(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

hello everyone!!
first things first, this is the website i wanted to share with all iPhone users. i think i'm not getting one until Apple decides to use a safer material.

"Two of the phthalate plasticisers found at high levels in the headphone cable are classified in Europe as 'toxic to reproduction, category 2' because of their long-recognised ability to interfere with sexual development in mammals. While they are not prohibited in mobile phones, these phthalates are banned from use in all toys or childcare articles sold in Europe. Apple should eliminate the use of these chemicals from its products range."

read more here
<font color="0000ff">Amber</font>
Riverdance... hmmm..

<font color="ff0000">BPC</font>
according to the website, i should be having a boy considering Wairah has single crease on each thigh.. oh well.. i'll never know since i've decided 2 is enough.
hey everyone..

iPhone.. cant throw mine out lah.. its a present and i LOVE it!
we see how.. is it just headphones thn?
oh oh bcube... have you tried hooking the iPhone up to the car..
hb put this cable in to listen to music from the iPhone iPod function and whn you use the phone function, it comes thru the car speakers!! its the coolest!!

creases on fatties determining the sex of next bb..
thts wht my indo maid said as well..
my feeling is.. its completely God's will.. In shah Allah

ss... my ss got better with tons of water.. but in general its less thn wht it was and i think im fine with tht,.. have gotta start dropping feeds soon anyway..

Ash has been really good i find scheduling her naps has helped with how well she goes down at 7pm.. last night i ignored her fussing at 4am and waited to feed her at 530am,... am gonna do the same tonight..
tots, ha looks like u r as obsessed as me. i'm getting lazy tho.. last pump at 11 am today, and after that was on half day so latched bb all the way. till now havent pumped yet! but boobs dont feel full at all leh.. think ss really dropping

amber, i usually pump for abt 30min each session or until my boobs feel empty. at work takes much longer to empty lor.

bpc, there were 2 creases on her thigh before, but last time i checked it was 1 only. boy or girl?? hehe.. btw, xy HATES the bumbo. phew.. saved myself some money then!! she only wants to sit on my lap cos that way she can kick her legs all she wants. damn fussy.
with her new best friend ms piglet!


**edit - actually with her 2nd new best friend.. think my boobs have the dubious honour of being her bestest friend to date.. hmm
OMG!!!! wht a gorgeous bb!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wahahahahaha shes so chubby
XY and Ash can be bestest buddie wuhddies

very nice pics!!
i rmb u had IUD inserted right? do u hap to hv any side effect? since the day i inserted during the 6th day of my menses, my menses continued for another 1 week, rest for 1 week now i have my menses again and it's already the 7th day & red red one somemore...
amber, hahaha ya she's damn fat la! but recently looking a bit thinner, not sure if its cos she's moving more and drinking less! post some more recent pics of ash leh! think xy still chubbier than ash right?
that's real samseng pic leh!! Like she gonna give a flying kick!! Haha!! Hey xy can sit on her own ah?! Wah ur milk really nutritious!! Xy soooo chubby!!

post ash pic and we can see who has chubbiest babe!!

R took a bottle at 1am (afterci came home from friend's place) and I am quite glad. Though its only 60ml and she is probably too drowsy to protest, but still, its better than nothing!!

She went down at 7pm and slept till 1am and if I didnt wake she can prob go in till slightly later. Wonder how I can make her sleep thru?? She still wakes at abt 4am & 7am...
What a dreadful couple of days I've just had! My new helper's 11 year old son died suddenly (apparently due to a birth defect that they'd not known about) and she is now on home leave until the end of the month. Hb and I had to run around booking flights, getting her salary advance/money gifts from my relatives exchanged at a favourable rate, arranging for an Embassy pass ($250 for a piece of paper) etc. And it's such a sad time in my house. Imagine losing a child like that!

creases: I think Ems has two - yay, a girl!
btw, I don't believe in all this, but it's fun to read abt, haha

feeding: Ems is hardly feeding! I'm feeding on demand in the day hours but there ain't no demand at this bar.

nor: thanks for the info! yah, is it the whole iphone that's the problem or just the headset?

jules: XY's sooo cute! I love the pics! That samseng pose is priceless
BTW, is she sitting up independently in that second shot? i don't think early weaning will improve sleep issues, and the potential problems (allergies etc) are bigger than the supposed benefits. that's what i'm reading anyway lah. my PD will probably ask me to wean Ems next month - after he weighs her and realises she's EVEN MORE underweight - but I honestly don't think that's going to help. If a bb just isn't interested in food, what can I do?

bcube: Yay, you are making progress with the bottle-feeding! Keep it up! I will have to get tips from you soon. when my helper is gone, i ain't gonna do bottles man. it's latch on all the way, baby!

tots/BPC: my ss is dipping too, thanks to my dear girl who isn't keen on food. oh well, i just tell myself that if she needs more later on, my body will produce more at that point. very optimistic huh?

amber: work - hmm, what happened to my helper has made me reconsider my position (again) and now, I think I will ask the powers that be if I can go back part-time wef Jan. Do you think it's better if I just work mornings (8:30-12:30) and have all afternoons off? Or is it better to work certain full days and have some whole days off?

tabbiesus: thanks for the v v helpful info! dumb question perhaps: how do we prepare the brown rice? buy the grains, cook and then mash? or blend?
argh, just reread my post...i don't want to be all gloom and doom! on a more positive note, ems' flipping is really goood now - she flips onto her tummy and sticks her head right up to watch TV, then gets bored and flips back onto her back again, then for fun, decides to flip back onto her tummy. quite cute!

and her creeping/crawling has taken on a new dimension. she doesn't need to push off a surface with her little feet. she just moves independently by moving her legs one by one and she can actually cover quite impressive distances. yesterday, she did maybe 1.5m in 5 mins?

only thing is: I need to ask - is it normal for babies to yell out as they crawl? Ems is sooooo focussed during the crawling that she yells out (in determination and in frustration, I'd imagine) sometimes. we are definitely not forcing her to crawl or stay on her tummy, so it's not coercion or pain. in fact, sometimes when she's been yelling a bit, i'll flip her over onto her back gently and say "take a rest, ems" but she just flips right back onto her tummy again. weird lah. the joys of a fussy baby!!?!?!
nana, i am very hot temper beforei went back to work. Maybe is the effect of the pills but last time when i took is also after i gave birth so i dun know is the pills effect or bcos i got a bit of post natal blues.

jules, xy is so chubby. wat is her weight now?

yolk sac, so sad. they dun know wat happen and the child just passed away like tat. Oh no mean your maid did not get to see his son. So sad..

Cheylssa is using M size now too although she is 6.7kg. M size seems more comfortable.

Bcube, dun be too stress. Give yourself some rest.
jules: XY so cute!!! She looks like a very happy baby. Does she laugh a lot?

4ever: The bishan doctor is Anderson Clinic is it? I went there before too!!! had to queue long hours. Slim down really quickly, plus get to eat meat =) But then again I got giddy spells, so didn't go back there again.

CREASES: So interesting. I just check. One on both thighs! so another boy???

Here Matthew in his bumbo.... he's quite fascinated with the middle stump. Kept digging it.


Can check if menses has returned for any mummies? Me still expressing out BM for bb, but menses came back last month. Then this month, no menses.

Are the menses supposed to be back to monthly once they start? Mine used to be quite regular before preggy.
bcube, hahaha ya really shows what a tomboy i have huh?? no la.. not sitting independently of cos! my FIL was hiding behind sort of supporting her back hehe..

yolksac, i'm so amazed with ems motor development! she can flip back and forth and crawl, all by 3 mths! my fatty cant flip still.. and keeps wanting to sit instead!

4ever, her last wt measured at PD was at 10 wks. then she was 5.9kg. next visit scheduled this friay.. will update wt again!

vivien, matthew looks so happy to be in his bumbo! xy hates hers!! luckily i went to rent to let her try first.. no la, xy doesnt really smile a lot when we r taking pics (think she camera shy). this is one of the rare shots that caught her laughing!
yolk, wrt working part time - my colleague is doing part time (have to fulfill x no of hrs a wk.. how she decides to fulfill it is up to her, can be 2 full days, or 4 half days.. very flexi.) maybe can check with ur HR?
jules,xy is so cute and chubby.. now i think jovan not much meat compare to xy..

yolk, impress with em's crawl, now jovan only flip front and back then angry and cry haha.. dont know what he want..

re part time, i advise you go for certain full day work and full day off instead of half morning.. usually we cant finish our job and ended up drag to the afternoon...

vivien, matthew so cute in his bumbo..
Morning ladies,
Am not very sure does the creases thingy work, anyway its just for fun

Am at work, so sian

Hubby brought zev for his pnuemmococal jab + rota today. He's weighing a whopping 7.77kg..

xy so cute.. love her pic.
I tot xy can sit up!!
Ur bumbo still up for rental?

Matthew so ke ai

When i let zev sit on the bumbo, he too plays with the middle stump.
vivien, yes that the one. now not so many ppl liao. Last time he will give if we are not overweight but now he will stick to the BMI. I feel gizzy too but i still can tahan. I want pretty so no choice haha

My mense came back already but i not BF anymore. Once is back it should be return to normal. Hmmm dun tell me another one is coming
4ever: yah very sad
we knew that he had suddenly been having a fever that would not go away, but she had received word that he was ok and that the doc had prescribed meds to treat the condition. then next thing...he was dead. anyway, she should have arrived in Manila already by now. hope she'll be okay.

BPC: wah zev's wt is great - i'm very envious. can ask him to donate some "bak" to my skinny gal, please

jules/peck: thanks - i hope my work will not really be stuff that needs to be cleared day on day, more like long-term stuff. dunno lah. in my current job, can't even imagine working part-time - need to get a transfer to another dpt..will get an appt to speak to my HR when (if?!?! - haha) my helper returns

jules: it's a pseudo-crawl lah, not full on crawling - but she can move independently across distances without any pushing off so i guess i will say it's an Emily-Crawl!

vivien: yay, another purple bumbo baby! Matthew's so cute - i like how he checks out the middle bit.

BTW, are any of you gals noticing the beginnings of separation anxiety with your bbs? Ems is quite clingy to me - there are times when only I can stop her from crying...and sometimes she doesn't want certain people carrying her. My MIL is getting rather upset and says that there might be something wrong with Ems.
yolk, so envy that you are the only one that can stop em from crying,usually at nite when he start crying and i couldnt stop him, my mum will come over and carry him away... next moment he stopped. At one stage i quite angry with him, that i feel that he dont need me anymore!! hb think i mad
dont think like that! When they are older it will be you they will want.

work full days instead of half days!

my gals has 2 creases so its another gal. Told my hubby and he was like "huh! Who said! No Lah!" heehee..he really really really wnts a boy!
I think what my mil said is true, bb need more sleep so they can grow.
During the early days zev dun sleep well and dun sleep much but he pick during the 2nd mth onwards. I can see him beef up gradually.
Now when i compare his current pic to his 1st mth pic. Wah.. really chubby! Somemore he's very fair, so makes him look very round and michellin.
Am afraid he will be overwt but lucky PD says is within the range.
He got a big fat butt, trying very hard to flip but fail!

Zev got 1 crease on each thigh. Another boy?? i want gal gal...

Same here, this morning before i left home, zev's wide awake, his toothless grin really perks up my day, cant bear to part with my boy, i kept going in and out of the room just to see him smile at me. Really melts my heart lor.. ended up me late for work :p
ytanhn, yup my menses lasted for a good 2 weeks after the insertion. didn't your gynae warn you on this? oh btw i just had my mense and its slightly heavier than pre-preg, lasted 1 week. my menses used to be around 4-5days only last time. but no cramps as warned by gynae.
gotta run... i haven read rest of the post.. baking now.. mil coming so making fresh biscuits for her n some frens..
sad to hear that abt ur helper.
maybe ems is trying hard to crawl further, that's why she's yelling

haa, i just check and what does one and a half crease mean? :p

waaah XY is sooo chubby! sooo cute!
has she been lying on her sides often, will tend to flip over if so.

hee, matthew's so cute checking out the stump
haven't been in for some time... really busy since i've started work. not much time spent with dd coz i usu reach home around 8+, then gotta feed, pump, have dinner. by the time everything has settled down, she would be sound asleep... now so tired, ss is going down. doesn't help that i've to skip lunch to pump...

XY is so cute! love her smile
Celeste is not flipping either... she just turns and lies on her side, then decides that lying on her back is a better idea. hmm... gotta entice her more...

matthew seems to be enjoying himself in the bumbo

ems is really developing fast... soon she'll be crawling for real
and i'm still waiting for my dd to flip....
teething issues - is anyone's baby having runny (almost watery) poo? ems has been having this for the past two days,apparently it's another symptom of teething? quite scary bcos twice when she poo-ed, the stuff leaked out of the diaper (cos it's explosive and very watery) and landed on pple (my hb and my sis)...dunno what to do to keep the situation clean! any advice appreciated!

BPC: yah I also believe that sleep is very important for rest, growth and development. any tips for developing good sleep patterns, esp during the day? I cannot get Ems to sleep past one sleep cycle, so she ends up taking 40 min naps every 1.5-2hrs. Not very restful leh

peck: jovan's so sweet! is he still really talkative? i think he's going to speak really early, he's always trying to communicate!

shymz: ems started out by lying on her side as well...am sure celeste will flip soon. btw, it's no fun once they can flip esp when they start to do it really quickly - you have to watch them like a HAWK esp on the changing station. my SS is going down too....sigh

nana: yes, apparently it's because bbs need developed breathing to have mobility and she's trying to garner more "breath" in order to execute the crawls - it's the same with speaking and making sounds...they need to sort out their breathing before they can vocalise effectively. dunno lah - that's what I read anyway! btw, am hoping to get started on a new book I found at Kino - "Einstein Never Did Flashcards" hahahaha

bcube: bottle update?
trouble with full day work is that I won't see Ems at all, whereas with half days, at least I get to interact with her for a few hours each day or most days. dunno lah. anyway sekali my HR says no - all this full day half day business will be academic!
no change in bottle situation lah... Tried giving her a bottle in the day did t work, decided to to stress ourselves out so latch her. But still giving her a bottle for the last feed before going to bed! Lucky she take it! So am just happy that she isn't Totally rejecting lah....

Work wise, I still think full days r better! Half days still feel like u working full time what... So many mornings to say goodbye to her!
yap.. my gyane did warn me abt the heavier flow but i didn't expect my menses to come again just after a week... seriously lost of blood
Helo mummies.. long time no post here liao.. gg to start wrk on Mon.. mix feelings .. hope i can get bac to d wrk momentum..

jolovan was able to flip onto his tummy today! but stil can turn bac.. m happy though.. hee.. it feels great to c our babies progress ea day
Hi Mommies... long time no post.. About creases, my first baby has single crease, and I gave birth to a boy the second one. I heard from my mom as well about it.

My baby born 2 Jul has no sign of flipping yet, trying hard to lift his head as his body was too heavy. He weighed at 8 kg the last time we weighed him at 3 months.
Hi mummies,

Wow, I can see that all the babies are developing well.

Yolksac: really impressed with Ems motor skill development.

vivien: Matthew can really hold his neck up well.

Matthias can sit in the bumbo seat for quite long now but I don't think he can hold his neck up so well. His neck still wobbles around and then to droop.

Jules: Xy is really chubby and definitely seems happy with her new friend.

Well, Matthias is really not a sleeper. His routine in the day has gone all haywired once I started work. MIL doesn't follow any schedule despite my best effort to put in place and guide her while I'm still on maternity leave. Now Matthias hardly sleeps in the day. He's a sleep snacker. Well, the good thing is at least he goes down promptly at night at 7.30pm and we do not have to rock him now. I would just play some music, place him in the cot, pat him a littel and he will drift to sleep himself. This is definitely an achievement for him as in the past he needs to be rocked into deep sleep before we can put in on the bed.

I brought Matthias to First few years to try out baby bjorn yesterday but he cried so badly when we try to put him in. Sigh... this is the second trying and he still doesn't like it. Guess it's a bit tight and he doesn't like it.

Now, am thinking of trying out Ergo? Any has it? Good?

Well, since he doesn't like it, we tried him on the exersaucer and he likes it! He was so amused and kept trying to lift himself up to stand although his neck is still a bit wobbly. We've decided to get one for him.

Have been doing some research and realise that US is selling very much cheaper. First few years is selling 300+ for the one I'm looking at but the us websites like amazon, toysrus and target are selling like US99-120.

Have anyone tried to buy bulky items from these websites? I think we need to make use of Vpost but don't know how to use it? As it's so heavy I wonder whether the shipping cost will make it more ex to buy. Any advice?
Jules, XY is so 'bah bah' lor!! She is definitely one adorable little sweetie. Eh, she can be in those breastfeeding ad if there is ever one!

Claire, it is quite easy to to use vpost. Just follow the steps at the website. Plus registeration is free. I think there is a online service on vpost which will give you an estimate of the shipping cost if you provide the measurement. I have just started using vpost to buy stuff from Baby Gap and Old Navy. Not too sure if it will go through but definitely do hope that the shipment arrives in time into Singapore so that my relative can bring it to China for me!

By the way, any idea where I can buy Bumbo seat in Singapore? Does it come in a box?

the vpost estimate for the exersaucer is $400!!! they base it on volumetric size so its expensive because its quite big. you can try calling henkel international - supplier of evenflo - in singapore. their number is on the evenflo website. i hear that its slightly cheaper than first few years to get directly from henkel and they do free delivery/set up.
Here's Neith in her rented Bumbo...MIL din realli like to put her in, ya and she also like to fiddle with the centre stump!
yolk, he still that talkative, wonder how talkative will he be once he learn how to talk!!

liliac, i think lotsa place in singapore has sell bumbo seats, and yes they do come in box..

tots, Neith so cute in her bumbo...

jovan today throw out his milk twice, after vomit he look fine leh.. wonder what happen to him
hey guys... been real busy today.. had to do visiting with Ash.. poor girl is so over stimulated..hey how do i rent the bumbo??
hey mumsies..

ohh im so tired. i tried to just nap till next feed at 11 but my brain just wont shut off. had this problem for a long time already. even after i feed Ash at midnight, im exhausted but cant seem to just swtich off. ever since having bb im such a light sleeper.

sleep sleep i just wish i had more sleep.. UNINTERRUPTED sleep

im sucha bad mum.. yesterday we had to go to a relatives 75th birthday and Ash was up the whole way from 630pm till 10pm poor girl she just cld not sleep but she was in gd spirits tho.. anyway we got home i gave her an early last feed.. and i put a small amount of baby panadol in her milk!!!!

gee im know shock shock horror horror
but its been so bad for over a week night with her night sleep..
dshe wakes up hourly from 3-7am
its the teething..
yolk, yes Ash had the runs recently too.. i thought it was her fm..
hmm shes definitely teething,, shes so unhappy at night and wakes up needing comfort..

bloody hell i need some comforting too man.
anyway last night with the little bit ofpanadol.. she slept her normal 1130-5am.. and thn 530-730
so tht bit of sleephas done wonders forme..
am crossingmy fingers fortonight..

bcube, how's R?
pars.. no news fromyou.. you enjoying inlaws?
yolk, im thinking of you lots hon n how youre doing w/out help.
if you need anything plslet me know

so am just gonna take it as it goes.. ive started storing some for her vaccination days.. hey anyone can suggest which brand of bm bags to get,. from where etc??
aiyohh i just saw the pictures... tots, peck.. your bb are so adorable..
hmm im thinking to rent bumbo too.. where? how?
amber: u plan to rent the bumbo for how long?? if only to let ash try on... i can loan u mine... but if long run then hehe... u try to go wtb section... quite a number mummies renting out their bumbo...
nor and ytanhn,
did you had your 1st cycled of mense b4 insert IUD or your mense came only after insertion? I did mine about 10 days back. Now having some spotting.

you can get bumbo seat from Isetan

Lansinoh milk bags is good! Double ziplock kind.I bought from one of the mummy in this forum.She still have some to spare.Will pm you her email addy

Brought my boy for his 5in1 jab on fri.Evil mummy of his recorded his expressions from smiley to shocked and cry out loud!
hi everyone!

thanks for all the concern re my helper situation. hope she's ok and finding comfort with her family in this difficult time.

had a busy busy day - church, then lunch, then handphone shopping (mine totally died on me!), then dinner.

we have also started reading books to ems, she seems to like looking at the pictures, and we were given some really fun books - that involve singing, whispering etc - by a friend, which makes the reading sessions very enjoyable. if anyone is interested in the list of books and where to buy them online, do let me know.

dorami: ooh, must have been exciting to watch jolovan flip! i'm sure he can flip from his tummy onto his back - that's apparently the easier flip to master, so if he's already done back-->front, he probably just needs a teeny bit of encouragement to do a front-->back

amber/littletot: yah, have heard gd things abt Lansinoh as well. my friends say it's worth investing in good bags, because it's a nightmare when bags leak!

tots: neith is so cute! hmm, blue bumbo = very nice!

peck: still talking ah?
so cute lah. he looks like he really enjoys his playmat/gym!

parsniketty: thanks for the info re the exersaucer, looks like Vpost isn't a good option since the item is just toooo big. I think i may rent one for a while to see if ems likes it. I found a gently-used one on Ebay, seller is prepared to ship it to SG (assuming i were to win the bid) for USD110 - not really worth it. I have just emailed my friend to see if he can bring one back for me from the US - he's a pilot who flies cargo planes so hopefully it won't be a problem. interestingly, i notice that most of the websites like Target indicate that they only sell their exersaucers online and not in their bricks and mortar stores...which can make pick-up while on holiday (ie for someone without a US address) difficult to arrange

lilac/amber: Bumbos can be bought from loads of places - I've seen them just about everywhere...like MothersWork (GWC), Takashimaya and Robinsons (Raffles City). Each comes in its own box. Lilac: it's quite a large item but it's so so light, so should be no problem to have it brought to you in China. Amber: to rent, you can try www.rent-a-toy.com.
hi yolksac,
did your helper say when she'll be back? She's so poor thing.. My helper's sister met with an accident few days back. No majoy injury but in the process knocked out 7 teeth!

May i have the list of books to buy please?Thks!
My email:[email protected]
good morning...
hmm.... what a nice weather to sleep today!!!!

yolk, can i have the info to buy the books? Thanks... Can you cope without your helper? Hope she's ok
