(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

That's wat my hubby said too..he said the nose looks big in the scan cos baby hasn't grown enough fats on their cheeks yet.. at full term once BB grow more chubby, the nose will look proportional..heehee..maybe hubby is trying to console me too..

erm..tink many of our bbs here got big nose leh..tik my bb olso got big nose like my hb..my nose is abit flat type..hehehe....we can hv a "big nose bb club" leow..hahaha...anyway, if i were to choose flat or big nose..tink big is better kua?? hehehe...

i put on more weight than u...tink might b over 20kgs if i reach full term..now very near to 20kg leow...T.T and hi-5 to our same tinking abt christian names..haha...

pilates really works ah?? tink not easy rite?? must stretch lai stretch qu n really must be very flexible...heard dat it is effective but it takes time....u been doing pilates bfore pregnancy??

i must wash my brain....SLIM SLIM SLIM...
MBB, dey, jackie
heehee.....all our bb have big nose!!!!...my bb's features re all very big except 4 his face.....he looks like a photocopy of my hubby.....mini him ;p

i not only worry abt slimming dat big tummy but oso the stretch marks......it's getting very obvious nowadays......so sad
MBB, Dey, Bobianah

Aiyo, but you gals almost there liao rt? I'm only at 34 weeks ley... at this rate, I'll be easily 20kg heavier when I pop
But hor... I still eat like nobody's business hahahaha...
now i remember tat our ger shared the same name

my fren who is due in dec also giving her ger tis name but diff spelling.
hers ia Madeline.

i chant with you lah.
Doremi, Dora,
same thots as u all.. me not christian oso.. so will leave english name selection to bb in future.. see wat he wants to name himself lor.. :p for chinese name, me too lazy.. no mood oso.. coz all along b4 preg, when think of bb's name, i onli think of gal gal.. never think abt boi boi.. so no mood to name boi boi.. :p will leave it to fengshui master.. think i'm a bias mommy.. :p

me envious leh.. till now still dunnoe how my bb looks like... can onli hope hope.. :p luckily yours is boi boi.. if gal gal big nose really sad sad liao... :p
oo...can c ur bb look like ur hb ah? so cute de..hehe..i can't c my bb's eyes but so far his mouth n nose look big loo..then his face hor abit like mine..square square type...

Since you shortlisted a few, why don't you try calling your baby with those names after she's born and see which one she response most to? That's what my ex-colleague did.... she said her boy really responded to one particular name... so funny... then she said, next time he cannot complain his name not nice, cos he chose it himself =P
me and you one week diffrent only.
hee heee partners in crime

i juz hope some of it is really water retention!

stretch mark, i give up liao. i shall keep them as prove of womenhood. hee heee

Think you should be ok lah... at least your bb very big mah....

Ok we shall slim down together later on ok?!

mine is Jia ying(3).... my chinese teacher commented I've got a very good chinese name b4, but I hate to write my ying...
You didn't do a 3D scan yet? I did once and that scan made me nag hubby for whole 1 week cos of the big nose! Haha...

My boy also look like a photocopy of my hubby..even my gynae said look like the daddy...

I think I give birth liao no mood to do all this things.... still got to settle my 1st 2 gals.... headache man... scare they fight or jealous....
hehe...wait we only chant nia..then really cham leow..hahahaha....

hehe...another us olso..hehe...but i might name my bb as nicolas loo~ still tinking lah but initially i dun wan to put de. now hor, i still wonder cos school teachers tend to mispronounce our chinese names especially those very ang moh type...somemore, english name seem to be easier remember. anyway, tink my chinese name olso very simple lah..hahaha...
mine dun hav 3D scan... maybe bcoz mine is NUH bah.. they dun do extra service lor.. juz enough will do.. even scanning oso minimum lidat.. :p think they onli do 3D scan when there's a need lor..

so now me really like waiting for xmas present lidat.. other than the gender known.. the rest will be reveal when bb pop.. :p
looks like magdalene n all the different spellings r v. popular.

where r u going for pilates? i want to go for pilates too. i look at all the stretchmarks, think my skin will be super loose.

we hv the same pelvic pains. sometimes, hubby also has to help me out of bed or out of the sofa.

speaking of looks, i was looking at my bb's figure. i think she looks like my hubby ah. my head is huge, but her head is tiny. some of the nov bb of similar sized hv head circumference of abt 32cm. my bb's head circumference only 23.5cm. 10cm off the norm!
think she looks like my hubby, cos her legs r long, head is small. cham liao lah, hubby looks like mil, will my bb look like my mil?
bye MBB

the 3D scan quite clear leh.....my boi really looks like his father esp when my hubby slp...cos dat time my boi's eyes still close....heehee

very cute hor......
ya lor.. my english teacher always pronounce my name wrongly one.. shd be shi1 hui4... den they always pronounce as shi1 hui1.. aiyo.. like cement, shi2 hui1 lidat... :p

thanks alot for the help.. hee~
my bb big but...bigger by abit nia mah...it's not very justify to my weight gain leh...anyway, really must jia you together...i must double all ur work loo~

which ying?? so hard to write?? oO...chim chim...
during my detailed scanning hor, my bb n i dun like dat person doing the scanning..she was very rough to my tummy...so end up bb using back facing her...hehehe...anyway, my gynae tend to use 3D scan to show me his face loo so noe dat he seem to got big nose like my hb then his mouth abit like mine..hehe...big one...:p
I use to do step aerobic before preggie. But dare not go back straight after delivery cause worry internal organ still lose
. So will try pilate(something new) which is suppose to tone the body. After that will do step aerobic which burn more calories

MBB, dey, CF,
The big nose may be due to deflection of the amino acid (That to console myself)

MBB, doremi,
We shall chant together "SLIM, SLIM, SLIM"...

I notice that my right feet is alway more swollen than the left...Is it normal??
i'm not very sure..but i tink it's not easy..cos i can't recall at all...hahhaa....

yalor..even my chinese name tend to be mispronounce by those ang moh teacher..haiz...very easy one mah...so hor, i tinking mayb got christian name is better???
wow....ur bb got character ah.....not happy will use back 2 face that person.....so cute
at least ur bb's mouth looks abit like urs....mine nothing looks like me.....;p

my feet sometimes only 1 foot swollen.....the other side normal....i thk is normal....
ya lor.. hai~ dunnoe will it be better to hav english name for bb.. but i think i will keep his birth cert neat n tidy lah.. juz the chinese one will do.. :p lazy mom here.. hahaha.. :p
I use to do step aerobic at CC (which is so much cheaper) near my plc. This particular instructor is very very good. She even train Amore new instructor.

CF, doremi, dey,
Yr boi boi look like hubby whereas mine look like me leh....Hubby so

Lucky, though something wrong with me
my bb oso very funny.. b4 scan, he will panick n hiccups.. :p den hor, when gynae enter n starts scanning, the hiccups gone liao.. den hor, dun dare to move one leh.. i never see my bb move during scan.. will be very very still one.. he will onli dare to move again aft i step out of the clinic.. very funny.. :p
my left foot is the more swollen one. right foot is usually ok.

my bb moves just b4 a scan too. she's v. quiet when she hears mary rauff around. can see her moving her hands during scans, but all tiny movements.
chang, shihui,
i tink hor my bb got attitude problems..he hor, will move n kick as when he likes de. i feel dat he's rather quick temper loo~ last visit to gynae hor, he olso move lai move qu...everytime like dat one lah, gynae said he very healthy..haiz..hopefully in tummy n out of tummy is different loo~ feel dat my boi is very mischievous type...T.T

my hb said bb look like me but i tink the nose definitely like him cos seem big to me. anyway, it's hard to tell now even if bb is borned. sometimes hor, some babies' features will be more obvious when he is abt 2-3yrs old. take my eldest nephew for instance loo, he got single eye-lip when he was borned...then he dun look like his parents at all..as he grows, he look more n more like my jie fu...so ask ur hb dun sad...hehe...
Shihui, och,
Yr boi and gal so guai...Mine hor move like no body business.....Gynae also comment BB very active :p

I go to Jurong Spring CC and the instructor is Janice...She is already 40+ but look like late 30 only....Hope this information is useful
r there pilates classes there? hm.. i dun think bt batok cc has pilates classes here.

n hor, my gal not guai. she is only guai in front of gynae. :p at home har, she's so ba dao. her daddy speaks to her, she will punch daddy in the mouth.
Yes they have pilates class...It every thursday from 7-8pm....U interested? We can go together

Wow, yr gal sound fierce leh....Maybe she is the type that is fierce at home and timid outside..

My hubby is hoping that the scan is distorted and BB look like him when born
....Let him be kan jiong also good...Evil me hor...

Sigh, boi suppose to be more mischievous.....We will have a hard time when boi boi is out...
oo..ur gal bully family members at home..hehehe..like my nephews..hahahaa....it's like "qi (1) shang (3) ba (4) er (4)" bully the good pple n afraid of those bad pple...:p hehehe...
we are the "bian tai" club members mah so hor evil to ur hbs is the basic criteria to enter this club...hehe....dun hv to feel bad..hehe...:p
sounds good leh. i'm interested! want to gain some muscle tone back in my waist. now so flabby.

doremi, jackie,
so jialat right? we r afraid she's going to be really fierce at home next time.
The next class start on 11/1/2007 (a package of 12 session with fix time and plc)..... Just nice can start exercise after confinement

Packing up now....Byee
^^ dun worry too much lah. tik hard to predict our bb's growth de...sekali, ur gal very guai leh?? hehehe....we neber noe...now try to take things easy loo~ i been telling myself dat i going to piak piak my boi's piku when he comes out cos he so noti now...move lai move qu...move until i got difficulty walking at times n nid to stop...hehehe...

hee~ u gal oso punch papa ah... mine oso.. last time hubby put his face to my tummy n bb gave him a kick.. hahaha.. i was sooooo happy.. :p

sometimes i wonder y my scan so fast one.. dunnoe isit bcoz mary rauff has gd scanning technique or she has "calming" effect on bb... :p

aiya.. u won't be online tml... will miss u leh... the forum will seem so quiet without u.... :p
