(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

And she sure loves her HT Teddy Bear Puffs!

hi everyone hb n I just got back frm church n I pooped!
just read up but too tired to post. Hah!
my mind has been on this job thing n its time to let it go

Ash has been refusing milk refusing solids some days n refusing to get into her high chair n refusing to lay down n get her nappy changed sigh

Oh well

Susu bcube! I miss u guys

Oh church next few nights
so few postings frm me

Hard to type on this phone
Hi Jill - I've only seen it at MothersWork. Maybe Shopping Guru can advise otherwise! It's really great. The whole thing folds completely flat, metal bits and all, and is a breeze to set up at the table. The only thing is that it doesn't work on thicker tables, can't remember the exact limit though.
Yolk: Ems is too cute lah.... Will go and check out the chair when I have the time, think the weight limit is 40 lbs.

Amber: I think its a stage that they all go through. Changing Ally has become a nightmare as well. I miss the days when they would just lay there and stare into your eyes as you're changing them...
yolk you feel the same way too? Ya, i feel that i bonded with SHayne better when i was working!! I guess its also about being complacent (sounds like LKY hahahaha). Last time, when i had too little time with him, i would play with him in a, like you say, 'on' way. NOw that ive all the time in the world, im just too laid back!

you are really fortunate to have sooo many help even after you return to work!

VAT A COOOL CHAIR!! I never knew this existed. Wow.....
Oh no! All you gals who want to buy the Me-Too Chair, please go out tomorrow and get it before all the lurkers wipe out the stock!
muahahhaha...i think we shall use a secret mode of communication to share new products ...away FROM ALL YOU LURKERS OUT THERE!!!

love the picture! Your dog looks hesistant to accept Em's 'challenge', while she looks all out to get him! so farneee!

Sigh, thread so quiet without SUSU.
<font size="+2">NOR</font> WOW LOVELY photos! I saw it in FB...very nice! I like the photography style..feel like signing up for shayne too! (sorry didnt post comment on FB, you know how EVERYONE
Cheok, yah we need to have some code man, if not all the chairs will be gone, just like the <font color="ff0000"> tiger flasks!!</font>

Yolk: Love that pic of Ems and your doggy. She does look like she's trying to tell him off for treading on her turf.
Haha! Yes, he's absolutely terrified of Ems. When she crawls on the living room floor, the dogs scatter in all directions in panic! Too funny.
i've been a little hooked to FB cos learning to play around with it.. so sorry i din manage to read much..

i hope you'll get some power sleep tonight

yolk sac
the chair looks great lah! but i think my monkey wil climb out of it..

nice yodaish pics there..

heheh.. you're fast woman! just upload le.. fresh from the oven!
it's been a long time since i've last posted... lots happening, don't think i'll be able to catch up with all the posts. had been sleeping the whole day, down with the flu bug... hopefully i don't pass it to C.

glad that Ally is doing so well after her op
i'm sure things will get back to normal soon... u're a great mum!

great craftwork! wished i had time to get down to buying all the necessary stuff...

based on past performances of the recommended products here, my bets are that the me-too chair will be gone in no time. ems is the perfect model
she's looks like she's going to charge at ur poor dog anytime, so cute!

susu, yolk,
haha, great yoda impersonations!

thanks for the recommendation on easiyo. love it! i'm hopeless in the kitchen, but it's so easy even i could manage it
yummy too!

gotta go... cannot tahan, keep sneezing.
great to hear that ally is well and back home! and u r most welcome! hope ally likes the pony..so sweet!
*big hugz*

saw the status hah...thanks ah,ya boy, irritating prob..seems like i wake up each morning having difficulty to get up! stoopid bulging disc!

that me-too chair looks cool eh!
ems din resist ah? :p is it strong enuff? haa, yeah right, motherworks will have people rushing in there! haa!
that hub of mine made a sudden decision to buy a stokke few weeks back so that lucas can sit in it and we dun have to put him in high chairs outside..but i can't possibly lug that thingy out if i'm out alone sia!

hope u can be lucky to get a good 2nd maid! yeah personally, won't keep a dishonest maid while waiting for a new one.

how's xy now? hope she's getting better and u better take good care of yourself too!

have a great weekend with ur family and hope LM will get better when he's back)

is it u asking abt moisturiser for eczema skin?
currently using physiogel lotion for lucas, suggested by his PD and my gynae the other time.
Cloth diapers? Training pants?
Is anyone's baby using cloth diapers or training pants? Any recommendations for good ones? Where to buy?

Am thinking of swopping Ems to cloth while she's at home, during the day.
Yolksac, I share the same sentiments about highchairs in restaurants. I get extremely paranoid when I see the poorly maintained ones and would rather carry Matthew on my lap than let him sit in them. Lately I've been putting my earlier BP loot into good use. It's the sack n seat which converts any normal chairs with a backing into a baby seat. http://www.babygadget.net/2006/02/sack_n_seat.php

So far Matthew has no problem sitting in it
shymz : thank you for the compliment..

jillian : glad that ally loves her rocking horse hehe...

thanks to gillian that went hunting fot the gift too hahaha

Yolk : NOPE this guru also just saw the amazing stuff u buy and tempted to get it herself hahaha... so no luck on this item for tips hahahah

going to do the letters now.. WOOHOO got 3 orders!! hehe..
<font color="ff0000">HARLOW</font>
Morning everyone, logging in from my sister's. LM slept all the way from SG to Malacca, woke up when we stopped, and slept again all the way to KL! Which was good, cause he really really needed the rest, and so did I! I cant' remember when the last time I had naps!

Unfortunately, his fever seemed to have returned but low grade. Aii!!!

Oh, and like <font color="119911">Celeb's</font> Ems, LM has been turning himself to his side or tummy to sleep with his runny nose and it seems to make him rest better. Perhaps try this, <font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>?
Sorry haven't had time to read in details the post, but skimming through after this.

<font color="119911">CHEOK</font>
Haha! Missed me uh!
LM used to bite me too, on only on the Left boobie too!! That was when he first started teething, but according to PD, when they teeth, they have to relearn to latch in a different way and the Mom too has to learn to hold baby differently. So,my dear.. trial &amp; error. So hang in there.. it'll pass and latch will be different.

<font color="0000ff">JILLIAN</font>
I think what you are going through is normal for post op recovery. Judging from the pony pix you posted, Ally looks pretty good for someone who just had surgery! Chin up... it'll be a tough time to ride out, but for the long run, a blip!

<font color="ff0000">E CHANNEL!!!</font>
MY FAVOURITE CHANNEL!! Wahahaha!! Big Man comes back, turns on the TV and it's almost always on E-channel!!

Alright guys... gotta go now... catch up soon!
A much better night, Ally slept till 2am then her nose stuffed up again and woke every hour. At 4am when I picked her up for the 10000 time, she was running a high fever. Dosed her with medication and she seems better now.

A great thing happened this morning, she took her bottle and tried to drink from it AND I could actually hear a nice sucking sound. I know it sounds weird that I'm so excited over a sound but that's something that I've never heard since she was born. It was just a nice slow contented suck, so different from her usual gulping with lots of air noises. It was music to my ears.
Her crying has changed post-op as well, her voice is lower and she doesn't sound so nasal but the cry is totally different. HB and I were just talking about it last night, though we're so happy the op was a success, we do miss certain aspects of the old Ally. I guess with time we'll get use to the changes.

Yolk: I use to put Ally in cloth diapers , you know the old fashion kind. The problem with those is that the pins can be very fiddly and with our squirmy wiggly babes, its going to be a nightmare to put on.

Susu: Hey there! Glad you and LM managed to get some rest. Oh yes, Ally would like to give LM a big thank you hug for the present. She says she's very sorry and didn't mean to miss him out in her previous post. Thanks very much for the flowers, it was very sweet of you guys. Have a great time in Malacca!
yolk, hey i like that me to chair..same here tho, sometime rather carry him on my lap then let him sit in those high chair..

Jovan still using cloth diaper at home but looks like he is outgrow them soon.. Jillian i didnt pin him, just tight a knot infront..

Jillian, great changes for ally, happy for both of u...

jules, xy better liao?
Hi mummies! We went cycling with Kaizer today(his first!!). He enjoyed his ride so much that he made noise when the bike was not moving.

Jillian: It's not weird that you got excited over a nice sucking sound. I would have the same reaction also. Hope Ally would be fully recovered soon

Yolk: Me sua ku leh....didn't know this type of chair exist also....but cool sia

Shyme: Take care ya! My friend recommended Manuka honey to me as it is good for sore throat, cough and to booast immunity. I bought a bottle (umf 15) cos desperately wanting to booast my immunity.

Hope all the sick babies &amp; mummies would be recover soon.

Last but not least, have a Happy Good Friday!
hi everyone..

susu... nice to hear frm you.. miss you lah babe. whn you coming back!?? how's everyone feeling?and good news tht LM slept all the way up! no fever? your family must be soo happy to see him. he's really gorgeous hon.
as you know hb relatives are in KL and we were worried howd Ash do driving up..
channel E good stuff.. but in our home, it'd usually DVD's or starworld.

<font color="0000ff">oh and i have to say, i dont sleep aat 10pm every day!!.. !! i just end up in bed by tht time.. ad hb and i have our "couch time" (which means talking and sharing ah! not wht some you cheeky ppl like susu and the one with the parking offences might think) hb and i watch movies n chill!!

susu tht anwers your question on why the heck i go to bed so early

<font size="+2">parsniketty! i miss you in here!</font></font>

Jillian, i completely understand the love you have for her sucking sounds.. hell... it's music to all our ears!
i truly hope to meet her someday. she's a real champ.

yolk, ohh noo you have got Ash hooooked on teddy puffs!!
sometimes it's all she'll eat!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">lurkers, there's another item to go buy! - Healthy Times Teddy Puffs! fantastic for our bubs!!</font></font>

easiyo is sucha hit in our house!
it's the best yoghurt maker.. i'm gonna buy a few and give thm to my relatives!

yolk, i like the chair too.. funy cos i was just looking at knick knacks yesterday after GYMBOREE .. cos i got distracted looking at aall the Phil n ted stuff but i dont remember seeing it
the hip support/carrier looks cool too

shymz, hope you get better quick! how have you been doing ?

nana, aiyah i didnt see your post for me..
yes! looking for a super solids moisturizer for eczema..
i use the california baby Calendula cream.. but it's not quick enough for me whn it flares up.

irene!! wah more orders!
you are number one woman!

abt this job thingie.. im trying to get my mum to cover the two hrs 11-1pm some days..
i really wld like this to wrk out. but still a liitte worried abt the "lobangs" with timing..

had guests over for lunch today.. hb's cousin n their twin 18mth olds..
and it was interesting to watch Ashley interact..
she usually is very vocal and touchy with other kids..
but this time.. they were i HER environment and taking HER toys..
and she didnt know how to react.
she didnt talk.. she didnt do ANYTHING
she froze and wld crawl back to me and clung on to me!

so i would like to officially invite ALL the bubs out there to come over to my place and use all our toys!
Amber: Kaizer touched everything he could see on the bike!! Oh, I bought the easiyo maker as well and it tastes good. Did u feed Ash the yoghurt? If yes, did u feed her chilled or room temp? Kaizer loves the yoghurt, he could not stop eating it.

I have bought the HT teddy puffs long ago but hasn't given to Kaizer as it seems quite hard. Did you give Ash the whole biscuit or break it into half?

Cheok: I tot you are gg to KL? How come u still in Sin?
So cool that you took Kaizer out on a bike! Wow!I give the teddy bear puffs to Ems whole. She can polish off 5 or 6 in minutes - very fast! Even her JG teachers noticed that her eating skills and pincer grip have improved a lot since she started classes.

haha! maybe ash was trying to be a gracious hostess but yet she wanted her toys, and she wasn't sure what the right etiquette was so she decided to be quiet!
so cute lah!

Wow, more orders! Soon you'll have to have a waitlist for your services.

I've seen the sack seat. Can I just say the first thing I thought when I saw it was, 'Ems will bring the whole chair tumbling down within minutes!'
Great that it works for Matt! Looks so so compact and easy to put up on a chair.
Kth: Cute picture! Kaizer looks so grown up in his bike seat

Yolk: Ally's pincer grip is nearly non existent. She gets upset when she can't get the food in her mouth and ends up smashing them in her fist or in her hair. I guess it will get better with practice.

Amber: Maybe Ash felt out-numbered! Oh yes, I use physiogel as well for Ally. Its really good and can be found at most pharmacies. The cream is better than the lotion and even though I find it quite expensive, it does the job. I've yet to try the easioyo, just worried cos I'm quite a disaster in the kitchen. Is it really simple to make or can I still screw it up?

Ally just had her first full feed, we were so happy! 200ml of milk, yay Ally! That's the most she has had in 3 days. Lets just hope this continues.

Irene: I've been wanting to tell you that I love the letters you did! My mom saw them and said she wants to do a set for Ally as well.
Jillian: Emily's isn't fantastic in that she's not really using the tips of her fingers to hold onto each puff but she's figured out how to efficiently grasp the puff with the lower part of her fingers and bring it to her mouth. Yeah, I think they'll get better with practice! (Ems doesn't have much hair to smash food into!
) Hurray for such a good feed - well done Ally gal!!
kth, gave Ash some of the yoghurt.. and gave it to her chilled.. she likes everything chilled now.. dessert.. fruit, juice.
honestly, i used the easiyo for myself n family... am a bit hesitant to give Ash the fruit mixes frm easiyo cos im not sure how much sugar etc is in it.. so natural yoghurt is fine in my books..

BUT, i have bought the baby yoplait ang gave her plain vanilla.. looved it!

kth, i put the teddy puff in my mouth n tested it.. gets soft n mushy very quick
erm.. i usually break it up into 3 or 4 parts.. (only because she's very new to biscuits!) today i gave her the whole thing to see if she'll choke.. she didnt but i think it's too big a bite size for her.. half or quarter is good!

Jillian.. easiyo is as it's called !!! easy yoghurt!
you empty the mix into cold water... stirr thn put the container in another container tht has HOT water.. close the lid, and 10hrs later youve got amazing yoghurt!!
200ml!! wowsers! good girl ALLY!!!!

yolk, Ashley's pincer grip is non existent. i swear she used to have it whn she played with her little tags n stuff(hopeful mummy) all she does is grasp the teddy puff in her palm, like a FIST.. thn wonder why she can eat it!! she licks her fist!!!!

gotta go feed Ash.. it's milk n bed time...
C has been using the traditional cloth diapers in the day (at my mom's place)... but her pee qty is too much for the cloth to handle. my mom got drenched a few times already :p

thanks for the recommendation. i've been downing the honey like anything to get my throat better... and u know what? it seems to work!
Kaizer looks so mature on the bike...
it's so great to be able to do something outdoors with bb

thanks dear. think C might be teething, been waking plenty of times in the night, chewing on everything she can get her hands on...

u're taking orders?? lazy mum here interested leh

easiyo is REAAALLLLYYYYY easy to make. i'm a total klutz in the kitchen, but i succeeded in making mango yogurt on my first try! hehe...

re: teething
recently C has been drinking VERY little milk (sometimes only 170ml in the day) but she's eating her usual amt of solids. not milk rejection coz she's drinking from the spoon, but she seems to detest the bottle. is this a sign of teething? or simply bottle rejection? she can go on a hunger strike till we give her cereal...

re: HT teddy puffs
is it the organic arrowroot biscuit? was worried that it might be too hard for C coz she doesn't have teeth yet. but she's demolishing her nestle rusks and baby bites...

re: bottled baby food
tried Gerber's bottled peach today... she HATES it. she took a mouthful and threw up (including a bit of her cereal feed)
Yolk/Amber: Looks like it's time to let Kaizer try the teddy puffs. Thanks for letting me know how u guys feed the teddy puffs.

Yolk: I can see Ems is very advanced in her motor skills....well done!! Kaizer's pincer grip is also non existent.

Shyme: It's really great to do outdoor with our bb, which I always love to do so!! We bring him to east coast almost every sun. I do the walking with his pram and hb will run with his friends.
Baby Yogplait
I still can't find this! Someone throw me a bone!!

Let me know if Kaizer enjoys the teddy bear puffs - Ems loves, loves, loves them. BTW re pincer grip - Gina Ford says that around now, we should start introducing vege/fruit pieces to bb to encourage them to self-feed. Tomorrow, I may try offering Ems some whole steamed peas. Hope it's not a complete mess!

No, the Maple Arrowroot biscuits are different from the Teddy Bear Puffs. The maple biscuits can probably be offered to Celeste already - Ems was taking them a few months ago - as they are actually very soft (definitely softer than rusks and Baby Bites) and melt in the mouth really quickly. But just be sure to supervise her while she's eating them to ensure she doesn't choke.

cloth diapers
Thanks to everyone who replied about the cloth diapers. Looks like the traditional ones are the most popular!
early morning waking
Of late, Ems has been going to bed around 6:30pm, with a dream feed at 11pm. But she wakes up sometime between 4-6am and refuses to be settled without a full feed. And sometimes after this feed, she won't go back to sleep (we try to have her start her day at 7am). Any suggestions for us?

I think there are two issues here:
1. Early waking and not wanting to go back to sleep until 7am
2. Hunger in the early morning hours (which could be causing the early waking)

Issue 1:
Do you think her early (6:30pm) bedtime might be the problem? I can't get her to sleep later. GF suggests that I lengthen her lunch time nap to 1.5-2hrs. Ems currently does only about 45 min - 1 hr. Do any of your babies do a long stretch at lunch time? Any tips for me?

Issue 2:
She takes three good solid meals so I can't really understand why she's still so hungry at night. Based on my GF reading, it appears that I need to
- increase her carb intake
- start introducing 50g of animal protein per day
Have any of you found this to be true? Whose babies are already on protein?
jillian : hehe thank you for the compliment.. maybe u can sms me to discuss if u want to make one set for ally... let me know your preference colours etc... sob2.. i running out of yellow.. cant find one nice yellow at the moment.. hai...

shymz : hehe feel free to sms me if you want one set.... i can do them pretty fast.. hehe...
just let me know what are the alphabets u gals want and i shall go grab them..

BTW i charge per letter $9.. coz of the materials used... i using all scrapbook material and thus more ex...hope u gals understand

BTW my number is 97404523

Yolk : i think i need to search for more colours!! hahaha

amber : hehehe no super woman la.. kinda happy to do all these things.. since its my hobby.....
thks amber &amp; irene for adding me as a FB friend. only got started on it few days ago &amp; hve yet to add on any pics yet .. still fumbling my way thru fuctions/setup, hopefully will be able to load up some pics soon

yr story abt ash's encounter with e twins had me in stitches. i could just imagine e whole situation. ash is such a sweetie
by e way, hve u intro cheese sticks to her? i m tinking of introducing cheese but still kindda hesitant .. ..
how long do u need to do the letters? i am tinking of getting a set for my bro in law's baby as a present

totally agreed tat outdoors r fun! we all make a trip to the east coast every sat evening too! must try the bike thingy - sounds like fun!

glad to see Ally is doing so well. she is such a trooper! u r a grt mum!

yes i tink it may be teething. L has 4 teeth now. the bottom 2 are fully grown &amp; the upper 2 are halfway (one side longer than e other - quite hilarious a sight actually!)

u can also try baby cool packs (not sure terminology but its specially for bubs) too for LM since he's just having low grade fever now?

liked e high chair! ems looked really well behaved too! usually when we are in restaurants, Elle would just start banging the tabletop *gasp*

3rd night in a row.... just managed to put her down after 2 hours of screaming, crying, fussing.... I was so annoyed with her and upset with myself for not having much patience but sleep deprivation is NOT fun. ARGH!

Thanks to everyone who has reassured me that I can't screw up the easiyo,will give it a go this weekend.

Yolk: I've seen the baby Yoplait at most NTUCs, maybe the <font color="ff0000">lurkers</font> have gone to get it before you

Early waking: Ally use to do the same thing until I moved her bedtime an hour later. I realised that she can sleep for a maximum of 10-11 hours during the night. So I've adjusted bedtime to 8pm and she wakes up around 7am or slightly before. The mid day nap is crucial for her , she needs the full 2 hours from 12pm-2.

Like Ems, she use to only nap for about 45 mins to an hour at mid day. To lengthen her nap time, ( and I'm sure this go against all sleep training methods) I use to nap beside her. When she started to wake after her usual hour, I would just pat her back to sleep. The trick here is to catch them just before they're about to awake which is difficult to do unless you're watching them all the time. I did this for a couple of days till she got use to the new nap time. She takes another 1/2 hr nap about 5 and this makes sure she's not overtired at bedtime.
We're still trying to get back on schedule post-op but I think she should be alright in a few days. (fingers crossed)
banquez, no prob.. happy to add you babe.

Jillian, sorry hon abt your bad night.. it'll get better. think positive..
you can get thru this.. aiyahhh this is nothing for the both of you! compared to wht youve been thru already! you can ride this one out. chin up! HUGZ

yolk, frm my experience with Ash... she used to and still does g to bed at 630pm.. and wakes up at 730.. it's almost 745 now n shes still asleep!

Ash is on two meals a day still tho..

and she'd be soo tired at 630pm cos her day naps were soo short remember?
now cos of teething, she sleeps 930-11am and 2hrs frm 1-3pm.
because of this.. she sleeps sometimes ard 7..
and i found tht because of this increased napping, she eats better and sleeps better.

im not sure how this helps you babe. but perhaps you can drag her bedtime to seven.. either by having her shower later or something.. and it does sound like shes hungry whn she wakes..
is she o FM before bed/dreamfeed? whts the amt?

increase everything? naps &amp; milk?

Ash is barely on proteins.. she does lentils n a bit of fish.. n tofu.. every couple of days..
she's had some eczema on her toe so PD said cut down on fish for a while..

oh! i just read she Ems still does her 5pm nap?
hmm strange and shes still soo tired at 630? can increase her 1pm nap?

Yolk, ya know they pretty much have their own schedule i feel.. and you'll have to crack your head wht works for her.. shes veerry active and totally smart... she needs a lotta rest n brain food!

Gina Ford said am nap only 45mins. but Ash likes tht nap.. she thrives on an hr at least n teething sometimes 2hrs! 930-1130am! and i let her sleep!

baby yoplait... i bought mine at GWC cold storage.. where i do most my groceries.. saw thm also at CS Jelita and 6th Ave

shymz... sounds really like teething!!

banquez, cheese.. erm not yet.. i think a cheese sace type thingie sounds good.. like for say pasta or something. i havent introduced it only cos she's starting on so many new stuff right now.. yoghurt..barley cereal..fish n biscuits! heee
Good Morning all! and Happy Easter Weekend!

had a super busy day yesterday so din login here.

went to Sing Expo to accompany a girlfren to the baby fair.. bah! nothing much to see, no freebies if you gals are looking at that.. and there isn't much things for the bubs of ours. i only got 2 PJs for the girls.. and Gaia lotion cos they're giving some discounts.

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
hope you'll work out your work arangements.

hmmm.. couch time... *mind wondering*

CRAP! Everything I typed out got deleted on my BIL's laptop! AIII!!!
Will try to regurgitate what I typed out earlier!

<font color="0000ff">JILLIAN</font>
You're welcome! LM has an ulterior motive, he wants a go on the pony himself, muahaha! Hope Ally loves the pony and the flowers brought a great big smile for you!
Keep on with the 1000000th time of soothing.. my sister (who's a PD herself) insists that babies get well better sooner that way!

<font color="ff0000">CELEB</font>
Me thinks Ems is going through another slight change in her body rhythm again, perhaps a growth spurt? Don't you girls find this happening every three months or so? It seems to be the way with LM.
I agree that you prob need to introduce protein to Ems, she is after all hitting nine months soon!

<font color="ff0000">BANQUEZ</font>
Thanks for the tip on the ice cool packs for fever. I keep forgetting to get it, this absent minded Mama! Anyone has a good one to recommend? <font color="ff6000">Amber</font>, remember you posting about it here before?

<font color="0000ff">LOBANG QUEEN!!</font>
Wah.. business taking off for you uh? Good! Very happy for you! Such creativity should be recognized!

<font color="119911">KTH</font>
Haha! Loved the bicycle story! Can't wait to take LM on his first adventure after reading about yours!

<font color="aa00aa">LM</font>
His fever came back yesterday but seemed to have disappeared again. Very frustrating. Anyway, he's not interested to feed during the day, prefering to wake Mama up to nurse in the night, every 2-3 hours! Waaa!!! NEWBORN days revisited!

But I keep telling Big Man, I don't really mind, cause I want him to still have his milk intake, and he seems to feed better in the night. In the day, his running nose and phlegm gets into his way of sucking and he gets very frustrated and gives up!

I can't believe our stay is already ending tomorrow! I wish I could spend more time with my family! But looking forward to go back to familiarity and routine!

Right, have a good weekend everyone! We're dragging LM off to visit relatives again this afternoon... poor guy, no chance to rest and get well at all!
<font color="ff0000">i've bought another easiyo!! and more mixes!!</font>

giving away for pressie to a friend!

<font color="0000ff">Susu, sorry to hear tht LM's still getting a temperature on and off. wht a bloody pain!!</font>
yeah, i'd be waking Ash up for milk at night if she was doing the same.. you must be very tired hon.
and LM too... so much visiting n excitement.. bitter sweet whn you get home i imagine.

My sis called me whn she was in Doha on transit back to Dubai.. and she was soo terribly upset. she missed e and Ash so much. i think she felt it most this time cos of Ash.
last night her hb called my mobile frm Dubai and my sis was in tears. poor girl.. she was homesick. even after 2.5yrs.. it still hits us all..

tht's my biggg reason for wworking too.. having extra to take a few holidays.
thanks to yolk now she got me tempted with the me too chair.. hahaha went to mothercare.. THEY have it too!!!!!!! and.,.... ermmmmmm..... if u gals got 15% card... LAGI BEST... now i am totally convinced that i am the shopping Guru hahaha...

ohh BTW those of u who wants to get the FP learning house/home... its goin at $150 at tak.. instead of the usual 219
Hi everyone,

MIA for a few days.

Hub, Matt and I had a two day one night retreat at Fairmont Singapore. It was a really good bonding time for us. I was just telling hub how I wish we were living just above a shopping mall. Love the feel of being able to shop and then be able to settle Matt for his naps the moment he shows signs of tiredness.

Jillian: Glad that Ally enjoys his horsie and that she's recovering well. Hang in there and she will be well soon. Children get well faster than we know.

Yolksac: Hhahah, you set me laughing when you mentioned about lurkers out there who will rush to get the chair. I think it's so true. There are really many out there. I think the leapfrog learn around playround is one of the targets too. Went down to Motherworks the next day after Amber told me that they have it there and to my surprise, I saw the other set of LAP on reserve too!

I started Matt on fish, pork and tofu in the porridge. He's eating a bit of the fish but the pork is only added in for the flavour. I don't think it makes any diff in making him feel fuller. In fact, he 's still drinking the same amount of milk.

I do agree with Amber that you might want to try to get her to sleep a bit later. Have to reset her biological clock. Have to play with her or bring her out so that she will stay up a bit later and sleep later.

back to work: yolk,from my experience, expectations will have to be lowered and certainly routines or habits which you might want Ems to have, may take a while to set in. Sometimes, grandma who is Matt's main caregiver just give in to his every whimp and whine and is so protective over him. I have to keep reminding her to let Matt have freedom and let him crawl around. Things like getting Matt to use sippy cup, potty etc, takes quite a bit of reminders for her to implement.

I'm not complaining about my MIL but just preparing you that you might have to close one eyes and let things work slowly after you've returned to work. ; P
Amber: Life is going to be diff for you again. Exciting. Easiyo seems exciting. mmm... must have a look at it.
