(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs



shymz, celeste is sooo pretty!!! where got samseng?? mine looks like a boy, and acts like one!! btw, i think celeste looks like u!

peck, thanks for the offer dear!! but nowadays xy doesnt seem to like being in any kind of restraint, be it MIM sling or bb carrier.. think can save myself some money liao!!

bcube, u might wanna try taking out the older toys which she didnt appreciate b4.. u will see that they start to like and smile at the toys which they didnt like when younger!! slowly but surely R will show interest in something!!

yolksac, hahahaha!!! but its true what!! xy's poo ever so powerful until it sprayed out of the cot onto the floor! gross!

actually since Ems poo/pees a lot, it really doesnt make sense that she isnt getting enough leh. maybe like lilac said, just high metabolism rate?? so puzzling.. anyway, xy also showing v v little interest in her milk be it latch on or bottle feed. dunno how to make her drink more in the day. yesterday she was sooo naughty.. refused to drink her 9pm feed.. ended up giving it to her only at 11 when the last feed was 6pm! she ended up waking at 3am and 6am for milk! argh...

parsniketty, A so sweet with her earrings!!

i put the anesthesia myself! i bought a tube from guardian! it can also be used prior to jabs so that baby wont yell in pain!

re Food and ECZEMA
haha thats right my PD told me to stay off seafood, chocolates, dairy, nuts etc--- but ive still been eating it anyway! maybe thats y A's eczema is so stubborn and wont go away!

jules, was it you asking? i loooooove my MIM sling and i can sling A in quickly and have no problems doing the adjustments but when i got the babyrock i find that its TONS easier to use (and i already find the MIM one easy...) because you just slip it on and plonk baby inside and thats it! what i love about the babyrock is the mesh thing because its just too hot to be in the sling the entire time (even if were in an a/c room) and at least with the mesh A doesnt sweat as much! i think its definitely worth the investment, especially if you like to "wear" baby all the time!

celeste is so pretty! she hass this sweet little smile

i usually take the toy bar out of the rocker because when A gets bored with them shell fuss until i take off the entire thing! :p R is such a cutie pie! by the way A does poke at her ears (she scratched it last weekend and it bled a little! so i was hoping she wont scratch up her newly pierced ears) but today it seems the piercing has healed... i can twist the earring and A doesnt seem to mind!

we picked up my hb from work last night so he got to see the earrings (although he heard about it already...) and he loved it! i guess he was worried shed still be in pain and crying and all that so when he saw that she was fine (and in a really good mood too) i think that gave him a little security that i didnt put her through hell with the piercing! he said it was so sweet of you to come with me to the clinic (and to think because of that you got in trouble with your cousin uh oh sorry about that- and for driving like a maniac! )
5-in-1 jabs: I know most of you have done these already. Did you babies spike a fever afterwards? Ems feels warm to the touch but when I take her temp (under-arm) at different times of the day today, it's between 36.9 - 37.2. PD said no need to give her infant panadol unless it reaches 38. Any advice?

parsniketty: Such a good idea to DIY with the anesthesia - what is the cream called? BTW, A looks soooo cute with the little ear studs! My PD advised me to wait until Ems hit 6 mnths bcos of a risk of infection, but since Wairah, Ash and A have not had any problems, I may go ahead and bring Ems after she's had some time to recover from this bout of "fun" with the jabs and eye-drops.

jules: yah it's weird - these babies sometimes don't want to eat! what did XY do when she didn't want to feed at 9pm? just play? or was she tired and preferred to sleep? For Ems, it's never that she's too zonked out to eat (except sometimes during her last 'dream' feed) - she has a lot of energy and prefers to interact, roll around, kick her legs, etc, instead of eating. I think part of the reason Ems is so small is becos she started sleeping thru so early. She's been doing her 8/9 hr stretch since she hit abt 10 weeks - so long without food, sure skinny.
Yolk, i gave Ash one dose of the panadol anyway..
same like Ems, she was feeling very warm but didnt hit 38
i guess i was kiasu and it was last feed at bedtime so Marc said heck just give it in case...

yes yes do the earrings!! i swear they're getting more and more aware! today Ash was trying to follow me whn i lifted both my hands up in the air.. she was most amused!! better do it early, i say. Pars got an extra bottle of spirits.. and i bought a whole big thingie of surgical spirit.. so kiasu abt infection.. but its fine!

i agree abt the poop and pee.. if shes doing it fine,.. i wont worry. ya know, my cell leaders kidss were always in the 10-15 percentile and even underweight.. but her kids are now 12 and they look lovely.. yes slim, very slim.. but healthy. i'd atributte it to genes..and metabolic rate..

hmm.. abt starting solids... gee i dont know.. couple of factors.. one, weight of bb.. very large bb need the extra food, so ive read.. so it depends on their weight for one.. next, its the ability to swallow.. the tongue reflex.. technically at 4mths, they're bodies are ABLE to handle the cereal.. i was thinking of introducing ard 5mth or so.. still far away, it depends on each bb lah

but ive already bought little spoons and stuff... heeee so fun!
i wanna buy a nice food thermos thingie.. pink one!

Pars, i had a lovely time with you... i already can see you and i can yak forever.. hee!!
A is really a good girl.. i was quite shocked at how well she did!

im excited, my mumscoming over to hang with Ash and she's gonna make chicken curry!! hb is working late tonight, he's got demo day..SIGHHHH

Hmm u gals make the earring thingy sound so easy! Yolks let m ask my HB today and if he is ok with it, will go together can???? Need company!!

i am a bad mummy. R dont have many toys! Heehee..so wil see what she likes..since she loves to put things in her mounth, perhaps get something for her to gnaw? Think its too early for that?

Going for Mani Pedi in an hour! My nails are in dire need of a good job!!
yolk, she wants to play! wide awake and energetic despite no milk for 5 hrs! cldnt even put her to sleep lor..

btw, xy was kinda warm after her 6 in 1, but no fever when we measured. she was fretful tho, so we gave her panadol cos we thot the injection site might be sore.. so panadol can ease the pain a bit. she did get better and less fretful after panadol
hi mummies

after reading wat u all say abt babyrock sling, i decide to get 1.

anyone staying at serangoon area?if i dun know how to use, can i consult u ?
hi ladies

weight loss - i dare not get on the scales, seriously. so sad right? haven't been watching my diet, just eat whatever i want and am still taking loads of sweets! trying to cut down but i'm always tempted esp when we go out, and the other day, my hb bought all these yummy macarons for me...so you can guess where the macarons ended up

but i can now fit into three pairs of pre-preggy jeans and two pairs of shorts/berms (but with some flabby bits sticking out on top - sorry if this is too much info). guess the only way to get rid of the flab is to exercise!

jules and amber: thanks very much for the info - decided to do likewise and gave Ems a dose of infant panadol earlier this afternoon. now she's finally getting a good nap in her sling.

amber: are you getting excited yet?!?!?! Hahaha
it should ship from SF soon, probably today or tomorrrow
How many times does Ems poo a day? Gayle also is on a lighter side during her 3rd month assessment, she weigh 5.6kg and PD wanted ideally for her to be 5.8kg. I wonder is it to the many poos she has a day, quite worried.

How do we know if baby has diarrhea?
pita: it varies, between 3 and 4 poos most days, i think. you are quite petite so i'm sure gayle just has your good slim genes. neither me nor my hb is small so we are more worried lor
hello sweet mommies!
i have not had time to read up all the posts yet since last night.. Good news: just got back from work to conclude the week. will be on leave tmr to monday and Lissy has recovered from cough. Bad news: Wairah is coughing for 2 days already
my poor baby din have 2 nights of usual good sleep as she seem to have stuffed nose. keep have to change her sleep position, so mommy also lack of good sleep. and i look terrible, like a panda!
ok gonna shower and break fast. will try to read up the post and see what i've missed out.
HI nor: what's your working hours like?? Can reach home so fast?? So envy u. Mine is from 8.30 to 6.00. If knock off on time (which is usually not the case), will reach home around 7.15pm. If not usually only reach after 8 pm
hi pita/ yolk, hw much milk are ur babies drinking now? my gal is on TFM. last wk she can take 150ml 5-6 times a day bt since starting of this wk, her appetite seems to grow smaller and i'm giving her 130ml now. she is v light too...only 5.33kg. me and hubby big build so quite worried..
Yolk, Gayle can poo 4-6 times a day! I thought as a baby grows older, they will have less poo? But she is like a newborn, can poo so many times!! PD told me its normal for poo to be so many times, but I can't help worrying and keep thinking if she is having diarrhea, bcos her poo are watery and runny. She can poo while sleeping in the night time lo!!! PD encouraged me to continue breastfeeding her, but suggested i replace 2 feeds of EBM to FM. He said it could the quality of my breastmilk that is affecting Gayle's weight gain. I'm adopting his suggestion for the past few days, but still Gayle is pooing a lot. What could be the reason? Sigh..

Pray that Wairah recover soon! Haven send you the updated list bcos its in my other laptop. Will do it soon ya.
Gummi Bear,
Gayle is feeding 7 times per day, ranging from 100ml - 140ml, usually she takes in 120ml. So much so i want her to feed more, but her tongue will push the teat out when she is full. She is feeding on EBM mostly, with 2-3feeds on FM.
gummi bear: no clue, sorry! ems is on TBF and full latch-on...she doesn't like bottles, sigh. didn't have much luck with today's feeds - she skipped one whole feed and didn't seem all that fussed abt it.

pita: haha, there have been times when ems did 6 times a day too, but thankfully, those days are now past! how could the quality of your BM affect weight gain? i can understand if your PD thinks gayle might not be getting sufficient hindmilk (the fatty milk that fattens babies up), but i don't think it's the overall quality that's the problem. i'm not sure frequent pooing = lower weight gain, so don't worry abt her poo cycle yah? incidentally, my PD gently suggested that if ems has not caught up weight-wise by her 4 month visit that i may wish to try giving her some FM, but hb is not at all keen. for now, i stubbornly refuse to entertain the thought that my bb cannot thrive on my BM alone! RA!
i was at the forum today and i got soooo many comments about the earrings! good ones though! i think most were surprised to see a baby with pierced ears and strangers came up to me saying that A looked lovely with the earrings! shes got some BLING BLING hahaha

the cream is called emla. i got it at guardian for $15.

re disinterest in eating
i read somewhere that as babies get bigger they are able to suck more milk than they previously did. so when their tummies are filled they are content (and disinterested in feeding up until they are hungry again). i wouldnt worry about it as long as the pee and poo still keeps coming...

wow mani and pedi!! oh the luxuries of pre pregnancy/motherhood hahaha at least for me...
i bought all these teething toys for A when i was pregnant. i tried giving her one but she doesnt want to put it in her mouth just yet... only her fingers and hands go in (and she tries to fit both hands in her mouth at once- see pic above!) the toys she likes to grasp are her crinkly cloth book and some plastic links-- oh and the neckline of my shirt when shes feeding

congrats on fitting into your pre pregnancy stuff! (even if its a tight squeeze)... i still cant fit in mine!

there are helpful instructions on the babyrock website... but you dont really need them! just plop in baby and youre good to go!

yum yum hows the chicken curry?? nothing beats mums cooking huh!!! my mum cant cook! hahaha when shes over i have firm instructions for her to NOT cook anything except easy stuff that she can fry! :p (and i mean stuff out of a can- she tried to make fried rice once and it was just horrible)
oh yeah ive seen your cute feeding spoons for ash! hahaha ive also bought plastic feeding spoons and trainer cups! i got those baby cubes for freezing purees as a present and a couple of annabel karmel books with recipes. but like you i dont plan to start solids until 5 or 6 months (depending on when A is ready)!
and yes had a lovely time yakking away! i didnt even notice that we waited an hour and a half to see the GP!!!
i'm going for a garage sales tmr ard ~1+ish pm at Clementi. This lady sells pre-owned and BN toys and branded clothes (0-7yrs). but no bags for me... haiz.. Anyone keen to join me? i will be alone.

bcube, R is so adorable! i've not seen her in the flesh, hope to do so soon

pars, did you go to the clementi clinic too?

ok, will cond to read more posts.. lalalalala..
Thanks all for the well wishes for wairah. i just finish washing up, she threw up on my boob! the good thing is that a lot of the slimy stuff in her also got puked out. the bad thing is that i've to re-feed her. oh, my poor darling!

<font color="0000ff">winniebear</font>
i work in Tuas, 8-5pm.. i don drive to work no more.. but i do have my company transport which wil ferry us to Chinese Gardens mrt(normally that manic uncle can reach at 5.15) and i wil take bus down to Boon Lay and another bus home. Can reach home by 5.45pm, provided i don't detour to Jurong Point for my daily shopping/look-see dose.

what do you all do yah? i'm a laboratory technologist, i do plastic testings in a US company.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Nor</font> .. envy u lei can reach home so early ... u don't have to stay late??

I am working at a property co. in the finance dept. Co is located at tanjong pagar. Always have to work late. Boss change my duties (to clear up mess in another area) during pregnancy n i worked late almost everyday. And I was always e last one to go home in e team. *sob* *sob* Those were e dark days ...

<font color="0000ff">Hi Yolk</font> .. That attitude colleague just got married last year with no kids yet. She's same age as me. The day b4 i gave birth told her she made mistake in one area. She insisted she's right n was very unhappy w me. U know how she communicated w me?? She passed msg to her assistant, ask her assistant to pass msg to my assistant, n finally my assistant pass msg to me. So childish right?? And to think that her work station is only next to mine. My friend said if i tell boss regarding her attitude towards me, it will sound like back stabbing?? Do u think so??
But I need to protect myself ... who know's how long I have to work w her ... sigh
<font color="119911">winniebear</font>
i seldom have to stay late unless there's urgent test required by customers. but i do have to work some sundays, which i try to "tai-chi" to the younger technologists. not that i'm being bad lah, they need the extra income to supplement their P/T studies. for me the more i earn, the more i spend..
yolk,i know what u mean when u wanna strongly insist on giving Ems BM, cos mum's milk is the best! I totally agree with you. But looking at the number of times my girl poo, can't help giving FM a try. Though it doesn't mean frequent pooing = lesser weight gain, but it seems what goes in her comes right out! She is taking 7 feeds a day and imagine she poo 6 times a day! Oh my!
pita: yah! no harm trying the FM - just wondering whether FM would mean lesser poo?

winniebear: oh no, she doesn't sound like a nice person at all. never mind, just stay positive ok? you can't help how other people are, but you CAN help your own reaction to other people (or so my mother tells me)
pita: ya i understand wat u mean abt wanting to feed her more bt she keep rejecting the moment she is full..i keep trying to increase her milk qty bt fail..she dun wan, means dun wan. like this hw to gain weight lah???
Yolk sac,
eluxury only ship within US.How did you get them to ship here? It's oos at the moment.Guess have to do the waiting game again...Is this your 1st time buying from them?
thanks for your vote.. chloe has dropped from no.1 to no.3.. her mummy dun have too many friends lah.. hahaa..
little tot : actually there are quite a number of ppl selling the Neverfull GM or MM or Pm away leh... at singaporebride.com and even at singaporemotherhood WTS section...

that day got one mummy sms me.. her hb going to europe next week... can help me get the GM for $900... including her service charge etc....
littletot: I've never bought from eluxury.com but if you did want to and needed to get around the US shipping address/US credit card problem, you could use a service like Comgateway.com. Got a friend's friend in the US to buy from LV directly. She's a big spender (and therefore gd friends with her SA) so she managed to 'jump the queue' so I didn't have to wait too long.

irene: I noticed you started a thread saying you want to buy TWO neverfulls?
are they both for you?
yolk sac: hehe me n my mum! hehe i am having a hard time convincing my hb to get 1... imagine if i told him i want 2!!!! but mum still thinking of which size to get.... and i am hoping her frens are going to europe.. hahaha will be cheaper than 900!!!!

little tot : she getting it from LV boutique.. should be with the receipt i guess hahaha..

i think i going to get the GM... can use it as diaper bag too hahahha.. think my hb going to look at me wif that crazy look... (USE LV as diaper bag look) hahahhaa
actually the MM size also not bad.... not too big.. not too small... if i dont have my little gal... think i would get the MM...

OH ... just wanted to vent out my sadness!!! KAELYN POO ON MY BABY BJORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she didnt poo for 2 days.. and GAVE ME a HUGE present WHile i was at tangs yesterday! pengz....... and there goes my bb bjorn sob2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oH! on a lighter Note... I just changed kaelyn ear stud!!!!!!!!!!! hehe... sponsored by her grandma!! hahahaha she made tiny diamond studs for her... hahaha.. so BLING BLING!!!
good morning all!
wah irene! 2 neverfulls!! should get diff sizes so you can swap with each other.

today's gonna be a very busy day.. wairah is stil coughing.. was slightly feverish last night but after the panadol she slept. i've plenty of cleaning up to do.. and also going out to run a few errands- sans the girls. hubb is off tdy and my helper will also do part of the cleaning. aight, catch up later..
Nor : ya thats what i told her actually.. THEN!!! my SIL wants to get MM also! pengz!!! then i cant physco her to get PM hahahah... if not can swap all ard...
<font color="0000ff">Hi all mummies, have brought baby Alethea for her 2nd dose of 6-in-1 yesterday. To my surprise she's now weighing 7kg... PD said it's the normal 97% tile. Since she's on TBM, I do not have to worry about obesity. But now that I've gone back to work, she doesn't really drink much from the bottle. About 100ml or less at each feed. My helper always has hard time feeding her...
She's able to flip over frm back to tummy on the day she turns 3 months old.
hi all mummies, have go back to work and feel so tired every day and got no x to read the posts.

Nor, hope she is getting better.

Cheylssa has fully recovered from her cough and no more phelgm too. Thanks God.

So many bb girls got earrings now. very tempt to do it for my girls too.

Keagan, Ya they have been sleeping with me since birth.

Abt honey i heard abt it before too. Got one more is Ribena. We cannot give them until they are one yr old too and after one yr old they can only drink 330ml per day which is indicated on the package.

Ok got to go back to work now. So busy. will tried to read the posts on and off.
hi nor,
can you remember how much you paid for your IUD? I'm due to see gynae tmr.Called RH to enquire on pricing and was told total cost including IUD+insertion+ultra sound between $700-$1000!!!

recently had one inserted and cost me $225 (including ultra sound/antibiotics/checkup after 3mths). another one with the hormones release thingy is around $500+.
