(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Irene / Nor.. whr I can buy your baby can read n brainy baby?? Does K pay attention to the tv when u switch it on for her?

Ice.. hee.. so cute.. she likes barney huh?! Jo likes pooh.. his whole face wil light up if v pick up a pooh soft toy to play w him

Pita.. gayle oso likes barney? Hehe.. whr is a gd pl to find all these baby’s cds??

yes! She loves Barney and the characters in it. She will be so engrossed looking at them, her eyes wun wink! Haha! You can find a variety of DVDs at Toys R Us & Popular & Kiddy Palace.
Hurray!! Glad they renewed your PR status! They can just decide on the spot? Wow that's a level of decisiveness which I didn't know bureaucrats had, haha.

Wow, Gayle can say "bye" - so cool! Uh oh! The Barney Bug has hit your household too? So many of my friends with toddlers are complaining about him
as their kids are hooked on him and him alone. One of them cries 'Barney, Barney' when her mum tries to put her to bed at night. We haven't let him near Ems yet. Wonder how long we can hold out!

Just checked Ems' shots and she appears in 9 diff outfits - *faints*, poor gal, no wonder she was getting a little bit testy towards the end. I love your pics too! Have signed up with Hart for a session in July when Ems turns one. Any comments about his services? Oh no, just read about your food poisoning, you poor thing - I hate food poisoning! Are you feeling better yet? Do you take charcoal tablets at all? My hb swears by them as they soak up all the toxins.

will probably pop by your place later today to return you the props. thanks again!

Yes, PD says it's very normal for weight gain to slow down now as the babies become more mobile. Ems is still gaining though - doc says her weight gain is slightly above average for her age, but I think that's cos she's trying to catch up a bit! Hmmm...Ash is 73cm? I think the nurse may have measured Ems wrongly then. No way is Ems only 3cm shorter than Ash.

I got the JG Holiday Programme brochure today and everything looks so interesting! now wondering if I shld sign Ems up for Week 2 (English Playnest) and take a couple of afternoons off in June to go with her (and have my mum do the remaining afternoons). I've been meaning to see what goes on in their English classes anyway. Hmm...decisions, decisions. You were trying to put together a gang of four right? Any more space in your grp?

You going to the sale tonight? Can bring a non-member along? So tempted! Need work clothes cos I can't get into my old stuff, sigh. Fatsome is me! Hmm...will be in town tmrrow afternoon, maybe I shld just go tmrrow - it'll be open to the public tmrrow right?
pita.. ok.. wil go take a look d nxt time i go toys r us or kiddy palace.. i

did went to take a look while i was at kiddy palace last weekend.. so many varieties til i didnt noe which r gd to buy hee
dorami: Erm, I really don't know. I think David works very fast and he just took a couple of shots of each outfit. Once we had a few nice shots, we stopped and moved on to the next one. I had such a big bag of props from Irene! Didn't even manage to get thru all of them. Haha.

I'm from aug07 thread, may I check with u where u bought those cute cute props to take photos?eg, the angel wing and chef costume, it's so cute, going to bring my gal for the stadio next month but dont know what to wear for her..thanks..
<font color="119911">ice goh</font>
i haven bring wairah to the pool for a loooong while cos weather have not been good.. maybe next week i'll take the girls

<font color="0000ff">pita</font>
thanks babe! am trying to down as much water to replenish my system. and yah its the puking thats scares me... its like morning sickness all over again.. aiyaiyai!

<font color="ff0000">Dorami</font>
i bought at kiddy palace too.. if you have the card, its 10% off.

<font color="aa00aa">yolk sac</font>
wowsies! 9 outfits in an hour?? you're amazing man.. i mean woman.. hahhaha.. yeah doc gave me 6 different types of med for fever/ gastric/ abdomen pain/ charcoal tab/ vommiting/ wind.. i think by the time i finish the med i feel very full liao!

about Hart's photography, i must say his approach is different from other photographers. he's more casual and don't dictate the pose so much and he lets the subject (read: baby/kids) do their things and he captures the mood.
he promised me to have the DVD and online galery done in a week and i'm happy to share that it was delivered on time.

hmmm.. now you make me wonder how many outfits you're gonna have Ems in as Hart's session is a good 2 hours!

oh ya, i've not decided which pics to blow up cos i have 2pcs 8R and 6pcs 5R to choose from the 155 pics he posts.. decisions.. decisions..
<font color="ff0000">irene</font>
wah! i think you can open biz making the letterings and rental of baby outfits!
xman : my mil made the chef apron.. as for the chef hat.. i got them from sia huat at chinatown.. its adult size.. i used a pin at the back hehe...

angel wings i think quite common... i know ck tang has it.. spotlight.. vivo...

hope my info helps..

peck : NO WONDER!!!!!!!!!!!! this shortie cant see it
dorami, i tink most vcd shops oso sells the barney VCD..

yolksac, wow amazing.. my gal only manage 3 or 4 outfits.. though 80% of the photos r nude, cos she dun wan to smile when dressed.. haha..

nor, shd bring ur gals out.. very different now when they are slightly older.. my gal played alot more nowadays..
<font color="119911">ice</font>
i do bring them out but not to the pool. yes agree that their reactions to the surroundings are very diff now that they're older. Wairah especially will smile a lot when she reach the lift lobby

outfits during photo shoot
Wairah also did 3 change of outfits.. Lis had more(5) cos she's so very the vain! but to be honest i wouldn't have made it if its not done at my place.. i'm too lazy to lug too many stuff to the studio!

oops, i mean out to the pool.. their reaction to water is so different.. last time, my gal stone stone when in water, now splashing the water all over...

wairah is beautiful.. love her eyes, love her mouth.. i always tot that if photoshhot taken at home wont be so nice as in the studio.. but u prove me wrong.. :p
claire, how much is the JG class for the week? tempt! tempt!

yolk, you wanna join too? what time? in the afternoon?
I take that as a reminder. The last thing i wan is addiction to obsession! Thanks! I better keep it strictly to max 30mins a day! There are days where my parents are over taking care of Gayle, and they would play the DVD to keep her occupied or rather I should say they enjoy seeing how Gayle responds to it. Yes, Gayle can say a number of words like Papa, Dada, Mama, Bye &amp; Bar-means Barney. She has a total of 8 teeths now, I wonder is there an association here. More teeths = chatterbox? Hahaha!
Just came back from a relaxing lunch with girlfriends minus Ally
I think we both needed a break from each other for a few hours. When I came home she crawled over and gave me a little kiss. Awww....

Nor: Oh no, sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Be sure to drink lots of fluids. HB had that a couple of weeks ago as well.

Susu: Congrats on the PR renewal! Ally has a S'pore passport. Does LM have dual citizenship?
You gals are making me realise that 9 outfit changes was a bit much! Guess we all got too excited and carried away!

Nor - thanks for the feedback! hmm, maybe i shld ask Hart to come and do the pics at my place too. will discuss with hb

Jillian - sounds like fun! I think I'm going out around 4:30 and staying out until late tonight. Bcube and I are gonna shop shop shop!

Pita - Wow, that's a superb little vocab for Gayle! She's such a clever little girl! So cute that she refers to Barney as "Bar", my friend's kid calls him "Ney" - haha! Guess single syllables are easier lah.

Peck: See what Claire says lah. My mum is suggesting family outings instead, but she's agreed to take 2 afternoons off if I want to do 3 afternoons. I'm still pondering the issue!

Ice: Haha your baby likes her birthday suit? So cute! Ems is smiling more these days. She likes us to carry her and dance. We do the tango and the chacha (pretend tango - we don't really know how to tango lah) and she laughs!
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">BARNEY</font></font>
That Purple GAY Dino aint gonna make an apperance in my household anytime soon! I have told everyone that they shall NOT buy any Barney VCD (my maid bought one for R w/o realising my distatse for it!)...and ofcause all my GFs insist that Barney will find a way to creep into my house with its sticky fingers....NO WAY!!!!
Quick reply before I continue marking.

Peck and yolksac: So far it's me only. ;P Cheok is interested but she hasn't come back to me. Are both of you in it then we can sign up for the classes once I manage to get the fourth one.:p

log in again later
I WAN JG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but but but.. dun think i can MIA for 1 week from my office... if not i wont see my desk the week aft... i see a pile of transactions and papers and every other thing....

hai... let me discuss with hb... then i get back to u claire..
bcube: the details are as follow:

wk1 : 26th to 30th May (Animal crackers)
wk2: 2nd to 6th June (Beach babies)
venue: Evans road
time: 9-10.30am, 11am to 12.30pm, 1pm - 2.30pm, 3pm - 4.30pm (English)
9-10.30am, 11am to 12.30pm, 1pm - 2.30pm(Mandarin)

We are think of going in week 2. Come and join us. WE need another one to make 4.

thanks, I will go to vivo city to shopping this weekend, hope can get some nice one..


the pic is so nice, love it!
<font color="119911">Ice</font>
yeah at first i was a little skeptical of the photo effect taken at home. i asked Hart lotsa questions and he told me he wil bring the necessary lightings and props in case the natural lights at my place is insufficient. BUT in the end he din use any additional lights. and i thot, what the heck its only $100+ so if it doesn't turn out good, we'll do it elsewhere. BUT the turn-outs are great, beyond what i imagine actually. oh and my house looks bigger in pics too.. i put up the pics in my FB

<font color="0000ff">yolk sac</font>
yes babe, i'd highly recommend you do it at your place for convenience, relaxed atmosphere for Ems and you and hubb, you get to grab last minute items you want to have taken in the pics and of course you get to show Ems that place she grew up in when she's older. oh did i mention he do outdoor too? i din have mine outdoor cos it was raining that day. Hart said that he's fine with indoor + outdoor provided its just a 5 mins walk away so as not to distress the kiddos.

<font color="ff0000">xman</font>
thanks for the compliments! credit to Hart thou.
bcube: They have both English and Chinese but you can only choose either one

has anyone started your baby on organic brown rice porridge? I bought a few types of the organic brown rice but realise that Matt cannot digest the husks that come with it. Any idea which brand is good for baby.
susu: Glad you manage to retain your PR status. hahaha... take things one at a time and don't worry your PR in one year's time. Maybe the law will change and it may make things easier.

chicmommy: You can order from BBTinz. She has a bp thread but it's closed but i think you still check order from her biz website

pita: wow... Gayle's speech development is so advanced. I'm impressed.

Yolksac: Glad that Ems can make consonant sounds already. Matt is still nowhere there. Mmm... mom's getting a little worried but everyone is telling me that it's ok, he's still young. His hearing is ok and he's making sounds so not to worry. Are they right?

GD flashcards: Matt's doing better. Better concentration. He's able to do five cards now, really focussing on the words.

susu: Wow... LM enjoys reading. That's gd! Matt loves flipping books and biting them only. Reading is like this.
"Ok, Matthias, let's flip to this page. Ok, wait, no no. In the great green room, there was a .... Matthias, mummy says cannot put your book in your mouth."

My friend just read an article and told me that for babies, biting is also considered reading. I was like huh? She's going to fill me in with more info and will share with you. BTW, the article is in chinese and so she has to read and interpret for me. haha...
Thanks everyone for keeping tuned in to the unfurling PR saga! Actually, I believe the approval is all very subjective, ie it depends on the officer you get. Thankfully, the one who took my case was very understanding!

<font color="aa00aa">BCUBE</font>
Is the sale open to public or not har? Been meaning to go down there for shopping.

As for tax and own business, I'm clueless about that part. I must first come up with a product or service that can make me millions!

Eh.. come lah for Gymboree trial next Tuesday, 3.30. See if R likes it or not!

<font color="0000ff">NOR</font>
Saw your pictures.. absolutely gorgeous! Eh.. how comes your shoot didn't involve your Parking Instructor?! Just the girls, so clique-ish!

Hope you're feeling better with all that meds you're pumping down your throat!

<font color="119911">JG Holiday programme</font>
Wah.. quite keen, but it's kinda intensive to do it everyday, me thinks.. if it's every other day, we might consider, but daily is too much commitment for ME!

<font color="0000ff">CLAIRE</font>
LM enjoys being read to just as much as he enjoys eating his books! It's completely natural at this stage, I think every parent has the same conversation with their babies about not munching on the books!
LM loves the part when we do voices or animal sounds - he goes bonkers and when he's excited, he'll shake his head left-to-right! Quite a sight!

<font color="ff6000">JILLIAN</font>
LM is not dual citizenship, although he technically can have both up to a certain age. We didn't see the point it having 2 passports since he'll eventually choose to follow Big Man's anyway.
Glad you have some girly time. I always maintain that I'm a better Mama after a break for LM, from time to time. I get back, refreshed and missing him and all set to rough and tumble with him!

ps - are we seeing you and Ally at Gymboree next Tuesday too? hehe... stirrer!

<font color="119911">LOBANG QUEEN</font>
Eh, I thought you were a SAHM?
<font color="ff0000">LOVING THIS WEEK!!!</font>

I <font color="ff0000">heart</font> Big Man! He's between jobs this week and it's sooo incredibly nice to have him around all to ourselves - not tired from work, not rushed to come home, not rushed to head out for work!

LM is soo delighted his Daddy is around more. Today, LM was so animated throughout and just kept chuckling and laughing lots around us! We imagine he must be thinking "Hmm.. this weekend is going on longer than usual..!".

I am soo incredibly relaxed too, and able to run so many errands this week because he's here to help out with LM.

Not looking forward to the severe withdrawal issues when Big Man returns to work next week, leaving me <font color="0000ff">blue</font> with a baby who'll be missing his Daddy quite sorely!
Susu: I rang up to try and get Ally into your class but they told me its full!!

I was quite keen on the JG holiday programme as well but everyday is a little intense.

Ally's back for a post op checkup tomorrow morn, this time with the ENT doc. Hope he gives us the all clear to go swimming.
eh u try to bluff me joing Gymboree while its full ah?! Heng ah Jillian check it out first! haha...Dun bother going to the Robinson sale lah..nothing much...Yolk bought a couple of work clothes and me 2 dress and a pair of Bobux shoes for R....nothing else really.

yeah if Ally can go swimming, can join us for class in Apr?

oh am so tired...gonna crash..
ive got food poisoning too

sigh... was feeling lousy last coupl of days thn today nasea was much worse n i ended up with vmiting n the runs sigh

just got back frm doc.. had a jab sighhhhh

night yall
Sorry babes, really tired today. Will reply to posts tomorrow.

Claire: Pls count Bcube and me in for Week 2 English Playnest @ 3pm. So now you just need one more pax!
hi everyone..

i havent really read the posts yet...

Poulinea, how are you? how is your son? anymore spasms?
Ash hasnt done any for the last few days... very strange. so random.. really no pattern at all.

Claire, i'd love to join you guys for JG, but with the new job, i think id better minimize my requests to leave early..

hey i had a small breakthrough with Ash.. she's managing to drink water! well occasionally! better thn not at all!

i'm feeling really weak n tired..throwing up is no joke man.
whole tummy hurts
thank goodness it's not stomach flu..
turns out my mum and sis both have food poisoning too!
just found out last night!!
for sure thn we got it at Easter Champagne lunch at the Tanglin Club!
ca you believe tht?! sigh

work clothes... am gonna need some new baju!

hey does anyone know at wht age shd bbs drop the 9am nap..
darn i passed my GF book to my sis..
yolk, you wldnt happen to know wd you?
GF Sleep Guide says they drop one day nap sometime between 12 - 18 months, it varies from kid to kid. Tanglin Club gave you food poisoning! You should send in your medical bills for reimbursement, especially since there were so many of you hit by this. I thought you had a stomach flu cos I just heard last night that there is a bad bug going around. Yay! So glad Ash is drinking water! Good girl!

I hear ya, sista! I love it when hb is around to share in our every day experiences. I do think he misses out by not being home during the day to see Ems - but guess what? I will miss out too come May!
Oh well. Don't worry too much. I find with these things the hardest bit is the anticipation of their going back to work - once they are actually at work, you'll find that LM's cuteness and spending time with him distracts you from missing BM too much. Well, that's what I find anyway.... er....not that I'm missing BM ah! Hahaha

Yeah, we're thinking abt outdoors too. See how lah. It's still in a few months' time. By then I reckon Ems will be walking, so maybe outdoors might be fun. BTW, I think bcube signed up with Hart too - she loved his photojournalistic style!

I wouldn't worry. Matt's making a range of sounds right? That's all you need right now. Also thing is - I hear boys generally develop a bit slower than girls in this respect in the early stages, so he's not behind lah. Ems doesn't say words either. Biting is reading? Haha! Then I can proudly announce, "my baby can read!!"
claire sorry but i think i will give JG a pass. Lessons everyday is bit too intense for me (haha me, not shayne) and quite inconvenient as well.

amber, nor oh dear, hope you gals get recover quickly!!!
Hi Amber,
No spasms noticed recently. Hopefully this continues forever for both the kids.

You can try to introduce water to Ash during her solid feeds. Make the solid less liquid (hence it is drier). Feed a few spoon then give water. Normally baby will drink as he is thirsty.

Hope you are better today already.
