(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

helo!! i didnt go clubhse with you guys as i went celebrate ye ye's birthday!!



thanks for yr wishes!!
wow meg is 8kg!!!!!!!!!!!you have done such good job!!

congrats to her for winning the cute bb pic!!
Mbb, is the magazine out? I will grab a copy. You have a high chance next time having a long queue outside your hse your megs suitors
Can I let my boy to join in too? Hee
starluster, i think by this age all bb knows kai kai and love to go kai kai liao. so they will keep staring at the doors all the time.
even adults like me not enuf sleep will be cranky so can understand why those little ones are so grouchy. if sophia doesn't sleep much in the day, is she ok at night? sleep for longer period or sleep thru already? dun be obsessed with weight. as long as they are eating well, gowing well and healthy can liao.

Congrats to meg! so, we see a miss singapore in the making?

choo, you're doing a good job! look at ivan, he's very happy!

zion, dun trust those pillows and bolsters. tim just fell down from my bed on sunday! sigh! got big buah luku now.
wah! u not scared jackie scold u??

CONGRATS!!! u shld let her join more contests, esp those ez send pix one. she sure can win lotsa price $$$$!!!

wow! sophia is 7kg at 9mth! really pretty small BUT dun worry, as long as she's healthy.
1 hr per day?? WOW!!!! how does she tong ar? i c mandy lidat hor, nv sleep will go crazy!!! just came bk fr my fren's place, she lamented tt i always haf to go off so soon. just 1 hr at her place, mandy was sooooo tired she was wailing liao... sigh... so hor, going out is q tiring 4 me, always rushed then travel 4 so long stay 4 a while nia...
oh, just now an auntie ask me how old mandy is, i said shi ge yue (10mths) n she kept going 'huh? si ge yue? (4 mths)"
i oso get stares n smug looks fr ppl, esp e older folks n e parents o big chubby bbs. chey... they dunno some bbs born small one meh??

wah! ivan looks so smart, like big kid liao!
oh, just 2 share a real incident. happened to a distant relative. she co slept w her bb. there's a small gap b/w e wall n e bed. so she put a bolster there 2 block. her bb tt time cld already flip but she tot she's sleeping on e other side n cld block her. one day she woke up n her bb had somehow pushed e bolster dn e small gap n she herself had fallen inside e gap n suffocated 2 death. e bb was v chubby n was kinda stuck inside. din make any sound cos prob stuffed by e bolster.
so co-sleepers, b v careful. even if there's no gap, blankets, pillows, bolsters etc can oso suffocate them.
V fed up with the website. Always hv difficulties posting. Anyone else hv that problem?

Thks mummies. Ewan is indeed a happy baby, usually smiling n laughing the whole day.

We call it evil laugh bcos of the sound that accompanies the laugh
And it's a fake laugh cos he can pull it out anytime. Nowadays as soon as we point the camera at him he will do the "evil" laugh. Dun worry abt babies development speed...most important is that they are happy n healthy. Babies' development rate does not reflect their future abilities...so just be happy n help them develop their self confidence.

Aiyo...that story is so sad and scary. Ya better dun co-sleep if possible. Whenever we hv to co-sleep I will make my hb sleep on the floor cos he is such a heavy sleeper I also worry he might crush n suffocate bb.

Ivan looks so solid leh. Can stand so steady n he looks like a happy bunny. Good job.

Ya I m sahm. V lucky ur ger can just doze off back to sleep on her own. Mine notso guai...besides he wakes up bcos he is in pain lor.

JT is so cute n happy. She does look thinner than when I first saw her a long time ago but I think it's normal now cos they are all shooting upwards.

Congrats...Meg is so pretty cos got pretty mummy mah. Really must meet up sometime. Sure my E also wan to meet pretty Meg. Oh ya the dim sum place is called Royal China. Now the place is very popular liao so you shd book a table. R u going this weekend? I will most likely be there on Sun for yum cha...maybe can c u n Meg there

Next Mon my boy also going for his 9mths assessment. fast hor!!
yes yes...planning to go on sunday! wat time will you be there?
have the tel for me to call for reservation?
terima kasih!!!

yup, the mag is on sale liao.
tats how i found out Meg was chosen but then hor, they spell her name wrong lo.
Meadeline instead of Megdelene.

dun care la as long as i can cash the check. kee kee keee...else i sue them! wink wink.

i juz happened to print an extra copy of Meg pix and so tot dun waste. send for contest.
din expect to be chosen.

wow! the story you shared is so sad

the parents must felt guilty for life.

wanna vent a little.
today, i have half a day in HK.
so, i arranged for bottled water delivery and also to get my internet fix (looooong story).

timing for both are early in the morning.

so tis aunty, woke up early to wait for their arrival.
waited till after 1400 still MIA.
called and called...kept telling me on their way.

then the water company, called and changed the delivery timing to evening!!! aaaarrrggggghhhh....internet guy showed up.
fixed it and in less then an hour, KAPUT again!!!!

wasted a whole day and nothing was done.
my precious time all wasted
We r usually one of the first customer to get in the door cos we're too lazy 2 book table
Call them on 63383363.
Congrats! Waahhh, Meg looks very happy in her yellow float in the pix. Heh heh, what a coincidence. I happened to be at the petrol kiosk and decided to buy the magazine on impluse.... first magazine I bought since more than 1 year!... Then came home and saw your posting!

It's been a very anxious week for me. Regina started off with 3 days of throwing up her milk after every feed, followed by 4 days of diarrhoea. The little girl basically purged out everything she ate or drank. The doc said its teething... but later added that there could be some viral infection because Regina had some rashes during the last 2 days. Poor girl suffered so much, lost so much weight. Haizzz. Luckily she looked better this morning after we switched to soy milk yesterday, else must send to hospital coz of dehydration. Hmmm.... she clever lah, fall sick while her daddy is away on super long biz trip, and will probably recover just in time to play when he returns this weekend. :p
kimi, shhh...

mbb, couldnt find womens weekly just now at petrol kiosk.will search for it again.

u lucky mummy...100 enough to buy her more pretty clothes...
<font color="330066">lil,
since ur mum & aunt here... then i better not impose on u all lar... next time lar...when u r alone with E, maybe i can pop by...at least we can keep each other company..& E & R can play...hehe..

oops paiseh paiseh...i thought u also tiong bahru mummy...remembered wrongly... ooh..think is snowy instead...heehee..
where u stay?? u come tiong bahru often?? during wkends?? if next time u coming, maybe we can have chance to meet up...

no lar..i havent met all the mummies here yet...</font>

after i comfirm my reservation, i sms you.
first cutomer huh? for lunch right?
if really early...i cant make it.

prefer to feed Meg her porridge ard 11am at home.

poor Regina!
good to know she is better.

pat pat you.....if realy tired, get help fr your family hor.
wah! congrats! not suprised that Meg won...she's such a pretty gal!
I adore her big eyes and curly hair.
So your internet everything fixed and ok oredi ya? I understand how frustrating it can be!!

poor Regina...at least she's recovering in time to pay with daddy!

How's timmy's new diet?

wah...the story is scary! we really must be careful...

heheh! ya lor...i think at best we can only be half environmentally friendly. I guess its better then nothing. In Singapore, how to not wrap up trash in plastic bag leh?? so humid, everything will stink...

wah, ivan looks great! congrats to u for taking good care of him.
My DIL so pretty confirm will win such contest de

I saw your posting.....Dont play play ok. Me this MIL around hor. kekekeke

The story you share is TRUE BO???????????? So scary......

Sayang Regina and glad that she is recovering. U take care too. Super siong to take care of a sick n cranky bb alone.
Hi Mummies,
Hv been reading the forum on n off. Din hv tm to post. Many postings to catch up.
Last 2 weeks many fire fighting of family issues....Haiz

Congrats! I bought the Oct Woman's Weekly ydy but still hvn't open the packaging. Now I'm eager to c Meg pic

Here's a recent pic of Denise to share

congrats! meg is really a pretty babe!
btw, why does she need to test for hep b? all babies must test for that?

heheh...think u will be very bo eng fending off meg's suitors.

yah.. that is what i keep telling myself lor.. healthy can liao. she havent really sleep thru the nite, wakes up for at least one feed. that is consider very good liao, and we are thankful for that. used to wake up 3~4 times. in general i think a day she gets about 11hours of sleep (8pm~6am + 1 morning nap).

your story really scary...
i hv hep B n so Meg needs to do extra test to comfirm she dun have it.

the good news is tat she have very good antibodi and she can even skip the 1 yr old booster jab!

Denise is so sweet in tis pic.
you sh also send it for contest

you did a good job taking care of Ivan.
see, how happy he is in all his pic.

the internet is still not fix.

tmr when i m back in hk, i will have another battle with them

since when hk ppl become so inefficient?

i malas la.
bring so many barang barang if i feed Meg porridge outside.
so will call and make reservation for 1230.

but the line bo ppl pick up le

will try again later....
bobianah, i haven't started tim on the soy. :p seems like his stools not soft. maybe he eat a lot so poo a little more too! haha! guess 2 to 3 times a day is normal for him. so he hasn't put on any weight for the past 2 months!

sylk, how is regina taking soy? tim was having loose stools for a while and the doc wanted me to start him on soy but till now i still haven't. doc said teething won't have this problem too. must be some kind of virus. take care.

starluster, not bad liao. think one nite feed is considered good liao. i also still doing one feed at abt 4+ to 5 am daily. dun be obsessed with weight. tim hasn't put on any weight for the past 2 months liao. sigh!

roo, denise is so adorable!

nana, i long long time ago stay in tiong bahru. now still miss the food there. so will go there often enuf.
Dunno how to evaluate Isomil. Coz during these 2 days, she seems to drink more when compared to the usual fm. The unusual positive change is, she doesn't fight the bottle like she used to do with normal fm. Not sure whether it's because she likes the taste better, or because she is famished after one week of purging. Also, she doesn't drink a lot at one go... only about 100-120ml, but every 2-3 hourly. She just poo poo about an hour ago - this is her first poo after starting Isomil. And yes, the poo is much drier, even though she drank more milk. This is the first time her stools are so dry... hmmm, how shall I describe it....a bit like mashed potato texture? :p

Jackie, Mbb, Bobianah,
Thanks for caring. No worries, the worst is over! And I definitely had help from R's grandparents. My MIL was trained as a nurse before, so quite steady lah. My poor mum no stamina, stayed with me for 2 days to help take care of R... then next 2 days she kenna vertigo, followed by gastric. Aiyoo...
Ya Ewan is mini hb lor. But he is boy mah so ok lah. My goodness how your ger tong only nap 1hr a day nia. If E nap so little he will be wailing the hse down by early evening liao. So usually I die die also must make him fall asleep. What I do is carry him go kai kai in the Ergo n he will nod off

Oh...prob will miss u or maybe just catch u as we leave
BTW not troublesome to feed outside mah. Hv to bring hot water/FM/milk bottle etc anyway. Every weekend E eats outside with us...only time he gets to eat at the table with us

Teething got such severe diarrhea n vomiting???...Dr Quack or not. Sounds like serious stomach flu. Hope she recovers fully asap.

Today I had my kindermusik trial. Not particularly impressed with the program but E really enjoyed interacting with the other babies. And he kept eyeballing this 12mth old ger ger n kept laughing n giggling whenever he sees her
Think I will probably join enrol E for a semester just so that he gets to play with other bb's.

Denise is smiling so sweetly. Looks quite different from her baby pictures.

OK...no problem. Plenty of time to meet up since we live so near to each other.
Ya Ewan is mini hb lor. But he is boy mah so ok lah. My goodness how your ger tong only nap 1hr a day nia. If E nap so little he will be wailing the hse down by early evening liao. So usually I die die also must make him fall asleep. What I do is carry him go kai kai in the Ergo n he will nod off

Oh...prob will miss u or maybe just catch u as we leave
BTW not troublesome to feed outside mah. Hv to bring hot water/FM/milk bottle etc anyway. Every weekend E eats outside with us...only time he gets to eat at the table with us

Teething got such severe diarrhea n vomiting???...Dr Quack or not. Sounds like serious stomach flu. Hope she recovers fully asap.

Today I had my kindermusik trial. Not particularly impressed with the program but E really enjoyed interacting with the other babies. And he kept eyeballing this 12mth old ger ger n kept laughing n giggling whenever he sees her
Think I will probably join enrol E for a semester just so that he gets to play with other bb's.

Denise is smiling so sweetly. Looks quite different from her baby pictures.

OK...no problem. Plenty of time to meet up since we live so near to each other.
mbb2, hwee, Lil,
Thanks for the compliment.

Meg looks so pretty.

I was contemplating when I saw many cute bb pics fr the old Woman's Weekly. Hee....

Ya she looks differrent when I compared her younger pics. Time really flies. Another 2 weeks she is 10mths. Smtm I feel she grown too fast but not when she is cranky. Keke.
Ewan is oso a big boy now. I like his smile
read a particularly well written (n true) posting on Karen Cheng's blog. If u dunno who she is, start reading her blog NOW! she's v inspiring. a sahm to 2 sons n she's such a wonderful n cheerful n well balanced mum. i always look 2 her 4 inspiration.

anyway, here's e link o e article: http://karencheng.com.au/2007/09/16/parenting-is/

do read her other postings too. i'm sure u'd enjoy them!
congrats.. Meg is a pretty baby. So far haven seem her in person. hope to meet up wif u one of these days : )

glad to know Regina is recovering well.
anyone has given yr bb egg yolk liao? cos nurse asked me to try to give tx a bit egg yolk to try but I have not given and might ask mil to cook this sat.

TEETH ISSUE:also is it normal to have 1 teeth shorter than the other? cos today, I ply opened tx 's mouth, saw her right tooth grew liao and the other one a bit only.

ERGO CARRIER: For mummies who use this carrier, how is it so far? do u normally carry bb face in or out? what will you do if bb doze off when she/he is in the carrier facing out?

thks for answering the qns. hmm dunno why sometimes, breast got milk but seem cannot come out. no block duct liao. then i needed to massage a while before it can flow out. dunno why...

thks for the compliments. glad u have enjoy yrself but pei fu u can pump during travelling. hmm pumping 3 times, won't u felt engorge then? what is the pumping interval u set to pump?

Happy 10mth anniversary to Kate jie jie...2 more mth to go man...kate will be 1 yr old.

hmm not only bb need more protein as they are older, bf mummy also required more calcium, protein etc.

Protein is required for the growth, muscle development and repair of body tissue.

acc to the information i read, cow's milk contains about twice as much protein as human milk, formula-fed babies usually receive more protein than they need (much of it in the form of the less digestible casein). The stools of formula-fed babies are so bulky because the babies cannot absorb so much protein, and excrete the excess in their stool, whereas breast-fed babies absorb virtually 100% of the protein in human milk."

oic. are u a sahm?if not, then u must be quite tired to wake up in the mid of the night to attend to yr little princess.

did not know different pricing at different outlet of Sheng Siong, tot shd be standarised one. yr boy drink Nan HA one?? I saw Nan 2 (not sure abt with HA one) at west coast Sheng Siong sells $25.XX (NTUC sells $27.XX).

wow, yr gar got separation anxietly loh so fast. tx only stare and wanted to cheong to the door when the door is opened.yup, will be gg to neighbourhood mall and supermarket over the weekend.

haa..yup, tx also sometimes babbles loud too. quite malu for me. one of the time, she babbles (duno she is singing or not) all the way fr mrt station to my hse(10-15mins walk).I also whisper to her to keep quiet and she stare at me and smile and then continue her babbles. so I just hold her high high up to distract her and she smile and forgotten her babbles liao.

err...7kg for Sophia quite light loh, must pump her more....but as what most mummies has said, as long as bb is healthy is ok.

wow, saw yr posted photos of ivan. wow, hand clasp, he 's such a big boy liao and can even stand so stable. bb tx still cannot make it tough she is older than Ivan by 10 days(haa tx's mummy (that's me) is younger than choo by 10 days also).

yup, Ivan has grew up liao and may need more food. maybe he move ard quite often so hungry easily.

congrats for Meg being a winner of the Oct women weeekly cute bb pic. seems like Meg and tx has same weight(tx weight 8.1kg by nurse but when i weight her it is 7.9kg so I average out is 8kg). how's tall is Meg? tx is 69.5cm.

hmm..u travel to and fro sg n HK? just joking, seems like now u take plane like take bus like that? when u are back at HK, do u bring Meg along?

wow, the story so scary...better to relate to hubby.

wow, yr bb smile so cheerful. can see his fairy tooth.

oic. Sahm. haa hubby is telling me y'day that if he strike toto for this coming fri - the mooncake draw, he told me to quit job and be sahm. then he also mentioned think better not, go and have no 2 first, take the maternity leave then quit. ai-yo...

hmm how do u warm the food for E when outside?

wow, E is really a cheerful and happy go lucky bb, unlike tx....see other people, cry liao.


something to share

3 questions about: Self-weaning

How can I tell if my baby is ready to wean?
Your baby may only latch on for a few seconds at a time. He may seem uninterested or become easily distracted during his feeding. Don't be surprised if your baby resumes interest in breastfeeding after a lull, though developmental changes sometimes lower a baby's interest temporarily.

Do all babies self-wean naturally?
Yes, eventually. It's rare for them to do so before 9 or 10 months. At that point, a baby may show signs of self-weaning. You can prompt weaning when you start giving your baby alternatives to the breast, including bottles of formula and solid foods, regularly. Your baby is weaned when he gets all his nutrition from these alternative sources.

What should I do if my baby seems ready and so am I?
Decrease the number of breastfeeding sessions gradually, one at a time, and offer your baby alternatives. Try making the sessions shorter and offer your baby a snack afterwards. Space out nursing sessions more, too, by postponing them. Distract your baby and he may forget and be satisfied with a bottle or cup of formula instead.

Will baby walkers and jumpers help my baby learn to walk?

Age-by-age guide to feeding your baby
congrats on Meg getting the cute bb. Meg is always pretty. can post that pic for us to see 1st... I will also go buy the magazine.

sad to hear your distant relative incident. I co-slp with bb leh. she dun want her bed at all at night leh. cant chg the habit leh. nxt kid i dun dare to let all slp liao. else queen size bed how to squeeze 2 adults& 2 kids. aiyoo headahce.
last time co slp cos thot BFing very easy.just lift up my shirt & feed then i slp. haha. then become slp with us as habit.

wow sey.. want to tell u all smth dangerous & exciting leh. Yday i had a stunt lidat leh. I went to Jurong Point to collect my parcel and then go back again to make some payment. then outside of Singpost i slipped & had the "yi zi ma" pose leh. i was carrying Selinna on my hands leh. on my left hand lucky i din drop her or shaked or scare her. somemore dunno got anything happen to my little one inside anot also. as there is no alarm for me to feel insecure so i din see the doc. But it was scary experience. there are kind soul who actually wanted to help me up but then i aldy standing up straight & firm. so malu.
Little one inside...you preggie again ahhh? Gong Xi gong xi! But hor for me the tot of another one so soon gives me nightmares

My boy is on FM anyway so whenever go out must bring hot water/FM/bottles etc. Sometimes I decide to feed cereal so just mix outside n give lor, no need to heat up. If decide to feed porridge will put porridge in thermos so will be warm for many hrs. Easy what.
hi mummies!!

thanks for the nice comments on Ivan..
yup he is a big boy now...n very soon all our bbies going to be T-O-D-D-L-E-R-S !!!!

yest he turned 9mths liao ...yeah kinda of happy as i m counting down to stop breastfeeding...though life was tough taking care of him bt when i see his CUTE CUTE face...all is worth it...(buay pai sey!!)


yeah!!!!CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!! tink u are the first in our thread!! take good care!!
thanks sylk. its like that with soy. only gets to poo like 2 or 3 days once. and yes, its not as soft as normal poo. it can even be hard! so watch Regina. Glad that Regina likes the taste. i personlly dun fancy the taste and the smell. :p well, if tim continues to poo so much i guess i have to start him on soy liao.

wow, kimi thanks for the link....i'm glued to it now.

roo and other mummies, yes the babies will soon be toddlers in no time...... time really flies!

Congrats! Must take care. U incident really 'you jin wu xian' leh.

do u hv a PT cleaner? I was thinking of engaging 1.
Tim poo hw often? Denise poo 2 to 3 times/day. (usually 2 small, 1 big) She is on Similac. I call up the nutrionist and nurse from abbot. They said ok. When I bring her for her 9mth review, pd said so long nt watery shd b ok and oso cos she is on solid and if she takes veg n fruit these cld b the cos too. But I'm kind of concern dunno is it her FM.
Hi Jen,

Congrates!!! Wow wow!!! That's fast! Take care ah!!!

I also want.. (or rather my mum wants badly...) In fact, she kept asking me to stop breast feeding to that my period can come back sooner.

Ladies, I'm in a bad mood.

This sat, will be his daddy's birthday. Again! My MIL again, wants to treat all the relative for dinner. Cannot understand! Why is it that his mum cannot think for her own children.

The 1st brother, doing cabling and plumping job. Works hard, earn not that much.
2nd brother, almost not part of the family liao never give his mum monthly expenses
3rd brother, now dunno owe who $$ (think because he wants to earn money the quick way, dunno via stocks or business), and their house number got ppl write O$P$.
The sister, earns not that much, her husband works in supermarket as packer. Then they got 2 kids to raise.
And hubby still repaying his uncle reno debts til end of this yr.

Yet, everytime, when it's someone's birthday, they want to treat ALL the relatives! Very very hao lian hor?!

I don't mind giving them angbao or $$ for dinner, but I dun understand why they so old and dunno how to thinks, spend $$ at expense of the children to treat all those relatives. Who only come and eat and talk cock...

And, I'm really piss with his side.
Last sat, we went to visit MIL. My SIL keep SMSing my hubby and ask when we going down..
When we reach, we were so shocked to see 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th aunt.. and 2nd uncle's wife, and some of their children.

No wonder they kept urging us to go down. Coz again lah, my MIL wants us to bring baby down to show ohers.

Baby was fine all the way, til he reaches MIL house, started crying once the 1st person carries him.

Of coz, they blame it that we dunno how to take care of baby, eg: baby hungry yet we dunno, baby want to sleep, etc, and 'suan' us how to be parents, (wau lau, baby was drinking milk in the MRT when we were on the way leh)
Said so many things... All those big head ppl who think great of themselves when i think they only have grass inside their heads.

Coz baby was already cranky, I think it's because of too many ppl, and they speak teochew so loudly, laugh so loudy.. so baby wasn't that stable. (Baby was always ok when he visits MIL house, and he was quite used to noisy events in CCs/RCs, shopping centres, and also strangers carrying him.)

When I wanted to carry him from hubby, baby also cried...
Then, they all kept saying that baby only wants the father, dun wan the mother! I SO FREAKING PISSED WITH THEM!

Urghhh! I tried my best to tolerate, the more I sit there the more I hate them! Blood boiling inside liao, end up I went out to the door to look for baby.. (coz hubby carried him out to the door to avoid all those noise from the ppl)
I told hubby, and basically, hubby of coz side themn and said I'm sensitive and asked me to ignore them. Me already so angry til tears coming out liao.

Why must I always give in to them? I already give face to hubby by not quarreling with them straight liao.

Then this sat is FIL birthday, I got nothing against FIL, but the idea of seeing those ppl again pissed me off!

Esp when hubby quarrel with me because of them, and also coz I told hubby to tell his mum to save up instead of any how spending money. He only wants to side his mum.
roo, tim's usual poo is 2 times a day. then it went on to 4 times....and to a max of 6 times a day. all small poo and little more watery than usual. mil says could be teething but its been a while liao still no sign of teeth lei. then went back to like 3 to 4 times a day and not so watery. doc said could be virus but mild. advised to switch to soy. now he poos 3 times and not so watery so i dun intend to switch first. unless the poo is more watery then i'll switch lor. but poor baby, butt all red liao! sigh! did your pd advise you to switch to soy?
Poor Tim. Hope things improved.
U ring a bell in me. Denise had 4 teeths (2 upper, 2 lower). I realised another 4 coming out in the upper gum (2 each sides). Hence mayb this is 1 of the cos. I just hope its not virus.
PD did not advise about the switch to soy. She just mentioned since its not watery then should be ok.
Hello mummies

MIA for a few days cos was busy making mooncakes to sell heeheehee...

and JT said MA MA yesterday!!! Although she is saying MA MA indiscriminately, but I'm already over the moon... and she stopped saying Ba Ba and Dad Dad.... hubby so disappointed hahahaha

I also tot JT wasn't going to start doing all these things, but it came suddenly!! One sun we were at carrefour, she just suddenly waved at anybody and everything in sight. And she kept smiling while doing it. It was sooooo funny!!! And she didn't even show signs before tat! Don't worry, I'm sure Kate will just suddenly have new developments overnight, fast enough to scare you!!

Aiyo.... JT has the same problem nowadays. She'll scream and shout and cry like a spoilt brat if she doesn't get what she want.... I really dunno wat to do also... hopefully she'll get better and dun end up like a spoilt child later on....

Congrats!! Meg is on her way to be a cover girl!!

Hugz hugz... it's like tat one... no choice lor... sometimes we have to learn to act blur, then it'll make life easier for us...

Yah lor, JT is shooting up, and she is getting skinnier... just like hubby...and she is nt helping herself by not eating well... haiz....

oh no... poor regina.... hope she is feelng better....you need to rest well too...hugz hugz....

But luckily she takes Isomil well. JT simply pui pui out the isomil... which means I can't stop bf...
wah! u make mooncakes to sell ah!! must be yummy.

aiyoh, i remember u sharing a smiliar thing last year...this year repeat again. Cool down...next time, when they anyhow talk, u just use the excuse to carry bb to go walk walk outside (like wat ur hb did), lidat dun need to listen. Then u tell ur hb to sit in there to listen to them instead. heehee! :p Dun quarrel wif ur hb over it lor...cos it's his family and he oso no choice. Just keep urself occupied with Ace, take him out for short walks once in a while and u won't need to face them throughout the dinner...:p
My ger has been saying papa randomly for quite some time liao and she very "dey" her daddy, and sometimes, some relatives will say wah, she only wants her daddy (tho they dun say anything abt not wanting the mummy la), but i just ignore la, cos they dun mean anything. All I know is, at the end of the day, my ger is my flesh and blood, and she knows I'm her mummy, and she needs my love and care, and that's all that matters to me. Infact, if my ger "prefers" daddy sometimes, I'm ok with it, then i have excuse to relax mah! bwahaha!

hwee, good to know tim is ok. :p

ur poor mum! heheh! good thing ur MIL is a trained nurse.
Tot Denise had been taking Similac well? So poo change probably due to something else right? Yes I hv a part time cleaner who comes in twice a week. She is ok nia lah but since I cannot do it myself I dun complain one lor.

U make mooncake to sell? Me know how to eat nia
Hahaha JT so cute...wave wave to everything. At least she is saying ma ma da da. Mine is only making strange sounds that I also dunno how to describe.

Babies this age think quite stubborn. E knows how to clap and wave but refuses to do it when we ask him to. Then when he's in the mood will clap for no reason n wave to god knows who or what. He also knows nose eyes etc...we will play press mummy's nose etc. Again will not he will not touch when I ask him to but will just look at the body part. But then when he is in the mood will suddenly press my nose. Bet Kate also knows lots but just dun want to perform for you nia ;)
ARGH!!! last night i almost died at my mil place when i know wat happen to ethan... when ethan wakes up frm his nap, my mil wanted to change his diapers... then she get ready the things for the diaper change while leaving ethan in the yao lan... usually he will wait quietly in the yao lan for my mil to carry him up... but yest....... according to my mil, in the mere few secs when she turn her back, pick up a diaper, open it up n place it on the bed, she heard a thud n saw ethan on the floor face down!!! OMG!!! apparently he fell frm the yao lan which is abt 1 foot off the ground n face down some more!!! i almost fainted... then my mil say he practically buried his head into my mil chest when she pick him up... moaning a little... haiz... heart pain siah... dats not all wor... after feeding ethan porridge my mil went to clear up the dishes, leaving ethan in his stroller (we feed him in his stroller cos he doesnt have a chair)... this stroller is able to strap his shoulders n crotch tight... for double protection, my mil criss crossed the shoulder straps... oso only a few secs when my mil went back to check on ethan, he is already almost on the floor with the criss crossed straps behind his neck... mil say he still clever struggle until the straps behind his neck... cannot imagine if the straps r on his neck... OMG!!! i really almost died when i heard this... nobody ever tot he is able to do dat... he really grow faster than i tot... my mil almost scare out of her wits... thank goodness nothing happens to him... but he had a bad scare as well... phew...
dora, wa, make and sell mooncakes! you good lei! jt doesn't like isomil huh?

qh, take it easy. just ignore their comments and let them do and say what they want. like bobianah said, bring ace out and walk walk, that's what i do to.

roo, maybe for denise, its due to teething.

lil, ewan is learning and absorbing everything. for all you know when he speaks, it will all be full sentences!

thanks bobianah! maybe will introduce the soy for 1 - 2 feeds a day to reduce his poo a little. poor boy!

zion, its not safe to leave bb at this age out of sight even for 1 second. you dunno what they are capable of.
hmmm, history kept repeating huh?
if it's once a year kinda issue, then juz close one eye la.

marriage does not really involved you and hubby.
we have to marry the whole clan.
really no choice de.

juz vent here la.

Meg will have her porridge at ard 11am followed by her milk feed ard 1230.
lazy to bring porridge along lo.

hope to catch you for at least 5 mins la.

nowadays with all the budget airline, taking the plane and bus is not much diff.

no. Meg is always in sg.
she will be a frequent flier when she is older kua.
Hi mommies,

Let me know when and whom i can transfer the amt for the BD Bash For Dec bbs. I had added my name to the list last few weeks ago..i have run thru the passed thread but cant find who is the treasurer is...sorry for being quite as i seldom online.

My bb is also taking similac follow on..She also poo poo two or three times a day recently...i also suspect because of teething..
But PD said teething and poo poo dosent link.She said maybe because when baby is teething, they always to put their fingers in their mouth. Their fingers might be dirty as they touch here and there. That's y they would hv diarrhea lor
congrats!!! how many months already? selinna going to hav another didi or meimei liao..
hope u not hurt from the fall.

our bbs are getting more active n mischievous. my javier also cannot sit still in his stroller. if he sit in his stroller for too long, he will struggle thru the safety belt n stand up on the stroller.

this week, NTUC is having diapers and bb products promotion. eg

1) Nepia diapers/ pants - 2 for $26.95
2) NTUC diaper - $9.50
3) drypantz - $3.90 for small pck of M(10), L(8), XL(7)
4) pet Pet - 2 for $24.75
5) Huggies - $15.65 , m=84, L=72, XL=60

also i saw sheng siong is having promotion of Huggies dry + 4 extra free pieces (usual price $18.90) and Huggies dry comfort for $15.95 for all sizes. so I bought a L size (72+ 4 free ) pieces of diapers.

ANY MUMMIES ALREADY started their bb with L size diapers? tx will be starting her L size diaper this coming wkend cos her bum already expand.

when i read yr posting, yr little one, hmmm preggie??how many mths? Congrats! are u ok?? hubby is telling me want to have no 2 next yr or not...and counted the edd date to be 08082008 loh...nice numbering right....I said err...all I want to do when I get back hm is to pump and zzzz...

oic.is thermos heavy to carry ard? I got a food warmer but dun think it can last more than 2hrs type. hmm, think one of the days, got to let tx meet yr cheerful and happy go lucky boy loh.

same thinking as me, I also counting the days to end my bf career. so tiring...but still addicted to pump.

haa..toddlers no joke, feedback from my col and frenz that toddlers, ai-yo need to hase ard, touch here and there, imitate this and that etc...will tend to keep one more busi man.... but after all, kids are fun right tough sometimes they are testing our patience.

so tim drink consume lot of water so that poo won't be so hard loh. do soy milk helps to prevent constipation?? which brand of soy milk? saw friso soy milk loh.

hai...old folks is like that....just give hubby black face, see what he can do. dun talk to him loh.

yup, agreed, will be super angry when ppls tell us (mummy) that bb dun wan mum...(*&&^%. maybe that day, yr boy not gd mood is it or might want to slp cos cranky loh.

wow, making mooncake, easy or not??

that's a scary experience. thks god Ethan is ok. but how is he now after falling fr yao lan? I also constantly remind my mum that one of the day, dunno when bb will climb out of yao lan. she told me no lah, she will hawk on her. *&^&^ never know what mircale things a bb is capable of doing loh....hai...stubbon dun listen.

hmm..as for QH's case, not once a yr (dun think so), even CNY also need to gather all the relatives loh.
oic...dun u miss meg when u are away? taking a photos along....

hmm dun remember u leh...
