(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hihi all,
just woke up fm my nap.. feeling so much better. guess too tired as hardly got any sleep last nite. Really has this urge to ask my mum to bring bb hayley home with her tonight. Now every night is a nightmare to us.

hi bobianah,
yur MIL so good.. know how to massage for u.

My feet swells a bit n dun know if i still can fit into my sportshoes.

hi mbb,
u r welcome

i not too sure wat oil she used. I find the smell of oil is acceptable. Will ask her tomor abt the oil. Of course yur towel n mattress will tend to have this smell lingering around. This oil is very oily lor... i yet to remove the binder till this evening. Then i will go n bath to wash away the oily feeling.

yes.. payment is only after u finish the last session.

hi bobiahah / shihui/mbb,
thanks for the compliments.
the sock that my bb hayley is wearing is fm Tippy Toes (6 diff cols in mary jane design/box) which my friend got it fm the BP in this forum. Many of my friends find it very cute.. looks like shoes.

Vanessa, thanks! But no go for dynamo cos afraid too strong for bb's skin..maybe will try the warm water method..so kuai zhang..ehehhe

Yesterday had to carry bb from 7.30pm till almost midnite when hubby comes home cos she is used to him carrying her the whole night long when he was on leave she was crying/demanding for it.. must be carrying and walking around whatsmore (not just carrying and no sitting)... so miss another round of pumping again....so angry with hubby. But he still think that its not due to his constant pampering... so angry.

afcai, my lochia did not come back after massage cos was still having it done..but och has the same thing right? So should be normal right?

afcai, Jackie, My hubby no logic one lah..drive me crazy with all those stupid theory about babies that I don't know where he got from... and so stubborn he refuse to listen to reason.. I am so afraid to leave bb to him...

Jackie, how do u squeeze 100+ pp in ur house!!!!!! *shock* hahaha... next time bb wont be afraid of dark but afraid of public toilet cos traumatise since young :p

och, good news abt ur bb
all the effort are paying off
I am also having problem with burping..hubby will give up easily then bb will throw up my precious BM

stephanie congrats! I think all of us have this problem..sometimes I only get to sleep 3 hrs per night...

starluster, thanks for the advice..hope the soap bar won't be too harsh on bb's skin! This is the same advice given by a bbsitter that we interviewed just now
Your hubby like mine..keep carrying bb....sighhh...
haha! not pai seh... my hb side family very westernised type lor... she even help me massage breast 1st time a bit engorge and i dunno wat to do. She got warm water and towel and teach me wat to do... She BF my hb and SIL last time. Anyway, like i said hor, everybody been watching me BF, i immune liao.

yah, quite lucky that my MIL take lessons in massage before. :p after 3-4 days, my feet swell disappeared, she said that first few massage was meant to get rid of water retention. She oso do the tummy wrap for me, compared to when first discharge from hospital, tummy gone down a bit oredi. It's still flabby, but dun look like 6mths preggie anymore lor. heehee! :p
Hi ladies,

I'm a Dec 12 mum and this is my second baby - a girl. I'm having great problems with BF and desperately need any help anyone can provide... went to see gynae yesterday coz i suspected i have mastitis. gynae confirmed my suspicions. she gave me antibiotics and also told me to pump out my milk. this is because baby does not latch on properly and my nipples cracked and when i pumped out last week, it was all bloody...

the whole of last night and this morning, i latched baby on and tried to get her to relieve me of pain, but she sucked for two whole hours and i thought she would be damn full by then. but once i put her to her bed, she started asking for milk by opening her mouth wide and making 'heh heh heh' sounds... latched her on again.

this afternoon, after a really warm shower, i managed to pump out 60ml of BM from the affected breast. i thought i should feel better but now it feels hard again and sore. Why??? Am feeling very tired and though depressed, am trying to put on a front.

was unsuccessful with BF last year with my son too... therefore i still feel like a 'newbie' to BF.

Please advise? Thanks alot!
you stil interviewing bbsitter?
when do you plan to start sending your ger to the bbsitter?
any other good agent to share with me?

bb dun need to drink hot milk, room temp is fine.
your hubby's version of cold milk is out from fridge type?

you lucky devil
got massage everyday.

you still can find time to do blog, huh?
cheer up.. dun be sad..
we all hav our ups n downs..

me too.. aft expressing out bm, within an hour, breast starts feeling full n sore too.. den got to patiently wait for bb to wake up to feed.. :p

n i can't seem to really fully empty my breasts leh.. express till no milk liao leh.. den aft awhile, within 5min, i squeeze my nipple, still got milk come out..
Hi Shihui,

Thanks for consolation. the prob is my breasts are red and sore almost immediately after pumping out. baby suck already also like that. very distressing. applying cold compress and cabbage helped though...

just wish that this difficult period will pass soon. really wanna breastfeed my girl but 'you3 xin1 li4 bu4 zu2'...
Hi Och

Congratz on the gd progress of yr bb...Im sure tat she wil appreciate the hard work which u hv done for her...but I guess as long as shez healthy...nothin else matters...

Hi Dora

Yr bb wanna b a NY bb...tatz a nice date...tat said...itz better to induce oni if yr cervix is dilated...

Hi Shihui

My bb has been hvg yellowish discharge fm his left eye since birth...itz not heatiness...itz due to blocked tear ducts...u can minimise it by massagin the inner corner of his eye...near the nose bridge...it wil norm correct itself by the end of the 1st yr...

Hi Bobianah

Im oso immune to pple watchin me bf liao...but I tend to get edgy when my MIL stands jus next to me n stares directly at my nipple!!!

Hi Alabone

The pd advises me to de-latch the bb after abt 15mins to 20mins on each side...or til the breast feel soft...I used to bf up to 2hrs at the hospital too...but he told me tat some bbs wld happily wanna latch on for 24hrs if u let them...the breast is jus too comfy...

Hi ladies

My bb tends to get cranky at nite...he wil jus cry n graduate to screams...sometimes refusin to b comforted...Im so tired fm wakin up at nite to bf...I tend to shorten my nite feeds as I feel so tired...n sometimes I wil doze off while bf-in...n sometimes I even bf oni after 5hrs when my bb wakes up...feel like a bad mummy...nowadays...he tends to bf on 1 side for abt 20mins...n refuse the other side liao...

I wont b hvg the full mth celebration as I feel tat itz more for the elders...wil bring bb out to buy him a toy toy instead...anyway...I hv been goin out wif bb even durin my confinemt...so bored...
glad to hear that ur gal's condition is improving. keep up the good work.

although ur confinement is over, you better take care of yourself and rest more.

your gal is cute! she wore the Tippy Toe socks in the full month picture is it?

Oh, i slept with fan last nite, isntead of the usual air-con, and i have recovered from my flu lio. You better take care too.

welcome. although ur gal continue to open her mouth after two hours of feeding, maybe she wasn't hungry? that is what i notice with my son. Once he has his feed and i pretty sure he is full (by guessing), i won't latch him on even if he continue to open his mouth and make the "heh heh" sound. I merey carry him and only give in when he cry real hard.
went out today for a movie. watch The Holidays, quite a nice movie meant for the holidays that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. then half way through the movie, i suddenly got a thought that i can't remember how my bb look like.
weird lor!

really not looking forward to the full mth cele this saturday. SIGH!


so happy to hear that your bb is making such great progress. continue to stay cheery okie!


such a cute little outfit your little cutie is wearing!


*pat pat* breastfeeding really not easy. for me, i am feeling rather inadequate cos after every latch on, still need to supplement with either EBM or FM or bb is not full. i typically can express 60ml from both breast. after latching on for 20 mins on both sides, bb still can happily glup down another 90ml of milk. how can my supply ever be enough for her? then sometimes i ask myself, what for i torture myself when in the end, still need to supplement?

oh! and my weight isn't going down. i still have like 10+ kgs to shed. aiyo! dunno how! maybe must go Expressions or something already. Can i like go during my maternity leave? is it too soon?

also, what are some recommendations for full mth cakes, not inviting colleagues to the full month cele so guess need to distribute some cakes. would appreciate any ideas.
Hi Fizz,

i'm just wondering if it's because I have clogged ducts and that's why she can't get much milk? anyway, i agree that many times she's comfort sucking. using my nipple as pacifier! worst thing is she loves to turn her head here and there and tug my nipples along. damn painful...

and if you think you're a bad mother, then you have a 'partner in crime'... i bf till i fell asleep also. and sometimes i become so tired and she latch on for so long i gave her formula... that's why i end up with mastitis i suppose... so now have to work doubly hard to express out milk... every two hours... very hard work.

Karen P,

I think I should try out your method then. i usually let her latch on for one whole hour sometimes two! before i put her back to her bed. unless she cries, i'll try not to keep feeding her.

is anyone here using the avent isis manual pump? i am using it and i pump till got backache. must lead forward to pump right?

I oso hv another 5 more kg to shed...I cant fit into ANY of my pre-preg bottoms...my hips expanded by 2"...n my waist...haizzz...fm a 24" to a 28"...

Haha...my bb luvs to tug at my nipple too...jus like a lil puppy...but make sure u latch yr bb on yr aerola...not nipple...n the lower lip has to b turned out...whenever my bb latches on wrongly...I wil de-latch him til he gets it rite...

I have exactly the same prob. i latch her on for so long then she's still hungry i end up having to supplement with formula where she finishes everything! i wonder what she sucks out of me...

yup. she latches on wrongly very often. that's why i had cracked nipples. now it's better. but the tugging still hurts. i'm trying to persevere in bf but seriously, am on the verge of giving up already...
how can i determine if it's block tear duct or heatiness? how long do i have to massage? sometimes see him like very poor thing lidat.. there's so much discharge until his eyelid was sort of being "glued" together by the hardened discharge..

at least u still had 24" b4 preg.. i waved gdbye to my 24" 10 years ago liao..

wah.. ur MIL very experienced leh.. so nice..
so lucky tt she can help u...

alabone, Fizz,
i oso felt asleep while feeding bb.. can't help it leh.. nothing to do.. den too tired liao.. juz doze off lor.. :p
Fizz, Evee also has alot of discharge in her left eye since birth. PD said due to blocked tear duct and should be better by 2nd or 3rd week but until now not getting better. Did the massage you did for your bb helped to reduce the discharge. How long did you massage his eye? I read about the blocked tear duct, it mentioned if the tear duct din manage to open by 6mths of age may need surgery.
starluster, bought the soap bar and tried out and the results is definitely great (still got abit of stain but almost invisible) thanks!

bohbiahah..wahh..good to have a MIL like urs... actually before i got pregnant i was looking at signing up for post natal massage course cos so many frens around me are getting pregnant and i thot it will be nice to be able to help them..ehehehe

MBB, actually so far I had results 2 way - the number that you gave me, and pasting notice boards at the lift lobbies around my around. Tried 2 other agencies but they are unable to give me as many choices as the agency that you mentioned, maybe cos my area consists mostly of newly wed couples. LLet me know if u wan the contacts of the other 2 agencies cos ur PM is off. For all u know u might have better luck with them. I will have to start work in 6 Feb so I intend to send my bb to bbsitter abt 2 weeks before to confirm that bbsitter is ok that to ensure that bb can adjust w/o mommy :p

mommies, today between 8 and 10pm, there is this line like vein popping up on my right breast from the edge to the aerola area. With lumps.Suspected it was a block duct (never see one before cos all of mine are hidden!). So now painful. So I think about it and I think I will be bringing forward my plans to stop bf bb (initial plan was to bf for whole ML). Got quite sick of always massaging and still encountering block ducts and suffering from mastisis and having to pop panadol and meet LC every week just to clear the block ducts. So I guess I will try to solve the block duct, and if it still persists, let it block and affect the ss rather than to see LC again. Then, let continue to pump/latch to see how much I can get but suspect that will run out of BM very soon so will have to start bb on FM now to get her used to it... poor bb..but kinda sick of the whole thing already..don't even have time to spend with bb cos spending so much time on pumping..only time I get to hold her is during brief latch on sessions. Bottle feeding is usually delegated to hubby if he is around. However, will ignoring the blocked ducts cause infection again? Or since I am stopping bf soon, will the blocked milk inside the ducts dried up and be ok? Will it affect my chance of bf for next kid ? Had already bf her for 6 weeks so hope that she will have enuf antibodies (yes I know there is never enuf) though alot of pp advise me to bf till she is 6 months old.... sighh... guess i am the first one among us to give up!

MBB, he wanted the milk almost out of the fridge type. Anyway now that I am going to reduce pumping will have time to supervise him ..ahahha..today he wanted to starve bb till 8pm though I only latch her for half an hour at 5pm. Have to tell him again that bb will get hungry very fast (not 3 hrs like bottle feeding) when latched but he ignores me again, saying that I messed up the feeding timing.

hahah..doggiebb..now i know why mommies carry their bb pics with them when they go to work..cos they will suddenly remember that they do not rmember how their bb look like..ehehehhe. Suspect that due to slower flow of breasts, bb is only getting abit of milk after latching and therefore wanted FM? Tried pumping after u latch and u will be amazed how much milk u have left in ur breasts....

alabone, I had lots of fingers ache and backache when i use avent manual pump too..ahahha..tough job...

today no night owl har...ehehh
Bloom,if you dun mind pls give me the the agent tel via email [email protected]. cheers

i am going to work end of March, so will send bb to nanny ard mid March.
haiz...the tot of leaving my ger with a nanny is making me sad liao.

you are not the first to give up bf. i din even start

anyway, the cold cabbage works well for me.
i had minor block ducts n it cleared after a few application.
Good Morning Mummies,
Today will be celebrating Ariel's man yue and hooray, can officially be out of confinement.

Your baby not sturborn lah, just that your womb too comfortable liao, she don't want to come out. Pray that you will dilate and show some signs soon

Where to get the fenugreek ? That's what i'm doing now loh, try to introduce my left breast first, but still right breast seems more productive leh.

Hi Mbb,
You log in so early ah. You've no choice that's why have to leave your bb with nanny, so don't feel sad okie.

Ariel has a few mosquitoes bite on her face, can i apply any cream on it ?
Morning Mummies

Giraffe reporting.. no signs last nite as usual...

Anyway, I'm not that frustrated liao... now I'm like ok lor... she wants to come out then come out lor.... if not I'll see her on 1st Jan... I think having an ultimatum date helps lah

Ladies, my left breast hurts on and off, but I have no colostrum whatsoever leh... is it normal? No colostrum now does it mean my milk won't come immediately after I deliver??

wah Really envy you girls..... celebrating full month with your babies liao.... congrats congrats!!! hiaz... my precious girl still dun wan to come out... she's really the xiao mei mei of this thread lor hahahah

Bo chup liao afterwards ask daddy to come and bring me go out for lunch... dun wan to sit at home and wait... :p

U can get fenugreek from GNC. But try not to take the pills to help to increase ur milk flow. Go for natural way. It will be better
Hi ladies,
My confinement is officially over yesterday
...Went to shower under the tap water 1st thing in the morning....One word to describe "SHIOK"...kekekeke....

Have a busy day yesterday distributing cakes to relatives....Was so tried by end of the day that i doze off while carrying BB...Lucky didnt drop him....

Will be bringing BB to PD ltr...Than will do some shopping at Robinson

We staggered the timing so not all 100+ guest for BB shower appear at the same time. Otherwise how to house such a big group in a HBD flat??

Me also bad mummy...At time when BB is cranky hor i also feel like giving up BF...But when BB co-operate during the next feed i will feel everything is worth it...Whether to BF or not is a very personnel choice...Just relax n enjoy the whole process of watching BB grow

Hmmm, maybe yr gal gal really want to be the 1st BB of Jan 07 and have her face flash on national TV
Shihui, QSG
My bb oso hv blocked tear ducts. The PD said to massage from inner eye to end of nose. Just use ur finger, place at inner eye by the nose bridge and stroke downwards to end of nose. Do this 10 strokes for each side and do it 3 times a day. Ive been doing it since she 5days old after taking her to PD. It helps.

mbb, shihui, bloom
ya, i got lucky. :p So, in spite of any other "funny things" my MIL may do...i count my blessings la. :p

dun feel bad abt giving up BF. I only partial BF cos bb dun latch properly, i hv low ss and i was frustrated and crying the first few days home. Now is give bb EBM and FM. And on week nites, my MIL help look after and give her FM. Only weekend then i wake up at nite. I m oso guilty of being lazy mummy.
But, i spoke to many frens (who TBF or TFM their bb) etc and they say more impt I remain happy n stress free for the bb. So, i think as long as it works for the mummy and bb healthy, it is ok. Dun feel too bad abt it.

wah, so nice, go out watch movie.
my only outings have been to the mall and to fren's house and church for Christmas! :p
For those thinking of giving up bf-ing:
Bf-ing is really a demanding job. Though i manage to TBF my boy for nearly a month already, i am also thinking of giving up in another 1 month as everyone around me think i look pale (due to lack of sleep and the fact that i can't eat any chinese herbs for fear of jaundice). Anyway, when i share my thoughts with pd yesterday, he tried to sell me the benefits of bf-ing, the numerous benefits to my boy and myself. He even commented this:

breast milk is the only proven method that can increase bb's IQ, don't you want your bb to be smarter?

oh well, as a kiasu parent, i guess i will continue bf-ing until 6 mos, as long as there is supply. Hope you ladies make it too! (in fact, the pd recommends bf-ing for 1 year!)
Karen P
yalor, a lot of pro-BF ppl will definitely say same thing like ur PD. I also have heard the same thing.

However, I also think it is up to individual, if due to circumstances some mommies cannot TBF, it is ok lor. Cos if not, the mommies who cannot TBF become very stressed oso no use. Those who can TBF, it is good if can BF for 6-12mths.

Anyway, I spoke to many frens, those TBF and those on FM, and i have to say that looking at the FM kids, they are very intelligent and healthy too. I think while BM plays a part in kid's health and IQ, FM will not cause a child to be severely lacking in these areas. I guess other factors count too. I think several docs/PDs are also ok with BM and FM combi.

So, I think we do what we can to the best of our individual abilities for our bbs. If our health suffers, our bb will oso suffer.

yeah lor! it's like i tried to conjure up the image of my bb's face but she's like hazy hazy like that

i think its great that you managed to bf for 6 weeks despite having blocked ducts and mastitis and all that. really not easy!


i agree. the husband was saying if i got really stressed, actually the bm will contain all the enzymes of my stress and perhaps fm may even be better.

hehe..i thought it would be a really nice break away from bb. when she wails really loud for milk and i am not fast enough to latch her on and she chomps down on my nipple, i view her with a bit of fear actually. but yesterday while watching the movie, i suddenly miss her
i always pooh-pooh other mummies when they say they miss their babies...geeez! never thought i will become one of them too! hehe!

my poor bb! still got jaundice leh. last week was 122, this week went up a bit to 133. but doctor say not to worry, with bm, jaundice will stay longer.
any bbs still got jaundice at 3+ weeks?

i'm so pissed off leh! really can't trust subsidised medical care!!!!!

just brought my gal to polyclinic 4 her weekly blood test. after one month, hafta draw more blood using e thick needle n send 2 hosp, cannot use e 'prick' mtd which is less painful.

e stupid missy pricked twice n started drawing blood. i looked n tot how come looked like she's still using e 'prick' mtd. so i asked her n she confirmed my suspicion. still blur blur come n tell me tt it's supposed to b like tt. i told her doc said e blood's supposed to be sent to hosp. it shld b diff drawing mtd... then she looked at e slip, still blur blur must confirm w another missy.

in e end, gotta use thick needle to draw again. but blood flow slowed dn liao. o cos lah she'd already drawn so much! anyway, she panicked, draw halfway gave up. another missy took over. bb was wailing n wailing. poor thing. then another missy draw halfway must prick AGAIN!!! cos hse said blood flow stopped!!!! SO ANGRY!!!!!! in e end, wat cld haf been done w 1 jab, was done w 4!!!! poor bb... n she lost extra 2 small tubes o blood somemore... she's already so small size leh! ^%#&$@&%*%(%

e last time hubby brought her they oso gabra! insisted tt she's nt one mth yet (just 2 days short lor!) cannot use e big needle mtd. but doc indicated to do tt lor. only when my hubby insisted then they followed doc's instruction. or else wld haf made wasted trip... damn all e polyclinics...


watch movie? wow! i'm prepared to give tt up until bb's 6 mths when she starts solids. in fact, must give up any outings more than 2 hrs until bb's 6 mths. cos bb must follow me everywhere. maybe nt 6 mths lah, once BF is v well established, i'll bring her out. at most nurse outside.


heard dunno paragon or tangs renovated their nursing area, got osim massage chair 4 nursing moms leh! shiok! but only nursing mums can go in leh....so even if u all r nt nursing, just bring bb n pretend lor. go in massage 4 15mins after shopping! hah hah..

yest i cried leh. cos my 1st attempt at bathing bb failed. she pooed in e bath but nt a lot so i continued. but scared she pooed somemore so v gancheong then 4got 2 support her head when i flipped her bk over n she knocked her head at e side o e tub... luckily just a small knock n only cired 4 a while. but i cried more than bb... heh heh... nvm, today try again...


initially i wanted to BF 4 2 yrs. i noe recommended is at least 1 yr. but after noeing how diff it is, i set 6 mths.... however, now more or less used to e schedule, even tho bb's nt feeding lesser n shorter, in fact she's been q cranky. each session must take 2-4 latches 4 her to be full. cos she always try 2 adjust her latch then accidentally lose grip o my nipple... or she'll suck 4 5 mins n fall asleep... then must burp, change diaper n wait n wait 4 her to realise she's hungry again... haiz... but used 2 it so somehow nt so tired. tink bcos nt so stressed liao lor, take my time.... stress really takes up lotsa energy...

mine still has jaundice at wk 5, tt's y must draw blood every wk...
TBF bbs might take up to 6 wks to clear... damn e weather, no sunshine at all...
Like JLim mentioned, fenugreek can get from GNC or nature farm, but try not to take it as it's consider class 3 drug, not 100% safe for bb. The best way is still the frequent latching. U can try als after bb finishes, continue to stimulate ur breast with pump for another 5 mins or so.

To prevent blocked ductswhen stopping bfing, do not empty ur breast totally, jus pump a little out to relieve the engorgement n reduce the no. of session slowly.


For ur cracked nipples, try applying bm to ur nipples and air dry it everytime. This will help ur nipple to recover faster. As for ur mastitis, try to massage b4 pump, cos if the blocked ducts are not cleared, any slightest flow of milk can cause u pain. massage b4 every pump. We tends to get blocked ducts now bcos our breasts are still not use to the amt of milk it produce, hence we tends to get blocked ducts easily.
This is my 3rd kids liao, I've also failed bfing with my 1st kid, but with much perserverance and endurance as well as the support from my hb, I managed to bf successfully for my 2nd kid till she's almost 1yr old and I stop due to my 3rd pregnancy. We all learn from mistakes and experience, hence this is a small little obstacle we need to cross, trust me, once u pass this stage, u will find breastfeeding a very rewarding career.

In fact, WHO recommends bfing for up to 2 yrs. My mum also commented that I looked very pale, due to lack of sleep and same, nvr eat chinese herbs, but she knows the outcome of bfing child, hence she didn't stop me from bfing, she just asked me to try to rest as much as possible and I know, after 1 month, when bb schedule is more stable, I will be able to rest well.
thanks for all the encouragement mummies. the results is what's keeping me going, especially since bb got a new retainer on tues, n i'm still going thru the 72 hrs of hell that follows each retainer. bb under a lot of discomfort, cos this one restrains the part of her gum that sits inside her cleft, so she's been crying n crying. yesterday cried fr 10pm to 4:30am. the day b4, 5am until 10am. intermittently thru the day, she's also crying n she cannot sleep. keeps trying to rip the retainer out. very heart pain, but what to do?

hope u r feeling better. i used to cry a lot cos i find motherhood overwhelming. i cannot get enough sleep, cannot give enough milk, don't know what she wants when she cries n still hv to feed, burp, bath her n prepare her for surgery. hv to keep telling myself that bb dun expect me to be the super-mummy, she just needs me n all the love i can give.

i went to watch curse of golden flower. halfway thru the show, i suddenly realise that even when my gal is pretending to cry, she still cries more realistically than jay chou. haha.

dun feel bad lah. bfing is not easy, give what u can. mothering is a complex task, u r not a bad mother just bcos u cannot bf ur bb.

karen p,
need to correct a technicality in ur pd's comment. bm is shown to hv a correlation with slightly higher iq. it's easy to mistake correlation for causation, but in this case, it's still not known if bm is the cause, or if there's a third factor that is the cause of the higher iq. a recent british study implied that, after correcting for socio-economic status which is known to impact iq scores, bm actually did not hv effect on iq scores. i'm not saying bm has no effect on iq, just that it's not proven. what is proven though is that bm gives the bb antibodies.
actually besides ferngreek capsules there is breastfeeding tea from MIM and also Goat Rue capsule all suppose to improve supply besides those soups that you can make. Have got them from my friends but haven't really taken any as yet so cannot give comment but for a friend of mine she said that Goat's rue worked the best to increase her supply . Ferngreek capsules..whether it works also depends on individual. So far my supply is enough for my boy and have been taking those fish soup/red date tea etc that MIL has been making so may have to continue with the fish soup etc after confirnment.

I also agree with Och that BM is not the only factor that may increase bb's IQ. My cousin's boy was on TBF for 6mth ++ but I seriously don't think he is cleverer then my #1 boy(was on partical BF/FM). It all depends on nuturing + nature after birth. For me nurturing and BB's willingness to learn is very impt to increase his intellegence.
och, ruffybear,
Och, well put. I oso remember reading that British study. I agree with u gals too... cos those of my fren's kids who are on fully FM are no less intelligent from those TBF. It has quite a bit to do with nurturing and the type of environment and/or opportunities we give our bbs plus other factors, not just on FM or BM alone.
i was just sharing what my pd said. I agree with bobianah that we should not stress ourselves if we can't TBF our bb. I also agree with och and ruffybear that there are many factors that contribute to bb's IQ. I wasn't breast fed and i certainly don't think i am less smarter than breast fed bb.

so you intend to breast feed your #3 for at least a year too?
Jus want to vent my unhappiness..... These few days, my hse hold is full of virus.... My gals got the flu virus, my mum kena, me kena n now MY DAD!!! How to control the virus from spreading!!! Hiaz, now my Reyna keep wanting to b carried, due to her blocked nose, the moment she laid on the bed, she cried... hiaz.. really not sure if I shld bring her back to PD at TMC.... VEXED leh!!
tank you

i am not as strong as you. tat is why always end up behaving like a cry baby. come to tink of it, i cried more then my ger. hee heee

i went to polyclinic to register my ger for jab. after seing the doctor, i happily left and walked home. totally forgotten tat i need to pay.
aiyo, lucky after lunch i remembered.
so sotong hor?

haha...then my ger's IQ will be the lowest. she never even get a drop of BM.

u mentioned before that u ordered tiramisu cake from tiramisutra.com before.. can i check with u is which is the better one? the original one, baileys or tia maria?

thinking of ordering one for my hb birthday on the 31st.. feel bsd for not able to go out and celebrate with him.. lucky got his pressie already.. if nt really chiam liao lor

you also have mastitis? does it get really painful after each feed or pump? though i massage and use warm towel b4 each pump, i still get the swollen feeling. then after that must apply cold compress... am also thinking of giving up but really don't want to coz it's only been two weeks.


my friend told me the same thing too. to use my breastmilk to air dry it. it helped. when will the blocked ducts clear then?

my son was breastfed for 2 wks only. then i gave fm. and i think he is as bright as any other bf babies. am lucky that hubby and parents don't pressurize me to bf totally. otherwise i'll be really stressed.

by the way, our babies are all sagittarius is it? they are suppose to be little contented babies and easily satisfied. so far it is true for me. natalie does not cry much and only makes 'heh heh' sounds when she needs to drink. hope i'm not jinx-ing myself by saying this...

my ger just threw up a big mouthful of milk, and some even came out from her nose... i got so scared that i screamed for my mummy... heehee my dad rushed in too, think he saw part of my breast.. so paisay...

back to question proper, is it normal for bb to react this way? she has been vomitting milk for the past 2 days but today she vomitted really alot.. ladies, do i need to bring her to her pd? i casually mentioned to my gynae yesterday, he mentioned that its ok for bb to throw up some milk...but just now like really alot, and the milk seems thick and lumpy... could it be from her stomach?
vanessa, we are supposed to take liquor right.. so u can order tiramisu too ma

mummy just make me down a large glass of dom... me rather high now.. the thing is my ger is still wide awake after her 1pm feed, in fact she has nt slept since her shower in the morning, always wanting grandpa and grandma to carry

if she wants milk now, i dun know wat to do man,, sure cannot feed her now, if nt she will be as high as me man.. heehee

so must pardon me if my sentence dun make sense
not true for mine leh.... but once given the breast, awhile also good, then she will be quiet...

The blocked ducts will clear if u managed to clear n empty ur breast diligently. Normally by 6 weeks or so, the blocked ducts will minimised, but still got to clear n empty the breasts, else the blocked ducts will still occur.
i tried mums kitchen during my wedding reception.. nt that superb lei... its nt bad but nt tat terrific...

any one got recommendations for malay catering? i tot of offering pratas during my gals full mth, so tot might as well do malay food all the way..
vanessa, my hb got me the PIS yesterday.. as a xmas pressie.. still have nt tried it

but seems complicated lei.. if i need to hold both bottles with 2 hands, where do i find the 3rd hand to turn the switch?


the ducts take so so long to clear? aiyo... need a quick reply to this. my girl was awake and seemed like she wanted milk so i took out the ebm and warmed it. then now she sleeping very soundly. so what happens to the milk? cannot put back cannot keep outside right? must only go into her stomach right? she not hungry she won't open mouth one...
