(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Wow, very quiet here today!

Ems only drank 25ml while at my MIL's place (that's from 11am-6pm) - she clearly has anti-bottle sentiments. I latched her on when I went to pick her up and she drank for dear life. Sigh. No wonder she's underweight.

In more exciting news, she's started creeping! She seemed to try this over the weekend, but I wasn't sure if it was only going to be a one-off thing. Then we put her on her tummy this evening and she started inching forward ever so slighly by bending one leg at a time and wriggling about on her belly. HB placed his hands at the soles of her feet and she pushed off against his hands to move further. Very cool. She's really funny when she does it because she has a very serious look of concentration on her little face and she grunts out loud as she figures out the movement. Like that woman tennis player that used to grunt every time she hit the ball...can't remember the name now.

4ever: oh, i didn't know abt Ribena. i used to drink soooo much Ribena as a kid, it took ages for me to like plain water

bernice: great pic of alethea! she's doing so well on your milk!

may i chk where did you get yours done? RH quoted me IUD ard $700+ IUS(with hormones) ard $1000!!! So much difference???!!
Hope all mummies and babies are doing well!
Haven't got time to catch up with the posts... so busy with work but time flies and it's always time to go home and my work is beginning to pile up already! My boss just told me that my workload will increase next week! horror horror!

I've been expressing lesser and lesser BM at work. Haven't been able to empty my breasts that I had 2 big blocked ducts on my right breast. My right breast always has blocked ducts at the bottom. So painful! Just now managed to clear them with the help of hot towel compress. Else tomorrow I sure cry wearing my wired bra.

<font color="aa00aa">Shymz,</font>
Sorry take so long to reply you. I always use hot water to rinse the bottles and teats if I don't put them in the steriliser. I reckon it's the same as boiling the bottles since I use hot boiled water. So to me, using hot water to rinse my pump parts is good enough.

<font color="ff0000">re: food to avoid</font>
Other than honey, egg white is a big no no for babies below 1yr old cos may cause allergy.

Here's Hazel holding her bottle! Keke
Good morning..
and IT'S FRIDAY!!!

miss those life no need to count down for weekend haiz....

zyp, hazel is so cute with her bottle.. Jovan can hold his bottle too but sometime he grap and push it away, very naughty.

hey yolk, jovan also start creeping 2 nite ago,i tot he just struggling away and i try him last nite on his tummy, he did the same thing again real exciting to see them grow huh!!

those who wanna buy swimwear, can check on this BP http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1013064.html?1192133748
Hi ladies,
i am also a july mum.been reading the thread silently..keke..
can i check when can we bring bb to pool ? and where to buy bb swimming costume? will they feel cold? sorry for asking so many silly question.
yolk, peck,

A has started creeping too! i noticed it when i put her down in her cot tummy down and she started inching herself towards one end... then last night during her bath, she did it on her back by kicking off the end of the tub and klonked her head on the other side (i was shocked so although i was supporting her from her neck i didnt manage to catch her before she hit her head on the other end of the tub!) good thing the tub was plastic- she didnt even seem to notice that she hit her head :p
Good morning!

its Hari Raya eve, busy day ahead.. so i'll have to make this a quick one. not sure is can logon again ltr cos heading to my mom's to help out.

<font color="aa00aa">littletot</font>
can't remember exactly off-hand... ermmm.. yup i think i paid in the high end of $200 for the whole IUD thingy (including paps/ ultra sound/antibiotics). wah RH so ex ah? is that the price for hormones-released type? oh, just a reminder i did mine at KKH.

<font color="119911">yolk sac</font>
oh my! Ems starting to creep?? thats great.. Wairah keep doing the flip thing. so funny sometimes she fail to turn all the way and also makes that grunting sound.. oh that fierce tennis player -Venus or her sister Serena Williams.. dono which is the one who grunts..

<font color="0000ff">zyp</font>
ooohhhh! Hazel is so cute! hold bottle somemore.. i always don't have time to snap wairah when she did hold the bottle for that few seconds..
Oooh, lots of creeping going on! It's very entertaining to watch

nor: I'm sure you will be really busy over the next few days and may not have time to log on so let me wish you <font color="119911">Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri</font> now!

Oh, was it one of the Williams sisters? I was thinking of someone with a slightly older vintage. Hmm, will ask my dad - he'll definitely remember the name.

Parsniketty: Have sent you an email re EFE.
Hi zyp,

Wow thumbs up for Hazel that can hold her bottle. Mine was using NUK teats all along and hope to transit to Avent but find that the teats are a bit too hard for her to handle. R u using the Avent teats?
keke Hazel is no wonder baby to hold her bottle at this age. but she held it for a good 10+ sec for me to snap and snap. After that she tossed it out of her cot. wahahaaha..

Hi Tots,
Yep using Avent teats. I noticed that are 2 different batches of no. 2 Avent teats that I'm using now. One is softer than another. By right the no. 1 teat is supposed to be softer for infants. NUK is latex right?
Yes finally Fri, can't wait for the weekend so that i can go out with my girls..

Need to stay ot today. my boss asked me to come back tmr but i dun want lah, is holiday and still need to work.

Nor, selamat hari raya. Enjoy cooking

yolk sac, for one yr old there is a limit lor. I also dun know until i read the package. So next x if want to give them anything must read first.

Last nite Cheylssa last feed is 745pm and went to sleep and wake up at 2am for milk and sleep thru until 630am. So pleased with her
oh and i tried to give her 150ml milk and she fin it while sleeping
just called RH again to chk Y the huge difference in prices and was told bcos of the brand.Goodness! IUD also got branded ones...Faintz!

Will update on my actual cost ltr.
Selamat Hari Raya
Hi Bernice .. when my mum saw ur baby girl picture, she thou is my boy!! When I examine it for 1 min, they do look similiar ... same hair style, forehead is same shape and have e same cheeky smile as well

<font color="aa00aa">Re Ribena</font>
My colleague's PD advised her not to let her children take too much of it cos it can give them phlegm.

Hi Nor ... <font color="0000ff">Selamat Hari Raya</font>

Hi Cottoncandy ... Recommended only to bring baby to pool after 6 months old as there's when e baby has completed most of e immunisation.
<font color="0000ff">Hi winniebear, post ur son's pic let me see leh... so interesting

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim mummies...</font>
Thank you all for the Hari Raya wishes. yes i don think i'll be lugging my laptop to my mil's place (the relative will give me dirty looks) so no access til probably tmr late nite or sunday morning.

i wanted to meet up with you mommies on monday since i'll be on leave but wairah is stil coughing so i don think i can bring her along or have you gals over my place. i can stil go out alone thou.. let me know if you gals planning to go town. mebbe can meet there.

wil try to login again later
<font color="aa00aa">Selamat Hari Raya</font> to all muslim friends!

Wah! Another meet-up on Monday??? I working, cannot join again.

I gave my son super diluted Ribena. So far ok lei.... no phelgm.

so envy you... little Anson seems like an alarm clock. Sure wake up every 3 hours for 120ml of milk. Tried to increase to 150ml, but he simply wouldn't take it. Haiz.....

Clever little hazel. Hee.... Anson also tried holding his bottle on and off. But not succesful lei. However, he's master at holding his pacifier in place. Wahahahahaha.....
ytanhn, nor,
just back from gynea.Paid $440 in all.Took what was recommened by doc.Luckily he didnt choose top of the range!
Angeline, last two nites she woke up once oni. Previously she also woke up every 3hours.

I am still working but going off at 830pm. HB will come and fetch me

Wish everyone have a good holiday tmr
hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I last posted. Life is so busy once I started work. Hardly have any time for bb. Only get to feed him in the morning and at night. By the time I reach home, he is almost sleeping already. So it's always a quick shower and off to tuck him in.

Yolksac: Know it's too late to reply. Matt had his 5-in on Wed and PD told us to give him panadol when we reached home and then another dose after 6hours. Matt's temp was 37.4-37.6. Is that a fever? Anyway, am glad that Matt didn't fuss much. In fact he was very drowsy and slept thru the night despite sleep alot in the day. Could it be due to the panadol. I wonder. But now he's fine. How's Ems taking the vaccine?

Mummies: BTW, what is considered a high temperature?

Zyp: I hardly have enough time to clear my breast. It's so stressful. I usually have half-hour to do it and by the time I reach the nursing room, It's already 5 min gone and I end up always late for class. Nowadays, I express only three times and surprisingly it seems to be enough for Matt. He's not such a drinker.

BTW: Matt's middle of night feed is getting better. He now feeds around 5am getting closer to 7am. My husband and I always try to give him lesser ard 80ml and sometimes he cries for more. Does that mean he is hungry? We try not to feed him anymore and give him the pacifier instead and he seems ok with it. The funny thing is when he wakes up in the morning, he doesn't seem interested in his morning feed at 7.30am and we end up having to feed him again at 8+. This really upsets his feeding schedule. Any advice?

Nor: Missed the Neverfull bag you posted. Too many to read... Hhehe. Selemat Hari Raya. Have a good holiday.

BTW, the bulk purchase section is selling very interesting chinese cloth books if you are interested.
hi claire: thanks for your reply! i'm glad i gave ems a half-dose of panadol even though she didn't have a fever. she seemed to have a good nap after that and woke up cheerful (probably bcos she had some good rest). her reaction to the vaccine was to refuse to eat! seems a bit better today tho she was still fussing at my breast a bit. regarding what is a high temp, my doc told me to look out for a temp of at least 38C tho if you think abt the fact that our normal temp is 39.6....even 37.5 wld be a fever in my book!
good sunday morning everyone!
had a looooooong day yest, 1st day of Hari Raya. only when to mil's and my parents' place but stayed quite a while at each pl as relatives keep coming
oh, and i ate a lot! like much more than what i ate during the whole of fasting month.. no kidding
jialat like this how to wear jeans to work next week?? haiz..

I have to take back my asking you all out on monday. one of my technologist's dad passed away and she's on compassionate leave til wed so i think its only right for me to cancel my leave tmr to cover some duties la. anyway i don have places to go so might as well save the leave for emergencies or jab days. hope to meet up another time soon.

Amber, i saw the pack a seat thingy but personally don think its good cos baby wil be seated too low and can't reach the food on the table. i think i'll stil stick to high chair. i keep the Ikea one from Lis' time so wairah wil be using that next time.
hi all,
thanks for the kind comments on celeste

ok... thanks! hazel is so cute, able to hold her own bottle... now celeste is starting to hold my breast while i bf her, haha

i'm in the same situation as u... i only express 3 times a day now, before i go for work,during lunch and when i reach home after work... think the amt is going down... only manage to express 150ml after a 6hr break. celeste is not a big drinker... 110ml every 3hrs is enough for her so still manage to keep the frozen ss stable... it's really tiring to work and pump, no time for lunch... worse when i've meetings that stretch over lunchtime
but i'll still try my best...
i was hopeless using other slings, but babyrock is so easy to use
just pop bb in and go (literally!) bless yolksac for introducing it to us

sorry, posted a bit late to wish u selamat hari raya... sounds like u enjoyed urself
Hi Mummies

Wow today and yesterday seem quiet.

Baby Bjorn

Mummies who are using Baby Bjorn. Do you think it's worth an investment? I'm thinking of getting one as Matt doesn't like to stay in the babyrock for long. I guess he feels restricted as he likes to kick around and babyrock doesn't allow him such freedom.

I'm thinking of getting the air carrier one but it's rather ex so wonder whether I should go for the regular one? Do you know for how long we can use the carrier?

How is the Europer rider compared to the baby bjorn?

BTW, any ideas where I can get a cheaper one. I know First Year is selling the air carrier for 200+ at an offer price.

Guess what? Matt did the first tummy to back flip. Thumbs up for him. ; P
Seems the thread is slowing down quite alot.

Nor, belated Selamat Hari Raya to you. Seems like you enjoyed yourself tremendously.

Claire, congrats on Matt doing his first tummy to back flip. It must have been a special moment as you see him do the flip. Am still waiting for Zachy to do that.

Hiaz, husband is away for 10 days for work. Now all alone at home with baby. Hope I can cope.
Good morning...

Both me and hb went to genting for short trip over the weekend and my mum is very angry with me that i left jovan behind. This morning still give me black face.. haiz....

we go with our usual group of friends, hmm... so long didnt have a good catch up with them,still enjoying ourselves la despite my mum call and give me a good scold :p

lilac, dont worry, you sure can cope well
hmm.. am i really too much to left him behind? this morning when i go and see him while he is sleeping, my mum push me away and ask me not to disturb him and say if you can leave the baby behind for 2 days, now what to see. She just make me feel so bad...
peck: oh no, sorry to hear abt this - of course you were not wrong to leave him behind while you went away for a short break. we all need a break to feel recharged. you can't be a good mummy if you're a tired mummy! i'm sure your mum will cool down soon.
don't worry... ur mum wouldn't hold against u for too long, did jovan give her a bad time while u were away tat's why she's feeling frustrated? Sometimes when i'm not around, chloe can be quite fussy at times & no amount of coaxing can calm her down too.

anyway, i believe u enjoyed urself.
Peck, you are not wrong to get a short break and re-charged yourself ... but did you discussed with your mum in the first place when you are planning for this trip?
peck, how come your mom react so strongly? did you tell her before you went for hoilday? It is not wrong to go for hoiliday as we need a break too...

Aiyo both my girls are having cough and flu again. My bro actually bot one cup of mac shakes for them and one cup each (faint). Now i hope they will not pass to Cheylssa. She just recover after so long, really pray her she will not kana from them if not she will be so poor thing.
shirlynn, 4ever, I have told her when i plan for one but she didnt answer me, when the date get nearer i remind her again, she still keep quite. On the day i left, she is not at home and i drop her a message THEN the next day morning, she call me and give me a good scold and tell me that the helper is not doing a good job in taking care of baby and i should be around to do the job. When i'm back i ask the helper what's wrong and she says that she is feeding jovan that morning and he struggling away and refuse to drink milk(which is very common these few days) then po po came in angrily and carry him away, refuse to talk to her the rest of the day, which she also dont understand why!!

hmm... she keep telling me that no mother will leave their children behind and go enjoy themselves, i'm the odd one that doing this

4ever, hope your girls get well soon..
peck, then it is not totally your fault liao... can say half half ... bcos your mother dun wan to answer you and you take for granted that she is ok.

But anyway do let her understand that you and hb are quite stress up with baby and do need some time off which hope she can understand... like me and hb.. we even more jia lat .. we take leave w/o telling anyone so tat at least we can have a few hours alone.. so can say you are not the only mother who do tat..we mothers are also human..
.. dun worry.. hope your mother will be ok soon.

4ever, hope Cheylssa will not get affected and also your two gers fast recovery
peck is always like that. i think she feel that is our responsible since we give birth to them.

Guess wat, i never leave my kids behind and go for hoilday too bcos i think my mom will be same as your mom. Dun wanna try
peck / 4ever, my mother passed away liao.. so me will never have the chance to do that. Hard to ask mil to look after.. last time during maternity leave is she wans to see baby.. thats why keep asking me to leave at her place.. now she look after when I am working.. dun think will be so good liao..haha..

Now thinking of maybe should leave baby in infant care, let mil take care off and on will be a better choice.. lol..
peck... she sounds v harsh! nahh dont be put on the guilt trip..are you going out everyday? are you sleeping your head off and notcaring abt the bb?
dont take it to heart.. im sure she's coming frm a gd place.. because she loves bb so much shes over reacting..

it'll be over soon.. how long can she be angry for? a week..?
dont worry Peck.. im sure youre a v gd mum!

i leave my bb home too!! not very often.. not fpr long periods of time.. at this age its pretty ok i guess cos they cant move much!

Ash been sleeping badly again..
last night up at 2,4,6 and 830am
sigh horror oh horror

is it a growth spurt stage or wht?

am bloody exhausted

and shes drinking a lot less..
whining too


i know wht will make me feel better

my neverfull
hmm.... i know she care for me too... last time i go for tour when preggy she also scold me upsiz down!! haha i get used to it liao
<font color="0000ff">Hi Peck</font> ... don't be upset w your mum's remarks ... guess she will get over soon ... Recently hubby and I also left our children w mum n we were away for nearly a week. Don't feel guilty okay?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Peck</font> ... don't be upset w your mum's remarks ... guess she will get over soon ... Recently hubby and I also left our children w mum n we were away for nearly a week. Don't feel guilty okay?
peck, hope things do get better soon.. maybe next time you want to take a break, ask if she would prefer to have you leave Jov in someone else's care. everyone needs a break and personal space. i guess older ppl (and some young ones too) don understd this.

Amber... welcome to the Neverfull club!!

oh, i carried my neverfull to work today and the girls were like "huh??!! where did u get it? we thot its OOS!!" Chaotic..
nor, actually jovan is taken care by the helper, normal day she will go for exercise in the morning but so happen that day she is at home,sooooo..... hmmm she juz wanna me to be home

dun worry too much lah! I already left my bb a CL and went KL for 2 notes when she only 6 weeks old!!

wah some one is a happy woman tonight! So if Ash wakes up at nite and u r tire just think of ur Neverfull!! That should keep u happy and charged!!

BB Fuss
hmm it seem that most of our bb r fussy at this stage! R is also getting v fussy. She yells like shebis being torture when maid or anyone else try to pacify her!! Its damn scary!
