(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Peck: Thanks for posting the link. Actually, I was aware of the recall for the Learn Around Playground (not table right?) as I research these things quite closely before making major purchases. My playground is not subject to the recall as it was manufactured after the 2006 recall. Mummies with playgrounds or those who are contemplating buying them should note this advisory from Leapfrog:

"Consumers should check the date code on the underside of the toy above the battery compartment. If the code ends in any letter other than "G", consumers should immediately take the recalled activity center away from children and contact LeapFrog for a free repair kit."

Mine ends with G!
But Jillian is right, we should always take care when our little bubs are playing with any toy. I should have included the info in my review but I assumed that Singapore stock was all post-recall.

Irene: Thanks for the info on the VeeBee. I live in Kembangan so Tanah Merah isn't that far! Maybe we can visit one day
Flashcards - card size is 4" x 24", height of text is 3" (use red ink). Use bold lettering, with a stroke that is 0.5" wide or wider. I don't think they sell the Leapfrog playground at ToysRUs. Got mine from Kiddy Palace.

Shymz: Wow, Celeste is a lucky gal to get her own dedicated toy room!
Thank you for your kind words abt Ems. Erm, I really should stress that I tend to post the positive things here (cos I generally try to be positive abt things), so you gals don't read about all the negative things (eg: bad temper, stickiness to mummy, fierceness, newly-acquired habit of waking up 3 times each night etc). So not gifted lah, just a normal baby with normal baby issues.

Jules: At SJCK pool, there are three shower stalls (water very warm consistently, not sure how they manage to provide such nice heated water) and two toilet stalls. With a max of 5 babies per class, I never have problems getting Ems showered and changed. Not sure abt the other locations but I definitely find the facilities at SJCK to be adequate.

Irene: You can find the leapfrog playground at Kiddy palace or Metro. Toys R Us has a good range of leapfrog toys but they don't stock the playground. The one at Paragon did have the learning table.

I agree with Yolk that we should be try to be as positive as possible with our kids. I personally believes it gives them the confidence to explore and do things on their own.

In saying that, I left Ally for a couple of minutes playing with the learning playground on her own while I sat a distance from her watching. Somehow, she managed to get herself stuck between the two table legs! No idea how she did that but she did manage to get herself out. It was not funny and funny at the same time. She kept looking at me with this look of "what happened?" on her face and when I started laughing, she did as well. Another thing to add into the ever growing list of Ally antics.

Just in case any of you are contemplating bringing your baby for Aquaducks and can manage a 5:30pm slot on Tuesdays at St James Church Kindergarten (Harding Road, off Minden Road, near Dempsey Village)...bcube, parsniketty and I have just joined a newly-formed class for babies at this time slot. Feel free to join us - by ringing Aquaducks and signing up! The class just had its first session yesterday and I think there is space for maybe one more baby. Your first class (which is taken as a trial) is free and thereafter, they will pro-rate the term fee based on the number of classes left in the term.

My boy finally can crawl, and surprisingly he crawls very fast.

Need advise from mummies here. Which is the best bank account to open for baby and also my philipina maid?
Hi everybody..

Jilian : You didnt shave her head? i tot it somekind of tradition? last time half heart allow pil shave her head coz seems pityfull n afraid she feel cold.. but they said it's tradition.. turns out not much different
Before 1 month shave :

15 Jan (4month 15 days) :
Btw Jilian,
ally's face on the last pict so funny.. like as if she try to pose to looks sexy.. hahaha

Nor : Thanks for the tip, they selling in big quantity rite? next trip back i'll check..
And just a tot, since bb 7 months oredi, cant we just let her sleep on "common" bed? or else todler bed n using bedrail.. as long as e matress gud then will be alrite? so no nid to spend double onli for short period... my gal loves to sleep on my bed n seems soon her cot will be "narrow" for her *sigh*

Yes, it's a jumperoo, it suit her since she has loads of energy n mummy can not accomodate coz of back ache.
The second pict was taken by my pil when we're visit them for CNY.. they gave her "another soft toys" n instead of sayang2 e toy like normal gay, she prefer 2 wresle wif it, dear God.

If you can not find in sgp, n want to get it from here, i can try to get it for you. My PIL will come next God's Friday.. so can ask them to bring back sgp. They stay in central area n fil works in shenton

I have no idea that bb these age can throw tantrum? or prob i dun realize it if my gal throw her tantrum? sotong mum.. i only know that my gal can use "kitty eyes" like this :


No wonder she got loads of ang pao.. hahaha

I really have to start reading those books.. last week just bought other book if i'm not wrong : feeding your child rite.. but all those books just sitting duck..
U mean we should give them tofu before introduce solid? i dunnow leh.. next week will try. Basicaly my gal eat anything (like father like doter), she loves try anything, tats why feel guilty if reading all of u talking bout giving tis n tat to their bb...

YES!! i also do the same thing! almost everytime do outing must buy something for her, till huby comment :"Honey, r u going to keep those cloths for donkey years? still long way to go leh.." haha.. but now can control bit by bit since we're always go out every sat n sunday (if huby too tired to cook).
if no then huby will bankrupt lor, hahaha

What a little cutie pie.. n notice u have dog?
Nid 2 ask u if u let ur gal play with her? or sit on the place tht ur dog use to sleep or sit?
Coz pil has 2 dogs, everytime visit i feel like want to faint.. they always put my gal sit with those 2 dogs, when e dog climb into my gal rocker or car seat n settle there, they're laughing n think its cute.. but 4 me its not healthy.. i like dogs.. i do.. just feels like not gud idea mix them, am i overprotective?
jules er, i havent got my lazy self to register for the aquaducks. hehhehhe. But now that i know theres another one near demsey...i am having half a mind to go there...see la.

Yolk u think its necessary to bring a second adult to aquaducks? I thought of bringing shayne there myself but then the showering would be a problem wont it?

jillian i must say u are doing a great job with Ally as well! Your positiveness will surely go a looong way with her! Keep it up!

gugi shaving head, i never believe in that so call tradition. So i too didnt shave my boy's hair.
And one more before my yoga session..
I would love to if you guys plan for outing or meeting.. hopefully u guys arrange it when i plan 2 drive back sgp...
last time when i was pregnant, i used to see all this angmo gathering with their bb or todler at botanic garden or in a restaurant. It would be nice...
gugi so sweet of you to offer! Er, the float i saw at Giant was actually in Sitiawan (Perak). But anyhow, i may be going KL next month cos hb going there to watch F1 so i plan to get my purchases then! But thanks for the offer!
nor sorry to hear about your cot. How about scouting for another hand me down? Or maybe u can get one of those cot than can convert to a bed so u get your money's worth? I hope you'll find your solution soon babe!
<font color="ff6000">Nor</font>
Sorry to hear about your cot story. I told my hubby about your story and he reminded me of similar things that happened to us before. Think it's one lesson learnt.

<font color="0000ff">Gugi</font>
Speaking about meet ups at the Botanic Gardens. I had one before with another thread mummy when my elder boy was 7 mths old. It was wonderful. The crisp air, the beautiful scenary, and the peacefulness over there. And we let the kids sit or crawl around. Very fun. Yes, we should plan that.

Re: the Ice Cube Tray. True.. It's LJP having that. I think they got a website?
Why not you try buy it from here?

<font color="119911">Jillian/Yolk</font>
I second both of your thinking. To be positive with the kids. I feel it'll bring about a much more confident babies. I have a neighbour, who is well known for her screaming at the kids at 'all' times. And in the end, you always see her kids hiding behind pillars. Rarely smiling. It really creates such tense atmosphere for them!!!

<font color="ff0000">Irene</font>
Pretty gal you have there! Love her dressings. Ya... is that your doggy at the back?

<font color="aa00aa">Nana</font>
Ha ha ha.... My RA shots of my boy ah.... Actually, wanted to take a photo of him naked, but just sprawling on the mattress. You know the photos that our parents use to take for us? Naked, but lying on a table... with a string necklace??? I have a cash card of my elder one with that photo. Thus thinking of making another cash card of my younger one with the same photo. But photo taking session unsuccessful. Only end up taking that RA shot. Think going to use that instead.
gugi : hehe i think it depends on individual.. some parents mind... some dont.. i am the type that dun mind my dogs interacting with kaelyn... in fact.. i know some mummies going to disagree on this... i actually let the 3 dogs sleep with me and kaelyn n hb... YESSSSSSS in one queen size bed!! hehe...but the one thing i notice is that... my 3 dogs seem to protect kaelyn all the time.. even in their sleep...

kaelyn will sleep at her position.. then there is one dog at her left.. one at the right..and one at her feet...

maybe to me.. my dogs are not pets.. but they are part of my family... hehe but of course i dun let them lick kealyn or play unsupervised ... i am always around to keep an eye...

yolk : feel free to drop by for a visit.. but do let me know in advance so i can tidy up hahahah arghhh any idea if robinson has the playground?? hehe

jillian : yeah thats my pooch! hehe... let me post their pic...

jules : YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am half way successful with porridge... i tried yr style... porridge n chicken .... but what i did is i boil the chix with the rice... so it kinda taste like chicken porridge,.. instead of chicken stock with porridge... BUT BUT... she only finish half of what she norm eats.BUT!!! i take it!!!!hehhee
great idea there on home water play, will probably pop over to toys r us this wkend

btw i am still 4 kilos above my prep-preg wt, used to be only 45kg

terrible to hear abt the cot, u knw i hate it too when someone 'gives' me stuff and say they may want it back later.. i mean hello do u knw the definition of give!! i was offered a breast pump before and the owner say she may want it back sometime later and i was like 'ah its ok then' and rejected the offer in case i spoil it unintentionally during the 'loan period'

shymz and yolksac
congrats on success with potty-training. C actually grunts when she pees? E does the wriggle when he pees so its definitely too late by the time the potty arrives

seems like i hv to be more persistent to get E interested on reading. OK DUN GIVE UP

how long did u have to 'bake' the peach?

irene and gugi
ur gals are so pretty. ppl always say parents tend to spend more when they give birth to girls and i tend to agree cos there's just so much pretty things to get for them

interaction with dogs
my SIL has a dog too but usually my ILs quite zi dong as in they will not put the dog too close to E, i do feel its gd to expose kids to animals but i would prob only do tt when they are older mebbe when they turn 2 or 3
Slurpee: you looked great when i saw you! I still have about 4kg to go as well....

Irene: my dogs use to sleep close to Ally when she was younger, the older dog always protects her as well and like you, I consider them part of the family. My older dog is now 15 and we've had him since he was 4 months old.

Ally and I are having one of THOSE days. I just put her down for her long overdue nap. She had a bad night's sleep and its affecting her mood today. I'm sure many of you understand what I mean.... just hope that she wakes up a lot happier later on.
slurpee : hahaha its not only me that spend.. my mum also!!! pengzzzzzzzzzzzz... everytime i go over... come grandma bring u go zara!! WOAH my clothes also not that ex like kaelyn's!! hahaha then if not.. come grandma bring u go guess...chateau de sable la.. POLO la.. pengzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz never have i heard her say come irene we go shopping anymore!! HIKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS .....
tigress: Way to go!

cheok: Yes, I do think you need to bring a helper/relative along for help. Usually, I bring Ems straight to one of the shower rooms for her shower, then bring her back to the table and get my helper/granny to dry her and change her. Or if they are not feeling confident abt doing it (believe me, it happens!), then I'll change her and pass the dry Ems to one of them. Then I run off to dry off and change. At this stage, it's a bit hard to manage by yourself cos they need to be watched/held at all times!
re: pets

i too, hv a cat b4 the birth of my boy in 2005. and nw with rachel, the cat is still with us. always hear people saying we shd get rid of any pets we hv if we are gonna hv babies. (to prevent scarbies/virius). i dun buy dat idea/believe. the pet will nt be doing any harm.

gugi, both my kids were shaves botak whe they turned 4 mths...its js a hokkien tradition. nt sure abt others...but it defintely nt a must.

i fed rachel with tofu as well. in fact, she eats almost anything...fish, meat, pumkin, apple, biscuits, pear, potato, carrot...drinks barley water, sugarcane water, glucose, plain water, milk, clear porridge water...etc...

so long if someone eats in front of her, she will show dat she wants by leaning forward in the direction of the person eating or kicking her hands &amp; legs abt.

sounds like another idea of having another outing @ botanical gardens. cool! count me in. keke...

good news! rachel's fever has gone down. mil bot her &amp; lionel to do the chinese traditional baby massage yest &amp; the tui(1) na(2) shi(1) told my mil dat rach has a small tummy - wei(4). so she shldnt be eating too much during each meal. instead we shd give her many light meals. dat way, she wldnt feel bloated &amp; thus retaining heat in her body, causing a fever outbreak or something like dat... too chim for me to understand.

hmm...sounds like wat a gynae wld advise a preggie. keke...
irene: your dogs are cute! and I love their names! thanks for offering to let us try the veebee - maybe sometime next week? I'll PM you soon.

Ems at Playnest today - ball play!
Jules.. cannot find you in msn.... are you free next Tuesday?

5.30pm class is full liao, the lady checking whether can start a class for 6pm (if we have enough people) Once she let me know... I let you know.
hey all...

wht lovely pics!!

babies, dogs... very nice to see..

ive been busy today.. im baking a yoghurt and marmalade cake with coconut crumble!!

hope it turns out ok!
woah.. amber u keep baking!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slurp s;urp*

hehe.. i wanted their name to sort of connected and white... so first one i got was sox...erm.. as in ppl would think white socks.. hahaha ya lame....
then cotton : cotton =white also
pillow : white n filled with cotton

hahaha talking crap... but ya thats how i got their names...

ya i dun buy the idea of giving up pets just becoz preggy etc... to me.. everything comes in a package.. either u take it or leave it hjahaha...

oh ya yolk : JG.. i can join evans rd one too... my mum stay at stevens road.. hehe very near.. waiting til kaelyn can ride a bicycle.. then i push her to class.. hahaha so cute...but u taking u mandarin classes rite???

i am actually looking at the eng ones/ or if they have... biliguial one...
irene: wow, so convenient for you! takes me 15 min to drive there. yah mine is mandarin playnest. i think they have a bilingual one but it's on weekends only (and a long waitlist)
yolksac, wanted to but your class full liao lei, I am trying to ask the lady to put another class right after your class.. so we still can meet up before or after the class.

Right now my friend and me is ok, see if Jules and Elyn can make it. Anyone else interested, can have up to 6 pax
yolk, how's Ems doing with playnest.. i mean sched wise..
does it cash wit naps.. have you noticed her more tired?

ive signed Ash up but not for playnest..playgroup!
so whn Ash is 1.5yrs old
i just feel like nows a little early.. i kinda like forum still cos it's easier to get out and about.. but apparently i can change venues if i like as time nears.. so perhaps we can do playgroup together!

bummer.. shes up.. gotta go
shirlynn: oh that would be great! will keep my fingers crossed

amber: Oh cool, playgroup at Forum? Which days? Did you have to place a deposit to reserve the spot for the future? Don't think Ems is more tired (in fact, she seems to be sleeping LESS and LESS oddly enough - sigh), but we are still trying to sorta fit it into a routine of sorts for her and stick to it even on non-playnest days. This is the plan in theory:

7am Get up + BF
8am Solid food (vege/fruit + barley cereal)
9:30am Morning Nap (until 10:15/10:30)
10:30 Quick BF (to ensure she's happy in class)
10:40 Leave for JG
11-12:30 Playnest (with small snack)
1pm Solid food (vege + vege)
1:30pm Afternoon nap
2:30/3pm BF
5:30pm Solid food (fruit)
6pm Bath
6:30pm BF or EBM/FM

But it doesn't really work out like this on a lot of days. In the world of Gina Ford, she's supposed to sleep on 7pm and wake up the next day at 7am. Sadly, she'll be up a lot during the evening and need at least 1-2 more feeds until 11pm. Then lately, she sleeps at 11pm and wakes up every 2-3 hrs. So I don't know what to do lah. But I don't think Playnest is causing this problem; the night waking started with the teething and unforunately has not stopped even now.
Has anyone tried the Baby Whisperer's Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) method? I think it might be more appropriate for us than cry-it-out, but it sounds like a lot of work.
hi everyone... st wanted to share tht the cake was a success!

i bought the cheapo no frills house brand marmalade which is a little chunkier.. and tht made it nicer!

yolk.. her schedule sounds ok.. and she gets enought nap time in between.. im kinda trying to kpoh wht ppl do for activity schedule..
yolksie, yes i paid registration fee and they'll call me whn shes 1.5! ive been t playgroup before with my niece.. and i kno they have an excellent programme!
abt the night wakings.. im not sure wht to do... with Ash was very easy to do cry it out method cos she gave up very quickly and went to bed!
i think Ash loves to sleep.. she's increased her day naps.. she does 1.5hrs in the morning (after sleeping 630pm-730am!!)
ad 2hrs frm 1-3 and AGAIN frm 430-515pm!!!

only God knows why she's sleeping so much.. began whn she starated teething!

yolk, she really hungry whn she wakes up? or just suckles a littlee and back to bed?
Ems is a toughie lah, she knows wht she wants to do!
also shes a very alert child and i think tht has a part to play. just need to turn ard her clock a bit!

aquaducks: we start officiallly on sat! all booked and hb is coming too!
Yolk: Yes I did try that with Ally and it is a lot of work. You have to be very consistent and the problem that I had was that if I picked her up, she wouldn't let me put her down, if my husband picked her up, she will cry for me. So I left him to do it and I walked out of the room, that seemed to work for her.
She goes to bed around 8.30pm and for the last two nights have been sleeping right through till 6.30am. Not quite the GF way but its way better than her constant waking!
Amber: wow its great that Ash sleeps so much! The cry it out method did not work for me at all. It just doesn't suit Ally's personality, instead of giving up, it just makes her get more angry and cry louder till she's inconsolable. She can cry for 2 hours straight if she wants to! Have fun at aquaducks, let me know how Ash enjoys it!
oh no Jillian! 2hrs sounds like a nightmare!!

hmm.. Ash is good lah. shes a textbook baby.
on the other hand i let her cry it out at 5weeks! (actually tht wasnt intention but we were having dinner and hb said wait a while!)but she only did so for 20mins and the next night 10mins etc
she just goes to bed with a kiss and a wave frm very early on.

in the day i never drew the curtains.. she'd sleep in a bright room. noise level was always normal.. in fact kept tv on while she slept! her baths were usually not very warm.. and neither were her milk feeds!

i sound like a horrible mum!

now i make her wait for her food and say grace before she eats and she has to hold on to the highchair tray. which she does automatially now.

oh golly.. it's all coming bak to me.. all the horrible things i put her thru!

yolksie, how abt the method you used to do? dont pick up but go in and check nappy.. look at her..etc?
Jillian Ally sleeps ok in the day? do you do the indoor pool thingie often?

irene, i called to ask at fees at JG and they told me to put my name on the list.. i really am not keen to start so early. so i thought 35 bucks was ok to put down till a yr frm now!

bcube, im gonna get peaches this weekend and BAKE BAKE BAKE
Ber: PU/PD is the Baby Whisperer's method of dealing with babies (3 months or older) who have not learned sleep skills and/or who need sleep props (rocking, pacifier, bf etc) to go to sleep. The underlying theory is that when babies wake up in the middle of the night, they need to learn to self-settle to go back to sleep (all babies - including Ash, Ems etc - all wake up several times at night, but the diff between Ash and Ems is that Ash knows how to self-settle back to sleep sans incident/intervention whereas Ems yells for us), and until they learn self-settling skills, they'll continue to wake up in the night or take overly short naps.

This is the method:
- When bb cries, go into the room
- Comfort with words and gentle hand on the back
- Don't shush for babies older than 6 months
- If he doesn't stop crying, pick him up. Put him down the moment he stops crying.
- If he cries/arches his back, put him down immediately. But keep a firm hand on his back.
- Soothe with calm words
- If when you lay him down, he cries again, pick him up again

The idea is that the bb will eventually lose steam and cry less.

I just tried it on Ems as she was tired and needed a nap. We lasted 20 mins (with one bit of vomit - carror in the cot!) before I gave up and took her out to play.
woah... maybe i should go n register first... hehe 35 is not much to reserve a slot/.... but wat if i still cant decide when to put kaelyn in? as in before 18mths or after tat...
hmmm.. the PU/PD method sounds so scary. i dun hv the heart for them to CIO too. cannot let bb cry for long leh...very heart aching

heng rachel can settle down to sleep on her own. even if she wakes up at nite, i will js push her bottle into her mouth, let her suck for a min or so, pull out the bottle &amp; she will roll over &amp; fall asleep again.

to those of u during the outing @ swensons, seen hw she js KO...js like dat...hehe
Yolk: just to add to our phone conversation, I firmly believe that as long as you stick to a bed time routine, Ems will go back to sleeping through the night. Whichever method you choose to use, only you know her best and will know what works and doesn't. Good luck!
Oh yah, once I exhausted all my sleep training books and just resigned myself to my fate, Ally decided to cut me some slack and sleep through the night!
Cheeky monkey
Thanks jillian! Will discuss with hb tonight and see how we will proceed for now. Ah the Spirited child! Gotta love 'em but man, sometimes I do wish I had an Angel
yvonne: I read that u have started feeding meat to rachel. I wanted to add pork puree to Kaizer's porridge but am afraid that he will not be able to digest the meat. Is Rachel ok after taking it? Oh yes, Rachel was such an angel at the swenson that she could just fell asleep on your arms!! Me envy..envy leh

Shirlynn: I want to join u guys on tuesday but not sure if hb is free to go with me as I cant manage alone. Called up aquaducks this morning for trial session on wkends and they are full!! No slots at all!

Yolk: Your detailed descriptions &amp; pictures of the Learn Around Playground makes me wanted to get one for Kaizer so much. Btw, I have just rented one and can't wait for it to arrive! hehe

cheok: Note that for aquaducks, the only heated pool is only available at Tanglin village and the staff recommeded that it is better for infants to swim at the heated pool rather than normal temp water.
tired.. got back from my parents' place at 10-ish after an hour at the gym..
a quick one..

<font color="119911">bcube</font>
yeah i would suppose its another excuse to shop.. so hurrah!!

<font color="0000ff">irene</font>
yes please do post pic of your scrapbook. i
d love to see new ideas and steal some for my upcoming works. oh! kaelyn looks so sweet! and your doggie is cute too!

<font color="ff0000">cheok/ angeline/ slurpee</font>
yah i think i learnt the hard way on the cot thingy.. been looking around at kiddy palace, toys r us, kids mall and places around jurong.. saw a play pen at toys r us from Esprit which is quite sturdy, also a Graco which is ok. anyone can comment on these???

<font color="0077aa">Amber</font>
oh my! your bakes sounds sedaaappp!! making me drool!

<font color="aa00aa">gugi</font>
i saw plenty of wet wipes stacked in a wagon, most are on special price, bundled in packs of 3 or more.

new toys
i was searching for cot and lis' birthday loot bags and i chance upon quite a number of Leap Frogs and Fisher Price toys in Toys r Us (Jurong Point). am tempted to get a trike for wairah cos she's been trying to climb onto lissy's for the past week. Its nice to shop during weekdays, not so crowded and can shop peacefully. wil update what i decide to purchase later.

FYI, Metro is having sales at Singapore Expo Hall 5 now till weekend..
i just have to share this pic

lis was looking pretty for the camera and look at wairah - picking her nose!! goodness! so funny i din realise it til i upload the pics to m pc..
Morning everyone! Nor : what a funny photo of your two daughters, that's priceless

Yolk: How did it go last night? Did you try the PU/PD?

Amber: Ally sleeps quite alright during the day, she takes a short nap in the morning, a slightly longer one at mid day and a short one mid aft. Short meaning anywhere from 20min to 40 min.
We do water play maybe 2-3 times a week, depending on our activities for the day. Prolonged exposure to water can dry out their skin so just remember to put on some lotion/cream after.

Hi All!

The thread is moving so fast I can barely catch up! Ok here's a quick one to reply..remind me if i miss out anyone!

no no I dont mean u give tofu B4 solids. WHat I meant was, I am going to introduce tofu to R as part of her solids.
If your gal eats anythin, thats great! Its just that I would prefer introducing food one at a time, to check for allergy.

According to Superbabyfood, you bake the peach for about 12 mins, or untill it is soft and the skin "wrinkles". But remember to pace in in a water bath of about 1cm depth else the peaches will dry up! Same for apples if u want to bake them.

your pooches looks great! Here's one of my "first borns".

