(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

today, I took tx to polyclinic for 9mth doc assessment. tx loves the 20 mins ride of her pram to the polyclinic. ai-yo, this gar hor, when the nurse smile and said hello to her, she burst into tears liao (as usual scream very loud). so no checking is done on her except the hearing test.nurse was 'hiding' behind her and place the device near her ear and she turned and stare at the nurse.anyway, she passed her hearing test (3 tone sound) while she is playing with the block of toys. other test suppose to be done but anyway, qns are asked only. her weight is 8.1kg when nurse weight her while she is moving (not accurate). when i weight her, it was 7.9kg. anyway, tx is only 50% growth. after that, while she is crying, she still can wave to another nurse when the other nurse said bye bye to her. ai-yo, requested the child mc fr nurse but she said have to see doc then can get the mc. so in the end, went to see doc and given child mc.even the female doc touched her nose (see her scratch), she burst into tear. anyway, doc and nurse told me to let tx mix ard with other kids and also bring her out more often (which I only can bring her out over the weekend).

today, I felt guilty man when I saw tx 's nose got 2 bloody scratches. I woke up at 9am and tx is still sleeping. I placed her to sleep with me after her morning feed. then of cos, I surrounded her with pillow before I went off to the kitchen to prepare her porriage, dinner and have my breakfast first before she woke up. but hor, half an hr, I heard a thud sound and then quickly rush into the MBR. tx is lying facing up on the floor in front of the fan. when she see me, she burst into tear. of cos, I quickly hug her and check on her. her right cheek was red red and nose being scratch. dunno how she fell. so the second time, while I was pumping, she is sleeping, I occasionaly walked and went to check on her. guess what, here the photo of how she is managed to get out of the pillow and I also video her too.

so happy, finally, find my way out

oops, being caught by camera, quick post for picture taking before I digged my way out

Photo taken on 8/9(9mth) - waiting for mummy to take me to meet my frenz.Wondering do I look like a boy tough I am wearing all pink but some aunties hor (eye maybe paste with shit) said i'm BOY...

Striking toto huh...why grinning?no lah, papa is singing the song "if u are
, then u clap yr hand", i was so excited then....kee..ke

then fr today onward, try to leave mandy alone with hubby loh. see if he passed the test. recently, over the weekend, hubby successfully pat tx to slp. that's a gd sign cos i let him pat tx to slp.

haa.. I also do have the seperately anxiety when I return to work and leave tx over to my mum'plc. cos all along I have being 'sahm" for 4 mth liao.

errr.. tot all cereal just pour hot water or warm milk will do and cereal will be ready to serve.

mentioning abt pix of sleeping bb, I remember when tx is ard 2mth, she used to doze off during milk feed and then hubby quickly took a shot of her at that time, she still can smile during her zzz time and also have bm all over her mouth. can't wait for her to grow up and then let her see her own photos.

wow, 3 teething toys...tx only has 1 at mum'plc, none at my hse. only like to bit handichief, swing handichief when she wanted to sleep.

ai-yo, today, bring tx to 9mth assessment, she weighs at 8.1kg (but I weighs her at 7.9kg) at 69.5cm. no lah, just let naturally take it course, maybe now Ethan is slow in growing but who know, in few mth later, he will grows faster...anyway, as long as bb is healthy can liao, meaning bb is happy, can eat, can play etc...

tx also bang the table while wailing away with nose dripping, tear dripping and eye red red.

haa..so interesting, snatch the nurse 's paper which she is writing on it, the nurse said he noti that why he did that....so cute.

tx still dunno how to pull herself up yet. nurse told me that some bb tend to be slower but shd be able to do that by next mth.

then u eat more iron-rich food loh so that JT can consume thru yr bm.
haa..so funny fr the description that when yr hubby is away, u told hubby that he will come back and see an insane wife and a cranky bb.

today, tx is also got cranky the whole day. think it is bec of her teething and somemore, this morning fell off fr bed and knock onto her nose and her side of her nose. now a bit bloody poka dot red.

yup, cereal is considered a solid meal. that's my pt of view. usually, I will mix it with ebm (70-80ml of ebm then the rest of 7-80ml will go to tx's stomach + 10-20ml after cereal time).

oic, I will not attend hubby's side frenz wedding (he has a few next time) except his relative.

learning sign language not easy leh, need lot of memory power wor...now, mummy where got so much memory power. for me, most brain cells goes to bb liao...ai-yo..

gd man..at least, u have a caring nanny. cos I heard cases where the nanny dun entertain bb. is it did not know Nan 3 did not have HA. ok, will call nestle to find out (are they gg to release HA one or is there 's other follow up milk after Nan 3 cos other brand got follow up after bb 3 yr old. etc grow is for 3 yr old and above) and 'shun bian' ask them can give sample. :p.

yup, nan 3 is for 10 mth onwards - dunno how many yr old.

yup, that's true, I agreed. motheres are the best, tong anything for the child. but hor, if the mummy dun eat well, bb consume thru ebm/bm also dun get enu nturient too mah.

no matter what, i dun encourage adding cereal into milk feed. besides choking, it also filled up the bb stomach thus limit bb's milk intake overall.

if Selina prefer her milk with taste, you may wanna consider another brand of milk (similac/friso). these 2 brands are on the sweater side.

i understand tat it is tough when our bb reject milk (due to watever reason).
hang in there and find a better solution to get Selina to drink her milk better.

Meg is a fussy bb. thru trial and error i have (for now) mananged to get her to drink/feed better.
so do experiment with other options.

good to know tat your mum is recovering

jia you!

is your home very quite most of the time?
TX seems to be upset at crowded places with loads of noise.

maybe you can try to play music at home and talk to her more.

can also ask your mum to take her to the wet market during weekdays while you are busy at work.

Meg loves to go to the market

besides allowing them to get used to strangers, marketing can be very educational.

try to avoid letting TX slp on her own in your bed liao.
sayang bb TX.

as long as bb is healthy then dun need to bother too much abt their weights.

from time to time, i still compare Meg with other bb but i am no longer bothered with her petite frame.

my colik's bb is considered obese bb and needs to go on diet! tat is worst then having a small bb that is not under weight.
ya, agree w mbb. mandy's wt is below 0% on e growth chart but even then, she's nt considered underweight cos o e simple fact tt she's growing well. i always talk bt how other bbs r bigger than mandy but ppl usu misunderstand tt as complaining. i'm not, i just can't help but continue 2 b amused. hehehe... in fact, maybe bcos my own bb is so small, i've grown 2 tink petite bbs look better than chubby ones.. v chubby ones scare me sometimes..

how do u bring meg 2 e mkt? wet mkt ar?
i'm kinda concern bt hygiene leh. esp if i buy meat or fish, my hands wld come into contact w e dirty plastic bag handles. how 2 touch bb or carrier/stroller lidat?? eeeeeeeks!!! n i'm afraid o splashing fish water n ppl who shovel n knock. i mean, by myself, i'm ok w tt but w mandy.... eeeeeeeks! stroller is no no cos my mkt is v small b my stroller pretty big... sigh.. so inconvenient leh..
i used Ergo lo.
after touching the fish, meat etc, i used wipes to wipe my hands.

since tis "see lai" have some frens in the mkt, some time those aunty will touch touch Meg.
i dun really like in the beginning but since Meg din fall sick.....i began to relax liao.

when we reach home, i wipe her face, hands and feet lo.
Hi all,

Yes, agree with MBB that going to the market is a good experience for the kiddos. Else next time they will grow up, frightened of all the foreign smells and noises! It's also good to expose them to "dirty" places, it actually helps to build up their immunity system.

I think by now, cannot let bb TX sleep on bed. Even the fortress of pillows cannot keep our crawling babies in anymore. Do you still co-sleep with her on the master bed? If so, I think it's better to move to the floor and sleep together. Even then, I find sleeping on the floor very dangerous cos they know how to crawl and grab things. So, getting them to sleep in a cot or playpen would be most ideal and safest for them.
hi mommies..
long time no post here.. :p went NATAS fair yesterday.. wanted to see if we can go for a tour with bb anot.. :p ended convincing ourselves tt sentosa will be a better alternatives... :p it's really expensive to bring bb along for tour.. :p

got viral infection on fri.. now develop into cough liao.. croaking like a frog now.. wondering if i shd take MC on mon again.. :p now i so worried if i will infect PH anot.. hav been giving him the freshest possible EBM.. hope it helps.. else hor, a sick bb is no joke...
so far, he has a few sneezes n coughs.. scare scare..

PH is so cute last night.. he was in his walker.. den he walk to me n cry with arms open wide wide... :p but i dun want to carry him.. so hubby offered to carry him... he turned away fr hubby, look at me n cry... aiyo.. can't tahan liao... carry him awhile.. hehehehe.. :p

last time my mom n in laws kept suggesting feeding PH cereal mixed with milk in bottle.. i straight away reject.. coz it's not gd for bb.. but hor, i'm not sure how to intro other flavouring into milk liao..

tx so girly.. dun look like a boy to me lor..
now i dun dare put PH alone on the bed liao leh.. he will crawl n touch floor within secs.. :p in the past, i oso put him on the bed when he's sleeping.. but now i stop doing tt liao.. coz he dun always wake up crying like he used to be.. he can wake up n play on his own liao.. so it will be really dangerous for him to be alone on the bed...

heee~ i can't stand it too when food court aunties sayang my PH.. imagine the oily hand tt touch so many bowls (not to mention saliva fr the bowl).. but hor, i dun dare to voice out... hai~~ so i juz make sure i hav the wipe ready.. once the aunty touch, i wipe.. hehehehe... :p
mbb, linette,
eh, i dun mind germs n bacteria. in fact, i've no prob sitting next to a sneezing or coughing passenger in mrt, mandy in my arms. as long as they dun sneeze/cough straight into mandy's face! hehehe... e prob w wet mkt is tt e she might get in touch w raw food n there's e risk o salmonella. those aunties choose fish by prodding w their fingers n then just wiping on their clothes o washing in e small pail o water (which in my opinion makes their fingers even DIRTIER!). i won't wanna let them touch mandy's face lor! salmonella is nt normal illness leh, can b fatal. so i'm more kiasi bt tt.
besides, ergo can't b washed too frequently. so wat if ergo gets dirty?haiz... so i dun bring her 2 wet mkt. i guess i won't mind if i'm nt buying meat but i always go there 2 stock up on meat lor!
understand ur concern.
maybe when Mandy is older then you can be confident to bring her to the wet mkt more often.

haha...me kiasi la.
i dun wanna Meg to grow up thinking tat all chix and fish comes in fillet form

take good care of urself.
juz remember dun kiss kiss PH will do.
carrying him should be ok. how not to carry, so handsome with his electric eyes!

last week, while i was preparing to go out, Meg insisted tat i carry her.
hb tried to carry n distract her from me.

Meg was sooooo upset with hb tat she refused to look at hb for the rest of the afternoon.
Hahaha...I tot all meat comes in fillet form!
Ya ya...must show bb the source of their food. If wait until too old, sekali they get shocked n refuse to eat meat. This happened to my friend's child.

Ya, ask your mum to bring tx out to supermarket etc during weekdays. Then hor, like me, leave TV or radio on the whole day. Ewan doesn't like to watch TV but he loves music...everytime it's advert time or opening n ending of shows and the song comes on he will rush to TV n watch. Dun worry lar they wun bcome TV addict or develop AHDH. I think watching certain shows is also a good form of learning for bb's.
yupyup.. i oso feel tt way.. washing hand in the "reusuable" tub of water doesn't seems to wash away the germs.. heeee.. :p

hope PH n mandy dun grow up thinking tt chicken comes in pieces.. :p

meg so cute.. :p ur hubby so poor thing.. got ignore by meg.. heheee.. :p but it's so sweet when bb prefer us right?? heee~ :p
wah.. tt's a really bad shock leh... my friend used to believe tt chicken r featherless... :p when his parents showed him real chickens in the zoo, he refused to believe tt it's the same chicken tt he has been eating.. hahahaha.. :p
shihui, mbb, lil,
ya. CF said b4 tt one o her students dunno how real life chix look like! hahahaha... eh, i bring mandy 2 wet mkt in ergo she oso cannot really c bah, unless i hand carry but tt means i can't really buy things. no worries lah, i bring her 2 supermkt v often. 4 how animals look like, i'm so looking 4ward 2 bringing her 2 e zoo!!! hehehe...

my fren's daughter loves duck v much, as in e animal. one day she passed by a roast meat stall n saw roast duck n asked her mum wat it is. mum said it's duck, she nearly cried n refused 2 believe it. but tt's another thing lah, it's more bcos o her fondness o e animal.

ya man. i always wonder y ppl even bother 2 wash in tt! yuks!
afcai..at least u manage to use pillow to block tx till now, that had never worked for kate! but really...since now they knows how to move, canot use that method already... yes, i rem that pic of tx sleeping with a big smile on her face!

kimi, mandy still 0% percentile? what is her wgt now? i dont think i will dare to carry kate to the mkt too! all the germs!

shihui, fyi, sentosa not cheap either..i went once before i give birth..as exp as nearby beach resorts..ahahahah

mbb..hahah..meg really got character :p

over the weekend went to my fren's pl. she got a bb boy 2 months older. wah... the boy can walk on his own, understand his mom's instructions, use action to indicate interest! i dont think kate can do all this in 2 months time!

also did the home made yogurt over the weekend. my sis hate it, me and hb find it ok. my fren's boy love it so much. hehehehe...

gan, what kind of milk did u use for ur homemade yogurt? i use full cream and end up the yogurt was very thick....

btw, mommies, asking questions time...
(i) how much solid food can ur bb take per meal?
(ii) how long does that food last before ur bb goes hungry again?
cos kate can only take half a bowl but she will go hungry in abt an hour..is that normal?
bobianah, now another bp for those eco friendly bags...cheaper! argh!

bloom, my bb takes like almost one bowl of porridge pr meal 2 times a day. he will drink milk abt 1.5 to 2 hrs later. dunno how long then hungry but will give him milk so that he can go to sleep.
I just SAW!!! SO much CHEAPER!!! AIYOH!!
babyblithe say she'll reduce but dunno if can match or not.

if it's just $1-$2 diff I dun mind, but this diff is quite a lot!
Shihui, Kimi
Tsk tsk, Wash hand in the pail to dilute the germs mah... :p

My fren's child saw them slaughter chicken in KL wet market lor...that's why so scared until refuse to eat liao.

Yum...the yogurt sounds yummy. What did you use for flavouring...fruit puree? Ewan takes about 3/4 bowl of porridge twice a day. Then gila gila one lah...sometimes will make noise (dunno whether hungry or thirsty) after 1-2hrs sometimes can last 3-4 hrs or more. Think dun hv to worry so much abt portion size or timing...as my mum say lor, they will refuse food when they r full and will make noise when hungry. I just follow that rule lor. Sometimes think they r thirsty rather than hungry. I tried giving water but Ewan will refuse water and happily take milk instead. So be it lah.

R your babies having difficulty sleeping bcos of teething discomfort? Ewan upper teeth r coming out one by one and poor thing must be suffering. Every night sure will wake up crying. Carry rock dun want, lie down pat dun want. He is so sleepy but he keeps grinding his jaws n crying. What to do ahh...tried teething gel also no effect...anyone's doctor prescribe panadol for the pain?
Hi mummies...hand itchy...wanted to share some picture of my boy doing his evil laugh for the camera :p

This one was taken when he was abt 5-6mths old...cheeky then.
Hello mummies

Today back at work after 3 weeks hols...
JT is still very cranky, think her upper teeth coming out, the gums are a bit hard but still nothing in sight, dunno have to be cranky for how long...

Yup, JT keeps waking up crying, has been like tat for many weeks liao... not only tat, she will hit her head with her hand very hard everytime she nurse or eats... I read tat its a way that day deal with the teething pain.... poor JT
LiL, Ewan looks very cheeky indeed!

Dun be surprised if Kate can do all tat in 2 mths. Within this month, JT started to call Dad, Papa, wave, learn to drink from sippy cup independently, give me her toy when I stretch out my hand, kiss me on my cheeks when I put my head near her mouth... Babies grow at such amazing speed sometimes!!

Jt's latest pic, taken last week before our shopping gathering at suntec
babyblithe reduced the price of the eco bag liao. not the same, but i can accept a few cents difference...

haha! E so cute! like sticking out his tongue
lil, ewan is so cute! smiling so happily! good job! he's so happy!

dora, jt is also so smiley! happy baby = happy mummy!

bobianah, yes, the eco bags got price revision liao. i ordered another 2 series from the new organiser.
hi mbb & other mummies,

can we hav the bbs bday bash on 8th Nov (Deevapali)???

dora, LiL,
both JT & Ewan smile so radiantly... our bbs are all happy bbs : )
just a quick post. sneak in, the rest of the posting then post at night.

hwee & bobianah- what's eco bags u mentioning abt? how much is it? cos I also wanted to get a gd carrier now cos my normal carrier ($10++) type a bit wobble when carry tx.
bobianah, hwee,
i saw the eco friendly bag... so gian to buy... but i dun really use them leh.. n i still need my supply of plastic bags to line my dustbin.... hai~~ now wondering if i shd buy them...

hahaha... dilute no use mah... bacteria r living things... they can multiply leh.. :p

ic.. no wonder the child won't eat chicken... i got a fren who saw pigs on the way to slaughter house... was so sad tt she becomes vegetarian... :p

these 2 niths, PH has been waking up to cry n refuse milk... not sure if it's teething.. coz with my flu, i dun dare to put in my finger to feel his gums.. :p

ewan really looks cheeky... so cute...
he seems to be having lots of fun... n he really look like his dad...

really ah... so ex?? i wanted to stay 2 nites but hb wanted only 1 night..
den still got day full of activities... how to enjoy the room lidat... :p

for the questions:
i) PH can take 80% full of the normal rice bowl..
ii) it can last him 3 hours...

JT is soooo sweet... i love the clip... sob.. can't put on hair clips for PH.. hahaha.. :p

i'm okie with 8th nov...

JT used to be a real happy baby, but nowadays she becomes cranky very easily
Think it's probably the teething... haiyo hopefully her teeth will quickly grow then I can have my happy baby back!

:p tsk tsk you want to put hairclips on PH ah??!

Aiyo... how come your babies can eat so much one... JT eat like 10 spoonfuls (her spoon!!) then she refuse to eat liao... then got to coax like mad, then she'll eat a bit more.... and that can last her 3 hrs... Actually i suspect can last her more than that cos she never cry for milk leh, but I just feed her milk lor... haiz no wonder she looks skinnier and skinnier
heheh...i know wat u mean...i still need the NTUC bags for my garbage! haha!
I'm getting as christmas pressie for office...:p

its not a bb carrier la...it's just a shopping bag
Hi mummies, long time no post but have been reading the forum faithfully

Looks like alot of babies are cranky due to teething. Mine also. But don't remember it was so bad with her bottom 2 tooths. R top teeth more painful? Last night she woke up almost every 2 hours!! No choice I put her to sleep with me. I notice she will flip, turn and eyes open to look at me and goes back to sleep but there are times she will cry and not goes back to sleep unless carry & rock.

Bloom, my gal take 3/4 to 1 bowl of porridge in the morning and 2 to 3 tablespoons of cereal in the night. After 1 to 1.5 hrs, she will drink about 120 to 150ml of EBM or FM. These 2 nights she have been crying for more cereal, will be increasing it. But there are times she doesn't finish and need to distract her with toys, etc.

Mummies, when shd we increase to 3 solid meals daily? And what should we give? 2 x Porridge & 1 x cereal? My gal doesn't drink much water so worried that 2 x cereal will be too heaty for her.

LiL, Ewan look so happy and joyous. Same goes to JT, Dora.
Hi mummies,

Had a good birthday yesterday! Van's tiramisu cake was YUMMY!!! REGRET ordering from her!! now got a small piece in fridge i so temptd to eat bt meant for hubby


Happy Birthday to both of you on 18 Sep!!


the porridge for Mandy not so nua liao? i intend not to cook so nua for Ivan too..bt i dun know if he wil have problem swallowing..i have just started him on threadfin today..my MIL offered to buy all the pork meat n fish.smell nice!


happy belated 10th mth to kate!!
Ivan took 1 full bb bowl(combi) of porridge bt one hr later he cry for milk!!
i dun know if its more for comfort sucking ??how can so fast hungry?


Wow!! Ewan so big boy now! smily n cheeky!!
still carbon copy to his dad!!!


I also hope the teething phase fast fast over..ivan's upper two teeth out liao..so now stil ok...but i stil have problem with his nap times lor .sigh...
JT not skinny leh!!

tink i got a toddler ivan now(just tat he cant walk)!!he just cant sit still!! i type with him on my lap.he kept wanting climb up to touch pc,keyboard etc..like monekey! climb up n down....crawl here n there...
happy belated birthday!!

van's tiramisu yummy hor.. i'm now her regular to buy over any extra tiramisu cups she made.. hehehe.. :p

PH oso same as ivan.. cannot sit still one.. so monkey.. he always crawl here n there... the more we dun want him to touch something, the more he wants to touch.. ahhhh... scary.. :p and he's really funny... saw us using the comp.. want to join in the fun too.. he can really imitate us lor... type type on keyboard, aft a while, move the mouse.. den type type again.. so funny... :p

anyone got any recommendation to window grills installation? my house dun hav window grills leh.. n i want to install b4 PH starts climbing... :p n which is better? wrought iron or aluminium?
hand itchy when i see my brother's pc on. now, typing with one hand while pumping.

wow, eating tirimusu now n then, not scared fat huh.hmm read tat ph woke up in the middle of the nite then u must be tired when trying to make him slp? some more later need to pump and go bck to work.

hmm did u bring bb out often to shop?

yup, hm is veri quiet except on n of hear the mrt train sound passby. when tx heARD THE SOUND OF MRT, SHE WILL LOOKED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE WINDOW.

l do turn on the hi-fi during her feed and tx will stare at the hi-fi.as for the wet maret, so wet, later slip n fall how and then so crowded, dun think will go there. will go supermaret better, got air-con some more.

on sat, hubby n I took her to imm giant and she was sleeping. after a while, she woke up n we let her sat onto the trolley. she got the sua ku and surprise look. will post her photo when l got bck hm. we intro her to many things n it was an education tour. haa..got a free mamy poko diaper. a promoter was giving out.

on sun, before gg to my mum'plc, we took her to sheng siong supermart. it was a 2 storey supermart. she got a free sample of duaper again. haa, but this time, she dun want to sit in the trolley so I hugged her n show her ard - intro her fish(live fish man), prawns, fryuits etc....another education tour.

she already know what is an apple and banana cos at my mum's hse, the banan will alway located in the same plc so when I mentioned where 's the banana, tx will look in that direction where banana is.

haa meg loves marketing, so now u are training her to do marketing, next time, ask her to go market n buy things...haa...

mentioning abt chubby bb, I ever saw a bb veri chubby with chuuby face, very chubby thigh, legs, hands etc....her age dun look like big bb.

think next time, she grow up is chubby, hard to slim down.

no lah, did not co-slp. she slp in her play pen at night. only co-slp with me on sat morning when hubby not ard.

E look like his dad loh. so playful look.

yup, now bb quite mobile liao.have called nestle today. the lady told me tat thy dun have 400g of nan 3 and nan 3 with ha one. so I asked her how if want to bf then need 400g can't even finish the 400g within a mth, also if bb got ecyma, how? she told me we still can continue to let bb drink nan 2 up to 3 yrs old.
nan 3 gpt more protein than nan 2. if bb drink nan 2 well, why not continue. some bb might not be suitable for nan 3. I asked her, what the next follow up after 1 yr old cos I saw got nestle fm for 1-3 yr old. she said also can let bb try, that fm got more nutrients loh, cos it is a growing up fm.

ok, got to continue when I get bck.
I just install window grilles 2 weeks ago.
Cast Iron is nicer but very expensive, so in the end I went for aluminium.
ur contractor gd? can intro me? me in dilemma leh.. u been to my house hor.. the full length window already hav cast iron railing for the bottom half window liao... so if i install aluminium, it will look so out of place.. else hor, i will prefer aluminium one... cheap n low maintanance.. :p
yesterday, we went out with mum, brother and gf for dinner, tx was quite cranky. think she slp not enu. she dun want to sit on the bb high chair. so we placed her on the normal chair and mum said it is veri dangerous (of cos we know, we sit in between her so will surely keep an eye on her while we makan). then mum insisted she carried, ok loh, let her carry. tx also buay siong and want me to hug. mum then give tx white rice . I told her cannot digest loh but she said a bit never mind loh. (what do u think??) so in the end, I just use one hand to makan while carry tx. anyway, after dinner, we went back to mum'plc and tx bath and then zzz at 7pm++ while I went to pump. then tx woke up at 8pm++ to drink ebm. here the photo of her taken in the restaurant (service is gd, the waiter give tx bb bowl and spoon).

what's on menu, dude?

Mummies whose bb on Nan fm
This morning, I have called nestle to enquiry about nan 3 FM (for 10 mth). Just share with you the following:
1) All 400g of Nan Fm only available at Giant. No other outlets sell this.

2) Nan 3 is available for 900g only.

3) Nan 3 though stated that it is for 10 mth onwards, but acc to the customer service lady, she said Nan 2 can still consume up to 3 yr old.

4) diff between nan 3 and nan 2: nan 3 has more protein than nan 2. so some bb might not be able to accept protein and also might not like the taste. since bb is fine with nan 2, so can continue let them consume up to 3 yr old.

5) No direct order from nestle.

6) Nestle follow growing up fm for 1yr - 3 yr can still be consume for bb.

my finding after market survey: Purcharsing Nan fm from Sheng Siong is the cheapest.

mummies who bf
qns qns to ask:
1) do u wash or sterlise the tube which connect between the funnel and the electric pump?

2) How many times of pump do u pump per day now?

3) Do you avoid food like chilli, curry etc?

thks for remembering the pic of tx sleeping with a big smile on her face. as for yr qns:

(i) how much solid food can ur bb take per meal?

tx has 3 solid feed per day at mum'plc but at my plc only 2 solid food.

->> For 2nd feed: 4 tablespoon of Heinz apple and museli cereal mixed with 80ebm + (separate drink 70 ebm + 10ml water).

-> Lunch at mum'plc: 3 table spoon of Eu Ren sang si shen brown rice + 125 ebm (1 hr later)

-> Dinner: 1 rice bowl of fish/veg porriage.

All can finish up in one shot.

(ii) how long does that food last before ur bb goes hungry again?

-> Mum 'plc : 1-3hr consume of ebm after solid food.
-> my plc: 4-5hr

are u a sahm?

difficulty in slp hmm... tx just felt cranky and pek chek. at night, sometimes, out of the night, she will flip and then 'eh eh'. if no one go and attend her, she just doze off on her tummy. but if she see u, she will cry.then we got to hug her and rock her to slp.

hmm my preference not to give too much medicine or can dun give dun give panadol to bb loh. not gd, scared they addicted.

JT so happy smiling away.....ai-yo, loves her hair clip and hair....when is tx gg to have hair like JT? why dun have much hair on her back?

oic. shopping bag.

no long did not see u post. seem to forgotten abt u liao.hmm how come give porriage in the morning not dinner time instead? hmm opposite from most of the mummies, usually, ppl give cereal in the morning mah.

Happy Birthday to both of you on 18 Sep! best wishes.

hmm...how u know Ivan hungry after consume his porriage? maybe he wanted to zzz...

agreed with u on the window part, hmm...my col also install cast iron all the way. hubby said see how, dun place thing that bb can climb there and always close the window loh (we always close window only open kitchen and mbr window).
My marketing educational tour over the wkend.

I'll be a gd gar so can buy toy for me?

Let see what's on offer?

I'm so excited over my marketing tour at Sheng Siong

My new doggie lantern that wai po buy....
Hi mummies,
Is anyone a Eu ren sang member and heard that there is a birthday one time off discount of 20% on any items for Eu ren sang product, if so, can help/lobang me to buy brown rice? thks.
Inform which I have quote fr the thread:

Huggies is giving away free 2 piece of pull ups at different location for this month on weekends. Per form filled is entitle to 2 pieces. Jus fill up children and parents particular to get them

Dates Locations
8-9 Sep Causeway point (facing Mrt)
22-23 Sep United Square (Level 1 next to customer service Counter)
29-30 Sep Tampinese Mall (External Promenade)

Hey mummies,
i just returned fm my Redang Trip.. now i m a bit roasted. haa.. The trip is fun but the travelling is too long for us.I miss Hayley badly and yesterday spent whole day bonding with her. Glad she still remember me. Again during this trip, got to dump away the milk I've expressed. After the trip, found my ss has dropped a lot. Maybe it is a sign I can finally stop bf. horray..I'm looking fwd to that day.

Hi Choo/Afcai,
tks for yur bday wishing

Hi Jackie,
Happy bday to u too

Hi Bloom,
I use the Meiji full cream milk, the yoghurt turns out OK, neither too thick nor thin.. texture just nice.

Hi Afcai,
BB TX look so pretty and happy having her 'educational' tour. To answer yur questions.
1) do u wash or sterlise the tube which connect between the funnel and the electric pump?
- my Mini E pump does not have the tube

2) How many times of pump do u pump per day now?
- 4 times.. from this week onwards will reduce the pump to 3 times a day

3) Do you avoid food like chilli, curry etc?
- Still take chilli but avoid too spicy curry intake

Hi Dora,
BB JT so happy and smiley

Hi Lil,
Ewan looks so much like his daddy

Hi Doggiebb,
I try to transfer u the $ later coz I been having problem accessing the dbs site. sorry for the delay. BTw, do you know how long is the duration of the trial class?
jackie, gan
happy birthday!!

Gan, wah, glad u had an enjoyable holiday!

afcai, nothing wrong with giving white rice...as long as it's cooked and fluffy...same as porridge wat, just less water.

oh yah, half cast iron half aluminium a bit funny. When i ask contractor how much for cast iron and he calculated over $1000 just for my balcony window, i said forget it!! For less then that price, i did aluminium for balcony, kitchen, study and hannah's room.
I think my contractor is not the cheapest, but quality, service is good. They help me to solve some spacing issue I have...They were also prompt. I email them, they call me to fix appt for house visit to measure liao. Other contractor, still must call and call, another time, one make tentative appt, say they busy, then never call back! chey!
I got Pang Giap Enterprise (88) Pte Ltd to do for me. You can get their contact: http://www.panggiap88.com.sg/index.html
Choo, afcai, bobianah.
Thank you

Happy birthday to u

Me on 1/2 day leave and going off to enjoy myself later kekeke
thanks for the contact..

jackie, gan,
happy birthday!!

wow.. can't imagine u roasted leh.. u r so fair..
glad u had a fun trip..
for milk ss hor, my ss roller coaster one leh.. sometimes high, sometimes low... :p so i dunnoe when i can really stop.. but i hope i can tong till PH is 1 year old..

to answer your qns:
1) do u wash or sterlise the tube which connect between the funnel and the electric pump?
- nope.. i dun wash the tube for my ameda pump..

2) How many times of pump do u pump per day now?
- usually 3-4 times..

3) Do you avoid food like chilli, curry etc?
- dun avoid.. but i'm not a chilli person.. so i dun really take tt much chilli.. :p
thanks to the mommies for replying my question..wondering cos kate seems to be eating so little and get hungry so fast. i wonder if its bcos she doesnt like porridge or its just that her stomach can withstand more liquid than solid food

Lil, i add real chopped fruits to the yogurt..eheheheh.. i guess fruit puree should work but so far i have not done them yet :p u wan to try jing feng shen instead of teething gel. there was once kate refuses to sleep cos of teething discomfrt. my mom rub jing feng shan onto her gum and zzz she goes..might be the rubbing motion too... not evil laugh lah..he's just a happy bb!

dora..wow..sounds like JT accomplish so much this month!!!! kate is still the same as when u saw her last time (ahahah) just that she is now beg to learn how to stand.... still canot speak... jt is so sweet...

shihui..yes... think min for 1 night hotel stay at sentosa is $200+. my neighbour also put hair clip on her grandson. Cute little fella,looks more like a gal than kate :p mine was wrought iron..initially actually install aluminium but the workmanship very bad, very shaky (mine is low floor so afraid of robber) so change to wrought iron. did that 4 yrs ago at one of the shops at IMM.

choo , maybe ur porridge too watery for ivan? should be happy that he is eating alot right?
kate also monkey what..

afcai..wah... tx went to so many places over the weekend..eheheh... so nestle not giving u any sample... why is more protein required for older bbs? ..i might try to switch kate out of HA range after 1 yo to see if her skin is now ok without HA fm...

gan..i c... prime supermart near my home dont have meiji full cream milk... the choices here are real limited..
afcai, I think porridge doesn't fill her long enough... she tends to wake up for milk before 3am. Cereal can last her till 4am sometimes till 6am. But recently, donno due to teething or she is more active in the day so get hungry in the night. She now wakes up min. of 3 times. If she fuss and doesn't sleep, I'll give her FM.
was so bz to post... thnx all mummies for ur replies...

ya... i starting to like my boy in this size... look sooo cute... hee...

i still let ethan sleeps on the queen size bed with me... he doesnt like to sleep in his playpen cos super stuffy... plus he super no security must have someone by his side then will sleep... will still put bolster to block when he sleeps in case he toss n turn till he fall frm the bed... he seems to know he will fall n knock his head if he anyhow crawl (cos he fell once b4)... cos if he wakes up n find no one in the room, he will look towards the door n cry... he knows mummy or daddy will come to his rescue... hee...

to ur qns:
1. ethan eats abt 1 bowl of porridge for lunch n dinner n either 1 slice of bread with fm or 1 bowl of cereal for breakfast...
2. dat will last him for 3-4hrs... if he takes snacks in btw, will last for abt 5 hrs...

LiL / dora,
ewan n jt r sooo cute n smiley... haiz... wanna catch ethan smiling on camera so difficult... cos he v dao wan... only know how to stare at ppl...

its only true to some extent dat Nan fm frm sheng siong is e cheapest... cos sheng siong dun have standardisation wan... e one u went i believe is e one beside the interchange is still ok... $27.80 for Nan 2HA right? once i went to loyang pt sheng siong n there sell $27.50... e next time i went it was $30+!!! i almost fainted ar...
hi mummies...
been awhile since i last wrote... so got a lot to say

my gal really sim huang huang. whenever she see someone gg outta the gate, she will cry. previously every morning when we leave for work, while saying bye bye to her, she will give us a very pitiful look... but now she will cry and wanna to go out with us.... if she is on the floor.. she will try her best to scurry very fast towards us . i really no heart to close the gate seeing how hard she tries.. so will bring her down a short while... usually those will be the days tat i will be late for work. :p

the zao kng photo, hannah's smile so sweeet. i went to kpo see the carrier bag u were mentioning... now gian to buy liao... but yah.. i still need those plastic bags. how to be environmental friendly like that?!

jt looks so happy and guai guai on the chair. sophia will put her feet up. really gangster like.

aiyohh... ewan really looks like daddy... if got those parent-baby lookalike contest.. must join lei...

tx looks so happy with her tour. should bring her out more often to expose her to strangers.

any hols photos to share with us? the yoghurt is for baby rite? it is okay to make them from full cream milk?

sophia now very noisy.. she babbles extremely loud; so am quite malu to bring her out coz her babblin noise is like more shouting n screaming....ppl say that baby's babbling are like music to mummy's ears.. but in my case, its like hard rock music!
honestly, it can be quite hurting to the ears... i always whisper back.. shhh... not so loud.... but she gets even louder... aiyohh.. how ah? any babies like that and how do u deal with it?

she have been throwing tantrum whenever she dont get her way by crying and angrily flailing her hands on the floor...and sometimes hitting us with her hands! i really dunno where she learn that from coz nobody ever lay their hands on her. i dont believe in disciplining a baby at this age... so what can i do aside from telling her gently "cannot be like that"?? i am really worried she will grow up to be like those tantrum throwing spoilt brat .

my gal now only nap 1 time, 1 hour a day in the morning. sighz. she will tong and force to keep her eyes open no matter how tired she is. i tried to persuade her to take her nap last sat... she just played on the bed for almost 3 hours, occasionally crying coz wanna go outside the room... and finally after so many times i carry her back to her bed.. she finally cried her heart out.. until wanna retch out like that. this is the first time she cried until like that. really sim tia...
i was torn between wanting her to take a nap and seeing her cry until like that.. ((think i got a small taste of choo's frustration; cant imagine if everyday like that)). it is also very hard to put her to zzz at nite... she will crawl and play and wanna go out.... with her not taking much milk (less than 120ml) or porridge (less than 1/2 bowl) and not getting enuff sleep.. no wonder she is only at 7kg at her 9months assessment (10%).

kimi, zion,
i am slightly affected by her weight (or lack of); but trying to console myself that she is healthy and active, so i shouldnt be upset. though, sometimes when i bring her out, and bump into other babies; most of the time those babies are bigger sized and younger than her... and their mummies/grandmothers always give me those smug look, when they found out that my gal is older. some even better, can tell me "aiyoh, so small size".. as if i am starving my gal like that!
my friend told me to reply : "aiyahh the daddy mummy not BIG size, or FAT (purposely emphasize on the two words), how the baby can be big sized?" but so far... i dont dare.. hehe..

oh yah.. sophia zzz on the mattress on the floor and we are constantly teaching her that have to turn her body and push downward to get off the mattress. she can do that (sometimes have to assist), but have to constantly remind her, coz most of the time she too gan cheong to get down..
hi afcai,

no leh..i gave him one big bowl...then soon about 1hr later he start cry..not sleepy....then offer breast to him,he happily accept it
tink i have to slowly increase his portion liao.


no leh...now his porridge not so nua n watery liao...i am indeed happy he ate alot..
but still never reflect on his weight ! ok lah i accepted liao...


*pat pat*indeed very frustrating when bb dun want eat n sleep well...but got to bite the tongue..it will be over soon
u know wat...my MIL's coll gave birth on 11/9 now doing confinement ald said she cant tahan her bb's cries!! then my MIL told her'then my DIL leh'?take care of Ivan herself for almost 9mth liao?'her coll said she really peifu me....i told hubby it is a miracle i havent check into IMH ...not easy definitely...but i tink i will feel at ease taking care of him rather than put him with maid ,nanny or infant care
Jackie,Choo n Gan,


if you dun mind taking over as organizer for the birthday bash...then fix it on the 8th Nov.
i may be working on tat period, so i cant be the organizer. i dun mind helping out if i am ard

Ewan is sooooooo cheeeky n cutie!

i remember you mentioned abt good dim sum in Raffle hotel? can gimme the info again?
my mum's birthday is next week. wanna take her for nice dim sum.

Meg is chosen in Oct Women Weekly's cute bb picture.
She won $100

oh...Meg is 8kg now.
have to take her for blood test on monday to check if she have Hep B.
PD told me tat it is a good thing Meg is not chubby thus easier to locate her veins.

hahaha..another benefit to have a slim bb.

she is doing well and nothing to worry abt
