(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Too heaty liao. Boiled some chrysanthemum, cooled it and use a cotton pad to wet it and wipe over the eye, in one direction and discard. Use new cotton pad for the other eye.

<font color="ff6000">baby drinking water & greedy</font>
caleb loves water. he drinks about 125ml of water everyday and his milk intake now is about 400-500ml in a 24hr period. this is on top of his 3 solid meals.

caleb loves the gerber puffs. he loves to self feed himself and he loves bread too. always crying for my bread in the morning. so i will pinch for him. pao as well.

<font color="ff6000">Birthday Direct Spree</font>
looks like no one is interested. in this case, i will order thru phoebe then.

<font color="0000ff">Caleb can finally clap</font>
i am soooo happy that caleb started to clap yesterday. it was such a significant timing cos he turned 9 months officially yesterday. now whenever we ask him to clap, he will clap. WAHAHAHA!!! i am really very happy. but hor this boy still toothless lor... sigh....
i sent Joshua to Marsden at Holland Rd when he was about 15 mths (i think). His group had a baby about 6 mths old. I think the program is good cos it helps to instill water confidence and water safety. It's quite fun for the older babies cos they could do more. But i think starting younger is good also cos u can get him accustomed to being dunked in the water.

Happy belated 9 mths to Caleb.
Emma also started to wave good bye and clap when we tell her to. Even though she's the 2nd child, i still feel excited whenever i see her reach a milestone.
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> i think you will definitely cos no matter what still our child right so regardless 1st born or 2nd equally excited. and today he even stand wifout support a couple of times for like 30secs or so. but he still doesnt know how to wave gdbye.
very soon Caleb will start walking.
The fun has just begun. You'll find them doing lots of new things in the coming months.

Speaking of feeding bread. Now i can't eat my bread in peace.
Was having a bun during tea-break and Joshua came running, asking to take bites from it. Emma seeing that mommy and gor-gor are eating also wants to have a share, so i had to pinch for her to eat. So i've got to share my bun 3-ways. haha!
hi selina,

Happy belated 9mths to Caleb.
i'm interested in the birthday spree. just a rough estimate, i have also exceeded over $55. oh, it's only free shipping within US? By when are you going to order?
me dun think will order so fast, maybe at a later date when things (like venue, no of pple)are more confirmed
<font color="119911">Clapping</font>
I also dunno if Damien can actually clap anot leh. Cos I've caught him a couple of times in the morning when he tot I'm not looking at him he will clap but no sound 1. But when I ask him to clap he won't clap tried to video him to show hubby but D found out n stop.
Then this morning I was singing the "If ur happy n u know it clap ur hands" N he did it no sound again lah but he clapped. Made me so happy. But then after that ask him to do he dun wanna do again slap head slap tummy also dun wanna clap....sigh
As for Damien's waving goodbye hor thanx to my dearest hubby D seems to be confused. Cos his bye bye is up down like Emma kind. Then stupid hubby keep waving sideways to him. Now sometimes his hands go up not moving at all. N not very interested to bye bye ppl already. Ask hubby to let D bye bye him everyday he also too impatient to wait......sigh

Damn pissed with hubby first he untrain my dog now my son.
But D seems to have learnt something on his own. When he see my dog he will move his hand sideways want to sayang my dog. So cute...

My msn siao liao dun let me login. So i going slp liao nite.
It is really interesting to see babies reaching milestones. Kaelen just started to stand up and cruise around his cot yesterday. But this boy still cannot crawl on all fours leh. He is still dragging himself forward with his entire forearms.

Last evening he didn't want to sleep so I brought him to my room and he wanted to be let down on the floor next to my platform bed. Then he tried to pull himself up the bed and with hubby's assistance, he managed to get up the side of the bed. He thought it was so fun and wanted to go down the side of the bed to get up again. He went through that many times and was quite a work out for his daddy!

I think K can wave now but instead of moving his hands, he only raise up his hand and attempt to clench the fist. He did that to me this morning when I passed him to my mum and said bye bye.

my Rhys also waving bye bye the same way as Kaelen. I find that very cute lor... that small little hand with small little fingers... haa... but my lazy boy hor, too lazy to raise his arms, so sometimes he will bye bye with his arms by this side, expecting ppl to look for his bye bye... bth hor...

I have uploaded some videos on Rhys clapping, waving bye bye and his latest stunt, crawling in my blog, anyone bored can go in and amuse yourself... haa...
Morning Mummies,

Wow... so many babies reaching their next milestones, will be so interestingto see more in the coming months.

<font color="0000ff">clapping/bye bye</font>
d still does not know how to clap but only bye bye nia.

<font color="0000ff">Teething</font>
haha... D bottom tooth finally out, two at a same time some more. that's why very cranky these few days. cry to sleep...
Very long never post pix liao... so here is some updates on Rhys...
1. We decided to trim his hair again coz his hair although very soft, it just refuse to lie down... all stand one... and the side too long liao... BUT the hair trimming episode is HORRIBLE!!! Just see for yourself...

He screamed like it is the end of the world...


This is how he look like now with short hair...still the same cheekiness...


This is the latest, taken yesterday with his $1 sunglasses... yan dao boh? haa...
Hi mummies,
Long time no log in. Been busy wif work.

Hi vivien,
My boy also screamed during his previous haircut. Hopefully, the nxt time will be better.
Hi Vivian,
I like Rhy's 2nd pic... so cheeky look...

Teething is like tat loh... My girl also like tat when she was teething... Her 2 bottom teeth also came out together

Sheen's progress
Sheen waves bye bye is those up and down one and she knows how to do twinkle twinkle little stars with her fingers... maybe cos hb n I always sing tat song to her.. hee.. She doesn't really noe how to clap..Like Damien, sometimes see her doing on her own but when ask her to do again she doesn't wan.. wan to video down also unsuccessful cos her eyes v alert. see the camera stop her actions n jus stare at it...

Sheen now can be on her fours but not moving much..She keeps shaking her buttock oni... v cute.. hahaha.. will try to capture it nxt time and show it...
hi ladies...

MIA for so long liaoz... no time to even pop by for reading pleasure... *haiz*.. first, A was sick.. then I was sick... then my A/Cs people are *SICK* (n i dont mean physically, more like retarded brain development).. super angry with them.. today on leave finally can log in....

<font color="0000ff">selina</font>
u placed ur order thru phoebe liaoz??? im interested... but need a couple of days b4 i can give u my order..... can????

<font color="0000ff">baby milestones</font>
A also knows how to clap clap hands (esp when we shout "yeah!" anywhere near him), make "twinkle twinkle little stars" action, wave 'bye bye' (when its time for him to go downstairs for his daily stroll...).. hehehe.. he also knows where is e clock n will look at it when we ask him "wats e time now".. n finally these couple of days, he mastered e "art" of "sayang mummy" liaoz... hahahaha... but i got a super "dao" little boy, he doesn't allow pple to kiss him, nor will he go kissing pple... not even mummy...

<font color="0000ff">crawling</font>
seems like A reli doesnt like to crawl.. he managed to do it a couple of times, but he stil pref to try n make himself stand up, i.e. on all 4 he will not kneel, but using his legs, push his butt higher n higher in e air, until his legs machiam almost standing liaoz... but his hands n body dunno how to coordinate yet.... i very scared he will knock his head against e floor if his hands "give way"...

<font color="0000ff">feeding baby</font>
eh.. briefly read abt e feeding bb part..
for e nestle rice porridge hor, i also let A tried during motherhood exhibition, n bought tat since he likes it... ya, altho e sales pple say no MSG n etc etc i did wonder then how come machiam our adults instant porridge like tat... but we dont feed him tat all e time, prob like once a week max.. n when i cook it, i sort of "dilute" it by adding only 1-2 milk scoops of it into e plain porridge (ard 1 tablespoon of rice, cooked to abt 5 tbs of porridge) tat im cooking...

<font color="0000ff">teething</font>
finally A slowing coming out of e "bo gey" club liaoz.. last weekend saw tis white "line" on his front lower gum.. n when i feel it, its sharp.. so i presume tats his baby teeth trying to come out liaoz hor....

<font color="0000ff">hair cut</font>
viv, ah beng's haircut also "ai xin company" (i.e. home) one huh... ah seng also.. but we use e shaver rather than scissors.. cos his dad bought e shaver liaoz anywayz... so far we used tat to trim his hair 3 or 4 times liaoz.. rather fuss-free, until he got bored of sitting in e bathroom... u wana try e shaver nex time let me know lah... mayb easier....

<font color="0000ff">bintan</font>
vivian, n was it gemini (?) u all went/going bintan which resort??? i also planning to go mid-July.. cos got DBS cashline promo.. for banyan tree... my "last" escapade b4 i get tied down with 2 little rascals... hahahaha.....
Hi Selina,
Happy Belated 9th month to Caleb, Kennedy has also reached 9th month yesterday. Regarding about the birthday direct spree, when is the latest for me to submit the order to you? Are you ordering any helium balloons?
hi starz,

hope that u are feeling fine now. hw's the progress of the little one now?
vivian was the one who has went bintan. my hb planning to go in mid - end jul together with tricia. oh, dbs cashline got promo? will get my hb to check out.

i know this is a old topic, so a bit pai seh that i bring it up. recently, tricia started to sleep late again, ard 11pm. her last feed sometimes aftr ard 9.30 - 10 plus and her eyes are still wide open.
we now try to get home by 9pm so that can let her cool off/rest a while before sleep. put her on the bed with the lights off also no use, she wants us to pat her to sleep.

it's my poor hb who suffer. tricia want him rather than me. i tried to take over and she cried. wanted my hb to rest as he needs to drive the next day.

any suggestions for her to sleep earlier than 11pm?

baby milestones
after reading the posts, find that tricia is indeed a v lazy girl. cant clap yet, as for bye bye, depends on her mood, if happy, will raise up her fingers to her mouth (action smthg like flying kiss).
my mum is saying she can stand with support for a few seconds but still she cant crawl.
most "li hai" is to say "mum mum" (eating) & open her mouth big big when she see her milk bottle or porridge. but dun want to hold her bottle
<font color="0000ff">starz, littlekid</font> take your time. give me your orders once ready. i have like close to S$200 orders. but i wanna order earlier cos i not sure how long they take to send n dun wanna be bit. better early lor. if not enf still got time to order. also scared OOS lah. yes i am ordering 2 helium balloons too.
I also dunno how to make them sleep earlier leh. I jus let D decide cos he doesn't slp too late also lah. Latest is 10pm. But depends on his last nap. If he naps at 7pm sometimes he will jus slp through till 12am. But D will always wake at 12-1am to play with daddy awhile before he slps at 2am with us. Jia lat hor.

The word D knows best now is FISH. Everytime u tell him see fish he is the happiest...hahahha


I keep forgetting to ask u. What brand is ur shaver?? I wanna get 1 but dunno which brand to buy leh.

Wendy's very busy at work to come online. But she wants me to help her chuan hua. She really miss everyone. N must jio her for gathering. So any gathering comming up??...keke
Poor gal very busy cos her work not very smooth lor n she told me she jus kanna 3 stitches on her hand cos kanna slam by the door in office. Hope everything will go smoothly for her very soon.
I was just thinking abt you sia...
At least ah seng hor will lift up his butt and use his legs to stand leh... this ah beng hor, prefer to use just arms to move himself and the butt hor, stay put and the legs hor, still swinging in the air... BTH him lah...
Take a look at his "crawling"... http://vivibebe.multiply.com/video/item/27
As for the hair cut, we actually went to a small nearby salon. The same auntie shaved Rhys when he is 4 mth old. She also used a shaver lor... sigh.. btw, what type of shaver did you use???

Gemini, sorry, forgot to reply your question abt my trip.
I went to Banyan Tree Bintan for 3D2N. Actually I have been to Banyan Tree for several times liao. Even the ppl there kinda recognise me. And so we got free upgrades to better villa type too. Heee... Btw, the last time I went there is also the time when Rhys is conceived... haa.... This time round is a kinda retreat for both of us lah... think we too tired liao, so it is nice to get out of singapore, no nid to wake up at nite for nite feed etc.... good food there, good relaxation, can finally swim and sun-tan in peace... Really glad that we went for this trip... Erh... actually hor, after going to banyan tree, you wun want to go any other resort liao... haa... too high standard liao...

Gemini, I have the SAME exact problem as you leh... the only difference is that Rhys only fall asleep later when I am with him... my hb wun work... me also helpless leh... after reading his bedtime story, he still super active lor... sigh... anyone can help poor me and gemini??

$200 bucks?? wah... can share with us what you intend to buy?? I also planning Rhys' birthday leh, but I am clueless of what to prepare...
Oh yah see D's tee kar in the pic.....hahahha
Its back with vengence now wear his huggies pullup pants morning the legs part will be VERY red.......headach aah
Could ur story be too animated?? That's why Rhys is active instead??
Cos when I make D sleep normally is around 9pm when hubby left for work. So I'm alone him n i will swtich off the light n leave a small light only. Jus pat pat him n sing song he will slp liao. But like today daddy is home when he see the daddy he will force to crawl to him n play with him. Even the daddy sleeping he will go n scratch his face or slap his body. I had to force carry n yao him to sleep at 10pm+.
dun think so leh... The problem is that Rhys is now so used to read right after wipe down once we reached home. Once his butt touched our bed hor, immediately he will turn to his shelf of books and want us to take out the books. If we dun touch the books, he will scream and shout till we do. Then once we take out any book, he will get so excited and happy that he will swing his legs, arms cramped up, mouth smile big big, waiting for us to read to him lor... so we cannot really control much. Even before reading to him, he already got so excited. How har??
Morning gals!

Wanna share with you gals this webby for birthday cakes.


I quite like the cake design so will be ordering from her for zac's birthday. Will be doing a boy figurine of zac sitting in his bumbo seat eating his pacifier and holding his bolster with my two dogs next to him. the lady said can be done so i trust her loh. this will be done on a small cake with cupcakes surrounding this small cake. the small cake is for zac to cut and the rest of the cupcakes for the guests to eat.

if u gals have any ideas can discuss with her to see if feasible.

dropped you a mail. hoping you can wait for me to order the party supplies. I was happy to chance upon that webby and first thing came into my mind is caleb. all those pirates party set so adorable! will you order from celebrateexpress? i am hoping to do a personalised banner for zac but birthday direct dont have and cant find anything suitable for the oriental trading.


for those who have seen zac will know that he is a baby with few smiles. he is not a smiley baby since birth, at one point i was quite worried that i raised this concern to the PD! Haha. but he is improving now, yesterday i heard from my hubby that he even chuckled. i was so sad that i am not there to witness and listen to it. but knowing it also make my day

Clapping and saying bye bye

hmm no sign that zac can do that. think he is always busy grabbing things to put into his mouth to properly learn to clap and wave goodbye! hee well guess when the time come he will just do it.

Sleeping late
hmm not sure how to advice. I was impressed with starz's A sleeping habit the last time so started training zac to sleep through the night around 5 to 6 months. I properly shared in earlier postings. Basically is to give the baby his comfort objects, for zac, they are his pacifier and bolster and train him to soothe himself to sleep by leaving him alone without patting. it works for zac, cos even at night sometimes he will wake up crying but we dont attend to him, he will soothe himself back to sleep by playing with bolster.

As for sleeping early, zac is a early sleeper, he can knocked out as early as 730 and sleep till next morning 7 am. we didnt have the habit of reading to him before bed and we try nt to play with him 30 mins before play time. at most just cuddle and sing song to him.

i guess every baby has their own sleeping habits and it will keep on changing. guess we have to slowly explore ways to suit our own babies.

oh ya i realise after zac started crawling, he sleep better at night. think he expended all his energy in the day crawling so at night just KO.

so gemini and vivian, u can look forward to that ya!
oh i forgot to add that zac actually sleeps alone in the room next to us. so whatever we do will not affect his sleep and his movement will not disturn our sleep too.
Thanks for your SMS yday ya.
You now less busy liao is it, no need to travel? Here seems so quiet w/o you yakking haha

Jaslyn used to "bully" me. When it comes to sleeping time, only I can pat her to sleep. I die man, especially when I used to expressed milk b4 milk. So hb said "cannot continue like that", one day, he put Jaslyn to sleep no matter how she cried or screamed, finally he suceeded. Now, Jaslyn is ok with whoever le. Dun let Tricia chooses lor, bad habit, and it tires one of the adults at home.
Actually, Jaslyn sleeps early at my place (~9pm+) but at my mum place, she sleeps late, sometime as late as 10 to 11pm. Maybe becos my mum place a lot of ppl and my bro and sis sleep late. Jolene also like tat. But now for Jolene, I let her decide what time she wanna sleep liao. Usually she sleeps the same time as us, unless she very tired then she goes into the room herself. Some times when hb and I wanna watch late show, we will pretend to go to the room to sleep, to trick Jolene sleeps liao then we come out to watch the show.

If you are reading this. Poor gal! Hope your hand recovers soon.

Ya lor, I always see wendy's busy status on MSN. She must be very busy, dun dare to disturb her.
Damien wears what size for Huggies pull up? BTW, Huggies one hor, cutting very small leh. Mamy Poko better.

Tell me more abt Bintan leh. I su kua, never been there. If time allows, may bring the 2 gals, if not Jolene going to start her pre-nursery soon, that means no more non peak periods for travel liao... thinking of this, I very sian.
A quick one before rushing off the prepare an important lunch today

i love Banyan Tree! Nothing beats lying in the villa's jacuzzi and looking at the idllyic sea.
i'm dying for a holiday now. I'm thinking of bringing both kids to a beach resort but the thought of packing for 2 kids scares me.

Banyan Tree may not be as child-friendly cos it's more of a honeymoon couple type of place. You can try it's sister resort at Angsana. They share the facilities at the both resorts.

i was thinking how come you have not posted for so long.
my FIL say can be done. I am asking him check for me lor. Then he say he sponsor the banner for my girl hehehe.. I will get the details and get back to u a.s.a.p.

Pm me ur number? cause recently i dun really read all post liao.. Busy schedule.
hi vivian,

thks for the info. so rhys love books.. whenever we read to tricia, she do not express an interest in it...

hi bbgrace,

banyan tree not child friendly, har? still tot of bringing tricia there.

hi shirley,

have the same thinking as u. tot that since tricia cruise so fast in her walker,it will make her tired, she can still be v active.

hi doreen,

sleep from 7pm - 12am! wow! if tricia sleep at 7pm, she will definitely wake up @ 7.30pm or even earlier. but wake up to play with daddy... hmmm

hi jenny,

thks. my naughty girl sticks to her daddy, if in the middle of the nite, she wake up and her daddy is not the one patting her, she will cry and look around. the other person she stick to is my mum.

hi selina,

wait for me. got some stuff to get from birthdaydirect.
hi shirley,

the website u have given, the lady is a friend of my colleague. tried her banana cake before, it was nice.
also, the caterer i have in mind same as cneo, "Neo Garden". used them for tricia's bb shower, everyone has gd comment for it.
oh is it... aiya sian... but you are right lor, I wanna go for resort trip but thinking of packing the stuff for the kids.. I dun want to go liao

Be more patient. You are Tricia's mum

I'm thinking of getting western food for Jaslyn's bday this round. Sick of the "usual food" lor. Just mentioned to my mum and she agreeded. Yipee! Cos I scare the elders dun like ang mo food keke... I might be getting from Jack's Place "sister outlet" http://www.eatzi.com.sg/subtopic/ourmenu.html

I'm getting sick of Select Catering and Neo Garden cos a lot of friends are using them. Eat until sian le, haven't reach already know what's the buffet list =P

I've been using YLS Catering (http://www.ylscatering.com.sg/) for many times. Food are good. My BIL used Thomson Catering (www.thomsoncatering.com.sg), quite good also. YOu can also try Smiling Orchid (http://www.smilingorchid.com.sg/catering.html). They do nice cake too.

Ok, got to go... Jolene is having high fever

My HB's best friend is doing catering. His food are excellent! WE ordered for baby shower and during our wedding ROM! Every commented that it is really nice. So if wanna try let me know.

I dont really like select. The food not very nice already.
Gemini / Jenny,

I don't exactly mean that Banyan Tree is not child-friendly. They have excellent service and if you bring a child, i'm sure they will still try to accomodate you.
The thing is that Banyan tree is not cheap and for that kind of price that you are paying, you would want to enjoy the facilities more eg, take a romantic soak in the tub while looking out at the sea. If you bring kids, you can't do that lor.
Hi Jenny,

I tried YLS before for Desiree Shower party, find that they have many choices but food average leh.
dun know if i chosse the coreect food or not?
hi mummies...

"wo shou gou le!!!" am on strike now... cos sick of doing account's job liaoz...

<font color="0000ff">gemini</font>
thanks for asking, little one is okay...
decided not to find out gender, so it'll b a surprise lor... next week going for detailed scan liaoz.. juz crossing my fingers hoping everything is A okay with him/her....
ya, DBS cashline so far got e "best" promo.. i checked against e other promo.. going down tomorrow to book liaoz...

<font color="0000ff">dor</font>
aiyo, i never notice wat brand.. wil check out over e weekend n sms u e brand hor...

<font color="0000ff">viv aka ah beng's mummy</font>
hehehe.. miss me ar???
aiyo.. i very scare ah seng will like "crash" his head onto e floor leh.. but he wont be "restricted" within e playmat liaoz...
eh, i also sms u e shaver brand when i check lah..
eh, u "frequent visitor" of banyan tree bintan huh... got "special rates"??? which type of villa u usually stay in?? cos i deciding between "Seafront" or "Bayfront", dunno wats e difference... cannot afford "villa on e rocks" leh...

<font color="0000ff">sleep</font>
ok lah, im e fortunate one here.. (dont throw stones at me).. but wat i do try to do "in addition" to help A have a routine is, EVERYNITE abt 9-915pm, we'll wipe him, then change to his "pajamas", then change pampers... then his last feed.. he'll usually fall asleep during e feed...

going off liaoz.. catch up again...
hi shirley,

i remember now, another caterer that my family often use is Gim Tim (jin zhen resturants). the food is not bad.

hi bbgrace,

oh, i get what u mean. if bring kids along, something like not really worth the money spent.

hi starz,

u indeed fast ah. going down to book already. my hb have been talking abt it for quite some time but still no bookings taken yet...

I'm new to this thread but will like to join in for the discussion. I hv 2 kids, 30mth boy and a 8mth girl. Just wonder how r u going to celebrate yr child 1 yr old? Any suggestions?
hi hi
how is everyone? its been a long long time since i posted. sorry..no acess to internet at work.

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font>, still traveling lots?
<font color="aa00aa">starz</font>, glad u r progressing along well
<font color="119911">selina</font>, like ur new job?

Bintan and Banyan Tree - NICE! they provide baby playpen but must request beforehand. travel everywhere by buggy. Jacuzzi (water) and babies - they love it. Overall, quite alright to bring the little one.
hi ladies, quick one. gotta rush for an event.

<font color="aa00aa">GYMBOREE TRIAL CLASS</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Date: Sat, 7 Jul</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Time: 1pm</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Venue: HarbourFront Centre</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cost: S$34 per baby</font>

I have arranged for a special and exclusive trial class for us on the above date and time (plse note they currently dun do sat class). At the moment only wendy & myself so will need more babies to join as they have a min. of 4-5 babies.

Plse let me know either via SMS or email. Tks.

Hi mummies

I am from Nov Mum thread.

I managed to negotiate a pretty good deal for Gymboree Harbourfront Class. But in order to get this deal, I need 5 more mummies, who are interested to join me, and have to reply by 1 July (this Sun). If you are interested, please PM me:

$348 for 15 classes (fees include membership)
plus 1 free Gymboree T-shirt for each child

normal rates are: $398 for 12 class and membership

If I can get 5 more people to join me, we can start a new class on our own.
Tentative date: Sat 1pm -1.45pm

