(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

thks for the links.

wow, Hayley, xt so fast got 4 teeth liao. oops, I think i know why tx is grouchy and super cranky on sat. maybe bec of her teething, she pek chek liao...now, her 2 lower teeth only half of it appeared.

enjoy yr trip.

Hi mummies,
ask u, when yr bb is crawling, will they knock the cheeks or head onto the floor? today, tx is crawling on the floor and then she wanted to reach the keys on the small chair, she topple and bang her cheek on the floor.not so great impact only small impact and then she stare at me and burst into tears. but she fail to pull herself up (anyway, she still dunno how). so my mum quickly rush to the rm and then wanted to take away tx fr me and hug her. I did not let her do and walk away to sayang her.
Hi mummies,
it's me again. just one more qns to share/ask before gg for my pumping session.

hmm wondering anyone of u still attending wedding this yr (wor...next mth gd wedding date, lot of ppls getting married esp in oct and Nov). I am in dilema whether shd I attended my sec sch frenz's wedding (she got attended mine and also my bb's first mth) or not cos if I attended, I would not be able to bring tx home on fri liao. then that week, will have to spend less than with her. somemore, that day, I am on course till 5pm and need to go back to my mum 's hse and pump (think will have to skip 1 pump session during lunch unless I can find some place beside toilet to pump and to store my bm).

what would u do if u were me?
yah, gym website...I recv'd email updates from them abt the coming sale.

ya lor!!! &%$^%$ I sometimes feel "cheated" by Gym.
They keen making us shop!!!
If the items i bot kena further reduction (esp the silk dress) think I will

hope ur mum will get better soon...take care of Mandy. Im sure she'll be ok.

Enjoy ur trip!

hannah eats single grain rice cereal so far. anyway, she eats those only once a day and it takes forever to finish a box as i feed her fruits, veg, meat, porrige for other meals.

Hmmm...if i were u, and it's a really good fren, I'll go for the wedding lor. Ppl's wedding is once in a lifetime ma. Then again, I dun hv your headache of pumping...:p

Beauty World musical coming soon! I booked my tix liao! :p
Infantino Enterprise Removal Sales
13th Sep 2007 to 16th Sep 2007

Baby products & toys. Free gift with any purchase of $10 and above. Baby Toys, Strollers, Playpen, Babycot, Coupe car, SeeSaw, Drawing Board & accessories etc...

Time: 10am to 6pm
Venue: Alexandra Distripark Block 3 #05-28/29 Pasir Panjang Road (Next to PSA Building)
Tel: 6272 3686
Cost: Payment by cash only
kimi..wah..never strain? cos i know some stuff like sweet potato got 'strings'... mandy can puke out those strings w/o trouble? why did u say her progress is slow? canot compare with regina lah...

bobianah, have u called the PT cleaner? she said she might change hp number soon...will pass u the new one once she gave me... the pics are swenson's are so cute!

afcai, ur fren should complain abt the worms! so what that its outside instead of inside, its still a prob! yes kate was crying crying on the way to suntec..so pai seh so many pp looking at me... abit of virus ok lah..if see pp wana sneeze quickly siam loh.... i know alot of pp are very inconsiderate... nevermind... now slowly start to get tx 'used' to strangers loh... that was a concert there and after horse racing hours..so bb are allowed.... next time then upload the pics hehehe ..my nanny got children's music that she will play, and carry her when her own kids study , got a few children's books (i dont even have them at home!) and also play things like peek aboo with her... so fast u wana try nan 3? falling and hitting their head/cheek etc is quite norm now lah.... maybe bring tx home on sat morning instead? or after the wedding, take cab to swing by ur mom's pl and pick tx home even if she is sleeping :p

kimi.... poor thing.... no choice maybe when ur hb comes home at night u quickly go visit ur mom? then come home first time bath and change into clean clothes before carrying mandy...

gan, have fun with ur snorkling! take some pics for us ok!
Wah gan, enjoy your trip! hayley so good, 4 teeth liao!

kimi, dun worry too much, give mandy more water and make sure she rest properly. she'll be fine.
you better take care yourself too!

afcai, no la, me so happen to turn on my computer to do some work so come into the forum to peep lor. :p for the wedding, i will usually make a point to attend. like bloom sais, pick her up even while she's sleeping, its ok once a while. as for the pumping, you may try to do it earlier or later. dun let the pumping get in the way.
as for the bb bumping while crawling, it happens. dun stress yourself too much ok? it'll affect your milk flow also.

bobianah, wah, you really shop huh? hee hee....me also go and kpo their sales... :p
Ok nevermind lar...then u all go ahead. I will go with my fren next week....cannot abandon fren wor...so pu chiang yi qi

U can hv my space liao le

U still feeding bb tx cereal nia? Why not cook porridge. Then like Mbb I also steam vege separately n only put in at the end just to heat up b4 giving to bb. Fresh food is way heathier than processed foodstuff like cereals mah. BTW...if bb tx falls dun gan cheong ok. Just laugh it off n let her pick herself up. This way they learn to b self confident n self reliant. My boy if he slips usually he will look at our face to see our reaction. If we act gan cheong he will cry. If we just laugh it off, he will grumble grumble abit, then pick himself up n continue doing whatever his was doing.

BB's r so perceptive. Been looking after Ewan on my own since Sun cos decided dun want to stay in KL afterall, so I came back with hb after driving my mum there. Since coming back he has been acting different...not so smiley (n my boy is usually a v happy bb). Think he is feeling lonely cos during day time only me n him nia, so everytime I walk away he will be upset. Must cart him along everywhere, so much so that he has become n appendage liao
N I have been talking myself hoarse to keep him entertained the whole day. Else the hse like too quiet even with the music or TV on.

Noticed that my boy is v posessive. Last weekend my fren brot his 2yr old son to visit me while I was in KL. His son started playing with Ewan's toys. At 1st Ewan just glared at him while he took one toy after another. But when when he took Ewan's favourite book (which we hv been reading to him since newborn), think this was the last straw cos he actually crawled over n grabbed it back. LOL
This boy v garang.
today quite bz... so only taking a peep and slipping a fast post...

let me know the PT's new number oso hor... thnx a lot...

wat LiL says is very true... if u gan jiong when bb falls, she might be scared then cry lor... ethan oso like ewan... but he most of the time falls cos he climb head board too much... then bang his head when he slips... if not too pain he juz lie on the bed n look at our reaction... if i had a shock n stare at him, he will smile lor... when i start to scold him a bit he laugh lor!!!

got to train ewan for both noisy n quiet environment wor... if not either one he cannot adapt very jialat wan... ethan hor... if too many ppl, he dun wanna sleep... however tired he is, he oso dun wanna sleep... then according to my mil, if only got 2 of them in the hse then he can sleep very long, noisy or not...

think bb ethan really teething liao... his stools starts to get watery... getting crankier then b4... puts everything n anything into his mouth... how to help ease his discomfort? any tips?
kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
9. hwee
10. roo13
11. Gan
12. Berry


1. Pls give me your baby's name, dob and your real name

2. kindly transfer $25.50 to POSBANK savings 125-11966-2 by tonight

Also when I called kindermusik this morning, the lady informed me that since i am organising this trial, they are going to let me trial for free. I didn't know that beforehand at all but thought I'd better let everyone here know. Quite paiseh actually!
doggiebb, its ok wif me. not a problem. i've transferred the amt to you already and pm you my detials liao. let me know if you need any other info.

zion, not loose stools means teething lor. mine has been having loose stools for more than 2 weeks liao...still nothing! sigh! mummy's neck super long liao.

lil, E good la! knows how to get his things back. garang a bit good ma, if not get bullied you also worry. hee hee...
dun worry too much, maybe its the travelling that makes him tired. he'll be back to himself within the next few days.

hope yr mum gets well soon!!


i also have a wedding dinner to attend late Nov.but my concern is if i have to pump out ebm for Ivan by then though i will be introducing FM to him pretty soon..cos will latch him off completely when he is one.tink he can be quite obsessed with latching.


Wow four teeths at one go!! enjoy yr teeth!!

Any mummies already giving fish to bbies?how do u prepare the fish to put into porridge?some give me diff method so just wondering.thanks

Anyone menses come back regularly??as in every mth will report?or is there cases whereby will be late by weeks or months?

Having yummy steamboat this sat prepared by my MIL..for my birthday hehe..n i cant wait for Van's tiramisu!!!
transfer liao:
To Account POSB Savings
Amount S$25.50
Transaction Reference 1351578813

Will PM u


sigh...ger mah...so many cute things...:p
u buying that erm...envirox bag oso ah?
Any mummies drinking water well?ivan still reject water drank only 10ml the most every day.I have tried spoon feeding him ,he will 'hold'the water in his mouth n soon,spit it out...tried mag mag cup also no use..now tinking of the straw cup...i added some gripe water to it hopefully he like it but no lor.

shd have bottle fed him water right from the start...tink i was too stubborn...kept maintaining the fact'bf dun nid to drink water'
kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sylk
5. bobianah
6. Shihui
7. rainV
8. hwee
9. roo13
10. Gan
11. Berry

doggiebb, i took off my name coz i get to attend FOC. sorry.....

how come Calynn is not on the list?
calynn, dee and CH have already arranged to go much earlier.

Anyone else interested?

van? are you interested to take mbb's slot? let me know.
bobianah, ya buying that bag cos saw colleague have and wanted to buy already. now got bp cheaper so buy lor! haha! also waiting for the next bp for the wet bags. :eek: ya, ger so many things to buy....i had more fun shopping last time...hee.

choo, slowly la. ivan will get used to drinking water.
as for fish, i just put inside the slow cooker and cook everything together including the veg.
but my gal know how to chew her porridge well leh. Is that good enuf? I gave her milk with cereal cos she oni want the flavour of cereal with milk. if just plain milk she wont want to take it wor. its been quite long liao. she is a unique gal. haha.

For the bday bash, i am okay with the $50 then.

Wow u still have time to disinfect every morning ar. u makes me feel guilty. I only like say disinfect wkend if i am free. You are a good mama.

ryan is very handsome and cute & chubby leh.

I guess you hv to bring TX out more often. my gal is not scare of stranger just that she is very dao. DUN smile means dun smile even though pple make a clown of themself she also no reaction one. she also wont be affected by other crying babies.
the brown rice + milk can go thru the teat oni by using PIGEON bottle. the teat as long as M or L sz can go thru leh. of cos i make the cereal very dilute with water adding with milk powder.
For the toes, my gal dun hv this pblm. but my gal like to walk tip toe one.

my MIL feed my gal porrdige using spoon. if cereal spoon feed she dun want she rather want from btl feed. maybe used to it cos lazy mommy dun feed. if give brown rice nid to add in milk anot har? or just the cereal bring to boil can liao?
heheh...i buying for christmas present for office pple.
oh yah, the wetbag very good! i use it for hannah's swimming. can wash n reuse....not like plastic bag...wash a few times break or too "kiam chye". :p
I hv been feeding E water since newborn. He still doesn't take it unless he is super thirsty. Everyday prob never exceed 10ml. Instead he treats milk as water. To me that's better also cos then he actually gets more nutrients. For now dun worry...can make them drink it once they are older.

I put abt 1/2-3/4 of the fish into slow cooker n cook with porridge. Then once done, I take those out cos the fish overcooked liao n can be quite hard/dry. Then I put in the remainder to cook for a shortwhile. These I will mash n feed to E. I hv been giving E mostly salmon, ocassionally threadfin but threadfin not so yummy (can b abit tasteless so good for 1st try).
My boy whether noisy or quiet environment also won't want to sleep until he buay tahan when u carry him or put him down he just nods off. My boy's computer got no off button one. At night, we can switch off all the lights at home and he will still happily crawl all over in the dark. If you force him to sleep he will fight and scream the house down so no choice lor. Also babies at this age go through separation anxiety lor...so it's not just a matter of training him. At this stage it's important for their EQ development to be there for them if they need u.

Dun think he was tired. Done this trip up down several times with him liao...usually he is still super active when we arrive at destination while we adults r so zonked out. Think he actually feels lonely. He looks so sad that my hb got worried n took half day off yesterday. When my hb walked in to surprise him he was so happy. Then we went out kai kai he was even happier. As soon as I brought out his shoes he was laughing liao
So cute
E also loves them to bits...He couldn't stop eating them, my mum was joking saying maybe they put caffeine in it. Nowadays I pour them into an airtight container otherwise he will open the bottle, put his hand in, grab fistfulls of it and make big mess everywhere. Aiyo...so long I neber post pic already, seeing all your pictures makes my hand itchy.
bobianah, just called bjg. wanted to find out abt their classes and the lady on the phone was so impatient and rude! sigh! its ok la. was just asking. shud have asked you instead hor? wah, hannah's appetite very good hor!

lil, maybe like my mum say 'sim huang huang' lor. always wan ppl to carry and bring to 'kai kai' lor. maybe let him wear shoes at home too! pretend its kai kai.
Here's another pic of Hannah...a bit zao kng (hokkien) but her smile quite nice. :p


And this one sleeping on our bed on a Saturday morning. We put her there cos she woke up and we wanted to sleep somemore, so put her on our bed to pat to sleep.

wat u wanna know?
Their new term starts Oct 6 i think. This term ending liao..this Sat last class.
Erm, usually I speak to Eleena...she quite ok la.
Fees are about $350 a term, 10 sessions...I think...can't remember exact. :p
bobianah, sleeping babies are the most wonderful! sometimes we also let bb sleep with us when we wan to sleep in some more.
it gets crowded when my ger joins in too!

ya, she told me new term starting but still cannot confirm the timing until monday. dunno who i spoke to but she told me the trial class got queue lor! how many do they put in a class? So far how do you find the classes? maybe if we enjoy the class at kindermusik then kiv bjg. Anyway, bjg cannot accommodate my ger too! Sigh! always have to run to 2 places at separate time for them!

Any mummies communicating with bb using sign language? Wat are you views on signing to bb? I mean do you think it will help or hinder the speech process?
u r back from KL liao.... nowadays i also alone with my boy... maybe we can meet up?? u let me know ur boy's schedule...i see how i can squeeze in to fit...hahaa... my boy normally eats at 1 plus... maybe after his lunch feed, i bring him out to ur place...then we can go eat lunch?? or order delivery?? heehee..

i think his cheeks super bui compared to the rest of the babies whom i saw on sat...my hubby always call him fat cheeks monster... such an awful nick hor...haha.. last time when i was a baby, i also had those chipmunk cheeks...
hwee, roo, lil,
we still havent met up leh...hehehe..
maybe one of the sats? this sat i cant cos wont be in tiong bahru...going to parents' place...
the class max is 6.
if we go to crawler 2, one class is Sat 6.30pm another is Sun 2pm. Im in the Sat 6.30p class. not a great timing, but teacher April is the best they hv...

BJG is ok, except their english pronounciation not fantastic. but i guess if bb still young its ok? :p they hv flash cards, brain/eye stimulation, singing songs, a bit of gym (money bars, crawling, bla bla
hi nana! yes, let's meet up one of these days! not a problem! dun you wan to meet others too? or you have met them all?

thanks for the info bobianah! will think abt after the trial at kindermusik.
thanks for organising...
can i fund transfer to you tml nite? coz staying at my mom's place this week.. left the IB pin at home...
Ya me din stay in KL for long
But hor my mum missed E so much she came back today liao and with my aunt in tow somemore. Hehehe....Now got company again le at least until end of the month. Then will be just me n E again. Sniff sniff...so lonely. Ok, we arrange to meet my place sometime lar if u dun mind my mum n aunt around. But Sat/Sun's hor is tough for me cos that's the only time we have with daddy. Every Sat/Sun w/o fail we sure go out kai kai one. THen now got aunt visiting sure will kai kai even more, prob weekdays also will go out.

I was asking abt sign language classes earlier...not the in thing in SG. For me I dun believe it will impede their speech development cos they learn to talk thru listening and watching our mouth movements. Signing is not going to stop that. Signing, if your baby takes to it, will make it easier for babies to express themselves. Sometimes I can see that Ewan gets frustrated bcos he is trying to tell me something but I don't know what he is saying. If only I had started signing with him earlier. By the way, think Nana meant for us tiong bahru mummies to meet up.
today, gg to bring tx hm cos tml taking her for her 9mth assessment at polyclinic (polyclinic free) alone.first time, taking her to check up alone.

tx also eat cereal once a day. but can finish 2 boxes per mth loh.which brand/type of single grain rice cereal is that?

oic. yr nanny not bad loh. cos some nanny dun entertain bb one, their job only feed the bb, change diaper, bath and let them slp.

no lah, I prepare to buy small 400g of nan 3(dunno can get sample fr nestle or not, will try to call) for next mth when tx turn 10mth. cos the small can of 400g very rare to find in other place, ntuc, shop n save, prime mart and sheng siong also dun sell small can. the only place I find is giant.

hmm have kate started nan 3 since she is 10mth this mth? hmm got one time, I dunno go where, we only came n fetch tx on sat noon but not gg hm. we usuallyy will go in laws 's hse on sat.I told hubby to bring tx home alone loh and he just keep quiet. last time, when I went to attend d n d. hubby was with tx alone and tx cry for hr before she dozes off the night.

yup. thks for the advice. recemtly, milk flow not gd cos due to stress loh. if there is A wedding to attend, won't yr kids want to look for u at night when they want to zzz?

cereal is tx's breatfast at my mum'plc but brunch at my hse during wkend. tx will consume fish/veg/pumpkin/potato/carrot/meat porriaage at 530pm daily(makan at 6pm at in laws hse on sat).mum intro meat(the yo ji ba(in hokkien) to her last wk only.the meat quite ex.

ok, thks for the tips. old folk will be kan cheong one. I will take note and let my mum know cos did not know laugh at them, they will not cry so hard.

hmm teething got stool watery onee meh? do u give ethan teething ring(tx not interested but only interest in bitting the handi) to bite?

wow, u still latch on ivan, gd man..ivan still wan to latch on. hmm will u bring ivan along to wedding or leave him with hubby?

with regards to fish, tx already been intro since she was coming to 6mth.
my mum will dump and cook the porriage with fish. my in laws will steam it. then i will mixed the porriage and fish together during feeding.

for menses, not sure for me. gd fren only report last mth after I miss or delay pumping for 2 days so dunno this mth yet.wow, not bad leh, mil prepare steamboat...

will give tx water after her milk feed to wash away the milk in her mouth. in betw, tx also drink 10-40ml of water.
haa maye when u force(squueze the teat) the water into bb mouth, title him a bit so that bb dun have chance to spilt up. but note they will struggle with their hand and mouth. or u try to drink water in front of him and then give water to him, see if he take it or not.
thx 4 ur concern. my mum is much better but still so ke lian lah. luckily 2 of her siblings live w/in walking dist of her place. n mandy is nt showing any signs o sickness. whew!

my opinion is tt once they start solid, it's pretty impt 2 drink more water but since ivan us still on TBM, then more ok lah. cos FM n cereals can b v heaty. like afcai, everytime after her food or milk, i'd feed mandy water 2 wash away e food/milk. once they haf teeth it's impt 2 do so or risk having tooth decay.
ur mil v nice to u, still celebrate ur bday!

i steam e fish seperately then mash it n add 2 porridge b4 feeding. it's easier 2 chk 4 bones this way.

i'm gonna attend a wedding dinner soon n wld leave mandy w hubby. abit worried cos hubby has nv done e last feed b4. worry tt mandy won't b able 2 sleep if hubby breaks e routine. sigh... but once in a while, hafta 'free' myself. hehehe... it'd b e 4th time i leave my bb. i cried e past 3 times. hehehe.. seperation anxiety..
most o e time, mandy can play by herself. but wld get bored after a while n want our company.

to me, if we conscientiously name e objects in our surroundings n speak enof 2 bb, they can learn their language just fine. i dun tink signing wld accelerate language learning. but according 2 books, it might alleviate their frustrations. i dun bother cos it takes a lot o effort n u hafta b v v consistent which i tink i can't. haha..

oh, i love pix o sleeping bbs. makes me wanna KISSSSS them! sooooooo cute n angelic. hehe..

selinna nt used 2 spoon? all e more u shld start letting her get used 2 it rite? u wan her 2 'eat' fr bottle until when? nt scaring u but some kids find it v hard 2 grow outta it even when they reach toddlerhood. as such, they dun get enof nutrients n dun grow well. ultimately, e aim wld b 4 them 2 sit at e table n eat a meal w us rite?
eh, i only tried e ready 2 mix cereals b4. those need milk. 4 e ones tt need 2 b cooked, i dunno leh.
lil, yup, signing not so in here. i got books so trying to learn and sign with bb now. hmmm....me not tiong bahru mummy tho always go there...hee hee....

afcai, kids will look for you when zzzzz time but there will be time where they'll be so tired then they'll zzzz on their own.
yes berry. you are in.

all mummies kindly PM me your bb's name, dob, your name and transfer soon.

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sylk
5. bobianah
6. Shihui
7. rainV
8. hwee
9. roo13
10. Gan
11. Berry
12. vanessa
hannah look soooooo sweet... were u there on sat??? think i saw hannah dat day... cant remember liao... hee...

dunno leh... my mil told me wan... she say ethan teething so got watery stool... he has 3 teething toys liao... one of which can vibrate wan... but he doesnt like... more interested in biting other things...

my mil brought ethan for the 9mth assessment on tues... realised he weighs only 8.6kg at 71.5cm... so small....
does this affect his growth? but the nurse at the polyclinic say he is very healthy... climb all over the place when the nurse put him down... attempted to climb the wall some more... hb says he can be a rock climber when he grows up... hee... then he bang the table when my mil brought him near it... then the nurse say he very naughty... ethan juz stare at her quietly n suddenly snatch away the paper which the nurse was writing on... the nurse was so shocked... hee... naughty little terror...
it was lil asking abt sign language. :p

lil, hwee
actually, there are places that teach bb sign language here...i thot its not that uncommon. I just decided not to try becos too many things liao. Flash cards, swimming, gym, i think is enuf for hannah and me. :p
I think signing u can DIY. I have a fren who DIY her own. It's just using signs u and ur bb can understand. not like a universal sign language that other bb must use the same. U can work out ur own sign for drink water, milk, hungry, tired. It's not much diff as waving goodbye, using the thumbs up for good....thats my opinion anyway. So, not need to attend class. Just use the same sign consistently and i think bb will learn.

yah, i was there. the one with bb in the carrier...
Hello mummies

MIA for a few days liao.... was so busy cos JT was super cranky these few days... and she suddenly refused to drink bottle AGAIN!! Win liao lor... so now she takes 2 big and 2 small meals of solids at MIL's place... told MIL to mix a bit of cereals with the milk and spoon feed her.... she doesn't want the milk from her sippy cup as well.... haiyo... after her teething, I'll make sure she learn to drink milk from her sippy cup.... but luckily 2 days a week that she's taking so much solids, but bo bian lor... better than making all of us go crazy!

JT is still on cereals mainly, with some potato and sweet potato meals... she doesn't like porridge leh.... maybe I cooked it too nua... later I'll try again and cook it not so nua and see... anyway, even if she takes porridge, I'll still give her cereals once a day for the iron cos she is on TBF, so have higher risk of iron deficiency. anyway, think dun have to worry so much abt processed food... FM is a highly processed food as well and many babies drink it from day 1!

Thanks for the nice pics. Can you e-mail me the pics with JT in them? my e-mail [email protected]

Haiz.... hubby going on business trip for 2 weeks in Oct... hopefully JT has grown her teeth by then and stop bring so cranky... if not I told hubby he might come home to a cranky baby and insane wife!!

Glad to know your mum is feeling better. You have to take good care of yourself too!
Ya that's rite. I did abit of research on internet n got the jist of it. U can make up your own signs or use ASL. That's why I said I cld n shd have started earlier with E lor. After reading I did try it on E but he didn't seem interested.

FM is bcos hv no choice mah. If hv choice why give processed food??? think every mummy wants to give their bb the best gua else why ppl tong pumping bf for so long even tho quality of life is affected.

U r lucky Mandy likes water. Some babies just don't, like Ewan. I also spoon feed him some water in-btwn mouthfuls n after meals but usually after second spoonful he will slap cup or spoon away liao. What to do short of forcing it down his throat. Ewan from day 1, we can see has a very strong character, cannot force him one. Both good and bad I guess.

My boy is ard same weight as Ethan. Think it's ok weight what. Anyway, most important is baby is healthy. My boy is already standing n cruising on furniture liao. My fren's son is 7+mths n still cannot roll and he weighs abt 9+kg. Which do u prefer?

thanks for yr info on fish in porridge.wil try next week! ya though he stil on tbf but want him to learn to take water...but he is really a stubborn bb!!


We are attending the wedding as a family as the groom is hubby's pal
so now tinking if take ebm..i so long never pump cos ivan latch on all the time...but might have already starting FM by then.

Can i check if cereal considered a 'solid meal'?I intend to start Ivan on 2 solid meals next week(one porridge for lunch n one porridge for dinner)
bobianah, zion, so far PT cleaner had not given me her new number, so i assume she had not changed it yet..so if u want still can try calling her using the old number...

Lil..yes they are super seeking for companies nowadays...

zion..ahaha.maybe ethan zzz alot when its only him and mil cos mil is so boring :p nothing for him to kapo hahha..ethan is so funi at the clinic! i thnk alot of our bbs are < 10 kg at 9th month so dont worry....

choo, yes must have patience.. last time kate also dont drink water... but now she prefer it to fm!// try feeding him water when its a hot water and he exercise alot..ehehehe yes cereal is solid food too!

hwee, at first wanted to intro sign lang to kate but then i was too lazy to keep up with it (plus she is with nanny most of the time ...)..ehehheh

afcai, yes my nanny not bad..but she also very playful..always bring kate out then miss her sleep! and intro food without my permission! pros and cons lah. Nan 3 is from 10months onwards? anyway kate is takig Nan2 HA, and Nan 3 does not have HA.
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!

haha, i'm not lucky lah. i'm only 'lucky' now. cos she's always preferred water 2 milk. last time when most o e nutrients r 2 b obtained fr milk, she preferred 2 drink water too. now e tide has changed lor, now she needs more water bcos o e solids n less milk. so now then i'm 'lucky'.
n hor, ethan smacks e water?? mandy smacks MILK IN A CUP!!! so i tink u're luckier...

ya, i agree, everything has its good n bad. 4 e.g., mandy is wat u all say guai guai n easy 2 take care but it oso means she's nt assertive n relatively less initiated. bb ez 2 take care, when she's older will b a bit o prob lor. ethan has a strong character. as a bb, wld b tougher but he might b an achiever when he grows up!

ya, cereals is solids. increase his solid intake lah or else v hard 2 wean off latching.

ya lor, i oso read tt it's gd 2 take cereals at least once in a while cos it's iron enriched. tt's y i do porridge on alt days. dun cook it too nua. mandy rejected e other time oso bcos it's too nua. now i cook it in e slow cooker 4 bt 1+ hr can liao. she prefers it tt way.
oh, gd luck 4 e teething thing. mandy's nt eating well these days again cos she's teething again. but i've found a way 2 make her eat. just keep handing her objects 2 hold. she'd get distracted n auto open her mouth, ie, until she loses interest n throws e object on e floor. so after every feeding, e whole floor is full o stuff 4 me to clear!

n oh, e spoonfeeding thingy started fr her teething. she used 2 take both straw n cup v well. now ar, touch oso dun wanna touch. i suggest u train her bk fast fast after her teething episode or u'll end up like me... sigh.. all my training gone 2 waste..
