(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

for us w low ss, we're envious... but i suppose you'd have own probs too...

will only see results after few days ah?? will try...

ya lor... i oso having prob... now bb can't feed well.. coz the flow always too fast for him to cope.. how i wish there's a switch on the nipple to adjust flow rate... :p now, either i need to lay flat while feeding, which is very tiring... or i need to express out b4 feeding... very mafan lor... my freezer (not very big lah) half filled with milk liao.. soon, i think my freezer will be used for milk storage onli... luckily i dun cook aft confinement.. else really no place to store...
Hi alabone/Vanessa Lu,
oic. I think my mum applied more than that. she even use a small cloth (she sew it herself) to wrap ard bb's tummy.bb even persipre more.

Hi Linette (linette),
oic. sarong. hmmm...
Yes, pls pm the no. Thks... Will this nmassage help to tone up my loose tummy? Or wat r the benefits forthis massage? Sorry 4 so many questions, me new in all these.
oh ya... my breasts quite leaky too... 1 day can soak up 2 pads per breast... very high usage... sim tia the money spent on breast pads leh.... maybe i shd look into washable breast pads liao.. more economical...

u using washable breast pads rite? any particular brand to recommend?
tkz. i have been throwing away the milk but felt so wasted lor.
you knowlah, FM not cheap mah. my ger is a small eater also awredy finito 3 tin of milk.

ok, i better not take the risk.

for me is diffrent mah. you only got 3kg to lose. i have 3 times your fats to get rid har.
today the massage lady said tat i very bak bak lah. really have to diet kind

no need to tell her to avoid the wound area coz she knows.

confinement finito liao.
i wish i had surplus for freezer. my fridge is e side by side one so got one whole side 4 freezer and only use to put ice cream... totally under utilised...

have always wanted to try e lie flat method to bf but dun knoe how... can ustd your situation... b4 feed still must pump... u can always donte again when opportunity comes. good cause too!

wow, your mum so nice. even sew for her grandchild. so far my bb hasn't applied any ru yi oil yet. is it must apply everyday even if bb's fine?
confinement finishing on fri!!! yeah can go out liao. but now mum won't b sending food to my pl... have to go her pl everyday and bfing there will b troublesome coz got my brothers there... cannot go braless anymore... but can see my son everyday liao.

i used tis lady for my malay wrap.. and once after the 7 sessions for normal massage..

she massage me the same way lor
so it will help to tone up the tummy, except without the wrap la

btw, anyone using girdle or wrap after the malay wrap? is the osim one good or those tummy binder which was used for c-section good enuff?
oso dunno why suddenly hv fong mok. The last time i had it was in secondary sch... think it was oso due to dust cos it was a newly renovated school and construction dust not settled. It took a long time to go away. Also, that time, whenever I sweat, oso break out in rashes on my face (but not fong mok rash)....like allergic to own sweat lidat.

will try to eliminate one by one and see wat is cause...maybe it is DOM! haiz! I even stopped taking my vitamins cos was eating new brand of calcium...but dun think it is the cause leh... maybe it's not food...maybe its the heat.

o...so hives is the english word for fong mok? haha! I didn't know wat it's called in english! ya, i had reflux problems...hvn't had chilli for some time already. I am taking chlorpheniramine (hope i got the spelling rite), 4mg, 3x a day. Hive are rather irritating...cos it is so uncomfy...

Thanks for explanation abt rotavirus jab...
ya, the jabs are rather expensive...i was surprised at the cost too, but i'll go for it for peace of mind!

no prob, thanks for info on the cream...will look for it at pharmacy...

long time no see!
the rashes on bb are quite common and will go away by itself. Yes, sometimes some of their rashes caused by heat. These few days quite hot, i dun swaddle bb anymore. And i oso use cotton wool to wipe her face.

thanks for the weblink...it looks interesting. The items listed are more irritants that allergens...my bb does not cry after feed, she does so in between feed... and not all the time too... i dun think it's caused by the food i eat cos she does it even with FM! And it only started recently. I'll ask the PD this Saturday anyway, just to be sure. Maybe it's just something she'll grow out of...
Anyway, my hb and i hv no food allergy, so it is quite unlikely bb will develop it. I oso think it is better to build up their resistance rather than avoid the foods completely and then we'll never know if they are indeed allergic to the item. Maybe they won't be.

u not alone.. my bak bak oso must diet type! but too tired to exercise leh! :p

I also use to have fong mok when I was young, all the way till I got married. My fong mok will cause by liquor n sometimes seafood. I remembered when I was in pri 4, I got it on the very 1st day of sch... my frens all scare of me, cos it's so bad that I look like a pig head like that.... My mum told me fong mok cannot shower one, but I think a cool shower will help to reduce the itchiness.

I also didn't know that was called hives...Always dunno how to tell teacher when i had it.

i put on 18kg for my pregnancy leh. where got small?


wah! my girl is going to look so tiny beside yours
so envious of your bb's weight!


*pat pat* poor girl! must be so uncomfy! why didn't you opt for the jab, can recover much faster. will keep you in prayers!


that was such a nice thing you did by donating to the preemie twins!
Qian Hui,
Please update my boy's details when you are free. Here are the details:
Birth lengh: 48.5cm
1m Weight: 5.05kg
1m Length: 56cm
Dear ladies,
I now typing this post @ my mum's place.
My bb been staying at my mum place this week, in order let her used to the environment as I will be returning work next month.

Today, bb's behaviour is much better than yesterday.. hope tonight she also guai guai and sleeps well. (keeping my finger crossed)

Hi Shihui,
Me too also wishing how nice it would be to have yur surplus.Till today, I dun have any surplus to keep in freezer.

Hi ginsengmum,
yur ger is so adorable.
actually yur bb boi seems to resemble my bb Hayley. They really seem to look alike ..hee hee. Will try to post pic of my bb the next time to show u.

Hi mbb,
I din give mdm Sadiah any tips leh.
But she gave me a small ang pow for my bb ger on my last session. Do u like the overall massage?
alabone, connie,
pumping after latch on will increase supply...i have been doing it for the pass 2 weeks n the supply really increase
...But than really troublesome n time consuming ....

U r welcome

I am going for pilates class next week...Hope can help me to tone the flabby tummy...Have u try sauna or steaming to reduce the water retention? Must make full use of the facilities
hmmm...maybe mine oso caused by alcohol...maybe dun take DOM for a while...it is rather strong. Wah, if cannot shower quite terrible...cos heat makes it worse...a shower cools it down.

I will monitor and see how it goes...if get worse will consider a jab. Actually want to go and cut and colour my hair...but i scared wait colour will irritate the skin and make it worse...tho i hv colour before, but at that time, no hives...worried that colouring will just aggravate it.
Hi ladies
hmm.. so it is quite normal for elder children to "disturb" their new siblings.

linette, my hubby same like urs leh... stone in front of his computer!! the only thing he helps is wash the floor/toilets for me.
First baby at least he still helps with the nite feeding, tis one hor... since the day she is born, i am the ONLY person carrying her, feeding her, bathing her... on top of that, i still hv to bring/fetch my boy to/from school.

I finally "show my black face" to my hubby just now. I "no use" lor... cry leh. He is hook to his PC all day... seems like those stocks/shares are more important than his children.
When i bath my elder boy, i thot he will help me hang those clothings; who knows after bathing both of them, he is still hook to the PC!!!
While i was hanging those clothings, my baby cries, he din bother... i went over to take a look... guess wat he is doing?! --> SLEEPING!!! **ANGRY*

Angry lor.... my back is so aching and yet he din bother to help!! i thik if i faint in front of him, he will not bother either!!
ha ha...i am gonna steam myself in the suana next week onwards!

oklah. actually the massage like normal massage leh. the only diff is the binding. i wonder how come can lose weight?

besides being too old to handle 2 kids, i better close shop liao coz i tink i will end up like a fat see lai if i carry another child. sad facts to swollow!
any idea how long is the effect of the jab for fong mok? Or does it just relieve symptoms for a couple days? If it can last for a month or so, can consider taking...
Nose 'gold' really self cleansing one ah???? Than i better stop digging my boi boi nose liao

Enjoy but dont kana dehyration hor
yes, it's almost amazing... today two pieces came out near e nostrils. i had great joy taking it out. i'm going to sound rather pervy... but it was quite shiok to get it out finally... been looking at it and couldn't do anything...

not sure leh. but i remembered the fong mok subsided very fast after taking the jab. the more important thing also is that the allergen must be removed cos the hives will come back as long as the allergen is still there.


where are you doing your pilates? am thinking of starting to exercise also. should be alright 6 weeks after delivery right?
some men are just like that... bu4 zhi4 dong4 one... perhaps it is now time to tell him how much you appreciate some help FROM him. and if he still doesn't get the hint, then tell him specifically what you want him to do. rather than to do everything yourself and find that you can't cope. i hope the situation gets better for you... it's really not easy coz you still have to fetch your older child to and from school...
hi ladies,
am still having lochia 4wks after delivery... is this normal? or is this not lochia already but menses? don't remember having it for so long for the previous pregnancy...
I understand your frustrations. My hubby is also the same as yours - he was more hands-on for my first baby, then this one, totally bochap. Only come home, and peeked at her, and said "So cute!!!" And that's the end of his father duties. Not sure if it's cos my mom's here to help, so he thought she will help me with everything. My mom's going home next week, so let's see if he is automatic enough, sigh. But we can always come to this forum to vent lor...like I said, men very useless, women more wei da!

I am still having lochia now. Sometimes brown, sometimes light red. I heard it may last till 6 weeks after delivery. Wonder if we can still massage when there's lochia? I heard from a friend that it may cause potential haemorrage??

My milk flow also too fast for my baby, so very very messy when feeding baby directly hor. Plus she always spit out a lot of milk. I read from Kellymom that for babies who spit out a lot of milk, it could be they are drinking too much milk too fast from the breast. So, I had been trying to lean back to feed the baby, but she gets very impatient like that....
I more worse lor..got 10 over kg still..moreover going to work next month..must get rid of these excesses by then else i will not be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothings...Wah! Sauna! so shiok..I got no time to pamper myself now..everyday is just feeding and pumping..hubby said my whole body smell of milk now..so bad..

I also want to resume exercise..but i heard cannot do strenuous yet...think pilate or yoga would be a good exercise to start..

My lochia ended around 4 wks after delivery too..
Me oso feel disappointed n discourage when I pump sometimes pump out liao see so little I wonder why I take all the trouble. But still I try to pump every once a while lor. Yah the washing n sterilizing part is really ma fan.

The pd gave me a kinda ear drop to clear the earwax. I think cotton bud just use for the outer ear inner ear better dont use cotton bud. I think so long as your bb ear is fine, no need to clear kua? Coz my bb one ear is okay.. only one ear got so much earwax, and pd ask to use the ear drop on that ear only.

Think I am doing 4 session.. till this Friday coz next week dunno my mum wanna go back msia or not liao

JKJT, linette,
Haha our hubbies sama sama character.. just know how to look at bb say BB cute cute hor.. and thats all liao. Me oso hoping he will be more helpful when my mum go home next week! Else dunno how I can cope man.

Actually me half half abt my mum gg back lor.. one side I am happy coz there countless things I have to force myself to close eyes.. coz some things I already mentioned to her liao but she still after awhile insist on doing it her way. But on the other hand, she have been a great help lor.. esp when I K.O from the nite shift. BB still wake up every 1 2 hours for feeding every nite. Oh I asked pd on how to make bb drink more so that she (and I!) can sleep longer, pd say breastfeeding is like that one.. on demand. She suggested giving FM during the nite.. then maybe bb will sleep longer period.. so unless bb can drink up more, me sooner or later will have to supplement w FM. else will be too zombie to take care of bb durin the day..
you've said exactly what i feel...

bb drank fm just now and after her drink, i sat her up to burp her and within the next second, she threw up almost half of her feed... what could have caused that? it's never happened before... usually she just throws up a very small amt and it's not often also. this time round throw up so much... could it be air? she did not burp. tried very long but she just didn't burp. think for her feed later must stop halfway to burp her before feeding full amt. else she throws up again i have to clean again and it means NO SLEEP FOR THE NIGHT!!!!!!!! zombified liao...
today is CL's last day liao.. she going off at noon... aft tt, we will be on our own.... stress.... :p

will be bring bb to his grandparents' place to pray to ancestors... den will be going to my workplace to distribute cakes... long long day.. :p dunnoe bb okie with going out for so long anot.. :p

tried MIM sarong sling on bb last night... he dun like leh... wail the moment i put him in... but will still bring the sarong sling along for juz in case...

realised tt most of the things we bring out for bb r all for "juz in case"... hahaha...
don't worry, i'm sure you'll cope just fine.

that's the thing with going out with bb. always bringing a lot of barang barang and mostly they are for 'just in case'... but as they get older, we bring lesser stuff, unless going out for whole day.

hope you have a nice time with pin heng out today! tomorrow will be my turn to distribute cakes. and... END OF CONFINEMENT!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!
Hi Shihui!

Today's my CL last day too, and we are planning to lunch with her at Westmall before she leaves. After that will visit baby's grandparents, and then go Orchard Road for a little shopping. Tomorrow we'll bring baby for checkup and then to the office. Just like you, we're keeping our fingers crossed that baby (and us) and tahan the long day(s)....

jia you jia you! u can one lah! after a few days sure will get e hang o it... after 1 wk, feel like pro already! heh heh... mine likes e sarong i tink, everytime i put her inside, she'll keep still n quiet, dunno y... like drowsy drowsy like tt... but me v bad at adjusting e sarong... pull here pull there until so messy... tink i can't put it on in public, i'll look like a siao cha bor! :p


congrats to e end o ur confinement!
v shiok to pull out ur bb's 'gold' rite? tt time i used to aspirator 2 suck until a bit came outta e nose n i pulled at it. woah!!!! an enormous piece came out!!! me n hubby were so thrilled! i noe it'll drop out by itself one day leh but hor, c liao v kau wek mah!

btw hor, me 7 wks liao leh n still haf lochia!!! a bit only lah. sometimes brownish, sometimes reddish! i'm scheduled 4 papsmear this sat leh... if tmr still haf, tink i call e clinic to chk if i can still go 4 pap smear or nt... haiz... y so long? no wonder i've giddy spells... shi xue guo duo...

jackie, mbb, doggiebb,

now hor, i v kiasi, exercise everyday. u noe during our preg tt time there's this 'exercise series' in e newspaper? i cut dn n keep every wk, telling myself i'll exercise after giving birth. those r q gd, cos they've diff exercises 4 target areas. mine r arms, thighs n tummy... honestly, tt's like e whole body lor! ha... now i spend bt half an hr exercising everyday.. wanna go jogging but scared i faint o exhaustion... heh heh...


v happy yest cos i tried bottle feeding my gal. heard fr a few o u bt bbs who dun like e bottle after latching on exclusively, i's a bit worried. but hor, my gal took e bottle like old fren like tt. just gulped n gulped... hiyoh... told my hubby our daughter wld nv starve to death cos once got fodd, she gulps it dn..

she drank bt 70ml n pulled away. tot she dun want liao went 2 pour away e milk! but alas, she's still hungry... haiz... then latched her on 4 another 5 mins... after tt still must pump! so troublesome... u all always latch n pump must b v tiring... i hate pumping, latching so much easier. so i wish e aldies here who r working 2wards latching exclusively all e best! it's really much easier n more convenient!
GG for pilates at one of the CC near my plc...Use to go for step aerobic b4 preggie and love the instructor...She really very good plus so much cheaper as compare to Amore

I do the malay massage while having the lochia/menst...Shld be ok ba

Yap, was thinking pilate less jumpy so shld be a better choise as compare to step aerobic. Will take it easy and rest if my body cannot take it

Shihui, Sylk,
Enjoy yr outing with BB

U so 'good luck' hor.....My MIL bought me the OTO slimming belt but i still have not start using it....Really dont have the time lor....Every 3hrs need to feed BB, latch on, give FM than pump (overall take 1 hr)....How i wish my ss is good enough for exclusive latching..Save so much time and effort .....
alabone, sylk, kimi, Jackie,
thanks! hope bb won't be cranky... heee~
me oso looking forward to bring bb go out shop shop... heee~

wah.. u very hardworking leh... everyday exercise 1/2 hour.. me hor, juz hope tt bf will help me slim down... hahahaa... :p

gd leh.. ur bb likes the sarong... hope mine cried bcoz i dunnoe how to handle him.. maybe when i get the hang of it, he will feel comfy..

congrats on approaching the end of ur confinement..
happy hor... i soooo looking forward to this day... finally can stand under the shower n bathe... shiok ah... :p

u so nice to ur CL.. we juz give her a small angbao.. at most drive her to the mrt station later lor... :p both my in laws n parents dun like her.. :p said she "geng" too much... :p
morning ladies!

Yup, my ger is 18 mth+, end this mth 19th mth liao. She can be rather cheeky at times..

Wah, then faster post ur hayley's photo let me see ley.

Haiz, my hb oso like urs. After CL goes back, everything oso i do. Housework, looking after the kids.. while he come home from work, just eat lah, entertain my ger (onli when she wants him to entertain), else the rest of the time, he is bizzi playing his pc games.

I feel like a maid more than a wife. Worse still a maid who doesnt get paid! Haiz..

Yup, my #2 is a boi.
Mummies, am feeling super tired. slept for about 3 hours interrupted last nite. Evee only slept at 3+am . Her pacifier kept dropping out throughout the nite and she will start crying when it dropped. When she finally go into deep sleep, i have to wake up every now and then to check on my elder girl who started having fever last nite. Now worried if she will pass to Evee.Hiaz....

Afcai, PD did give panadol to Evee in case of fever but there is only very slight chance like 1-2%.

Jackie, breastfeeding can use the oto belt or not? I got the Uzap but too tired and no time to use also not sure if breastfeeding can use as i vaguely remembered the leaflet mention something about breastfeeding and pregnancy.
Hi bobianah,
yup, anyway, for me, I will either avoid or cut down the intake for the listed food mentioned.

during my confinement days, I also have rashes on my hand, forehead and neck. so I only applied the dettol power loh.

did yr bb cry during bath? my gar cry very jalat and when we talk to her, she lessen her crying and then a few mins later bck to loud cryibg.
Hi alabone,
yup, she also self made pillow and boster for bb too. not sure leh, I juz applied ru yi you on my gar' tummy every night.
yah. very shiok to pull it out. still got a bit bit stuck inside then i tried digging out and was surprising successful... felt shiok again. tsk tsk... i sound quite bian tai leh.

i also trying to latch my girl on... but ss not always enough leh. then she wake every one hour one half hour to feed again. damn xian lor... not enough time to go and pump also... want to rest also cannot.. so last night hor... sad to say, i gave in to fm once again... i think she don't like my bm leh, drink already always will regurgitate a bit bit one.

your MIL so good to you ah? bought you slimming belt... lucky you. everytime my MIL comes to visit, she only buy things for the grandchild and her son.

same here! can't wait to bathe again in my own bathroom and don't need the herbal bath and bathe at specific timings! shiok! and don't have to wait until scalp so itchy then can wash hair. always makes me wonder who sets these confinement 'rules'...

my boy is 16 months and also very cheeky and naughty at times. he is so funny lor. i bought him a tiny rabbit which can be wound up to hop around. he liked it very much. then one day the spring inside spoil already then when the rabbit is wound up, it makes a funny sound. then he became so scared of it you know. everytime see the rabbit only cry. my mum very smart leh. she say he every time go climb bed so she put the rabbit on the bed then my son won't even go near the bed. hahahaha. say now he tiam tiam sit on the mattress in the room. my brother and mum told me to go buy more of the rabbit and put at places where he will go climb!!!! so evil hor they all!!!!! but so funny. hee at least to me la.

can totally ustd your tiredness... last night wasn't fantastic for me too... and previously, i had to care for bb and also my son who was super cranky coz had fever which broke out into measles... very trying period. just hang in on there ya? hope your older girl recovers soon and evee sleeps better in the night.

my mum used to apply to my boy everyday after his bath. then i just heard my mum tell my girl while she bathed her yesterday, that she old already. keep forgetting to bring along the ru yi oil to my pl... maybe that's why she hasn't apply for her yet. very effective hor? apply already straight away they put put one. if adults got wind, can apply or not huh?? hmmm...
Hi QSG ,
oic. cos some babies do get fever even given panadol.

now my gar still have irregular feeding. so sometimes wake up half an hr - 3 hr. so tiring.
Abalone, really tough hor when have more than 1 child and 1 or both are sick. Does your hubby help take care of the kids when they are sick?

at least your MIL bought things for your children. My MIL done nothing for me for my pregnancies and bot nothing for my kids.

Kimi, you very the ON the ball, start exercising so soon
i din exercise at all before and after pregnancy. No discipline.
Bobianah, i kept applying calamine lotion on the rashes to ease the itch..after a few times the rashes seem to get better.
Afcai, how old is your girl now? how come still feeding at 1 hour interval? Is it bec she fell asleep halfway through so not really full? Try to wake her up to finish the feed. I have more or less set the feeding routine for Evee. Now about 5 feeds per day. 3-4 hours interval.
My boy also puke last night...the amount he puked is at least 2 feeds..i gotta clean the bed, floor and him..Took me an hour to clear up the mess..think he is not used to mixing 2 types of FM..trying to switch from Similac to Friso but seems like Friso is not suitable for him..

My boi also dun like to be sling..cried everytime we put him in...maybe the way we sling is not comfortable for them...

Is OTO trimax belt effective? I am thinking of buying one to tone up my flabby tummy

The manual only mention pregnancy cannot use but didnt mention anything abt breastfeeding. It 2 different area so shld be ok ba
...Hope yr elder ger recover soon ....Hang it there..

FYI, i am staying with my inlaws cause my hubby is the only child...Guess we learn to appreciate each other along the way n at times close 1 eye lor
