(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

its lunch time and i'm spending it with... MY PUMP!! boohoohoo...

all this pump at work nonsense is making me wanna throw in the towel la.. dun get me wrong, i wanna take NPL or work part time. not stop bfing..

yolksac, think the active/dun wanna drink part is a phase.. prob they are all getting more aware of their surroundings and wanna look ard/play more than they wanna drink milk. re bottle rejection, hmm... think just give her time. since u need to fatten her up, priority shld be to get in as much milk as possible, whatever the source. xy took more than a mth b4 she took a full feed from bottle u know!! got a v v stubborn girl! even now, she will refuse bottle if i am at home.. sigh..

amber, so cool that ash can try to feed herself! XYtried the same trick too.. but she did it with my nipple!! tried to giap my nipple with her hands and pull it towards her mouth! of cos all she ended up doing was pinch my nipple! OUCH!

night feeds - frankly i cant be bothered to fight with her liao.. seems so much easier to just roll over and pop my nip in her mouth to silence her!! but i know i'm possibly breeding MORE bad habits this way. what to do? too tired already!!!

Can someone perform *magic* and let all the babies be well n good again??

My holiday is almost coming to an end as it's my turn to return to work next mon ... *sigh*
Tots, me too hair dropping already. BB hair still ok bcos when she was one month old we shave her hair.

Cheok, dun worry. The bond will be still there. All my girls are still very close to me even i am working mum. When i reached home they will want me more than their grandparents who are looking after them everyday.

bedebe, haha i already lost 6kg in 2months with the help of diet pills of course. oh our company always got rumors abt ghosts. my ex office also got. Now this new office dun know haveor not but is very scaring at nite when i have to walk down to go home.

Talked abt milk, Cheylssa will wake up 4-5hours after her last feed which is aro3am and aro 6am she will start to move and guess wat i give her pacifier to let her continue to sleep w/o feeding her so i dun know whether is she hungry or nor. last x when i still not working i will feed her milk but now i am too tired so give her pacifier. If she really hungry think she will cry even i give her pacifier hor?

Last nite i reached home abt 915pm and Cheylssa woke up for milk at 10pm so i talked with her and my dad asked me not to if not she will not want to sleep haha. but now she is so cute, will response back and smile back and sometimes with a loud laugh also. Miss her so much. This is the fun x when they know how to response and smile
Seems like most of your babies sleep really early e.g. 7 - 8 pm. Zachy goes down only at 10.30 pm till 4.30 am the following day.

Jules, just want to thank you for telling me that it is possible to latch on for a full feed. I have been latching Zachy on for the past two weeks and it has been really good. No more pumping, sterilizing and washing of bottles. Especially in the country I am in, its better not to introduce external source into the little body of his! Actually, I am doing the same with Zachy with regards to the night feeds. I simply pop my nipple into his mouth to silence him regardless of whether if he is hungry =P

Amber, Ash is so adorable! I am impressed too!

May, maybe you can try excercising? It might help to burn off the fats. I have been walking alot and within a week, I lost about 5 kg.
lilac, HURRAY!!! see?? told u its really possible
very very pleased for u gal!! btw,do u intend to bf until zach doesnt need any more milk? u r doing TBF now right? u might wanna give him the occasional bottle in case u need to bottlefeed him eventually cos there's really a high chance of him rejecting bottle even tho he was bottle fed since quite young.

hmm... wonder if we are adopting the role of human pacifier by stuffing the nip in to silence the kiddies.. but its the most convenient leh.. can let them suck themselves back to sleep!
wow the thread suddenly move so fast??

jules, you so free in your office ah!! heehee..

Jovan is crying everynight around 10+ for 15 to 30min.. still dont know what happen to him.When we reach home around 8pm usually he will be sleeping, will wake up around 830 to 9pm then play with us awhile, but when hit about 10 to 1030pm he will start crying!!! By then my mum will come over and bring him away, soothe him till he sleep.. sometime i just feel so useless that i cant pacific him...

Last nite he didnt sleep well too... wake up at 1 330 5 then 6am.. make me so tired now...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Jules</font>
I m guilty of being a human pacifier as well ... especially at times when baby is crying for no reason don't know what he wants, so just pop nipple into his mouth and his cries will stop immediately!
ok...i must be the baddest mummy ard...

veve sometimes opens her eyes at night but i'll ignore and go back to sleep...tell hb to resist the urge to pick her up and to leave her alone. usu she'll fall asleep herself...even if it's an hour to her usual wake time. i dun wanna start a new habit for her...sekali everytime she wake she demands attn fr us then gone are the days of sleepfulness :p hee...even when i wake up to pump and she's rousing...i dun look her in the eye and jus continue my stuff...
Jules, thank you so much!! Well, actually I am planning to stop after 6 mths.... but then again, if I am up for it, will still continue. As for bottlefeeding, he seems to be doing quite well. In fact, I was rather worried that he will have nipple confusion that I did not dare to let him on bottle. But yesterday, he was real fussy so I decided to feed him FM and he took on quite well. Thankfully, at night, he still latched on. One down side though, I am not following ANY schedule at all. Cos' each time he fusses, I will latch him on for comfort as instructed by the BMSG counsellor. Like now, he has been sleeping for 2 hours straight w/o waking up for a feed.

Peck, don't feel useless. You are still caring for him and is working to provide for him mah.

I am currently thinking ahead. When do you mums intend to start solids? I read that the first solids can be rice cereals? What brand is good? I am not starting yet but because I am in China and someone is visiting us in Nov, I was thinking that I get him to buy first. Any recommendations? I remembered this brand called 'Rusky'? Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

Oh ya, any idea where I can get winter clothing for babies in Singapore? It is so hard to buy winter clothings for Zachy because apparently, the locals do not bring their babies out until they are 6 mths old!!!
bedebe, ermm cant ignore xy cos she screams and cries.. cries get louder and louder until i pat her or latch her on. no ignoring possible lor.. morning also like that.

peck, where got free?? notice the length of time in between my posts??
Jules, my girl have always been waking up in the middle of the night for that 5 mins of suckling. Guess that their way of gaining comfort and assurance so I just made do with it.

Yolksac, maybe u might wanna try letting Ems sleep more during daytime. My MIL claims that BB who sleep during daytime will fatten up easily. (Not too sure how true lah)

Heard that semi-solids can be introduced during 4th months in like 1 spoon per day kinda thing.

Lilac, y dun you make your semi-solids like making some puree using a grinder?

Feels that giving up on bf soon too cos it's soo TIRING to wake up soooo much earlier just to empty breasts!
Bedebe: huh, so u are confirm returning to work? Everyday my hubs will tell me to resign. But now that i am working, its not as bad as i thought. Sigh, it doesnt help that my pay just got more attractive. maybe u should go back work first and see how u feel. If cannot, just quit! I need to decide quick cos the infant care i want has limited spaces next year.

jules: i am so comforted to know that i am not alone!!! can you consider part time?
lilac, 4months onwards can introduce solids food which is rice cereal. Got one brand which is for 4months but forgot the name of the brand. As long as bb neck is strong and seems want to eat then we can try. But normally first time is just for trying as they may not get used to it.

Jules, Cheylssa also will cry very loud if we ignored her. Last mon we went out with my aunt and when my aunt talked to her she frown and cried and so my aunt carried her but she cried more loud and she was outside the restaurant and i can heard from inside. My aunt said she recongise ppls liao but i dun think so leh.
hi all!
busy day at work and i don even have time to think of my girls.. except during the 45mins of expressing during lunch.

<font color="ff0000">flip</font>
i guess Wairah is happy as long as Lis or mommy talk to her.. she wil smile and make little sounds as if responding. there are times when she just don't want to be on her tummy.. and she's stil figuring out how to flip back to lying down position.

<font color="119911">losing hair</font>
Wairah has botak patches, more on the back of her head. the sides and top seems pretty even. funny to find some super fine hair on mattress

<font color="0000ff">fussiness</font>
Wairah slept thru from 10pm to 5-ish when she start to fuss for my boob.. she don't really want to drink, just want the comfort of mommy. sometimes i give in, sometime i ignore til she cry out loud.
my helper do tell me that Mondays seem a lil more fussy as probably she's too clingy during the wkn and hence feels the "lost" come Monday when i go to work. She would want to be carried more and will cry (luckily soft cry) when put down.

<font color="aa00aa">working</font>
on this, in think for now i can stil afford to work as my office is only 15mins drive away, working hours is ok (8-5), work is not stressful and the pay isn't too bad... oh ya, bonus is also coming so thats something to look fwd to. this year i feel like i cheated: worked 9 months but get 13 months of pay + bonus.. oh well..
R was using avent all the way. Then I bought nuk yesterday and she took a bottle in the evening but today, she screamed murder when the bottle was near her!
I am gonna go crazy w this bottle rejection things! So I thought ok lor give her breast...and guess what..she fuss w breast now!!! ARrGgggHh!!! She wriggle and squirm and yell...aiyo I am so tired lah....
bcube, me too so tired.. feel like collapsing. sigh Ash is super tired and thank heavens she went down without much fuss.. but im so drained frmlack of sleep tht i really dont feel like doing the next feed.. have asked hb to give bottle while i pump...

its times like these whn i so exhausted i really feel like giving up bf man cos the thought of having a full nights sleep while hb feeds her sounds all too tempting

im still determined to give up bf by xmas... which means nov i'll try to drop a feed without expressing.

i love my neverfull!!! its sitting in my bedroom on the floor facing the bed where i sleep

my fingers are crossed for tonight.. ya know, ive never let her sleep straight thru before..i wonder wht time she'll wake if i didnt get her up to feed at 1130 hmmm

nor your very lucky wairah can sleep so long!!
hey the pic you posted reminds me of Ash and her new riverdance routine
she loves to lift both feet up high like wht wairah is doing and bang them down on the mattress... she does this over and over and over again...

arghhh i feel like sleeping.. im so sleep deprived i feel giddy and can throw up

4ever! wht diet pills are you taking??
i dont believe diet pills work unless its coupled with petite amts of food and lots of exersion

bcube i'll scream with you AAAaarrrrGGggghhhHHHHH!
nite ya all.. will report tmr..
ohh btw, mission ignore till 530am has been aborted.. decided to give her another night to get her quai quai act together
bcube, think our little girls really quite samseng hor?? and soooo picky!! argh... cant be rejecting breast and bottle la, so dont worry. that thot did occur to me one fine day when xy decided to scream both at breast and bottle. thankfully next day ok liao.. otw she no need to drink milk already!!

lilac, the brand i've heard of is healthy times. thats organic rice cereal i think, which i will prob use to start off first. gd that u gave bottle without problem.. hope u wont end up like me - xy still dun really like bottle. this evening she was drinking her milk when i came back. the moment she saw me she started to push the bottle away!! had to go hide in the rm but damage done already.. cldnt finish!!

cheok, can consider part time la, but that means half the pay for nearly full work load most of the time!
Jules, so serious arh? XY really is a mummy's girl. Only want mummy's mammaries. I was thinking that I may just latch all the way till I introduce cup to Zachy. We will see how it goes. Zachy sometimes still fusses at the breast. Suck a little and then pull off from my nipple which hurts tremendously. Recently, he has been biting on my nipple too. Hiaz....

4ever, thanks for letting me know. Will ask my friend to check.

Amber, press on! I must admit it is not easy especially since you are latching Ash on and also giving her FM. I am sure you will do well =)

Tots, ya, was thinking of that as well. Gonna get a grinder soon so that I can start making puree. Try it out first.
hi hi

just to share also, my bb has also been fussing like every less than 2 hrs - literally crying and fussing and sometimes screaming at the top of his voice!

lilac, my boy also bites at my nipples. and ouch it hurts real bad!

somebody mentioned to me could be due to my food intake cos i'm doing tbf. so now trying to avoid some foods to see whether it works ;-)
biting - v funny.. read that another mummy actually pinches the bbs nose when she bites - then bb will have to let go and open her mouth to breathe. at the same time, can send bb the msg that biting = no breast = no milk!
i'm losing hair too!Sigh..!

you can try Heinz plain rice cereal(box)sold in supermarket.Can give from 4mths onwards.I intend to introduce cereal, 1 wk b4 6mths. So to let him get use to it's texture and taste.After which will replace 1 feed with cereal
. Healthy Times Organic cereal comes in Oats , Barley ,Brown Rice and Mixed Grain. Can get from Brown Rice Paradise at Tanglin Mall.
According to the lady there, oats and barley is suitable from 4mths onwards.It is not printed on the box, unlike Heinz.Brown rice 6mths onwards and Mixed Grain much later.
hey mummies, sorry havent posted for so long.. I resonate with many of you.. baby Max born 17 July also have same issues.. bottle rejection, see what my hubby wrote abt it -

and heading back to work, yah, pumping so ma fan..

I go back to work this Monday too, and everyday I am typing my resignation letter in my head..

And baby Max has been showing some teething symptoms also.. he feasts on his fists everyday..

Nipple-biting, ya, I also kena pulled at and bitten these two days..if you have the Tracy Hogg book, secrets of the baby whisperer, there is a section teaching baby how to have BREAST Manners..

if total bf.. it is usually recommended to start weaning later at 6 months.. if partial FM/ or FM fed babies...can start weaning earlier.. earliest is 4 months.. but best is to see baby... can start if bb can sit upright and has good head support...

why start later for bf bb cos of the worry of allergies.

I used organic brands like Earth best and Healthy times.. these are the 2 most popular brands used in this forum with regards to organic brown rice, barley, oatmeal and mixed grain cereals for baby.

I started off with brown rice first than slowly added barley, than later oatmeal and mixed grain..
why? cos this is the order that is least allergenic... or that is what i gathered...

Most ppl will start with brown rice first... u don't really need to use organic.. but its the trend now... u can always use the traditional chinese type with sisen and ikan bilis from NTUC also or some ppl even get from those chinese hall the freshly ground brown rice powder... some of these u need to cook over the stove, the organic type you don't need, u just warm the FM/ BM and put in the cereal and serve.

There are other organic brands like organix and HIPP... all good, just that healthy times is available at NTUC and available for BP with home delivery.. otherwise the rest u can get at Brown rice paradise at tanglin mall (can join memebership to get discount) as mentioned by littletot and vitakids at forum galleria...

Earth best is supposed to be slightly cheaper but i think if u buy from NTUC/ BP healthy times is the cheapest...

U can use BM to mix in the cereal but becos of the enzyme in breastmilk u will find as u feed the cereal will get more and more watery and till like water.. so some ppl prefer to use FM.

note... a few months back some recall from jar foods from earthbests so i kinda held back from buying the brand altho its cereal wasn't on recall.

forgot to mention.. when starting brown rice.. very impt to feed extra water as it is very CONSTIPATING!!! u will find your bb poo will start to become more solid and not like the watery/pasty type you get now as the bb feeds more and more on solids...
Good morning!! finally its friday again..
tabbiesus, if intro solid must add cereal into milk first?? Or we can give puree?
wow so fast everyone is talking about introducing semi solids? Introducing solids sounds fun but I have an article from "Mind Your Body" section which says that some research has shown that early introduction of semi-solids may trigger allergies as the digestive system is not mature enough yet so it's best to wait till 6 months. At least that's what my PD recommends too. My hubby & I have allergies so I am not taking any chances.

Also, my PD recommends white rice first then brown because she says that brown rice can be quite harsh for some babies' digestive system. That's why they get constipation because their system finds it hard to digest it, thus taking a longer time.

If I am not wrong the other rice cereal for 4 months is Friso cream. My friend just mentioned it to me the other day. It is the one with the giraffe or elephant (cant rem which!)

Oh well, its up to each mummy but I am rather conservative so I think I will stick to the 6mth rule unless my gal really goes on a milk strike!

BTW, Metro is having the Infant fair at all stores. The Avent manual pump, 2 feeding bottles plus food warmer is going only at $105! sighs..how come didnt have such deals earlier! They are selling teethers, Carters shoes etc. Just saw it in my email.
Hi peck

i started brown rice first cos its the simplest.. and from what i read, most ppl also start on brown rice.. but u can always start on puree first if u start later at 6 months... the only worry about starting on purees is that some foods are more allergenic.. so if u have a strong family history u want to go slow.

Actually there's no hard and fast rule cos i've had this discussion b4 with my other mommies with no. 1... some ppl will intro faster, some slower... its what u are comfortable with and what ur bb is willing to take.

I go and dig out my web site on weaning for u...

last baby i was on partial bf so i started at 5 months cos couldn't keep up with her milk demands... and also gave rice first until 6 months then i started on vege puree like peas, carrots, squash
Amber, i took the diet pills from a doctor at Bishan. All along have been taking that and bcos i want to slim down fast that why have to look for him. I am very lazy so exercise is hard for me.

Oh ya the 4months rice cereal is heniz.
re: friso creme

just to let u know.. its very sweet... so u might find that after ur bb eats this.. they dun want to eat anything else...
tabbiesus, thanks for the very useful info on weaning!! btw, was wondering if my bb is considered tbf cos she was on 1 FM feed per day for the 1st mth.. after which its been BM the whole way. just figured that since she's already been exposed to the allergens in FM, there shldnt be any problems starting semisolids earlier at 4 mths right? share ur thots?

really tempted to start her on cereal soon cos hoping it will help her sleep thru. but saw in a lot of websites that weaning doesnt help bb to sleep thru in most cases. mil and mum keep telling me that putting some cereal into her milk for the last feed will help, but i'm kinda hesitant with putting cereal in bottles cos it shld by right be eaten with a spoon!!

hmm.. bb poos like once every 4-5 days now. if she goes on brown rice then i can prob save even more diapers hahahahah!!! :p

lilac, maybe u can get ur family to buy the cereal for u and mail to u in china. better than using the china brands hor..
4ever... very tempting to get diet pills.. i did tht for my wedding and i look oh so good! how you take pills if bf??
was contemplating it after i stop.. hmm.. but there are so many dangers associated w it.. i had serious heart palpatations last time.

tabbiesus.. you dont always say much.. but whn you do.. i have to stop and write it down!!!
hey.. was planning to do exactly wht you described with your 1st
Ash is on partial bm and was planning to introduce rice cereal at 5mths. isnt their swallow reflex also very important?
i read somewhere tht their weight at the time plays a big role.. bigger bb need more to sustain and if you find tht bb used to sleep well thru the night n suddenly always needs to wake up n feed, its an indication they're re ready for solids...

oh oh.. i wrote down the whole list abt where, which brand and the order of cereals to introduce!!
thank you so muc!!!!

livvie honey, i heard the same thing abt the friso cream
a friend also used Heinz but i have yet to read more abt it... good to compare wht the breakdown of ingredients is on the label..

argh..gotta run..
ok pumping n using my iPhone hee this is great just wanted to add tht last night ash woke at 4 n I decided to ignore her well basically I turned the monitor volume down n waited n she stopped after 5 mins. she fussed again at 430 but stopped thn she woke up at 530 n Iatched her its been smooth n I schedule ever since

Will try same thing tonight
my ss is decreasing it takes 5 hrs to get really full now n yields only 120
I'm torn abt bf I always say I wanna stop thn I get upset whn I slow down duh
was planning to drinks tons of water n power pump yet I wanna quit altogetherr
I'm mentally unsound
amber, my ss also decreasing.. sigh.. but i'm kinda obsessed. will just pump however long it takes to get the yield i expect! even in office. heck man.

here is the healthy times website in singapore...

no lah.. i just share my experience with no. 1... if u read all the threads on weaning u will gather more info on weaning.. but i feel its really up to the parents and what they are comfortable with giving... but u r right ... in the end it depends on whether your baby is ready... some may not be ready at 4 months... bare in mind feeding at 4 months is more like one spoonful or two.. don't expect bb to be able to eat the whole bowl the first time round.. some bb are natural eaters.. some just graze...
Wow, tabbiesus, thanks for the information. This is very helpful!! Will ask my relative to check it out so that she can buy for me.

Livvie, no lah, I am not starting solids so soon yet. My baby is only 3 mths old. The reason why I asked is because I am currently working in this ulu part of China. A friend is visiting us in Nov. so thinking of stocking up soon.

Littletot, thanks for the recommendations. Will check it out as well.

Jules, ya lor. Sometimes, I will unlatch Zachy and tell him in a stern voice saying that he cannot bite. He will just look at me with those dopey eyes and break out into a wide grin. Hiaz.... also don't know how to discipline him!!
Amber, i not bf anymore that why i took the pills. Then you better dun take the pills. Better to be safe.

Jules, my mom also asked me to put cereal in the milk so that they can sleep thru and i tried oni once and my girls dun like and i also dun like the idea of putting the cereal inside the milk.
thanks for the info on how to wean off bf!

yuup, how come my ss seems to be decreasing too?!
i feel so engorged before my nite pumping and yet it yields 100odd ml too.

my mum was telling me that she started us on cereals when we were ard 4 months old.

and jules, yup, it was mixed into the milk instead of by spoon feed!

talk about nipples biting, yes, my boy bites and pulls my nipple real hard at times too!

the clinic in bishan is ard streat 20plus ya?
heard a few frens who went there too!
since being on diet pills, did u get side effects like getting hot-tempered? a fren did.

hey my sleep positioners do not work on my boy anymore, he kicks off the positioners to the end of his bed

is it not necessary for babies to increase milk intake as they grow??
Hi mommies
anyone using Dr Brown bottles?
I have a 120ml brand new, unopened one for sale.
PM me if interested
so busy at work sianz..

tabbiesus,thank you for your information, i'm not keen to start so early, but i think my mum wanna add cereal in the milk. I better read up before give green light to let her add anything in the milk..
Jules, how long does it take you to pump usually?

sigh.. ive decided to do wht i possibly can..ive the feeling my ss is dwindling cos ive been out and stretching the hours plus notdrinking v much water..

ok im gonna say it... if i dry up thn i dry up..
im not feeling bad abt stopping

hmmm... i wonder if i'll still be saying tht in a week from now...

any mum know how long we shld keepsleeppositioner for? i reckon till its no longer a safety issue for thm to be on their tums.. they can safely flip back and forth no??

bcube, pars, yolk how was last night??
yolk any final decision made on work?
pars i put my teethers in the fridge.. Ash is so teething..
damn..this bottle rejection phase is really getting to me! and on top of that she started using me as a human pacifier!! Oh double whammy!!! HOW HOW HOW!!!!!!
tabbiesus!! thts a fantastic website!! been reading it! wow..lovely
thank you so much!

pars.. the cereal is available at GWC so not a prob with our grocery shopping..

hey all Ash is starting to outgrow her size M nappy
sigh shes so big..and long mostly
huh Ash using M and outgrwing!?! R still using size S for nepia leh! Its supposed to last till 8kg mah...when do u decide its too small and change to next size?

Sigh i am gonna go MEMMORIZE GF schedule again! If i am going to be latching her on then I MUST at least get a proper schedule going! This demamnd feeding Bullshit has gotta stop!

I guess you gals can sense by now i am getting desperate..and frustrated..and TIRED! Shit I have a whole truck load of WORK waiting for me to complete but its it crawling at a snails pace!

I tell you gals dont envy me for working from home. Its HORRID especially when your maid is the one playing with your baby while you are slogging away and listening to BB cooing and laughing! And the work hours never end!

Amber lets scream togeth..ready? 1, 2 , 3 ARRGGhhhHHHAARRGGHHHhhhggg!!!!!
is a walk behind walker better or a normal sit in the middle type better huh???? cant decide which to get!!!!!!!!!!!

saw this in usa... but can only convert to walk behind walker n exersaucer!... if buy another walker die lor!! home no space! hahaha
Hi all, long time no drop by.
Busy with work and bb.
Shave Zev last sat when he turns 4mth old. He still cant flip yet.
My ss plunged super low, i can survive 10hrs and only managed to get yield of 160ml.

Something interesting to share, apparently malay aunties from my workplace very strongly believe its true.


My ss is also dipping, and on one hand that I feel like weaning, the next min I'll get real upset and try my best to increase my ss again. Contradicting ya? Yes, I also by all means no matter how long it takes will wanna hit my target volume, if not I'm not gonna to stop pumping even that I'm running late for work. But it's so tired to wake up 1 hr earlier each day b4 work just to express... Arggggghhhhh!
