(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hee~ i oso looking forward to piak my bb's piku leh.. :p u r not the onli pervert lah.. heee~ :p hope bb will hav his papa's piku.. :p mine flat flat not nice one.. hubby's piku better looking than me.. hahahaha.. :p

hee~ i oso looking forward to piak my bb's piku leh.. :p u r not the onli pervert lah.. heee~ :p hope bb will hav his papa's piku.. :p mine flat flat not nice one.. hubby's piku better looking than me.. hahahaha.. :p
Yes, the receipe is suppose to boost milk production

Miss us liao ah

It normal to feel pain at cervix area because of BB weight

Finally my BB have something similar with hubby and he is so
Yes, the receipe is suppose to boost milk production

Miss us liao ah

It normal to feel pain at cervix area because of BB weight

Finally my BB have something similar with hubby and he is so
Yes, the receipe is suppose to boost milk production

Miss us liao ah

It normal to feel pain at cervix area because of BB weight

Finally my BB have something similar with hubby and he is so
Hi ladies,

Back from check up, so bored, the doc damn lousy.. never say anything much, everytime ask the same old question. Of coz I'm fine lah, if not still can visit her meh?

Think BB still not engaged still. hai..

Then all around me also cannot believe that I'm already full term.
Wau lau.. Full term must means wearing super big aunty-flowery pregnant dress and walk with legs wide open or the tummy reaches 1st before the legs reach or facve pale pale or have bad bad water retention meh?

Ya.. I still waiting to pop, but hor I read thru the almanac, coz of the combination of lunar months (of dog and pig) with the yr(dog), most dates no good til after 20th Dec, now only hope for a good timing liao...

But then, I still waiting lah.. and ya ya.. after today can pop liao.. though again, the doc always tell me that I can still wait coz got 2 more wks!
Hi ladies,

Back from check up, so bored, the doc damn lousy.. never say anything much, everytime ask the same old question. Of coz I'm fine lah, if not still can visit her meh?

Think BB still not engaged still. hai..

Then all around me also cannot believe that I'm already full term.
Wau lau.. Full term must means wearing super big aunty-flowery pregnant dress and walk with legs wide open or the tummy reaches 1st before the legs reach or facve pale pale or have bad bad water retention meh?

Ya.. I still waiting to pop, but hor I read thru the almanac, coz of the combination of lunar months (of dog and pig) with the yr(dog), most dates no good til after 20th Dec, now only hope for a good timing liao...

But then, I still waiting lah.. and ya ya.. after today can pop liao.. though again, the doc always tell me that I can still wait coz got 2 more wks!
Hi ladies,

Back from check up, so bored, the doc damn lousy.. never say anything much, everytime ask the same old question. Of coz I'm fine lah, if not still can visit her meh?

Think BB still not engaged still. hai..

Then all around me also cannot believe that I'm already full term.
Wau lau.. Full term must means wearing super big aunty-flowery pregnant dress and walk with legs wide open or the tummy reaches 1st before the legs reach or facve pale pale or have bad bad water retention meh?

Ya.. I still waiting to pop, but hor I read thru the almanac, coz of the combination of lunar months (of dog and pig) with the yr(dog), most dates no good til after 20th Dec, now only hope for a good timing liao...

But then, I still waiting lah.. and ya ya.. after today can pop liao.. though again, the doc always tell me that I can still wait coz got 2 more wks!
yeah coz market juz downstair mah. like 3 mins walk away.
old neighbourhood, so all amenities are within walking distance. i cant drive (shameful m'sian hee hee) so must live in such location.

Doremi & Shihui,
hee hee..then my ah ger must hv my BIG butt.
so shiok then
can piak piak piak and then see it wobble.
i am joining the club.

welcome back
yeah coz market juz downstair mah. like 3 mins walk away.
old neighbourhood, so all amenities are within walking distance. i cant drive (shameful m'sian hee hee) so must live in such location.

Doremi & Shihui,
hee hee..then my ah ger must hv my BIG butt.
so shiok then
can piak piak piak and then see it wobble.
i am joining the club.

welcome back
yeah coz market juz downstair mah. like 3 mins walk away.
old neighbourhood, so all amenities are within walking distance. i cant drive (shameful m'sian hee hee) so must live in such location.

Doremi & Shihui,
hee hee..then my ah ger must hv my BIG butt.
so shiok then
can piak piak piak and then see it wobble.
i am joining the club.

welcome back
i tik so too..but hor really scare when i hv to stop walking then all my imaginations run wild..hehe...i will imagine dat my waterbag burst ah, got blood ah...or faint ah..hehe...making myself sweat all over..hehe...haiz..tink i really kan cheong leow...my edd is still far far leh...

my last visit to my gynae was 2 wks ago, then he was 2.8kg...now i dunnoe, mayb maintained?? but really feel very scare when i feel pain there loo~ all sorts of imaginations coming out..hahahaha....

i tik i abit addict to this forum too...everytime i bz or tired, can't come to this forum, my mind will keep tinking "erm..today dunnoe wat topic hor?.." then all mum's names come out like mbb, jackie, shihui, qianhui, kimi, geri, bobianah...etc etc all come out...then i will hv the urge of wanting to peek the forum loo~ but somehow hor, if i manage to peek at the forum, i will realise dat i missed out alot n end up skipping alot of topics loo~ haiz....tik somehow hor, u all seem to be part of my life now....
i tik so too..but hor really scare when i hv to stop walking then all my imaginations run wild..hehe...i will imagine dat my waterbag burst ah, got blood ah...or faint ah..hehe...making myself sweat all over..hehe...haiz..tink i really kan cheong leow...my edd is still far far leh...

my last visit to my gynae was 2 wks ago, then he was 2.8kg...now i dunnoe, mayb maintained?? but really feel very scare when i feel pain there loo~ all sorts of imaginations coming out..hahahaha....

i tik i abit addict to this forum too...everytime i bz or tired, can't come to this forum, my mind will keep tinking "erm..today dunnoe wat topic hor?.." then all mum's names come out like mbb, jackie, shihui, qianhui, kimi, geri, bobianah...etc etc all come out...then i will hv the urge of wanting to peek the forum loo~ but somehow hor, if i manage to peek at the forum, i will realise dat i missed out alot n end up skipping alot of topics loo~ haiz....tik somehow hor, u all seem to be part of my life now....
i tik so too..but hor really scare when i hv to stop walking then all my imaginations run wild..hehe...i will imagine dat my waterbag burst ah, got blood ah...or faint ah..hehe...making myself sweat all over..hehe...haiz..tink i really kan cheong leow...my edd is still far far leh...

my last visit to my gynae was 2 wks ago, then he was 2.8kg...now i dunnoe, mayb maintained?? but really feel very scare when i feel pain there loo~ all sorts of imaginations coming out..hahahaha....

i tik i abit addict to this forum too...everytime i bz or tired, can't come to this forum, my mind will keep tinking "erm..today dunnoe wat topic hor?.." then all mum's names come out like mbb, jackie, shihui, qianhui, kimi, geri, bobianah...etc etc all come out...then i will hv the urge of wanting to peek the forum loo~ but somehow hor, if i manage to peek at the forum, i will realise dat i missed out alot n end up skipping alot of topics loo~ haiz....tik somehow hor, u all seem to be part of my life now....

Hee hee.. same.. forum is part of my life, even working time before I do my work, I sure hands itchy itchy, go and click on this Dec mtb bookmark... ;p

Hee hee.. same.. forum is part of my life, even working time before I do my work, I sure hands itchy itchy, go and click on this Dec mtb bookmark... ;p

Hee hee.. same.. forum is part of my life, even working time before I do my work, I sure hands itchy itchy, go and click on this Dec mtb bookmark... ;p
Adding my girl to the list....


MBB: Megdelene
Chang: Philson
Calynn: Megan
Kimi: Mandy (si1 yu3)
Bobianah: Hannah
Vanessa: Rebecca/Regina/Rayna
Jen: Selinna
Jackie : Jovey
Doremi : Nicolas (shd be bah~ Jia Le in Chinese)
Dora: Jing(4) Ting(2)
och: madeleine. ren(2) yu(3) (most likely)
Connie: Isabel
sylk: Regina
Adding my girl to the list....


MBB: Megdelene
Chang: Philson
Calynn: Megan
Kimi: Mandy (si1 yu3)
Bobianah: Hannah
Vanessa: Rebecca/Regina/Rayna
Jen: Selinna
Jackie : Jovey
Doremi : Nicolas (shd be bah~ Jia Le in Chinese)
Dora: Jing(4) Ting(2)
och: madeleine. ren(2) yu(3) (most likely)
Connie: Isabel
sylk: Regina
Adding my girl to the list....


MBB: Megdelene
Chang: Philson
Calynn: Megan
Kimi: Mandy (si1 yu3)
Bobianah: Hannah
Vanessa: Rebecca/Regina/Rayna
Jen: Selinna
Jackie : Jovey
Doremi : Nicolas (shd be bah~ Jia Le in Chinese)
Dora: Jing(4) Ting(2)
och: madeleine. ren(2) yu(3) (most likely)
Connie: Isabel
sylk: Regina
Doremi/Qian Hui,

me too. will miss you all when i dun check in

tats why tis 9 mths, so happy and fast. good company!!!
Doremi/Qian Hui,

me too. will miss you all when i dun check in

tats why tis 9 mths, so happy and fast. good company!!!
Doremi/Qian Hui,

me too. will miss you all when i dun check in

tats why tis 9 mths, so happy and fast. good company!!!
Wow u even go study the almanac ah??? So after 20th will be good date?? Than my boi boi better come out after 27/11...

Anyway my gyane was telling me for 1st BB it normal to deliver near to EDD....Keeping my finger cross

BTW, BB not engage doesnt mean cannot pop...Some BB only engage during contraction.

The 1st time i feel the cervix pain hor also scare until though BB going to come out!!!....That why quickly call my gyane to make sure everything. By now i am so use to it and the frequency also seem to increase.
Wow u even go study the almanac ah??? So after 20th will be good date?? Than my boi boi better come out after 27/11...

Anyway my gyane was telling me for 1st BB it normal to deliver near to EDD....Keeping my finger cross

BTW, BB not engage doesnt mean cannot pop...Some BB only engage during contraction.

The 1st time i feel the cervix pain hor also scare until though BB going to come out!!!....That why quickly call my gyane to make sure everything. By now i am so use to it and the frequency also seem to increase.
Wow u even go study the almanac ah??? So after 20th will be good date?? Than my boi boi better come out after 27/11...

Anyway my gyane was telling me for 1st BB it normal to deliver near to EDD....Keeping my finger cross

BTW, BB not engage doesnt mean cannot pop...Some BB only engage during contraction.

The 1st time i feel the cervix pain hor also scare until though BB going to come out!!!....That why quickly call my gyane to make sure everything. By now i am so use to it and the frequency also seem to increase.
shihui, mbb,
hahaha...i tink we got many clubs here...hehe...got "piak piku club", "bian tai club", "big nose bb club"..hehehe..."jia club"..."slimming club"..hehe....we can open an association for clubs leow..hehe....

i just received call from ivy (BSMG). i asked her abt the kaneson manual pump but she left the last pc n there's some scratches on it. haiz..so i no luck to buy loo~ btw, she said if we want anything this sat, must come early before class cos she will left early. we can look for her at rm 2 or at her office upstair. we can try call her office no. as she will be carrying the phone wif her all around..hehe...(hm..i imagine her carrying those very old fashion kinda phone but of course tink she divert the number to her hp lah...hehehee).
shihui, mbb,
hahaha...i tink we got many clubs here...hehe...got "piak piku club", "bian tai club", "big nose bb club"..hehehe..."jia club"..."slimming club"..hehe....we can open an association for clubs leow..hehe....

i just received call from ivy (BSMG). i asked her abt the kaneson manual pump but she left the last pc n there's some scratches on it. haiz..so i no luck to buy loo~ btw, she said if we want anything this sat, must come early before class cos she will left early. we can look for her at rm 2 or at her office upstair. we can try call her office no. as she will be carrying the phone wif her all around..hehe...(hm..i imagine her carrying those very old fashion kinda phone but of course tink she divert the number to her hp lah...hehehee).
shihui, mbb,
hahaha...i tink we got many clubs here...hehe...got "piak piku club", "bian tai club", "big nose bb club"..hehehe..."jia club"..."slimming club"..hehe....we can open an association for clubs leow..hehe....

i just received call from ivy (BSMG). i asked her abt the kaneson manual pump but she left the last pc n there's some scratches on it. haiz..so i no luck to buy loo~ btw, she said if we want anything this sat, must come early before class cos she will left early. we can look for her at rm 2 or at her office upstair. we can try call her office no. as she will be carrying the phone wif her all around..hehe...(hm..i imagine her carrying those very old fashion kinda phone but of course tink she divert the number to her hp lah...hehehee).
the beaupeau website...no office address...does it mean they do housecalls?

welcome back...hope u had fun at the teambuilding...
the beaupeau website...no office address...does it mean they do housecalls?

welcome back...hope u had fun at the teambuilding...
the beaupeau website...no office address...does it mean they do housecalls?

welcome back...hope u had fun at the teambuilding...
hehe...tink most of us addicted to tis forum leow..hehe..i was tinking leh, during my confinement period hor whereby no internet access at my mum's house, sure is a rehabiliation centre for me..then mayb i will get my bodyache ah, fever ah, running nose cos can't come here to peek..hehehe...
hehe...tink most of us addicted to tis forum leow..hehe..i was tinking leh, during my confinement period hor whereby no internet access at my mum's house, sure is a rehabiliation centre for me..then mayb i will get my bodyache ah, fever ah, running nose cos can't come here to peek..hehehe...
hehe...tink most of us addicted to tis forum leow..hehe..i was tinking leh, during my confinement period hor whereby no internet access at my mum's house, sure is a rehabiliation centre for me..then mayb i will get my bodyache ah, fever ah, running nose cos can't come here to peek..hehehe...
doremi, qianhui, MBB,
same here.. the forum is my life liao.. everytime i on comp, the first page i go to will be this thread.. :p den aft tt, will go to BP look look see see got wat cheap lobang.. :p

oppps.. i think i spend more time on the forum than at work.. jialet.. :p
doremi, qianhui, MBB,
same here.. the forum is my life liao.. everytime i on comp, the first page i go to will be this thread.. :p den aft tt, will go to BP look look see see got wat cheap lobang.. :p

oppps.. i think i spend more time on the forum than at work.. jialet.. :p
doremi, qianhui, MBB,
same here.. the forum is my life liao.. everytime i on comp, the first page i go to will be this thread.. :p den aft tt, will go to BP look look see see got wat cheap lobang.. :p

oppps.. i think i spend more time on the forum than at work.. jialet.. :p
btw, asking this qn on behalf of my fren.. :p her mom told her tt 40 days aft birth, she can't sleep in same room as hubby.. hubby got to go sleep in another room or else not gd for hubby... anyone heard of this?

personally never heard of it leh.. :p
btw, asking this qn on behalf of my fren.. :p her mom told her tt 40 days aft birth, she can't sleep in same room as hubby.. hubby got to go sleep in another room or else not gd for hubby... anyone heard of this?

personally never heard of it leh.. :p

btw, asking this qn on behalf of my fren.. :p her mom told her tt 40 days aft birth, she can't sleep in same room as hubby.. hubby got to go sleep in another room or else not gd for hubby... anyone heard of this?

personally never heard of it leh.. :p
