(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi mummies,
looks like it was a really fun gathering. I missed the Fri and Sat gathering.

I was at Suntec ydy ard 4pm. Was hestitating to contact mbb (forgotten to bring the details fr Connie, haiz) 1st I was still recovering from my flu n sore throat, 2nd wondering whether u all had left. When I saw couples with bb, I was looking hard trying to find any familar faces.
Hope I cld meet sm of u b4 the bd bash.

which spree?? cheaper huh?
hee heee


Jackie n Shihui,
tis trip i am really really tired.
juz got my new apartment in HK (hee heee....now i hv internet access!!! yahooooooooo).

been moving hse and cleaning the apartment all by myself (coz hb is very busy lately, he cant come over to help).

back in sg, still have loads of household chores to clear. hb very very poor thing, got alot of tender to handle.

saw him hard at work on sat, rite? but still so sweet, join me and Meg for the gathering.

i just have to "tong" la. maybe after tis mth, i am more settled then can take a good rest.

tonite, no slp again coz i still have to unpack in my apartment. sob sob sob.

tired but happy

tkzzzz for the concern.

hee heee....ended up on sat, i din buy a single item
Dora, Kimi, Jackie,
Heh heh, Regina is indeed full of expressions.... She has a very sheepish and sometimes mischievous smile. And she can control her eyebrows... just like her dad.

Wah, your hb also studied in some sec school in Bishan ar?
juz came back fr co's DnD.. won 18th prize lucky draw.. :p got a steamer.. wondering how i shall use it.. :p

ya lor.. the make up super thick.. when i look into the mirror aft the makeup, i got a shock.. :p den while waiting for the photoshoot, i use my hand to brush away some of the powder.. :p can't tahan.. :p

ryan is chubbier leh... PH lousy... hahaha.. :p

wah.. jovey gd leh.. know how to pose.. :p mine can onli smile at the camera.. :p

wah.. u got ur apartment liao.. gd leh... got internet access..
hopefully by next mth, u will hav more time to rest..
ya.. ur hubby is so nice.. accompany u n meg though he so bz.. poor thing leh.. saw him there all by himself working while we were enjoying.. :p

yup.. he studied there.. so he din recognise the wrong guy lah.. hehehe.. :p but hubby said he's few years senior ur hubby.. he rem coz he seems to see ur hubby in the same ECA b4.. again.. he not so sure coz it's dunnoe how many years since he grad.. :p

regina so cute.. can control her eyebrow.. i can never do tt... i end up twisting my whole face but my eyebrow still won't move a millimeter.. :p
hihi! nice to meet the mummies and bbs on sat!had to leave early cos of the aquaducks session. i mus say that tim enjoyed himself very much meeting all other bbs especially the gals!
but so sorry my #1 was throwing tantrums.

mbb, no worries, i only recognise all the bbs and then match them to their mummies.

it would have been nice for all the bbs to get a picture together....but its ok, there's always another time.
any mummies who took pics....can post?

thanks conniemummy for organising and the opportunity to meet up.

afcai, did you manage ok? i'm so sorry i had to go early. i saw tx a little grouchy maybe its an unfamiliar place. she's really sweet! i agree with sylk, its really difficult to look after bb full-time that's why i bring mine home every night so that mil can get proper rest at night. she also needs to take care of 2 other older grandchildren, so i guess it fair that i sacrifice a little more. you're just stressed. jus relax.

sorry to miss all other mummies. maybe another time.

linette, too bad i left early and kelly didn't have a chance to meet nicole.
Hello mummies

enjoyed myself on sat.... too bad had to leave early so missed a lot of mummies and bbs.... but happy to meet hwee, zion and afcai for the 1st time....

poor tx... think you have to bring her out more often, even neighbourhood shops also good....our babies are getting older so they can recognise unfamiliar places/faces...so its good to expose them to more unfamiliar places/faces so that they won't get so uncomfortable

I fully agree with you... it's so taxing to take care of babies 24/7, esp if there is no other help. I have always tot my mum is great, but now I know she is really superwonder woman... took care of 2 of us, + the entire household chores (incl my grandma and uncle) + complicated cooking.... all by herself!!!
Regina is really very cute, hubby also says she has a lot of expressions... very rare to see bb this age to be so expressive

haiyo... meg is sooooo sweet...... but why she never walk for me to see??! I kept telling hubby b4 the gathering that there's a bb who can walk and I am soooo looking fwd to seeing her walk leh

Yah, you do look quite tired, do take good care ok? How abt getting a PT cleaner? I also buay tahan and got 1 recently... and it really helps lighten the workload, both physically and mentally...

Altho mandy was grouchy, but her cries are so soft and gentle.... if it was JT who is deprived of her sleep, she will shout till the whole causeway point collapse!! That's why I say mandy's crankiness is really small case lor....
Slow in physical development never mind one lah....they will catch up eventually... sleep will increase brain development... mandy sleep sooooo much, next time she will be a genius!!

aiyo... too bad missed you on Sat... Yah, JT ate more on Fri and Sat, but yesterday she revert to her old self again.... faintz.... no more peer pressure dun wan to eat.... but think maybe her upper teeth really coming out cos she has been cranky and she keep sucking her upper lips... so ugly!!

Nice meeting you. Tim is really a handsome boy!!

Thanks for organising! Belle is so sweet.... and she has this cheeky look which I really love!
Morning mummies!

Thanks for organising the spree! I am quite happy with my purchases. But like Jackie, I also think the man a bit bored cos we din buy much, hee hee. Belle is a very active and friendly baby!

Finally met up with you! Regina is soooo sweet and smiley, and she seems to enjoy meeting new people and babies, so much so that she doesn't want to drink her milk!

Nana and Jackie,
Aiyo, both your boys are sooooo big and chubby, so envious leh!

PH's eyes are very nice...so doleful. Next time sure can charm many girl girls.

Meg is so pretty and cheery looking! Very well behaved. I saw her sitting nicely on the chair, looking at her daddy working. So nice...

TX looks very big, compared to Annette, although they are both born on the same day. Her hair is nice and wispy...am sure she will slowly get used to going out. Nicole used to be like that when young as well... Take it easy...maybe try to bring your mom out for dinner or lunch somewhere, she will feel appreciated and won't lash out at you.

Nat looks sooooo feminine. She's like very demure also. And Nicole told me that Jared is very cute!!

Kate very guai also...can finish up her milk in such a short span of time!!! Envious....

Wasted Nicole didn't meet your Kelly cos we came late, but am sure there will be plenty of other gatherings!

Nicole loves all the babies. She told her daddy that there were a zillion babies in the gathering and they are all so cute!!!
wah...looks like more mummies and bbs like bloom, jackie, shihui, who showed up after Hwee and I left to take our bbs to their swim class. Maybe next gathering and catch up with more.

sylk, kimi, dora, serene,
i hvn't transfer photos of our Fri lunch yet...too tired and busy this weekend to even turn on computer! Will post pics once done.

hmmm...maybe i got ur hp number wrong....wonder who got the sms in the end...hahaha! :p thanks for ur compliments. Aiyah, i hv to say tho, that i'm one of those mummies that working makes us a "better" mummy then we wld be if we were SAHM...working helps keep my sanity! :p Can't compare with those of you who are SAHM and doing a great job!

Mandy sooooo sweet ah...make so much noise...heehee!
aiya, like i said lor...hannah knows how to "make me look good" when we are outside... she not that guai, got her moments too. That day i was on the bus with her, i won't let her have my phone and she protested loudly! aiyoh, so embarressing! :p

aiyo, JT back to squre one again? nevermind, everytime we meet up she will hv "peer pressure" to eat well.. haha! Love her hair...almost like the current "Pob" look...very in now.
I saw Hannah's gum yesterday, looks like her 2 upper teeth oso coming out liao...heng ah...was thinking she'd look rather strange with just one upper left side tooth coming out!

haha! i am in the "dark side" becos of...SHOPPING!!!! aiyoh...u shd ask och n calynn to share my "stressful" shopping experience...but shhh....dun write here else my hb find out wat happened. hehehe!

thanks for organising the shopping! but aiyah, wasted, the guy brought clothes that we mostly too big....i bot for my fren's kid. Belle so cute...very cheeky looking! :p

I think the other mummies are right lor...take it easy, we must close one eye or sometimes both! I oso know it's not easy for my MIL to look after hannah and sometimes i will drop hints to her abt something, but i try to be mindful of her feelings too lor. Also at my MIL we order tingkat for dinner and also hv a PT cleaner, else really how to expect her to look after hannah and cook dinner for whole family and clean the house? Not to mention hannah still wakes up once a twice a nite. When my hb and I look after hannah during weekends, we barely have time to do other things unless we take turns cos she is so active! Maybe u wanna consider getting ur MIL a PT cleaner or try ordering tingkat meals too? It helps keep us sane and this makes us happier when looking after bb. Once in a while I will take a day leave and give my MIL time to do her own things, make her appts for haircut, medical checks, short trips etc.

yesterday so cute, first time ever, in the car, i played "Peek a Boo" with Hannah and when i said "peek a boo", she actually put her 2 hands up to cover her eyes!!! aiyoh, so buay tahan! :p of cos, i quite skeptical at first, thought she was rubbing her eyes (which she does a lot) and did it a few times. And each time, she covered her eyes with her hands.
tried to capture on video, but when she see camera, she wont do it. :p
nicole bio-ing jared eh?? hehehehe.... but Mandy came 1st!!! dun even tink bt it!

ya, wld miss lotsa gatherings but no choice. i dun wanna 把我的快乐建立在她的痛苦上. she does need 2 socialise more but i'm gonna take it slow lah since she seems like she really NEEDS her 3 naps.

u're so funny lah. but i'm amazed by JT. missed her nap still smiled so much n seemed so playful. if it's mandy, she'd b super grouchy liao. hehehe..
Hi Mummies,

It was real nice meeting up with all of you on Sat... All thanks to u, I have a chance to shop myself..

Dun worry abt the guy.. there's no minimum expenditure, and any sales on tat day is a bonus to him...since he dun work on sat usu

CF Chang, ur philson got competitor already... Nana's ryan also got the ang mo ang mo look...

SH, u went to the Naught by nature issit? show show PH's foto lei...

bobianah, ya lor.. I have already specifically told tat guy that all our babies are less than 1 yrs old... and he still bring the older kids one... But although limited, i still managed to get several pieces.. hehe

Dora, I love JT's hair.... so nice... she look so sweet, so demure....

Sylk, finally get to meet you.... Regina is such a happy baby... and as the rest of the mummies said... she is really an expressive baby.. and wow i m impressed that she can drink cold milk...

Lin, nichole is sooooo sweet and pretty. Did you get the white overall for her? she so funnie.. run around with the overall and refuse to take it off... keep insisting tat can fit.. isabelle had a great time with her on the clothings

hwee, tim so handsome... he sits beri well at the chair... my hubby so impressed...

bloom, no la.. u are nt tat late... and besides me also waiting for my hubby to come back... i shd have let belle see kate drinks her milk... tat day she drank only 50ml and then refuse to drink anymore.. wasted my milk.. but i supposed tat day quite a number of bb also dun want their milk... play more important...

Ah jac... u left jovey's container at the clubhouse... claim from me another day ok...

Roo, aiyo u shd have just come up... me and bloom were there till ard 5pm..

MBB, ur meg is really getting prettier by the day.. and she so demure.. sit there guai guai for her fruits. Ur hubby also good lei... so busy still accompany u.. were we too noisy for him?

afcai, glad to meet u tat day too... how was tx after the gathering? did we frighten her badly?? Guess we too noisy tat day... I hope u wun avoid our future gatherings wo... come join us more often, once tx see that we are familiar faces, she wun be shy anymore lor..

As for ur mum, I agree with all the mummies here... my mum who is taking care of isabelle also has episodes of such outbursts.. usu when belle is nt guai, refuse milk, refuse sleep, refuse to play alone, refuse walker.... she cant vent it on the baby.. so we are the victims lor...

we understand her frustrations... she is stuck with a baby whole day, and she cant have her own personal time...so we will try to let her rest during weekends... we will also try to bring her out more frequently, be it shoppin or makan.. maybe u shd bring them (both ur mum & tx) out more often.. fresh air or / and shopping also cheers one up...

and btw, tat belle was on her gentle mode tat day hor... her activeness is only mere 50% of her usual powers.. i always wonder how come i dun slim down despite having such an active bb..
thank you dora and connie on complimenting tim. he had enough sleep earlier, so heng ah! he not cranky. :p

connie, other bbs also sit very well wor. maybe tim has a big butt to balance himself. haha!

shihui, nice pics!
Sleep can develop bb brain ar? aiyo I dunno leh. my gal loves to slp. she slp i very hapi cos i can hv my time to do housework lor. now she sleep i also sleep cos I becoming easily tired now.

Wow all mommies seems to hv a wonderful gathering. I might have missed out cos i have not come in forum for weeks i suppose.

I will try to make it for bb bday bash.. will convince hb to go with me so i can enjoy talking to other mommies mah hor. anways he seldom help me take care at home so let him take care outside lor. but then for the fees per family $50, as i am the only vegan, can my price be cutted? haha. i can bring / prepare my own food there.

relax... ur mom taking care of TX and cooking for u all is not an easy tasks. my MIL also complain to me keep saying my bb always want to be carried. i will always fight back say let her sit in walker let her cry lor if she needs to cook. cos gas is on is also dangerous mah. maybe ur mom cant stand all those hygience laws set by u. my MIL also cant stand my cleanliness or those bb cant eat this & that i will tell her CANNOT. she will show a pissed off face but i wont ask in detail liao after telling her off once. anyway if she tells me my bb not easy to be taken care of i still have my mom's maid as backup lar. i not scare. but for u.. if your mom is ur only choice, just hv to give & take lor. dun bully ur mom.. else TX nxt time will bully u also. hehe. dun take it too hard lar. relax lar.
i find myself very lazy leh.. i lazy to feed my gal with rice ceral leh. i cook the brown rice cereal from TCM and put into Pigeon milk bottle & pour in milk powder + goat milk pwder & add water & shake & let her drink. she can finish her 200ml of milk be4 slp.
should i feed better or from bottle is alrite?
bottle feeding cereal is a NO NO.
chances of Selina choking is very high plus you want Selina to learn to chew right?

i hv shared tis with some of the mummies here before. my fren's child at 1 yr old din know how to chew. you will have tis problem later and very difficult to solved.

regarding the birthday bash.
i cant give you a discount coz mainly the $50 is for rental of venue, deco and the bday cake.
catering will only be like $15.

what we can do is request for more vegan choice. afterall tat is healthier.

lets decide on the venue by the end of Sept! then we can really start our bash plan.

so stick to the 18th Nov or 8th Nov??

thanx to OCH (she gave me info regarding bb gym bday package). it worked out to $30 per bb.

ok, gotta go to work liao....will check in again if i have time.

Meg dun any how perform de

anyway, she juz can walk a few steps nia. no big deal la.

funnie thing was Bloom asked me the same question when she saw me. "din bring bumbo for Meg to dance ard?".

i have PT to help me clean the hse.
but it's ad hoc kinda service.
being a clean freak....i still mop floor everyday and disinfect Meg's toys every morning.

cooking porridge also more mafan coz i refused to put all the food in the slow cooker.
i cook the porridge seperately then steam and puree the veg etc before i add into the porridge to max the nutrient.

too serious hor??

tkzzz for all the lovely compliments on Meg.
Meg is prettier each day but her mama is getting more haggard....good or bad? hee heee
hi gals...

so happy finally got chance to meet up with some of u on sat...

thanks for organising the gathering... ya, i think the guy really very bored... oops i guilty also...end up didnt buy anything... i more interested in the babies...hahahaa..
belle is so sweet & demure...
so qiao bumped into u while we waiting for cab...sorry leh, i cocked eye, didnt see u...

so qiao hor meet u in the lift... jovey is so adorable & friendly.... looks so cute with his teeth...i can see the bottom four... heehee...

regina is really sweet.... love her expression...heheee.. she & belle very zai leh...so noisy also can go into dreamland...zzz...

meg is very pretty!! ryan also like...kekeke... but hor she older than him leh... & she already has jovey... kekeeke... ryan wont fight with his fren one...
(jackie, this is for u to see...)

nicole is really sweet leh... so gentle... aiyah, so sad didnt get to see ur annette... i saw her photos... think her eyes like urs...big big...very beautiful...

PH really has gorgeous eyes...i also kena dian liao...hahaha... yup, so qiao they share the same birthday... maybe next time they can be best buddies...hahaaha...
i think ryan too kpo looking all over the place... that's y nvr play with his same bd mate...my boy hor very kpo one, likes to look & look & look....
that day he super quiet...my hubby said he jia jia lar...for show only...later when we went carrefour, towards the end...he got cranky & started making noise liao...

nice meeting u...but no chance to really chat with u...can see u already very busy with TX... hope TX wld enjoy the next gathering more...then ryan can get to know her...

ur jared very handsome leh.... drools...
nat really looks so feminine.... sorry ahh, didnt get to chat with u...as rushing off to Carrefour for some shopping...hehe..

hwee, bobianah, zion,
aiyah...so sad didnt get to see u all... as i arrived late... next time ok...

yup, ryan is a premmie...he's a 33 weeker...
Nice meeting all the mummies and babies. ai-yo..tx really ham pau man...crying till eye/nose and face red red while all the babies are so cheerful man.... think she wanted to sleep at that time but yet she can't sleep so she was cranky. when we left and board the MRT train, tx slept all the way thru out the mrt ride. then have time to meet hubby for dinner so by the time, reach home is about 550pm liao. tx then has her dinner and then guess what she poo (the third time today cos y'day she did not poo). thks god man...she did not poo during the outing and poo at home, so co-operative.

so she has her bath at 7pm++ after I have pumped. both of us are tired out. so surprising tx slept thru and only woke up at 4am for her feed since her last feed is at 6pm (porriage). but my sleep was interrupt cos I needed to set alarm clock to wake up at 1130pm for pump.

finally, saw tx 's half grown teeth today.

mummies - how come all yr bb are so cheerful and not scared /cry when out huh?

thks for organising the gathering. nice meeting u and yr bb the first time. yr bb gar so cheerful and keep smiling. did u bring belle home daily?

tx slp like a log after that.

to the mummy who wearing black shirt during the gathering
thks for the nice nice biscuit. tx just eat it in one go.

Nice meeting u, yr gar & tim.Tim loves to touch this and that hor, grab tx's toys etc. tx only stare hard at him but Tim bo chap one still help himself with the toys...haa...somemore, snatch tx's hippo when the hippo dropped, Tim tried to lean fwd but he could not reach and he scream. so cute...

it's a great experience for me first time venturing on my own to town area man.... during cny, only venture to orchard with hubby when tx is 2mth Thanks for the guidance on how to ctrl the pram up/down the escalator/stairs.
u know, so suay, when I'm gg back, one of the escalator gg down at the citibank there not moving. wow piang, luckily, a kind auntie assisted me to carry the pram. today, both my arm pain mah....muscles strain...

hmm how come yr gar throw missy 's temper?

envy envy u can handle 2 kids during the outing.

finally, meet JT and u liao....JT so guai leh...yup, we do bring tx out every sun morning to coffeeshop and supermarket, intro her the food/fruits. an education tour for her... but it depends on this missy's mood, if she is happy then she will smile and wave at u. if not, she will give u a dao or ham pau look then ppls will scare and step back. haa...

will JT like cry when gg to unfamilar places? hmm tx 's teeth only half develop only, JT being the youngest in this thread already so fast than tx growing teeth liao.

hmm also would like to meet u and mandy loh. that's sat is my first time venture out alone with bb loh out of my estate. so actually, I'm so scared venture and worried a lot when bringing tx out alone. luckily, thks Hwee for brighten my day and also envy that she can handle 2 kids during the outing man...

yeah, that's day was really a bad day(cranky) for me with bad mood and also headaches. so i easily flare up and get irriate and somemore not enu sleep.

thks for the advice and console. after the early time sleep on sat, i felt so refresh and not pek chek.

PH has a big round eyes man...sparkling eyes...he stare at me and tx when u are busy choosing the clothes.
hai...tx wanted to slp but can't slp so she was cranky then, spolit my day loh or else can bring her to join the bb talk.

hmm..so luckily,that 's u won yrself a steamer. haa steam food for ph next time or give away when ppls got hsewarming.

wow, the mickey and minnie mouse behind PH, if tx see it, she will grab it, dunno why she so interested in mickey mouse.

nice to meet u and yr boi first time. yr boi is indeed chubby (his cheek).

nice meeting u and yr boi first time. hmm...yr boy's photo is different fr his trueself- meaning that the photograph of yr bb look quite big but in his actual size, he is ok leh.

yup. hand tired and busy attending to this cranky bb.

thks for the advice. yup, really pei fu her to devote her time to tx and entertain her but she loves to claim credit(thing not she done but she gain credit, anyway, I just kept quiet all the time). y'day, when we brought back tx, she bought lantern for her. wow, she realyl dote on her and decorate hse with paper lantern.

she also bought 1 music piano type (press different button got different melody and animal sound). btx loves it.

yup, some of the sats when hubby needed to work, I will be with tx alone. I agreed it is tough and would not have time to do hsework. somemore, i needed to battle with tx with my pumping session. will either pat her to slp first or just 'dump' all her toys to play with.also when I left her out of sight (preparing her food), tx will scream. I wanted to stop bf(sleep deprived is the word for mothers who are breast feeding.
) but seems I kind of addicted and 'bu se de' to give up. really sian and tired of pumping and also think the pumping is really time consuming and very inconvenient and I always seemed to be pressed
for time & rushing things around all day long, esp after work....but bm
is good for baby loh.

yup, before that, hubby and I spent 3 mth (after 1 mth of confinement, my mum left my hse and I got 2 mth ML + 1 mth paid leave) with tx. hubby helping out household while I looked after tx. she was a crying bb that time. agreed that it was not easy to look after bb esp when one bb is a high demand bb. Well, motherhood can be of so much joy but sometimes itreally kills when the little one gets out of control ;)

most of my leave has been taken liao left only 8 days + 1 ccl so need to spread out to take within these few mth. now and then, i need leave to rest esp fri before bringing tx home.

afterall, thanks for the advice given. will take note.

loves yr boy fair look and tofu skin leh. no, she did not cry, she curious/kpo to look ard when she was on her way to mrt. then she zzz all the way home. she was very co-operative and poos only during her dinner. thks god.

what an adventure with tx alone man....

didn't get to see u and kate jie jie. what time did u arrive? I left at 1605hr.

Jared really very handsome looking leh.wow, nat has a sparkling hair style.

deep, long sigh, tx really ham pau man that day (spoilt spoilt day)....my hand was so tired after carrying her trying to pat her to sleep but she refuse to sleep tough she was tired.

if she dun have enu sleep, she will be super cranky. yup, usually, wkday, mum and tx will confine at hm. only once a week (or even dun have), my mum will take her downstair to buy lunch/breakfast. but today, my mum told me she dun want to take tx down cos she scared ppl at coffeeshop smoke, sneezinf , cough etc and tx will get it(touch words, tx till now have not fall ill yet since birth except fever after jab).

nice meeting u and meg. I loves meg's curly hair (wanted to pull her hair...grins...).last but not least, u looked very slim compare when I meet u during cny at sh's hse. yup, both of us were tired after sat outings.

my col was telling me often take her out. so now, every sat, before gg to in laws 's hse, we will take her to tour around the neighbourhood mall. on sun morning, we already been taking her out to coffeeshop for makan. she dun want to sit in her pram but want to sit on the chair. so place 2 chair together and let her seat, wow piang, her action is fast enu for me to stop her to chew the table with her mouth. yuck...so dirty..

saw meg 'disturbing' yr hubby when yr hubby is busy with his lap top. meg go 'eh eh eh' and yr hubby just carried her.

finally, get to see u liao but not annette leh. maybe some fine day, we meet downstair playgnd. hmm..normally, I am free after 1030am only cos tx only woke up either at 0930 or 10am. then she has her feed after that,

Nicole is quite a cheerful gar.yup, this sun, gg out to makan for dinner and can let mum have a gd rest without cooking. of cos, must let tx makan first before take her out.

place brown rice cereal with milk into bottle, can the cereal go thru the teat meh?

u know hor, tx 's left small toes develop a thick skin and her nail are trim off. I think it is bec when she is on walker, she kept on rubbing it on the floor.dunno if selina has the problem or not.

thks for the advice. that's day was really a bad day for me with bad mood and also headaches. so i easily flare up and get irriated.

hmm tough I also seldom came online, but hor u want me to notify u when there is a gathering loh? now, dun think i can't surf net and post msg during office hr cos office implement a security firewall feature so can track who surf what.

ai-yo, we fail to meet again.
wah! till now u still feeding cereal fr bottle??? by now, they shld b eating almost solid food liao leh, meaning lumpy food n nt heavily mashed or blended. eat thru bottle cannot lah! i noe a kid who's 2 yrs old n still refuse 2 take solid food, can only take smooth n blended ones w lotsa liquid. fyi, by 9 mths, our bbs shld b taking 3 meals o solids well n milk is just a complement. most o their nutrients wld need 2 come fr solids. so we haf 2 prepare a wide variety o food 2 ensure they get enof nutrition. some o e bbs r oso self feeding already. so quick quick! start feeding selinna proper solid food using spoon n bowl! not hard one lah. i every meal oso use spoon!

meg gets prettier o cos a gd thing lah! as 4 u ar, u can always bu back wat. dun worry! dun pile urself w so much work lah! a bit o mess n dirt is gd 4 e soul! hahahahaha...

maybe TX is e kind who's easily overstimulated or scared o strangers. some bbs r just born more cheerful n frenly lah. it's ok. but ya, bring her out more lor. might help. 4 mandy, she's also v easily overstimulated so i try 2 avoid big crowds. slowly slowly lah. but her main prob is she needs lotsa sleep n cannot miss her nap so i try nt to bring her out during her nap time.

btw, coffeeshop oso haf bb chair one leh. use e bb chair lah, normal chair so dangerous.
jackie..ahhah.scarly when i put her down she refuse to 'perform'. taht was what happen when dora wants to see her crawl (long ago) last time...

mbb, the bps for the leggings all ended liao... ahahhaha.. i also got no time to intro all of u to hb... haahhahah.... too busy with shopping..din notice ur hb..paiseh :p so now u r staying alone in hk? ...actually how do we define 'chew' har? cos someties when i feed kate porridge with stuff inside she will choke and gag after a few spoons.... wah..u got very high standards for urself.if i work half of ur standard, i would have already die....

sylk..ahah..din manage to see regina perform leh..by the time i was there i think she was quite tired right?

shihui, use it to steam to prepare puree? :p else sell it loh. ryan is chubbier ? wow!

dora... sucking upper lip? kate only use tongue to keep touching upper gum and she looks so cute! like sticking out her tongue like that.

linette, cos she was starving beforehand... we are rushing to suntec so no time to stop and feed her ..eheheh..and we are using variable teat..the hole is so huge compared to normal avent teat!

bobianah, seldom see u on the dark side leh..next time must tell me of the stressful shopping experience... wow..hannah knows how to play peekaboo!

connie..ahahha..yes i tink all the bbs are very excited taht day so refuse milk..bet if we feed kate when all the bbs are around she wont drink eitehr! u wan to slim down? help me jagar kate lah! :p :p :p

afcai, maybe next time start with one mommy going to ur house so that tx will slowly get used to having strangers around? does ur mom bring tx out often on weekdays? cos kate's bbsitter brought her out everyday so i tink she is used to all the attention (but i am also afraid someone will kidnap her!) u leave at 1605? i think i reach there like 5 min later! its days like sat (carry kate 7 hrs) and sun (carry kate 3 hrs) that causes me to get the carrier... cos i know i siow one can go out for long hours and my wrist is very weak nowadays canot carry her for long period of time... maybe on those sats when u r alone u let us know see who can go to ur pl and help out abit so taht at least u can pump/go toilet?

mommies, btw,i brought kate to ssc@racecourse on sunday! thank goodness she was not very cranky and cry down and whole kranji! :p :p :p but my sis was around to take over when she started making noise...

kimi, since now we are supposed to feed lumpy , do we still need to puree and strain? cos some of the food have 'strings' right? strain those but not the rest? which are the foods that we still need to strain then?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,
bz these few days... so no time to post...

thnx for organising the shopping gathering... din manage to find anything suitable (so guilty, hee)... anyway thnx for offering to da bao food... me n my fren had already decided on wat to have for lunch... then juz nice bb ethan zzz liao... so we faster go eat lor... wah... he really cooperate wor... 1st time have peaceful meal... hee... Isabelle is sooooo cute... so smiley n knows how to wave some more... ethan so anti social... knows how to scream n stare at ppl only... so rude... he din wan to drink his milk oso... drank not even 30ml... wasted the milk oso... almost 6+ then wanna drink milk... so angry...

nice to meet u dat day... tx is really sweet... did u manage to get anything? wanted to help but my boy was screaming away... did he scare tx? hope she will enjoy the next outing... btw, r u feeling better already... mb u really shld stop bf... it really drains u away, making urself more jumpy...mb then u r able to analyse better wat ur mum is going thru... u take care...

bb ethan loves to go out... even if its only a walk downstairs... n he knows if he cries or gets difficult outside, we wun bring him out any more... so he guai guai lor... hee...

ya... so sad din get to see u... cos bb ethan zzz liao... so faster go eat...

the mummy with black top,
dun remember who u r but thnx for the biscuit... i think ethan likes it very much... but he so naughty... throw away his own biscuit n take ppl's...

the rest of the mummies,
nice to meet all of u.. sorry i din intro myself... m too shy... hee... bz with ethan screaming oso... hope he quit his screaming habit the next outing... hope to see all of u real soon...</font>
wah... who is e mysterious mummy in e black top who kept giving out biscuits?? bobianah??


eh, to tell u e truth, i nv strain one. even fr green beans n peas. last time she still eat, now she doesn't. last time more chin chye lah i guess. i still blend lah if i'm adding 2 cereals. i tink won't choke lah, so small. if can mash i mash lor. but 4 snacks n porridge, i gif her chunkier food lah. she eats n chews oso. she eats shredded chkn, minced beef n pork.

but her progress w solids is considered slow lah. bbs like regina has been eating real solids 4 a long time.
heheh, u think it's me cos i was handing out gerber bites on Friday's lunch rite? :p but it wasn't me la...i oso dunno who it is. I left early...

hmmm, i guess different bbs react differently to diff environment and ppl. I've taken Hannah out since she was 2 mths old. My MIL take her out to supermarket during daytime, I take her to gym and swimming, so i guess she has lots of exposure. But it doesn't mean she doesn't hv her cranky moments and she also recognises ppl and may not like other ppl to carry her...depending on mood.
But, man, my ger can be bribed...esp with food!

heheh, so far i think only calynn and och are in my msn. u can add me using my hotmail email.
Hee! ya, it's quite cute seeing her play peek-a-boo! but u know la, they all have moods ...sometimes won't do it. Oh, well, they are humans afterall..:p

Same as the other mummies, I think it's not advisable to feed cereal through bottle. A lot of sources also advise against it.
yo mummies

I am organising a kindermusik private trial. It's going to be on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm. It's going to be held at Tanglin Mall and will cost $25.50. I need 12 babies. Will close once I get the required number.

1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
me me.. i want to join..

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
Hi hi all...mia for awhile...

i oso want to join..

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
hi doggiebb, i'm interested too. was looking at their website too! wat a coincidence,

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
9. hwee
hi doggiebb,
pls count me in

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
9. hwee
10. roo13
hi doggiebb,
pls include me.

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
9. hwee
10. roo13
sniff sniff

so sad i cannot join yet again! the reason.. u all know liao lah.. but tis time its me who wanna go back coz my close friend coming back from overseas & tat weekend is the only time she will be around. haiz...really not fated to join any gatherings...
Me me me want. I already book my by on for a trial session next week but the bb's in the group r alot older. Same age group so much more fun....yippee

kindermusik private trial on Sep 30, Sunday at 12pm
1. doggie
2. connie
3. jac
4. sheron
5. sylk
6. bobianah
7. Shihui
8. rainV
9. hwee
10. roo13
11. LiL

Can I book the last spot for my fren. I confirm later whether she wants to join us.

this is organised for the thread mummies actually. jac wanted to include her friend too but i told her only if no one wants the slot then we look for pple outside the thread? guess to be fair, i shld say the same thing to you wor!
am pumping away and typing wwith one hand at my mum's plc.

my mum started tx on the heinz apple n musli for 10mth-15mth cereal liao today. mmummies do take note when u opened the cereal, when my frenz opened the cereal, she was so to find dried dead worm outside the unopened cereal package. she quickly throw away the whole pck and dun wan to check the unopened cereal. scared there's a live worm inside.so do be careful when open any cereal.

i-yo, i think so. since young, she scream a lot esp 3-4 mth old.will cried everitime, she want to fall alsp and go to new environment.hmm mandy also confine at hm, will she cry when she meet stranger or go to new places.

some coffeshop do have high chair, those ikea one. but the one I went dun have, we let tx sit on the 2 stack of chair whereby hubby sit one side and I se=at the othe side.

do kate cry when u starve her on the way to suntec?

my frenz who live near me went to my plc last sat, her son (1 mth older than tx) is so active, crawl here n that, pull tx's shirt, hand etc. tx just stare at him. one of the time, my cousin came n tx cry loh.

no, my mum dun bring her out. both confine at hm during wkday. mum eat breaf, buy ingredient to cook for herself at hm. hubby suggested she can bring tx down to walk walk or go coffeeshop to ta bo. mum said not to bec some inconsiderate person just sneeze, cough or smoke without covering their mouth etc...so she scared tx might catch the virus. touch wood, still now tx has not fallen ill yet except fever after jab(she dun look like having fever).

hmm bb or children can go racecourse meh?

do yr nanny entertain kate? meaning play wth her, sing song to her.

thks 4 the compliments. no, hardy have time to see the clothes. anyway, dun intended to buy any clothes cos both grandparents will buy for her or this mummy is cheapo, will go for cheap clothes.

hmmm ethan scream meh, did not realise that loh.

yup, will slowly cut down the bf thing cos next mth gg for 4 days course, will skip one pump liao. last nth, skip 1 pump, ss drop liao and gd frenz report.

no lah, not u, dunno who is that mummy/lady in black who give bb biscuit. tx stop crying when she see bisvuit and then grab one whole shot. after finishing it, then she continue her crying.

but Hannah is a cheerful gar leh, dun seem to be those introvert type. do yr in law take her out during wkday?

wha's kindermusik ?
eeee! worm! She shd write and complain...a dead worm is no joke!
my mil take hannah out during the daytime to the supermarket on weekdays.
It's ok to take them out, time for them to build their immunity. Just dun walk in crowded places or near pple lor. It's ok one...so far never kena pple cough at hannah.
yoyo...what's kindermusik ? is it bb massage ??

mummies any one started to let bb eat the apple muesli Heinz cereal already? wondering can start with her early or not?

yup. dead worm....yucks, so digusting right. can't imagine to look inside, scared got live worm. anyway, she throw away. I still got 1 apple museli, have told mum to beware.

do Hannah eat cereal?

oic, I am planning to take Tx out for shopping mall on every sat. this coming sat, will take her to IMM cos wanted to go Giant and look for ice brick and nan 3(400g).
afcai, you shud not throw it away. should have kept and write to complain. how can that kind of thing happen! its no joke! yup, bring tx out everytime you ahve the opportunity. i also bring my kids out all the time. mum say dun keep bringing out or the kids will always be 'sim huang huang' but i dun care one lor. hee hee...:p

bobianah, you mean on the gymboree website is it?
eh, act everytime our bbs get in touch w germs, their immunity strengthened. it's impossible to avoid sneezes o coughs one lah. in fact, nt so gd 2 b too clean n sterile or else bb's immunity wld b weak.
mandy is nt scared o strangers. most o e time, she can let anybody carry her. we can leave her w our frens whom she saw 4 e 1st time, n go off n do our stuff, 4 a few hrs. she usu doesn't cry.

thx 4 e pix. but ahhhhh, mandy looked so grouchy! hehehe...

2day brought my mum 2 c doc cos she was v sick. had 2 bring mandy along. then found out she's contracted a highly contagious form o flu n doc said she has 2 b quarantined at home 4 a few days. gosh... now i'm really worried bt mandy. hope she won't kena e virus!
hubby grumbled bt me bringing her 2 e doc when i had 2 bring mandy. but sigh... it's my mum! n my sis is nt in s'pore now... poor mum, she's all alone at home now. can't go out, n miserable. n i can't go n take care o her cos i've 2 take care o mandy. i won'r bring mandy 2 her place lah, too risky... hope i can split into 2!!
Hi Doggiebb,
tks for the slot.. pls pm me the details / venue as I seldome check the forum/dark side. Just happen I need a short break away fm my work, sneak into forum for fun. Happen to see this trial class which I been wanting to let Hayley join. But no khaki, so end up din sign for trial class. Think it will be very very fun with all the dec mummies here.

Hi Lil,
sorrie abt it .. hope u dun mind.

Hi mbb,
re: e bday bash for dec mummies
I like to join.. at the moment cant commit coz my hubby will be away for business trip.

Hi afcai,
mine also not scared of strangers.. in fact she so friendly that we can hand her to anyone and even we MIA for sometimes, our bb Hayley wont even miss us. So long there are ppls who can play with her, will do. wahhhh..

~ my hayley is having 4 teeth spouting on her upper gum at the same time.. no wonder last few weeks till now, she so grouchy and cranky. Think her gum very uncomfortable. Sometimes, I cant stand her esp making her zzzz due to her gums.

Tomor evening, i will going for my short getaways trip with my friends.. cya and catch up with all posting again next week then.

Bon weekend

wow, see u hardly came in online at this hr. do u have msn? I have not opened mine yet. actually, I bought 5 boxes of cereal(2 multigrain, 2 apple mueli(I helped my frenz to get it), 1 bella...organic cereal) from a mummy in the forum thread. so that time, I met my frenz (she lives in the same estate as me, a few block away) and she told me got dried worms. I told her she shd not throw away instead and I will feedback to the mummy. so the mummy agreed to refund me $$. I have not opened mine. my mum opened 'wrongly' open the one I bought fr NTUC first (expirt date Feb 08). btw, those apple museli cereal expiry date is Nov 07 and Jan 08. ai-yo, the cereal have not even reached its expiry yet but.....

hwee, really pei fu u can handle 2 kids (maybe u get used to it liao) and carrying so much thing like 'moving hse'...keee..eke

oic. tx went and bit the coffeeshop table with her mouth. yuck, quickly pull her away. imagine, those clothes used to wipe the table again and agian without rinising it...touch the portion that tx licked. yucks...

haa..placed mask on bb...to avoid contact with others people...haa..just joking. hmm have mandy zzz???

wow...mandy so friendly anyone also can hug her. tx will scream man even when one go near her. ask dora and hubby...haa dora asked her not to cry and ask her why, tx stare at her and then break into tears. haa..scared dora man....

do mandy dun see u - meaning when u are out of sight for a while, will she scream/cry?

hmm how you found that mandy got the flu? she sneeze ??? yup, that's why these 2 wks, I did not go in laws hse cos fil got out of the hosptial only (hubby wanted to go but I dun wan).
