(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

you better tk some vitamin c supp if your confinement dun allow you to eat oranges.

my dad is down with flu and cough. now i hv to hide myself and bb from him. very fed up with him coz he refused to take med. be4 he was sick, every nite went kopitiam to watch scocer.
i have already told my mum not to get him down for such a long stay. be4 i gave birth, we hd to rush him to the dentist coz his gum was swollen then he had eye infection

i wonder what is next??????

hi five!! whenever my ger sleep like a pig, i cant sleep. when i am really sleepy then it's her turn eyes wide wide.

Happy Anniversary

i am sure during my bb shower, my ger will be musical toy, being passed ard. sian...but as long as the guest dun shake bb then i will ren. i know one of my hb's aunt loves to shake bb like a cocktail mixture.

how come the frens lidat? where's their manners?
at least give a call to annouce their no show. pat pat never mindlah. at least now you know their true colors.

hmmmmmm....i am also worried abt after ML. for you still better coz you get to see bb everynite after work.

hi ladies..wanna check with u all some things..
usually bb will sleep after each feed? my bb always want to be carried...is that sign of colic?
very stressful for me..coz i got to attend to him everytime he cry... he doesnt want to lie quietly on his bed..
sigh! so discouraged! after feeding 20 mins on each breast, bb still fretting and CL actually fed her another 90ml of my EBM and she glup it all down! aiyo! then now she got contented face and sleeping so soundly. then CL say my bb is xiao san dong who needs to eat 3 big bowls of rice then enough! pwahahah!

my pathetic breasts can only yield 60ml when i express. am regularly latching on or pumping every 3+ hours but still supply is so miserable.

oh about the trembling of the lips, CL actually said it's normal.

think i am extending my CL for another 2 weeks. she was the one who is keeping my sanity for me. she is very experienced and has such a sense of humour that helped me not focus on the bad side of things.

actually is it ok to hold full month celebration after the actual date?
normally ppl pantang. so will not have bb shower after the actual date.

dun tink your bb have colic.
if you carry bb and able to pacify bb within a short period of time, it's more likely tat bb wanna attention.
you may wanna try patting him while bb is in the cot instead of carrying him.
i normally does tat. only at nite time i carry and pat her so tat she can go to sleep.
i can undersatnd how tiring it is.
on the brighter side, bb cries alot in daytime is not suffering fr colic. if have colic, it's worst.
you will have to find a method tat works to sooth your boi .

i tried music,singing,talking,rocking,pleading and lately i found tat my hair dryer sound does magic

my ger will calm down when she hear the sound of my hair dryer switched on.
Will still observe the 40days rule. Really cant wait to go under the tap for shower and drinking of plain water

Vanessa, MBB,
Hubby n me never like the idea of full mth celeebration...Went ahead because of the old folks...

Xie xie nie.....In fact i expect alot of ppl cannot make it for the full mth celebration due to the date (xmas eve). Just let us noe or at least call mah.....

same here lor. was thinking don't do full mth cele one but because of the old folks, first grandchild for both sides, so no choice lor.

i think of the circus for that day i sian liao, plus me still so chubby chubby de, don't want pple to come see me leh!
Me too, looking forward to next week.....

Haiz, times flies, though bb r difficult to look after at nite, now when full month is approaching, I kind of misses the feeling of pregnant (though I wish to gain back my slim slim figure) and the labour process... wonder whether I hav another chance of going thru the whole process again though the later part is really no joke...

MBB, berry,
For colic bb, sometimes the sound of vaccuum cleaner or the washing machine can sooth the bb. I read this from somewhere.
Good luck for your full mth celebration.....I have another round of cake distribution tml. 1st full day outing with BB. Wonder how it will be like
. Only worry is the BF part...MIL was telling me to give FM
...Make it sound so easy, ltr engorge i suffer leh. Worst if the supply drop...

I also miss being pregnant and the miracle of having a little BB moving in our tummy. Hubby just dont understand when i tell him abt it.
Tentatively, we are stopping at 3, but I was telling my hb if financially persist in a few years time, I may try another one b4 I turn 30

At this moment, all the 3 kids are too young for me to try the 4th one....

May I know where u order ur cake huh?
Dey, u apply the oil on your own. After applying, wash hands with soap and if need to BF, no problem? I'm worried that the oil will stay on my hand after washing and if need to BF, will be an issue.

Fm Christmas early morning till now, my gal has bn pooing a lot. Almost after every feed she poo, if not poo can hear her letting go gas.
Last night while changing her diaper she poo watery watery, I think is lao xia. I am really worried and pray hard that nothing wrong with her. Will monitor today, hope the continuous poo poo & gas stops. It disrupts her sleep and she cant sleep for long or need to be carried to put to deep sleep before placing her down. If not she will wakes up. Hubby coming down with a cold, thus cant help to carry. Hiaz

Tomorrow due to bring her to the polyclinic to check jaundice level. Will ask the dr abt her poo poo .

Any particular confinement food will cause baby to have tummy discomfort? Is it ok for me to drink double boiled DOM? I drank on Sat night more than 2 hours before BF.
Vanessa, hows the stock the market last nite? Mine was bad, refuse to sleep from 6pm to almost 2am. Tried every method till hubby said he felt like smouldering Evee and i also very frustrated, few days ago, i felt like throwing Evee on the floor. Hope it is not the start of PND. According to the clinic assistant, Dr Ong will be back on 28 Dec, Evee will be seeing him on 29 Dec for injection and her ear since like not getting better. Reyna's cold is getting worse?
my wound is no longer painful. i tink it is healing well kua. but from time to time, i get abit of cramp on the lower abdomen.
wat abt you? i am starting my massage on the 8th jan.
lately, i am not losing any weight. water retention is still bad coz i am still unable to wear my wedding ring

today stock market is very quite. maybe it's due to the weather.
i am going to catch a nap myself

ma also dun look forward to bb shower. still like an oil barrel, nothing to wear. really not in the mood to parade myself.

if i have child no 2, i will skip bb shower.

Jia You! i am havng doubts leh.
i do missed the pregnant part but i am not sure if i can pass the bbsitting part.
mbb,my wound also ok..not painful..
i also not losing any weight..i also cant wear my wedding ring..heard water retention will go away slowly..my water retention is quite bad..
i also dunno how to lose that 6-7kg...
I am ordering the cake from choz

The government love ppl like u whom give birth to so many kids. For me hor, will stop at 2

Is BB on TBF? If yes the poo will be watery de...Hope BB is fine

Cool cool, we are all in the same boat. Maybe u can ask someone to BBsit for a few hrs than u can hubby can have a break

Maybe we shld gather for exercise session and encourage each other along the way. Than we shall all be mei mei mummy
Berry, i completed my 7 days massage and still can't wear my wedding ring. Hope to be able to wear my ring soon too.

Jackie, yes bb on TBF. I pray that she will be fine too just that she never poo this much before and only recently I hear her passing gas/poo after feed.

QSG, try get someone to help babysit for you while you & your hubby go out and relax relax.
Thks for ur info.... last nite market also not too gd especially I'm down with cold. Same as u, sometimes I feel like shaking her so that she faint or sometimes I feel like slapping her, but end up I slap myself.... I thot only me got the prob, so it seems quite common, at least u've got the same sypmtoms as me.
Reyna's cold not getting better leh, seems like she's having nose block n sometimes it interfers with her feeding. Now am wondering if I sld bring her to KK or Anne's bb n child clinic.... spend alot $$ liao... hiaz....

heehee, I dun like kids, especially when they r very very naughty.... but I simply loves to give birth...hahaha, bian tai hor....

But govt dunno me leh, so far only make life difficult for me rather than easier....=P
hi all! Hope u had a great Christmas!

Took bb to christmas service yesterday and she slept thru everything...didn't even cry when it was her feeding time.
so co-operative...everybody came and say she so guai...if only they know how she usually is... hahaha! :p

deardar, Lil,

Vanessa, MBB
i also miss the pregnant part but not the waking up to look after bb part! :p Not sure if will hv no. 2 cos i oso not young oredi. And looking after bb not easy.

i oso no choice hv to do the full-mth thingy, cos this is first grandchild on both sides. I think abt it oso scared...70 ppl in my house...eeeee!

I dun think i will be inviting my frens/colleagues liao... tho would really like to do something with them.

the cupcakes not very good ah? hmm...maybe i dun order. Ya, they are rather pretty to look at!
Dunno if shd order for 1st mth or not...maybe order the same boring stuff...esp if hv to deliver type... WIll hv to send to my office who gave bb stuff...

ladies, do you give the cake to those who give presents? incldg frens/colleagues?

dun have to worry if your bb is on TBF, their poo will be watery.. is it yellowish?

Vanessa, hope tat reyna will recover soon.. and u better take care of yourself too.. if nt how to take care of reyna..

ladies who had done their malay massage, does she focus alot on your tummy? mine never massage my tummy for beri long lei.. max is 5 mins. is it normal?

MBB, the cupcakes that you mentioned are from the cupcakes mamma? Not nice har? was still thinking of ordering them for my gal's full mth.. how's the size like? will it look pathetic if i have a pack of 4 cupcakes as a gift?
Thks. but if reyna dun recovers first n let me sleep, I can't recover. Luckily last nite my hb took over the early part of the nite so that I can sleep, cos I'm really knock out yesterday, can't get up tp attend to her,...today I'm better liao...
thks alot....I will, due to her blocked nose, she can;t sleep in the day as well, jus managed to put her to sleep only since this morning....
Hi Jackie,
yup, agreed with what u menioned that saying that give FM easy, MIL/mum won't understand out suffering part. hai....tat's why conflict took plc. sian...
went robinson sales with mom juz now.. wah.. i reach there ard 10.40am n there's already pple queuing to pay for items liao.. singaporeans r really kiasu.. heee~ :p bought my ameda pump.. but weird leh.. onli instruction on how to assemble pump.. din teach me how to operate leh.. can't find the intructions at all..
think i got to trial n error later..

wanted to buy McDonald milkshake aft parting with mom juz now.. but, when i walk to Mac, saw my mom in the opposite direction walking towards me.. there goes my milkshake.. sob sob... :p got to guai guai go home drink red date tea.. :p

maybe i able to tolerate my own smell better.. haha.. :p now everyday i juz tie up my hair n ignore it.. :p today can't shower again.. can onli wipe.. coz raining.. sian..

aiyo.. now u having flu u need to rest more leh.. go take afternoon nap while ur gal sleeps.. else not enough rest ur body can't fight against the infection... take vit C n drink more water too..

wah.. now u already thinking of number 4 liao ah.... really peifu u.. :p me dun dare think of no. 2 yet.. the symptoms i suffered during preggy is okie to bear with.. it's aft bb pop.. aiyo.. the resposiblities etc is really big.. :p now i dun get the chance to return crying bb to pple liao.. it's my crying bb being returned to me.. ahhh.. :p

enjoy while u still can.. life as a cow is worse than giraffe.. :p now i'm hoping tt bb is still in me.. :p at least i can get queen-like treatment fr hubby.. now, no more gdnite kisses fr hubby liao.. n he looks at bb more than me.. sian..

so nice.. bb finally full mth..
nvm lah.. dun be bothered too much by ur frens who din turn up.. at least now u noe their pattern..

mine depends one.. sometimes sleep aft feed.. sometimes get cranky n refused to sleep.. juz want to be carried until the next feed...
MBB, oh no..means my colic nightmare might start soon..got to stock up on Gripewater liao... thanks! Why are u feeling low? My CL also like ur mom.. do funny things until every time I have to scold her until she become so nervous but no choice cos she did not even know basic things like must close window when bathing bb....

afcai, how long had u had ur lochia? I had something similar, lochia 'ended' after 1month 1 week then a few days ago I got red stain (now brown on and off). Someone here said its ok to have lochia returning after stopping.

och, o ic.. i thought i am the only one who always skip pumping (aka NOT diligent enuf :p)

Seems that alot of us have bbs that are throwing up milk... hubby said bb must drink cold milk cos warm milk have 'wind' so he always feed her cool milk! So stupid. Playing with the health of my bb! So angry with him. Plus he also don't like to spend time burping her

Dora, ask doc to induce NY eve lah :p

Jackie,..biang.how come ur frens like that one...

doggiebb, glad u have a good CL!

I think I must be the only exception that does not miss being pregnant... I was telling hubby that maybe next kid we should adopt a 1 yr old so that we can skip this part of the nightmare..ahahahha...

BTW, anyone using cloth nappy and feeding BM? How do u get rid of the poo stain on the cloth? We scrub and scrub but the yellow stain remain..jia lak....
I know, but drinking alot of water is impossible when u can only drink red dates or brown rice water, furthermore got to be hot too....bb can't sleep, now in my arm sucking.... put her down n when she starts to make those snorting sound, she will wake up n cry....

U very daring leh, dare to try milkshake now... steady leh.. my turn to pei fu u... u out already where's ur bb?
heee~ actually i drink plain water liao.. :p but drink it warm lah.. :p me glutton mah.. miss the milkshake.. :p

btw, for the ameda pump, how often do we need to sterilise? once a day or aft every pump session? the instruction stated once a day onli leh...

ya.. engorgement pain is really jialet.. juz now went robinson shopping.. onli 4 hours leh.. den my breasts turn rock hard.... aiyo.. quickly pump it out when i reach home.. n i actually got more than 125ml milk fr both breast within 20min.. :p my avent bottle onli shows marking up to 125ml.. it's nearly full to brim liao.. felt so proud of myself.. haha.. :p
I sterilise once a day but that is no choice, cos I use it in my office, can't afford to keep sterilising... just follow the instruction lor. but every time u use got to wash n rinse with hot water better.
speaking of sterlising, do u gals use those sterilising tablets? i started using them for the breastpump and noticed tat there is this chemical smell.. are those tablets really safe?
another question, my gal has been sleeping for longer and longer periods nowadays... for example today, her last feed was at around 11 plus and she has been sleeping till now

all efforts to wake her are futile.. she just keep sleeping and sleeping.. is it normal? do i have to bring her to PD?

in addition, she used to be able to have full 15 mins feeds on both breasts, but for these 2 days, she can only drink from one breast for 15 mins and then she will fall asleep, and NO ONE and NOTHING can wake her up... i m really concerned abt this.. is she taking in enuff? as for her output, she does have around 5 poos per day... sometimes the poo got alot, sometimes its just alittle bit. does it shows that she has enuff?
Hi Vanessa Lu,
same here. I am also coping with sleepless night these few day, y'day, I did not even slp, dunno why bb dun wan to sleep, fed her at 0830pm then woke up fed her at 11pm and then placed her to slp only at 12+. she woke up again at 1am+, fed again till 2am. then woke up again at 3am again all the way dun wan to slp till 0630am. wake up at 07am again. wow whole night dun need to slp. my hubby attended to her fr 0730am onwards till 0830am when she cried non-stop then I fed her again. hai....

hai...my mum won't understand, everytime say milk not enough....

ok, gg to slp now.
Hi melody_vin,
my gar did pass gas oftenly these days.yup, last time, the grip water contains alchol now it is alchohol free.

I also told my mum give her drink when necc or per week twice, dun give her daily, not gd.the same goes to the jin geng shan.
Hi Shiui,
I only bath 2-3 times per wk only and towel bath twice with boiled water per day.

hmm I have my last bath since sat only, these few days weather is rather cold man.....

do be careful, dun squat, luckily, the toilet bowl is those seat type (unlike my mum's plc, squatting type).
dunno why mum/MIL got this traditonal thinking, always give herbs.med etc to bb. the reason they give is to prevent this and that. then i told her that if one wanted to prevent fever, must one eat parandoml daily?

yup, agreed, better dun let bb consume so much cos they still small not even 1 mth yet.

wow, luckily, u read the instruction for that particular oil or else...

oic, I will drink essence of chicken in the morning. alternate day, my mum will cooked black chicken soup with herb and drink it ard 9pm.

my mum also applied ru yi oil every nite on bb and then use a small cloth (she sew it herself) to place and tied ard bb tummy. wow, I guess with that, my gar sweat a lot.

do be careful, dun squat or carry heavy thing, not gd for womb.

hopefully, everything is normal after copnfinement.

HB decided this time around won't give cakes/cake cards coz he is lazy to deliver...instead will order 2 secret recepie cakes to cut during 1st mth celebration on 13th Jan. Have already settled the catering for tea time.

How to operate ameda pump very easy.. just adjust the 2 dials on the front 1 for cycle( type /length of suction) this one I still dunno what's different it makes if you turn the dial at different angles..the other one is suction power.

Have you tried using Karvol to help relieve Reyna's blocked nose? I used it for #1 and it is quite effective

I will stay away from sterlising tablets coz they will cause discolouration and cause the things you sterlise to wear and tear faster then steam sterliser.
