dont go tanglin branch.. learn from other thread that there is no facilities there and bb with get cold if rain..

Peck: thanks for the infor, I did read about the that before we purchased the toy so we're just going to be extra careful.

Irene: Kaelyn is so sweet.Is that your doggy in the background?
