(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

i am still in office again. Going off soon, waiting for my coll hb to come and send me home

Tmr i am on leave and bring Chyelssa for injection. Hope she will not have fever after that.

<font color="0000ff">peck</font>, i see i see.. mebbe can try to talk to her abt having some space. not everyone can understd this i know, perhaps have someone she trust subtly bring up this subject, make it casual thou.

oh oh, i forgot to say this: my LV nearly drop out of the car!! On the PIE!! as hubb was driving he mention that one of the doors is not closed properly. so he opened his side and re-closed. the icon stil indicate that door not close properly. so i just open my side slightly and totally forgot that i had placed my bag at the side. it was leaning against the door as i open it. but luckily i only open like 2 inches wide and re-closed.. my heart skipped a beat!! close shave.. if not my dear LV neverfull would have been involved in a traffic collision with the motorbike behind.. so careless of me! <font color="ff0000">so ladies, moral of the story: NEVER place your NEVERfull (or any other bags & valuables that is) beside the car door.</font>
Aiyo! Thats a close close shave! Iagine the headlines in the papers: "MOTORCYCLIST STRUCK DOWN BY HIGHLY COVETED LV NEVERFULL BAG!" Would have been a scream!
u can try giving her panadol immediately after the jab just to be kiasu. I did that for R and thankfully I did as she did feel warmer that day and was slightly more fussy!

<font color="0000ff">NIPPLE-LIKE TEAT</font>
U know I kept wondering, technology is so advanced now, why can they make a teat that have the same texture and feel like a nipple?!?! Then wouldnt it have solved the bottle rejection problem and make the manufacturer a millionaire!?!? Hmm...mybe thats my route to getting rich! Heehee!!
hello mummies

it's mid-october le...time really flies...jules...xy 4mths old today ya?

4ever...veve had slight fever a few hours after the jab. we slapped on those cooling pad for about 3 hours and her fever lifted. our policy is to only give panadol when absolutely necessary. btw my PD says fever is defined as above 37.5 degrees for babies.

4ever...how's your new office? nice? how's the food? wah...poor thing...gotta work till so late...*pat pat*

pita...veve's daddy's family is lactose intolerant which means they can only tolerate milk products to a certain extent. for veve, when i take any dairy products, she'll break out in rashes on the face. i've checked and it's probably cos she's intolerant to certain milk protein and is not entirely lactose intolerant cos lactose can be found in BM too, so to be truly lactose intolerant, your baby can't even take your BM and wun thrive at all. are you suspecting gayle to be LT?

about eczema...veve's got really dry skin...prob inherited from us. to this, PD advised me agst having seafood, dairy products, peanuts- the usual suspects. i so can cry to giving up dairy products- it's like everything in the market contains it even gardenia bread! hmmm...gotta learn how to make sherbet

abt neverfull...i was trying to get hb to get it for me jus b4 delivery but no luck cos got blings le
btw, my aunt's MM's strap came off or something within weeks of use. LV agreed to repair but she insisted on a new one :p well, it's supposed to be heavy duty!

abt quinny buzz...i dun care i took out the pram seat to use le and it looks and feels more comfy than the maxi cosi!

abt babyrock...i caved in and got one for veve. she was especially happy to sit in it after an afternoon of me carrying-couldn't bring pram out. she attracted a lot of stares cos she was happily looking around in a forward sitting position...looked like a joey :p but she still hates lying in the sling and doesn't q like sitting facing me...tat ger is so kpo

talking abt samsengness...veve loves to kick my other breasts when BFing...either that or she'll dig her foot into my armpit! at the changing table, she'll either kick my breasts or my tummy...aaargh
hey everyone..

so most of us having fussy bb? sigh ive been having hellish nights..

and not so happening days either.. Ash refuses her milk halfway thru thn screams bloody murder after an hour or so and the whole cycle repeats itself.. i think shes not well.. seems to have the runs and grumps all day

and very sleepy all of a sudden.. any one have a clue whts up?
i can only give her wht she needs whn i guess wht it is.. or pacify her.. now im struggling with the assumption tht maybe shes not sick but getting really smart??

ive now cut out even the one bottle of fm and giving her only ebm

bedebe.. yes!! ive changed to my buzz base instead of maxi cosi.. wht a diff cos the carseat is so HOT.. she much more comfortable in the original seat..

neverfull: Nor whahhhh horror if your bag got run over!!
and even worse if someone got hurt because of it..
but i must say i had a good laugh whn i read your post!

yolk... MINE MINE MINE!! woohoooooo
i cant wait for my neverfull
im drooling just like Ash.. slobbering everywhere!!!

unhappy bb again.. gotta go
you are not alone with a grumpy baby!

Sigh its my BD today and I should be having a good day but oh boy its a lousy day man! I am feeling so tired and lifeless! R has also been testing my patience. She kept yelling and crying...sigh...

sigh. finally can do some posting. cant post any message for the past 2 weeks.

re: fussy baby ==> maybe baby's teething


The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:
Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)

Gum swelling and sensitivity

Irritability or fussiness

Biting behavior

Refusing food

Sleep problems

Ashlyn starts teething at end 3rd month. She has all the above symptoms. hers start at the 2 central incisor and right lateral incisor.

She's better after fussing and screaming for 2 weeks.
amber, bcube i'm also having a yelling and crying bb... is it colic? i'm also not sure ;-(

chin up bcube! today is your BD... this is just a phase, we'll pull it thru sooooooon.

happy birthday!
<font color="0000ff">HI Bcube</font>


Cheer up okay?? Are u able to get someone to take care of your baby while u MIA for few hours?? Like go shopping or etc??
<font color="aa00aa">Re Fussing Baby</font>

My baby is also fussy these few days especially when drinking EBM. Last evening & just now he throw up all his milk!! And I have to latch him on immediately if not he's hungry. After latching on he will be happily sucking. Seems like he don't want EBM and only want latch on. Hopefully he can resume drinking EBM soon as i will be returning to work next monday
bcube...happy birthday, cheer up ok. I remember when i celebrated my bday, Faith also fussed alot. But it was a memorable birthday as it was celebrated with my BB for the very first time

All mummies
Has anyone here started on potty training? How can I get started?
yo mummies

how do we wean off breastfeeding huh? will we hv engorgement?? for eg, planning to stop breastfeeding after baby is 6th month old.

my mum trained us on potty once we hit 4th month old. she put us on potty at the same timing every morning.

asked for no pay leave at this moment, see, it's not even approved yet *roll eyes* why not they just let me quit on the spot..:p

happie birthday,bcube!
OMG the BIGGEST BADDEST storm is coming my way
its running this way like in the movie THE MUMMY

OMGits above my block like a freaking UFO
ok.. enough drama

hey Jules... how much does XY drink?

did you notice a big intake diff at 3mths?

Ash just did 210 and polished it off very cleanly.. i think she cldve done a little more if i had any

she's reallty been outta sync lately..

ok am gonna go read up now..

all the symptoms you quoted sound like wht Ash is going thru...
shes constantly got her fists in her mouth and needs to bite down on things.. shes also drooling like shes about to get a neverfull!


shes refusing her milk, thn gets super hungry at the next feed..crying and fretful a lot more..
and seems very much more tired thn usual..

poppy, am not sure if its colic or teething.. always thought it was too early for teething..
as for colic, i thought Ash was colicky, but turned out shes a huge eater.. she just downed 210ml!

i think in the end, we just do wht we can intelligently, and hope for a solution. whn i hit a wall.. i always try to figure a way ard it.. im always playing with Asdh schedule and feeds and sleep to find wht works best..
Pita, am not sure abt the lactose intolerance.. but im guessing bb wld have the runs and fussiness and gas..
i believe reaction is not just to the fm but to mums diet!!

im no expert but my PD adviced me to change my fm (even tho its only given at 1130pm 180ml) to a soy formula whn i complained Ash had bad rashes/exzema in her folds.. so im thinking somehow dairy can aggravate it or something..

ya know,the net has all the answers.. try you might find a solution
bcube, im in there with you on this nipple like thingie business!!!

drats now im craving for cake..

im so exhausted.. ash doesnt sleep in the day!!

today she did 2hrs TOTAL
but she goes down like a ton of bricks in the evening.. so im free till 1130pm, but i cant sit in bed and relax,.. its like im trying to make up for me time

nana: to stop bf, i was told you can drop a feed at a time.. start by changing the last evening feed to fm.. and express some bm to feel comfotable but dont clear your boobs.. keep doing this for a few days and repeat for another feed.. next one to drop wld be the 1030am feed.. repeat for a few days.. your boobs will end up making less and less..

i heard it cld take almost a month or so.. im sure there are faster ways.. cos boobs are v sensitive.. just keep expressing a bit at a time so they dont get engorged and v quickly you'll dry up.

im planning on stopping by xmas.. so am planning to drop feed(meaning dont pump all out, just some) in November! and do it VERY GRADUALLY.. perhaps more so for emotional and attachment reasons..
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube, imagine me singing k</font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Bcube! Happy Birthday to you!</font>
<font color="ff0000">*applause*</font>
Hi Nor!!

er... yeah just check guccissima.. nich ah???

am gonna save for it!!

but by the time i save for it, i would have found something else i like..
hmm.. am running out of birthdays to get it

am not thinking about it so much lah cos its SO not detrimental tht i have it.. i'll put it on my wish list

bcube: i hope your having a nice time tonight!!!

im feeling in goood spirits now.. hb is home and im having a good ol milo

take care ya all and hope tmr is a gd day for all of us!!
Amber, yeah the collection is really nice.. thats in my to-buy list but for now i'm looking for a nice wallet

oh bcube, if ever you start that biz of the nipple-teat thingy, I WANT TO BUY SHARES! or better stil, can be partners *wink* i work in the lab doing development and plastics is my expertise remember.. heheh
Bcube, happy belated birthday.

Guess wat in the end Cheylssa did not inject yesterdat bcos she cough again and i told the doc and doc said wait for one more week but now i decide to bring er to her PD for injection bcos she will know her condition and will be in the good place to know whether she can inject or not.

bedebe, if i leave the office at 6pm there will be a risk i may take the 2nd shuttle bus. The ppls here is getting more and dun expect to go home early liao since we have to wait for the shuttle bus. The food here is ex too so sometimes we take the shuttle bus to harbourfront for lunch. I have to leave half an hour early in the morning too.. So sad
bedebe & amber,

thanks for your replies. i am not sure if gayle is lactose intolerant. i began to worry when she poo many times a day and she was having watery stools. she's on EBM and Similac and she could have 4-6 times poo a day. PD told me its normal for her poo to be watery since she is on EBM. But told PD my concern that she is alr a 3mth+ baby, why does she still poo so many times like a newborn? PD gave an all clear to her condition but suggested i gave ISOMIL (soy based FM) to see if her condition improves. She's on ISOMIL for almost a week and I have stopped giving her EBM, and true enough she poo less number of times a day. Till now, I can't conclude if she is lactose intolerant. She seems to be thriving before when she is on EBM and Similac, though weight gain is slow, but there are no fussing/crying/rashes, except the watery stools and many times a day. I may wan to change her back to Similac 2 days later and see how she reacts to that,perhaps then I can have a certainty.
I guess babies have their 'off' days or perhaps they are more playful(distracted)as they grow. My girl drinks only 70ml sometimes, where the usual should be 130ml. I guess just as long they are happy & wetting their diapers, it should be fine.
hi guys, havent logged in for ages cos started work on monday..
bb actually refused to look at me or smile when i came home after work the 1st day! was sooo devastated! luckily she started smiling again yesterday.. hb thinks i'm paranoid!

bedebe, yup time flies man.. xy 4 mths liao.. veve turning 4 mths soon ma! really envy u for being able to become a SAHM cos i really miss xy so much!! every morning i'm late for work cos i keep going back to say bye and give her yet another gdbye kiss! and i HATE having to pump in office.. so stressful man.

bcube, happy belated bday!!

amber, ur posts always make me laugh! guess i will stop bfing whenever i dry up on my own.. dun think i wanna go thru the painful engorgement of stopping or taking away pumps. xy still drinking 100ml 3 hrly. its been this way since she was 3 mths old.. no sign that she wants more leh!
My boy is so fussy today!! Thought is because he is hungry. So latched him on and fed him 100ml of FM. But he is still fussy!!! Changed his diaper and tried to coax him to sleep. Slept for a while and was startled awake. Not too sure why he keep startling. Last night was especially bad. He will startle every 5 mins. I have to use my hand to press against his chest.

When will baby's neck be strong. Seems like Zachy's neck is still very wobbly...

Hiaz, he is fussing again. Need to tend to him.
thanks all for birthday wishes! Nor thanks for the song!! Heehee...

Lilac, eel come to the fussy baby club!! It seems they r all real fussy at this stage!

Nuk teat!
R took a bottle of 80ml just now with the Nuk premium teat!!! Not sure if its a fluke or that she is too tired to fuss but I am damn happy! Hopefully I have found the solution to her bottle rejection!!!

Yolksac, thanks for answering my call re teats just now!! Hope ems was fine!

hmm I think we might have created a monster in u! U have not even used the Neverfull yet and u r already looking for another!! Haha!!
hello all!
its mid week already... or shall i say its only mid week??
Wairah have not had her 3rd month jab as she was coughing last week so gotta postpone til next week. She's better now but not fully recovered.. here's the pic of Wairah's first flip

<font color="aa00aa">bcube</font> yah i think Amber has been successfully turned to the "dark" side.. hyak hyak hyak..
<font color="0000ff">Hi nor</font>
Wairah seems to enjoy the flip ... when's my baby turn? He will be 3 mth old this fri. Till date he still cannot hold up his head well and also don't know how to flip leh

<font color="0000ff">hi littletot</font>
I agree with pita that babies have their off days. My boy did not drink much milk last few days and today he's able to finish 160 ml within 10 min. The few days when he didn't drink much, he was fussy n very distracted & few times he even throw up almost all the milk.
pita & winniebear,
these days he drink a bit then get distracted or wants to play.Refuses his milk and even fighting sleep!

is your bb dropping hair? Mine drop till botak patches here and there liao...sob sob.
hello Ladies!
long time no log in. Been back to work since Tues. I cried when i left my baby and when i return i cried again while looking at him. But Wed got better and today im fine. Lots of experience mums tell me its all about getting used to.

Since back at work, i suddenly feel like im myself again. I actually felt good knowing that i can be of some used to the society other than changing nappies! hahaa, funnily i didnt miss my boy as much in the office. For that reason, i am comtemplating to continue working. But when i return home, its another story. After work, Shayne gets very sleepy so i've to rush home only to race to finish my meal, wash him up, feed him before putting him to sleep. By then, i hardly have any interaction time (or as long as i would like to have) with him. I don't know if its just me being paranoid but i feel that the bond between me and him is depleting and this is just after 2 days!
So for this reason, i want to quit.

Again, i am torn. Arrrgg, GOd help meeee!!
Littletot, me also facing hair loss. Can see sooo much hair drop after shower. Scare will be botak soon too...cos I am one with not much hair.

Nor, Wairah always seems to be so cheerful and smiley ya...
Morning ladies.. one more day to the weekend!! yippeeee!!!

cheok, i share ur sentiments to the last word.. as i read ur post, i was echoing YA YA YA!!! i get home abt 630.. and bb goes to bed at abt 8 plus. so thats only 2 hrs of awake time with her! this morning i actually woke her up to play with her and to say bye (evil mummy ya)! but it feels so gd to get a gdbye smile from bb b4 leaving for work!
oddly my return to work has made me even more certain that i really prefer staying home with bb though i thot i wldnt be the SAHM kinda mummy. but circumstances dont permit me to do so..

bcube, what teat was R using b4? thankfully xy has been taking bottle and finishing all her milk each feed when i am at work. its only her 5plus feed that she fusses and refuses bottle (mil says its cos she knows mummy is coming home!!).

nor, wairah looks really happy on her tummy!! cham la xy still no sign of flipping! and she is already 4 mths old!

littletot, my bb also starting to bald. but mummy is worst!! everyday i sweep up so much hair from my room floor!!

re fussy babies and poor feeding - my girl has acted up in this area so much that i just let her be if she doesnt wanna drink milk. figure that she'll eventually drink when she's hungry enough!
btw, my kiddo is acting up these days.. her last feed usually at 12, after which she'll be up ard 5 plus for her next feed. then at abt 630-7, she'll start fussing, and only settle when i latch her on. even then she'll only suck for like 5 min then unlatch and go back to sleep! whats going on?? cant be hungry barely 2 hrs after her last feed right??
cheok...haha...i gotta confess...

days after declaring my grand plans for december and SAH...i kinda started thinking tt i'll go back to work after all...

and now tt i'm kinda prepared myself mentally for it...hb starts saying things like at home it's one veve to one mummy compared to infantcare where it's one baby is to two caregivers at best...aaargh!!!

and like you i'm concerned abt spending too little time with veve cos she seems to be KOing earlier and earlier...aiyo...so now wat we do is when she starts fussing at 7+ when hb is back...hb will rock her to nap...we finish dinner then wake her up to pong pong and her last feed...else if she KO at 7...daddy has no time at all w veve

and i'm not sure how true it is or they're jus being real bored at work but there's a rumour and sightings of ghost in the office...yikes! so not making me wanna go back to work.

abt refusing the bottle...i've worked out somewhat ard veve's fussiness abt the bottle. i'll give her EBM when she's mostest hungriest then she will gobble down everything :p and tat's when she wakes in the morning...about an hour or half after having both breasts...can down another 100ml :p her appetite also seems to have picked up...her tum tum seems to be forever round and ah pui pui!

4ever...food ex ah...good la...can diet :p

abt botakness...hee it's mummy who's going lalu rather than veve...her hair still stands up and attracts so much attention :p
I think I am the only one who does not face separation anxiety..Perhaps I dont have much of maternal instincts. In fact, when MIL brings her over to her place to take care of her, I am the happiest! I think its because my gal is so difficult I feel exhausted taking care of her and I want a break so badly.

Actually for the past mth she has been quite good. Most times, she can lie down and play on her own but things changed suddenly last Fri. It was raining and I asked hubby to take care of her while I went to finish some chores. The loud thunder came suddenly and my hubby put his hand on her chest to soothe her instead of covering her ears! Poor gal was frightened and cried out. Since then she hasnt been sleeping well during day time and want to be carried all the time. Even when I put her down after she's sound asleep, she will wake up suddenly in her sleep and cry pitifully in 15 mins. The moment I put her down she cries. Its like she's frightened to sleep even though shes awfully tired. For the past week she has been rejecting sleep and crying constantly. Her eyes have been puffy and her nose red from the constant crying.

Now I am back to square one just when I thought things are getting better and I am getting really depressed again.
whos bb fussing more thn usual?
whos bb going hay wire with schedule hands up?!!


seems like so many of us,.. sigh
im so tired,... every night is the same nightmare over and over.. its like groundhog day!

i took Ash out yeterday to GWC and she slept more thn usual cos she was so contented in her babyrock..
but whn we got home, she was grouchy as hell for a bit.. thn did her usual bad and feed but refused to sleep.. she was talking giggling laughing, everything cute and adorable but not sleeping!!
this, is complete contrast to her usual, plonk in the cot.. kiss good night and she's off beddie byes

so we let her scream a bit.. sayang a bit.. she didnt KO till 9pm and it took 60ml of fm..
so im thinking do i feed her at 1130 or WAAAAAT?
i did..
and she DID wht she had been doing everynight for the last week.. she got up at 330
but not wailing.. just fussing(so thts an improvement)
i stood outside her door for 15mins and she stopped.. but woke up at 430am. i fed her till 5 and she cldnt drink anymore but was talking and laughing out loud! she didnt sleep till 630!!!
arghh so how to wake n feed at 7 or 730? schedule a bloody mess
i woke her at 730 and fed her and she slept till 930

pls anyone, any ideas why she keeps waking up at 3ish and two hrs later again? it didnt make a diff if she drank 180ml at midnight or 120ml..
cluster feeding in the day worked.. but now she refuses to drink very much more thn usual


same thing with A last night--- she usually sleeps with no fuss right after her night time routine but last night she was up until 1am... then somewhere in between woke up (i dont even recall putting her beside me in the bed) but then when i woke up this morning at 730 she was beside me fussing with her eyes closed so i fed her and then at 830... *SPROING!* she was up!
perhaps its just a phase? A also doesnt drink as much as she used to although wet diapers etc are okay. im thinking this is a 3rd month thing since many of the july babies are going through/went through this at about the same time?

by the way what time were u at GWC? i was there from 3-430pm yesterday!!!
amber, how come our bbs going thru the same thing?? as i mentioned in my post above, mine wakes at 4ish or 5, then again less than 2 hrs later!! and yes, no diff how much i feed her at midnight.. it can be like 120ml or 50ml.. also the same! and i cant force in any more milk in her cos she'll wail or throw up my milk. driving me mad.. so tired in office now

hb says its a growth spurt.. but how come growth spurt got no end to it?? its fussy behavior after fussy behavior.. really no gd days in between (maybe at best 1-2 gd days, then hell again). maybe i just have a difficult baby...
Hi mummies,

my baby girl born on 25 July, after give birth for 2 weeks, my weight does not go down even 1kg.. I have 12kg to shake off, damn worry this fat will carry till CNY..

I did not bf, and eat a little bit only but still no help to reduce the fat..

HOW ha??? anyone have good idea.. OSIM or OTO help or not?

Please help me... I am going to crazy liao with the fat... >.<
Jules!!! diddo!!

yes.. i thought growth spurt.. but hello? its like forever!! i was thinking this is a new habit or routine shes on..

my 70yr old aunt said let the bb scream..
hmm.. am considering.. im not against this shout out method.. cos i can see how smart and aware shes getting.. it wldnt surprise me if she is waking out of habit rather thn need.

Jules XY cant be a difficult bb.. i dont think there is a diff bb.. just bad habits!!!

this whole "fright nights" is making me wanna throw in the towel with bf!! cos i cant possibly full feed at 3 its not exactly full then.. thn feed at 4 and 5 and 630.. my boobs havent caughtup with this nutso system yet.. and it soft wobbly boobs and shes frustrated and im frustrated and im topping up with fm and shes not drinking it and im tossing it out... ARRGHHHHHHH

pars... i think your right.. but it doesnt seem to end..
Adrienne is such a good girl.. and sucha happy bb.. at least shes not throwing tantrums..

on a gd note.. i wanna share wht Ash did last night..
she screamed cos she didnt wanna drink any more.. hb was feeding her.. so he was playing with her irritating her by putting it by her face.. anyway.. she reached out and pushed her bottle away with her hand and thn look him straight in the face.. this went on a few time.. thn he held the bottle upright in front of her and she CLASPED it with both her wrists and brought it to her mouth and opened her mouth on it!!!! by herself!!!!

but she cldnt get it IN her mouth cos coordination not tht great but whoah i was so impressed!!!

Jules, pars, am gonna try tonight and the next few days to out her down for bed at 7pm like i always do after her feed and let her cry it out..and will do the same at night.. i'll tell the household to be patient and let her fuss and i'll feed her only at 530am like i used to... OH HEAVENS as i listen to me say tht it sounds so MEAN.. heck i'll try and if i cant stand the crulty i'll abort mission
hi all

argh i am really struggling this week too! ems' night sleep is still pretty good. BUT we're facing problems on a few fronts:

1. bottle rejection - she's pointedly refused a bottle for a few weeks, can even go from 11am-6pm (when i left her at MIL's place) on a mere 25ml. I know I could "train" her more intensively by refusing access to my latching on services, but this is complicated by point 4 below.

2. day naps - unlike ash, ems just can't be left in her cot to fall asleep and she needs a lot of help (carrying + patting) to go to sleep. then once asleep, she'll stay asleep for exactly one sleep cycle (lasting 40 mins) before waking up. at this point, i have to settle her back to sleep by carrying + patting and some days, even that doesn't work and she's awake (despite being sleepy)...which leads to crankiness later in the day, etc

3. too much action during the 'dream feed' - previously, she'd sleep in the evening, then take her 10:30pm feed and go straight to bed sans fuss. these days, she wants to play, kick, flip (if you leave her on her back on a flat surface for one hour, she'll flip back and forth for one hour - this girl is hyperactive) and she does't want to feed... it takes a lot of effort to get her to go to bed

4. she doesn't feed well at all! i keep offering her milk but she is not at all interested. she'll scream and push me away. with latch on, she'll eventually feed (completely off-schedule), but as mentioned above, she won't take a bottle. I could "train" her to take a bottle but I'm already dealing with her underweight issues and PD's instructions to fatten her up. Sigh. She's almost four months old and she's only 5.4kg (bcube: not 5.6kg anymore when i weighed her today!!)

ok there's my whinge for the week - guess these challenges don't go away so soon and we all have a long road ahead of us!

plus my decision on whether to take more no pay leave, work part-time wef jan, or go back full-time CHANGES as often as Britney changes hair colour. so bedebe, cheok, etc - i feel your pain on this front!

amber: I'm still faffing on the nap training and cry-it-out method. somehow the crying thing just doesn't seem to work with ems - she will just continue crying etc. Contemplating the Baby Whisperer's PU/PD (pick up put down) method instead - it's a LOT of work tho
Discuss with you later. BTW, got your cheque, thanks gal.
