(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Shihui, Sylk,
Congrats to end of ur confinement, so happy for u. I also missed that day cos can go out w/o my 2 big gals n wif hb.... now, everyday at home...sian man!

Gd for u... I jus fight finish a 'battle'. For the past few days, she take the bottle once a day with a bit of fussying, but today, after 1 hr of coaxing n her fussying, still didn't want to take the bottle... siao liao lah, if she won't take bottle I can;t go n cut my hair liao...

Alabone, Shihui,
My lochia also ended at 4th weeks...

better to train wif bottle n keep some stash, cos when our menses comes back, our supply will drop a little b4 n during menses, so keep a stash will help bb to latch less often.

Dey, the one i have is Osim UZAP but i read and heard OTO trimax is more effective but you must consistently use it and control your diet too. It will be itchy initially when you use it, probably first few days as your skin get use to the electric current.
Alabone, Jackie,
Try not to touch (aka dig) ur bb's nose too much, cos next time his/her nostril will b very big, trust me, personal experience

Ru yi oil adult also can put one... everytime my hb stomach not comfy will ask me to put 4 him, cos he hates the smell....

Hiaz, me too, my 2nd gal now having fever... tonite hb will bring her to dr, she's very cranky n sticky to me.... hiaz....
Vanessa, do you prevent your sick elder kids from getting too near to Reyna? Is your 2nd gal in any playgroup or school?caught the virus from there?
I do try to prevent lah, but difficult lor. She's not in any playgroup leh, but she kena a few mosquito bites, that's y quite worrying.
help help!!!.
my ss seems getting lesser. LIke not enuf to meet bb demand. yday she very super cranky then when latch on to let her hv comfort.. initally she was sucking well then suddenly twist her body & make big cries.. like machiam not enuf milk lidat. but when i sqeeuze my nipple got leh. but can see is very dilute milk one. not one colour milk come out one.

SHe cranky at nite i very chiam one. Hb cant help much also. i keep comforting her until i angry throw her on bed & say i dun want her liao. my GF tell me say i siao how can say bb noti & dun want her. bb understand wor.. then today i tell my gal nicely say i love her,, sayang her she more calm liao. hope can lidat thruout manz. god pls help me...

then hor stomach got colic i try to massage her cos got frd ask me massage her tummy in clockwise rotation lor. then i massage her she calm down awhile lor.

Ask u all ar.. when can drink the "fei zhai shui" ar?? havent full mth can drink now? cos i knw that one can rid of wind in bb tummy leh.

<font color="0000ff">kimi</font>
u say u go back to ur gynae for review after 6wks is ur own gynae not KKH one lar ??? cos me is with KK all the while i think i subsided patient so cant go back see my gynae leh. later i gonna call &amp; ask. Ask me go polyclinic i very sian.
since ss drop hor cos maybe due to my laziness last wk of not pumping out diligiently .. anyway to increase supply?? if i latch on more often &amp; pump every 3hrs can anot ??

then also my left br hor.. last time when pump wow alot of milk flush out one leh. now dun hv. now become right side more. last time left one was limited now opposite liao. how come lidat?
Also if bb suck liao then i pump 10mins later isit ss will somehow drop abit. i pump left side oni pump 20ml..then right side i no latch bb can pump up to 40ml lidat. is that normal? Or my breasts are congested liao?
Alabone, Kimi,
Heh, I also bought the aspirator for baby's nose, and it is shiok to pull out big big pieces of gold! It also helps my bb breathe easier, so she is calmer after I pull the gold out!

My bb also tend to spit out quite a bit of milk (BM) whenever she geks. Do your babies do that? So it is a constant challenge to calm her down and make her sleep after her feeds. No point trying to burp her, cos everytime after feeds, she will fall asleep when burping. But will wake up and gek whenever I put her on the cot! Grrr. I have yet to let her try FM yet. Worried she might have reaction like vomiting after drinking!

I just bought the gripe water "fei zhai shui". The instructions highlighted one month and above then can drink. SOme of the mommies here also say better drink only after one month. I will be starting my bb on this soon, just to prevent wind!

Ask all of you, how soon after your bb turned one month did you go for the PD one month check up? Cos NUH PD asked me to go back only on 26 Jan (my baby turned 1 mth on 8 Jan)...like v long like tat...plus she hasnt taken her second Hep B jab. Should I go sooner?
U can still increase ur ss by doing what I told others, pump after latch. There could also be the possibility of congestion at ur breasts, so just massage whenever can. Just relax n drink more water can liao.
Hi ladies
finally he offers to take over the nite feeding last nite. hmm, seems like my "black face" works. I refuse to talk to him this morning :p
Don't understand why lor. He is the one who suggested to have baby#2... yet he din help. sigh!

Re: lochia
i went to my gynae on tues coz my lochia hasn't stop. Sometimes no bleeding for a couple of days, then flow comes back again. My gynae confirmed that the lochia has not stopped... funny lor, coz i remembered the first one, my lochia stopped after 4th week leh.

Btw, my gynae happen to see a 2cm fibroid. Anyone has fibroid? Do u think TCM can cure fibroid?

i have the OTO trimax. any idea when can we start using it (c-sect)?

what happen to your gal? rem to sponge her if her fever is high.
Vanessa, ya hor bukit batok is a dengue zone right? do you apply anything for her for the mossie bites? My area also alot of mosquitoes and alot of times my elder girl was bitten many many times within the same nite..see already really heart pain even on the face also bitten.

Linette, tink Hep B can be taken slightly later. Evee took hers at 6 weeks (6 in 1 take at 6 weeks) which i think 26 Jan is about 6 weeks too for your bb?
Someone asked how to keep bb calm while bathing.... sad to say, I also dunno. Mine will sometimes cry sometimes won't. Today I bath her after feeding her abit and she didn't cry that much. Some bbies simply don't like to shower, hence keep crying. else u can always check the water temperature, the atmosphere temperature, her feeding time and other possibility that cause her to be crying.
Hi alabone,
not really the ru yi oil apply straight away poo but have been observing that my gar usually poo ard 10-12 midnight loh.

that's a gd qns with regard to adult got wind whether can apply the ru yi oil. maybe can check out with medicial hall person to see if they got sell adult version of ru yi oil or not.

so busy till now then my gar finally slp loh.ok, gg to take nap while my gar slp now.
Dunno leh, suddenly this morning I touch her like feverish like that. Her fever has now gone down abit liao.

Ya lor, that's y I worried. I apply fucicort to all her bites. Funny thing is that the bites are from different day, but all at the same leg, ie the curf (sp?) area. Where u stay?
Thanks QSG, yes, my baby will be 6 weeks when taking her Hep B jab. Just that no 4 weeks check up...I am now wondering if her weight has increased or not! My home's weighing machine is those lousy types...no point using it!!

Yes, I think bathing depends on BB's preferences. My elder girl used to scream until she literally turned purple when bathing as a bb last time. And this bb...her eyes will open big big and she will enjoy herself when she is bathing, even though she is hungry. So, i think it depends on bb's preferences. For my previous elder girl when she was a bb, no way to calm her down. The only way is to grit your teeth n quickly bath her as quickly as possible!!

Adult version of ruyi oil is 'Po Sum' oil I think.. The Po Sum oil supposed to be used for age 2 and above.. Stronger than Ruyi oil.

Po Sum oil is from hongkong, hv almost 100 yrs of history..
bukit batok zone only affect the bb east ave 5 near the kuming pri sch there. the bush etc has been cut away loh. recently, I also got mosquito bites too. sometimes, my hubby managed to trapped the mosiquito into the essence of chicken bottle and let it die quietly. evil grins....

my gal is 35 day old today. few days ago, she kept on waking up half an hr - 1 hr for feed cos she drank a little bit and slp again. no matter how hard one tried to wake her up, she will bo chap and continue deep in her slumber. y'day, she was better wake up 2-3 hr apart cos previous day she hardy slp. hope her slp pattern will be 3hr apart and more regular timing.

how old is yr bb?
Dun tempt me leh... really envy u all leh, 1 kids only, so much freedom....Sometimes I really regret giving birth to so many.... ai song bo ai mia (hokkien) hahahaha
Vanessa, i staying at Jurong West some distance from Jurong Point. Futicort contains steriod?

afcai, i think my gal is one of the oldest here, she is 7 weeks old liao, by this saturday will be 2 months old...time really flies.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
yeah, it is me who asked any solution to keep bb calm during bathing loh even talking to her also cry (but not so jialat). she cry till tear drip,voice loud and face red.

my boi had 2nd hapB yesterday. he is 7 weeks old. The health booklet mention to hav the jab on the 1st mth. the needle seems to pierce my heart when the pd insert the needle on his piku..
oic. wow, so fast, yr gar 2 mth old man.....I guess kimi and bobiah or bloom 's bb also abt the same.

wow, next mth, can take my bb to receive ang pow liao but taking bb out is quite troublesome. till now, I only went out of the hse since 8/1 when I took my gar for HEP B jab. too lazy and sian to go out.

even when hubby and I can't have a proper dinner. even after feeding my gal, I placed her on the rocking chair but after a while, she will cry. she will ppl to carry her. hai...

but y'day, the only time, hubby and I have smooth dinner cos my gar sound slp after previous day lack of slp.

even how noisy the environment is, my gar still sound slp.
Hi mommies, each time when I want to post something bound to be interrupted.

My confinement ends today as well. Congrats to Shihui &amp; alabone. Im really happy but worried at the same time as no more CL to help. Just me &amp; myself. Hubby cant take leave today &amp; tomorrow so cant bring baby out. Her first month celebration will be this sat as well.

Saw lots of bb photos being posted. They are all so cute. Always enjoy looking at bbs photos.

My gal also sometime cry when bathing but sometime she is quiet.

Qianhui, thanks for updating the table.

Stephanie, just hang on there. My gal still has wind. We still try to burp her after feed. Most time no burp lah. I will carry her upright after feeding for at least half an hour. If there is wind, she will be uncomfortable &amp; I will rub her back and she will burp. She tends to be most fussy &amp; cranky between 8 to 11+pm. It is patience testing time lor.

Shihui, jus like you need to reprogramme bb after CL left. I find that she opt for the easy way out. Whenever bb cry, she put the pacifier in her mouth. She doesnt try to pat her back to sleep or check diaper first. I will only use pacifier to stop her from crying and to put her to sleep. Once she is asleep in my arms, I will remove it. Hope its not too big a challenge.

Someone mention about setting a routine for bb. Me tempted to try but find it very challenging cos we got no control of what time they sleep &amp; for how long, when they pee or poo, when to change diaper leh.
Hi mummies

finally have some time to post. My baby finally managed to sleep last nite....only woke up for feeds then go back to sleep liao... hopefully it's not a stroke of luck and this can continue. But yesterday she didn't sleep from 1pm to 8pm!!! Maybe that explains why she's able to sleep so well at nite. Then now she's sleeping again... aiyo hopefully she doesn't wake up at nite again.... She's only 11 days old... is it normal for her to sleep so few hours a day? I tot they should sleep more than that...

For bathing, initially my girl also screamed her lungs out. But my CL found a way to pacify her. She let baby grip on her little finger when bathing her... she didn't cry since.... then just now baby's finger slipped off the grip, she started to cry, but stopped immediately when she let her grip again... you might want to try.

I also have the same problem. My baby would sometime only suck for 10 min then doze off and refuse to suck.... then the milk will flow out of her mouth, so scared that she'll choke man... And my breast is always dripping milk.... haiyo.... I've tried all ways to wake her up leh.. but nothing seems to work... then she'll wake up abt 1.5 hours later hungry again....
I dunno leh, but that cream was given to me by PD when I had my first child, so we continue to buy this cream for the rest of the child and apparently it contains antiboitics and most PD and dr said it's safe to use. We usually just go to PD or GP to get the cream, no need to see dr one, so I guess should be fine bah...

my boi already 7 weeks old liao. sometimes still cry when bathing.. we already follow the bathing techniques which was taught to us during my stay in tmc but no use leh. my boi still cry. bb memory not good. like one day he seems to enjoy himself during bathing. then another day he can cry pitifully during bathing. i also at my wit's end. no choice lor. hav to fast fast bathe him. but he definitely enjoy the moment after bathing when we apply lotion or powder on him n put on clothes for him..
some infor:
When a pacifier is introduced in the first week, a baby can have a harder time learning to feed, since the mouth motions needed to suck a nipple and a pacifier are slightly different.
wondering when bb sleeping pattern will b stable. my boi sometimes nite time can sleep at 11pm n wake up 3hrly or 4hrly for milk. sometimes get veri cranky n refuse to sleep at nite. hav to carry him, let him latch on for comfort till he is willing to sleep n wake up hrly or 2hrly for feed.
going bk to work in 1mth time. if his sleeping pattern dun improve, definitely dun hav jin shen when go back to work.
Hi Serene (coolman) ,
agreed, bb enjoy the moment after bathing. I always told my gar that bathing is gd, will smell nice nice after that. she is content after bathing. then I fed her a bit and she slp soundly after that.
Hi Dora,
griping finger also no use leh.during confinement time, when my mum bath my gar, she let her grip her hair then she did not cry. hubby' aunt told us put stone into the bath tub to smoothen the bb. also tried not to take the mitten and booties out. but tried already (not the stone part) but no use. so in the end, hubby (till now let hubby bath her cos dun wan to take risk of squatting) quickly bath her.

hop thing will change as bb grow up, her slp pattern and drinking habit.
bohbiahah, my colleage went national skin center cos she see GP and chinese sinseh also cannot cure the rashes. In the end NSC also cannot help, saying that its allergic to certain food.... now she only get rashes once in a while at certain spot. U mean those rashes that appear when the skin press on something is also fong mok? Oh no..I had been having that since young..I thought it is just that the table is dirty and my skin is sensitive... I also think it will be killer to have another kid..but really wanted another one so that kathleen will not grow up to be selfish and spoilt. So I was telling myself if have another kid, I will go full FM from beginning..ehehehehhe

Serene, sorry hardly take pics of my bb cos I am usually alone at home.... hahah..what makes ur hubby thinks that the parents will control a bb??? :p :p :p

ruffybear, maybe u can try lexin lah..cos I am a very fussy eater and my mom is a very good cook ..so I find their stuff so so only.... let me know how ur buffet with lexin goes ok!

stephanie, I also have this problem sometimes. Baby will wake up when I am halfway pumping demanding for milk! So in the end sometimes it can be more than 12 hours before I manage to pump!

kimi..wow... mandy's wgt progress is quite impressive leh... kathleen will be going for her kkh checkup on 22nd ..urs should be next week right? My bruises usually disappear after a few days, but there are scars (I don't know how I created them!) that are still here after a few weeks... You paste a fake tattoo on top of the bruise then show off ur cleavage loh :p

these few days kathleen had been having more wakeup times too..and then want to be cuddle before she sleep..and then cry when sleeping...geeezzzzz..... last time can just throw her into the bb cot and she will sleep....

alabone, its ok to bf bb at 12noon then 1.30 cos they never suck their full feed amount when doing tbf..so they will wake up for food once every 1 - 2 hours instead of the usual 3 hrs when we feed from bottle...

Yesterday sneak out with bb for John Little sale in the afternoon (hubby forbade me to go shopping with bb cos the doc at polyclinic said too much virus around). In the end even bought hubby a present on behalf of bb and wrap it up and gave it to him..but he is SO DENSE he thought I bought the gift long ago! ahahhaha... so till now he did not know that I went out yestefday! :p

MBB, so u r going to cut ur bb's lashes?

Shihui, hahaha... ok... so I guess its bu xin zhong de da xin that my hubby did not touch bb with hot water right? Good luck in ur reprogramming! Let us know the tricks once u got it done, I think I will need it!

BTW, do u mommies if stroller rain cover is one size for all? Cos wanted to get one for bb's stroller....

starluster, sounds like ur left breast got block ducts (cos thats what happen to me at beg, left side got more milk then suddenly ss decrease). U might want to check it out...

sylk, 5 kg by first month..wow!

Jen, what review r u talking abt? Kimi and I are talking abt the review checkup for premature bbs...we also go to polyclinic for the weight assessment and jabs.

zhuzhu, use ur own bm to apply on ur nipple for it to recover. also air dry (ie, dont wear bra) after pumping. if u r using those pump with dial for suction, pls turn to a lower strength for the time being. If lowest strength does not work, use hand to express milk for the time being before the wound recovers.

Linette, according to my mom can feed gripe water after bb is 1 month old...

afcai, I sama like u, apply a few drops on hand to rub to generate heat then place on bb's stomach. Learn from my mom who used to bbsit. Hubby 'dot' on bb's stomach then use his finger to spread it. I guess whichever method that works loh.

Shihui, the most next time use cold cabbage/meds to stop ss loh....

conniemummy, ur lobang that good har? Need to have a mattress at home for her to use?

JKJT, sigh! And the govt keep saying why singapore women don't want to have more kids!

For those that uses Nepia NB, is the cutting smaller than Pampers Premium NB? Cos Pampers cutting abit too big for bb..yesterday she poo poo and the poo leak out and dirty hubby's shorts when he was feeding her!

kimi, I still have on -off lochia too though its 8 weeks. My gynae said its normal since I am still bf-ing cos the uterus still shrinking.

alabone, ru yi oil can be used for adults too.
not sure y my girl keep spitting out milk today... i also took abt an hour to clean up last night. damn xian... then hb woke up to leave 4 work i also too tired to say bye to him...

i see... my hb also only child. but i not staying w her. my MIL stays alone. she's a divorcee. she doesn't really want to stay w us.

my lochia hasn't end... hate it!

i don't go all e way in to dug bb's gold... only when it's almost dropping out then i help.

hb also always got wind in stomach. next time will apply oil 4 him.

where can get e po sum? only from hk?

at least he's helping already. praise him then maybe he help more?

my boy used to scream n scream when he bathed too. nothing could soothe him really. then we also realised letting him grip our hand helped. he screamed when bathing all e way till 4 months old leh. then start enjoying... my girl now scared also nvr cry. think it depends. so just let them cry lor.
Afaci, i prefer to go out cos very boring to stay at home somemore Evee can't sleep well daytime even in sarong. Spent so much time swinging her then sleep only 15min. Yesterday i sling her for 4 hours and went shopping in orchard. She slept for at least 3 hours throughout the trip but my shoulders end up aching
but find it more refreshing to go out. Wanted to bring her to IMM today but raining....

Bloom, which JL you went yesterday? I was at the one at somerset in the afternoon.

Vanessa, i using mopiko for my elder gal.
I am referring to checkup review for pap smear. As i know u both are not KKH patient, u all go back to ur own gynae or go polyclinc for pap smear checkup?

My bb gal will also cry when gg to bathe. dunno isit she cold &amp; scare of bath or what hor. will scream until face red. then last time give her FM after bath she ok. now not ok liao. dunno isit tummy too full so once know is FM she reject but when latch she can drink my breast milk.

ANyway still swaddle bb at home? my frd told me that her MIL wrapped her bb so bb wont be frightened easily &amp; also in future when growing up wont "hands &amp; legs many many".(hokkien meaning)
sigh...guess i still hv to identify the allergen... still dunno wat it is.
maybe i really allergic to staying at home too long...

hmmm, my bb dun cry when bathing...strange thing is, she loves bath time. She only cries after bath when we are putting clothes on her!

i think so...cos for me, fong mok happens when there is friction/pressure and it has appeared on my elbow lately too. tables are clean...home tables. quite sianz...

mbb, bloom,
I oso sometimes think hving #2 wld be good so that there's company. But i think of the excess weight and how tired my hb and i feel... i think twice. :p But, defintely, bb has changed our lives and is sooo precious to us.
Hi mummies

Think my boi boi is a high need baby...constantly hungry, doesn't sleep very much n always stretching n gek gek non stop. Chia lat. Does anyone know how to deal with high need babies?

My boi is such a guzzler. He takes abt 90ml of BM per feed n feeds abt 8-10 times a day. My milk ss soon will not be able to cope with his needs liao. Any advice on how to increase milk ss if one is purely expressing (not latching on at all).

My baby oso hardly sleep day or nite. Even my mum oso v scared of him oredi, say never b4 has she seen a newborn who needs so little sleep. We're all so tired at home trying to cope n I think I'm falling sick oredi. So scared if all us adults collapse dunno who's gonna take care of bb. Chia lat rite!!!

I always oredi pat pat my bb to try n make him sleep. Sometimes carry n rock him n pat him at the same time. Can pat n rock for ages n he still wun sleep n will continue to whine. Now my arms r aching from all the carrying n non stop patting. Hen chaam ahh!!!
haha, i'm developing an allergy fr staying at home all day long also. my bb is like urs, loves the bath but hates changing of clothes.

my bb also a high need bb. i'm getting v. tired liao, still dunno why she keeps crying. she goes all slack during feeding, then struggles during burping n once u put her in the cot, she starts crying. even at night, she needs to be carried to sleep. all that pat pat on the cot stuff just dun work, i've been trying fr day 1. i'm really at my wit's end liao.
for switching of FM, i dunnoe if this works.. n not sure if this method is recommended anot.. :p try mixing 50% of the original FM u using with the FM u intend to switch to... slowly let bb adjust to the new FM... den if bb is okie with it, can increase percentage of the new FM... got this idea bcoz for cell culture, whenever we wish to change to another type of growth media, we can't suddenly change one... muz slowly introduced the new media to the cells.. else if suddenly 100% change, the cells won't acclimatise n will die off lor.. :p

ya lor... maybe we dunnoe how to sling hbb properly lor.. :p

Vanessa, kimi,
mine got no problem with bottle leh... dunnoe isit bcoz i introduce quite early.. :p

mine oso ask me to go back really late... my bb 1mth today (chinese calendar).. but his appointment is on 26th Jan... which is 2 weeks later lor... dunnoe if i shd bring bb for the Hep B jab first anot...
u going on 26th oso? wat time is ur appt? mine is 11am.. bb's pd is Dr Yvvone...

i guess i will turn my head away when they jab my bb.. won't hav the heart to look at him.....

Dora, afcai,
mine too... will suckle fiercely for 5-10min... den fall asleep... in the past, i will try to wake him up... but he simply refuse... he even shut his mouth real tight so tt i can't shove my nipple in.. :p so now i juz dun care liao.. he sleep i sleep oso.. when he cry for milk again, will feed again lor... :p

hope i will be successful in reprogramming too..
Hi all,

I am also Dec mummy. My confinement will ends this coming sunday. I am so scare of handling my bb gal as she is very fussy and impatient. As in getting to sleep, feeding and attention. After reading this forum, i am much more calmer. Have been feeling blues and cry alot this week. And hubby thought i am gg crazy.

Hope i can handle my bb gal once the confinement lady is gone :D. Budhha bless me
now at my in law's place.. :p finshed visiting my parents n colleages with no major prob... bb was sleeping throughout.. onli wake up n cry for milk..
now bb oso sleeping.. :p

hopefully he will continue to sleep well tonight.. worried tt all the sleeping in the day will result in wakeful night.. :p
My baby like yours. Last 2 days hardly sleep 10 hours a day. These 2 days, can sleep more, only waking up 2 hours instead of every 30 minutes! Plus, I started to use the cradle, so keep rocking her while typing!

Thanks for the info. I think I might just wait for the PD appt during her 7th week then...which is still sometime away
Older get injection maybe will cry louder!

These days my baby also kept waking up every 2 hourly for feeds, cos I am on full latching at night. Very tempted to feed FM!

Heh, my bb's PD is also Dr Yvonne, haha. My appt is at 9.30am, I think. Better double check on the card later. Am sure we will bump into each other, maybe in the breastfeeding room, which has only one chair! When is your next gynae appt? Mine is sometime in early Feb. Am sure need to do pap smear, sian.
my bb oso starting to reject the bottle. we did give her on and off bottle coz she was given bottle when she was admitted.. and it used to be okie. but these few days she keep on rejecting the bottle lor.. she will cry and rather let the milk just flow out from her mouth or choke or even retching kinda action. is it time to change the teat or what?

any symptoms for blocked duct beside ss suddenly drop on one side? coz my left breast no pain and no lumps... just suddenly one day become pancit.. like deflated balloon... haha.

my bb oso becoming more n more impatient n fierce. now wake up havent open eyes already start to cry liao.

now that u mention abt bb bathing... i oso notice my bb will grip on my mum's shirt automatically. like v scared she will fall. saw in a video @ d hospital tat some bb prefer to bathe facing down. mayb u wanna try tat?

me just saw similar advice on kellymom website. but when they say compress while bb is sucking.. means press and release, press and release issit?

Thanks for info!

Thanks for sharing video. very useful for pple like me who doesn't know how to latch on properly and don't know if bb drinking or not.

btw, many of you have gone for rebonding/colouring. may i ask where you get your hair done? want to rebond my hair too... it's in dire needs of some tender loving care!
