(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

potty: I've more or less decided to retire my fisherprice potty. mmmm... quite a lame one. Pls don't buy

yolksac: what's your review of the bbjorn potty and the safety first training seat?

Do you think I think to get a potty or the training seat?
rented this for Matt and he loves it.
hi everyone!

Wairah's Food Intake
wairah's been eating a variety of food of late.. she takes porridge with fish, sweet potato, tofu, silverfish, eggs (she loves this), spinach, carrots (not her fav), potatoes, pumpkin and the list goes on.. i'm happy that she's not choosy but on the contrary she wants everything that we adults eat. i give her bread and she will smile graciously..

oh oh now wairah always sit very closely to me and lis when i'm having lunch with lis. AND she'll get angry and stamp her feet if she sees me feed lis instead of her.. a few days ago we were eating chicken rice and wairah snatch the chicken from lis! i was speechless.. so i fed her with some rice and voila she was chewing! and she keep opening her mouth and gestured for more.. in the end she ate a good 4 tablespoons of chicken rice.. i monitor for any side effects but saw none; guess wairah has somewhat upgraded to eating rice..

yesterday lis was eating nasi lemak and wairah sat beside her and i fed the both of them.

i think if i boil stone or wood; she'll eat that too..
<font color="0000ff">claire</font>
my monkey can join yours to crawl under the chairs! seems to be their fav path huh..
Susu: My hb &amp; I love love Malacca!! We love the food there and will not miss the night market at Jonker street. Little Kaizer was made in Malacca hehe...We nearly wanted to name him Jonker. Hope the fever keeps a far far distance from LM.

Yolk: Gave Kaizer the whole teddy bear puffs and he loves it!! He kept smiling at me when chewing the teddy...so cute!

Claire: What is that toy you rented for Matt? Do you need to push him around? He looks happy in his little car

Nor: Wirah is indeed very samseng leh...like tow k (boss) haha.

Seems like most of the babies know how to crawl liao...my Kaizer still creeping.
Just got home from dinner - so tired, so this will be quick!

Many thanks to susu, jillian, amber and claire for the helful comments and tips on Ems' routine! will try to shift her bedtime back a bit (today, it was 6:40pm - haha 10 minutes later only, but better than nothing right?) and introduce proteins. today, I fed her minced pork which she seemed to be ok with. I also have the organic tofu in the fridge which I can try out on her soon.

claire: I love the BabyBjorn potty seat! Ems too
No complaints so far. Looks like a nice comfy training potty seat. Haven't used the Safety First yet, will report back later. Baby Whisperer recommends that you skip the potty and go straight to a training seat on a regular loo. For us, we started with a potty and I think helper/granny are more comfy with that, so we might stick to that for now. Still considering this issue.
<font color="119911">kth</font>
on creeping - diff bubs have diff level on developing their motor skills. some of my fren's bubs (also July bubs) stil in the stage of flipping. even my first gal started crawling at ~8mths compared to agile wairah who started @ 5+mths. no worries k; let them take it slow and steady.
rushing off to church..

potty... ive got the safety first potty in pink!!!
i loooove it.
but so far it's on the floor and used as a stool!
Hi All..
Miss you guys!
missed so many post somemore, but i'll try to cathup later..
bussy with hunting new place to stay, plus bussy with my gal to make sure she wont catch the ES anymore since we're came home. Luckily n Thanks God, latetly rain all e time here, so e construction site not making so much noise.. hahaha...
I went to a baby fair last Friday and guess what! i enjoyed loads of gud deals! spent abt 200RM, i manage to get 2pcs jeans (Adam's kid n GYM), 2 pcs jeans skirt (Adam's Kid n Guess), 1 pcs blooming skirt (OSH KOSH), 1pcs shirt (Guess), and 1pcs of bodysuit like one from babymall online (forgot e brand); not bad hor?
Drive there again yesterday (act waiting for cheok to give me a call so i can pick her up n bring her there wif me), but nothing much left..

Hm, i'll try to catch up the rest of your post later on.. i promise!
btw, i just read a glance :
Nice!! LM crawling? hm.. happy chasing!

wonderfull news! I'm very happy for you!
And btw, i love Ally picts, the first one is my fav!

The `pict of lis n wairah georgeous! see wairah's eyes.. she adore Lis!
and i love her hat! hehe

Ok, gotta go.. have other appointment with hse agent..
good morning!

i think i very suey le

yesterday at 9-ish am, i was carrying wairah and looking out the window. (my house is overlooking the 4-storey multi storey carpark) and i live on the 9th floor. then i was attracted to a car; the only car parked on the highest deck (open air hor) so reflex action is to look at it. just then i saw a vigourous movement inside the car. as i squint i finally realise that there's a couple making out! *twang* i was shocked at what i saw so i stood there rooted for a good 5 seconds!

you ladies think i should give them the location for my parallel parking practice..?
<font color="119911">gugi</font>
oh great buy!

i'll be going up north this weekend.. any good shopping place to recommend?
Nor: Yes, you shld give them the location of your parallel parking..hahaha...
I agreed that each baby develops diff...some fast &amp; some slow....I think they will do it once they are ready.
yesterday went to JL marina... having sale for toys... 20% + 20%.. i went n buy Leapfrog phonics bus.. hehe and fridge phonics.. the fridge phonic cost about $25 in the end... the bus was $59.90 after disc was $35plus.. hehe GOOD BUY!!! even their leappad etc is 20% + 20%....

ok my toooopid mistake... i went down coz i have starhub 20 dollars voucher.. so i happily went JL to shop for K's toy..... after paying it.. and happily walk to city hall (with my stroller, and 2 huge bags) I then realise I DIDNT present them my voucher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but JL staff was very helpful.., called them up and explain.. they willing to do a refund for me,... in the end pengz.... went back to marina to get a refund..

good thing is instead of paying 110.... i actually pay only $50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too bad dun have the word whammer....sob2

anyway, after getting the receipt changed... i went back to city hall pengz.... all by myself hahahaha.... but was very happy with what i got yesterday!!!!

got a scrapbook album for $22 also.. instead of the 60 plus... WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Irene : You are indeed our shopping guru man, what great buys! How long is the sale at JL on for?

I just bought a new toy for Ally, its the Vtech Sit to stand dancing tower. http://www.amazon.com/VTech-80-074900-V-Tech-Sit-to-Stand-Dancing/dp/B000NZQ13M/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=toys-and-games&amp;qid=1206320324&amp;sr=8-1
I've had to put away most of her toys since she's not allowed to put anything in her mouth so that left her with only the learn around playground. The dancing tower is pretty cute, fairly sturdy and keeps her occupied. But the playground is still her favourite.

Little something to share, we never knew how much Ally could or couldn't hear before she had her ear tubes put in. The results of her hearing test only told us that her hearing is inconsistent, not how much she could hear.
Well, ever since she had the tubes, the world is a different place for her. Today when I was draining her bath water, she suddenly turned around and looked at me in surprise, she had never heard the sound of water going down the drainpipe.
The expression on her face was priceless
Have been silently reading the posts. I think Veralyn is the only baby here who isnt crawling much and she has not even started teething yet! Nope, not even an inch of budding tooth
Well, I am not too worried about the teething cos I only started teething when I was 1 and late teething also means that her milk teeth will drop later. Consolation perhaps?

As for crawling, I know that lot of baby literature mention that crawling is important but I personally didnt crawl much when I was a child. In fact, I just stood and learnt to walk. Erm, I guess the fact I went to uni means I am not that stupid even though I didnt crawl much? Perhaps its just that her coordination is not that great?

hiya livvie!!

how have you been?
did you solve your avent bottle hunt?
i saw a BP for it actually...

yeah lots of bb go straight to walking.. and it really is fine.
same with the teething.. my niece n nephew had their first teeth ard 13mths!!

my interview is today... am feeling anxious as well as excited..
yolk, a strange need to have my time out ad yet feel a little guilty abt being away frm Ash. but i think 8mth-1yr. is pleanty of koalaship!

Jillian.. you are an amazing mum..
the vtech dancing tower looks fun!!!
U were in MS JL ytday ? Me oso , i was there abt 12.00pm, left abt 2.30pm.. Jayden was super cranky cos he want to sleep....

BTW, i got the letterings from alvina liew, thanks for your hard work and efforts
Will bring for photoshoot on this sat.... hope will turn out well as kaelyn.
ha ha... so qiao yet we not fated lah.... me at the shoes department.. bot 2 pairs of VINCCI shoes at 20% discount.

Yap, me and hsiao wei like the real thing, didnt know the letters were quite big, hope this sat photo session turn out to be good meh.
<font size="+2">red{i got he job!!</font>}
and the hours tht i wanted... had a nice lloooong interview and asked every question i cld think of! it's grrreat!!!

i'm sooo happy.

okie.. am gonna have din dins and enjoy a nice movie wit hb tonight..

<font color="aa00aa">GOD IS GREAT! THANK YOU JESUS!</font>
<font color="119911">irene</font>
whoa! shopping queen! great purchase you had there.. and not bad ah, stil can use your voucher even after you made the payment. its great to see such service available and it makes shopping all the more wonderful experience esp with us towing down the stroller and what nots..

eh which type of scrapbook album you bought? am interested to see
post pic le!

<font color="0000ff">livvie</font>
now that you mention that, yah i recall one of the kids that my mom baby-sat (correct engrish??) also din crawl; he just sit and then he climbs and he just started to walk skipping the anticipated crawling phase! we thought it was amazing then.. well i was only 10-12 years then so din really care much about baby development.

<font color="ff0000">jillian</font>
oh babe! i can imagine how proud and moved you are when you saw Ally's expression. am really really happy for the both of you! nothing beats the joy of watching our little ones new discovery.

<font color="aa00aa">jenn</font>
let us see the turn out of the photo shoot yah! i'm always happy to see baby pics, brightens any day

Congrats on your job! so many happy news starting to pour into our thread! yay!! so when you starting?

oh ya i saw your pics in FB, love love love your wedding pics and Ash's pics.. lovely!

aiya, don pretend enjoy nice movie lah.. *wink* *wink*
hey all
been on the phone telling my family the good news!!
soo happy

hb just assured me again tht he'll try his best to work frm home till Ash's big nap in afternoon.

the hours are sooo flexible
God is so gracious
i cant get over it

Irene, i might be starting in 1st April.. or first week April..
im taking over an existing class... so waiting for current module to end so i can start.

i know the syllabus they're using and familiar with the text.. just need to do a little prep.. i feel confident! very happy!
<font color="ff6000">AMBER!</font>
Well done gf! Very happy for you! Sounds like you're working out the balance needed for Ash's support and care. Soo soon though, the start date!! We'll miss you here!

<font color="0000ff">JILLIAN</font>
I love the enthusiasm &amp; excitement coming through your posts.. and what more for you as a Mum to watch Ally's reaction! Happiness!

<font color="119911">CLAIRE</font>
Love the pictures! The tunnel one is my fav! Cheeky smile, he's got! Hope your nights are better now!

<font color="aa00aa">CELEB!</font>
10 minutes is a good start! Was thinking about you going back to work.. you'll have to start giving your Grandma and maid total control of some days, to help ease everyone with the transition. Take the day off, spa, shopping, just you and HB or something and simulate a day away as if you're back at work. I'm sure you've thought about this already, just thinking aloud here.

Someone said about things going slack, bound to happen. You might even find "regression" in some areas, esp with feeding and sleep. Ems might be more clingly when you return for her last night feed, so I guess the best way to tackle this is to Hope for the best, but also prepare your expectations in case things go pear shape for awhile, until new routines are established. Good luck.

I really take my hats off to working mums! I don't think I can bare leaving LM - esp since we don't have family to rely on here.

<font color="ff6000">GUGI</font>
Harlow! Good luck with house hunting! I presume your hb's office is doing something about it now?

<font color="ff0000">NOR</font>
Esh, esh, esh... what is it with you and parking? hehe!

<font color="0000ff">LOBANG QUEEN</font>
Long live the Queen! Staying true to your reputation, I see!

<font color="119911">LM</font>
Aii!!! LM was much better Sat and Sun, Big Man was kinda sick during our trip.. and I finally succumbed to it last night! Felt as if someone pounded my nose with a sledgehammer last night! To make it worse, LM got up at 1,2,3 AND 4 am last night!! I guess his routine is all out of whack.. like today, he took a nap at 10am, despite getting up at 8.30!

I've been pretty out of it today myself, hence the absence from here.

Got other stuff to worry about now.. my PR is coming up for renewal and I think I'm going to lose it as I've not been working the past 6-8 months. The Gov doesn't recognize Motherhood as a valid, contributing job, even though I'm raising the next generation! Got to troop down to ICA to find out my fate tomorrow!
Oh my gosh, where did the day go?!?! Busy busy day, with JG, then routine PD appt (for Ems' #2 flu jab), then a bit of running around, then a bit of admin work (for a volunteer grp) - and then, I look at my watch and it's past midnight!! How am I going to manage when I go back to work? Oh my goodness! No wonder I keep reading how many mothers survive on 5 hrs of sleep per night for years at a time.

Amber: Babe! Congrats! Sounds like a wonderful job! Wow, you're starting so soon. How are they doing the flexi hours? Classes only on certain days? Or can you adjust the timing with some advance notice?

Susu: Oh no! Didn't realise the PR thing worked that way. But if you're married to a PR who is employed, shouldn't that take care of it? Hmm...sorry, kinda clueless about how ICA works. All the best babe, hope it works out! Thanks for the thoughts on going back to work. Am fully expecting it to be kinda hairy at first and I'm quite sure it's going to take a lot of adjustment for me, Ems and our family. Another issue is the breastfeeding thing. I am wondering whether to stop or reduce the amt significantly. I'm getting kinda tired of it, to be honest. But I do think it'd be nice to do it for at least one year. Am currently thinking I should BF in the morning and in the evening and pump just once at lunchtime. Any remaining feeds can be FM? Sigh - decisions, decisions.

Jillian: hey, that VTech Tower looks like fun! How's Ally doing? That story about her hearing the water is soooooo cool. Almost brght tears to my eyes. Am so happy for her!

Nor: Hahaha! I have nothing to say! You must have the "in-car entertainment" vibes or something! Such a coincidence
Your post really cracked me up.
YES i agree... i beginning to Love the primary colors more hahaha... so striking!!!!!!! i love it... hehe...

everytime i paint the pri colours .. i go WOOO... WOOO... hahahaha
Any mummies here sign up with the Pix n Portraits package? I signed up the new born package with free 1, 4, 8, 12th mth studio pics. But when I want to call and make appt for my bb's 4th mth pic, couldn't get them at all. Keep going to the mailbox for 3 days already. And when I found a hp to call on the brochure, the gal Val says she's no longer working for the company anymore. After which she hangs up her phone when I call again. DID THE COMPANY CLOSE DOWN? Anyone's make a appt with them recently? Or did anyone pass by the shop at Novena Sq and see that they are open/closed? Can PM me if you know anything? Thks! So sad, was looking forward to take my bb's 4th mth pic.
Hello Mummies! Im back! It was a good trip though i did nothing much but walk to and fro the mall and hotel! ha!

susu great to hear LM is better!! I hope you're on the road to recovery too! Ooo, you were right, Shayne's sucking is much better now, i dont feel any pain. I think as you've said, he got had to re-learn how to suckle with the teeth.

gugi aiyah, sorry that our timing didnt quite meet. Should've call you earlier but sat we had some plans to meet a friend. But in the end we spent half a day at sungei wang (correct spelling??) cause of that damn rain!! DAMPEN my mood man! I was stranded twice because of that erratic weather! anyway, i hope your house hunting will come to a good conclusion! By the way, i lOVE pavilion! I am sooo impressed with it! Plus, there was more than sufficient nursing rooms in there!! Im very impressed!

claire lovely photos of matt! Wow the last time i saw him, he was so tiny....wow...

amber praise the Lord! you've really got one great deal there man! You've got me believing God for a job that can suit my and shayne's needs.
We had fun at Emily's photoshoot this morning. Special thanks must go to Irene who provided artistic direction on the shots (in advance!) and generously loaned me many of the props we used.


Many thanks for your help, you are a very prompt and efficient person
Hope to see you this weekend in town for collection!

Congrats on your new job! Everything is planned out so nicely for you. God is definitely great!

Woohoo...!! Little Ems look gorgeously adorable! Love love those pictures! Did you bring any teasers or rattling toys with you? I think its not easy to capture them on camera since they are so mobile now. O, btw, do u intend to have an album from Foto-U or you wanna DIY? Gayle's PS fixed on end May. Excited!

Good to know the trip was good. Did u drive up or took a plane? How was Shayne during the journey? We intend to plan a weekend getaway to Port Dickson but kinda worried about the few hours of driving up.
dorami: thanks! I loved your pics so much i just had to go to Foto-U
actually some of my fave shots are of her in various states of undress but my mum won't allow me to post them! haha

pita: we brght lots of toys, but there are also a ton of toys in the Foto-U studio so you don't need to bring your own unless there's a particular one that catches Gayle's attn or makes her smile. I think I'll DIY the pics - probably going to put them in a scrapbook so won't use their album. Do you know how much an album will cost btw?
Yolksac: Ems looks so happy. Beautiful shots. BTW, I think you've have succeeded in beefing her up. Think she looks chubbier. ;P

chic mommy: Yes, Matt is wearing the babylegs

susu: Matt is sleeping better but he's still waking up for a full night feed now. In the past, he can settle with a really diluted one but these few days, he wouldn't budge and will cry if you give him one. I think he enjoyed too much good milk in the night when we were not up north in M'sia. Grrrghhh... got to start all over again.

Julia Gabriel holiday Enrichment class:
Is anyone interested in signing your baby for the above class? JG has playnest classes in w1 and w2 or the holiday. We can get a 20% off if 4 or more sign up for the same class. I'm thinking of going for the classes in w2 from 2/6 to 6/6 (morning or afternoon classes) The cost for the 5-day classes is $285 (before discount) Let me know if you are interested so that we can tap on the good discount. If not, I will go ahead and sign up.
