(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

a quick post here..
congrats ju!!! wow another july baby!
hey think manuka is also having a july baby again??
yeah she did grin and giggle a few times! I think she does like it, other than the side swishing part.
Am looking forward to tue lesson! And thanks for the comliments on my so called "figure" but I assure you I am not as perfect as you think I am! And Amber, PLEASE! No one in their right frame of mind will think of u as a baglady okie!

welcome!! This forum is kinda like an addiction! Ha!

from what I know, if u change 3 maids in a year, you will get black listed and be barred from hiring! Better call MOM to check properly!

Organic Tofu,
can get from cold storage or NTUC! Its at the usual tofu section but comes in purple packaging. I always get it..and its really nice and has a lovely soy smell that normal tofu dont have.

CONGRATS!!! Wah happy for you! My goodness you will be due soon!!
oops just realised I didn't reply to some posts

irene: yeah the veebee is really cool! glad kaelyn likes it. one drawback of the veebee (for us at least) is that there isn't really a door panel. this makes it hard for my soon-to-be-80-year-old granny to get to Ems. i guess you just bend over and grab her?
don't think my granny can manage that

bedebe: russets huh? yum! I think I might do potatoes soon, but we didn't have much luck with sweet potatoes so....

claire: ok will update you if LJP gets back to me. in the meantime, I bought the ice cube tray bcube talked about (from Isetan), will make some apple puree over the weekend in them and let you know if they work well. My main concern is dislodging the frozen cubes from the tray as it seems rather stiff. If that is not a problem then the trays are a good buy at < $4 apiece

ju: Congrats!! Wow, that was quick. Two babies within a year - now that's an achievement. Dr W couldn't tell if it's a boy or a girl yet?

shymz: Thanks! I love the Geddes-style pics of Celeste. What a pretty gal you have there! How's the French going? Saw a ton of useful resources at Borders Parkway just now - quite useful for vocab like stuff around the kitchen, feeding stuff etc. Do you like near SNGS? Are you an old gal too?

Amber: Emily isn't constipated but since she started eating the barley cereal (she previously refused rice cereal and I didn't feed her any cereal for a week or two), her stool have gone from the breastfed ones to the solid ones. Hmmm...I keep reading that we should try to hold off fruit juices for as long as possible, but I guess a bit shld be fine, as long as the bubs keep drinking plain water as well. I wonder if we can just feed them pureed prunes! Ooh just found my answer here: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/tipNov2.htm - says that the American Assoc of PDs says to use fruit juice very sparingly and that we can puree prunes as an alternative. Maybe I'll go hunt down some prunes this weekend.
uhm..yup there will be a restriction on the duration u employ the maid, yup check it thoroughly first!

thought u can order straight from LJP online?
juz bought some fresh sugar prunes too to try!

celeste looks sooo sweet and pretty!
yolk: yes u are right... the one downside is there is no door panels... hahaha i have to climb inside to get to kaelyn... or rather... my mil dun even allow me to leave her a sec... cant even leave kaelyn to play by herself...

i find my mil too protective over kaelyn... not that its not good... but i find kaelyn do not have the chances to explore n experience anything herself... mil always make sure she dun fall.. the min kaelyn try to crawl a few steps she pick her up... pengz...
sigh..just finish typing a long work email and its 2am! Yikes! Need to destress so here I am...

Was just thinking. Can use dried prunes (like those sunsweet ones that isnt entire dry?), rehydrate them in boiling water (which will remove some of the sweetness??) then puree? I would think that works? Anyway R also have very "solid" stools now that I am feeding her Heinz rice cereal! It wasnt like that when she was on Bellamy's..or is it that our babes' intestines have matured? Hmm....

hey u found the ice trays! Good for u! Ok here's a tip to dislodge the cubes. Semi-submerge the tray in some hot water for a few seconds and then pop the cubes out onto a clean plate. Then put them back into the freezer.
oh here's a disgusting bit of info ;)

Fed r peach &amp; apple yesterday..and her poop today was a big load and actually still smells like peach &amp; apples...

ahahahaha...I am becoming a disgusting mum!!! Yikes! Discussing on poop Oh boy....I never thought this day will comes....
bcube babe, short post... better not to use sunsweet and smiliar cos they use chemicals to store thm.. read the backing.. whole lotta stuff in there..

i believe you can get the organic version frm natures farm and similar.

erm... fresh is best lah..

jujce works for me.. but she barely drinks enough.. im talking like 20ml-40ml max a day
I brought at to Aquaducks with my maid.

yeah u r right! Then the organic dried ones shld b ok right? Well anyway so far, R is ok with poo &amp; pumpkin always makes her go big time!

Just read an article on constipation &amp; thought this is useful: food that caused constipation is BRAT = Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast.

And I always thot bananas r supposed to help with bowels!!
Hi all.. thanks for the welcome.. hee

Btw, i saw some of bb pict standing.. i wondering if those bb oso 6 months plus old (born 31 july)like mine? they can just stand by them self or they walk oredi? coz my bb gal only can stand if someone make her stand.. can not stand herself yet.. should i worry?
this bb is my first.. and kindda first for both side so doesnt really have comparison.

My gal sleeps through nite since she was born, but lately she sleeps v late and wakes up v early (24.00 - 07.00), is that normal? or is that a sign that she needs more food?

Is there any SAHM here? take care bb yourself or hire nany? coz i'm SAHM now and take care bb myself but thinking should i hire a nany so my bb not become spoil (some ppl says)

Then, i found that my bb now more "needy" than before, i mean like can not really leave her alone... always wants someone around her.. is that normal? coz last time she didnt behave like that. Only about this 1 month... i quite worry if she become spoil, but so far i didnt recall to spoil her, since she was born, i already remind everbody not to keep cary her around, thats why she can sleeps herself, and she doesnt mind if no one carry her, she can play herself as long as someone in the same room with her, until she gets bored and wanting to "talk" to me (she likes to "communicate" alot); If i'm looking back i dont remember i spoil her too much that's why i confuse and start to worry..

Anyone can share their experience?
hope you gals had fun yesterday. Sorry i couldnt join you as i wanted Faith to get enough rest before going to church last night. Do post some pix ok

yolk, for the past these few days faith didnt fuss during her meal time. I was trying to figure out why did she behave so well when she was out the other day...Little did i know that she prefers concentrate cereal - (i mean real real thick) (i mixed with very little water that day as people were queuing behind me and gave me pressure to act fast). Nevertheless im still teaching her signing. Words like "more" "stop" "all done" "thank you" &amp; "please". I will sign and utter the words at the same time whenever i use them (anytime/anywhere). Will have to do it in repetition and consistency. She learnt her "Hi five" through the same method too. My dad will say (Give me five or Hi Five) everytime he meets her. So she picked up relatively fast and she would give Hi Five back to Gong Gong. Anyway, it will take a while for she to learn these few words.

ju - CONGRATS!!! is this your 2nd one?

Gugi - Welcome! welcome to the thread. There are quite a few of us are SAHMs. Im one of them

bcube - i remember you have a pair of LONG legs!!! *Whew Whew** -(wolf*)

From Right to left, Lucas, Shayne, Ally &amp; Kaizer.

All except my own(!!!) looking nicely at the camera. (sorry pictures abit blurry..blame it on my poor photoshop skills)
Hi Renz.. wah so nice can have frens for outing!! so jealous.
Most of our frens still single or else havent have any kid yet, so bit difficult to go out with them.

That's why mu hubby told me to find frens with kid then can have more understanding fren plus can go outing without feeling guilty =)
And oso my cousin who a psicolog told me that the benefit of meeting with other mummy not only for us as a parents, but oso for the bb, so they can socialize and interact..
gugi dont think you're spoiling her. I suppose most babies will go through this 'needy' stage. I reckon they are begining to realise that they are physically seperated from us and yet to understand that while we are in the different room but still in the same house. give your bb some time to learn. ENjoy this moment, once they become independent, they wont want mummy...that'll be the day we will be wanting more days of 'needy' stages! Me a sAhm too with no help. Oh and WELCOME!
aiyo the babies are so cute! they have grown up so much!

cheok...i tought boy in green stripe T is Kaizer? and Lucas is in white? hey i wanna see all the mummies also leh...can email me at [email protected]

Gu, its very normal for this age as your baby is beginning to understand a lot about how things in his world work... they are really smart babies ok.. enjoy your baby
anyway there are different needs at different phase of lives!

im taking care of my gal myself too. No helper and no nanny
Renz...er no photos of mummies from me...i was taking the babies only....

Ya the green stripes is Kaizer...my direction was from LEFT to RIGHT...hehhehe
Hi all

Not much time to post (have a whole day out and abt today) - will reply to posts later.

Just want to give some info about puree-ing prunes/plums to combat constipation. (For the first time this morning, Ems looked a bit uncomfortable when poo-ing. So we went and bought Australian sugar prunes from NTUC.)

Followed this method from Wholesome Baby Foods.com to do the puree:
Drop whole, cleansed fruits into a pan of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, until fruits are soft. Place fruits into a bowl of cold water and slip off the skins then cut and pit the fruit. Puree as with any other fruit, adding lots of liquid if needed.

Ems likes the puree - phew! I keep telling her it's "for her own good", haha - I've become my mother!

One tip for those of you using this method - the pureeing happens REALLY quickly in a food processor. I pulsed TWICE and it's already too liquid for my liking. So be careful and pulse slowly.
bcube: yes, you can apparently rehydrate prunes (see the method below from Wholesome Baby Foods.com). To make my sticky date pudding, I've pureed dates, which are kinda similar in texture to prunes, and there is no problem making a puree, so I guess the same principle applies to prunes.

1. Soak dried prunes in warm water until they plump up or steam gently.
2. Once plump and tender, toss into food processor or blender and begin to puree.
3. Add liquid without sparing any. Prunes tend to become a pasty gluey consistency when pureed and the more water you add, the easier it is to puree to a texture your baby will tolerate.
hey cheok...i thought i read wrongly but you are right also in a way! Blame in we human tendency always follow the flow - name &amp; person in the same direction (as in the direction should be aligned
what an lousy excuse!)
Oh.. thanks Cheok n Renz!! now i know better.. my hubby keeps telling me that its normal.. but i still worry coz last time i "stuck" with 2 v v spoil little cousins which made me swear one day if have bb wont let her become like tat! wah, i feel much better now.. thanks again!!!

I do enjoy wathing her growing and saviour every moment of it and it such an amazing thing to witness her development..
But sometimes, still, feel like taking a break.. hahaha such an irresponsible mom i am.. =p

I saw lots of bb pict with lots of hair!!! my bb doesnt have some much hair leh.. is there anything to apply or eat to help her has lots of hair? many ppl think my gal is a boy..
Hi Gugi - Welcome! I agree with Cheok and Renz - it's very normal and in fact, some studies have said that it's healthy behaviour.

cheok: thanks for posting the pics! The babies look so cute and very grown-up in their high chairs.

renz: thanks very much for the tips on signing. I should really get started too. Ems does hi-five too; guess it is really about just repeating it consistently, these babies are quite clever, they catch up pretty quickly huh?

bcube: thanks for the tips on dislodging the cubes, will try and report!

amber: that small amt of juice you're giving Ash should be fine; I think the idea is to ensure that they don't walk around all day with a packet of juice (when oldeR) and that they are not reliant on sweet drinks, because this leads to other problems listed in the article I posted.

nana: yes can order from her online but it's quite expensive ($15), emailed to ask her if she is doing a BP soon (so that I cld wait for a while to get a better deal), but have not heard back yet. hopefully bcube's ice trays work well, then I won't have to splash out on the LJP cubes.
NTUC is selling the fresh sugar prunes from aust now!
cold storage has them too.

haaa, i like the pic that kaizer and shayne are having their snack! sama action!

prunes - finally got mine from ntuc too! arrowed my mum to go find some fresh ones, and she did! hehe
thanks nana and yolksac!

bcube, can u believe i didnt know there are actually fresh prunes?? always thot they came only in the dried variety.. so silly!

cheok, love the pic of kaizer and shayne! they are so cute in identical poses! xy refuses to feed herself the baby bites! too lazy i think!

yolksac, i am actually using some cheapo ice cube trays with lids that i bought from a shop downstairs for only $3 plus! so far, have no problem popping the cubes out after they have frozen.. no need to immerse in hot water, etc either..

gugi, welcome! wow ur baby has slept thru since birth??? another angel baby!!

nor/yvonne, can pls post the group pics of the babies, or send to me by email - [email protected]? thanks much!!
Thanks Yolk!!, btw you n Nana talking baout buying this item? : http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Food-Storage-Cubes-Tray/dp/B000NI8W7C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=baby-products&amp;qid=1203140186&amp;sr=8-1

If yes i oso interested leh..

Hi Jules.. yes she used to sleep through nite till i'm kancheong.. then wake her every 3 or 4 hour to feed her, till her doctor said its okay.. but dont know why she sleeps v late (about 12 or even 1am then wake up bout 7am or 8 am)... is that normal? i thought older bb will sleep longer.. means sleep earlier n wake up later rite?
hahaha renz thanks for making an excuse to help me cover up my blunder! still can macham correct you...muahahaaha i am so malu...
yolksac, i was afraid that we also have to go in....though i dun see how our babies will be able to go in the pool withour our aid...anyway, all i have are bikinis but they are the last thing i wanna be in in public....hahaha my excess flabs are only for private viewing not very appealing....and plus i still got those stretch marks that are so obvious still...dunno why....so means that i have to go scout for swimming costumes....
Hi gugi: Yes, those are the ones; locally, they are sold by Little Jet Plane at her website(www.littlejetplane.com). I'm not consolidating orders but if LJP reverts with info about an upcoming BP, I'll post the info here. If possible, I'll use either the ones I got from Isetan or my silicon cupcake cases (another good suggestion from Bikini Bcube

Jillian: thanks for the great pics! Pity I didn't get to meet you. Maybe if you do a Mandarin playnest trial, we will have an opportunity to meet.

Bedebe: Veve has the best clothes!! Love that little dress. Where do you buy her clothes?

Mypreciouskeagan: You ain't seen flab til you've seen me! Good swimsuits/tankinis/etc avail at Taka (4th flr)

Jules: Hey, maybe the Isetan cubes and the cubes you bought downstairs are the same. BTW, how did you puree the prunes? Am wondering if we can steam them in an electric steamer. Oh yes, love that pic of XY!
you cute lah! haha..but we do learn something everyday isnt it?

you are a lucky lucky mum yur babe sleeps through &amp; I would say 7 hours straight is VERY good already! R still wakes up every few hours so count your blessings!!!
hi everyone, i really missed out on the outing.. looks like you guys had fun! sorry for last min cancelation! next one im there!!

gugi, i agree, enjoy your bb! nahhhh youre not spoiling her... in fact i think at this age, we cant quite spoil them.. they're too young.. but we can let them form bad habits.. but nothing we cant UNDO!

bcube! thanks for the brat info... i knew about rice and bananas only.. they're both very binding!

Renz, careful abt having too much rice cereal.. Ashley likes her food thick too... and over two days, i increased her rice intake.. and thts whn i faced the terrible constipation problem!!
so last few days i cut out rice altogether!

yolk, i know wht ya mean abt the juice habit.. but.. sigh she just wont drink water.. i think as she gets older i'll work on it more.. but for now.. i just want her having adequate liquids and good poo!

oh oh... i bought more sippy cups/bottles
tis is my third attempt and third brand!!
and im pretty sure ive hit jackpot!


went shopping at mothercare today, they're having clearance sale for winter/spring collection and i chanced upon the bottles..
Bfree one is good but flow is too slow.. NUBY one has good flow but kinda sits flat on her face and cant hold 200ml and up
so cross my fingers on avent!

yolk, pls give me a holler if you stumble on LJP bp!

question: using fresh apples and other fruits.. i know you can scrape them and serve them straight.. its fine of they're a little lumpy right? or do ya smash them to puree type consistency?
oh gugi, im a SAHM too... and loving it!
ive got a helper at home and tht makes it so much more easier. so i worry abt Ashley and not so much on chores and cooking!
Amber: Thanks for the info. Which part of Bukit Timah is it located? Would you mind giving me the contact no if possible?

amber/ nana: will check with MOM. Think I haven't exceeded the number of maids yet.


Thanks for the info on the cube trays. Went to NTUC today but didn't see any of them. Might get the ice-cube tray from tupperware. Actually, I prefer to get it from LPJ as I don't have to go hunting for it and the cube trays can be posted to me. However, it's really quite expensive. Hiaz, must get my butt off to Isetan.

Oh no, I just started giving Matt some apple juice from Earthbest yesterday to down him with as much liquid as possible. Fortunately, his fever has subsided. We went to the doc's twice and his medical fees are a whooping two hundred dollars in total.

irene: My MIL is also so protective over Matt. So, when mummy is around, he can be adventurous and always scares the hell out of my MIL.

Shymz: C really looks so cute.

Outing pics: Wow, the babies all look so grown up sitting on the high chairs. Must have caught quite a bit of attention from the public with so many babies together.
apologies for the blur fotos...hope u mummies dun mind

kaizer &amp; mummy kth
lucas &amp; mummy nana
grp of mummies &amp; our little ones
hey all! i was so tired last night.. was great meeting up with you mommies though i was late.

i think our babies need more space like where they can freely move so perhaps next outing could be outdoor? just a thought lah.


wairah sleeping when we reach swensen's yesterday.
oh ya, update on my laser treatment. i actually went to have my freckles lasered yesterday morning before meeting up you mommies and picking up my dad.. thats why my face was all blotchy and reddish. this is how it looks by the end of the day.
wow! looks like all the babies n mommies had a great time! all the babies are so adorable!next outing i'm gonna take leave.... C is enjoying looking at the photos too, cooing away (she loves looking at baby photos)

re: photoshoot
thanks mummies for the kind compliments

yolk: i joined the alumni...i'm staying in the north, and SN is on the way to my office, so I'm thinking of sending C there. i'm letting C watch french cartoons now, and reading to her once in a while. thinking of sending her to alliance francaise for singing classes when she's slightly older... think she'll enjoy the songs and games.

claire: oh dear, i hope matt is feeling better now. PDs are so expensive right? C bumped her head the other day and we took her for a checkup, just in case... paid $40+ for a 5min consultation. but i suppose there's not much of a choice there.

you're lucky that she's sleeping through. C is still waking up at night from time to time. C doesn't have much hair too
just discovered that it runs on my hb's side of the family... all babies had very little hair. hopefully by the time she's one yr old she'll be able to use all those cute hairclips i bought (ks mom... i've got tons of hair accessories for her)

re: needy babies
well, right now dd wants ppl to be around her 24/7. she'll cry if we leave her in her exersaucer by herself (she wants us to watch her playing....) right now she's on my lap watching me type away.
my HR gal just msn me this morning.. my boss asking me to go back to work... PART TIME!!!!!! hehe morning half...

still thinking whether should i go ahead or not... they are paying me 13 per hr... not much... but at least something...

so gals... should i??? come to think its only 4 hrs.. n i still get to take care of kaelyn in the afternoon... just from 9-1pm...

was quite surprised actually when she msn me ...hai.. dilema...

irene: I think you should try this part time thingie out
I would if I were you

yolksac: veralyn hates the rice cereal too! SHe started on rice cereal but she didnt like it. NOw she takes porridge with veg n carrots and I am ok with that.
