(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

claire: Yay! Less scrawny?
Hurrah! She's 7kg and 70cm. Is 70cm short? Not sure what the 'national average' for girls is these days! The photog was David Lim from Foto-U - it was a good, fun session. One hour is just right. Any longer and the little chef would have become cranky.

I will also be having mine with him. He's having quite a tight schedule now so haven't got my date fixed with him. Really looking forward to the session too.

70cm? Not sure.I think she's quite tall, right? Think you can check the health booklet. I trying to remember how tall Matt is the last time we measured him. Thought it's 60+++. Mmmm... short, right? ;P
susu: Hope you are feeling better. Remember to rest as much as possible. I know it's a tough call with LM around. Sleep when he sleeps, ok?

PR status: I didn't know u need to work to get PR. All the best and love to have you here with us always.
Ok, just squinted like an old woman at the charts. She appears to be 15th percentile for weight (argh) and 65th percentile for height. Haha! Disproportionate Ems
Yolksac, it's ok. Girls do not have to be too chubby. Tall and slender, that will be Ems. A good chance for her to be a child supermodel. ;)
Yolk: Love the photos, the chef with the veggies are too cute! If its any consolation, Ally is only 67cm and after surgery , 6.8kg.

We went to see her plastic surgeon today and everything is healing well. We're back again in 2 weeks.

Susu: I know what a pain it can be trying to sort out PR status. We had to go through that with hb as well.... what a nightmare!
claire: haha, thanks! supermodel she is not! bad genes lah, not her fault
but we love her to bits anyway

jillian: so good to hear she's healing so well! way to go ally! And way to go mummy too! Is she back to her happy, active self?
hi everyone!!!

whtta DAY!

ive got the sniffles.. but coping well...
hb spent alll day with me n ASH!

Susu was there for a trial with her gorgeous LM and hb.
wld have been nice if both hbs were doing the class while the mums kick back... but i ended up doing some of it so hb cld take pics.

im very very tired... and feeling very headacheky!

YOLK< wht lovely pics!!! my fav is the chefffff!! aiyohhhhhhh
so nice!!!!!!!!!

my PS is o the 6th of June.. and ive got soooo many ideas!!!
so excitinggggg

ive got soup for dinner and looking forward to dinner n a good dvd.. n snuggles in bed!
its kinda nice to be under the weather!

thank you everyone for your encourageent n shaing in my joy abt this job! its EXACTLY wht i was looking for and fits PERFECTLY with wht i need right now and timing is great for Ash! Praise the Lord!

weight.. Ash is 9.3kgs!!!!
pita we drove up to KL. And we left early in the morning 5am, so Shayne was still droopy and sleepy during half the ride. How long is the journey to port dickson? Does Gayle take her car seat well? If she does, i dont think you'll find any major problems. Most babies can sleep better and longer during car rides- <font size="+2">except</font> mine. Bleh!! The other time we went back to ipoh, it was supposedly 7hours long. BUt we had to break journey at kL for Shayne. You may want to consider stopping over for a night too, if its more than 4hours? You can bring along portable dvd to play for her during the car ride, that will keep her entertain for a while. Bring ALOT of toys...i didnt do that, so Shayne was bored to pieces.
But i encourage you to take that trip with Gayle, there's always first time and it'd be fun fun fun for the family!!

yolk Ems look like she enjoyed herself at the photoshoot!!

claire hmmmm, i am tempted man. WHen will you be signing up for it? How long is the course? I've been spending too much of hub's money...heehhehe need to consider this very carefully!!
Cheok: Yes, she seemed to enjoy it. Lots of new toys to play with so she had no complaints. But she didn't really like the many wardrobe changes - I kept telling her, 'hey, it's not easy being a model ok!'

Amber: Hope you feel better soon babe! Good that you and Susu got a chance to meet up at Gymboree nonetheless. Am sure LM and Ash had a good time kicking back together!
Haha, I wanted to do more 'fancy dress' options at the PS today but my hb prefers more a traditional style. I think we got a nice mix of both. Are you with David or Benjamin?
cheok: There are doing playnest classes for two weeks of the June holidays \:
wk1 : 26th to 30th May (Animal crackers)
wk2: 2nd to 6th June (Beach babies)
venue: Evans road
time: 9-10.30am, 11am to 12.30pm, 1pm - 2.30pm, 3pm - 4.30pm (English)
9-10.30am, 11am to 12.30pm, 1pm - 2.30pm(Mandarin)

Actually, u can choose to go to the Mandarin one or the English class.You can sign up for two weeks of classes (ten lessons) and for each week, they will have a different theme. Each week is 5 lessons

I plan to check out the English one in week 2. Thought I want to have a feel of the lesson before I sign him up for the playclub weekend classes for 18mth old babies. Besides, holiday is the only time I can do this with him. Bonding time too.;)

Do consider together with your hubby. Hope you can join too. BTW, if cannot meet 4, there's still a 10% discount.
<font color="ff6000">YOLK,</font>
Ems looks like she is having lotsa fun at the studio! So pretty! And congrats on her weight! She is NOT short you now! Renee is just 72cm!
Hmm now i am thinking of sending R for a photo shoot too!! So tempting!

<font color="0000ff">Amber</font>,
aiyo babe you still feeling down ah? Poor gal..lotsa Vit C and water year!

<font color="aa00aa">JUles</font>,
where are you? How is XY?

<font color="119911">SUSU</font>
how did the talk with the pple at ICA went?

<font size="+2">R progress update</font>
I have already known this when she was born from the shape of her lips (and ofcause the genes fro her Dad) but it is now 100% sure..she is TALKATIVE man! She discovered that she can make alot of other sounds other than "papapapa" and have been at it the whole time she is awake! Very cute but can drive me up the wall at the same time. How can I be thinking and concentrating on work when i have a <font color="ff0000">Yabba Machine</font> going on and on and on and on? And she can now cruise around her playpen..WITH ONE HAND! Don ask me how she did it..one moment she is at this corner with toy in one hand, and a blink later, she is at the other corner!
claire: hope you and Matt enjoy the JG classes! I will discuss this with the other mummies (from JG) tomorrow, but I suspect I'll keep Ems at home that month to make it easier on my care team logistically. My mum only retires in July so it'll be easier to do JG when the new term starts. As it is, my granny and helper will have to manage one whole month of JG (12 sessions!) without me.

bcube: Wow, Renee is a super cruiser! It's so cool that she's talking! I thought Ems wld be talkative like me but she prefers to giggle. Thankfully she's making more consonant sounds these days.
Amber: Congrats on your new job! Wanted to have a trial lesson at Gymboree today but it was full (if not, would have a chance to meet u &amp; Susu)! Had booked for next tuesday, hope to see you there

Claire: Am interested in the JG classes leh but Evans Rd is quite far from my place. Very inconvenient if hb cant send us there.

Yolk: Can see that Ems loves to smile alot...nice pics!!
wat a long time since my last post more than a month ago.. was so super busy at work n haf been trying to read all the archives..

Amber, my gal can join Ash, she's 9.2kg.. hehe..

remember someone mentioned about HFMD, my gal also almost keena but cos she on total bf, she did not have the full blown.. but mummy got it.. went to GP, GP told me to stop bf but when i went to kk, the doctor told me that i can continue.. so i tink shd be safe to bf..
i am seriously considering buying the leapfrog learn ard playground for K.. so far her fav toy!!! anybody know where has stock for it??

JG Classes : i keen... but 5 days a week.. wont that be rather intense??? dunno if i could commit and tahan for 5 days or not hahaha aft disc is $220 more or less rite??

amber : easyo... ermmmmm ok.. a rather DUH question .... where u get the flask to make the yoghurt huh???

yolk : fab pics!!!!!!!!!! i love the tutu skirt one!!hehe no la... humble ideas only... creativity haf to done by ownself... hehe

pita : glad u like the letters hehehe...ok we shall meet this weekend for it :p
my gal oso took her photoshoot with foto-u on her 6 months.. took another round with another co for her 8 months..

irene, after i seen ur photos, i wanted to take again.. love the chef costume n the ballet ones..:p


some swimming photos taken 2 weeks ago.. anyone has any suggestion to let her hair grow faster and longer??

playing in her float in the adult pool..

back to playing in her baby pool

chilling out
<font color="119911">CELEB</font>
Ah, the budding model! Or perhaps a great baker/chef like Mummy?! Love that pix! Looks like she wanted a healthy chomp of the veggies!

<font color="0000ff">LOBANG QUEEN</font>
Business very good hor?! Keep it up!!

<font color="ff6000">CHEOK</font>
Thank heavens for painless BF! I guess Shayne must have wised up! With LM, when he bit me TWICE, I gave him a good shelling (he even cried - but very wayang tears lah! damn farny, but I had to keep my serious face on!).

<font color="0077aa">PITA</font>
Your drive to PD should take you about 4 hours if you observe speed limits. If you don't make the journey, you wouldn't know! A good car seat for baby is paramount! Seat in the back seat with baby, and like what Cheok said, bring toys.

LM is like his Dad, the moment they get in a moving vehicle, they go to sleep quite easily. However, once he's awake, he wants OUT of the seat! I brought lots of books to read to him, which helped distract him since he loves being read to.

Good luck, you've gotta give it a go!

<font color="119911">CLAIRE</font>
Aii... regression! Hope you can swing Matt back to your original diluted feeds.. or perhaps it's just coincidence that he's going through another growth spurt and actually needs a more fuller feed?

<font color="ff6000">AMBER</font>
Eh.. gorgeous LM... Big Man also gorgeous you know! And cue you say "Beauty lies in the hand of the beholder..!!". I want to get up to Big Man in this lifetime and the many many more lifetimes ahead! Even if we return as cockroaches!

We signed LM up for Gymboree even though he's not really crawling yet, but he had heaps of fun in the opening and closing circle times. He went positively happy berserk during Parachute time!!

He certainly had a lot to say during class too and volunteered a lot of high pitch approval grunts! We're in it more to expose him to other kids and make it a social thing for him, otherwise will be a recluse with just Mama as his playmate!

<font color="119911">JILLIAN</font>
Glad to hear follow up with doctors went well!
Your HB should be able to get PR simply based on his marriage to a Singaporean, no?

<font color="aa00aa">BCUBE</font>
Get a soap box out for the girl, and let her stand on it to make herself heard! R obviously has a lot to say! A career in the public eye, me thinks!

Thanks for asking about ICA. Went down there, had to wait ONE hour just to ask questions! I wasn't even there to submit forms! No one ever picks up the help line and the guy dispensing Q-tickets hadn't a clue either! (Even though it says INFORMATION clearly above him!).

Tomorrow, have to troop down there a-g-a-i-n to submit forms and appeal letter with supporting documents. Aiyah.. basically, they will only award PR if you're contributing financially to the economy. Motherhood is poo-pooed EVEN THOUGH your gov wants the birth rate to increase. OxyMORONS!

So, have to show them that Big Man is capable of keeping me in a fashion I SHOULD be accustomed to! And promise to regain some form of employment soon. Bastards, bleeding bastards!
I am still thinking about wat to bring to the PS. I definitely need to bring G's fav toys along to capture her attention, so tough to capture her looking onto the camera nowadays. The album from Foto-U cost $300 and $600, will have a look at them on the day of PS.

Great planning you did for the trip. Gayle love her car seat so it prob be easier that way. Port Dickson around 3-4 hours drive. But G can get quite impatient if seated too long in the car, so we may need a few stops in between. O portable DVD player? Cool.. then i can bring along her fav Barney DVD. Thanks for the tips

Your baby girl is so chubby! Very cute la..
<font color="0000ff">Jules</font>
HOW IS XY? We hope she's doing better and so are you.. keep us posted.

<font color="119911">KTH</font>
Aii!!! The class was "supposed" to be full today, but there were def less than 12 students today (unless I can't count!).

I called them up this morning and they weren't able to accommodate us, then I rang again after my terribly exciting trip to ICA and asked if there were any absentees who called in. Managed to get a trial spot.

Needed to do it this week as Big Man's off work for a week between jobs, so wanted him to take LM there and have that bit of fun! Love watching my two boys together!

We're in the Tuesday Level 2 class, 3.30pm together with Amber and Ash, so it'll be great if you could join us too!
Thank you for your suggestions. I must really give this a try soon. I brought her to Batam on a ferry before, it went well i'm glad. Now its time to plan for a road trip, Port Dickson it shall be. Next will be to bring her up on a plane, venue unconfirmed. Haa!
<font color="ff0000">BORING PR TRIVIA</font>

Firstly, PR doesn't quite mean forever, even though red tape mumbo jumbo will have you believe it.

Once PR is granted, there's another Catch-22, which is Re-Entry Permit. Your Re-Entry Permit, REP means you can exit SG at will with no issues. REPs are usually granted 5 or 10 years.

However, when your REP is expiring, you must renew it, otherwise, you either stay in the country without exiting ever, or you risk losing your PR status.

There are several levels of PR, granted on the following:

1 Based on employment.
You were working at the point of application and renewal of REPs must be supported by continuous employment.

2. Based on business
You basically set up a (profitable) business and you are granted PR based on your contribution.

3. Based on Dependant
Tagged to a spouse who's already a PR and you are just "along for the ride".

I belong to the first group, based on Employment. But because I have not been working for the period leading up to the expiry of my REP, my application to renew is in a limbo. They will prob only extend it one lousy year. And you're only allowed to do this once/twice and after that, they'll revoke your PR status. So much for <font color="ff0000">PERMANENT</font> residence! BAH.
<font color="0000ff">PITA</font>
No worries. Another good distraction - snacks! food! haha! Oh oh... and sunshades! We hired a car, so it didn't have proper shades to block out blazing rays, but I improvised and used a cloth nappy to drape over his car seat and the passenger head rest. Worked well!

Oh, for a flight, do something regional to test the waters. We did our first flight to KL, LM and I, and we passed with flying colours! A moth later, we graduated to a 12-hour flight to UK!
<font color="ff0000">MORE PR crap</font>
Just in case you're wondering why don't I just tag myself along for the ride with Big Man... he's on Employment Pass, and not a PR... yet.

With the rate things are going, he'll probably have to apply for PR sooner so I can continue to keep my PR status and do freelance work (hoping to pick that up again once LM is a wee bit older).

Aii... this brings us to another issue of child-minding. If I go back to work, we're lost about what to do for LM's care! Another worry for another day, ICA to deal with first tomorrow!
Claire, I've been looking for baby tights for boys. May I know where I can get them? Thanks in advance.

Mommies, just wondering, any babies poo after each time they eat? My baby poos each time he eats/ drinks milk, thus causing him to be hungry all the time.... he can poo 3 times a day, and alot each time. Anybody has that experience? Thanks, mommies
kth.. yesss see you next week!
susu decided to come for trial last min too! cos there happened to be a slot!

two kids moving up so got space! Susu signed up so you'll see us both there!

Ice! weight same same! Ash at last check was 73cm.. donno abt now. her weight has been the same for last two mths.. i think cos shes so mobile now!

Irene, easiyo comes with everything in the box.. the canister.. the sachets.. everything.. go buy!! fantastic!

susu, just read abt ur PR status etc...
i hear ya abt the employment pass.. and going back to work..
something you cld do frm home perhaps? hire a nanny(i have got a contact frm Yolk's friend) who's really good.. by the hour tho.. caan even do lessons during the time shes there!

i really hope this whole PR thing works out for you..
my mums a PR and have been for 40yrs.. the whole exit/re enttry and renewal is a real pain in the pitts

Chcmommy.. Ash can poop 3 times a day too.. its up to each bb and also their diet.. i found tht intrducing Ash to rice cereal made her constipated but BARLEY cereal is perfect.. keeps it solid but not hard!
perfect! so now it's once sometimes twice
amber : u remember how much it cost?

avail at phoon huat huh??? i bought the sachets... DUH rite.... didnt even bother to read the instructions hehe..
Susu: Hb applied for PR before we got married. He came here on a work permit, moved up to an employment pass and then applied for PR. He got rejected and then applied again after we got married. It took them months to process and countless trips down but in the end he finally got it.

Amber: Gymboree sounds fun. How much are the classes? I might get Ally to join you guys even though she already does Tumble Tots on Saturdays. She loves stuff like that and I'm sure she won't mind attending an extra class.
dorami : K is watching Your baby can read... so far so good.. paying attention... but u ask me if K is responding... i wont say she is... but maybe these type of things take time ....

got the brainy baby also.. but havent let her watch...

gymboree : i be going for trial class this sat at 3.45 hehe.. at tanglin.. hehehe
hey all.. i had dinner outside on monday night and at 3 am i started to feel tummy upset and crampy, acidic pain in the tummy and abdomen area. went toilet 4x and finally i threw up at 6+am.. my head was spinning when i went to clinic. doc confirmed its food poisoning and gave me 2 days mc. yesterday i was just too weak to login, slept the whole afternn. now much better but i'm watching my diet as doc advised for soft diet. i have to get well enought to travel this fri.
<font color="ff0000">SUSU IS LEGAL</font>
At least for the next one year! Managed to get a one year renewal on my Re-entry Permit after pleading my case (it's not like we're living on the dole and unemployment benefits!)

Spoke to Big Man and he'll likely apply for PR after starting at the new job so I can tag along with no hassle in the future.

Besides, by the time my next renewal comes along in a year, I'll probably be knocked up again with a sibling for LM, so back to square one, jobless and pregnant!

<font color="0000ff">JILLIAN</font>
Ai... I have friends who've had the same issues as your hubby with their PR application. Pain, absolute pain.
Btw, is Ally holding SG or MY citizenship?

<font color="ff6000">AMBER</font>
Didn't realize your Mum is still PR here, after so long!

<font color="0077aa">NOR</font>
I hope you feel better my dear! Rest up please!

<font color="119911">TALKING ABOUT POOP!</font>
LM had a feed at midnight and decided to poop then! Aii!!! Looked at him straight in the eye and said "Son, it's all about timing. You obviously have impeccable timing to want to poop at this hour!"
<font color="119911">irene</font>
nice work you have there with the letterings! its always nice to work with something we enjoy doing yah.

<font color="0000ff">susu</font>
hey hope we'll hear some good news from you on the PR issue.

<font color="ff0000">yolk sac</font>
oooooohh.. i love Ems pics! she's such a cheery baby lah.. my fav is the chef.. how many change of clothes did you have Ems in?

<font color="ff6000">ice goh</font>
whoa! your bubs looks so happy in the pool! how often do you bring her?

<font color="aa00aa">dorami</font>
i got the Brainy Baby Vcd too(laugh &amp; learn, peek-a-boo,123) and wairah has been watching since ~5+mths and she responds pretty well so the songs.
<font color="ff0000">Legal Susu</font>
thanks babe, i'm feeling better but the meds making me a wee bit groggy so i better nap a bit.. oh its great to know you don't have to have headache at least for the coming year!
amber, her weight can fight with ash liao.. anyway, she's always on the 90 percentile.. even though she only on 1 semi-solid per day. :p

dorami, my gal loves barney.. when outside, she see barney toys, she will always squirm with joy.. haha.. but she doesnt seems to like baby einstein n my disney vcd.. she like action.

nor, she usually goes once or twice per fortnight... we started letting her play in the pool very young, tink about 4 months.. :p
Legal Susu,
these PR procedures can be such a headache right!! 12 hours flight to UK! WELL DONE!! My aim - to bring her along to Paris this coming August!

Gayle loves BARNEY! I bought the one which has the basic teachings of colours, shapes &amp; alphabets. She responds very well (will clap, raise her hands in the air and kick her legs) to the songs and conversations. She will reply 'BYE' when Baby Bop says BYE. I dun encourage sitting in front of TV for too long, a max of 30mins each day.

I know how bad food poisoning feel. Its the throwing up i hate most. Good to hear you are feeling better. Take good rest and drink lotsa water ya!
hi all!!!

irene,you can get easiyo at phoon huat in bedok, behind the pizzahut.. the maker cost $30.. heehee so proud that i can give some info to our shopping guru!!! i have not buy yet, just have a peek that day passby with friends..

susu, cheok, I think jules has gone for her trip..
hahahah... SEE!!! the shopping guru doesnt know EVERything hahaha...

$30 huh... ok2... shall make a trip down maybe later if HB wants to drive me there hahaha...

DUH i was there yesterday i didnt even see the maker! pengz....
<font color="0000ff">Susu</font>
HEY CONGRATS! No need to get kicked around for at least a year! Quick quick get a business running so that you can apply for PR..err...whats the minimum tax u must pay in order to qualify? any idea?

I wanna go too! BUT these few days really too busy no time to call/check etc...sigh..

gotta go...work beckons
