(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Yolk Sac,
Aiyo, just read the postings, is a daily event huh.... think me will oso give a miss, so sorry abt it

Isnt there any a one day trial ???
Maybe you can do some boy's costume and can start a part time rental lor.....

My photo sesion is this sat, so will only bring the letterings ......
hahaha sekali no body wan to rent from me.. later i ask K to parade around the house with the policeman costume hahahaha....

gymboree : is the citibank promo still on for the trial class?
Jenn.. no prob
wil email them to u later

so did u n d other mummies sign up for their membership

peck/nana.. if u oso wan the pics let me noe n i'll email to u gals.. if u hav nice pics of jo too send them to me too ok?

[email protected]
bcube: no luck, the ENT doc says Ally is not allowed to get her ears wet...
Its a big shame cos she loves swimming. Hopefully all that will change in 6 months.

Amber: My goodness, the food at the club made you sick? You should let them know and they ought to pay for your medical bills.

Ally is having a bad tummy as well . The antibiotics that she was on caused it and even though she has since stopped taking it, I've been cleaning runny poos at least 3 times a day!!
Nope, none of us sign for the membership...... some of us rather pay $15 when using the playgym lor... which i feel the same..

$40 discount off class oso not much lei... plus i dun really like the 2 trainers, they are too young... i prefer the 2 trainers @ kampong playhouse... at least my boy laughing most of the time
Yes, most likely. Actually I do not know which timing to pick. I'm incline to go for the 3pm one but I'm not sure whether Matt will be cranky if he decides to have a short afternoon nap which is possible at times. What do you think? Does that happen to Ems?
yolk,Jillian, yeah man! can you believe Tanglin club?
my sis MIL is the member and shes already complained..
we've sorta narrowed it down to the oysters!!


poulinea thanx for the water tip!

bcube, thanx babe for the sms.. am feeing very weak still and tummy feels like it's been turned inside out!
im sure i'll be better by tmr tho!

ive got a faculty meeting tmr.. and also gonna sign my contraact and get start/hour details... soo EXCITING

the HOD just called... they need me to start on tuesday!!
Amber babe,
better rest rest REST!! Want to be well and alert for the 1st day of work!

thanks for helping with the organization of the JG! Wah thank goodness I have you super-organized gals like Yolksac/Irene/you etc etc to give info as and when I need! Hee this lousy mum just too lazy to get any info/research...

which bring me back to one info I need..

ANYONE ON <font size="+2">BUMWEAR DIAPER PANTS</font>??? Just made a purchase to let R try coz
1)She basically dont poo as much as her infant stage so washing isnt that jia-luck
2) I am fed up with stocking somany types of diapers in the house! And having to constanly lug bags of them home from the supermarket!
3) The cost of diapers are amazing!
4) I wanna potty train her and I read somewhere its best if they are not using diapers so they can feel (uncomfortable) when they go in their pants which will aid in potty training
5)The disposable diapers are giving her abrasion on her (fat) thighs lah...

So anyone her using it and have tips to share?
I booked Hart for photoshoot and date tentatively in June! I love the pics he took of Lis &amp; Wairah!

start your costume rental business! I will rent from you! haha!
<font color="aa00aa">HAPPY HAPPY DAY!</font>
Firstly HB delayed the departure of his 6 weeks trip for 1 day so have another 24 hours to spend with me &amp; R so am really happy! Secondly, the sweet fella will be going down to Hourglass and picking up the watch that we saw today (which I really like)! Happy happy happy!
I'm an easiyo virgin no more!!! Just bought the stuff and made up my first batch.

Amber: Wow that's quick, Tuesday. A new job is always exciting

Bcube: wow, that's really great of hb. Happy for you babe!
wah so many posts..need time to catch up..
so many of u enjoying shopping uh..
how i wish i cud spare the time..
my babe has just recovered fm fever,cough n flu.it was terrible n he just started cruising in his playpen n letting go of his hands as if he cud stand on his own..n wen he falls he cries..
he also started teething n crying n throwing tantrums..
aiyah headache lah..wen all these is happening one after another..sigh**
btw went for my detail scan ...im expecting another prince..so i have to mentally psyche myself up for more stress fm my cheeky munkies in future.. :p
jillian!! Alright! So wht do ya think of easiyo? Great right?!!
bcube, I'm making a list of all the things I'm gonna buy with the money tht I dont have yet n one of them is a new watch!


My tums is still crampy but better everyday

Potty training- shucks I shld start huh
My goodness, all you guys starting potty training?! I thought I won't have to think about that for months!

Amber: YES Easiyo is great!!

All you easiyo virgins out there, go out and get yourself a set!
ju, wow wee another bubs on the way.. congratulations!
i dont think i'll try till at least end of he yr..
you feeling ok?
nice thing abt having another kid of the same sexis you get to use all your old clothes!
bcube, no prob. actually didn't source for it intentionally. I just chance upon it that day when I went to my sister's house and the school just gave one to my niece who is studying in Chiltern House. Couldn't resist the good deal and the good timing. ;)

By the way, can you and yolksac pm me your mobile no cos' I'm not sure what details they would need for the registration and may need to contact both of you.

Amber: sad sad... just saw that the spree is closed. I sent the organiser what my orders anyway. wanted this spree for a long time. Just hope that she will accept my orders.

Congrats on getting the job. All gear up for it. Welcome to the rat race ( Yours is a half-marathon race);P By the way, would you mind telling me what is the job you're offered. I'm just wondering what other job options I have should i decide to quit teaching in future. :p

ju: congrats. I can't imagine having another one right now. My hands are full now...

Photoshoot: Matt is scheduled for his this Sat at 8.30am. We can't delay anymore as the promotion I signed up for will end this March. I didn't prepare any props. Too lazy...hehehe

Hart photography: Wonder if he does photo shooting for a birthday party
irene: I'm a bad bad person! I was soooo tied up today, didn't have a chance to return the props to you. So sorrreeee

bcube: oooh, a new watch for you? which one? tell tell! lucky gal!

claire: Thanks very much for coordinating the JG. I suspect that each of us needs to fill in a form with our CC details and signature authorising the deduction, and the forms have to be submitted together to benefit from the 20% discount. Not sure though. Don't worry abt the photoshoot props; the studios usually have a lot of their own props, so just use theirs! Just bring a few outfits for Matt - always good to have some spare on hand in case inspiration grabs ya
Re the 3pm time slot - guess it varies from kid to kid, but for Ems, she's usually up from her nap by 3/3:30pm so the timing may be a little bit tricky. But 9am is not good either (head-on clash with her morning nap) and 11am is very awkward for me if I'm working half-days those few days.

jillian: I haven't really started potty training. Just trying to get Ems accustomed to and comfortable with doing her thing on the potty. She's quite good with it. Usually, she's happy to sit there as long as there is "pending" business to be done. The moment nothing more is forthcoming, she'll squirm off the seat so we know it's time for clean-up. Not bad huh? But we're miles away from potty traiing as Ems is very happy going in her diaper (esp wees).

amber: So glad you're feeling better babe! ah, oysters - my mum doesn't eat them when she's on holiday cos she says there is always a risk of a tummy upset. I don't eat oysters (just never got into it) so I'm no expert lah. Ooh, you're starting work so soon! And haha, i know what you mean abt spending $. I just got my bonus and I'm drooling over a Chanel bag, rahahaha! (Eeeks my hb reads this forum - argh, now he's gonna know).
Hi Mummies- havwent been in for the longest time ever- just read nthru the posts- wow- seems ghat some babies are starting to say words! I can imagine how excited u must be feeling! When Alicia said her first few words, me + hubby got so excited!

Hmm- maybe it does wrk that way- more teeth = more chatterbox! My girl has a few teeth now and she talks alot too. She can say star and moon! And though she cant say clock, when I ask her where the clock is- her eyes will focus on the clock in my living room! I cant imagine when she actually starts to hv conversations!

Oh dear- th e dreaded food posioning- I havent had one of those in ages but I remember its one of the WORST things to ever get. So hang in there, babe!

Wow- another one on the way! Congrats!!!

We do the same with Alicia- we pretend to Tango with heer and she loves it! i think most kids love when when we do that! How's lil Ems? Saw a few of her pics- does she look more mlike u or hubby?She's very adorable!
<font color="ff6000">AMBER</font>
Hope you're feeling heaps better babe!

Wah.. tuesday... so SOON!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind, we'll catch up with you at Gymboree! You can download about your first day to me then!

Hurrah on the H20 success!

<font color="119911">JILLIAN</font>
Oh, sorry to hear about the swimming ban. Look at long term goals!

Btw, try calling up Gymboree again on Tues, about noon to see if anyone called in sick/absent, then they might have a slot for you to try. Same goes for you, <font color="aa00aa">BCUBE</font>.

<font color="aa00aa">BCUBE</font>
Wah, your man so sweet! The watch sure helps ease the pain of him being away! Muah-haha!
Hope you and your family got a great day together today!

I wanted to get LM the Bumwear to try too, but the thing is most of his clothes are Onesies, and the Bumwear diapers are just best worn on their own with a shirt/top as they're rather bulky.

Besides, with no helper, the thought of doing MORE laundry is daunting enough! Aii!!

<font color="0000ff">LOBANG QUEEN</font>
You can quit your half day work and do your Arts &amp; Costume business lah!

<font color="ff6000">CELEB</font>
Have you started letting Grans or the maid bath Ems yet? Or do you think you can make it back home in time to give Ems her evening bath and ritual, when you start work?

<font color="119911">what a day!</font>
Crazy but happy busy! Dentist, furniture shopping, facial! All only possible with Big Man around to watch LM for me!
Hi Mum06 - Haha, I hope you tango better than I do! Mine is quite pathetic!
Ems is well, thanks - drinking a lot more these days. Today, after lunch, she polished off 240ml. She's 99% HB and 1% me. So sad!
Wow, "star" and "moon" are pretty advanced words!
Hey Susu - wow, sounds like a super productive day! I totally understand your reluctance to go the way of the cloth, if I didn't have a helper, there's no way I'd consider it! We're still researching a good cloth diaper to go with at the mo. I haven't heard great things abt Bumwear from the cloth diapering forums - yes, there are whole forums dedicated to this! - but I'm hoping bcube tells me differently.

Bath - yes, today, for the first time, granny and helper bathed Ems. I had to be at a work event in the evening. Did I mention Ems is now drinking FM too? Yay!
Jillian or anyone else
How much does the Fridge to Go sell for (retail in SG)? There's a spree going on now - USD17 for one unit at an exchange rate of 1.5, but that doesn't include CGW and shipping charges. Wondering if I should just buy one locally. Please advise!
<font color="ff6000">CELEB</font>

Well done to Grans and Helpers for Ems's first bath! I'm sure they're quite pleased with themselves too!

<font color="0000ff">FORMULA MILK</font>
I've been tossing about this issue a great deal lately. I have nothing against formula, so wondering if I should start it.

I initially said 6-months (since I had a rocky start to BF with milk coming in late). Then I said I'll reconsider every 3-months. Then I thought at least the first year.

The debate in my head is why give formula when my boobie dispenser is still very capable of producing breast milk? And unlike you, I am not returning to work anytime soon, so I don't have to be pressed to ensure LM takes to formula in my absence.

On the other hand, I H-A-T-E pumping! Absolutely detest it! And I don't like the pressure of making sure there's some EBM in case I can't be around. (To make my point, at any given time, there's only ONE bottle of EBM in the house!! There is no stock whatsoever!)

With FM, I can walk out the door knowing that LM will have his milk.

And now, LM is quite the "Mr.Oh-So-Kepoh" and will bop off the breast to have a nosey look around, which irritates me as I have to wait for him to relatch. No forcing this little one!

At least with a bottle, he can look around all he wants and still have his milk, I reckon.

I ponder too if I will miss breastfeeding and the cuddle time it offers.

Susu babe - if you're not off to work soon and still producing lots of milk, I guess there isn't a need to stop unless it's causing stress etc. To deal with the issue of making sure there is some spare EBM around, why don't you just commit to one extra pumping session for just 3 days? Maybe in the middle of the night or in between a long stretch when LM doesn't feed? Then you store this milk in the freezer and it can be used as back-up EBM if the need arises.

I'm currently down to three BF feeds per day - first thing in the morning, pump at 2pm, pump at 11pm. Ems gets 2-3 feeds of BM and about 2 feeds of FM most days.
hello everyone!

finally i had time to pop in here...

busy packing for my little shopping trip to KL tmr.. can't quite believe how little things i'll be bringing sans the girls' stuff. oh fyi i'm parking the 3 girls, yes 3 (+ helper) at my mom's place tmr night til sunday. my younger sis volunteer to look after the little ones on condition that she get to bite wairah's cheeks! *twang*

sorry i only scan thru the posts.. i'm too tired to read all..

Hart's photography
someone asked if he do birthday - yah i reckon so.. email him, tell him i recommend.

was hoping with more recommendations, he might throw in a mass picture taking for all of us here in July?? what say you with all our kiddos? that'l be FUN!!! or we can ask him for a good price on that lah..

<font color="0000ff">susu</font>
eh eh.. someone's trying to spy on how my parking instructor looks like huh? heheh.. the girls photo session is just that lah - girls photo session sans daddy.

<font color="aa00aa">yolks/ bcube</font>
i'm very sure you'll enjoy the photography session with Hart..

<font color="aa00aa">bcube</font>
hmmmm.. go reward your hubb, make your yummy cuppy cupcakes!

potty training
i don't think i want to touch this yet lah.. from experience, it'll come when the time is right. i've enough on my plate at the moment. but i'll be glad to see how you gals progress with this issue and that que.

<font color="ff6000">amber</font>
babe, hope you're better as i am. charcoal really works wonder! like yolks' hubb, i swear to carry charcoal everywhere i go from now on!

you rest, rest, rest.. hope we'll still see u here when u start work next week.

ok i gotta go drink milk and join wairah in la-la land.. will try to login in KL if i can. if not i'll be here on sunday night!
thanks amber,claire n mum06.yeah true having another babe tis time is saving me money coz all clothes n baby items fm my elder boy cud b reused.amber,fyi,tis pregnancy is truely an accident.we didnt planned 4 a kid tis yr at all. im feelin quite heavy nowadays wif bh poppin by once in a while n its stil fresh in my memories how all of us looked during our 3rd tri last yr.next mth wil b d end of my 2nd tri.im juz feelin truely worn out evryday after handling my active cheeky munky.canot imagine aft givin birth n nid 2 handle 2 boys at d same time.sigh.
Yolk: Regarding Fridge to Go,I bought mine for an extremely good price, thanks to nana who told me about the sale. ( They were 50% off!)
The one from the spree retails for about $60 I think. Not sure if Tangs is having a sale, they have them there, and Takashimaya as well.
yolksac, bcube, peck: Just called up JG. I need the baby's name, mother's name and contact no to do a booking. Can I have them by tomorrow.

As for the documentation, I will fill you in later. Got to run now...
hi gals!!

just got home frm meeting and signing contract etc..
whtta day!!!

Ash was already asleep whn i got in so i picked her up asleep and cuddled her fr 10mins..
sigh im gonna miss her..
but i managed to do all her feeds/breakfast this morning.. so am very happy.
train ride was only 10mins to work!!

Claire, it's with a commercial school. so teaching adults/late teens Basic n advanced English before they move on to other courses like diploma or speciality courses.
they are still looking for teachers!
if youre interested pls PM me!!

hours are flexible and thts wht i like most..
also the fact tht they are 3mthly contracts..
the whole structure really appeals to me!

yolk, chanel bag... sigh... i had LV bag on my list, along with new camera, shoes, lasik... wahahahah
my list is endless!
but ii'm praying for self control and mindfulness to save and put aside money for Ashley's 1st bday bash and a holiday for hb and i!

am very excited to start on tuesday!
yes susu, will seeya at Gymboree... crazy rush man..
end at 230 n will take a cab, swing by get Ash and go straaight!
argh am gona be tired by end of class!!

i just wanted to share tht God has been very gracious with me.
and i wanna publicly announce tht everything i have and is given to me if frm Him!
Thank you Father!
claire: have PM-ed you

irene: will put ems down for her afternoon nap and drive over to return the props!

amber: God is good - all the time!
Eh if you do Lasik, can you still dive? Someone told me no. Which LV bag were you thinking about?
Hi Bcube,

I have been using Bumwear since my BB was newborn. Would say it's good so far cos I think I really save up so much on diapers as usage of disposable diapers only in the night. Knowing that you have 2 helpers at home, should not be a problem for you to keep them washed and dryed in time even on rainy days. I only have 8pcs and normally use them up within a day but get washed and dry in time too cos helper is doing the washing. Inserts don't dry so fast but is ok cos normally there are more inserts compared to the cloth diapers purchased.

Bumwear can last for my girl to change after 2 hours or so. Normally use at home cos when out is troublesome so use disposable diapers.
wah nice pic! Tell HB he can do sideline liao!

wah happy you are happy with this new job!

Easiyo is a yogrt maker which allows you to make your own yogurt free. Just buy machine ( v cheap) and yogurt packages and you can do it.

emailed you already! Thanks fro arranging!
<font size="+2">Nor's Dad</font>
Hey mums, i received an SMS from Nor about her dad being in a bad condition and probably may not be able to hold on much longer. Doc said 3-4 days. Lets pray that Nor and family will have the strength to go through this difficult period.

thanks for the info! I am v blur but just to check, when you change inserts, have to change the outer diaper too? Coz wouldnt the inserts &amp; diaper both get dirty?
