(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hi mummies,
anyone can help me?
my 1st wedding anniversary is coming. but i simply have no time to go out shopping for a gift for hubby.
any one know if which shopping mall has online shopping function available?
or any1 know of any website where i can shop online for men's wallet/key pouch?

Hi Bloom,
it's been 3 wk since I have given birth. lochia become red then brown then no more then back to red after last wk massage.

hmm where got logic feeding bb with cold milk? not gd man.....
Same here lar..some of our so-called good frens also didn't turn up for my boy's full month party last sat and did not bother to call to inform
My cakes are also from Choz! Distributing to relatives this thursday, the actual full month day...then my aunt told me on the actual day must bring baby out for a walk..most prob will bring him to Orchard road for shopping..hope that thurs will be a sunny day..

By the way, my boy seems to poo lesser these few days..like for today, he hvn't poo for whole day already...is it normal for baby to poo lesser as they get older? How do we know if baby is suffering from constipation?
Disadvantage of sterilsing tablet, beside wat Ruffybear mentioned, it will cause the equipment to hav a bleach smell.

Is this Karvol suitable for infant like Reyna? Nvr heard of it b4 leh...
thanks vanessa and ruffybear,

so other than the bleach smell and the faster wear and tear, is it safe for the bb?

really concerned that she is consuming those chemicals

i am steam sterilise at home everyday, but in future when i go back to office, how am i to steam sterilise everytime i use the pump?
It's normal if bb is on bm. bb suffers from constipation when after a few days of not pooing, the stool is hard. Bfed bb can go w/o pooing for a few days bcos the nutrients are all absorb into their body, hence no waste, n the next time they poo, it's still the usual watery yellow poo....

And yes lor, bb full mth must bring bb out... my mum told me sometimes ppl pantang n bring a stone back with bb, so that next time they will hav no problem go outside..
Just wake up from my beauty sleep...Feel so shiok

The guest list for my BB full mth celebration is 100+.....*Faint* man....I just entertain my friends...The house like market plc full of ppl...Glad that it is over

Sick BB are even more cranky....Do rest and power nap whenever u can...

afcai, Shihui,
Ya lor, engorgement is not joking matter even though my milk supply is low. Only women whom BF will understand de....

Envy yr milk supply.....I am going down this thursay to get the medela mini pump...Hopeful with this new pump n frequent pumping i am able to increase the milk supply..

Cold milk for BB?????Yr hubby need to attend antental class lor....

So sad right...NVM, at least now i noe those so call good friends liao....BTW yr caterer is Angle's Restaurant right? How do u find their food?? Mine hor terrible leh...I order for 75pax but the qty is more like for 35pax...End up calling them to complaint....Lucky they sent someone to top up the food

I was told that during BB full mth must bring BB to public toliet so in future they are not afraid of dark. Wonder how true

can har? hmm, maybe i will try tat..
so u will sterilise them before bring them to work?

another question, when you buy the PIS, wat does it come with?

does it come with the cooler bag?
Ya, at nite when I come home I sterilise it n prepare it for next day use. Usually I will sterilise liao, then put in ziploc bag so that it's clean lor....

PIS comes wif everything. Mine is the backpack one, so it's advanced model. It comes with cooler bag which can b put in the backpack as well as ice brick n 4 extra bottles. There's also an attachment for use as manual pump....
My boy is on partial BM and partial FM..since he is not on TBF..should hv poo at least once a day right? Aiyo..I am so worry..my boy seems to be asking for milk every hr even though i hv BF him for 1 hr and then fed him with 90ml of FM...is this the growth spurt u ladies r talking about?

Dun find the food from Angel's restaurant very good..only the curry can make it... I ordered braised Beancurd with veg and guessed what..I can't even see much beancurd in there lor..just a pile of vegs..and then their honeydew sago cannot make it at all..no sago no honeydew..just some greenish water that taste like honeydew..quite disappointing...
Bring a stone back? Hehe..my aunt never told me to bring a stone back..but she did place a stone under my bed and told me not to remove it untill 3 days later...

Haha...a bit strange leh...public toilet not dark at all mah..anyway...when i bring baby out this thursday will bring him into toilet also :p
hihi ladies,

finally our bb full month celebration is Over yesterday. Our hse was so packed with guests that we can hardly walk. Been too busy to entertain our friends/colleagues/relatives (ttl over 60 ppls), we dead tired after the event ended.

We r quite pleased with stamford catering esp their lemon fish n rendang mutton.

As for colic, thanks for yur advices. I will try to monitor her if she pulls her legs to her stomach when she cries. My mum also just got me the ruyi oil to massage on bb stomach.

My stock market pretty bad last nite. Thought after her event yesterday, she will be super tired. After her feeding at 1am.. bb refused to sleep till 4.30am. This morning she super cranky too fm 7am to 10am. She used to wake after nearly 4 hr sleep.. now she wake up fm 3 hrs sleep. is it normal?? how come her sleeping pattern getting shorter n shorter?
brought my bb to orthodontist again today. feeling v encouraged, cos her cleft is smaller.
at least all the sleepless days n nights r worthwhile.

r u feeling better? is reyna recovering? my hubby is still ill. forcing him to eat vit c n banning him fr getting close to bb.

cold milk to bb?!?! burping is a pain, my bb is taking longer n longer to burp.

pis funnels dun need to sterilise everytime, only need to sterilise 2-3 times a day.

there were two days when my bb din poo too. according to nuh nursery, as long as they poo the next day, it's ok, not considered constipation. my bb also on partial bm, partial fm.
Hi mummies,

Sorry been MIA for so long cos i actually went n popped on 16 Dec
So now i'm mummy to lil Baby boy Lucas

He's soooo cute but sigh... I'm very stressed leh... everyday worrying abt whether he's too hot/ too cold, got enuff milk or not etc. Then at night, I dont get much sleep and day time, somehow also I can't sleep so really tired all the time.

Now he's only 10 days old but got blocked nose until sound like can't breathe deeply... so gg back to TMC PD tonight... just for peace of mind my mum say. But so terrible, it's been raining non-stop today. Anyone else's baby got this kind of blocked nose so young? Feel so heart pain to see him like that. Then also wonder whether so young should take medicine or watever... poor thing!

He wakes every 2+-3 hrs for feed then will sleep after only 10-15 mins on one breast. Is that too little?! So does this also mean I should pump the other side after he feeds one side only? Wah shiong leh like that! cos usually after feed, still take another almot 45mins to tryyy to burp him (most of the time, he wont even burp!) Plus usually feed half way he will poop and pee so need to change him before putting him back to sleep agn. Is this normal?

sigh... really not feeling very great these days but my sis always tell me it will pass... don't be so stressed. I'm feeling abit lousy also cos feel like everything is so new and strange and feel so ill-equipped to handle motherhood. Like change diaper and burp and worse, bathing him still need mum and hubby or my sis to help!

Any advice mummies? I wanna be a happy mummy leh!
just checked Karvol capsules are for 3mths and above so not suitable now. It is a liquid in capsules that you break... put on a hadkerchief near the baby to inhale at night to clear their nose. They sell at gurdian/watson.
Ya man...Angel Restaurant really cannot make it...I also order the Beancurd with veg n face the same problem too....Guess it there standard ba....Will never order from them again liao..

Glad to noe yr gal is coping well.....Keep up the good work mummy

Congra on the safe arrival of your prince
....We are all facing the same problem...As for burping hor, just pat for 5min and stop if BB dont burp...Try applying "Ru Yi Oil" it does help BB to fart...At least the air come out through different channel
..My confinemet will be over tml but till date i have not try showering my BB...My MIL is the one doing it...So hor just have to admit that we need help here and there....Relax and enjoy yr BB
my bb oso hav slight block nose.. sometimes he snort.. :p den he breath thru his mouth sometimes.. but still okie so far.. dunnoe if he got sensitive nose anot...

i got tt much bcoz i din pump/feed for 4 hours leh.. wah.. engorgement was so bad.. when i reach home, the onli thing on my mind is pump out the milk fast... :p

thanks for the explanation..
i managed to find the instruction hidden somewhere in the box finally.. :p it's really easy to operate..
btw, did u sterilise aft every use? coz the instruction onli say sterilise once a day leh..
Hi Everyone,

Happy Belated Merry Xmas
Hee, managed to attend xmas service (with mum in law and my hubby plus bb and my elder gal). So happy :D. But wear pants, put on cardigarn, make sure bb wrap until like 'ba3 zhang3' like that hhee.

Have been busy with my gal, and hardly have time to log in. Whenever i try to use computer, my gal will come and disturb.

You very steady leh, with 2 older kids around you still can log in regularly. My bb has been waking up almost every 1 hr for feed from 3am, 4am, 5am and 6am.

And in the day, after her milk, she seems want to have her pacifier but whenever i gave her she pushed it out. Than i latched her on again, she happy liao. I pull her out and put her on her cot she woke up. And have to latch her on again. Aiyo...hope this phase will pass soon. And hope her nite feed will be more stabilise.

Me also having more milk on right breast and less milk on left breast. And i seems to be expressing only 70ml of milk after 3hr. Like very little leh, been trying to pump every 3hrly but still like that. Vanessa, anyway to increase the milk ?

Hi Och,
Thank God your bb is progressing well
Happy for you.

Hope bb Reyna will be well soon.
hi ladies,

finally got time to read e postings. but too many liao... by e time i scrolled till e end, totally 4got who said wat liao...

anyway, 4 e past 3 days, haf been shuttling b/w entertaining guests at home n attending 2 my dad's funeral... managed to squeeze hosp visit, e funeral (haf 2 go dn everyday) n 3 parties (having 1 rite now)!!!! n still managed to latch Mandy on exclusively... am q thankful... but starved her a couple o times, so sorry 2 her... oops!

so haf been booking cab here n there. everyday must time her feedings n make sure she feeds just b4 i leave home. then make sure i get home just b4 her next feeding... v hectic m tiring... a bit torn b/w my role as a daughter n mother. cos my mum q sad over my dad's death but i can't stay n console her, always haf 2 rush home. i din fulfill my duty as a duaghter oso cos i can't b at e funeral 'thanking' ppl who attend e wake... like so unfillial hor? but no choice, haf 2 thicken my skin n stay home to feed mandy... my mum told me to use EBM but i try nt to cos her latching's nt v established yet, scared o nipple confusion...

thur hubby nt at home, i haf to bring mandy to polyclinie then haf to go dn columbrium to pay respects to my dad... hmmm... gotta bring mandy w me liao... hopefully it doesn't rain tt day...


must take care leh! weather nt gd lah! v chilling. esp when we BF hor, v exposed. remember to wear extra clothing ok?


happy 2 hear tt! shld b kinda like a morale booster eh? jia you!


bb got wheezing sound normal one. mine oso. i tink a few other ladies mentioned theirs oso n they asked e PD, he said it's normal. nothing 2 worry bt. as 4 BFg times, i've already stopped worrying liao... mine can feed 45min sometimes, 10min other times... as long as pooing n peeing normal ok liao.. bbs haf diff appetites at diff times. they'll noe wat's gd 4 them so dun worry...

ur sis is rite... it'll pass... after a while, u'll get so used to ur bb's seemingly erratic behaviour u won't worry liao...

4 me i just remember: got poo, got pee, no fever = bb fine!


i oso v scared o bathing bb. so far, haf been bathing bb w my hubby. but sch's reopening soon n i've to take over liao. she peed n pooed on me a few times b4, nt a gd experience lah... plus like nt easy to flip her over to clean bkside... n must work sooooo fast! sigh... tmr my 1st day hands on... wish me luck...

i've already taken over laundry fr hubby liao... hope i'll b able to cope well when hubby starts working again!
the cupcake will be nice as first mth's gift. taste wise is just normal but as gift, it's really unique. my SIL and nephew liked it very much

SIL tink it's beautiful while nephew enjoyed the high sugar content.
size is the one bite kinda but dun worry. it's so sweet tat a bigger piece will be wasted.

4 pcs is ok to me but 6 pc would be purfect

my hb also lah.
kiss bb be4 leaving for work and once step into the hse, his attention is all on bb

i am pissed at times but no choice lah.
i would rather hb is very into bb then those bo chap kind.

v happy to hear the good news!

pat pat..i am going thru the same cycle too.
very happy to have bb by my side but whenever my ger hv new routine/pattern. i became very stressed.
jackie, geri, kimi, mbb,
thanks. it's a great morale booster to know her cleft shrank in size. hopefully, we r on track to correcting her lip n gums by 3 months old.

oh dear, ur schedule sounds exhausting. do take care of urself.

i went thru that phase too when madeleine came home with me. i was really depressed at one point, just kept crying. it's the hormones. part of the transition into motherhood i guess. nowadays, i tell myself to accept whatever help i can so that i will hv the time n energy to enjoy the little moments with my bb n to watch her grow, like how she unwittingly flashed her third finger at my mum while we were bathing her n how i had to battle her for 5 min to burp her during her feed just now, while she arched her back, twist n turn her head to avoid going into a burping position. in the middle of the battle, she suddenly burped. think she surprised herself, cos she suddenly stopped struggling n opened her eyes wide wide to stare at me. haha. bb grow v. fast in this stage, every few days, i see something new fr her. i tell myself that when she's older, i will want to hv a whole collection of stories abt those little moments, so cannot get stressed abt learning all the mundane tasks that i forgot i needed to bond with her n watch her grow.

burping for 45 min must be exhausting. usually, i try to burp for max 10 min, if bb still dun want to burp, i put her in an inclined position for 20-30 min. usually she will self-burp. if u hv to put bb to bed, lay ur boy on his side, so that even if he regurgitate milk, it will dribble off the side.
Just finished feeding my boy ...now waiting for my breast pump to be sterilised before i can pump and then go back to sleep...

Ya lor..this is the first and going to be the last time i order from them...

Glad to hear that your girl is doing well

My hubby the same lar...in fact, he is the first person to run to baby when he cries..better than me...hehe..

Cheer up..most of us hv gone thru the stressing period here too..I also hvn't learn how to bath baby yet..my mother in law has been doing this for me..we will learn as we go along...
Morning ladies,

I only used it once so far. Have been using the medela manual pump instead coz it is quieter and won't wake bb up...unless bb is sleeping in another room(hall) then will use the dual pump when he misses his feed.

I will sterlise it once a day with his other bottles.
Morning Ladies...

The last giraffe reporting here.... Baby is officially overdue today!!!! Will be going to the gynae later and see what he says... sigh.... Really hope that she'll come out naturally so that I dun have to be induced....

Congrats on your bb boy!!

I'm so happy to hear that your baby has made good progress... all the hard work tat you've put in is finally paying off!!

Oh dear, your schedule really sounds hectic... please dun feel that you are not a good daughter/mother... I think you're already very very amazing to be able to keep up with all that..... You are already doing your best and I'm sure your mum and dad will understand.... But please remember to rest well and take care of your own health too....
glad to hear tt ur gal is doing better now..
wah.. seems like there's quite alot of cute little moments fr ur gal..
think i'm too engrossed in feeding my bb tt i forgot abt his little moments.. shall make an effort to bond with him now...

icic.. i think i too kiasu liao.. keep sterilising it.. :p

hope u will hear gd news fr ur gynae tonight..
morning all!

Happy for u that madeleine's left cleft have shrank!
3 mths will come very quickly and everything is all worthwhile.

Hope u get some action soon! Actually, from my own experience, induction not too bad after all. :p If u want to induce, give bb a few more days before u set the date. I gave mine 4 more days and the mucous plug dropped at 8pm when i was due for induction at 12mn. Hang in there, ur bb will arrive soon and u will join us all in sleepless nites! :p

congrats on arrival of your bb!
I understand how u feel as many of us (inclg me), are learning to cope with motherhood. The first few days for me were teary eyed days too. Try to stay happy, there is no correct or wrong way for bb...each is different. my bb poos only once every other day, some poo after every feed. These past few weeks with bb, i've learnt a lot (and am still learning), and also trying not to be too kan cheong and stressed. As long as bb is healthy, it's ok. Hang in there!

haha! the way u describe ur nephew enjoying the high sugar content of the cupcake is funny...I can imagine all the little kids going hyper after that! :p Aiyah, my hb hor, after trying the amosco eclairs, now want to order that to give away to ppl! I think for guests at the full-mth is ok, but how to deliver to others since it will melt??

Wow, hearing from those of you who had full-mth celebration, seems like bb becomes a bit cranky after that...must be all the excitement and new faces...now i getting worried! Mine is going to be on 6 Jan! Wonder if i can just hide bb in the room for as long as possible.
I'm better, thanks, but reyna doesn't seems to get better, like getting worst leh... yesterday brought her to PD again.... just monitor for these 2 days, if really still that bad, think will bring her to KK liao

Congrats!! Don't worry, what u r going thru are normal... young bb's will have the blocked nose sound as long as it doesn't interfer with feeding and sleeps well as well as no fever, there shouldn't b any worries....

I'm having flu also, but I'm still feeding Reyna. u can still bf bb, but it's better u wear a mask, cos in case the virus pass to bb, but I also nvr wear lah... =P

Cos I've got maid n my gals play in the room with me mah....

I"m also expressing like 70ml on 1 breasts. To increase is either latch on more frequently with adequate fluid intake n rest, else got to depends on fenugreek which is not advisable lor.
my gal full mth on 6th Jan leh....but we doing it on fri, cos my hb wants to give the cake to his colleagues so got to do on fri...sat jus a full shopping day 4 me
Hi all,
hope every1 is doing well today.
Yesterday been a rainy day .. thought could have a gd sleep last nite. But hor again.. my bb still woke for her 1am feeding and refused to sleep till 4pm again. Aiyoh.. we're so exhausted as this cycle keep repeating. Hope we can find a way to break it.

Sharing pic of my bb on her 1st month celebration (25th dec).


Vanessa, how you find Dr Anne Chong? Did you start giving Reyna medication since her condition did not get better past few days?
to remove the yellow stain on cloth diapers, just use normal bathing soap bar (for eg Lux etc) rub on the stained area, and just lightly brush. the stain goes off very easily

glad to hear that madeleine is making good progress!

there were many times at nite i oso feel really frustrated w bb, but yesterday went out w hubby without bb for abt 4hours, and started to miss her.. and then felt guilty abt being frustrated w her. so last nite, she got extra special treatment. hehe.

my hubby oso very into bb, but only the playing part!!! still doesnt change her diapers or watever. these few days he's off, he keep on carrying bb.. which i didnt like coz dont wanna bb to get too used to being constantly carried. my mum thinks i am cold hearted and dont love bb as much... but i am thinkin long term mah.. when mum goes home, hubby working... i will be the one that have to take care of her lei.

i'm oso being relegate to #2... bb comes first now. this morning hubby kisses her gdbye n forgot to kiss me!!
I didn't go to her yesterday, cos when we reached, the clinic was closed, mayb due to boxing day or the dr on leave. I went back to CCK kidslink. This time round, my assesement for the dr was better, at least we r given assurance. I've started the nose drops last nite, seems to sleep better last nite, but this morning seems to get worst, her blocked nose seems to make her feeding difficult... I'm so sad to see her in such conditions.... Hope she gets better each days n not worst
Vanessa, hope Reyna gets well soon. Very heartpain for young babies to be sick and not easy for the parents especially the mummy. You try to rest whenever you can too.
haiz, the problem is when time to rest, it's also time for lunch or tea-break.... now searching for full month cakes.... hope to get a delicious one... u got any recommendation?
hi hi mbb,
i just had my 1st massage with mdm sadiah this morn. U just need to prepare 1 bath towel, socks n mattress (to be lay onto floor).

I find the massage very relaxing n not painful.
She told me i've quite a water retention on my legs. She is a friendly lady n very puntual for her appt. Hope to see my result after the sessions. hope the info is useful to u
my bb full mth is actually 8th, (since she born 8 dec) but we bring forward to weekend. Anyway, so happen that 6 Jan is 18th in the chinese calendar and on 8 Dec is also 18th in chinese calendar, so, oso full-mth.
I not very good at counting these things oso la. :p

Hope Reyna recovers soon. Think a cold usually takes abt a week plus to clear?

my MIL did massage for me...after 3 days, the water retention in my feet disappeared.

Ur bb very cute...I like her shoes!
Aiyo, that's wat i'm most afraid of, when they refuse to go back to sleep at nite after the nite feed. Happen to me a few times before...quite siong...
hihi....today i woke up feeling great. din sleep much last nite coz my stock market was wide awake after her 4am feed. luckily, she was not cranky. she juz play in the cot but i cant bring myself to ignore her. so, i went to pat her to sleep. ended up i dozed off a few times

i had a good cry in the toilet last nite and i told myself it's the last time (hopefully).
you are right, bb grows very fast. i sure dun wanna miss bonding with my ger over mundane task.
heck if the hse is abit dusty or the bed is not made.

tank u

i wanted to ask you wat to prepare for the massage, you so sweet. update me liao.
may i know wat oil she use? will make the matress smelly or not?
i read from the forum, she will only collect payment after the last session. is it true?

your ger so cute in the dress! i cant seem to find a dress tat fits my ger nicely. will dress her in pink from head to toe then ppl dun mistaken her for a boi

my bb shower is on the 7th. i am still figuring out how to "siam" not parading my ger ard too much. aiyooo, but guest come to see bb and me trying to hide her.....hee heee

hope bb Reyna will get well soon.
you shopping for wat? CNY clothes?

hee hee....my hb kena from me leh. so now he made it a point tat whenever he kiss bb, he also kisses me.

good principal!
"got pee, got poo, no fever = bb is ok"
Vanessa, i ordered from Choz tis time as their packaging and presentation seem to be nicer, taste wise i think its okay. U going to bring Reyna for shopping too? Yesterday we brought the 2 girls for shopping at Vivo. Slinged Evee till i backache and i panic when she started crying so loudly in the middle of my dinner, end up have to dashed out to nearest nuring room to pacify her with bf.
Hi mummies

I'm back from my gynae check up... STILL no signs.... my girl hor... really win liao lor...Gynae actually said, "your baby is really quite stubborn huh??" :p
actually the gynae asked if we wanted to induce her tonight, cos she's already quite big, abt 3.5kg liao... But since water level and placenta still looks good, hubby and I decided to give her some time and see if she'll come out on her own... so gynae agreed to our decision to induce her on 1st Jan if she still refuses to come out. I was telling hubby, maybe my girl is attention seeking, want to be the 1st '07 baby in Singapore hahahaha

Thanks for the reassurance... cos almost everyone says induction is very painful and almost nobody can do it w/o epidural. Actually I always wanted to give birth w/o epidural, but seems tat induce cases sure cannot tahan one... hopefully my girl will guai guai and come out on her own before her ultimatum date :p:p
hi dora,

i'm an oct mummy. I was induced too and have the fear that i may need c-section. but i had a natural delivery w/o epidural.
so dont worry too much, see how things are on the actual day.
heehee! u are like me... on my EDD, i went to see my gynae and he looked at me and said "still nothing ah??" and smiled. :p He knew that by then i quite kan cheong liao. Had a check and everything was perfect too, water level and placenta and all are ok and ZERO dilation!
I oso had to make the decision to induce or not and when. Basically, my gynae said can give a few days, but if want to induce, sooner better than later cos wait bb become too big oso difficult to deliver. Hence, i waited 4 days. Some of my frens who oso induced, the max i know is wait 10days. Hope by 1 Jan (or before), u'll get some action too.
Hi Gemini

Thanks for the reassurance!! Hopefully I can be like you!! Thanks so much!!


Seems like our girls have the same temperament :p No way I will let her drag beyond 1st jan, cos dun wan her to start sch 1 whole year later!!! Selfish mummy hor?? But then she can come out to work 1 whole year earlier mah!!*LOL* I must be siao already... think so far ahead
yah...haha! and i piak her backside for being late and making me wait! :p Told her next time cannot late cos not proper for young ladies to be late. Heehee!
But, it's true la...after 1st Jan (the first few days of Jan) is a bit lugi. :p
Quite worried with my boy now.. juz discovered tt his groin area got red patches with skin peeling at the edge of the red patch.. but he doesn't seems to be in pain leh.. CL apply drapolene over the area and he no reaction one.. CL told me some bb got this.. juz air his piku abit while changing nappy can liao.. hopefully it's nothing serious..
n one of his eyes got alot of yellow discharge.. CL said he's very heaty... said i ate too much durian n heaty stuffs during preg liao..

hope reyna get well soon...

ur gal gal very cute.. i saw the socks b4... did u buy fr the BP in this forum?

same here... during my 4hr outing yesterday, my mind was on bb... wondering if he's okie.. did he sleep? has he drank his milk? did he poo n pee etc etc... aiyoh... wanted to call back to ask MIL how he's doing but need to stop myself... :p

wah.. ur MIL massage for u ah... will feel paiseh anot? :p

wah.. maybe ur gal aims to be the 1st new year bb...
dun worry.. my fren went for induction n she managed to gave birth via natural without epidural.. so it's possible.. but juz go with the flow..
leave the options open..
be open to midwife n gynae's suggestion on pain relieve methods.. they will suggest the method most suitable for u..
for mine, they look at my pain tolerance n onli suggested laughing gas... the midwife still joke with me if i want epi when i was shouting in pain.. :p

Seems like many ppl order from Choz... I ordered Renise one from them too last year, but my mum commented not nice leh. Mayb try again this year, cos last year I also nvr taste their cake b4.

Ya lor, bb too heaty lah... last time I also ate alot of durian during pregnancy, then bb also very heaty, lots of discharge and red patches.... that's y, after that, for the next pregnancy, I ate barley n coconut drink to cool off.
